Anti-haloperidol antibody

Product Datasheet
Product name
ELISA microtitre plate based and expressed as % crossreactivity*. ab123971 exhibited crossreactivity for thefollowing compounds: Reduced Haloperidol 143%, Bromperidol 76%, Trifluperidol 6.5%, Risperidone <3.5%, Azaperone <3.5%,Azaperol <3.5% * Crossreactivity profile may vary with tracer used.
Tested applications
Haloperidol conjugated to Bovine thyroglobulin.
Storage instructions
Shipped at 4°C. Upon delivery aliquot and store at -20°C. Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.
Storage buffer
Preservative: 0.09% Sodium azideConstituents: PBS, 0.88% Sodium chloride Clonality
Research Areas
Our covers the use of ab123971 in the fol owing tested applications.
The application notes include recommended starting dilutions; optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
Use a concentration of 0.156 µg/ml.
Competitive ELISA
Use a concentration of 0.156 µg/ml. 2ng/ml Haloperidol produces 95% inhibition in a competitive Use a concentration of 0.156 µg/ml. ab123971 is suitable for the Development of Rapid tests and other immunoassay, antibody recognition assays.
Haloperidol is a butyrophenone antipsychotic drug that has strong central antidopaminergic activity. It is used inthe treatment of schizophrenia, acute psychotic states and delirium. It has many adverse side effects and thedosage and metabolism of this drug must be closely monitored.
Alternative names
Butyrophenone antipsychotic drug antibody Product Datasheet
Our Abpromise to you: Quality guaranteed and expert technical support
As standard
Replacement or refund for products not performing as stated on the datasheet Valid for 12 months from date of delivery** In addition
We provide support in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish Extensive multi-media technical resources to help you We investigate al quality concerns to ensure our products perform to the highest standards If the product does not perform as described on this datasheet, we wil offer a refund or replacement. For ful details of the Abpromise,please visit or contact our technical team.
Terms and conditions
Guarantee only valid for products bought direct from Abcam or one of our authorized distributors **Regional variations to our Abpromise may apply to the fol owing countries: China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand, which operate a 120 day guarantee. Please contact your regional office for further details Antibodies tested only in recombinant samples are not covered for use on endogenous samples. Please check the datasheet for "Predicted to react" information on datasheets is based on sequence homology and provided for reference only "Predicted to react" species are not guaranteed, as they have not been tested Fast Track products are not covered under the Abpromise. Please see Fast Track terms and condition for additional information Abcam biochemicals are novel compounds and we have not tested their biological activity in house. Please use the literature to identify how to use these products effectively. If you require further assistance please contact the scientific support team Japan Office
〒103-0012 東京都中央区 日本橋堀留町2-2-1 住友不動産人形町ビル2F
Product Datasheet


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