"S" - Internet pdf articles:

Safety and tolerability of montelukast in placebo-controlled pediatric studies and their open-label extensions

Pediatric Pulmonology 44:568–579 (2009)Safety and Tolerability of Montelukast inHans Bisgaard, MD, DMSci,1* David Skoner, MD,2 Maria L. Boza, MD,3 Carol A. Tozzi, PhD,4MD,4 Barbara Knorr, MD,4 and Gertrude Noonan, BASummary. Background: Montelukast is a potent leukotriene-receptor antagonist administeredonce daily that provides clinical benefit in the treatment of asthma and allergic rhiniti

Microsoft word - psyllium03_a engl.doc

Psyllium / Psyllium husk Common names: Flea seed, Ispaghula, Spogel Botanical names: Plantago ovata , Plantago ispaghula Parts used and where grown Psyllium is native to Iran and India and is currently cultivated in these countries. The seeds are primarily used in traditional herbal medicine. Psyllium seed husks are mainly used to treat constipation. Psyllium


COMPETITIVE PARENTS Nov. 29 2005 Dec. 1st deadline for the Gift Certificate Orders. Hand into Lisa atfront desk. Thank youPlease get these back to the studio A.S.A.P Thank You. JUNIOR TAP GROUP & COMPANY LYRICAL; We have been asked toperform at "CIRCLE OF HEARTS" SUN.DEC. 18TH, Show @ 1pmThis event is for Lower Mainland under privileged kids. It is normallyheld at Vincent Massey

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Verb: The transformation from skin condition to skin perfection Skindition Mobile Spa - Client Profile It is important to answer all questions honestly to ensure you receive treatments for your skin and health. First Name: ______________________________ Last Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________


SERMACS 2013 Careers in Chemistry Undergraduate Symposium Speaker Biographies Dr. Dennis C. Liotta is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Chemistry at Emory University. Prof. Liotta received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry in 1974 from The City University of New York under the direction of Dr. Robert Engel and completed his post-doctoral training at The Ohio State University unde

Microsoft word - painful bladder syndrome and interstitial cystitis.doc

Painful Bladder Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis PAINFUL BLADDER AND INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS OVERVIEW — Painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC) is a disorder with symptoms of mild to severe bladder pain and an urgent and/or frequent need to urinate. A number of treatments are available for PBS/IC, many of which are effective for at least some patients. Most patients

Alberdi y la constitución de 1853. comparación normas

Proyecto constitucional de Juan Bautista Constitución de la Confederación Argentina, Alberdi, publicado en septiembre de 1852 sancionada el 1 de mayo de 1853 Nos, los representantes de las Provincias de la Nos los Representantes del Pueblo de la Confederación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso Confederación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso general constituyente, invocando el nombre

Guide pour la rédaction et la présentation des thèses à l'usage des doctorants

GUIDE POUR LA RÉDACTION ET LA PRÉSENTATION DES THÈSES A L’USAGE DES DOCTORANTS * Valoriser les thèses en privilégiant l’internet … . 3 Valoriser dans le respect de la réglementation …. 4 Comment structurer sa thèse pour faciliter sa diffusion : éléments obligatoires . 5 Comment présenter sa thèse pour favoriser sa lisibilité . 8 * Le présent guide concerne

Bapam factsheet template

BAPAM FACTSHEET 7 I CAN’T GO ON! Coping with stage fright Stage fright, or performance anxiety, is a feeling of dread and fear that comesover a performer before and/or during an appearance or performance in front of By Dr Sanchita an audience. It occurs especial y, but not only, when performing for the first time, Farruque, BAPAM though even wel -established performers can suffer. I

1083241urodynamisch onderzoek

De uroloog bespreekt met u de uitslag van het Menstrueert u, dan kan het onderzoek niet plaats-onderzoek, u krijgt hiervoor een afspraak. Als u door ziekte of een andere reden verhinderd Na het onderzoek kunt u vrijwel direct naar huis. bent, neem dan zo snel mogelijk contact op met de Gebruik van eigen auto of openbaar vervoer is geen pol Urologie. In uw plaats kan dan een andere U

Gènes puce 01-10-09

Species Markers / Regulatory Genes Gene/Probe Explanation Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Resistance Genotype Gene/Probe Explanation Methicillin, Oxacillin and all Beta-Lactams, defining MRSA Beta Lactamase Repressor (Regulatory Protein) Aminoglycoside (Gentamicin, Tobramycin) Putative Fusidic Acid Resistance Protein Tetracyclin Efflux Protein (Pu


Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 15 No. 4A (2006), 59-61 About the Interaction of Human Serum Albumin with Nevirapine and Azidothymidine A. Kluczewska1, K. Michalik1, Z. Drzazga1, M. Kaszuba2 1University of Silesia, A. Cheákowski’ Institute of Physics, Department of Medical Physics, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland 2Medical University of Silesia, Department of Prosthetic

Soma_ccw pressemitt.neueröffnung

Pressemitteilung zur Neueröffnung 01.März 2010 Am 01.März 2010 wurde das neue SOMA Caravaning Center Warendorf offiziell eröffnet. Das Caravaning Center Warendorf ist im Gewerbegebiet Warendorf Ost, Am Holzbach 32 angesiedelt. Es befindet sich im Autohaus Hankemeier, einem bekannten Toyota- und Ford Händler im Kreis Warendorf. Herr Hankemeier, Besitzer einer Reihe von Autohäuse

Ocr document

PUBLICATIONS OF SANDRA C. MILLER Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals (Papers directly related to the cancer-fighting diet are highlighted) Miller, S.C., Delorme, D. and Shan, J. (2009) CVT-E002, a proprietary extract of Panax quinquefolius , stimulated the immune system and significantly extends the life span of leukemic mice: Analysis of the hemopoietic and immune cell

Recommandations bibliographie thèses septembre-201

REGLES DE PRESENTATION DE LA BIBLIOGRAPHIE POUR LES THESES SOUTENUES A L’ISPB-FACULTE DE PHARMACIE DE LYON (Septembre 2011) Ces règles, qui sont à respecter impérativement, reprennent essentiellement celles du style desrecommandations de Vancouver. Pour des informations complémentaires consulter l’adresse :http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html 1 -CITATION DES RE

Présentation diabète et ramadan


Curriculum vitae inglese

1. Cortellini P., Pini Prato G.P., Baldi C., Clauser C.: Guided tissue regeneration with different materials. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry 2, 137-151, 1990. 2. Cortellini P., De Sanctis M. Pini Prato G.P., Clauser C., Luzi R., Miracco C.: Effects of a 1% chlorhexidine gel (Corsodyl) on the bone resorption and inflammation asssociated with experimentally indu

Microsoft word - sample clinical summary

Rimonabant Synopsis of RIO-Lipids Reprint Publication Information Title : Effects of Rimonabant on Metabolic Risk Factors in Overweight Patients with Dyslipidemia Authors : Després J-P, Golay A, Sjöström L, for the Rimonabant in Obesity-Lipids Study Group Journal : N Engl J Med 2005;353:2121–34 Objective To study the effects of rimonabant on metabolic risk fac


SCIENTIFIC REPORT A Prospective Study of 2 Sedation Regimens in Children: Chloral Hydrate, Meperidine, and Hydroxyzine Versus Midazolam, Meperidine, and Hydroxyzine Marianne M. Sheroan, DMD, MS, MS, * Diane C. Dilley, DDS, † Warner J. Lucas, DDS, MD, ‡ and William F. Vann, DMD, PhD § *Private practice, Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and part-time faculty member at the University of Loui


THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 10, Supplement 1, 2004, pp. S-103–S-112 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Placebo Research: The Evidence Base for Harnessing HARALD WALACH, Ph.D.,1 and WAYNE B. JONAS, M.D.2 ABSTRACT Placebo effects are often considered irrelevant at best and a nuisance at worst for determining what is valu-able in medicine. In this paper, we arg


RELATO DE CASO PAPILOMATOSE CONFLUENTE E RETICULADA DE GOUGEROT- CARTEAUD: RELATO DE CASO 1 CONFLUENT AND RETICULATE PAPILLOMATOSIS OF GOUGEROT-CARTEAUD: CASEFernando Augusto Ribeiro CARNEIRO2 , Laiane Moraes DIAS3 e Alex Cézar Massoud Salame da SILVA4 Objetivo: descrever a evolução, as manifestações clínicas, o diagnóstico e o tratamento de um caso de Papilomatose Confluente

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NEVADA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Immunization Record TRUCKEE MSV: GV NSJ WA Mother’s First Name Public Health Use Only Any serious reactions to other Immunizations? Have you ever had a serious reaction to eggs, neomycin, streptomycin, thimerosol or gelatin? Have you had a convulsion, seizure, or problem with Do you or anyone in your household have cancer, leukemia or ot


Breves consideraciones sobre la preparación de soluciones por Guerrero Hernán Llega el momento en que todos comenzamos a buscar artículos de bricolaje o DIY (do it yourself – hágalo usted mis- mo), o bien los peces se enferman y se debe medicar. También sucede que uno, no conforme con los kits analíticos comer-ciales o fertilizantes comerciales, decide prepararlos “a medida

Unprecedented diversity of catalytic domains in the first four modules of the putative pederin polyketide synthase

Unprecedented Diversity of Catalytic Domains inthe First Four Modules of the Putative PederinPolyketide SynthaseJˆrn Piel,*[a] Gaiping Wen,[b] Matthias Platzer,[b] and Dequan Hui[a]Polyketides of the pederin group are highly potent antitumorregion of the symbiont genome. It contains at least three novelcompounds found in terrestrial beetles and marine sponges. catalytic domains that are

Naoyuki kamatani, m

1. Statistics will become important StaGen Co. LTD is the company focused on both genetics and statistics. It was established for the purpose of contributing to personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics (or pharmacogenetics) from the aspect of statistical genetics. Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine are the fields that will become very important in the near future. Since you may not under


Group Term Life Insurance Plan Underwritten by Monumental Life Insurance Company, Cedar Rapids, IA Benefits at a Glance for Your Association-Sponsored Coverage. If you’re like most people, you may already Convenient Payment Option have some life insurance coverage. But, if you Premiums for coverage for you and your spouse (if applicable) can automatically be deducted from the haven

2012 autumn - october

AUTUMN 2012 PARKING AT N.G.H We have received on good authority that the N.G.H. are now employing a private firm to ‘manage’ the car parks. The good news is that on October 1st it became illegal for firms to clamp vehicles on private property. The bad news is that people, like the NGH, are getting private firms to put parking tickets on cars parked without a correct ticket and th


http://www.jtbaker.com/msds/englishhtml/C2915.htmMSDS Number: C2915 * * * * * Effective Date: 07/02/09 * * * * * Supercedes: 05/04/07Synonyms: Trichloromethane; Methyl trichloride; Methane trichlorideCAS No.: 67-66-3Molecular Weight: 119.38Chemical Formula: CHCl3Product Codes:J.T. Baker: 9174, 9175, 9180, 9181, 9182, 9183, 9184, 9186, 9187, 9188, 9257Mallinckrodt: 1473, 2175, 4432, 4434, 4439,

Microsoft word - 13-scaoda minutes 061110 approved.doc

State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse STATE COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG ABUSE MEETING MINUTES June 11, 2010 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. American Family Insurance Conference Center 6000 American Parkway Madison, WI 53783 Room A3141 Members Present: Mark Seidl, Douglas Englebert, John Easterday, Joyce O’Donnell, Representative John Townsend and J

Stb sistemi srl

STB SISTEMI SRL Viale Italia, 3/A 24060 Vil ongo (BG) Richiesta dati per la compilazione della denuncia infortunio di ……………………………………………… L’infortunio è avvenuto il …………………….… ha abbandonato il posto di lavoro alle ore ……………………….… Durante quale ora di lavoro? (01, 02, 03) ……………. DESCRIZIONE DELL’INFOR


Sustainability in Research: Biology Researcher Respective Activities The overarching objective of this project is to provide science-based new tools for designing restoration strategies, conservation and sustainable management of coastal habitats. Planting of native species has proven to be the most evolutionary history of sea oats (Uniola effective and sustainable practice to rebuil


DUIKONGEVALLEN Uitgebreide syllabus duikongevallen door MADDER Ivo 2 ster instructeur CMAS – NELOS Nr. 781 versie 14 februari 2000 Uitgebreide syllabus duikongevallen, door Ivo Madder (versie: 14 februari 2000). DUIKONGEVALLEN 1. BAROTRAUMATA OF MECHANISCHE ONGEVALLEN.5 1.1.1. ZUIGNAPEFFECT VAN HET MASKER of DUIKBRILSQUEEZE .5 1.1.2. BAROTRAUMA VAN DE HUID.5 1.1.

Microsoft word - d_12__i_ 9.doc

The Motor Tmnsport Bill for nationa.lization of the bus services was presented in the House of Representatives on 20th September 1957 by the Hon. Maithripala Senanayeke, Minister o f Transport and Works. The Second Reading was moved on lst October and was passed on 3rd October, without a Division, after a three-day debate. The Bill was re f erred to a Committee o f the Whole House, and was fin

Contra costa public health

BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Jack Dilles Mr. Aaron Hinde Mr. Arnold Levine Mrs. Kathy Mann Mr. Vic Marani Mr. Dana M. Sales Mr. George “Bud” Winslow Michael C. Watkins, Superintendent • 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 • 831-466-5600 • FAX 831-466-5607 • www.santacruz.k12.ca.us Dear Parents and School Community Members: The Santa Cruz County Office

Microsoft word - i.doc

The Acquisition of Swahili Verbal Morphology Abstract Recently, much attention has focused on the so-called Root Infinitive(RI) phenomenon, where children in languages such as German use infinitival verbs in root context, seemingly optionally. English has been argued to be an RI language (Wexler 1994), though English speaking children use bare stems instead of infinitives. Languages

Winners 01 press release [lst]

Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund 2010 – 2011 FINAL PROJECT REPORT SUMMARIES The Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund (ARDRAF) was established by the Virginia General Assembly in 1982 and is administered by the Virginia Center on Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University. Summaries of the final project reports submitted by investigators funded during


STANSW Young Scientist Awards 2012 Winners Awards Ceremony: University of Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus Friday, 26 October 2012 Keynote Address: Dr Anne Musser, Palaeontologist, Australian Museum Models and Inventions MAJOR AWARD WINNERS YEARS 3-6 James De Mellow, Eastwood Public School, The G phone Macinley Butson, Mt Keira Demonstration School, A spoon full of medi

Microsoft word - arthritis

Arthritis in Older Dogs Arthritis is a degenerative condition of the joints, which involves the production of new bone under the tendons and ligaments, as well as under the edges of the joint capsule. Pressure on these little spicules of new bone produces pain. Another feature of arthritis in older animals is degradation of the cartilage (the slippery soft coating of the ends of bones) and

Pia industria 2008 db

ASSESSORATO DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE, BILANCIO, CREDITO E ASSETTO DEL TERRITORIO (Allegato A Dt. N° 4318/175 del 13.05.2009) Elenco delle Domande di Agevolazione POSITIVE P.O.R. Sardegna 2000-2006 - P.O. 2007-2013 Bando di gara per gli interventi di sostegno pubblico alle imprese in attuazione delle Direttive PIA Pacchetti Integrati di Agevolazioni " Industria, Artigianato e Servizi "

Highlights of prescribing information

MEDICATION GUIDE PRADAXA (pra dax’ a) (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) capsules Read this Medication Guide before you start taking PRADAXA and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment. What is the most important information I should know abou

Nfl infectious disease news – summer 2009

NFL Infectious Disease News – January 2014 Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON) Volume 5, Number 1 The Changing Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus : Recent Trends in Antibiotic The antimicrobial susceptibility of S. aureus began to change soon after penicillin was discovered in the early 1940’s. Although some staphylococci had become resistant to penicillin b

Moral hygiene

Recent years have witnessed the expansion of also pursue a lawbreaker to apprehend him andpurportedly “public health” programs intopunish him. These actions of defense or punish-areas of personal conduct not traditionally viewedment are not considered medical treatment. as medical. Since sickness and health are meta-People who have studied medicine have no spe-phors readily applicable t


An appointment has been made for your child to have a food challenge. We hope What happens on the day of the challenge? this information will help you to prepare you and your child for the admission. You will be seen by the specialist nurse and doctor. We will complete some paperwork, check your child’s weight and basic observations, explain the procedure and ask you to sign the consent form

Microsoft word - tlc class list mar 2014.doc

MARCH 2014 GENERAL INTEREST TECHNOLOGY CLASSES AT THE SIMSBURY PUBLIC LIBRARY Saturday, March 15, 10:00-11:30 AM – Technology Learning Center EXCEL TIPS AND TRICKS You will learn tips for formatting, printing and displaying big spreadsheets. Among other skills, you learn how to print titles on consecutive pages, freeze columns and rows when displaying data, hide information


(Lassen Sie sich ggf von uns ein Zol formular für rezeptpflichtige Medikamente ausstel en) Persönliche Medikamente: …, …, …., …., inkl Bril e, Reservebril e, Sonnenbril e m UV-Filter, Kontaktlinsen und Spül ösungen Persönliche Angaben : Kopien von Impfausweis, Al ergiepass, Blutgruppenkarte, Medikamentenkarte, Blutverdünnerverordnung Sonnenschutzmittel: Sun and Pic, Daylong

Post-op instructions for website

HAIR RESTORATION CENTER OF CT Hair Transplant Post Operative Instructions Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________ Thank you for choosing the Hair Restoration Center of CT to have your transplant procedure. If you have any additional questions, feel free to call the office and we will be happy to help you. 860-563-1400 office Suture Removal Appointment: Date: _


Smart Policing Initiative Podcast: Glendale, AZ Phase I Lieutenant Frank Balkcom, Glendale Police Department Dr. Michael White, Research Partner, Arizona State University September 2011 [Beginning of transcript] Lt. Frank Balkcom: Lt. Frank Balkcom, Glendale Police Department. Dr. Michael White: I’m Mike White from Arizona State University. Lt. Frank Balkcom: One of the many suc

Microsoft word - transcript.doc

Breast Cancer and Fertility Symposium Transcript October 24, 2002 Weill Medical College of Cornell University New York City Presented By: Sharsheret and Fertile Hope Symposium Sponsors ~ Partners~ The Cornell Institute for Reproductive Medicine RESOLVE of New York, New Jersey, Long Island & Fairfield County ~Patrons~ The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Found

Independent effects of tobacco abstinence and bupropion on cognitive function in schizophrenia

Independent Effects of Tobacco Abstinence and Bupropion on Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia A. Eden Evins, M.D., M.P.H.; Thilo Deckersbach, Ph.D.; Corinne Cather, Ph.D.; Oliver Freudenreich, M.D.; Melissa A. Culhane, M.P.H.; David C. Henderson, M.D.; Michael F. Green, Ph.D.; David A. Schoenfeld, Ph.D.; Nancy A. Rigotti, M.D.; and Donald C. Goff, M.D. Received Aug. 10, 2004; a


Dr.Rath Ausgabe 06/2012 – Juli 2912 „Alterskrankheit“ Diabetes? Immer mehr Jüngere von Zuckerkrankheit betroffen Die Stoffwechselkrankheit Diabetes mellitus gehört zu den Studie belegt alarmierende Entwicklung großen Volkskrankheiten, sind doch alleine in Deutschland In ihrer Online-Ausgabe vom 6. Mai 2012 bezeichnet die etwa 6 Mio. Menschen davon betroffen – Tendenz


Now This received a university production in the Quintero Theater at the Universityof Houston in April of 2011. The director was Sara Becker; the scenic/projection designerwas Clint Allen; the costume designer was Paige Willson; the lighting designer wasTravis Horstmann; the vocal coach was Jim Johnson; the musical director was AndrewHager; the sound designer was Jacob L. Davis; the choreographe


Allgemeine Hinweise Thailand Gesundheit Malariaprophylaxe Impfungen Ärztliche Versorgung Öffnungszeiten Ausfuhr von Kunstobjekten Impfungen Kleidung Verhaltensregeln Sprache Überwintern Elektrizität Telefon Telefonvorwahl Notruf Verkehrmittel Visabestimmungen Geldverkehr Zollbestimmungen Gesundheit (Auszug aus der Website des Auswärtigen Amtes) Stand: 17


Department of Pharmacy PUBLICATION - INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL JOURNALLepidium Sativum L. seeds Pharmacology 1827-synthesis of some novel 2- Pharmaceutica 6837A K Sen, Mrs. B Dhanya characterization of NV Shah, SP Chauhan, evaluation of taste yl) methyleneamino]-5- substituted-2-[(4-methylpiperzine-1-yl) methyl]-2H-1, 2, 4-triazole 3(4H)-thionesAK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo A Review on “Absorbent

Socal running class #4-3

Supplements for Healthy/Athletic Living This is the week 4 handout for “Performing Your Best Naturally” with Luanne Pennesi, RN, Gary Null PhD, and SoCalRunning.com. You can get the rest of this program by visiting. Vitamin Combinations: Multivitamins Gary Null’s : Supreme Health formula Life Extension Foundation Mix tablets, capsules and powder Vitamin Shoppe brand men’s and wom

Microsoft word - pr december 2008 1.doc

COMED INC. 14 REDGATE COURT, SILVER SPRING, MD 20905-5726 LANDMARK STUDY: AUTISM RECOGNIZED AS MEDICALLY TREATABLE PRESS RELEASE CONTACTS: CoMeD President [Rev. Lisa K. Sykes (Richmond, VA) 804-364-8426] CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake Hiawatha, NJ) 973-263-4843] WASHINGTON, DC – In April of 2008, the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized


LAS ENSEÑANZAS DE KRYON El Grupo de Kryon Kryon canalizado por Mario Liani El Grupo de Kryon es la denominación que Mario Liani emplea para canalizar la amorosa energía de Kryon, la cual no representa a una entidad aislada, sino a un grupo de conciencias superiores de ascendencia angelical que opera sin individualidades y bajo una absoluta sincronía. Kryon está siendo canaliz

Family name______________________________

Family Name______________________________ Date Form Completed_______________________ St. John Nepomucene – FALL 2011-Spring 2012 LIFETEEN PERMISSION SLIP/EMERGENCY RELEASE FORM (Please Completely Answer ALL Questions) Please Print as Clear as Possible. Youth’s Name:________________________________ School/Grade:_______________ DOB: ___/___/__ M / F (circle one) Address:_________


CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;Eligibility for percutaneous renal denervation:the importance of a systematic screeningWillemien L. VerloopÃ, Eva E. Ã, Michiel Evert-jan Maarten B. RookmaakerMichiel L. BotsPieter A. , Peter J. , andWilko SpieringObjective: Percutaneous renal denervation (pRDN) is anew and promising therapy for resistant hypertension. Among patients suspected of

Microsoft word - service innovation q&as.org.doc

Successful service firms compete through innovation because how a service is designed and delivered is in large part not protected by patent or copyright. This set of ten questions and answers explains what service innovation is and the interaction between cultural values and innovation processes. 1. What is service innovation? A new service idea is an innovation if it: • Is an intentional cha

Acupuncture and chinese herbal treatment for women undergoing intrauterine insemination

ARTICLE IN PRESS Available online at www.sciencedirect.comAcupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment for women undergoingKeren Sela , Ofer Lehavi , Amnon Buchan , Karin Kedar-Shalem ,a Unit of Complementary Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 6 Weizmann St., Tel Aviv 64239, Israel b Fertility Research Institut


Information for patients How do you get an erection? When you have romantic or sexual thoughts, signals are sent from your brain to the nerves in your penis. This causes the arteries to relax to allow the penis to fill up with blood. As it expands, the veins which carry blood out of the penis become compressed. Overall, more blood enters than leaves, so the penis then gets longer and fi

Microsoft word - sngx_scir.doc

November 12, 2013 Grant Zeng, CFA Small-Cap Research 312-265-9466 gzeng@zacks.com scr.zacks.com 111 North Canal Street, Chicago, IL 60606 Soligenix Inc. (SNGX-OTCBB) SNGX: On track to advance multiple clinical SNGX is a development stage biopharmaceutical programs, Balance sheet remains strong---company focused on cancer supportive care, GI disorders an

Microsoft word - ~8876664.doc

SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC directive 1907/2006/EC 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING No particular dangers occur if the regulation/notes for storage and handling are observed. 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS NPK - fertilizer containing: Ammonium Nitrate, ammonium salts, phosphates, salts of calcium, potassium and possibly magnesi


ROI Analysis of Pharmaceutical Promotion (RAPP): An Independent Study Study Objectives ! Measure ROI for detailing (DET), direct-to-consumeradvertising (DTC), medical journal advertising (JAD),and physician meetings & events (PME)! Understand how ROI differs according to brand size (inThe objectives of this study are fairly ambitious: first, to measure the ROI fordetailing (DET)

colonoscopy preparation with halflytely

COLONOSCOPY PREPARATION with NULYTELY® Procedure Date ________________ Time________ Arrival Time________ Thank you for choosing New York Endoscopy for your procedure. We are located at Two Gannett Drive, on the First Floor in Suite 104. We are located in White Plains, NY, however if you are using a navigation system you may need to enter West Harrison as the city.


Endodontic Topics 2002, 3, 41–51 Copyright C Blackwell Munksgaard Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2002 Consideration of steroids for endodontic pain J. GORDON MARSHALL Up to 80% of endodontic patients who report with preoperative pain continue to experience some level of painfollowing the endodontic procedure. Since endodontic pain is often associated wi

Modelo para la implantacion de un sistema de calidad que cumpla el decreto de autorizacin de los laboratorios clinicos de la generalitat valenciana (g

XV Reunión Resumen-33 Mejora de la calidad asistencial en los pacientes intervenidos de tiroidectomía total. Cuesta Rodríguez MJ, Carretero Gómez J, Tapia-Ruano Díaz-Quetcuti C, Morlán López M, Martínez Cecilia D, Mira Vázquez A, Gómez-Serranillos Reús M. Complejo Hospitalario de Toledo. Introducción: El hipoparatiroidismo transitorio postoperatorio se ha conver

Microsoft word - the vitality of prayer.doc

At the Sunshine Cathedral MCC on 02/19/06 Johnny, a very bright 5 year old, told his daddy he'd like to have a baby brother and, along with his request, offered to do whatever he could to help. His dad, a very bright 35 year old, paused for a moment and then replied, " I'll tell you what, Johnny, if you pray every day for two months for a baby brother, I guarantee that God will give you one!&

Microsoft word - medication authorization and notice

If your child requires an over the counter medication, such as Motrin or Tylenol, we are required by the state of Massachusetts to have proper authorization on file for each medication. These medications are generally left at the center to be used in the case of your child having a fever, teething, or other ailments directed by you and your child’s physician. Over the counter medicati


Guidelines for the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 144 articles, 32 of which can be accessed free at: 1 online articles that cite this article can be accessed at: Rapid responses 2 rapid responses have been posted to this article, which you can access for free at: Email alerting


Verordnung des Bundesministers für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen über eine Liste betreffend Tierarzneimittelanwendung unter Einbindung des Tierhalters (Tierarzneimittel-Anwendungsverordnung 2002) Auf Grund des § 7 Abs. 1 des Tierarzneimittelkontrollgesetzes (TAKG), BGBl. I Nr. 28/2002, wird Oral und äußerlich anzuwendende Arzneimittel § 1. (1) Im Rahmen der Bestimmungen na


Become a nonsmoker! Are you ready? By Mark B renn aman , M.Ed . Plot your position Congratulations! You’re either thinking about quittingor have decided to quit smoking. You’re at thebeginning of one of the most important journeys of your Lifestyle change life and this guide will help you map your way andyou’ll have extra confidence in your quit because of thepreparation tha


Research letters George A C Murrell, Judie R Walton Rotator cuff tears account for almost 50% of major shouldersecond set consisted of the first 100 patients who hadinjuries but are sometimes difficult to diagnose. To aidshoulder pathology not involving a rotator cuff tear (no teardiagnosis, we did a prospective study, comparing results of 23clinical tests from 400 patients with and with

Sffa höstmeddelande 2003

SVENSKA FÖRENINGEN FÖR ALLERGOLOGI Svenska Läkaresällskapets sektion för allergiforskning Swedish Association for Allergology Vintermeddelande mars 2005 Kära vänner och föreningsmedlemmar! Vintermeddelandet innehåller information om följande: - Från ordförande - Aktuell information om specifik immunterapi - Förslag om sammanslagning av SFFA och SSA - Adressändringar -

Glossary of cardiovascular terminology

Glossary of Cardiovascular Terminology Abdomen - The area of the body between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the thighs. Abdominal aorta - The portion of the aorta in the abdomen. Ablation - Elimination or removal. ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitor - A drug that lowers blood pressure by interfering with the breakdown of a protein-like substance involved in bloo

Minutes of the



The effect of insulin detemir in combination with liraglutide and metformincompared to liraglutide and metformin in subjects with type 2 diabetesThis trial is conducted in Europe and North America. The aim of this clinical trial is to assess and compare the effect of insulindetemir in combination with liraglutide and metformin versus liraglutide andmetformin in subjects with type 2 diabetes

Microsoft word - tulokset 07051

TAMPERE, ERIKOISNÄYTTELY 7.5.2011 KÄÄPIÖSNAUTSERI MUSTA Tuomari: Jeanette Seltz-Halter UROKSET PENTULUOKKA 7-9 KK______________________________________________________ Zanimin Milou FI56399/10 1 KP ROP-PENTU BIS-PENTU 4 NARTUT PENTULUOKKA 5-7 KK_______________________________________________________ Martpu Soma-Siru FI10862/11 NARTUT PENTULUOKKA 7-9 KK_________________

Malaria notes class set

Malaria A disease of the developing world Introduction There were an estimated 350-500 mil ion cases of malaria worldwide in 2009. An estimated 655,000 people died from malaria in 2010, a 18% decrease from the 781,000 who died in 2009, accounting for 2.23% of deaths worldwide. 90% of malaria deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, with the majority of deaths being young children. Plasmodium fa


Stemmen horen en medicatie De opvattingen over het gebruik van medicatie bij stemmen horen lopen heel erg uiteen. Sommige stemmenhoorders ervaren baat bij psychofarmaca - zij vertellen dat ze de stemmen niet meer horen, of er beter mee om kunnen gaan en ervaren nauwelijks ongewenste effecten. Andere stemmenhoorders gebruiken wel medicatie, maar het helpt maar heel beperkt bij het omgaan met hu


PANORÁMA-VÁLSÁG Neil Simon: A 88. utca foglyai / Centrál Színház, POSZT 2010 2010.06.21. Komoly kellemetlenség, ha nincsen a lakásban fűtés vagy víz, a szomszédok hangosak, a közös képviselő pedig nem segítőkész. Így szinte létezni sem lehet. Akkor is ez a helyzet, ha nagy erkélyes, panorámás lakásban lakunk New Yorkban. És a tetejében még válság is van. KE


Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis Autorin: Dipl.-Päd. Nicole Rolfsmeier Datum: 04. November 2005 (aktualisiert 16. Dezember 2013) Vorbemerkung Die Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis gilt al gemein als harmlose Bagatel erkrankung, die keine oder kaum Beschwerden verursacht und die beobachtet, aber nicht unbedingt behandelt werden muss. Oft ist sie tatsächlich nur ein Zufal sbefund bei einer umfangreicheren Ro


NEW MICROBIOLOGICA, 34 , 357-370, 2011 Bacteriocin production and resistance to drugs are advantageous features for Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14, a potential probiotic strain Svetoslav Dimitrov Todorov1, Danielle Nader Furtado1, Susana Marta Isay Saad2, Bernadette Dora Gombossy de Melo Franco1 1Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, D

Research conducted by the south staffordshire sexual health service.doc

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICE ORAL PRESENTATION Is the Mirena suitable at any age? Moss EL, Pryce A, Kundu A. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, Newcastle, May 2006 PUBLISHED MEETING ABSTRACTS Patterns of Emergency Contraception use in Women Attending South Staffordshire Sexual Heal

Oral health care for people with mental health problems guidelines and recommendations

UNLOCKING BARRIERS TO CARE Oral Health Care for People with Mental Health Problems Guidelines and Recommendations Report of BSDH Working Group J. Griffiths I. Leeman K. Wilson R. Blankenstein Revised January, 2000 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH Registered Charity No: 1044867 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH CONTENTS Guidelines:


Snow Tubing Trip February 17th, 2012 6:00pm-10:00pm Ski Liberty Mountain Resort 78 Country Club Trail, Carroll Valley, PA 17320 Youth Name:__________________________________ Home Phone:_____________________ Parent Name:__________________________________ Work Phone:_____________________ Other number where Parent can be reached: __________________________________________ Address ____


Comparación entre Fludarabina y Clorambucil comoTratamiento Primario de la Leucemia Linfocítica CrónicaRai KR, Peterson BL, Appelbaum FR y colaboradores. Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Nueva York, EE.UU. [Fludarabine Compared with Chlorambucil as Primary Therapy for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia]The New England Journal of Medicine 343:1750-1757, Ref.: 1750, Decembrer 14, 2000. Utiliz

Mind the gap 2nd draft livsval

’Mind the gap’ The mundane co-ordination for producing scientific evidence in clinical trials Work in slow progress. Please comment, but do not quote Claes-Fredrik Helgesson Department of Thematic Studies - Technology and Social Change Linköping University E-mail: claes-fredrik.helgesson@liu.se Claes-Fredrik HelgessonDepartment of Thematic Studies - Technology and Social ChangeLink


52383 RadiationBrain:brochure 5/4/2010 8:51 AM Page 1 ST. PETER’S CANCER CARE CENTER 317 South Manning Boulevard • Suite 100 Albany, NY 12208 Side effects of the radiation may continue for 518-525-1547 several weeks after the treatments are com- RADIATION TO THE BRAIN pleted. Continue to clean the treatment area www.sphcs.org gently. Notify your physician or nurse of anyDuri

Microsoft word - 11_11_07_use_it_or_lose_it.doc

Hymns: 210, 456, 207/316, 208 (v. 4) Luke 19:11-27 While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. He said: "A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. 'P


En teric He althcare Technology Co-operative Daily Mail report on PTNS In late August there was an article in the Daily Mail’s ‘Good Health’ section reporting on the multicentre trial of PTNS (percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation) being led by NIHR Enteric HTC in conjunction with Bowel and The article focused on a case study involving a patient who had developed c

Microsoft word - tue standard 2009 final 031008.doc

International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions The International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions was first adopted in 2004 and became effective in 2005. The enclosed represents version 3.0 that incorporates revisions to the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions that were approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency Executive Committee on 10 May and 20 Sept


Programma Lunedì, 26 MAGGIO 2008 14.00 Benvenuto al Workshop Giorgio Scagliotti – Vito Brusasco – Antonio Corrado Antonino Mangiacavallo - Claudio Donner Presidenti: Carlo Grassi e Walter Canonica 14.30-15.15 La BPCO in aumento Introduzione: Riccardo Pistelli Presentazione: Isabella Annesi – Maesano Discussione e conclusioni: Luigi Allegra 15.15-16.00 Asma br

Vance albaugh - curriculum vitae

Vance L. Albaugh, MD, PhD Phone: (717) 629-1233, Email: vance.albaugh@vanderbilt.edu, Fax: (615) 322-0689 EDUCATION Surgical Residency Training Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Nashville, Tennessee Medical/Graduate Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine; Hershey, Pennsylvania USMLE Step 1: 243 (99), July 2007 USMLE Step 2 CK: 255 (99), August 2010 USMLE Step

Microsoft word - targocid ds local draft _livery update_.doc

Data Sheet Teicoplanin 400 mg lyophilised powder for injection with water for injections ampoule. PRESENTATION Teicoplanin lyophilised powder for injections is an off-white, odourless powder contained in a vial of 20 mL (400 mg) together with ampoules of water for injections. Teicoplanin is a complex mixture of 6 major components with molecular weights ranging from 1564 - 1894.


A Mother's Heart, Platz, Margaret A Slice of Life Photography AAA Agency, Miller, John AAA Michigan, Britton, Pamela AAA Michigan, Kroha Jr., Larry A. AAA Michigan, VanDeMark, Nina AAA Michigan, Velasco, Veronica AAA Michigan, Zerba, Al AAA Michigan, Zerilli, Rebecca Abbott Nicholson PC, Kramer, Timothy J. ABM Janitorial Services, Conway, Bob Achatz Handmade Pie Co, Kreft, Kathleen Adams, Jeanene


Saint Agnes Medical Center ▼ - Patient required to fast for 12-14 hours● - Patient recommended to fast 12-14 hours Outpatient Center Lab Services ■ - Store at Room Temperature. All other specimens to † - Appointment Required. Call 450-5656 Complete labs ______ weeks/days prior to next appointment. ★ - This test has reflex testing criteria (see reverse side). To save time,

Microsoft word - 04. valcan.doc

MONSTRUL I FILOSOFII R spunzînd unei întreb ri a lui Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs, Peter Sloterdijk observ c exist o rezisten a filosofilor în fa a a ceea ce este imposibil de controlat ra ional, în fa a fenomenelor care dau de gîndit i care amenin s pun sub semnul întreb rii certitudinile intelectuale larg acceptate. Din acest punct de vedere, filosofia s-ar asem na cu gîndirea comun i n-ar

Pediculosis capitis

Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) Division of Public Health Scabies Fact Sheet DEFINITION Scabies is caused by a tiny mite. It is often hard to detect, and causes a fiercely, itchy skin condition. Dermatologists estimate that more than 300 million cases of scabies occur worldwide every year. The condition can strike anyone of any race or age, regardless of personal h


Alerta epidemiológica: Staphylococcus aureus resistente a vancomicina 27 de junio de 2013 Ante la comunicación del primer aislamiento de Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la vancomicina en América Latina, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS) recomienda a los Estados Miembros continuar con el establecimiento y el mantenimi

Microsoft word - comparative advertising

(Although this article is written from a UK perspective, the statutory and passing off provisions would apply equally in Hong Kong) "Comparative Advertising is by its nature calculated (in the sense of likely) to cause pecuniary damage to suppliers of the competing product, if only by reducing the market share of the competing product whilst increasing that of the product which is the subje


Tal vid Årets Farmaceut 2013 Thony Björk, Ordförande Sveriges Farmaceuter 25 September - WORLD PHARMACISTS DAY! Vid fullmäktigemöte 2009 vid FIP-kongressen i Istanbul, Turkiet, föreslog det turkiska farmaceutförbundet att man årligen skulle fira en Världsdag för farmaceuter. Förslaget var att denna dag skulle firas den 25 september, den dag som FIP (Federation Internationale P

Microsoft word - abstract29.doc

Effects of GnRH treatment on day 6 of the estrous cycle on progesterone and estradiol patterns in Holstein cattle Arianejad M.1∗, Kohram H.2* and Towhidi, A.3* Abstract In this study, effects of GnRH treatment on the pattern of the estradiol and progesterone (P4) concentrations were studied during estrous cycle of Holstein cattle. Ten dairy cows were synchronized with two PGF2α

Gardasil for health comm(final).pdf

CullenaghPortlaoiseCo. Laois20th January 2011Thank you for forwarding a copy of Tony Holohanʼs letter regarding Gardasil vaccination and thank you for taking the time to consider my argument on this important subject. I would like to lay out my reply to Dr. Holohan quite simply in this letter and I would also like to backup my statements with relevant references and additional information below


Aetna considers the following injections or procedures medically necessary for the treatment of back pain; provided, however, that only 1 invasive modality or procedure will be considered medically necessary at a time.  Epidural injections of corticosteroid preparations (e.g., Depo-Medrol), with or without added anesthetic agents, are considered medically necessary in the outpatient setting


Giulia Mollica Curriculum vitae PhD in Chemical Sciences Laboratoire Chimie Provence, équipe SACS Case 512 Campus Scientifique St Jérôme Université de Provence Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen PERSONAL Born June 27th 1978 in Livorno, Italy. One child. EDUCATION • PhD, Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Solid State NMR) , January 20


PATHOZYME PROGESTERONE Ref OD487 Enzyme Immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Progesterone in human serum or plasma. Store at 2oC to 8oC. DO NOT FREEZE. For in-vitro use only. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED Progesterone is a C21 steroid which is synthesised from both Micropipettes: 100l, 200l, 1000l and 5000l tissue and circulating cho

Zsa-3065 (01.14)

La Capitale Financial Security Long Term Care Insurance Height and Weight Guide The fol owing height and weight table applies to males and females. The weight of a proposed insured must have remained stable for a period of 12 months prior to the application. If the applicant falls outside the range listed below, they are not insurable with La Capitale Financial Security. English system


Catalogue The Contents of this Catalogue This catalogue contains the wide range of our products, available through Sirius > Products. We have put the productsinto one of the following categories, to make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for:ECSTACY: 100% Herbal, Natural, Safe and Legal!!!!MOOD SUPPLEMENTS (Smart Pills & Capsules)GUARANA BOTANICAL AND HISTORICA

13_062_ass12-monde_smeco-int:mise en page

Tarifs de remboursement À L’ÉTRANGER EN FRANCE (OPTION CONFORT) Remboursements Sécu + complémentaire santé (1) dans le cadre du parcours de soins coordonné HospitalisationHospitalisation (chirurgie et médecine)Forfait journalier (13,50€/jour et 18€/jour) (2)Frais médicauxConsultation généraliste et spécialiste Chirurgie sans hospitalisationVisite à domicile Phar

Microsoft word - depressch1web.doc

The Natural Medicine Guide to Depression 1 What Is Depression and Who Suffers from It? Depression falls into the category of mood disorders, also known as affective disorders. It encompasses a continuum of disturbance in thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and physical health, with the prevailing characteristic of persistent sadness and despair. While some people experience depression to the point

Quintessence journals

Publication ¿Hay relación entre la periodontitis y la artritis reumatoide? Revisión de la literatura Palabras clave: periodontitis, artritis reumatoide, inflamaciónResumen: La enfermedad periodontal y la artritis reumatoide (AR) son procesos que no sólo comparten rasgos clínicos sino también características patológicas, epidemiológicasy terapéuticas. El comienzo y progresión de

Please note: the script is made up of three elements: voiceover readings from medical texts and operating room reports in ital

Please note: The script is made up of three elements: voiceover readings from medical texts and operating room reports in italics; title cards between images, which are shown in bold and centered; and live video of my address (S) in regular type to the camera/viewer as well as conversations I have with hospital receptionists (R), nurses (N), various doctors (BS, NBS, G, E), an acupuncturist (A),

Microsoft word - cervicalepidural.doc

700 Olympic Plaza, Suite 850, Tyler, Texas, 75701 CERVICAL EPIDURAL INJECTION INFORMATION What is the epidural space? The covering over the nerve roots in the spine is cal ed the dura. The space surrounding this dura is the epidural space. Nerves travel through the epidural space before they travel down into your arms. The nerves leave the spine from smal nerve holes. Inflammatio

Microsoft word - soma_metadata_0.5.doc

Shared Online Media Archive SOMA Metadata Element Set Version Author Based on meeting held at CMA office in Sheffield Based on comments on version 0.2, and the Finalise vocabularies, deal with open issues, Table of Contents Table of Contents . 2 Introduction. 4 Purpose of this document. 4 Brief Glossary. 4 Summary . 4 Comments and Open Issues. 5 Different Formats of

Polls a l'escola-general

Departament de Salut Serveis Territorials a Barcelona Unitat de Vigilància Epidemiològica Regió Centre Tel. 93 731 64 84- 93 736 12 60 Perquè són dolents els polls? Els polls xuclen la sang, això fa picor, si bé quan una persona és infestada per primera vegada, els primers dies pot no tenir símptomes. També es poden notar com es mouen els polls pel cap. La picor pot

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Vaginal thrush

Vaginal Thrush Many women have an occasional bout of vaginal thrush. It is due to an infection with a yeast germ called Candida. Treatment options include a tablet that you can take by mouth, or anti-thrush pessaries that you can insert into the vagina. There is also anti-thrush cream that you can rub onto the skin around the vagina (the vulva) if needed. Treatment usually works well. However,


Available online at www.sciencedirect.comChemical Physics Letters 447 (2007) 316–319He intercalated C60 solid under high pressureDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho,Received 26 July 2007; in final form 19 September 2007In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurement of solid C60 under high pressu

Microsoft word - hyperadrenocorticism.doc

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Disease) What is it? Hyperadrenocorticism a condition wherein the adrenal glands (small glands which live next to the kidneys) overproduce cortisol and other hormones. This is due to either too much stimulation from the brain’s pituitary gland (Pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism/ “PDH”), or due to a tumor on one of the adrenal glands (Adrena

Smartlite webquiz sql

SmartLite WebQuiz SQL Edition SmartLite WebQuiz SQL © 2008 SmartLite Software All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without thewritten permission of the publisher. Products that are referred to in this docume


Satisfaction guarantee This program is designed save you money on prescrip- How can I keep my prescription drug costs down? tion drug costs! We will help you find low-cost medica- The use of generic prescription drugs, whenever tions within the same therapeutic class as a drug youavailable, is most cost effective. Don’t be shy – discussyour prescription options with your docto

Common pain relievers raise heart risk for healthy folks

Common Pain Relievers Raise Heart Risk for Healthy Folks Safety of drugs like Advil and Aleve differ, study finds By Ed Edelson HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, June 8 (HealthDay News) -- Healthy people who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve minor aches and pains may raise their risk of dying from heart-related problems, a Danish study finds. The American Heart Association


Instructions. Work through the lab, saving the output as you go. If youwork in Microsoft Word, you can easily copy any graph to Word via theclipboard. Numerical output may also be copied easily by highlighting,moving it to the clipboard, then copying into Word. However, you shouldformat R output in TrueType Courier New font so that it is monospaced. Output from this lab is to be handed in by Fri


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Tratamento dos distrbios do metabolismo do potssio no rn

TRATAMENTO DOS DISTÚRBIOS DO METABOLISMO DO POTÁSSIO NO RN Hipopotassemia De modo geral, a reposição de K+ deve ser lenta, mas se houver necessidade de correção rápida é recomendada a monitorização ECG contínua. Utiliza-se a solução de Cloreto de Potássio que também corrigirá a hipocloremia, uma vez que esta é freqüente e agrava a perda de potássio. Terapêutica da Hip


Liste et utilisation des médicaments de la mallette d’urgence pour les patients en soins palliatifs (par ordre alphabétique)§ Buscopan® (Scopolamine butylbromide) ampoule 20 mg Indication : douleur spasmodique, iléus Voie d’administration : sc, im, iv, peut être administré en iv direct, compatible avec du NaCl 0.9% Posologie habituelle : 20 mg 3-4x/j, maximum 120 mg/j

Uk adult data

STICKLER SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP Registered Charity: 1060421 UK CHILD DATA STICKLER SYNDROME QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY November 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS UK CHILD DATA ♦ Data was gathered from 74 children (aged 16 and under) living in the United ♦ 38 (51%) respondents were male; 36 (49%) were female. GENERAL Diagnosed as having Stickler syndrome by a medical p

Microsoft word - kulturkalender-januar-2009.doc

Botschaft der Republik Argentinien KULTURKALENDERJANUA R 2009 Nächster Prüfungstermin: 2009 in der Botschaft der Republik Argentinien In Deutschland kann das Zertifikat für die spanische Sprache und deren Gebrauch ( CELU - Certificado de Español Lengua y Uso ), die erste argentinische Prüfung zum Nachweis vonSpanischkenntnissen als Fremdsprache, abgelegt werden. Die CELU-Prüfu

Construction of safe vectors for cloning of drug resistance genes in non pathogenic hosts

High Efficiency Cloning of Drug Resistance Genes Via Safe Vector Host Systems High Efficiency Cloning of Drug Resistance Genes Via Safe Vector Host Shahrzad S. Connolly1,2 & Stephen N. Connolly2 1Department of Microbial Diseases, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s, Kings College & St Thomas’s Hospitals, University of London, 2School of Science & Technology, Univ

Report prepared for the university of saskatchewan faculty association

Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment, and Education Report Prepared for the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment and Education . 3 1. Introduction . 3 2. Introduction to HIV/AIDS . 3 2.1 HIV Transmission . 5 2.2 HIV Testing . 6 2.3 Symptoms of HIV . 7 2.4 HIV Treatment . 7 2.5 Diagnosis of AIDS . 8

Document vide

ANNONCE DE Certificat Tracker COTATION Sous-jacent : Panier d’actions américaines à Ce produit structuré n’est pas un placement collectif au sens de la loi fédérale sur les placements collectifs de capitaux (LPCC) et n'est donc soumis ni à autorisation ni à surveillance de l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (FINMA). L’investisseur ne



Notes from css project meeting at sovereign house york

POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FROM TREATMENT ADVISORY GROUP meetings 8th April 2012 (Formal y Medicines & technologies Board) In attendance from CCGs: no representative from a CCG was present at this meeting The enclosed policies represent DRAFT recommendations to CCGs. It is proposed that individual CCGs consider the summaries and policies enclosed within their relevant decis


Sometimes the symptoms of urethritis may be slow The information contained within this publication is for to settle, or they may return after a week or two. general information only. Readers should always seek independent, professional advice where appropriate. If you have taken the antibiotics and have not had Royal Adelaide Hospital will not accept any liability sex, it is unlikely that an


February and in the 60’s and 70’s!! Who would have imagined? It’s been real y nice to be back on a horse. We, like most of you, have had some pretty foul weather so this is a welcome relief. Now we are waiting for blackberry winter to The first thing I want to say about SERA is a BIG thank you to Tamra Schoech. Tamra has put her heart and soul into this organization for many years. Sh

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PURE Kids Meal Replacer R182.00 each PURE Meal Replacer ensures the perfect energy for weight loss programmes and to fuel your body when you need to be at your best. PURE Meal Replacer is formulated to provide a special blend of high quality ingredients to boost your energy and general nutrition. This high protein, moderate carbs and low-fat shake has no sugar spike, preventing i


Genesis Boutique Travel 64 HaMechanechet St. Jerusalem 93844 utique travel.com Tel 02-6765868 Mobile 0522-862650 Fax 02-6450097 The following are suggested tours for SSVM Conference June 2011 Ein Gedi: Option 1 Petra: June 2nd – Thursday Pick up in the afternoon around 4:00 pm. Transfer to Eilat the most southern city in Israel (driving distance is around 2 hou


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Como sobrevivir a un dia de guardia2.pdf

GRIPE A: Un nuevo reto para la Urgencia. GRIPE A: Un nuevo reto para la Urgencia Dr. M. Quintana, Dra. R. Gómez Bravo Servicio de Urgencias Generales Hospital Universitario la Paz El año 2009 se caracterizó por la pandemia de gripe Clínica A /H1N1, cuyo impacto mediático y gestión sanita- ria puso a prueba la capacidad de reacción, respuesta El conocimiento básico respecto


IMMERSION SERVICE LEARNING (ISL) TRAVEL HEALTH INFORMATION SOME QUESTIONS EVERY TRAVELLER HAS: Do I need shots? Which shots do I need? Where do I get them? Will I be exposed to any illnesses while I am there? How do I bring my syringes and insulin on the airplane? Can I get prescription drugs there if I need them? Should I bring some Advil, Imodium, Pepto Bismol, Gravol? Etc. H

Cemtech-schule der für die technolodische anwendungen

CEMTECH-Schule der für die technolodische Anwendungen Vom Akademiker EAEN g.Gorodisky Bogdan Wladimirowicz Sie kommen nach Hause. Und auf einmal haben sie rauer Stimme, Husten und so weiter. Wo kommt das her? Das sind die Helminten (Würme), die sich in unseren Bronchen und im Hals eingesiedelt haben. Sie lieben sehr den Hals und Kehlkopf. Und die Menschen kurieren jahrelang Lorengi


---- REPLACING NEW BATTERY #CR-2032 (round lithium) 01. Unplug power and all cables to M1. 02. Turn M1 upside-down on padding with keys to back, no weight on joystick. 03. Unscrew and remove bottom plate. Battery is hidden from view under larger processor board. 04. Unscrew and tilt larger processor board to expose battery. 05. Carefully push old battery out of holder, noting its + side orientat

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JAMIE L. SHELLER SHELLER, P.C. 1528 Walnut Street, Fourth Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 790-7300 EDUCATION: Villanova University School of Law Villanova, PAJ.D., May 1989 Contributing writer to “The Docket”New York UniversityNew York, NYB.A. with a double major in political science and communications,January 1986GPA 3.6 Cum LaudeVice-President of Undergraduate Dormitor


FARMACIA MA CI SENZA RICETTA MEDICA ( SOP – OTC ) - Dal 1° gennaio 2007 il prezzo dei farmaci SOP e OTC sarà stabilito da ciascuna farmacia o supermercato e non potrà essere superiore a quello in vigore nel 2006. - Senza un prezzo consigliato dal produttore non sarà più possibile parlare di SCONTO . - Prima di acquistare un farmaco SOP o OTC chiedi se


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Microsoft word - may 3 09

St Augustine’s Coatbridge Sunday Bulletin: Good Shepherd Sunday The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B: 3 May 2009: Web Site: www.staugustinescoatbridge.org.uk Charity Number: SCO 11041 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Sundays 10th and 17th May First Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses on the above Sundays of May. The children and families concerned have already been given notice o

Microsoft word - pandemie der profitg.doc

Pandemie der Profitg(e)ier Auf der Erde sterben jedes Jahr 2 Mio. Menschen an der Malaria, die ganz einfach durch ein Moskitonetz geschützt werden könnten. Und den Nachrichten ist es keine Zeile wert. Auf der Erde sterben jedes Jahr 2 Mio. Mädchen und Jungen an Durchfal erkrankungen, die mit einer isotonischen Salzlösung im Wert von ca. 25 Cent behandelt werden könnten. Und den Nachr

Permit1 = field trial / registered products

PERMIT TO ALLOW MINOR USE OF AN AGVET CHEMICAL PRODUCT TO CONTROL HELICOVERPA AND LOOPER IN CELERY PERMIT NUMBER – PER14049 This permit is issued to the Permit Holder in response to an application granted by the APVMA under section 112 of the Agvet Codes of the jurisdictions set out below. This permit allows a person, as stipulated below, to use the product in the manner speci

Weils disease i leptospirosis

Weils Disease I Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a disease that can be passed from animals to humans. Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira, (referred to as Leptospires) which infect a variety of wild and domestic animals. The animals can then spread the Leptospires in their urine. Common animal reservoirs (maintenance hosts) include rodents, cattle and pigs. Human i

Jcehp volume 15 numbers 1,2,3,4

The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions , Volume 15, pp. 31–39. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1995 The Alliance forContinuing Medical Education and the Society of Medical College Directors of Continuing Medical Education. All rights reserved. Original Article Patient Charts and Physician Office Management Decisions: Chart Audit and Chart Stimulated Recall

Microsoft word - schizophrenia.doc

Introduction In this paper, I would like to talk about the Schizophrenia disease because it is worldwide in the field of psychiatry. There is more health than just a physically healthy body; a healthy person also should need a healthy mind. A person with a healthy mind should b e able to think clearly, should be able to solve various problems faced in life, should enjoy good relation

Produktuebersicht lithium ion akkumulatoren

Lithium Ion Akkumulatoren Der Lithium-Eisen-Phosphat (LiFePo4) Akkumulator ist eine Weiterentwicklung des Lithium Ionen Akkumulators. Diese Batterien werden längerfristig die Bleibatterien vom Markt verdrängen weil Sie leichter sind, sehr hohe Ströme liefern, ein besseres Preis/Leistungs Verhältnis aufweisen und eine höhere Lebensdauer haben. Die ersten Elektro Fahrzeuge (Hybrid P

Ch 30

CHAPTER 30 Pharmaceutical Products 1. This Chapter does not cover: (a) Foods or beverages (such as dietetic, diabetic or fortified foods, food supplements, tonic beverages and mineral waters)other than nutritional preparations for intravenous administration (Section IV); Plasters specially calcined or finely ground for use in dentistry (heading 2520); Aqueous distillates or aqueou

Sing lee_e_gm cir.indb

THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of

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Summerwind Homeowners Newsletter www.mytowncommunity.com March 2002 Debra Mikolaizik, Editor: 425-226-2926 Home, 425-430-6580 Work, E-Mail dmikolaizik@ci.renton.wa.us or mikol04@attbi.com It’s almost Spring – soon flowers wil be popping up everywhere, including our bulbs we planted with the Neighborhood Grant funding a while back. We have three grant requests this Spring. 1) M

New patient packet

SOUTHERN PAIN & ANESTHESIA CONSULTANTS DATE: ________________ PATIENT NAME: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ CITY: _______________________ STATE:_________ ZIP CODE: _____________ HOME PHONE: ________________________ CELL PHONE:__________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ___________________


Curriculum Vitae – Prof. Mauro Magnani MAGNANI Prof. Mauro, Professore di Biochimica (BIO 10) Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" Via Saffi, 2 61029 Urbino, Italy Phone +39 0722 305211 Fax +39 0722 305324 mauro.magnani@uniurb.it Nato: 9 Aprile 1953, Italy Lingue: Italiano, Inglese Formazione: Università di Urbino, Italy, 1976 Posizione


Aan: de Minister van Economische Zaken, dhr. BrinkhorstBezuidenhoutseweg 30Postbus 201012500 EC 's-Gravenhage fax:Tweede Kamer, Postbus 20018, 500 EA Den Haag Vaste Kamercommissie EZ, fax: 070 - 318 3439 OPTA , fax: 070 - 315 3501, mail: mail@opta.nlNLIP, fax: 070 - 3140 625 , mail: bureau@nlip.nlMet grote belangstelling en dito teleurstelling heeft Spamvrij.nl kennis genomen van de briefvan mi

Charlotte strandkvist, curriculum vitae: curriculum vitae

Currently - 2014 University College London. Studying for an MRes and PhD in Biophysics at CoMPLEX (Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology) 2008 - 2010 University of Cambridge (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK) M.Sci. and BA in Natural Sci- ences. Finished with 1st Class Honours. Specialised in Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007 - 2008 Unive


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The Company Natural South is a company resided in the town El Hoyo, located in the Andean district of the parallel 42, in margins of the river Epuyén, country of Chubut, Patagonia Argentine. Our principal activity is the production of natural organic rose hip oil, starting with the cold pressed of seeds, and obtains from manually harvest in areas free of pollution. The Rose

Microsoft word - psebm01.doc

Phytoestrogens in Soy-Based Infant Foods: Concentrations, Daily Intake and Possible Biological Effects C.H.G. Irvine, M.G. Fitzpatrick† and S.L. Alexander Animal and Veterinary Sciences Group, Lincoln University, New Zealand, and † Chemistry Department, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Corresponding author : Prof C.H.G. Irvine, Animal & Veterinary Sciences Group,


The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismCopyright © 2000 by The Endocrine Society CLINICAL CASE SEMINAR Metastatic Congenital Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Case Report with Tumor Remission at 31⁄2 Years MUSHTAQ A. GODIL, MARK P. ATLAS, ROBERT I. PARKER, CEDRIC J. PRIEBE,MICHELLE M. ZERAH, PHILIP KANE, JAMES TSUNG, AND THOMAS A. WILSON Departments of Pediatrics (M.A.G., M.P.A

Eine wirkungsvolle punktuelle schmerz-therapie

Eine wirkungsvolle punktuelle Schmerz-Therapie Aus der Praxisarbeit mit SANUM-Präparaten veröffentlicht in SANUM-Post Nr. 9/1989, Seite 12 - 16SCHMERZEN, jeder von uns kennt Die Bedeutung der Medikamen- A. Eingriffe am schmerzleitenden Schmerzen aus eigener und ganz tenschäden persönlicher Erfahrung, akute, chro- Wir kennen Schmerzpatienten, de-nische und rezidivierende Schmer-

Microsoft word - healthissuespreventivecare2002.doc


Kardecian spiritist federation of florida, inc

FEDERACIÓN ESPIRITISTA KARDECIANA DA LA FLORIDA, INC. (FEKDFLA) P.O. BOX 526822 – Miami, Florida 33151, U.S.A. “ESTATUTOS” DE LA FEDERACIÓN ESPIRITISTA KARDECIANA DE LA Capítulo I Del Nombre, Constitución y Jurisdicción Art. 1 – La agrupación (no lucrativa) que por estos Estatutos se regula, se donomina KARDECIAN SPIRITIST FEDERATION OF FLORIDA INCORPORATED (Federación E


Golden Gate Highlands National Park management plan South Africa’s Golden Gate Highlands National Park AUTHORS: The Golden Gate Highlands National Park (GGHNP) is on the foothills of the Maluti Mountains and is the only national park in the eastern Free State Province of South Africa. The park is famous for its impressive sandstone formations.1 It was established in 1963 for the purp

Aisb newsletter marzo 2013

Newsletter – Edizione del 15 marzo 2013 Redazione: Donatella Bucca; Francesco D'Aiuto; Luigi D'Amelia; Enrico V. Maltese Indirizzo: aisbnews@gmail.com SOMMARIO: A. EVENTI 1. "AFRICA-IFRIQIYA. CULTURES OF TRANSITION IN NORTH AFRICA BETWEEN LATE ANTIQUITY AND EARLY MIDDLE AGES" (ROMA, 28.02.-02.03.2013) 2. "LE STORIE DELL'ARTE. CONVERSAZIONI AL MUSEO DIOCESANO DI TERNI" (TERNI,

Microsoft word - english_med_rc_0406.doc

WOMEN’S INTERAGENCY HIV STUDY ENGLISH VERSION MEDICATION RESPONSE CARDS RESPONSE CARD D1 1. Rarely 2. Sometimes Form 22MED: Medication Use, Question B7b RESPONSE CARD D2 2. Some of the time 3. About half of the time 4. Most of the time 5. All of the time RESPONSE CARD D3 1. I am HIV negative 2. My CD4 was too high / my viral load was too low

Summary of product characteristics

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Strattera 10, 18, 25, 40, 60, 80 en 100 mg harde capsules Atomoxetine Belangrijke zaken die u over uw geneesmiddel moet weten Dit geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van ADHD De volledige benaming voor ADHD is ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ (aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit). Het geneesmiddel he


Portfolio Media, Inc. | 648 Broadway, Suite 200 | New York, NY 10012 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 212 537 6331 | Fax: +1 212 537 6371 | customerservice@portfoliomedia.com Teva Launches Generic Prevacid After Patent Win By Jocelyn Allison Law360, New York (November 10, 2009) -- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. plans to begin marketing a generic version of the acid reflux drug Preva

Maia u

Maia U. Chakerian, MD Silicon Valley Pain Center MIGRAINE/HEADACHE QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE PRINT Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________________ 1) AGE: How old were you when you had your first migraine headache?____________ a) For Females: Was it with onset of menstruation (period)?____________________ b) Was there any specific event that occurred that y

Microsoft word - gastrogard iifix.doc

Spr 07 / GastroGard II The Effect of Oral Omeprazole on Third Compartment pH in Clinically Normal Alpacas ARF Investigator Profile by Ingrid Wood Jennifer Lynn Johnson DVM, MS Before perusing the most recent research information about a product called GastroGard, readers may want to review an article which appeared in the Spring 2006 edition of Alpacas Magazine under the title Bioavailability a


Generic name Brand names Common uses[2] Possible side effects[2] Mechanism of action Aminoglycosides Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, such as subunit (some work by binding to the 50S subunit), inhibiting the translocation of the peptidyl-tRNA from the A-site to the P-site leaving the bacterium unable to synthesize Ansamycins Carbacephem prevents bacterial c

Microsoft word - coursesyllabus.docx.doc

HT 201 – PHARMACOLOGY FOR ALLIED HEALTH Course Instructor: Erik Bailey, Pharm.D. An Important Note To All Students: It is your responsibility to read and comply with all regulations outlined below. Any questions regarding these regulations should be addressed to: Department of Health Information Technology Office Hours: HIT/CIM Office Hours will be held through email communication in class a

_prova geral completa 2012

HOSPITAL THEREZINHA DE JESUS - HMTJ PROVA DE SELEÇÃO PARA RESIDÊNCIA MÉDICA 2012 Local: Hospital Therezinha de Jesus - HMTJ Endereço: Rua Dr. Dirceu de Andrad e, 33 – São Mateus – Juiz de Fora/MG REGULAMENTO Leia atentamente as seguintes instruções : 1) Você receberá do fiscal o seguinte material: a) Um cartão de respostas destinado à marcação da opção que j


Franklin, J . Synthesis of Truncated Analogues for Studying the Process of Glycosyl Phosphatidylinositol Modification,Organic letters. George Mathai, Joseph T. Moolayil, K. B. Jose and V. S. Sebastian. Spectrophotometric Assay of Mefenamic Acid in Tablets Using 1,4-dioxane as Solvent for Extraction . Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2. George, Ginu. Gelatin induced transitions

Microsoft word - cv - chamara senaratna - for usj website - 16.04.2012.doc

Dr. Chamara Senaratna MBBS, MSc, MD __________________________________________________________________ Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Telephone: chamaravs@yahoo.com / chamaravs@sjp.ac.lk OVERVIEW • Senior Lecturer in Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri • Board-certified specialist in Community Medicine • V

Microsoft word - allergy&trans - k-8.doc

August 2011 Allergy and Medical Information All new students are required to submit a Physician's Report form. For returning students, parents are required to inform the school if there is a change in the medical status. Both new and returning students are required to complete the attached form. So that staff members can identify students who might require immediate intervention on sit


Severe, Late-onset Graft-Versus-Host Disease in a Liver Transplant Recipient Documented by Chimerism Analysis Marilyn S. Pollack, Kermit V. Speeg, Natalie S. Callander, Cesar O. Freytes, Alfredo A. Espinoza, Robert M. Esterl, Gregory A. Abrahamian, W. Kenneth Washburn, and Glenn A. Halff ABSTRACT: A 52-year-old liver transplant recipient identical brother, but he died 5 days after trans


STARWOOD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING PINETOP LAKES COUNTRY CLUB JUNE 18, 2011 I. Meeting was called to order by Ted Swofford, President (9:05) II. Minutes from last year’s meeting were reviewed and approved. III. OLD BUSINESS A) Nothing was discussed IV. NEW BUSINESS A) Condition of the entrance gates 1) Bids sent out for sand, seal, repaint, and repai

Bjo_1570 1.4

A fishy recommendation: omega-3 fatty acidintake in pregnancyDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaCorrespondence: Dr SJ Genuis, University of Alberta, 2935-66 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6K 4C1. Email sgenuis@ualberta.caPlease cite this paper as: Genuis S. A fishy recommendation: omega-3 fatty acid intake in pregnanc

[benevento - 30] il_mattino/pag.periodiche/speciali/21<untitled> . 27/05/09



opinión | 52 Escribe: Dr. Matías Sanz Navamuel Los actos de autoprotección ejemplo: no recibir transfusiones de ha sido declarada en numerosos fallos. *La conveniencia de la escritura pública En el año 2005 dos casos de pacientes condición humana. es indiscutible, debiéndose contar entre terminales conmovieron a la sociedad: el Como se ha visto, bioética y derecho sus vent


Technical data and operating instructions Vivaspin® Turbo 15 – Introduction Storage conditions|shelf life Equipment Required For use with centrifuge 1. Centrifuge with swing bucket or fixed Introduction Vivaspin® Turbo 15 centrifugal concentrators offer the optimal solution to any concentra- Carrier Required tion or buffer exchange application with Highest flow rates


WS4916 Wireless Photoelectric Smoke Detector Designed to provide reliable smoke or fire detection, the WS4916 is a low-profile wireless photoelectric smokedetector that is ideal for difficult-to-wire residential or commercial applications. The WS4916, compatible with all DSC433 MHz wireless receivers, features a built-in alarm horn, integral dual-sensor heat detection, automatic driftcompensa

Full results no judges.xlsx

WOMEN'S PAIRS Difficulty 11-16 Balance Position Total Score deduct's Penalties Penalties Penalties 116 Kaisha Dessalines-Wright & Alice Hewston121 Harriet Cowperthwaite & Marlena Kroliczek124 Jessica Gledhill & Olivia Procter128 Mariela Kostadinova & Mimi Kazakova129 Emma McKinley & Savannah Brickles Difficulty 11-16 Tempo Position Total


Declaración Universal de Derechos HumanosDeclaración Universal de Derechos Humanos Adoptada y proclamada por la Asamblea General en su resolución 217 A (III), de Considerando que la libertad, la justicia y la paz en el mundo tienen por base el reconocimiento de la dignidad intrínseca y de los derechos iguales e inalienables de todos los miembros de la familia humana, Considerando que el des

011023 1.4

Je nach individueller Reaktion eines Patien-sionsneigung von Distickstoffmonoxid ver-Gabe zusätzlicher Analgetika nötig sein. größern. Daher ist LIVOPAN ® bei folgendenLIVOPAN ® sollte nur von Fachpersonal an-Wirkstoffe: Distickstoffmonoxid/SauerstoffLIVOPAN ® sollte auch nur unter Aufsicht– nach Tiefseetauchgängen, die mit demsonal angewendet werden, das mit der Aus-rüstung un

Ear, nose & throat specialtycare

ASU Pre-Test ENG/VNG Patient Instructions Electronystagmography (ENG)/Videonystagmography (VNG): An ENG or VNG has been ordered by your physician to help determine the cause of your dizziness or balance problem. The procedure is painless, and will last 60-90 minutes. During the test, eye movements will be recorded while you follow lights and lay in different positions, and while warm and

Millions still taking risky heart drug without warnings promi.

Millions still taking risky heart drug without warnings promised b. Millions still taking risky heart drug without warnings promised by By Alison Young Knight Ridder Newspapers WASHINGTON - A highly toxic heart drug continues to be prescribed to millions of patients nationwide without the detailed consumer warnings promised by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration more

Microsoft word - bhrut primary care tool child over 2 with asthma.doc

Out of Hospital Clinical Assessment Tool for Children Aged Over 2 years with Acute Asthma and Wheeze Child presenting with cough, wheeze and difficulty breathing: Any of the following may indicate diagnoses other These children are at increased risk of than asthma or viral induced wheeze: deterioration in acute asthma and wheeze: • Attack in late afternoon, at nigh

Cv for a. westfall


Gh health info from ghanaweb web site

Health Information VACCINES and MALARIA Yellow fever : Ghana requires yellow fever vaccination for all travelers. International health authorities consider Ghana to be a yellow fever "infected" country because human cases of the disease have been reported in these regions: Upper East, Upper West. Authorities also consider it "endemic" because the potential for disease tra

Microsoft word - multiloop-mir fop2 ds.doc

MultiLoop-MIRTM FTIR Fiber Optic Probe: Spectroscopy Outside the Box This MultiLoop-MIR system is perfect for analyzing liquids, pastes, and soft solids outside of the FTIR spectrometer sample compartment. It is used in conjunction with the Harrick FiberMate2 or other fiber optic coupler and includes two fiber probes with a set of ten ATR loop tips. This combination is designed for

Your child does or may have lice 2009-09

Your Child Does (Or May) Have Lice You don’t think so? You are positive they don’t? Think again. “But my child doesn’t itch or scratch. Besides, I’ve checked and there isn’t anything!” Well, guess what! Your child does (or may) have lice. On Friday, 18 January (2007), Patricia Aiyenuro spoke to the PTA. She is an entomologist and is doing her PhD on head lice. Our family has

Microsoft word - cv still.docx

Sesso F | Data di nascita 01/08/1971 | Nazionalità italiana Docente di Patologia Clinica presso il Corso di Laurea del e Professioni Sanitarie in Igiene Dentale, l’Università di Docente presso i corsi di aggiornamento professionale organizzato dal ’ Assiprofar-Federfarma (“Il farmacista e Responsabile tecnico Mineralometria Ossea Computerizzata (MOC) presso studio Scud

Microsoft word - nsb curriculum vitae-2007

Gift med Henriette. 2 børn: Milena 12 år, Nicolai 14 år Engelsk og tysk mundtligt og skriftligt på forhandlingsniveau. Skandinavisk på godt forståelses- og samtaleniveau. Superbruger på MS-Office, systemadministrator på Superoffice Roning, cykling, naturoplevelser, familie, IT, læsning af biografier og faglitteratur, frimærker. Personligt vil jeg beskrive mig selv som god til at ska

Safety data sheet

Safety Data Sheet according to 91/155/EEC and ISO 11014-1 (see instructions in Annex to 93/112/EC) HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA OF WORKSAFE AUSTRALIA 1. Identification of the substance/preparation and company Product name Sika® Anchorfix-1 Manufacturer/supplier: Sika Australia Pty Ltd Town/City and Post Code: WETHERILL PARK N.S.W. General information: Laborato

Southport and ormskirk hospital nhs trust

SOUTHPORT & ORMSKIRK HOSPITAL NHS TRUST FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 25th SEPTEMBER 2006 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31st AUGUST 2006 FINANCIAL POSITION Once again this report is based on the provisional operational budget of a £5m “in year” deficit. The Trust is still unable to adopt a formal budget whilst we await the outcome of the Corporate Financial

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PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION PrSALOFALK® Mesalamine Rectal Suspension USP 2 g/60 g, 4 g/60 g This leaflet is part III of a three-part "Product Monograph" and is designed specifically for Consumers. This leaflet is a summary and will not tell you everything about SALOFALK®. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about the drug. ABOUT THIS ME


RHINOCORT® AQUA (budesonide) NASAL SPRAY DRAFT PRESCRIBING INFORMATION RHINOCORT® AQUA (budesonide) NASAL SPRAY 32 mcg and 64 mcg Unannotated Proposed Package Insert NDA 20-746 RHINOCORT® AQUA™ (budesonide) NASAL SPRAY NDA 20-746 Unannotated Package Insert - Revised August 30, 1999 RHINOCORT® AQUA (budesonide) NASAL SPRAY DRAFT PRESCRIBING INFORMATION RHINOCORT

Microsoft word - 595239_1.doc

ELECTRICITY NOW TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR ILLINOIS TAX PURPOSES The Illinois Supreme Court on February 20, 2009 issued its decision in Exelon Corporation reversing the Appellate Court and concluding that electricity is tangible personal property for purposes of the Corporate Income and Replacement Tax. In reaching that conclusion the court not only reversed the lower courts’ deci

Ing. antonio franco

Prot. 4798/A35 Bagheria 05/12/2012 MINISTERO DELL’ISTRUZIONE,DELL’UNIVERSITA’ E DELLA RICERCA Scuola Secondaria di I Grado ”CIRO SCIANNA” VIA DE SPUCHES, 4 90011 BAGHERIA - TEL 091943017-18-19 FAX091943347 Oggetto: Nomine incaricati al SPP nel Plesso: Plesso c/o Bagnera INCARICATI AL SERV. PREV. PROTEZIONE Plesso c/o Bagnera IN OTTEMPERANZA ALL'ART. 31 DE

Microsoft word - instructions - pre procedure.dot

Southeastern Pain Consultants, P.C. 770 982-2099 Pre Procedure Instructions Take all of your prescription medications as prescribed on the day of your procedure EXCEPT those noted below: Stop all anti-platelet drugs one week prior to your procedure and restart them after the procedure. Examples of drugs in this class include: anagrelide (Agrylin), clopidogrel (Plavix), dipyridamo

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At 3 p.m. on October 5, 1989, gazing elusively at my eyes in his dimly lit office in Syracuse, N.Y., Dr. A. WilliamWright quietly said five words that changed my life forever: “Sven, you have multiple sclerosis.” As he had done anumber of times before, he delivered his medical diagnosis before either of us sat down. Initially shocked thenstartled and isolated, I did not ask him anything and


Is adaptability a normative and spontaneous concept? A review of the literature on social-ecological systems literature and resilience Björn Nykvist1,2* and Thomas Hahn1 1 Stockholm Resilience Centre 2 Stockholm Environment Institute, and Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University * Corresponding author: Tel: +46 (0)8-674 7513 Fax: +46 (0)8-674 7020 Emial: bjorn.nykvist@sei.


Presentation Abstract Program#/Poster#: 267.1/FF7 The antinociceptive effects of L-kynurenine in the writhing test may be mediated by interaction kynurenic acid-GPR35 Location: Presentation Authors: *C. COSI , V. CARLÀ, G. MANNAIONI, D. MARATEA, F. MORONI; Dept Pharmacol, Univ. Florence, Florence, Italy Abstract: Kynurenine is the primary degradation product of trypto

Microsoft word - malaria_engl_medproduction_10.08.doc

Causes and symptoms What are the causes of Malaria? Malaria (ague or marsh fever) is an aguish infectious mosquito-borne disease. In northern and central Europe it mainly affects travellers returning from tropical countries. The causative organism is a parasite called plasmodium, which can only be transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. A sick person cannot infect anyon


Acisclo M Marxuach, MD Evaluation and Management Service Patient Name: JUAN ADORNO ROSARIO EMR Record No: 180-5296 Visit Date: 26-Feb-2013 11:26:00AM Reference#: 60972 Center Record No: 15306 Closing Date: 26-Feb-2013 2:28:48PM Visit Type: Regular Visit (New) Chief Complaint: 31 y/o male with HcvAb+ for the first time in Janb 18, 2013 and claims previous ones have

Chronic kideny disease ckd and depression

Patients With CKD Should Be Screened Routinely for Depression Laurie Barclay, MD Authors and Disclosures INFORMATION FROM INDUSTRY Assess clinically focused product information on Medscape. Click Here for Product Infosites – Information from Industry. September 11, 2009 — Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a high prevalence of depression and should be screened routine


St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide details of the processes and standards which must be achieved by Paramedics who wish to advance through the various Advanced Care levels within St John Ambulance Australia (NT) Inc.; and to provide guidelines for the use of advanced care skills. Scope This policy applies to Paramedics of


Michael P. Manns, MD (* 16 November 1951) Professor and Chairman Dept. of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology Hannover Medical School Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, D-30625 Hannover, Germany Tel: +49 511 532-3306 Fax: +49 511 532-4896 Curriculum vitae 2005-2009 Chairman, Center of Internal Medicine, 1970–1976 Medical School, University of Vienna, 2005 - 2009 Steering committ

Senate daily journal

OFFICIAL JOURNAL Messages from the Governor The following messages from the Governor were received and STATE OF LOUISIANA STATE OF LOUISIANA SEVENTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Twenty-Eighth Regular Session of the Legislature The Honorable President and Members of the Senate Under the Adoption of the Constitution of 1974 In compliance with Article IV, Section 5(H)(3) of the Louisiana

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Frequently Used Maintenance Medications This is a list of frequently used maintenance drugs. If you are taking a medication for the listed conditions that is not on the sample list, please check with Prescription Solutions at (800) 797- 9791 to see whether your medication is considered a “maintenance drug.” HYPERTENSION ALTACE – Formulary Brand AMLODIPINE – Generic ATENOLOL

National formulary grp1631 e.qxp:travelmedi pass_gb00200-e.qxd

Helping you make the most of your drug coverageYour group benefit plan covers drugs listed on the National Formulary. Although it covers approximately 85% of the mostfrequently prescribed drugs in Canada, you may find yourself with a prescription for a drug that isn’t on the list. This isimportant to understand because non-formulary drugs are either covered at a lower percentage, or not covered


When It Isn’t Really Senility When Jane Simpson’s mother, then 91, started showing signs of memory loss in December 2007, Ms. Simpson thought age had finally caught up with her. “As this had been a gradual process, and considering her age, we were not unduly alarmed — just saddened that it seemed we were losing my mother mentally,” she wrote in an e-mail to this blog. But on a visit


Conseil Municipal : Séance du 11 octobre 2012 Sous la Présidence de Monsieur Philippe CANOT, Maire. Présents : Mmes Copinne, Peltier et Roynette Mrs Arnould, Ducoudray, Hugueville, Peltier et Valsesia . Absents : Mr Robin procuration à Mr Valsesia. Mme Lesage procuration à Mr Peltier. Secrétaire de séance : Mme Copinne Jeannine. Approbation du procès-ver


DEMENTIAN KÄYTÖSOIREITA - psykoosioireita- unihäiriöitä- ruokahalun muutoksia- impulsiivisuus, ärtyisyys, aggressiivisuus- vähentynyt energia, välinpitämättömyys- itsekeskeisyys- sosiaalinen eristäytyminen- seksuaalitoimintojen muutokset- varastelu, piilottelu- pukeminen, riisuminen- vaeltelu, huutelu• merkki häiriintyneestä havaintokyvystä ja• peruspersoonallisuudella on m

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Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Evaluating Solvent Recovery Alternatives in Pharmaceutical Manufacture William A. Carole, C. Stewart Slater, Mariano J. Savelski*, Timothy Moroz, Anthony Furiato, Kyle Lynch Rowan University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering 201 Mullica Hill Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA Keywords: pharmaceutical manufacture, solvent recovery, pervaporation, life cycle asse

Microsoft word - ipexerciseshee

InterActive Physiology  Exercise Sheets Below is a table display showing you the eight modules and topics covered in the IP ExerciseSheets, which begin on the next page. Neuromuscular JunctionSliding Filament TheoryContraction of Whole MuscleIon ChannelsMembrane PotentialThe Action PotentialIon ChannelsSynaptic TransmissionSynaptic Potentials and Cellular IntegrationIntrinsic Conduction


This is a translation of the criteria document in Swedish. In any case of dispute, the original document should be taken as authoritative. Joint Nordic ecolabelling In November 1989, the Nordic Council of Ministers adopted a measure to implement avoluntary, positive ecolabelling scheme in the Nordic countries. The scheme is administeredby national boards, which co-operate through the Nordic E

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Christoph E. Nabholz á Dave Speijer á Andre SchneiderChloramphenicol-sensitive mitochondrial translationin Trypanosoma bruceiReceived: 30 January 1999 / Accepted: 17 February 1999Abstract We developed an in organello system to labelrRNAs among all eukaryotes and may therefore serve asnewly synthesized mitochondrially encoded proteins ofa system for investigation of the minimal requiremen

Microsoft word - diabetic order form.doc

HEALTH CARE PROVIDER ORDERS FOR STUDENTS WITH DIABETES IN WASHINGTON STATE SCHOOLS STUDENT’SNAME ____________________________Student’sbirthdate___/___/___School_____________Grade___ Emergency numbers for parents (phone) ____-_____-_____ (Cell contact 2) ____-_____-_____ (Cell) ____-_____-____ Doctor’s phone number_____-_____-______ Other contacts________________________________, _____-

Spectrum project

SCI-SUBS STRUCTURED CLINICAL INTERVIEW FOR SUBSTANCE USE SPECTRUM Version 1.0 October 31, 2004 Cassano GB, Sbrana A, Frank E, Dell’Osso L, Shear MK, Maser JD, Endicott J, Mauri M, Grochocinski VJ, Gonnelli C, Impagnatiello P, Pacciardi B Acknowledgements: The development of this instrument was supported by a grant from Pfizer-Roering INTRODUCTION: SUBSTANCE USE SPEC


APRIL 22-26, 2013 C ELEBRATE S CIENCE E VE NTS AND ABSTRACTS FEATURED EVENTS: • Biology Student Poster Presentations The purpose of Celebrate Science Week is to highlight the work done by SMSU’s undergraduate science students during the spring semester, as well as to celebrate the excitement and diversity of science. This week-long series of events includes poster presentat

Dermatomiositis juvenil con calcinosis universal

Dermatomiositis juvenil con calcinosis universal. Presentación de un caso. Dra. Melba de la M. Méndez Méndez *, Dr. Víctor Hernández González **, Dra. Cecilia Coto Hermosilla ***, Dra. Gloria Varela Puente ****. * Especialista de primer grado en Pediatría, ** Especialista de primer grado en Reumatología, *** Especialista de primer grado en Pediatría. Segundo grado en Reumatol

Recht auf nahrung

Human Rights, the Right to Food, and WTO Global Constitutionalisation and the Example of Bioenergy On the occasion of the current European and global controversy over the (poverty-and cli-mate) ambivalences of bioenergy with regard to poverty and climate protection, this articleexamines the following questions: (1) Is there a human right to food in public internationallaw? (2) Is it possibl

Microsoft word - vertaling wada dopinglijst 2009.doc

Het gebruik van elk geneesmiddel moet worden beperkt tot medische indicaties. Alle verboden stoffen zullen worden beschouwd als “specifieke stoffen” behalve stoffen in de groepen S1, S2, S4.4 en S6.a, en de Verboden Methoden M1, M2 en M3. I. Stoffen en methoden die te allen tijde zijn verboden (zowel binnen wedstrijdverband als buiten wedstrijdverband) Verboden stoffen II. Stoffen en method



Microsoft word - allergy symptoms causes & relief

ALLERGY: Symptoms, Causes & Testing There are around 18 million allergy sufferers in the UK and the incidence across Europe has more than doubled in the last 20 years. With the exception of anaphylaxis and severe asthma attacks, the illnesses are more debilitating than life threatening and as such have remained a relatively low priority within the health service. With less than 100

Alles is economie

“Alles is economie” Relaties tussen ziekten en industriële belangen Genezen medicijnen en chemicaliën of veroorzaken ze ziekten? De chemische landbouw leidt tot verminderde vitaminen en mineralen in landbouwproducten. Minder vitaminen en mineralen, minus 80% in 100 jaar, leiden tot een verzwakt immuunsysteem. Een verzwakt immuunsysteem leidt tot ziekte. Ziekte leidt tot medicati


Federale Politie PERMANENTE NOTA Classificatiegraad POLITIE \\DORADO\DATA\GROUP\DPP\Expertise\Project\Dossiers\Vinciane ONDERWERP Bescherming tegen geweld, pesterijen en ongewenst seksueel gedrag op het werk Referentie(s) 1. Wetgeving betreffende de bescherming tegen geweld, pesterijen en 2. Vergadering van het Hoogoverlegcomité dd 25-06-2003 3. Informatiebrochure v


Körper Behandlungen - ThalassoSpa Körperbehandlungen mit Meerespeeling,Intensivpflege und Algenpackungen oder Wickel- Basische Wickel und Vibrosauna- Vibrosauna- Deep Oscillation Körper- Bio-Naturkosmetik (Pura Natura)KörperbehandlungMassagen durch med. Masseur FA SRK(Krankenkassen anerkannt)- Klassische medizinische Teilmassage- Klassische med. Ganzkörpermassage- Manuelle Lymph

Antiretrovirals - klöhn

Producing antiretroviral drugs in plants In 1983 Luc Montagnier who worked at the Pasteur Institute in France discovered that the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by a retrovirus that is nowadays known as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). According to estimates of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) 25 million


quotidiano PAGINA 2 Sabato 21 Marzo 2009 PIANETA CALCIO Veneti tranquilli : "quelli che il. Viagra" sono di Brescia! Abitano invece anche nella nostra regione il 75 per cento dei pensionati che "godono" di un assegno non superiore ai mille auro - Il Vicenza che torna all'antico pareggia con pieno merito a Sassuolo: ci voleva tanto per capire? - I

Aves - organização mundial da saúde.doc

Organização Mundial da Saúde Questões frequentemente postas sobre a Gripe Aviária (tradução informal da responsabilidade da DGS a partir do documento original em inglês) • O que é a gripe aviária? • Quais são as medidas de controlo nas aves? • Quais são as consequências de surtos nas aves domésticas? • Como é que a doença se propaga de um país para outro


Vorgang Nr. 92/02556 Beschluss vom 8. April 1993 APPELATIONSGERICHTSHOF VON PARIS VIERTE ANKLAGEKAMMER ZURUCKVERWEIS VOR DAS SCHWURGERICHT BESCHLUSS (Nr. 15, 13 Seiten) Verkündet in der Beratungskammer am 8. April neunzehnhundertdreiund neunzig Betroffene Parteien : In der Prozedur gegen: Krombach, Dieter Geboren am 5. Mai 1935 in Dresden/BRD, Sohn von Walter und Maria

Microsoft word - squamish trails society meeting sept 15 2011.doc

Meeting September 15, 2011 Squamish Trails Society Squamish Arts Council Building Cleveland Avenue, Squamish BC Members in Attendance: Bob Brant, Vic Drought, Matt Parker, Yasmin Jodrey , Don Lawrence, Penny Wilmot, Nan Tandrup, Stephane Perron, Heather Evans Guests : David Greenfield (Sea to Sky Gondola Project – Ground Effects) Meeting was brought to order at 7:12 pm.


CONTENTS  Development of organic farming in Wallonia , PhD. Scientific Attache Philippe BURNY – Walloon Center for Agricultural Research, Professor Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege Gembloux (Belgium), Scientific Attache Frederic DEBODE – Wallon Center for Agricultural Research, Gembloux (Belgium):  Biodiversity and ecosystem approach as political discourse , PhD. Assis

VerksamhetsberÄttelse 2002

VERKSAMHETSBERÄTTELSE 2002 Styrelsen för SOLNA BÅTSÄLLSKAP får härmed avgiva följande berättelse över verksamheten för tiden 1 januari till 31 december 2002 Vid årsmötet den 6 februari avgick föreningens ordförande Ingvar Klerzell, sekreterare Lennart Nilsson och kassör Åke Hansson efter lång och trogen tjänst, vederbörligen avtackade för extraordinära insat

Esther bible study.pdf

I. Introduction A. History 1. Timeline decree of March 5th, 445 B.C. granting theJews permission to rebuild Jerusalem. 461 The Age of PERICLES, to 428 B.C. 486 DARIUS I died and XERXES I(AHASUERUS) ruled Persia. He was the458 The Holy Scriptures assumed a settledform. “Psalms”, a collection of spiritualsongs and poems used in worship anddevotion, written by different authors f


Sexual Assault Guidelines SFGH Emergency Department Physicians, Residents, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants When a Trauma Recovery / Rape Treatment Center (TRC/RTC) medical provider is unavailable the following is offered as a guideline in the care of sexual assault clients. Upon arrival, determine whether patient is interested in making a police report and having fo


The Model Formulation Count what is countable, measure what is measurable, and what is not measurable, make measurable. 4.1 The Overall Process In using any kind of analytical or modeling approach for attacking a problem, there are five major steps:1) Understanding the real problem. 2) Formulating a model of the problem. 3) Gathering and generating the input data for the model (e.g., pe


Purim Packages are Conduit for First Ever Collaborative Day Schools Initiative by Hodie Kahn Golda Meir once remarked that she never did anything alone; whatever she accomplished in Israel was accomplished collectively. Taking their cue from Golda, Greater Vancouver’ s day schools have joined together to accomplish something collectively, the first-ever Greater Vancouver Jewish Day Schools Purim

Microsoft word - document in microsoft internet explorer

Eric Dammer Dr. Arnold Chemistry II January 19, 2001 Abstract Titration with sodium hydroxide permits precise determination of the mass of active ingredient in aspirin pills, acetyl salicylic acid. Advertised mass content is confirmed within specific quality limits, demonstrating the successful use of the tablet as a uniform vehicle for delivery of a specific aspirin dosage. Introduction In me

Microsoft word - botany previous papers.doc

Whose investigation provided support for 'Continental Drift Theory' ? The morphological nature of the organ, which helps in climbing in Cardiospermum is : Which of the following statements is correct ? (1) Replum is found in the ovary of Pisum What is the type of fruit that develops from the ovary of a monocarpellate gynoecium and breaks into several one seeded parts at maturity? Whi


The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal • Volume 29, Number 11, November 20103. Makhoul IR, Sujov P, Smolkin T, et al. Epidemiological, clinical, andmicrobiological characteristics of late-onset sepsis among very low birthweight infants in Israel: a national survey. Pediatrics . 2002;109:34 –39. Therapies Used in 2008 (Before Prophylaxis) and 20094. Stoll BJ, Hansen N, Fanaroff AA, e

Acuerdo municipal n° 255 por medio del cual se adopta el presupuesto general de ingresos, gastos y disposiciones generales del municipio de san josÉ caldas, para la vigencia fiscal del aÑo 201

ACUERDO MUNICIPAL Nro. 255 “POR MEDIO DEL CUAL SE ADOPTA EL PRESUPUESTO GENERAL DE INGRESOS, GASTOS Y DISPOSICIONES GENERALES DEL MUNICIPIO DE SAN JOSÉ CALDAS, PARA LA VIGENCIA FISCAL DEL AÑO 2011” EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS Honorables Concejales Respetuosamente permito someter a consideración del Honorable Concejo Municipal, el proyecto de acuerdo para la aprobación del




NORONHA ET AL. : LEPTINOTARSA DECEMLINEATA SUSCEPTIBILITY TO INSECTICIDES Differential susceptibility to insecticides by Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae] populations from western Canada Christine Noronha1,2, Grant M. Duke1, Jason M. Chinn1,and Mark S. Goettel1,3 PHYTOPROTECTION 82 : 113-121 The susceptibility of Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata)(CPB) fr


Lignospan® (Lidocaine Hydrochloride and Epinephrine Injection, U.S.P.) LIGNOSPAN FORTE (Lidocaine HCl 2% and Epinephrine 1:50,000 Injection)LIGNOSPAN STANDARD (Lidocaine HCl 2% and Epinephrine 1:100,000 Injection) Solutions for local anesthesia in Dentistry DESCRIPTION LIGNOSPAN FORTE and LIGNOSPAN STANDARD are sterile isotonic solutions containing a local anesthetic agent, Lidocaine Hy

2009_over-the-counter drug guide_06.10.2009.pub

Using Your Benesyst Benny™! Over-The-Counter (OTC) Drugs FSA Guide Over-The-Counter Drugs & Products Reimbursable through a Healthcare Flexible Spending Account IRS Revenue Ruling 2003-102, permits many OTC drugs to be reimbursed medical expenses in an FSA. Under the ruling, (OTC) drugs purchased without a physician’s prescription are reimbursable as long as the it


EMG QUICK REVIEW What is an EMG? A test that measures the electrical activity of specific muscles and nerves When is an EMG necessary?  Neck, lower back, arm or leg pain  Unexplained muscle weakness  Clumsiness  Loss of sensation Preparation: Adults  No special preparation necessary, although the use of skin moisturizing creams the day of Unde


JOM deel 27, nummer 3, 2012 casestudy’s 131 Kanker en gerelateerde casestudy’s waarbij salvestrol en CYP1B1een rol spelen Brian A Schaefer, D.Phil1; Gerard A. Potter, PhD2; Robbie Wood, BDS, D.Orth.R.C.S.(Eng), D.D.Orth.R.C.P.S.(Glasg)3; M. Danny Burke, PhD41 Corresponderende auteur: Clinical Intelligence Corp., 205-1095 McKenzie Avenue, Victoria, BC Canada V8P 2L5; email: bsc

Highly cited cancer papers, 2008–2010

A N A LY S I S highly cited cancer papers, 2008–2010The following tables show the primary research papers on cancer published between 2008 and 2010 that have had the highest number of citations in the literature. To create these tables, we queried the Scopus database) to search for articles that included the term ‘cancer’ or related terms in the title, abstract or keywords. After so


RESUMO CVEspecializado em dramaturgia realizei trabalhos em televisão dirigindo novelas, especiais e programas. Estive em emissoras como Rede RECORD, SBT, BAND, Rede Globo, RedeTV!, Canal 21 e a extinta Rede Manchete. Além dos trabalhos para TV fiz publicidade, institucionais, eventos internacio-nais e filmes “curtas metragem” fora do Brasil, onde cursei workshop de cin-ema em Cambridge / U

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Progesterone ELISA Kit Enzyme immunoassay kit for the quantitative determination of Human Progesterone concentration in serum. For in vitro diagnostic use only. Email: info@signagenlabs.com Web Site: www.signagenlabs.com TABLE OF CONTENTS INTENDED USE Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) permits the routine quantitative determination of many steroid hormones in body fluids and provide


Fédération des syndicats de travailleurs du rail 17 boulevard de la libération – 93200 – Saint Denis Comité Central d’Entreprise SNCF Séance du 26 mars 2013. Déclaration générale. Monsieur le directeur, Aujourd'hui, à l'appel des syndicats SUD-Rail et CGT, plusieurs centaines de cheminot-e-s vont se mobiliser devant la gare de Metz pour dire "non" à la démar


IN DARWIN S WAKE By DAVID DENBY The New Yorker, July 21, 1997 Two anecdotes, both concerning Charles Darwin’s mouth. When Darwin was a student atCambridge, he was interested less in books and laboratories than in mucking about in ponds and pokingat dead logs. During his three years at the university, from 1828 to 1831, he attended precisely onecourse of lectures in the natural sciences, bota


Pulkovo Observatory and St. Petersburg State University, RussiaABSTRACT. We analyzed all available determina-tion of the Galactic rotation parameters R0 and Ω0 madeduring last 10 years to derive the most probable value ofthe Galactic aberration constant A = R0Ω20 / c. We usedseveral statistical methods to obtain reliable estimatesof R0 and Ω0 and their realistic errors. Finally we haveobta


Yasmin followed the tiny bird as it hopped down the path behind the busy shops and stands. She didn’t know where they were going, and she didn’t care. For days, all she had heard were the rumors of surrender. No one knew what was going to happen. For so many years, her people had held onto the Alhambra in Granada, the last fortress of the Arab people in Spain. If they surrendered, what woul


SENAR - SERVIÇO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAGEM RURAL 15/10/2009 Página: GERÊNCIA TÉCNICA RLMOD01 - RELAÇÃO DE CURSOS OFERECIDOS Descrição do Curso Min. Par. Max. Par. Importância e administração na unidade de produçãoImportância e administração dos recursos humanosImportância da área de comercialização e seu relacionamentoFunção da administraçãoImportân


Guidelines: Establishing a Business using the PSC Application Assistant The PSC Application Assistant enables you to establish or change your business quickly and inexpensively over the Internet. Fol owing registration you wil be asked to provide specific information about yourself and your intended business venture. Then the system automatical y col ates the necessary applicatio


HEALTH HISTORY Have you ever had any of the following diseases or medical problems? (Please read thoroughly and circle “Yes” or “No”.) Yes No Heart Attack/Stroke Yes No Cancer/Chemotherapy Yes No Heart Murmur/Rheumatic Fever Yes No HIV+/AIDS Yes No Heart Surgery/Pacemaker Yes No Shingles Yes No Heart Valve (Artificial) Yes No Kidney Problems Y

Quarterly progress report

Southeastern Sun Grant Center Quarterly Progress Report Project Title: Biological energy production from biomass by wood-feeding termites Recipient Organization: Mississippi State University Principal Investigator: Dr. Jianzhong Sun, Dr. Yueqing Cao, Dr. Jose Rodriguez Project Location: [Poplarville, MS; Starkville, MS.] Reporting Period: [July 1, 2008 to September 30, 2008]

Human interest.xls

adidas Women's 5K Challenge 2009 - Human Interest List Kerry has run the last two 5K challenges, once on her own and then last year with her mum and her sister. Kerry has raised money for the Alzheimer's Society as Kerry lost her Nan in Dec 2007. Kerry has received treatment after discovering a lump on her left breast at the age of 38, and was later told that Kerry had a DCIS - non invasiv


C l i n i c a l C a r e / E d u c a t i o n / N u t r i t i o n / P s y c h o s o c i a l R e s e a r c h TSH-Lowering Effect of Metformin in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Differences between euthyroid, untreated hypothyroid, and euthyroid on L-T4 therapy patients ARLO CAPPELLI, MD ELVIRA DE MARTINO, MD RESEARCH DESIGN AND ARIO ROTONDI, MD ANTONIO CIMINO, MD METHODS — A pilo

Microsoft word - 06_may_full_report

HANCi S/L & SCoSL: ‘STREET CHILD MAKENI’ REPORT - MAY 2009 Introduction In May, we felt the need to consolidate the gains made so far, particularly those of April. With the reunification work almost complete, we are transitioning from the first (emergency) stage to the second (educational) stage of the project cycle. And the ever-increasing challenge of character moul

Clomid serophene

S o u t h M i a m i O B - G Y N A s s o c i a t e s H elp fu l Res ou rces This fact sheet is meant to provide you with basic information about this medicine. As usual, any further questions should be discussed with your doctor or p 1. What is Serophene/Clomid? It is the brand name for Clomiphene citrate, which is a medicine that has been on the market since the 1960s and introd


SchiedsamtsZeitung Bund Deutscher Schiedsmänner undSchiedsfrauen e.V. -BDS-Postfach 100452 ‹ 44704 Bochumwww.schiedsamt.de ‹ info@bdsev.de Fälle aus der Praxis Kn. wortwörtlich wiedergegeben. DieBeschuldigte St. erklärte in demSühnetermin, sie habe zu Frau Kl. Interessen da- Zeugin Frau Kl. am 28. hat.” Ich als Schm. stellte daraufhin an22. Schm. A. H. in B. Anfrage: Herr M.


PAKKAUSSELOSTE ERITYISVAROITUKSET Eläimiä koskevat erityiset varotoimet Tempora vet 50 mg Munuaisten toiminta ja plasman kaliumpitoisuus on määritettävä ennen spironolaktonin ja ACE-estäjien purutabletti koiralle yhdistelmähoidon aloittamista. Toisin kuin ihmisillä, hy-perkalemian esiintymisen ei havaittu lisääntyvän tätä MYYNTILUVAN HALTIJAN NIMI JA OSOITE SEKÄ

Poster dsc von omeprazol

DSC Messungen von Omeprazol Omeprazol ist ein Wirkstoff gegen Magenbrennen und saures AufstossenDer weisse pulverförmige Wirkstoff schmilzt oberhalb von 150°C. Die Schmelze zersetzt sich danach und setzt eine Zersetzungsenergie von 370-450J/g frei. Das Molekül ist daher gut geeignet zum Studium der Wechselwirkung von Zersetzung und Schmelze mittels Mikrothermoanalytik. Man unterscheidet f

Mark kinet. poëzie en psychoanalyse, muze en mentalisatie

Poëzie en Psychoanalyse, Muze en Mentalisatie Mark Kinet The theme is as it may prove Asleep, unrecognized, alone in a wind That does not move the others. William Carlos Williams 1. Ouverture Toen ik nog assistent was in Kortenberg en een seminarie had gegeven over folie à deux stimuleerde Walter Vandereycken mij tot het schrijven van een wetenschappelijk artikel.


Arzneimittel mit erhöhtem Selbstbehalt (Art. 38a KLV) ACCURETIC 10/12.5 Filmtabl 10 mg 100 Stk Clamoxyl RC Compr. solubile 750 mg 20 Compr. solubile 750 mg Clamoxyl Sirup. 25 mg/ml 80 ml Sirup. 25 mg/ml ACCURETIC 20/12.5 Filmtabl 20 mg 100 Stk Clamoxyl Sirup. 50 mg/ml 80 ml Sirup. 50 mg/ml Adalat Compr. 20 mg 100 Compr. retard 20 mg Adriblastin Solution Amp. 10 mg 1 Amp. 10 mg Adri

Trgs 900 "arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte"

Ausgabe: Januar 2006 zuletzt geändert und ergänzt: März 2007 Technische Regeln Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte Gefahrstoffe Die Technischen Regeln für Gefahrstoffe (TRGS) geben den Stand der Technik,Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitshygiene sowie sonstige gesicherte wissenschaftlicheErkenntnisse für Tätigkeiten mit Gefahrstoffen, einschließlich deren Einstufung undKennzeichnung, wieder. Sie w


Sunglasses Safety FactSheetHS05-045B (10-08)Sunglasses aren’t just fashion accessories. They are a necessary protection for the eyes. Most consumers know about the danger of sun exposure to the skin, but many are unaware that the sun’s rays can damage the eyes. To correctly shield the eyes, the right type of sunglasses must be worn, especially since wearing the wrong type can cause more

Efficacy and safety of golimumab in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase iii trial

Vol. 58, No. 11, November 2008, pp 3402–3412© 2008, American College of RheumatologyEfficacy and Safety of Golimumab in Patients WithResults of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III TrialRobert D. Inman,1 John C. Davis, Jr.,2 D´Joachim Sieper,5 Sung Il Kim,6 Michael Mack,7 John Han,7 Sudha Visvanathan,7 Zhenhua Xu,7 Objective. To evaluate the efficacy and safety o

Microsoft word - advicenow response to evaluation report3.doc

Advicenow response to "‘Turned down for DLA/AA? Think you’re not getting enough?’ AND 'How to handle an interview under caution' - An evaluation on Advicenow self-management guides" by John Seargeant We are pleased with the evaluation report into the self-management guides. It is very thorough, reassuring and raises lots of interesting questions. We are glad to see that


SamenOud: elke huisarts een eigen OuderenzorgTeamA. de Groot MSc, S.L.W. Spoorenberg MSc, drs. R.J. Beukema, drs. R. Mustafa en dr. K. Wynia1specialist ouderengeneeskunde en hoofd medische en paramedische dienst Zorggroep Meander, Veendam2projectleider SamenOud en promovendus, afdeling Gezondheidswetenschappen, UMC Groningen en RijksuniversiteitGroningen, Groningen5onderzoeker Integrated Care,


ZENTRUM FÜR KINDER- UND JUGENDHEILKUNDE Fachartikel und –arbeiten, pflegewissenschaftliche Arbeiten der letzten 10 Jahre Baraka, Arabella Mundhygiene in der Pädiatrie. Ö Pflegezeitschrift; 63. Jg., Nr. 10, 2010. S23 - 24 Vécsei A, Innerhofer A, Graf U, Binder C, Giczi H, Hammer K, Bruckdorfer A, Hirschl AM, Makristathis A Helicobacter pylori eradication rates in childr



Microsoft word - texts_pdf

Heart Attach Prevention It's never too late to take steps to prevent a heart attack — even if you've already had one. Taking medications can reduce your risk of a subsequent heart attack and help your damaged heart function better. Lifestyle factors also play a critical role in heart attack prevention and recovery. Medications Doctors typically prescribe drug therapy for people who've had a hear


Dependable Embedded Wired/Wireless Networks In most cases packet requires multiple hops to make  The algorithms that chooses the routes is major area of Properties for desirable Routing Algorithms Correctness Simplicity Robustness Stability Fairness Optimality used for selection of route simplest is “minimum hop” can be generalized as “least cost”


Curriculum Vita—Al M. Panu Contact Information (678) 717-3610 (O) E-mail: al.panu@ung.edu Professional University of North Georgia Experience Senior Vice President for University Affairs, 2013-present The Senior Vice President for University Affairs (SVPUA) serves on the cabinet reports to the President and is responsible for the oversight of the Gainesville campus, the Oconee

Medienmitteilung der schmolz+bickenbach ag

FOR RELEASE IN SWITZERLAND – THIS IS A RESTRICTED COMMUNICATION AND YOU MUST NOT FOR- WARD IT OR ITS CONTENTS TO ANY PERSON PROHIBITED BY THE LEGENDS CONTAINED HEREIN. Medienmitteilung der SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH AG vom 1. Juli 2013 Stellungnahme des Verwaltungsrats der SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH AG zur Verhin- derung des Handelsregister-Eintrags der Generalversammlungs-Beschlüsse und zum ang


SAFETY DATA SHEET Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II - United Kingdom (UK) METALLIC ZINC 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Product name Synonyms : Zinc Metal Sheets; Zinc Metal Shot; Zinc Metal Strips REACH Registration Chemical Formula 1.2 Relevant identified uses o


SARACEN INVESTMENT FUNDS ICVC (the Company) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOCUMENT (SID) This SID was prepared in December 2012. Please ensure that this document is read in conjunction with the relevant fund specific Key Investor Information Document (KIID). What are the Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) and Supplementary Information Document (SID)? The KIIDs and SID are essent

Product list.xls

Svizera Europe BV • Antennestraat 43 • 1322 AH Almere • P.O. Box 60300 • 1320 AY Almere • The Netherlands • T: +31 (0) 36 539 73 40 F: +31 (0) 36 539 73 49 • E: info@svizera.org • I: www.svizera-europe.org • Fortis Bank N.V. Utrecht Bank USD • Chambers of Commerce Rivierenland No. 11058099 • VAT reg. No. NL 8128.32.917.B0I Product list Svi

The cost and benefits of treating type 2 diabetes mellitus as a chronic condition

The Cost and Benefits of Treating Type 2 Diabetes Copyright 2005 by the Society of Actuaries. All rights reserved by the Society of Actuaries. Permission is granted to make brief excerpts for a published review. Permission is also granted to make limited numbers of copies of items in this monograph for personal, internal, classroom or other instructional use, on condition that the foregoing copy

Microsoft word - paperi_ugov.doc

MASPERO A; S. GALLI; COLOMBO V; PELI G; MASCIOCCHI N; STAGNI S; BAREA E; NAVARRO J.A.R In Corso Di Stampa Metalorganic frameworks based on the 1,4-bis(5-tetrazolyl) benzene ligand: the Ag and Cu derivatives INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA [Articolo su Rivista/ ID:1706210] Provvisorio MACCARONI E; ALBERTI E; MALPEZZI C; RAZZETTI G; VLADISKOVIC C; N. MASCIOCCHI 2009 Azelastine Hydrochloride: A P


THE PROBLEM - The one how gives the thing away for free, because he I am addressing the problem that we are consuming or she don’t have to get rid of it him/her self. too much. So much that the environment can’t handle - The one who gets something he or she wants for free, it. This solution will also save the users money, at the because he or she gets it for free. same time I t


DYRENIUM® (triamterene USP) Capsules INDICATIONS AND USAGE potassium supplementation, and substitute a thiazide alone. 50 mg and 100 mg potassium-sparing diuretic Dyrenium (triamterene) is indicated in the treatment of edema Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate®, Sanofi associated with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver Synthelabo) may be administered to enhance

Microsoft word - 09-08-06-b-vernehmlassung ujg

Verband der Industrie- und Dienstleistungskonzerne in der Schweiz Fédération des groupes industriels et de services en Suisse Federation of Industrial and Service Groups in Switzerland 6. August 2009 Vernehmlassungsverfahren zum Vorentwurf über das Bundesgesetz über die Un- ternehmensjuristinnen und Unternehmensjuristen Mit Datum vom 23. April 2009 haben Sie uns den Vorentwu

Microsoft word - learning the hard way

LEARNING THE HARD WAY: PRACTICE ISSUES IN SUPPORTING PARENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES SUMMARY. Parents with learning difficulties from an underserved needs group whose numbers are steadily increasing as a result of deinstitutionalisation, community care and the acceptance of the principle of normalisation. This paper presents a case study of one such family in order to highlight


What everyone should know about Accutane   Accutane is a very strong pill that is used to treat acne. It has been used worldwide since the early 1980s. It is really just a huge dose of Vitamin A. If you think Accutane may be right for you, you should know the following information: Who should take Accutane? Accutane is a pill that is normally taken by people who have severe acne or acne t


Part 2 THE FAMILY Chapter 8 FERTILITY, CONTRACEPTION AND THE FAMILY Brigid McEwen Irenaeus said in the 2nd century, "God's greatest glory is man fully alive", and as he, being a pupil of Polycarp who was himself a pupil of John the Evangelist, was only a few steps from the Lord, I like to think he knew what he was talking about. As John Paul II says in Familiaris Consortio,

Psychological problems among immigrants

Psychological Problems Among Immigrants Sajjan Singh Bajwa, Ph.D. * * Formerly Professor, Khalsa College Amritsar and Asst. Professor, University of Southern California : 1461 W. Nancy Lane, Porterville. CA 93257. (USA) Thoughts give rise to desires, desires shape actions, actions become habits, and habits make character. All desires may or may not be fulfilled. The satisfied desires


Catalyst Trading Rules WSE Trading Rules dertake quoting i.e. they place buy/sell or-ders. Market markers are always a party to The WARSET system serves as the trading each transaction. The choice of the market platform for WSE-operated markets. Within and trading system is always made by the Catalyst, an issuer of debt instruments (cor-issuer, provided their instruments meet the porat


What is Parkinson's Disease What Is Parkinson's Disease? Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system. With an annual incidence of approximately 20 new cases per 100,000 people, the prevalence is 200 cases per 100,000 people or 0.2%. There are 1,000,000 or more people with PD in the United States; more patients than with multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic latera

Microsoft word - user brochure-final.doc

Donor History Questionnaire User Brochure Purpose: The User Brochure was designed to aid the donor historian in determining if a prospective donor is eligible to donate. Each blood center must have a standard operating procedure (SOP) related to donor suitability to be used in conjunction with the User Brochure. The User Brochure does not replace an SOP for determining donor suitabi

Salsa2docprod 1.6

management clinic" means a publicly or privately owned facility forcarisoprodol, but not including suboxone. Redesignated from Occupations Code, Chapter 167 by Acts 2011, 82ndLeg., R.S., Ch. 91 (S.B. ), Sec. 27.001(45), eff. September 1,Sec. 168.002.AAEXEMPTIONS.AAThis chapter does not apply to:(1)AAa medical or dental school or an outpatient clinicassociated with a medical or dental sch


For over 15 years, medical evidence has indicated thatmifepristone (Mifeprex®) is as safe or safer thanUse of mifepristone (Mifeprex®) has beencommonly used medications such as over-the-counter non-associated with fewer deaths than Tylenol orsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-histamines,Viagra, and is safer than full term pregnancy. and is less risky than continuing a pregnancy to


Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Revisited Philip A. Masters, MD; Thomas A. O’Bryan, MD; John Zurlo, MD; Debra Q. Miller, MD; Nirmal Joshi, MD D uringthepast3decades,thecombinationoftrimethoprimandsulfamethoxazole has occupied a central role in the treatment of various commonly encountered in-fections and has also been particularly useful for several specific clinical conditions. However, ch


Referat Nr. 1 Die drei Seinsebenen des Menschen sowie Definition und Maßstab der Gesundheit aus homöopathischer Betrachtungsweise! – Was ist klassische Homöopathie? Betrachten wir zunächst einige Tatsachen: Phantastisch muten die derzeitig medizinischen Fortschritte an, mit deren Hilfe heute sorgfältig angewandte Unfallchirurgie und Intensivpflege schwerstgeschädigte Akutkra

Stabililty of omeprazole in syrspend sf alka (reconstituted)

Stability of Omeprazole in SyrSpend SF Alka (Reconstituted) Paul A. Whaley, BS ABSTRACT Mark A. Voudrie II, MS, PMP omeprazole is used in the treatment of dyspepsia, peptic ulcer dis- Bridget Sorenson, CAPM ease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, laryngopharyngeal reflux, and zollinger–ellison syndrome. omeprazole is marketed by Astrazeneca under a number of names, most


clinical practice James W middleton Grace leong linda mann MBBS, PhD, FAFRM(RACP), is Director, Statewide Spinal Cord Injury Service, and Associate Rehabilitation Specialist, Statewide Spinal Professor, Rehabilitation Studies Unit, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Sydney, New South Specialist, Spinal Cord Injuries Unit, Royal management of spinal cord injury


samenvaTTing Hodgkin lymfoom en zaadbalkanker zijn beide zeldzame maligniteiten die voornamelijk bij jong-volwassenen voorkomen. Beide ziekten hebben tegenwoordig een uitstekende prognose, o.a. door de introductie van combinatie-chemotherapie. Door de toenemende aantallen patiënten die inmiddels tientallen jaren overleefd hebben, is het de afgelopen jaren helaas steeds duidelijker geworden dat

Microsoft word - www.syngentafoundation.org-symposium_benefit_sharing_case_study_csir.doc

Symposium on food security and biodiversity: Benefit sharing Case Study: San/CSIR Hoodia Benefit Sharing Petro Terblanche Executive Director Bio/Chemtek, Council for Scientific and Industrial benefits from bioprospecting with the owners of the traditional knowledge that led to its initial discovery. In 1998, Phytopharm sold the rights to the compound, now known as P57, to pharmaceut


The Influence of Music Therapy Over Delayed Nausea Vomiting As Chemotherapy Effect On School Age Who Suffer Cancer At RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung Music therapy is an effecive therapy to reduce delayed nausea vomiting as chemotherapy effect. The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of music therapy over delayed nausea vomiting on school age who suffers for cancer. This research d

Oral thrush (oral moniliasis or oral candida albicans infection)

Oral Thrush (Oral Moniliasis or Oral Candida Albicans infection) Copyright © 2010 South Florida Institute for Post-Graduate Health Education, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this workbook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. Course developed by: Reda A Abdel-Fattah, BDS, MS, MPS and Mervat Alattar, BDS C E Credit: 3 CreditsTest time limit: Unlim


San Rafael Chemical Services  Amino Acids – Peptide Below is a listing for the 20 amino acids found in proteins, which we can assay by HPLC. Alanine Amino Acids – Other Below is a listing for a number of irregular amino acids, amino acid derivatives, and other related components that can be assayed by HPLC. 4-Hydroxyisoleucine San Rafael Chemical Services  Bio


Mode d’emploi Secret coffre-fort à poser Français Pour vérifier le clavier Presser et tenir ‘5’ jusqu’au double bip. La LED reste allumée durant tout le Avertissement: S’il vous plaît installer une pile de 9V avant de fermer la serrure! Presser successivement chaque chiffre de 1 à 0. Un double bip indique que la touche est fonctionnelle. Ouverture Entr


Die Historiker-Nummer des SAT ist erschienen! SAT: Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde Nr. 1/2014, Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG Bern. Aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen können die Texte nicht verlinkt werden. S. Häsler, J. Dängeli: Eligius, Schutzpatron der Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte Der Heilige Eligius wurde im 13. Jahrhundert Schutzpatron der Hufschmiede und Tierärzte. Eine erste Erwäh

Microsoft word - iassa newsletter arcticle northern notes fall-winter 2006-2007.doc

IASSA Newsletter Northern Notes Fall-Winter 2006-2007: Arctic Social Indicators (ASI): A Follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report The Arctic Social Indicators (ASI) project is a follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR) and was launched in January 2006. The ASI project seeks to devise indicators to facilitate the tracking and monitoring of human development in the Arctic


OCURRENCE OF PHOTOBACTERIUM DAMSELAE IN BIJUPIRÁ (RACHYCENTRON CANADUM), NORTHERN COAST OF SÃO PAULO STATE, NAPOLEÃO, S.R.1*; MOURINO, J.L.2; MORAES, J.R.E.3, SILVA, A.C.1; SHIMADA, M.T.4; MELLO, H.4; KERBER, C.5; MORAES, F.R3. * Adress: Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n - CEP: 14884-900 City: Jaboticabal - State: São Paulo - Country: Brasil - silvianapoleao@yaho

Cover page

Analysis of the Cost of Transgender Health Benefits The Cost of Transgender Health Benefits Mary Ann Horton, Ph.D. JPMorgan Chase Transgender at Work ABSTRACT This paper measures the frequency and cost of Transgender Health Benefits (THBs) for US residents. Itreports on a survey of surgeons who do Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) procedures, and reports thenumber of US residents

Microsoft word - 04-30-09 facts by fax.doc

PUBLIC HEALTH FACTS BY FAX April 30, 2009 Skagit County Health Department Howard L. Leibrand, M. D. Health Officer "Always working for a safer and healthier Skagit County" 336-9380 (voice) 336-9401 (fax) Please copy and distribute this fax to each provider served by this fax number. Number of pages:

Microsoft word - review of ibs treatment.doc

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Emergence of New Diagnostic and Treatment Options Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and Surgery Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri ABSTRACT Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disorder characterized by alterations in bowel function (diarrhea and/or constipation) and symptoms of abdominal


Le tableau 1 résume les anomalies que l’on Le syndrome de Moebius – peut rencontrer en cas de syndrome de Moebius. Une vie sans sourire Giorgio C. La Scala, Genève Le syndrome de Moebius ne s’aggrave pas avec la croissance, mais puisqu’il est impos-Le visage peut être considéré comme notre Le syndrome de Moebius peut être causé sible de le traiter étiologiquement,

Applications flow

Delayed Graft Function (DGF) Delayed graft function in the pediatric kidney transplant patient represents a significant adverse event for the graft with repercussions in both short-term and long-term graft survival and compromising the post-op management significantly. Every possible effort should be exerted to avoid DGF and to pursue constant surveil ance of the patient’s statu

Hydration new

HYDRATION shrivelled skin, sunken eyes and dim vision, painfulurination, numb skin, muscle spasms & delirium. There is no question that proper hydration (fluid andIntravenous therapy may be required. electrolyte balance) is a pre-requisite for optimal sports Risks of overhydration performance. Research has shown that athletes who doOverhydration and hyponatraemia may occur in ultra

Lutte contre le palu

Fiche stratégique Paludisme 2009 – 2011 Avec le VIH/sida et la tuberculose, le paludisme est l’un des principaux problèmes de santé publique menaçant le développement des pays les plus pauvres. Paludisme et pauvreté sont liés et les populations rurales sont particulièrement touchées. De plus, la co-infection VIH-paludisme, deux maladies dépendantes de l’immunité cellula

Teasing, rejection, and violence: case studies of the school shootings

Teasing, Rejection, and Violence: Case Studies of the School Shootings Mark R. Leary*1 Robin M. Kowalski,2 Laura Smith,1 and Stephen Phillips1 1Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina2Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :Media commentators have suggested that recent school shootings were precipitated by socia

Microsoft word - medliste_banale2009_def.doc

LISTE DER ERLAUBTEN ARZNEIMITTEL bei banalen Erkrankungen gültig ab 1.1.2009 LISTE DES MEDICAMENTS AUTORISES pour les maladies courantes valable dès 1.1.2009 Die unten aufgelisteten Arzneimittel enthalten im engeren Sinne keine dopingverdächtigen Substanzen. Alle Angaben gelten jedoch nur für Präparate, die unter dem angegebenen Namen in der Schweiz im Verkauf sind. Es handel

Pages from 42-47

5.7_OCT_Training:Layout 1 16/9/08 12:08 Page 46 CONSTIPATION RESEARCH The management of constipation is a problem in anyhealthcare setting and, if managed incorrectly, can affectquality of life. Sussex Health Care explain their research intothe subject with associated training. comprised Carol Dilley, Head of Training,learning disabilities, 61 elderly mentally ill,medication appeared t

Peter lehmann: the particul.

Peter Lehmann: The Particular Elements of Soteria from t. file:///D:/MyFiles/documenten/soteria/literatuur/soteria.htm Lecture at the congress "Soteria and No Restraint", Merano, Peter Lehmann The Particular Elements of Soteria from the Perspective of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry For the majority of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry the particular elements of Sot


10:15am - Nursery Helpers: Tom & Darcy Froehlich & Allegra 7pm – Christmas Board Gathering and Committee 10:15am – Greeters: John & Lucinda Kluver Includes existing & newly elected 2014 board members should be there & please bring refreshments to 11:30am – Christmas decorating meeting in the fellowship Pastor Mike McCain & Pastor Andy League Monday,

Microsoft word - emergency contraception usccb.doc

Emergency "Contraception" and Early Abortion The recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a new drug (Preven), specifically for use as "Emergency Contraception" (EC), is raising questions as to whether the drug's mechanism is contraceptive or abortifacient in nature. A major problem in this debate is the manipulation of terms. The FDA, American College

Microsoft word - byline _tcc_ national law journal 12_4_06.doc

SCHWARTZ Monday, December 4, 2006 Plavix case illustrates perils of generic drug wars Regulatory problems, poor judgment led to BMS' costly situation. By, Thomas C. Carey/Special to The National Law Journal This year, Peter R. Dolan, the chief executive officer of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMS), was faced with the threat of generic competition for Plavix, a blockbuster anti-clotti


SPECIAL COMMUNICATION From the American Venous Forum Revision of the CEAP classification for chronicvenous disorders: Consensus statement Bo Eklöf, MD,a Robert B. Rutherford, MD,b John J. Bergan, MD,c Patrick H. Carpentier, MD,d Peter Gloviczki, MD,e Robert L. Kistner, MD,f Mark H. Meissner, MD,g Gregory L. Moneta, MD,h Kenneth Myers, MD,i Frank T. Padberg, MD,j Michel Perrin, MD,k C. Vaug


Fachinformation Bezeichnung des Arzneimittels 2. Qualitative quantitative Zusammensetzung Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigen Bestandteile siehe Abschnitt 6.1. Darreichungsform Sprühlösung zur Lokalanästhesie, Pumpspray 4. Klinische 4.1 Anwendungsgebiete - Oberflächliche Betäubung und Desinfektion der Mundschleimhaut vor einer - Oberflächliche Betäu


YASMIN DAVALI Alder: 22 Beskæftigelse(udenfor SFU): Sambas på RUC Afdeling: SFU-Amagerbro Indmeldt i SFU i år: 2007 Beskriv de erfaringer du bidrager med til SFU’s landsledelse: Jeg startede som aktiv i Sønderborg og Sønderjyl and, jeg har siddet i ledelsen i to år, ligesom jeg 2009-2010 var ansat som organisationskonsulent i SFU. I løbet af det sidste år har


LAW & REGULATION IllustrationImages.com/Corbis/Greg Hargreaves FDA SAFETY NET The US Supreme Court has just removed one of the pharmaceutical industry’s main defences to product liability claims, write Angus Rodger , Gavin Coull and Gary Farmer . which Ms Levine was given the drug (IV-pushadministration) increased the risk. Drug warning labels in the US are regulated bythe

The state versus frienda haimann muhekeni

IN THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA THE STATE FRIENDA HAIMANN MUHEKENI HIGH COURT SPECIAL REVIEW CASE NO. 592/08 REVIEW JUDGMENT ANGULA, A.J.: This matter came before me for special review. The letter by the Magistrate under cover of which the records of the “ Due to the continuous misunderstandings between the presiding officer a`nd Mr Hennie Barnard (the Magistrate) I did


MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES IN CRIMINAL CASES Mental health issues frequently arise in the context of appeals. They may be presentin the transcripts. Mental health issues may also be lurking in the background, where yoususpect defense counsel could have exploited a defendant’s mental health problems but failedto do so. In either event, you will probably need to read psychological or psychiatric rec


PowerRouter Solar Battery New Optimize use of self-generated solar energy with Li-ion batteries Li-ion is a new battery technology offering high energy density, high efficiency and long life expectancy. Combining this new technology with the PowerRouter Solar Battery, increases the self-use of your generated solar energy even further. Resulting in lower overall cost of ownership.

Microsoft word - servmed-o-que-e-o-novo-virus-da-gripe-a.doc

INFORMATIVO GRIPE A – SETOR DE PREVENÇÃO EM SAÚDE O que é o novo vírus da Gripe A(H1N1)v? O novo vírus da Gripe A(H1N1)v, que apareceu recentemente, é um novo subtipo de vírus que afeta os seres humanos. Este novo subtipo contém genes das variantes humana, aviária e suína do vírus da gripe e apresenta uma combinação nunca antes observada em todo o Mundo. Em contrast


WARFARIN C H O MW: 308.33 CAS: 81-81-2 RTECS: GN4550000 METHOD: 5002, Issue 2 EVALUATION: PARTIAL Issue 1: 15 February 1984 Issue 2: 15 August 1994 PROPERTIES: solid, MP 161 °C; VP not available SYNONYMS: 3-(α-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin. SAMPLING MEASUREMENT SAMPLER: TECHNIQUE: ANALYTE: FLOW RATE: EXTRACTION: VOL-MIN: INJECTION VOLUME: SHIPM


DS26LS32CDS26LS32MDS26LS32ACDS26LS33CDS26LS33MDS26LS33ACDS26LS32C DS26LS32M DS26LS32AC DS26LS33CDS26LS33M DS26LS33AC Quad Differential LineReceiversThe DS26LS32 and DS26LS32A are quad differential lineHigh differential or common-mode input voltage rangesreceivers designed to meet the RS-422 RS-423 and Feder-of g7V on the DS26LS32 and DS26LS32A and g15Val Standards 1020 and 1030 for bal


[Reference Disclosure] Key Performance Figures Based on U.S. GAAP Sony Corporation (“Sony”), the parent company of Sony Financial Holdings Inc. (“SFH”), prepares its consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). This reporting in accordance with U.S. GAAP includes the disclosure of fina

Telecom italia becomes national drama.doc

Telecom Italia becomes national By Eric Sylvers MILAN: It has all the makings of your standard Italian financial melodrama, with a cast of characters stocked with the usual suspects - the struggling company that is a takeover target, the controlling shareholder trying one last coup to squeeze what he can from a bad investment, the just-resigned chairman, the minority shareholde

Folic acid

l ast updated: 27.02.2013 FOLIC ACID FOLIC ACID PLUS VITAMIN B COMPLEX, IODINE & IRON Contains no gluten or lactose is important for• energy metabolism and a healthy nervous • blood formation and the transport of oxygenRelevant studies show that the supply of folic acid and iodine in Germany is below the desired amount. Folic acid is needed by the body for cel d


CASO CLINICO Rev. Otorrinolaringol. Cir. Cabeza Cuello 2003; 63: 127-131ACTINOMICOSIS DEL HUESO MAXILAR SUPERIOR - T Schmidt, G Caselli, R Díaz Actinomicosis del Hueso Maxilar Superior Actinomycosis of the superior maxillary bone Thomas Schmidt P1, Gino Caselli M2, Reinaldo Díaz B2. La actinomicosis es una enfermedad crónica de origen bacteriano, del géneroActinomyces. Se caracteri

Form of final terms



Q: What is endometrial cancer? A: Endometrial cancer is a cancer that starts in the inner lining of the womb (uterus). This lining is called the endometrium . The pictures below show where the uterus is found. The picture below shows the uterus and its adjacent structures. The uterus is a hollow organ, about the size and shape of a medium-sized pear. It has 2 main parts. The lower

Investigation report

Scottish Parliament Region: Glasgow Case 200601122: Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board Summary of Investigation Category Overview The complainant (Mrs C) raised a number of concerns about the nursing care afforded to her late father (Mr A) during an admission at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley (the Hospital) from February 2004 to January 2005. Specific complaint

Neues aus der drogenkiste

NEUES AUS DER DROGENKISTE HERBAL XTC A2-Pillen JABA-PILLEN 2C-T2-7/2C-I SALVIA DIVINORUM KATHINUM PEA-PMMA TMA-2 MDMA (Ecstasy) NEUES AUS DER DROGENKISTE Wirkstoffe Psylocin oder Psylocybin BAEO-CYSTIN 3 gr. ca. 50.--./16‘666.-./kg Bezeichnung Magic mushroom Psylocybe cubensis Tampanensis-Florida Stropharia Anwendung trinken, essen,


medications, topical solutions, and even some foods, can cause the skin to burn or break out ina rash when exposed to ultraviolet light. The consequences can range from itchiness to anIf you tan at an indoor tanning salon, there should be a chart posted of photosensitive medications and agents. If you are taking a medication that isn’t listed, you should consult your physician or a pharmaci

Taro-guide h21.3.jtd

Any person who intends to enter Japan carrying narcotics (example:morphine, codeine,oxycodone, pethidine, hydrocodone) for his / her own medical use is required to obtain anadvance permission from the Director-General of one of the eight Regional Bureaus of Healthand Welfare, JAPAN. Methadone can not be imported in any case because methadone may only be used forpatients under compulsory hospita

Microsoft word - immunosuppression protocols.doc

There is no consensus as to the perfect immunosuppressive regimen. This is emphasized by the wide variation in immunosuppressive protocols used by different centers in Europe and US. Protocols are important because they create some uniformity in treatment for patients, they allow each center to become familiar with particular combinations of immunosuppressive drugs and they allow for bette

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