"W" - Internet pdf articles:


PUBLIC HEALTH FACT SHEET Repellents Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is a tick repellent? A tick repellent is a substance put on skin, clothing, or other surfaces which discourages ticks from crawling on that surface. Why should I use a tick repellent? Ticks can spread germs that cause disease. Using a tick repell


BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH Jahrgang 2006 Ausgegeben am 19. Juli 2006 266. Verordnung: Veterinär-Arzneispezialitäten-Anwendungsverordnung 2006 266. Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Gesundheit und Frauen über die Anwendung von Veterinär-Arzneispezialitäten unter Einbindung des Tierhalters (Veterinär- Arzneispezialitäten-Anwendungsverord


Women’s Health Associates Obstetrics and Gynecology Facts about the "Morning After Pill" (Postcoital Hormonal Contraception) WHAT IS IT? - The "morning after pill" is a birth control pill commonly called Ovral. When prescribed as a "morning after pill" only four pills are used out of the packet and they must be started within 72 hours of unprotecte

Microsoft word - nr_bayer_healthcare_parenterals.doc

News Release Werum Software & Systems AG, 9/12/2006 Production of Parenteral Drugs at Bayer HealthCare Page 1 of 2 News Release September 2006 Werum provides PAS-X MES for the Production of Parenteral Drugs at Bayer HealthCare Expanded deployment of PAS-X in Leverkusen, Germany Lueneburg, Germany, September 12, 2006 – Bayer HealthCare is now using Werum Software & System

Microsoft word - crosscut-dec2010.doc

December 2010 Crosscut Newsletter of the Witwatersrand Woodworkers’ Association PO Box 411346, Craighall, 2024 WWA Club Secretary: Ken Mutch (Ken.woodman AT gmail.com or 082 806 7693 - replace AT with @ to email) Editor: Trevor Pope (tpope AT iafrica.com). All written content and opinions are those of the editor, unless stated. © Copyright reserved. Go to www.wwa.or

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Reimer Gronemeyer / Matthias Rompel ". believe me I could do well with no more sad stories." Stimmen von AIDS-Aktivisten aus Katutura Auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent sterben jeden Tag 6.320 Menschen an AIDS(UNAIDS 2002b). Das Südliche Afrika ist am heftigsten von derImmunschwächekrankheit betroffen. In Namibia sind nahezu 23% der erwachsenenBevölkerung (das heißt der 15-49jähri

(microsoft word - valoraci\363 final coordinador francesc llorca.doc)

Document 3: Qüestionari de valoració del coordinador/-a AVALUACIÓ FINAL DEL PAT. COORDINADOR/-A: DESENVOLUPAMENT DEL PROGRAMA: ASPECTES ORGANITZATIUS I Durant el curs 2009-2010 s’ha dut a terme en la Facultat d’Educació el Pla d’Acció L’inici del PAT 0910 s’ha realitzat amb retard respecte a les dates desitjables, per causa del canvi d’equip deganal, l’adaptació a les n

Wichita angels

Angels Academy 2012-13 Release & Medical Form Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Child Name ________________ Age ___ Grade ___ Shirt Size YS YM YL AS AM AL XL XXL Parents Names ______________________ Home Phone _______________ Cell # ______________________

Microsoft word - hohlglasfarben koll. 30 englisch-02.doc

Low Melting GlassEnamels for DecorativeGlass and HollowGlasswareProduct range 30lithium freeLow melting glass enamels are mainly used for the decoration of thin glassware which would deform athigher temperatures; such as lamps, fancy and hollow glassware. This product range is lithium free with the exception of product 19 166, satin matt . For lithium free satin matt glass enamel, we recommen

Directions to lansdale pain management

DIRECTIONS TO LANSDALE PAIN MANAGEMENT FROM LANSDALE: Take Broad Street to Route 309. Make a left and head NORTH on 309. First traffic light is WALNUT STREET. Go through that light. Get into the left lane. You will see the “In Flight Restaurant” on your right. Second light is ADVANCE LANE. Get into left turn lane and turn LEFT. It will look like you are going into the Car Wash America (fo

Microsoft word - e11wellnesspolicywebsite.doc

TITLE: Federal Child Nutrition Act Wellness Policy CODE: E11 Purpose. This Policy complies with requirements of the federal Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.1 In accord with those requirements, this Policy has been developed in consultation with parents, students, representatives of the school food services authority, school administrators and the public. The Poli

Walford mill medical centre

WALFORD MILL MEDICAL CENTRE INFLUENZA (FLU) VACCINATION PROGRAMME AUTUMN 2012 Influenza (Flu) is a viral disease and can be more serious in elderly people, or those with long-term medical conditions. Fortunately, immunisation is available and consists of a single vaccine given by injection in the arm. It has been shown to either prevent flu occurring or to lessen the effects if it shou

Viagra 2-pop test.doc

Testing the Difference Between Proportions (p1 - p2) BACKGROUND VIAGRA is a prescription medicine that is used to treat male impotence. To protect American consumers, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration requires drug manufacturers to conduct clinical trials to demonstrate a drug’s safety and effectiveness. In applying for FDA approval for VIAGRA, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted


The Gene Tech Tapes Food and Agriculture Featuring leading international ethicists and scientists, this compilation of interviews canvases key ethical issues in the controversial world of new genetic technologies. More than 100 years of research have contributed to our understanding of genetics. Ever since the code was cracked, we’ve been trying to work out how to make changes. In y

Near patient testing national enhanced service

National enhanced service Provision of near-patient testing Introduction 1. All practices are expected to provide essential and those additional services they are contracted toprovide to all their patients. This enhanced service specification outlines the more specialisedservices to be provided. The specification of this service is designed to cover the enhanced aspectsof clinical care o

Why you should consider

A BULLET TO THE HEAD It seems people often need to experience a bullet to the head before they will believe bullets can be deadly…and then they rue the day they ignored warnings about playing with loaded guns. Vaccination seems to hold a similar place. People ignore words of caution and roll up their sleeves to get a flu shot. It seems they think getting a vaccine is the same as taking a m


BIOMIST® 3+15 ULV www.clarkemosquito.com For Use Outdoors as an Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) Application to Control Adult Mosquitoes in Residential andRecreational Areas. health determined by a state, tribal or local health or vector control agency on thebasis of documented evidence of disease causing agents in vector mosquitoes, or thePermethrin (3-Phenoxyphenyl) methyl (+/-) cis,occurrence


I was a twentysomething barista (and lived) Bert Vandecasteele – 1.2 – 5th of October, 2010 Before moving to Berlin, I didn't even know what a barista was. I probably didn't even know the difference between espresso and regular coffee. But fate had it planned out for me: for about half a year, I'd go into the lion's den. Yes, I would be a twentysomething barista like so many others. I w


Deleuze on Viagra (Or, What Can a ‘Viagra-Body’ Do?) The online version of this article can be found at:http://bod.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/10/1/17 can be found at: Body & Society Additional services and information for Citations Deleuze on Viagra (Or, What Can a ‘Viagra-body’ Do?) Introduction Recently a number of critical studies emerging from t


R O M A N I A JUDETUL MURES COMUNA BREAZA CONSILIUL LOCAL PROCES VERBAL incheiat azi 19.05.2009 cu ocazia sedintei ordinare a consiliului local La sedinta au participat toti consilierii, sedinta fiind declarata statutara. Toti membrii consiliului local, au fost anuntati de data, ora, ordinea de zi si locul de desfasurare a sedintei in termenele prevazute de lege. D-na secret

Venous_sinus_thrombosis copy

Home/my story/Patient stories/Error database/Hospital wards/Have your say/Library Venous Sinus Thrombosis Explanation of medical Terminology Venous: deoxygenated blood, returning to the heartSinus: cavity, space, gapThrombosis: blood clot What is the normal functioning of this organ? The dura mater is the outermost, of the three layers of skin (meninges) surrounding the brain and sp


AVIVA PLC Estate, GB-KY6 2SD Glenrothes; Tel: +44-1592 ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATIONS Adr: GB-KT22 7YG Leatherhead; Tel: ++44/01372/www.ardmel-group.co.uk; A: 1980; Eff: 175; Dev:GBP and Euro; Cap: 40.002000 (GBP); Act: Measuringairto@pira.co.uk; Eff: 5; Dev: £; TO: 132000; Act:and testing equipment; Decid: R. Fernando (DirectorInternational

Final programme_esld annual scientific meeting_ eadv gothenburg_6th oct 2010

ESLD Annual Scientific Meeting 2010 – PROGRAMME – 19th EADV CONGRESS GOTHENBURG 2010 SS06 / Room H2 European Society for Laser Dermatology (ESLD) Wednesday, 6th Oct 2010, 09:00 - 13:00 Theme of Course: How to improve Laser and Light Source Treatments in Dermatology – Theoretical and Practical Progress Learning Objectives Following this meeting the attendee will be able to: 1. Understand


Intrathecal Baclofen in Subjects With Spastic Hemiplegia: Assessment of the Antispastic Effect During Gait Olivier Re´my-Ne´ris, MD, PhD, Vincent Tiffreau, MD, Ste´phane Bouilland, MD, Bernard Bussel, MD ABSTRACT. Re´my-Ne´ris O, Tiffreau V, Bouilland S,© 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- Bussel B. Intrathecal baclofen in subjects with spastic cine and the Ame

Microsoft word - wf21 health support specialist curriculum.doc

WorkForce21 – Workforce Development Series Health Support Specialist Table of Contents Health Support Specialist Registered Apprenticeship Program Introduction USDoL Summary Definitions Qualifications Apprenticeship 1. Certified Nurse Aide Description Processes Schedule (Competencies) Health Support Specialist Related Theoretical Instruction


Cash Advances, iPods, Viagra, Fuel 1Q04 ReturnsCash Advances, iPods, Viagra, Fuel 1Q04 ReturnsBy Jakema Lewis | June 20, 2004 | Leads DatabaseKey stock selections in the pharmaceutical and technology sectors served to yield outstandingreturns for the top managers listed in Nelson's MarketPlaceWeb.com first quarter rankings ofinvestment managers. The results of the "World's Best Money Man


Official, Associate & Members Dressage Competition Class Name Official Preliminary 1C Pony Arena INTERNATIONAL JUDGES CHRIS SHARPE First Name of rider Last Name of rider Name of horse Bridle number of horse Official, Associate & Members Dressage Competition Official Preliminary 1C Arena INTERNATIONAL JUDGES CHRIS SHARPE First Name of rider Last

Microsoft word - organic lab notebook guidelines.doc

Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Guidelines for Writing the Laboratory Notebook General Information: Each student is required to keep a bound (not spiral or loose-leaf) laboratory notebook that will be collected and graded at various times during the semester. For each experiment you should prepare a written report. These reports do not need to be lengthy. Your aim should be to write repo

Microsoft word - doj complaint draft.doc

Federal Bureau of Investigation Color of Law - Civil Application Request for Investigation and Remedies for Violations of Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 (Police Misconduct Statute) This application is a formal request for the Department of Justice to seek civil remedies due to policies and practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees of the Los Angeles Police Dep

Wnv fact sheet

PUBLIC HEALTH West Nile Virus FACT SHEET Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is West Nile Virus (WNV)? West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-carried virus that can cause illness ranging from a mild fever to more serious disease like encephalitis or meningitis. It was first identified in the United States in 1999. How is WNV

Microsoft word - equine_cushings_disease.doc

Equine Cushing’s disease Equine Cushing’s disease is a disorder of the pituitary gland that results in hormonal imbalances, causing a variety of clinical signs: a long, wavy hair coat that fails to shed according to normal seasonal patterns; excessive sweating; lethargy and poor athletic performance; chronic recurrent laminitis; infertility; weight loss; muscle wasting, especially along th

Microsoft word - subject.doc

TECHNOLOGY, HIGH-COST CTG trace. Savage WD, et al. Singapore J Obstet TACHYCARDIA, Gynaecol 1983 JUl;14(2):153-155 ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODAL REENTRY EPIDEMIOLOGY Intra-uterine infections. Tan KL. Ann Acad Med Singapore 1987 Oct;16(4):707-712 Anti-arrhythmic surgery for atrioventricular junctional and atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia - a report of six SYPHILI

Microsoft word - intestinal parasites web.doc

Roundworms The most common intestinal parasite of the cat is the roundworm, Toxocara cati . Roundworms are acquired when cats eat an infected host, such as mice, birds, or insects. Kittens may acquire roundworms during nursing from an infected queen. An infected queen may harbor the larvae of the parasite in her body tissues for years. These larvae can undergo reactivation during pre


PITFALLS AND TRAPS Things to watch out for when searching literature databases. 1. Multiple relationships between concepts: Examples: Depression in patients as a result of cardiovascular complaints v. Depression as a risk factor for cardiovascular complaints Depression as a side-effect of medicaton v. Medication in the treatment of depression The Boolean ‘AND’ makes no distinction. D


Journal of Medical Microbiology (2012), 61, 984–989Outbreak of pulmonary infection caused byKlebsiella pneumoniae isolates harbouring blaIMP-4and blaDHA-1 in a neonatal intensive care unit inChinaFangyou Yu,1 Qunhua Ying,2 Chun Chen,3 Tingjian Li,3 Baixing Ding,4Ying Liu,3 Yuanyuan Lu,3 Zhiqiang Qin,5 Chris Parsons,5Cassandra Salgado,5 Di Qu,6 Jingye Pan4 and Liangxing Wang31Department of Lab


20. Dezember 2004 Celecoxib (Celebrex®) und Herz-Kreislaufrisiken: BfArM empfiehlt Anwendungsbeschränkungen Das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) ist am 17.12.2004 darüber informiert worden, dass in einer klinischen Studie mit dem Wirkstoff Celecoxib ein erhöhtes Risiko für das Auftreten von kardiovaskulären Komplikationen (u.a. Herzinfarkt oder Schlagan

About us

New Member Welcome Pack Welcome! Welcome to Wakefield Triathlon Club, a rapidly growing club with about 170 fantastic members. Due to the ever-increasing membership of our club, we are predominantly made up of new members (the majority of our members have been doing triathlon for less than 3 years) so we all know what it feels like to be new to the sport or new to a club. This pack is i


First Time Generic (Rx-to-OTC) Market Entry Estimated Dates As of July 2011 Note: Estimated dates are subject to change due to patent litigation, additional patents, exclusivities… Year -- Period -- Brand Name -- Generic name -- Common use(s)  2012 1Q (Mar) Avandaryl® glimepiride/rosiglitazone Type 2 diabetes  2012 1Q (Mar) Avapro® irbesartan High blood pres

Page 1117, eminent domain: kelo v

Page 1117, Eminent domain: Kelo v. New London: the Supreme Court upholds condemnations for a harbor city’s economic development. Television and newspaper coverage in Spring 2005 often featured Ms. Susette Kelo of New London, Connecticut standing in front of her family home in that city’s waterfront neighborhood, soon to be taken away by eminent domain for an economic redevelopment projec

Microsoft word - votary09-09-04 _2_.doc

Glenn Estess, Sr., International President 2004-2005 Bulletin #10 www.WestChesterRotary.us September 2, 2004 This Week’s Program: September 2, 2004 Next Week’s Program: September 9, 2004 Chester County Day Annalie Lorgus Arranged by Annalie Lorgus MINUTES BY Fran Luft The invocation was given by Gary Hess Congratulations goes out to Bill Hess , who gav


Verlieren Sie nicht die Fassung. Wahren Sie die Contenance. gelöst? Sie wissen es nicht. Sie führen tifi ziert, neutralisiert und präventiv un-Ja, dreimal die Woche, bisher 6.240 mal. Setzen Sie sich das Ziel, unaufgeregt durch das Leben zu gehen. Werden Sie leicht Aufregungen auslösen, sind nicht richtig zu verhalten. Er zerstört den Op-einen Schock: „Zwei Stück Käsekuchen bezah

Che-wa biweekly bulletin -- june 2, 2010

Collaborative on Health and the Environment - Washington Biweekly Bulletin June 2, 2010 This bulletin lists upcoming events plus recent announcements, news and journal articles,calls for proposals and other items related to learning environmental contributors tohuman health in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest. They are archived andsearchable on our website: CHE-WA Highlig

Microsoft word - tingey formal research proposal

CAFFEINE’S EFFECT ON VISUAL INPUT Caffeine’s Effect on Certain Visual Sensory Input CAFFEINE’S EFFECT ON VISUAL INPUT This study will explore caffeine’s effect on the rate of eye movement while reading. To measure rate of eye movement, one must examine rate of saccades, or small movements of the eye that occur when a person reads, looks at a scene or searches for an object.


PURDUE EXTENSION Landscape & Ornamentals Department of Entomology HOME LANDSCAPE AND NURSERY INSECTICIDES Clifford S. Sadof, Extension Entomologist Recently, several commonly used insecticides for the control of insects on woody landscape plants have been Insecticides That Are Being Phased Out taken off the market. As a result, it’s becoming difficult for homeowners an

Microsoft word - where the heart is.doc

Spoilers: Dead Irish Writers “I don’t know why you won’t listen to me?” “Why I won’t listen to you?!” Josh shouted as they left the restaurant. “Amy, you’ve been harping on this for three days. Can’t we just have a nice dinner and not talk about political agendas?” “Harping! I’m not harping. I’m expressing the views….” Josh cut her off by walking to the p


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. Shandong Weigao Group


Current management of glaucoma Kenneth Schwartza and Donald Budenzb Purpose of review Introduction This study reviews current concepts in the goals of glaucomaThe management of glaucoma typically proceeds fromtherapy, interventional sequence, and options for theinterventions that are the safest and the least invasive, tomanagement of glaucoma in light of recent clinical trials. those

Microsoft word - gnc_form_updated february 2013.doc

Antibiotics Terazosin. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, 2, 5, 10mg Baclofen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 20mg Cephalexin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 500mg Chlorzoxazone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500mg Ciprofloxacin HCl. . . . . . . . .250, 500mg Verapamil HCl. . . . . . . . . . . . 80, 120mg Methocarbamol. . . . . . . . . . . . . .500mg Isoniazid . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2005 men's soccer program

Commonwealth Conference Standings (through 10/24/2005) Conference Team.W L T Pct. GF GA . W L T Pct. GF GA 2005 Elizabethtown College Men’s Soccer Juniata .0 4 1 .100 2 11 . 5 11 1 .324 29 33 JEFF BOUSHELL – Major: Business Administration 9/1 . at Rutgers-Camden . 1-2. L 9/4 . at Franklin & Marshall. 1-1. T (Marketing); Honors: C.C. Defender of the Week (2005); Fa


Cum esset desponsata mater eius Maria Ioseph, antequam convenirent inventa est in utero habens de Spiritū Sanctō. antequam convenirent .why a subjunctive 19 Ioseph autem vir eius, cum esset iustus et nollet eam traducere, voluit occulte dimittere eam. 20 Haec autem eō esset.nollet : what kind of subjunctive clause? cogitante, ecce angelus Domini in somnis apparuit ei dicens: "Iosep

Microsoft word - idsf prohibited list 201

PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2011 IDSF Anti-Doping Code 2011 THE 2011 PROHIBITED LIST W


Gesundheitsdienst 10/07/GvL/GB Merkblatt für Beschäftigte und Reisende Höhenkrankheit Wenn Reisen ins Hochgebirge vernünftig vorbereitet werden, besteht für Gesunde nur ein geringes Risiko. Sogar gute Erholung ist möglich. Touristen und Reisende im Hochgebirge gehen aber selbst aus Unwissenheit unnötige Risiken ein. Hierzu zählen besonders: Bergunfälle: ausgel

Rita willms weißdornweg 102, 53757 sankt augustin

Meldestellen-Turnierservice Willms Willms Weißdornweg 102, D-53757 St. Augustin St. Augustin, 26.06.2012 wir danken Ihnen sehr herzlich für Ihre Nennung/en zum Turnier des 1.Haflinger Reinzucht- und Sportverein e.V., Hennef vom 06. bis 08. Juli 2012 auf der Reitanlage der Familie Vester, Stöckerfeld 8 in 53773 Hennef-Kurenbach und wünschen Ihnen eine gute Anreise, fairen Sport, Fr

Field trip medication order-consent form201

Field Trip Medication Order/Consent Letter Dear Parents, This letter will provide answers to some of your frequently asked questions regarding prescription medication administration on day and overnight field trips. Q: What forms do I need to fill out so that my child can receive their prescription medication while on a field trip? A: You will need to complete one Field Trip Medic


Review Article Dietary fats, teas, dairy, and nuts: potential functional foods forweight control?1–3 ABSTRACT Although it is known that dietary restriction and increasedFunctional foods are similar to conventional foods in appearance,physical activity can lead to weight loss, such lifestyle changesbut they have benefits that extend beyond their basic nutritionalmay be difficult to im


Bankhaus August Lenz & Co. AG • Holbeinstraße 11 • 81679 München WORDUP PR für Bankhaus August Lenz & Co. AG P R E S S E I N F O R M A T I O N Bank-Präsident Ennio Doris: „Mit Ruhe und langfristigen Anlagestrategien durch die Krise“ Expertendiskussion in Mailand und europaweite Informationsveranstaltung „100 Städte – 1 Bank“ in München, Karls


CR Battery The batteries are exempt articles and are not subject to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Requirement. This sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and are believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. However, Maxell makes no warranty expressed or implied. Section 1 - Product and Compan

Appendix 4

Appendix 4 North American Weed Free Forage Certification Standards INTRODUCTION These standards were formerly known as “Regional Weed FreeForage Certification Standards”. There is a growing demand in North America for the use at certi-fied weed free forage and mulch as a preventive program inIntegrated Weed Management Systems to limit the spread ofnoxious weeds. The goal of this stan


IF DATE RAPE HAPPENS TO YOU ■ Monitor the media for programs that reinforcesexual stereotypes. Write, call, or e-mail to■ Remember that rape is rape. You are not toblame. Know that action against the rapist canprotest. On the other side, publicly commendprevent others from becoming victims. the media when they highlight the realities of■ Get help immediately. Phone the po

Litauen. e-government.doc

E-GOVERNMENT CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE For attention of reviewers Prime Minister approved this document 6th November 2000. Now it is in the process of reviewing and correcting. Final approval by Government ofLithuania will occur presumably from middle of December to January 2001. During that process your comments concerning all aspects of Concept will be highlyappreciated by Task Force.


SENIOR BULLETIN: MEDICAID – Non-Institutional New prescription drug review and authorization system (“TCS”) begins February 1st for certain Medicaid clients What is happening? Beginning February 1, 2002, Medicaid will require a complete drugprofile review before certain prescriptions can be filled. Pharmacies maydispense an “emergency” supply while the review takes place. Pa

In vitro effects of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell numbers, morphology, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis induction in oesophageal carcinoma cells

Cell Biochem Funct 2009; 27: 205–210. Published online 2 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/cbf.1557In vitro effects of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell numbers, morphology,cell cycle progression, and apoptosis induction in oesophagealcarcinoma cellsVeneesha Thaver 1,2, Mona-Liza Lottering 2, Dirk van Papendorp 2 and Annie Joubert 2*1Department of Physiology,

Microsoft word - moose.doc

B A N F F M O O S E E C O L O G Y P R O J E C T Project Field Supervisor - Contract – 1994 - 1997 BACKGROUND Moose were relatively common in Banff National Park in the early 1940’s and remained so throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s. Their numbers began to rapidly decline during the 1970’s to the point where sightings in the Bow River valley during annual aerial and ground surveys bec


J. Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 6404 6406 UV/Vis Spectroscopic Evaluation of 4-Nitropyridine N -Oxide as a Solvatochromic Indicator for the Hydrogen-Bond Donor Ability of Solvents Anthony F. Lagalante,* Ryan J. Jacobson, and Thomas J. Bruno National Institute of Standards and Technology, Chemical Sciences and Technology Laboratory, Physical and Chemical Properties Division, 325 Broad

The effect of canadian imports on prescription drug prices in the u.s.*

The Effect of Canadian Imports on Prescription Drug Prices in the U.S.* Warrington College of Business Administration * This is a revised version of a paper presented at the 2006 Southern Economic Association Meetings in Charleston SC. Simon Anderson provided many valuable comments and insights during the preparation of this draft. I thank Mark Fister for compiling the drug pri

Microsoft word - molekuláris farmakológiai intézet 2012_publikacios lista

Molekuláris Farmakológiai Intézet 2012-ben megjelent publikációi (Frissítve:2012. június 7) 1. Antalffy G, Mauer AS, Pászty K, Hegedűs L, Padányi R, Enyedi Á, Strehler EE: Plasma membrane calcium pump (PMCA) isoform 4 is targeted to the apical membrane by the w-splice insert from PMCA2. CELL CALCIUM 51:(2) pp. 171-178 (2012) 2. Árus D, Jancsó A, Szunyogh D, Matyuska F, Nagy N

Microsoft word - document

WASHINGTON COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIRE AND RESCUE ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Washington County Fire and Rescue Association was held on October 18, 2007, at Engine 4 hosted by Company 59. The meeting was called to order at 1930 by President Glenn Fuscsick. Chaplain Leonard Horst gave the invocation and lead in the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL - All member companies were present. All officers


No será la Tierra de Jorge Volpi Por Alejandra Costamagna Hace poco más de un año Jorge Volpi fue invitado a un congreso de literatura en Corea, junto a una veintena de escritores de distintas nacionalidades. Un par de semanas después del encuentro, Volpi escribió una columna de opinión. Y se aplicó entonces en la tarea de definir a los asistentes al congreso de acuerdo con lo


Use of Neurotransmitter Precursors for Treatment of Depression by Stephen Meyers, MS AbstractInsufficient activity of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine is a centralelement of the model of depression most widely held by neurobiologists today. In thelate 1970s and 1980s, numerous studies were performed in which depressed patientswere treated with the serotonin precursors L-


Deploying, Managing, and Administering the Oracle Internet Platform DBA PERFORMANCE TUNING FOR THE EXPERT ONLY: BEGINNERS WILL BE SMOKED! ABSTRACT Version8 of the Oracle database has brought on a whole new level of issues for the DBA. While the queries for tuning the database and individual queries has not changed much, the data retrieved by these queries has changed andmust be analyzed

20054048, 2005/10/04

In the matter of an appeal under Section 21 of the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act , S.N.B. 1994 c. W-14 APPEALS TRIBUNAL DECISION Date of Hearing: Date of Decision: Decision Decision of the Appeals Tribunal: The appellant is appealing the January 21, 2005 decision, upholding the previous decision of December 8,


ADVERSE REACTION NEWSLETTER 1996:4 NATIONALLY CIRCULATED INFORMATION Back Australia Austria Denmark Japan Malaysia New Zealand Philippines United Kingdom USA NATIONALLY CIRCULATED INFORMATION Australia ADRAC Bulletin Vol 15,No 4.November 1996 Minocycline and the liver, the CNS,the skin Minocycline (Minomycin) use appears to be increasing and much of it is for the treatment of acne.


This paper presents a non-cooperative game model of agricultural institutional changein Philippines to explain findings by Hayami and Kikuchi(2000) that harvesting systemhas changed from Hunusan (collecting harvesting) to Gama (contract harvesting) andagain Gama to Hunusan. In the model, the social norm is formulated by assuming theexternality in the utility functions of farmers. It is shown that

Microsoft word - 3b_sbcms_chemical_and_biological_agents_reference_chart.doc

SBCMS PRIMER ON BIOTERRORISM San Bernardino County Medical Society http://www.sbcms.org/bioterrorism/primer.htm Chemical Agents Reference Chart CHEMICAL SYMPTOMS TREATMENT S alivation. Atropine – initial dose 2 mg. Additional doses until symptoms resolved (will not reverse miosis). L acrimation. Pralidoxime Chloride – 1 gram IV over 20–30 minutes. U rination. Be


3 D ORCHIDS & ETC. CO., LTD. 9/2 MOO 6, SOI VIROON RAJ, SETHAKIT 1 RD., THA MAI, Export Product:- - 2003 (PM Award - Best Service Provider) Export Product:- Member Type: EL BANGKOK PATTANA WINERY CO., LTD. TEL: 66-2 4517122 -3, 66-2 4516742-3, 66-2 4517039 Member Type: EL Web Site: www.bangkokwinethai.com, www.bangkokbeverage. Export Product:- ASIAN FRUIT & FOOD INT

Wayland baptist university

Wayland Baptist University Q and A on the Swine Flu What is swine flu? Swine flu is a group of influenza type A viruses that normally causes flu in pigs. This is a novel strain of a H1N1 virus; it has parts developed from birds and swine. It has changed so that it can be passed from human to human like the normal flu What are the symptoms? It appears that the early symptoms are simil


Découvertes Trois études montrent que l’efficacité d’un antiplaquettaire, deuxième médicament le plus venduau monde, dépend pour partie du profil génétique du malade. Une médecine individualisée se profile L’analysegénétiquededeuxsquelettesgne montre qu’ils disposaient déjà dugène O qui, chez l’homme moderne, dési-gne les donneurs de sang universel. Laluez-Fox


MEDICAL HISTORY Patient's name _______________________________________________ Phone ( ) Physician's name _____________________________________________ Phone ( ) Last seen approximately ____________________ Reason for visit ____________________________________Are you under the care of a physician? □ Yes □ No If yes, for what condition(s)? _______________________ _________________________

Key for midterm2 spring 2001.pdf

Economics 101 - Key for Midterm #2 April 18, 2001 Parts a, b, c and d are worth 6, 12, 7 and 8, respectively for a total of 33 points. 1a. The U.S. has a comparative advantage in the production of automobiles since it can produce automobiles at a lower opportunity (foregoes 1/2 shirt for 1 automobile) cost than Indonesia (foregoes 6 shirts for 1 automobile). Indonesia has a comparative

Dbccpcr 2.xls



Pharmacist to Pharmacist: A Clinical Care Review for the Pharmacist This article is brought to you by the makers of The Pharmacist’s Role in Treating Nausea and Vomiting professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of Colorado Denver School Examples of Patient Referral Requireda Causes Requiring Referral given in Table 2. It is important for the


CRESTOR QUESTIONNAIRE GENERAL INFORMATION _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Mobile Telephone or e-mail address: __________________________________________ Social Security No.: ___________________________ Spouse’s Date of Birth: _______________ Social Secu


Wollo University procter office 2004 Ec students dormitery Name of Student Public Health Officer Wollo university procter office 2004 EC students dormitery Name of Student Gend BLOCK DORM BED Public Health Officer AFOMIA GIRMA ALAZE ALMAZ TESFAYE NEGASH BLEN MENGISTU TSEGAYE CHAITU ASSEFA MIJENA ELLEN LUAL FISHA ESKEDAR BEZAWORK MESKELU FRE TEWELDE

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P R E F E I T U R A D O M U N I C Í P I O D E VA L I N H O S E D I TA L D E C O N C U R S O P Ú B L I C O - Nº 0 1 / 2 0 0 8 CARGO: MÉDICO ANESTESISTA PLANTONISTA NÍVEL DE ENSINO: SUPERIOR COMPLETO INSTRUÇÕES GERAIS 2) Assinale a alternativa em que a conjunção estabelece uma relação de condição. I. Nesta prova, você encontrará 4 (quatro) páginasnumeradas seqüe

Microsoft word - document

Candida (Yeast Infection) Self-Test Circle the number next to the questions you answer “yes,” then add up all the circled numbers and write the total in the box at the bottom. 1. Have you taken tetracycline (Sumycin, Panmycin, Vibramycin, Minocin, etc.) or other antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? 2. Have you at any time in your life, taken other “broad spectrum” antibiotic

Business & financial news, breaking us & international news | reuters.com

Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuter. http://www.reuters.com/assets/print?aid=USBRE93009U20130401This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to colleagues, clients orcustomers, use the Reprints tool at the top of any article or visit: www.reutersreprints.com. Analysis: Easier said than do


Scott VanAppledorn, MD Eastside Urology Associates, PS 11911 NE 132nd St. Ste #200 Kirkland, Washington 98034 (425) 899-5800 e-mail: svanappledorn@eastsideurology.com DOB: December 7, 1969 Place of birth: Ann Arbor, Michigan Personal: Married (Samantha) with three children (Alexandra, John, Andrew) Professional Interests: Laparoscopy, Robotic Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery Cu


Please fill in both sides of this form completely and return to West London Alliance Church with complete fees. Registrations may be mailed to 750 Wonderland Road North London, ON N6H 4K9. Upon receiving your application, an information package and receipt will be sent to you. If you have any questions concerning WIRED Registration, please contact the church at (519) 471-8716. See you i


WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the ordinary shareholders of Wesizwe will be held at the Glenhove Conference Centre, 52 Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, Houghton, Johannesburg at 10:00 on Thursday, 15 September 2011 to consider and, if deemed fit, to pass, with or without modifica

Microsoft word - nist infectious diseases protocol community handout.doc

New International School Thailand Introduction The New International School Thailand ( NIST ), places a high priority on the need to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in our school and community. By using the information and protocol/s described in this document, it is hoped that the health and regular school attendance of students can be improved so that they may


Topic: Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia Paper Type: Assignment Word Count: 3450 words Pages: 14 pages Referencing Style: Harvard Referencing Educational Level: Graduate Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia [Student’s Name] [Name of Institution] Antipsychotic and Physical Health in Dementia Introduction This report concerns the use

Chapter 13: inference about two populations

s p 2 (1 / n 1 + 1 / n 2 ) s p (1 / n 1 + 1 / n 2 2. In problems where the population variances are unknown and unequal, the test statistic is 1 − x 2 ) − ( µ1 − µ 2 ) d.f. = ( x 1 − x 2 ) ± tα / 2 s 1 / n 1 + s 2 / n 2 A study of the scholastic aptitude test (SAT) revealed that in a random sample of 100 males the mean SAT score was 431.5 with a standard devi


Dis-assembly and Service Procedures Hofbauer MIKROBAND Roll Playing Organ "20er SELBERBAUEN" Kit Organ Notes by Wally Venable, April 2012Based on assembly instructions by Paul Fischer circa 1987Caution - use these instructions at your own risk. Keep in mind that the "20er SELBERBAUEN" ("20 Note Self-Build") was produced as a kit organ. While some were assembled be

Advice on swine flu

Swine Flu – Facts Should I worry about this flu? That depends on two things: how severe the flu is, and how far it spreads. Its severity is still unknown. Those who died in Mexico were young adults who don't often die of flu, so we know this virus can be serious. But it isn't always bad: the cases picked up in the US were mild. Outbreak investigators are now trying to find out how many p

Wimberley independent school district uil participation form

WIMBERLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT UIL PARTICIPATION FORM THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE COMPLETED EACH YEAR BEFORE PARTICIPATION Name: ________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________ City, Zip: _______________________ Home Phone: __________________________ E-mail address: _______________________________ Grade (2


Dear Friend! We are now reading the book of Deuteronomy. No author is named in the text. However, an early tradition ascribes this Gospel to Mark, the son of Mary (Ac 12:12) and the companion of both Paul (Ac 12:25; Date: Mark was written somewhere between A.D. 50-70; probably in the mid-60's. Theme Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. Historical Background Historical Back

The 56th annual meeting of the american academy of neurology

Meeting Highlights The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology Lawrence M. Prescott, PhD More than 8,000 neurologists, neurosurgeons,newly diagnosed epilepsy, restless legs syn-research scientists, and other health care profes-sionals from around the world met in San Fran-immunotherapeutic combination for multiplecisco, California, from April 24 to May 1, 2004,

Microsoft word - int_ausschr_bfai_vorlage.doc

Germany Trade and Invest informiert Sie schnell und regelmäßig über internationale Projekte und Ausschreibungen. Interessierte Unternehmen haben die Möglichkeit, die "Langform" derartiger Hinweise im Rahmen des Profildienstes "gtai- Exportmail" per E-Mail oder Post tagesaktuell und speziell auf ihre firmenspezifischen Informationsbedürfnisse zugeschnitten zu erh

Microsoft word - mclainbio_jan2014

Jean E.T. McLain, Ph.D. Associate Director, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) Associate Research Scientist, WRRC and Dept. of Soil, Water and Environmental Science 350 N Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85719 My current research is directed towards establishing the public health and environmental safety of reclaimed municipal wastewater, with the goal of extendin


Natürliche Hormontherapie Alles Wissenswerte über Hormone,die Ihre Gesundheit nebenwirkungsfreiins Gleichgewicht bringen können! Kapitel 1 Was sind Hormoneund warum sind sie so wichtig? Kapitel 2 Der Unterschied zwischen biologischen /bioidentischen und körperfremden Hormonen Kapitel 3 Eine kurze Einführung in das Zusammenspielder Hormone – ein Überblick EXKURS Der Mythos vo


Bewährtes Maisherbizidgegen Hirsen, Ungräser undUnkräuterSAMSON 4 SC ist ein selektives Nachauflauf-herbizid zur Bekämpfung von Gräsern undSAMSON 4 SC gehört zur Wirkstoffgruppe derSulfonylharnstoffe. Der Wirkstoff wird von denPflanzen hauptsächlich über das Blatt und zugeringem Teil über die Wurzeln aufgenommen. Hemmung des Enzyms Acetolactat Synthase(ALS) in den Zellen der Unkr

Rosacea - dr. elzette steyn

Dr. Elzette Steyn's Medical Aesthetics and Vein Clinic 225 Clandeboye Ave., Selkirk, Manitoba, R1A 0X2 ___________________________________________________________________ Rosacea Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects some people in their thirties and forties. It starts with mild redness or blushing of the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. The redness deepens over time and becomes p



Wauzeka-steuben public schools

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF WAUZEKA-STEUBEN As we enter the new school year nd the traditional influenza season, we expect Wisconsin to continue seeing cases of the new pandemic flu. School and public health officials are working closely to keep our children safe and healthy. We need your help! ant thing you can do is to keep your child home if he/she is ill. If your child is so sick t


I väntrummet på S:t Lars är vi jämlika. Människor, var­ken mer eller mindre. I psykakutens milt välkomnande ljus finns inga titlar. Fyllbultar och docenter, hemlösa, förgråtna tonårsbrudar, uppgivna medelålderskrisar och stinkande gubbar. Där sitter vi i trådslitna fåtöljer. Ofta ensamma. Oftast ensamma. De unga tjejerna har ibland med sig en väninna som stöttar och tröstar. Rik


1 treatment 1 size smal er™* LIPOSONIX® TREATMENT SETTINGS AND PEARLS PRE-TREATMENT: APPOINTMENT PLANNING AND PATIENT EXPECTATIONS • Instruct patient to wear loose fitting clothing for treatment. Consider using modesty garments to prevent soaking/staining • Discuss post-treatment expectations – specifical y that swel ing and bruising lasting as much as several weeks may occ

Microsoft word - ssris-md final.doc

Using Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) in Children and Adolescents Overview Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) belong to a group of medications called antidepressants. There are six SSRIs available in Canada. These include: The name of the SSRI your doctor prescribed for you is called: _________________________________________ What

Ipr biotech june 2010 (final)

JUNE 2010 From the Desk of Chairman IPR Biotechnology : Part 8 - 63 Gene duplication or chromosomal duplication or gene amplification is believed to play a major role inevolution. This view has been current and accepted for over hundred years now. The duplication of a generesults in an additional copy that is free from selective pressure and allows the new copy of the gene tomutate wi


Time of Abraham begins Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization in flower Time of Isaac begins Time of Jacob begins Joseph sold into slavery Joseph welcomes his family to Egypt Israelites enslaved in Egypt Egyptian cities of Pithom and Ramses are built Time of Moses begins Torah given at Mt. Sinai Conquest of Promised Land Time of the Judges begins Phillistines occupy c


Venerdì 28 Agosto - Ore 21.00 Lunedì 31Agosto - Ore 21.00 COMUNE DI MASSA LUBRENSE Arciconfraternita Hopemusic Corale S. Maria del Lauro - Meta AREA MARINA PROTETTA PUNTA CAMPANELLA Morte e Orazione Sentieri di bellezza Florakören - Turku CASEIFICIO DUE GOLFI Massa Lubrense .una catechesi in forma di concerto. . un viaggio sonoro alla riscoperta

Inbox: fw: microbial drug resistance (133 of 1172)

Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:00:32 +0200 [08/14/08 08:00PM ICT] To: Subject: Fw: Microbial Drug Resistance Priority: 1 Part(s): Headers: Dear Dung, could you please reply to my email and answer the questions of reviewer n°2 mentioned in his/her minor comments: Materials and methods 1) Bacterial strains: Please give information on how representative the sample is for all the E. ictaluri is

Bee sting allergy form

WARWICK SCHOOL DISTRICT BEE STING / INSECT BITE ALLERGY EMERGENCY CARE PLAN Name of Student: ________________________________ Grade/Teacher: _________________ Attention Parent/Guardian: You have identified your child as having an allergy or localized reaction to bee stings and/ or insect bites. Please make sure that your child is aware of his/ her allergy or reaction and the need

Microsoft powerpoint - recent developments in mortality 13-06-07.ppt

Recent developments in mortality We are seeing unprecedented change For men aged 65-74 in England & Wales the reduction in mortality rates over the past 15 years was similar to that achieved over the previous 150 years We are seeing unprecedented change reduction in mortality rates for England & Wales aged (smoothed) We are seeing un

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O dispositivo de teste contém partículas revestidas de anticorpo anti-Mioglobina, resultados serão obtidos se o ensaio for realizado imediatamente após a abertura da partículas revestidas de anticorpo anti-CK-MB, partículas revestidas de anticorpo anti-Troponina e membrana sensibilizada com reagente de captura. Coloque o dispositivo de teste sobre uma superfície plana e limpa. Para


Novartis stellt Schweinegrippe-Impfstoff unter BeweisNach einer Pilot-Studie hat Novartis die Wirksamkeit seines Schweinegrippe-Impfstoffes unter Beweis gestellt. Der Test an 100 gesunden Probanden ergab, dass das Mittel Celtura bereits nach der ersten Dosis bei 80 Prozent der Geimpften eine starke Immunantwort auslöst. Ein vom Schweizer Novartis-Konzern entwickelter Impfstoff gegen die sogenan


WOLF LITHIUM GREASE EP 3 according to Regulation (EC) No. 453/2010 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Relevant identified uses : Industrial use,Professional use,Consumer use Uses advised against Details of the supplier of the saf

Travel-acquired leptospirosis

Travel-Acquired Leptospirosis Androula Pavli , MD, FRACGP * and Helena C. Maltezou , MD, PhD † * Offi ce for Travel Medicine and † Department for Interventions in Health-Care Facilities, Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece International travel is rapidly growing worldwide. Microbiology It has been estimated that international travels Leptospi

Bta216 series d, e and f three quadrant triacs guaranteed commutation

DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BTA216 series D, E and F NXP Semiconductors Product specification Three quadrant triacs BTA216 series D, E and F guaranteed commutation GENERAL DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA Passivated guaranteed commutation triacs in PARAMETER a plastic envelope intended for use in motorcontrol circuits or with other highly inductive

Becker's career

(the follow is abridged from George F. Hill’s Becker the Counterfeiter, published inGreat Britain, 1924. It is intended only to make collectors aware of the study. Hill’s monographcontains illustrations of some 360 examples of Becker’s work and should be examined closely.)Carl Wilhelm Becker was born at Speyer on 28 June 1772. His father, Councillor Johann WilhelmBecker, owned a vineya


Sunday, August 29, 2010 Central Wisconsin Christian School Waupun, WI $20 earlybird registration (before August 15) $25 after August 15 Register at www.waupuncrc.com Ben & Bev live in Grand Rapids, MI where Ben serves as Great Lakes Regional Leader for CRC Home Missions. They have previously served ministries in Minnesota, Ohio and Michigan. Bev is a chu


<International Session”The 16th International Symposium on Batteries, Fuel Cells and Capacitors> [Keynote Speech 40 min, others 20 min (including Q&A)]*Invited (Keynote) New NaxMO2 Layered Oxides for Sodium Batteries (ICMCB-CNRS Bordeaux) Claude Delmas Safe and reliable integration of Li-ion technology in electric vehicles (BMW) Peter Lamp Recent Progress of Lthium-ion Battery


Read Cussler Ch. 5-6 Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Problem 7 The bioavailability of drugs delivered orally is often low. Following absorption from the digestive tract into the blood, many drugs are quickly converted by the liver to an inactive form before they can reach the rest of the circulation. One way to circumvent

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