"C" - Internet pdf articles:

Caffiene and theobromine: chemistry, history, facts and fallacies

CAFFEINE AND THEOBROMINE: CHEMISTRY, lieutenants saw the Aztec emperor Montezuma at dinner HISTORY, FACTS AND FALLACIES drinking "a liquor made from cocoa." Cocoa (a word modified from the original cacao ) and chocolate are Aztec words. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY Cacao meant the tree, and chocolate either "cocoa water" or "bitter water." 11 T

“guía práctica para el turismo argentino” recomendaciones de la cancillería argentina para los argentinos que viajen al ext

“Guía Práctica para el turismo argentino” Recomendaciones de la Cancillería Argentina para los Argentinos que viajen al exterior Como cada verano, la Cancillería ha confeccionado para aquellos argentinos que eligen en sus vacaciones destinos turísticos en el exterior, una “Guía Práctica para el turismo argentino”, con recomendaciones para tener en cuenta: ¿Qué do

Ex10430603-inicio.indd (184)

184 – São Paulo, 122 (43) Diário Ofi cial Poder Executivo - Seção I Lote: 9 - Frs Assoc. De xinafoato de salmeterol e proprionato PREÇO REGISTRADO a ser contratado e empenhado: R$ 0,0260 do prazo dos serviços referente ao contrato n.º 050/08, pelo ARTUR NOGUEIRA de fluticasona spray 25/125 mcg - Associação de xinafoato de - MARCA: SOBRAL - CX C/ 500 CPR TOTAL DO LOTE: R$


SAFETY DATA SHEET Tetracycline (hydrochloride) according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 as amended by (EC) No. 1272/2008Section 1. Identification of the Substance/Mixture and of the Company/Undertaking 1.1 Product Code: Product Name: Synonyms: (4S,4aS,5aS,6S,12aS)-4-(dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a-octahydro-3,6,10,12,12a-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-2-naphthacene

Microsoft word - mm 091410 hk eng.doc

"Honey & Ash" Hong Kong Email Alert 14 Sep 2010 China Auto Industry (OUTPERFORM) – On the reliability of industry data Event: On 1 Sep 2010, China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATRC) announced that in Aug 2010, total automobile sales in China hit 1.22m units, representing a 15.09% increase MoM and a 55.72% jump YoY. The Mainland auto sector rallied on su


Trial Scenarios for Monitoring Pilot randomised trial of streptokinase, aspirin and heparin in acute myocardial infarction1 Background: Several small trials have been undertaken of IV streptokinase in acute MI, often followed by an anticoagulant, but there was considerable heterogeneity of effect and use of these treatments is very variable. Design: 2x2x2 factorial RCT to gain exp


braces” as traditional braces typically take one to two years. But do remember that not everyone is suitable for such quick fix, especially if your teeth are very crowded. • Durable. Porcelain veneers are nearly as • Natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing. Disadvantages veneers or other tooth-coloured fillings (bonding). • Irreversible. A small part of your teeth are ind



Microsoft word - report january 2009.doc

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION REALISED IN JANUARY 2009 February, 2009 I. Institutional Capacity Building 1. In order to provide greater cargo security and appropriate customs surveillance, the Customs Administration procured and introduced for test use a new kind of security customs seals


British Veterinary Camelid Society Proceedings of 2005 conference Ectoparasitic diseases of South American camelids Aiden P Foster PhD, DipACVD, MRCVS The most common causes of parasitic skin disease in camelids include:Easily identified by their characteristic shape and leading to pruritus with matted wool and alopecia in heavy infestations. There are 2 main types: Sucking lice

Curriculum contemporaneo

F O R M A T O E U R O P E O P E R I L C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI COGNOME e NOME Data di nascita Qualifica Incarico attuale Numero telefonico Numero fax Email istituzionale TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI Titoli di studio Laurea Medicina Chirurgia Università degli Studi di Trieste (1980) Altri titoli di studio e/o Spec

Material safety data sheet

Click Bond - CB200 Adhesive - Material Safety Data Sheet 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: CB200 Product Use/Class: ADHESIVE EMERGENCY TELEPHONE #: (800) 255-3924 (CHEM•TEL) OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA #: (813) 248-0585 CALL COLLECT PREPARED BY: Engineering Dept. (775) 885-8000 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Less Than TLV-TWA TLV-STEL PEL-TW

Microsoft word - list of posters by session.doc

List of posters by session In alphabetical order of first author's surname Poster session 1 (Thursday 9 Sept 2010) A time and field dependent h-type index for individual scientific performance measuring Lucy Amez Investing in future academics: results of a doctoral fellowship programme at Catalan universities Ángel Borrego; Maite Barrios; Anna Villarroya Long-term research grou

Microsoft word - 130400047.doc

Trastornos del movimiento en Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico Andrea Roggero, Federico Valtorta, Alejandro D`Angelo, María Calligaris Hospital de Emergencias Dr. Clemente Álvarez, Rosario -Santa Fe Introducción: La afectación del Sistema Nervioso con amplio espectro de eventos neurológicos y/o psiquiátricos, conocido como Neurolupus, es un hallazgo común en pacientes con Lupus Eritemat

Microsoft word - pr bioa imm.doc

BioAlliance Pharma acquires the European commercialization rights to pafuramidine for the treatment of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Building a consistent product portfolio in opportunistic infections in cancer and AIDS patients BioAlliance Pharma to host a conference call today at 11.30 AM CET Paris time (10.30 AM GMT, London time) Paris, December 5, 2007


Tratamientos psicológicos MARTÍN, L.J. Psicólogo. Dirección General de Atención a las Drogodependencias. Gobierno de Canarias ABSTRACT El tratamiento del alcoholismo tiene un importanteThe treatment of alcoholism has an importantcomponente psicosocial, del cual los tratamientospsychosocial component, whose essential nucleus ispsicológicos constituyen el núcleo esencial. El abor

Microsoft word - 6504benefit_drugforme.doc

List of covered drugs as of April 1, 2011 U pdated list can be found at canadapost.ca/drug plan using the password prescription. You may also obtain a list from Great-West Life at 1-866-716-1313. he Employer reserves the right to change the content of the drug plan list without notice. ( Note: not all strengths and formulations of the drugs listed below are covered.) nortriptyline, paroxeti


“The Swedish Cereal Energy bar with creatine” ENERGY BAR - Vitargo - Creatine - Aminoacids - Caffeine The energy cereal bar with Vitargo/Creatine/Glutamine and Caffeine This unique combination of carbohydrates, proteins, creatine and caffeine is a brilliant mix to maintain stamina and optimise your performance during sports. Vitargo® is a patented carbohydrat

Microsoft word - cp misoprostol.doc

Déclencher l’accouchement au misoprostol (Cytotec) sans informer les femmes ni rechercher leur consentement : est-ce une bonne pratique? Le misoprostol (Cytotec) est un médicament anti-ulcéreux dont un des effets secondaires est de déclencher l’accouchement. Il n’a pas d’autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) pour cette indication. En France, la HAS indique en 2008(1) que

Microsoft word - gynvelen 4.2 fachinformation pco.doc

Fachinformation für Ärzte PCO – Syndrom FAKTEN: Das PCO-Syndrom ist mit einer Prävalenz von 5-10% in Mitteleuropa eine der häufigsten endokrinen Störungen bei Frauen im fortpflanzungsfähigen Alter. Bei Frauen mit Oligomenorrhoe oder Hirsutismus werden von verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen in bis zu 90% polyzystische Ovarien beschrieben. Die Entwicklung des PCO-Syndroms ist mult

Zoom instruction consent

_____________________________________________________________________ 777 WELCH ROAD • PALO ALTO, CA 94304-1691 STATEMENT OF INSTRUCTIONS AND CONSENT FOR ZOOM BLEACHING: Zoom2 Chair-side Whitening involves a series of steps: Isolation of you gums and lips, three 15-minute Gel and Light Applications and a Post Treatment Satin Finisher. Depending upon your teeth’s sensitivity level, you may


The first thing we need to solve this question is to determine the relative length of amicrosecond. A quick search on the web determines the conversions we need:• 1 day = 24 hours × 60 minutes × 60 seconds = 8.64 ×1010 microseconds• 1 year = 365.25 days ≈ 3.16 × 1013 microsecondsNow if each function takes f (n) microseconds to complete and we wish to find the largestn such that the fu

Microsoft word - pgx highlights-volume 4 issue 1 march 2012.doc

PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012 Highlight 1 Regulatory Affairs: New FDA Draft Guidance -2011: Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in Early Phase Clinical Studies E. Jane Mitchell, PhD, RAC Regulatory Operations, Optum Insight E-mail: Jane.Mitchell@optum.com In February 2011, FDA published a new Draft 1. “ Ident


5HTT : Et si le bonheur était affaire de longueur ? Et si, apprenant la mort de Juliette, Roméo n’avait pas mis fin à ses jours par romantisme mais à cause d’une défaillance chimique ? Shakespeare s’en retournerait sans doute dans sa tombe ! Pourtant, une équipe de chercheurs pense que le mélodrame serait en grande partie une affaire de chimie. En effet, une protéine - la 5HTT


1 HOE LANE 77 FORE STREET 87 WARE ROAD WARE HERTFORD HERTFORD HERTS HERTS HERTS SG12 9LS SG14 1AL SG13 7EE Tel. 01920 468874 Tel. 01992 582115 Tel. 01992 554466 Fax 01920 444961 Fax 01992 501922 Fax 01992 581054 Hyperadrenocorticism advice sheet. Introduction. Your pet has been diagnosed with hyperadrenocortisim, this condition is more commonly known as Cushing’s disease.

Microsoft word - cluster headaches.doc

powerless to help, is very upsetting. Second, no-one is keen to be seen in a state where they will scream, cry, A note for those who know a C.H. sufferer pace, hit their head repeatedly and generally be uncontrollable - dignity does matter. (I heard from Someone has probably given you this note to explain a someone recently who went to their local hospital, where little about a condition th


RESUMEN DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL PRODUCTO NOMBRE DEL MEDICAMENTO Qlaira comprimidos recubiertos con película. COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA Cada envase calendario contiene 28 comprimidos recubiertos con película, en el siguiente orden: - 2 comprimidos de color amarillo oscuro. Cada comprimido contiene 3 mg de valerato de estradiol - 5 comprimidos de color rojo intermedi

Microsoft word - cda spine new patient history.doc

CDA Spine New Patient History Name _____________________________________ Age ________ Today’s Date __________ Primary Care Physician _______________________ Consult requested by _________________ 1. My current pain developed: Gradually Suddenly Date of onset ___/___/_____ Motor vehicle accident Attorney:______________________________________________ Work injury : *If this is a


Battleship Server Technical Reference page 1 BattleshipServer Technical Reference Version 1.0 1 Who should read this? - wants to write his own BattleshipClient- wants to know what exactly this software is doing- wants to make sure this software doesn’t send the contents of your harddisk tothe CIA, the FBI or to assorted viagra dealers- has looked at the source and needs some direc


1. Describe the changes in renal and hepatic function and other biological changes that occur 2. Identify factors that must be considered when determining adult medication dosages. 3. Calculate adult drug dosages using appropriate methods. 4. Discuss problems that may be encountered in administering medications to adults. 5. Identify medication-related problems that may occur in adults. 6.

Microsoft word - gg200308c.doc

Chapter 8 Lipids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Outline v Lipids: Compounds composed largely of reduced carbons and exhibiting low water solubility. Lipids may be completely hydrophobic or, if they contain polar groups, amphipathic v Fatty acids: Carboxyl head group and hydrocarbon tail å Typically even number of carbons (14 to 24) å Saturated f


Problem: Orthostasis ( ≥ 20mmHg drop in blood pressure) and dizziness on standing, with use of a diuretic or antihypertensive drug Goal: No dizziness on standing and a smaller postural blood pressure drop Solution: Collect clinical details • What symptoms of orthostasis does the patient have? • What is the patient’s blood pressure sitting (or lying

Contraccezione post coitale

CONTRACCEZIONE DI EMERGENZA (PILLOLA DEL GIORNO DOPO) La contraccezione post coitale o di emergenza può essere definita come l’impiego di farmaci che prevengono una eventuale gravidanza dopo un rapporto sessuale non protetto o dopo il mancato funzionamento di un sistema contraccettivo. COS’E’ Una pil ola che contiene un ormone derivato dal progesterone ( Levonorgestrel ) che




Colsterworth Church of England Primary School POLICY for FIRST AID ADMINISTRATION of MEDICINES – 2013/14 FIRST AID Principles First Aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. The Governing Body accepts the responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in school. The Governing Body is responsible fo


I decided it might be a good time to review some of the research on powderymildew. We spent a lot of time last year fighting with the disease on various crops. First,we could not make it happen no matter what we tried, even on Gerber daisy. Then whenwe did have the right weather, we could not seem to get any control even with the bestproducts. Some of our most recent trials were on roses and they


Preservação da fertilidade: a importância de oferecer esta possibilidade às pacientes com doenças neoplásicas Preservation of fertility: the importance of providing this possibility Segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA)1, as estimativas para o ano de 2010 previam a ocorrência de 500 mil novos casos de câncer no Brasil, sendo que praticamente metade seria em mulheres, das quai

Microsoft word - handbook.doc

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 NEONATAL KITTEN CARE Information Colostrum Temperature Eyes and Ears EMERGENCY CARE General Information Danger of Chilling Warming a Chilled Kitten Emergency Supplement Dehydration Subcutaneous Injection NUTRITIONAL CARE Information Computing the Formula Feeding with Eyedropper Problems


C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology(CGBIBT) Maliba Campus, Bardoli, Surat(District),Gujarat,India-394 350 Designation :-Director,CGBIBT,Uka Tarsadia University Dean,Faculty of Science,Uka Tarsadia University Residence :- +91261-2666972;Office : +912625-254122 U.G.:- B.Sc., University of Madras(1981) P.G.:- M.Sc., University of Madras(1983) Ph. D.:- Ph.D., M.S. University of Barod

The pharmacological treatment of epilepsy in adults

The pharmacological treatment of epilepsy in adults Lancet Neurol 2011; 10: 446–56 Treatment decisions in epilepsy need to be individualised on the basis of careful analysis of the risk-benefi t ratio of Clinical Pharmacology Unit, each available option. Key decision steps include the time at which antiepileptic drug treatment should be started, Department of Internal


Dr Gary Landsberg Session Details Sessions:  Behaviour Myths – Separating Fact from Fiction  Kitten behaviour - preventive counseling from birth to adulthood  Psychotropic drugs for canine and feline aggression  Natural products for prevention, stress management and behaviour therapy  Brain aging in pets – Pathogenesis and Management Strategies  Beh


BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Imigran® 10 Neusspray Imigran® 20 Neusspray Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het gebruik van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter, het kan nodig zijn om deze nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonlijk voorgeschreven. Geef dit

Adres van het centrum waar

Informatie voor deelnemers aan het onderzoek “Losartan en Marfan syndroom” Coördinerend onderzoeker: Dr. M. Groenink, cardioloog AMC Amsterdam Artsonderzoekers: F. S. van Dijk, artsonderzoeker VUmc Amsterdam T. Radonic, artsonderzoeker AMC Amsterdam Academisch Medisch Centrum Meibergdreef 9 1105 AZ Amsterdam VU Medisch Centrum Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Ams


phase-out period numbering a few years. The new bill willoffer a simplified form as companies will be either widelyand a closely-held company - depending on the number orIf you register as a close corporation or a private companyyou will need to pay an annual return to Companies andIntellectual Property Registration Office (Cipro) to continuemaking use of your business's registered name. T

Powerpoint presentation

Prescription Drug Coverage and Drug Utilization: Evidence from the Medicare Part D Expansion Prescription Drug Coverage and Drug Utilization Background • Optimal design of prescription drug insurance involves a tradeoff » Financial and health benefits of insurance versus » Costs of insurance from moral hazard» Better consumption smoothing » Relaxation of financial constraints

Copd and spirometry.pdf

ORIGINAL ARTICLES CLINICAL GUIDELINE Guideline for Office Spirometry in Adults, 2004 South African Thoracic Society Standards of Spirometry Committee: E M van Schalkwyk, C Schultz, J R Joubert, N W White Objective . To provide clinical guidelines for office spirometry Conclusions . The indications for spirometry must be specificand clear. Spirometry equipment must meet internati

Leadership matters - and the iod is doing its bit

Publication : Yes, and… Publication date : What’s going on? – Communicating in times of change All organisations should have a communication strategy but during times of change it becomes vital. There are several reasons why this is so important: Change or the prospect of change affects people in different ways, but to many it can be profou

Simultaneous determination of phenacetin and caffeine using

SIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF PHENACETIN AND CAFFEINE USING A DOUBLE BEAM SPECTROMETER To simultaneously determine the concentrations of phenacetin andcaffeine in an unknown aqueous solution using scanning UV-visible spectrophotometryat two wavelengths. Introduction: This experiment is a portion of the standard analysis for the three activecomponents in (Aspirin/Phenacetin/Caffeine) tablet

Hormone factsheet 27 jan 2012.pub

Hormonal Growth Promotants and Beef What are hormonal growth promotants? Hormonal growth promotants are the natural sex hormones which are administered to animals in order to improve an animal’s ability to use nutrients efficiently. Synthetic derivatives of the natural hormones may also be used instead of the natural hormones. Health Canada has approved three natural hormones and three

Manifar 2012

Curcumin Gel in the Treatment of Minor Aphthous Ulcer: a Randomized, Placebo- Controlled Trial Manifar S (DDS), Obwaller A (Ph.D.), Gharehgozloo A (M.D.), Boorboor Shirazi Kordi HR (M.D.), Akhondzadeh S (Ph.D.) 1- Oral Medicine Clinic, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Orphanidis Pharma Research GmbH, Vienna, Austria 3- Psychiatric Re


NOTABLE CANCER CENTER MEMBER Stewart Goldman, MD MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, loves team endeavors. Selecting the medical center environment as his home field, he thrives on the multidisciplinary approach needed to deliver the best care for children with brain tumors. “It’s the ultimate team challenge,” he explains.

Microsoft word - 49f9ed7c-2df0-08df11.doc

MEDICAL AND PERSONAL HISTORY (ADULT) Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Your completing this form makes it possible for us to have more time to talk during the initial session. Please indicate if you have or have had any of these symptoms now or in the last few weeks: ___ Fatigue or low energy ___ Depressed mood, feeling down or blue most of the time ___ Not enjoying


This is a copy of an article published in the Journal of Palliative Medicine © 2013 copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Journal of Palliative Medicine is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com Clearing Bowel Obstruction and Decreasing Pain in a Terminally Ill Patient via Manual Physical Therapy Amanda D. Rice, PhD, Evette D’Avy Reed, PT, Kimberly Patterson, PTA, LMT, Belinda F

Programme atc- eric thervet

Programme ATC- Yannick LE MEUR Sunday Concurrent Session: Kidney Immunosuppression: CNI Minimization – Avoidance Protocols 16h00 [129] Efficacy and Safety of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)/Sirolimus (SRL) Maintenance Therapy after Calcineurin Inhibitor (CNI) Withdrawal in Renal Transplant Recipients: Final Results of the Spare-the-Nephron (STN) Trial. [130] Analysis of Allospe

Interview between m

INTERVIEW BETWEEN Marion Hastings & Mr. Norman James. 21.5.98 - N.H.S. Mr.J The Health Service started on July 5th 1948. We were given the forms on the 3rd and we had already made arrangements with the Health Service to modify them because the forms that they had in England were a bit more complicated and also we were working with the same regulations as England. As time wen

Microsoft word - 2014-02-12-mn

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 The Cass County Board of Supervisors met at 8:30 a.m. with all members present: Frank Waters, chair; Duane McFadden, Charles Rieken, Gaylord Schelling and Mark Wedemeyer. Agenda upon motion by McFadden, 2nd by Schelling was approved. Minutes of February 6, 2014 upon motion by Wedemeyer, 2nd by Rieken were approved. County Attorney Daniel Feistner reviewed curre


Esther Chapter Seven Read Esther 7:1-3 • Patiently keep in step with the Spirit. o This was the third time the king asked Esther what she wanted. The first two times, she delayed in giving an answer. This was probably because of her discernment that the time was not right. And just as well – had she asked for the salvation of the Jews two days before (when he first invited he


Decision Dynamics Career Model™ CareerView™ Culture Fit Report © 1983-2009 Decision Dynamics. All rights reserved. www.decisiondynamics.euDecision Dynamics is a leader in methods and tools for strategic human resources development thatilluminate and enhance the interplay between people and organizations. Our scientifically based approachis built on more than 35 ye

Bnews febbraio 2012

Prossima tappa nazionale: 21° Città di Torino – 9-11 marzo 2012 Come ogni anno dalla notte dei tempi (la prima edizione si è svolta nel precedente millennio), l’a.s.d. Backgammon Point Torino (affiliata UISP) ha organizzato il Torneo “Città di Torino”, che si svolgerà nel week-end del 9/11 marzo nel cuore del capoluogo piemontese e che sarà la seconda tappa nazionale

Corel ventura - s33beauf.chp

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 2003; 13 (3 SUPPLEMENT): 51–54 Fact or fiction? C.E. DE BEAUFORT, A. REUNANEN, V. RALEIGH, F. STORMS, L. KLEINEBREIL, R. GALLEGO, C. GIORDA, K. MIDTHJELL, M. JECHT, I. DE LEEUW, E. SCHOBER, G. BORAN, G. TOLIS *Diabetes mellitus is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in EU/EFTA countries. Monitoring risk factorsfor diabetes and its complicat

Cv luisa molinas - marzo 2012

C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI MOLINAS LUISA Italiana ESPERIENZA LAVORATIVA • Dal giugno 1997 ad oggi Consulente Neuropsichiatra Infantile • Nome e indirizzo del datore di Centro Riabilitativo “CTR - Comunicazione Territorio Relazioni” • Tipo di azienda o settore Coop. Soc. a.r.l. ONLUS, settore riabilitativo • Tipo di i

Renovation rule.indd

The US Environmental Protection Administra-1) pre-1978 units where there is no child tion (EPA) has just issued a new rule on ad-dressing lead-based paint during renovations. Adding to an already complex regulatory re-gime, this new set of rules governing lead-based paint, phases in implementation between June In many instances LL 1 and the new EPA rules 23, 2008 and April 22, 2010. Coverin


Quinine figured into America’s history in many ways. Each year, between 300 and 500 million people become infected Some say, that, without the quinine, it never would have been with the disease. Over one million of them die. possible to build the Panama Canal. Malaria was a leading cause of death among workers building the canal. Without the Most of them children … under the age of

Microsoft word - problem set 2.doc

CHEE434/821 Fall 2004 Problem Set #2 The drug Hydrochlorothiazide ("Diazide") is sometimes used to regulate blood pressure. However, it is also a diuretic and can cause a substantial increase in urine production. To counter this side effect, the antispasmodic drug Oxybutynin ("Ditropan") is often prescribed as well. However, Oxybutynin is known to increase ocular p

Protocolo para la represin de actos ilcitos contrala seguridad de las plataformas fijas emplazadasen la plataforma continent

PROTOCOLO PARA LA REPRESIÓN DE ACTOS ILÍCITOS CONTRA LA SEGURIDAD DE LAS PLATAFORMAS FIJAS EMPLAZADASEN LA PLATAFORMA CONTINENTAL, 2005 (Texto refundido del Protocolo para la represión de actos ilícitos contra la seguridad de las plataformas fijas emplazadas en la plataforma continental y del Protocolo de 2005 relativo ARTÍCULO 1 1 Las disposiciones de los párrafos 1 c), 1 d


Klaas Akkerman ~ TU Delft ~ 1502182Joop Kok ~ VU ~ 2521706Maurits van Putten ~ VU ~ 2521450Charlotte van Schoonhoven ~ VU ~ 1963511De opdracht om een erfgoedmanifest te schrijven huidige opvattingen aantonen en anderzijds het debat over een Vinex-wijk lijkt in eerste instantie onmogelijk. over erfgoed en architectuur van een nieuw perspectief Echter, als de architectuur van de Vinex-wijk zich




PONENCIA EL SISTEMA REGISTRAL EN COLOMBIA Por medio de la Ley 84 de 1873 (Código Civil de los Estados Unidos de Colombia), se establece el registro de instrumentos públicos en Colombia, que es adoptado por la República de Colombia mediante la Ley 57 de 1887. En materia registral, el Código Civil dedicó el título 43 (artículos 2637 al 2682) hoy Decreto Ley 1250 de 1970. El art

Microsoft word - brasilisth.doc

Proc. Interamer. Soc. Trop. Hort. 47:61-64. Vegetables/Hortalizas - October 2003 Qualidade e Conservação Pós-Colheita de Melão Gália Híbrido 'Arava' Submetido a Aplicações Pré- Colheita de Quelato de Cálcio e Boro Fábio del Monte Cocozza e Adimilson Bosco Chitarra, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Caixa Postal 37, 37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brasil, chitarra@ufla.br Everardo Ferre

Supercritical fluid technology in particle engineering

Supercritical Fluid Technology in Particle Engineering Ipar Nimet Uzuna*, Oya Sipahigilb, Salih Dincera a Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, 34210 Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey b Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 34668 Abstract The combination of active s

Mat.ch5v9, 'the prince o pace' a sermon bi jim campbell.wps

“Hou happie the redders o strow an strife, for they will be caa’d the childer o God!” God, it’s said, creâtit relígion sae’s the English wad hae something tae screive about, the Welsh something tae sing about, the Irish something tae fecht about, an the Scots – cuid hae something for naething! Aiblins it’s true, bit it seems a wee bit unfair on oor Irish fríen

014 - emma murray competitive edge interview

Emma Murray - Competitive Edge Interview Number 14 Competitive Edge Biographical Information Your full name? Emma Jane Murray Date of Birth? 23/2/78 Place of Birth? Hornsby, NSW Sponsors? None. my Mum? Currently Living? Canberra Martial Stat us (name of your partner if you have one)? I am not married but have a partner - Daniel Clark Occupation (if you are unlu


COQUELUCHE EpidémiologieBactériologieCliniqueVaccination et recommandationsTests diagnostiques disponiblesStratégies diagnostiques: recommandationsTraitementConduite à tenir autour d’un ou plusieurs cas de coquelucheCoqueluche en EHPADPas de déclaration obligatoire des cas communautairesEn 2009 : augmentation de 22% du nombre de prélèvements positifs reçus par le CNR, et augmentatio

Product sheet info

Product Information Sheet for ATCC ® HTB-22 ™ Cell Line Designation: MCF-7 No DM were detected. Chromosome 20 was nullisomic and X was disomic. ATCC® Catalog No. HTB-22™ Note: Cytogenetic information is based on initial seed stock at ATCC. Cytogenetic instability has been reported in the Table of Contents: Purified DNA from this line is available as ATCC® HTB- Tota


Residential Mon, Aug 6, 2007 08:05 PM Single Family Residence Detached RES Active Lancaster (LAC) Price $355,000 Zip 93535-3311 TGNO 4016B6 XSTS Avenue J & 10th Street Aerial Map F1727426 Builder Tract Unknown (UNKN) Model (0) Style Contemporary Stories Two Levels View No View HOA Dues $ 0 + $ $ ASqFt 2,043 Assessor YrBlt

Admit to: observation

Admission Order Set Page 1 of 2 Status: OUTPATIENT OBSERVATION & SERVICES Level of Care: Med Surg (3 South 4 North) IMC/DOU (2 North 2 South) Tele (2 North 2 South)  ICU  CCU Can be transported w/o RN unless otherwise stated Needs to be transported w/ RN Respiratory isolation (place in neg pressure room) DIAGNOSIS : _____________


Rationale and Design of the CAROLINA Trial: An Active Comparator CARdiOvascular Outcome Study of the DPP-4 InhibitorLINAgliptin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes at High Cardiovascular RiskJulio Rosenstock1, Nikolaus Marx2, Steven E. Kahn3, Bernard Zinman4, John J. Kastelein5, John Lachin6, Erich Bluhmki7, Arno Schlosser8, Dietmar Neubacher7, Sanjay Patel9, Odd Erik Johansen10, Hans-Jüergen Wo


Prescription Program Drug list — To be used by members who have a formulary drug plan. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield prescription drug benefits include medications available on the Anthem Drug List. Our prescription drug benefits can offer potential savings when your physician prescribes medications on the drug list. ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD DRUG LIST For more information abo

Microsoft word - wchs enrollment front page.doc

Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation Permission to Administer Medication and First Aid to Student School Year: 2009-10 This form is valid for one school year and must be renewed yearly. Student Name Home Phone Grade Student health alerts, medical conditions, or allergies: I am the parent/guardian of the above-named child whose date of birth is / / . I


Kanchana Rungsihirunrat, Ph.D. Present address: College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, THAILAND. Phone: (66) 02-218 8154 E-mail address: kanchana.r@chula.ac.th krungsihirunrat@yahoo.com Education: 2003-2007 Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, Thammasat University, Thailand. 1992-1995 MSc. in Zoology. Faculty of Science, Chulalokorn University, Thailand. 1988-1991

New south wales country surveyors association

New South Wales Country Surveyors Association President: Chris Abbott Secretary: Rachel Brown PO Box 726, NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 Ph (02) 4926 1388 Fax (02) 4929 3475 Email:Website: ABN: 229 693 296 03 THURSDAY PROGRAM: 29th MARCH 2012 REGISTRATION Welcome from CSA President Chris Abbott SURVEYORS Mr Grahame Wallis- President Institution of Surveyors NSW ASSOCIA

Microsoft word - catgalesitesept04.doc

C.CLIN Sud-Est – Septembre 2004 Conduite à tenir en cas d’une épidémie de gale en établissement de santé Définition : la gale est une ectoparasitose (parasite externe) à Sarcoptes scabiei variété hominis qui vit dans l’épiderme humain, à l’origine d’une dermatose très prurigineuse et contagieuse. I. Contexte épidémiologique Le sarcopte a un aspec

Microsoft word - antibiotic and anthelmintics_20091102.doc

Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited Private Bag 92032 Auckland Fonterra Centre 9 Princes Street Auckland, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 374 9000 All Fonterra manufacturing specifications are developed to meet New Zealand Government, importing country Government regulations and, when requested, customer specific requirements. The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) regulations require

Boletin nro 06 - nov 98


Product list - sept 2013.xls

Product List Table Of Contents Index CFDs Treasury CFDs Commodity CFDs Share CFDs by Country Foreign Exchange CFDs Italian Share CFDs - BITSwiss Share CFDs - SWXUK Share CFDs - FTSEThis information, including details of the margin percentages, products offered and trading hours is provided as an indication and is for information only purposes. For the most up to date rate


New cold medicine rules to take effect Meth ingredient to be tracked electronically; pharmacist vexed By ESTELLE GWINN, The Columbian/Murrow News Service OLYMPIA — A new electronic tracking system for certain over-the-counter cold medicines will go into effect Oct. 15, though a Vancouver-based pharmacy director fears it could be more time-consuming than filling a prescription. The Wash

Volantino tour siria

COMUNE DI MEDIGLIA SOGGIORNI TOUR CLASSICO “SUPERIOR” 5 STELLE dal 13/04/2011 al 20/04/2011 Prenotarsi entro il giorno 30 GENNAIO 2011 validità di almeno sei mesi dalla data di partenza. il visto è gratuito ed è ottenibile in loco. IMPORTANTE*** per l’ottenimento del visto di ingresso è indispensabile inviare i dati anagrafici, MINIMO PARTECIPANTI: 16


The SEN reforms: what schools need to know and what they need to do SEN and Part 3 of the Children and Families Bill1 The Children and Families Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent by early February 2014 and the Department for Education will be publishing a revised SEN Code of Practice by April 2014. Changes to the operation of the SEN framework will be implemented from September 20

Microsoft word - dr. nitin h. chandak

Dr NITIN HARINARAYAN CHANDAK E-mail: ch_nitin26@yahoo.co.in PERSONAL DETAILS Name Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, INDIA, Dec. 1989. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur, INDIA, Dec. 1993. Grant Medical College Bombay, INDIA, August 1998. TRAINING: POST DISSERTATION TOPICS: Assessment of value of ketotifen in prophylactic management of bronchial asthma. Thesis


ANNONCES Offres d’emploi------------------------------ Avant le 15 de chaque mois Contacter Fauve RIOU au 01 53 20 69 77 pour convenir du texte de l’annonce qui sera reçu O1073 - Entreprise DESFOUGERES (77) cherche un par fax. au 01 45 26 09 33 ou par mail à H/F technicien de maintenance , dépannage instal ation chaudières gaz/fuel de toutes marques chez une cli

Jury recommends review of detox policy copy

Jury recommends review of detox policy;Inquest Family of inmate who committed suicide believe he was trying to get to a hospital. [Saint John, N.B] 19 May 2007: B2. Abstract (summary)Translate"We do not agree with the jail doctor taking away Jeff's Fentanyl patch," [Ray Cormier] read. "If they had consulted with Jeff's doctor they would have found out the reasons why, including th

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Joa 23#3 2000

JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 23: 272–278 © 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Correlates of Risky Behaviors Among Young and Older MenHaving Sexual Relations With Men in Montre´al,*Annie Dufour, *†Michel Alary, ‡Joanne Otis, ‡Roger Noe¨l, §࿣Robert S. Remis, *Benoît Maˆsse,†Raymond Parent, ࿣Bruno Turmel, ¶Rene´ Lavoie, #Ro


ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Compiled by Campbell M Gold IMPORTANT The health information contained herein is not meant as a substitute for advice from your physician, or other health professional. The following material is intended for general interest only; and it should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition whatever. If you are concerned about any health


Mihaela Ghimici The Polish National Church in the 1970s. An Institutional Approach Volumele Civitas99Alumni , vol. V, noiembrie-decembrie 2005 The 1970s were a turning-point for the authoritarian-communist regime in Poland because of the emergence of a timid, still determined, opposition movement, which reached its peak in 1980-1981 under the umbrella of the Solidarnosc movement (Gar

Microsoft word - lista de material emedio.doc

Colégio Polilogos LISTA DE MATERIAL 2011 1º MÉDIO NOME DO (S) LIVROS(S) EDITORA 1. English in motion – volume único 2. Coleção Ser protagonista – Português Volume 1 3. Gramática da língua Portuguesa – conforme acordo ortográfico Autores: Ulisses Infante e Pasquale Cipro Neto (POR FAMÍLIA) 4. Ser protagonista - Matemática 1 Autor(es): Felipe


Ser. Khim. 2008. No 49. Part 2. P. 96–101 O ( & ) Ph-NH-NH2 1) KOH, EtOH 8, X = S, Y = O; 9, X = O, Y = S 10, X = S, Y = O; 11, X = O, Y = S 10 , 11 13 , 18–21 . + R = COOEt (14,18); C(S)NH2 (15,19); CONHPh (16,20); ! 2-( * !+,( $ 5+4 1H, ': 1,33 (3 H, CH3,.2, J = 6,8); 2,06 (3 ., CH3); 4,20 (2 ., ,.2), J = 6,8); 6,84 (1 H, Ph); 7,19–7,28 (4


The Cooling And Surviving Septic shock study (CASS) Resume: Septisk shock (=blodforgiftning og kredsløbssvigt) er den alvorligste manifestation af bakteriel infektion hos mennesket og rammer årligt flere tusinde danskere. Sygdommen har omfattende konsekvenser for patienterne og en dødelighed på over 50%. Septisk shock skyldes et nedbrud i blodkredsløbet i de mindste blodkar pga

Prog complet

26–29 June • World Trade & Convention Centre COS and Affiliated Societies Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2003 Scientific Program Day 2 / Jour 2 Friday, June 27 / Vendredi 27 juin Canadian Retina and Vitreous Society / Société canadienne de la rétine et du vitré Objectives: The presentations are largely of a clinical research nature. The participants will have the

Gender issues in international trade

GENDER ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE by Marina Fe B. Durano 1. Introduction Trade policies have different consequences on women and men because women and men differ in their economic and social status. Women and men respond differently to economic and trade policies because they have different sets of private resources and levels of access to public ones. Status and control over resour


Connecticut Parkinson's Working Group Newsletter Special Edition October 2003 ===================================================================Support for this newsletter comes from Pfizer Corporation and the donors to CPWG. Editor: Stan Wertheimer stan.wertheimeratgmail.comInterview Editor: Jeff Lincoln===================================================================This special edition of

Microsoft word - purim and assimilation e-shiur.doc

This edition of the Conservative Yeshiva’s E-Shiur is made possible by a generous grant from Temple Zion Israelite Center, Miami, Florida. Purim and Assimilation Alone among all the Jewish festivals, Purim is a holiday with a traditional injunction to become intoxicated. Our first text is from the Babylonian Talmud and is the primary source for that obligation (Source 1). This shi


C ircolo R icreativo A ziendale L avoratori UMBRIA un'isola di incomparabili bellezze naturali. Sorge fra le acque blu del Mediterraneo orientale, a circa 70 Km. dalle coste Turche, a 100 Km. dalla Siria ed a quasi 500 Km. dall'Egitto. La mitologia narra che proprio qui nacque Venere, dea dell'amore. La cortesia ed il senso dell'ospitalità della sua popolazione, le sue bellezze natu


Backgrounder on Financial Risks of Proposed New Reactors in the United States (This backgrounder relied on analyses and media releases by Taxpayers for Common Sense, Friends of the Earth, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, referenced at the bottom) Two AP1000s proposed at Vogtle nuclear power plant, Georgia The first conditional U.S. federal nuclear loan guarantee was awarde

Headache during menopause and post –hysterectomy

HEADACHE DURING MENOPAUSE AND POST –HYSTERECTOMY Migraine follows several different pathways during and after the menopause. The headaches often increase in frequency or severity, but at times they may cease altogether. Many women do not experience any change in the migraine pattern. After hysterectomy or oophorectomy, there is also no consistent pattern to the headaches. They may greatly im

Client information leaflets

CLIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET E: info@chantryvets.co.uk W: www.chantryvets.co.uk Keep this leaflet safe, as you may need to refer to it again. Please ask your vet or veterinary nurse if you have any further questions. This medicine has been prescribed for your pet ONLY. Do not take it yourself or give it to another person or any other animal; it may harm them even if their symptoms a

Microsoft word - 2.f.1)c. grieving childbearing issues part one.doc

GRIEVING CHILDBEARING ISSUES Part One Birth To Three Newsletter, Eugene, OR: 1989 by Kathleen N. McGuire, Ph. D. I would like to share with you my perspective on grieving, which I have developed through my work as a therapist and through my own ten-year struggle withi nfertility. I would like to share this because my own grieving has been the most profoundly enriching experience of m

Microsoft word - fsgrndcvrs.doc

Human Resources Center425 Pennsylvania Avenue Ground Covers Landscape considerations. Present day landscape If the area to be covered is large, it is generally design stresses simplicity. Often a few widely advisable to develop a broad, mass planting using spaced, carefully selected specimen plants are used one kind of plant. Occasionally, two or three kinds to create an interesting


Anne-Marie Lizin Report on Guantanamo Bay1 Introduction In 2003, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE (OSCE PA) emphasized the importance of reconciling the fight against terrorism with democratic values and respect for human rights. In its “Resolution on the Prisoners De-tained by the United States at the Guantanamo Base”, which it adopted in July 2003 during its Rotterdam Annual Sess

Microsoft word - 1_28 over the counter od

A nervous mother calls you for her son, who recently broke his leg. Your 16-year-old patient is lying on the couch, complaining of severe right upper quadrant pain that has been worsening for the past two days. His mother tells you he has been vomiting frequently for "a while." A physical exam reveals abdominal tenderness and no signs of problems with the broken leg. The patient's heart r

Osteoporosis - info-sheet for seniors

Osteoporosis Info-sheet for seniors Who is at risk? and one out of eight men over 50 years ofeffect on people’s lives, causing painfulwarning sign until a fracture occurs. What is osteoporosis? we age, the process becomes less efficientcertain factors seem to play a role in thebag of groceries or sneezing forcefully – can lead to fracture. Wrist, spine and hipHip fractures rela

Microsoft word - aula extra tj-sc reta final- gabarito - sat.doc

Exercícios Extras – TJ–SC Reta Final Professor Pablo Alex L. Gomes Língua Portuguesa c) Os vocábulos prejuízos e países recebem acento 01. (TJ-TO) Estas revistas que eles _____, _____ artigos gráfico por serem paroxítonos. curtos e manchetes que todos _____. d) As palavras série, colônias e espécies obedecem a mesma regra de acentuação gráfica de ber



Medication administration

PREVENTION OF MEDICAL ERRORS Description of Course Designed to inform medical professionals about the widespread problem of medical errors. It was developed to comply with Senate Bill 1558 Section 60 enacted in 2001 that states that all healthcare practitioners complete a two hour continuing education course covering prevention of medical errors. Objectives At the completion of this

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NURSE PRACTITIONER CLINICAL GUIDELINES MALE SERVICES COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES 101 UHLAND ROAD SAN MARCOS, TEXAS 78666 DISTRIBUTION: Copies of Nurse Practitioner Clinical Guidelines for Male Services were supplied to: Community Health Services Administrative Office Elgin Clinic Lockhart Clinic San Marcos – MLK Clinic Nurse Practitioners Coordinator of Clinical Staff

Long-range intracortical excitation shapes olfactory processing

Long-Range Intracortical ExcitationShapes Olfactory ProcessingMinmin 1National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing 102206, China2School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China*Correspondence: DOI Recurrent intracortical connections are believed to be especially dense in the piriform cortex. Two studies inthis issue of Neuron report several interesting features of the l

Microsoft word - ccb mar learning program overview

CCB Science 2 Service Learning Series According to the Federal Government and SAMHSA: Medication Assisted Recovery Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is a form of pharmacotherapyand refers to any treatment for a substance use disorder that includes a Learning Program pharmacologic intervention as part of a comprehensive substance abusetreatment plan with an ultimate goal of patient r

Co-counselling and de-tox workshop

Co-counselling and “De-tox” Workshop 2012 Co-counselling and “De-tox” Workshop 2012 Saturday evening 7th Jan 2012 to Tuesday 10th Jan 2012 FULL NAME:______________________________________ At the Earthspirit Centre, Dundon, Somerton, Somerset, South-West England Date:__________________ Cost per person £185.00 ADDRESS:_____________________________________________


Le but est d’éviter de produire des techniciens de la médecine. Ce dernier doit développer une cosmogonie (= vision du monde) générale. Étude critique des sciences destinée à déterminer leurs origines logiques, leur valeur, leur portée pour la pensée et pour l’homme. Étude des sciences, approche philosophique et critique de la pertinence des connaissances, des recherches, des


Sára, Hágár és Mária fiai - 19. Fejezet ARPAKSAD BEN SÁMSON (1165-1242) 1190-1192 Könyörülj rajtam, oh Isten könyörülj rajtam, mert benned bízik az én lelkem; és szárnyaid árnyékába menekülök, a míg elvonulnak a veszedelmek.* Arpaksad csak 1190. március 19-én délután ért Colchesterbe, mert menekülé-se közben mindenhol bujdokolnia kellett, és főleg éjszak


Practical advice re H1N1 for keeping healthy this season. Dr. Vinay Goyal is an MBBS,DRM,DNB (Intensivist and Thyroid specialist) having clinical experience of over 20 years. He has worked in institutions like Hinduja Hospital, Bombay Hospital, Saifee The following message given by him at a forum in Oklahoma. It makes a lot of sense and can’t hurt. The only portals of entry for flu virus

Central state hospital

USE OF MINIMAL SEDATION FOR CLINIC APPOINTMENTS AND DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Clients who are anxious or unable to cooperate for necessary diagnostic tests and treatments may benefit from low doses of medications to alleviate anxiety and improve the individuals ability to cooperate. These medications should be administered on the living units prior to transport to the a

Microsoft word - document

Cone Crazy Written by Sue Pezzolla, Master Gardener Coordinator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Albany County Photographs by Chuck Schmitt, Senior Resource Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Albany County 'Firebird' is just one example of one of the new coneflowers. The humble purple coneflower has undergone a botanical makeover that will knock your socks off. Sh


Name ___________________________ Date ________________________ Directions: In the passage below, circle all of the words that need to be capitalized. As we send our children to school everyday, it's important to know how clean and healthy their schools are. students spend approximately 14,000 hours inside buildings over the course of their school years. one area of growing concern is the air




Effective January 1, 2013 2013 EMPIRE PLAN FLEXIBLE FORMULARY Administered by UnitedHealthcare The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed generic and brand-name drugs included on the 2013 Empire Plan Flexible Formulary. This is not a complete list of all prescription drugs on the flexible formulary or covered under The Empire Plan. This list and excluded medication

Antibiotics and sinusitis

Antibiotics and Sinusitis An antibiotic is a soluble substance derived from a mold or bacterium that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms. The first antibiotic was Penicillin, discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929, but it was not until World War II that the effectiveness of antibiotics was acknowledged, and large-scale fermentation processes were developed for their production. A

Microsoft word - exelon-cwf biodiversity project 2009_mo'g

EXELON – OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION WILDLIFE DIVERSITY PROJECT Prepared by: Ben Wurst, Habitat Program Manager Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ February 25nd, 2009 Project Description: In 2005, New Jersey was required to develop a Wildlife Action Plan (WAP) in order to qualify for federal funding. The purpose of the plan was to help conserve and protect future popula

Reglamento de elecciones.pdf

Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Auditores de Guatemala Reglamento de Elecciones del Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Auditores de Guatemala 14 de julio de 2006 Colegio de Contadores Públicos y Auditores de Guatemala CAPÍTULO I Generalidades Artículo 1.- Objetivo, integración, y autonomía del Tribunal g) Convocar por medio de la Junta Directiva a los Act


Infl uência do treinamento físico sob parâmetros metabólicos e ósseos de ratos submetidos à administração de dexametasona. José Alexandre Leme 1, José Rodrigo Pauli2,, Daniel Manuel Crespilho1, Ricardo José Gomes3, Eliete Luciano e Maria Alice de 1 UNESP, Rio Claro, Brasil2 UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo-Brasil 3 FCELIFUL, Registro, São Paulo-Brasil4 USP, Rio Claro, São Paulo-Bra


TENTAMEN: Statistisk modellering för I3, TMS161, lördagen den 22Oktober kl 8.30-11.30 på V. Jour: John Gustafsson, ankn. 5316. Hjälpmedel: På hemsidan tillgänglig ordlista och formelsamling medtabeller, BETA samt typgodkänd räknedosa. Poängberäkning: Uppgifterna är av ervalstyp, där endast ett alternativär rätt. Korrekt besvarad uppgift ger 2 poäng, obesvarad uppgift (vet inte

Chss stroke research awards 2007

RESEARCH IN STROKE 1. RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 1.1 Dr. Jesse Dawson (Fellow) Department of Medicine and Cardiovascular Sciences, Western Infirmary, Glasgow £64,765 over two years, awarded 2006 Aspirin resistance and microemboli: towards targeted antiplatelet treatment Aspirin prevents many recurrent strokes. However, some patients fail to respond. They show limited platelet inhibiti


Ageing and health costs: Managing the futureAustralia’s population is ageing—the evidence for this is clear and compelling. Falling fertility, the ageing of the ‘baby boomer’ generation, declining mortalityand increased life expectancy are combining to increase the number and proportionof the population that is elderly, that is, those aged 65 years or more. This trendwill accelerate over

Microsoft word - 2012 cwis rhizome sale final list with guidelines.rtf

July 22, 2012 CWIS 2012 Rhizome Sale Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that the Can-West Iris Society’s annual rhizome sale is now open. The primary supplier of the Siberian varieties is the Ted and Sonja Baker's Gardens on Salt Spring Island BC. These are a mix of the tried and true including several historic varieties, as well as some newer and recent introductions from the work

Microsoft word - presentation press release.doc

Countervail Corporation 1 Greentree Center DR. EDSON ALBUQUERQUE TO PRESENT RESEARCH DATA SUPPORTING USE OF GALANTAMINE AS A NOVEL NERVE GAS ANTIDOTE COUNTERMEASURE AT BARDA INDUSTRY DAY Washington DC, Thursday, August 2, 2007 – Countervail Corporation announces that Dr. Edson Albuquerque, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy at the University of Maryland School o


Review Article Dietary supplements for body-weight reduction: a systematicreview1,2 ABSTRACT tions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and osteoar- Background: Compliance with conventional weight-management thritis of weight-bearing joints increases with body weight (2–5),programs is notoriously poor, and a plethora of over-the-counterand these conditions lead to substan

Famiglie, siate una pagina di vangelo scritta per il nostro tempo

FAMIGLIE, SIATE UNA PAGINA DI VANGELO SCRITTA PER IL NOSTRO TEMPO! Santa Maria degli Angeli, 19 Ottobre 2008 Care famiglie della nostra Umbria, saluto voi qui presenti e, attraverso voi, tutte le famiglie della regione, quelle che vivono la gioia d’un amore pulito, fors’anche faticoso, ma certamente fedele, e quelle che hanno conosciuto l’amarezza del fallimento. Se siamo riuniti in quest

Order approving treatment

KITSAP COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON ORDER APPROVING TREATMENT PLAN, SETTING CONDITIONS AND ACCEPTING DEFENDANT FOR DEFERRED PROSECUTION THIS MATTER having come on for hearing on the ______ day of________________________, 20_____; the defendant, appearing in person represented by____________________________________; the plaintiff being represented by the Kitsap Co


Competition Policy Advisory Group Report 2003 – 2004 1. Introduction Initiatives Progress of Previous Initiatives Cases Reviewed by COMPAG 5. Publicity Training Developments in the International Scene Annex I : Terms of Reference and Membership Annex II : Statement on Competition Policy Annex III : Guidelines to maintain a competitive environmen

"el parlamento europeo estrena su nueva sede con protestas por agresión al patrimonio" en <i>el país</i> (30 septiembre 1993)

"El Parlamento Europeo estrena su nueva sede con protestas poragresión al patrimonio" en El País (30 septiembre 1993) Leyenda: Published in the Spanish daily newspaper El País on 30 September 1993, thisarticle retraces the steps that led to the successful construction of the new buildingfor the European Parliament in Brussels, despite adverse criticism from defendersof the

Cp07036 - aleida h. konynenbelt vs minister of human resources development

THE PENSION APPEALS BOARD IN RE THE CANADA PENSION PLAN BETWEEN: ALEIDA H. KONYNENBELT Appellant MINISTER OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Respondent Appeal CP07036 The Honourable Mr. Justice F.H. Poulin, Chairman The Honourable John J. Urie for the Board : The Appellant appeals the majority decision of a Review Tribunal dated April 14, 1997, which confir


Centro Salute e Movimento s.r.l. PAOLO SERAGLIO Specialista in Anestesia Rianimazione Specialista in Terapia del Dolore CURRICULUM VITAE SPECIALITÀ: ANESTESIA TERAPIA INTENSIVA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE License to practice in: Medicina e chirurgia Laurea in Medicina Università di Padova Anestesia Rianimazione Terapia del Dolore Università di Verona Massimo dei voti con lode. Ordine d

Microsoft word - chestpain-suspected acute coronary syndrome.doc

SUSPECTED ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME Peter D’Souza,MD Assistant Medical Director Barbara Pletz Information Needed : • Discomfort or pain: OPQRST (Onset, Provocation, Quality, Region, Radiation, • Associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, dyspnea, dizziness, • Obtain medical history (other medical problems, including hypertension, Recent use of sildenafil (Viagra ) or oth

Microsoft word - liste des plantes pour la vente.docx

Moissons en Fleurs 2013 : liste des plantes disponibles pendant la vente. VIVACES : Achillea Colorado Alchemilla Thriller Achillea Rising Star Achillea summerwine Senescens Achillea Sunny Seduction montanum Luna Achillea Terra Cota wulfenianum Achillea ageratum Moonwalker hubrichtii (Moonshine) Achillea agerit

Microsoft word - coblation_handout.doc

cosmetica Dr. Ronald Feiner MBBS DRCOG FFMACCS “COBLATION” SKIN RESURFACING Laser skin resurfacing has been used for over 10 years now for rejuvenation of age related skin deterioration resulting from sun damage, acne scars and uneven pigmentation. Coblation-stands for “cool ablation”- uses radiofrequency energy at relatively lower temperatures than Carbon Dioxide & Er

Microsoft word - call for expressions of interest_latinpats.doc

Call for Expressions of Interest: ARC Network for Early European Research-sponsored Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar Latin Clinic for Medievalists and Early Modernists Organisers: Yasmin Haskell (University of Western Australia) and Date: 13 November 2009 Venue: Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia, Madsen Building, University of Sydney, NSW Ration

Microsoft word - amor y sexualidad en la adolescencia.doc

AMOR Y SEXUALIDAD EN LA ADOLESCENCIA La sexualidad es una parte integral en nuestras vidas, desde el nacimiento hasta la muerte. Para los adolescente hacerse cargo de su emergente sexualidad es parte del proceso natural de transformación en adulto. La sexualidad debe ser considerada dentro del contexto del desarrollo humano, no como un secreto a ser guardado por le silencio del adulto

Microsoft word - catgalesitesept04.doc

C.CLIN Sud-Est – Septembre 2004 Conduite à tenir en cas d’une épidémie de gale en établissement de santé Définition : la gale est une ectoparasitose (parasite externe) à Sarcoptes scabiei variété hominis qui vit dans l’épiderme humain, à l’origine d’une dermatose très prurigineuse et contagieuse. I. Contexte épidémiologique Le sarcopte a un aspec

Microsoft word - delc0110.09c



The MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet regulatory requirements in other countries. DuPont Page 1 Material Safety Data Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "CORIAN" JOINT ADHESIVE, PART A & PART B COR014 Revised 21-SEP-2006 -------------------------------------

El embarazo

La depresión es la pérdida de interés o placer en casi todas las actividades junto a un sentimiento de tristeza durante la mayor parte del día. Los síntomas más comunes son fatiga o falta de energía, miedo infundado, querer estar solo, enojarse fácilmente, sentimientos de culpa, autoestima baja, dificultad para pensar o concentrarse, dolores generalizados, abatimiento psicofísico, d

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United Nations – Treaty Series * Nations Unies – Recuell des Traités 1975 CONVENIO PARA LA REPRESION DE ACTOS ILICITOS CONTRA LA SEGURIDAD DE LA AVIACION CIVIL Los Estados Partes en el presente Convenio Considerando que los actos ilícitos de apoderamiento o ejercicio del control de aeronaves en vuelo ponen en peligro la seguridad de las personas y los bienes, afectan gravemente ala expl


School based clinic IM or intranasal form 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Consent Form Section 1: Information about Child to Receive Vaccine (please print) STUDENT’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S DATE OF BIRTH month_________ day________ year __________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S NAME (Last) STUDENT’S AGE STUDENT’S GENDER M / F PARENT/GUARDIAN DAYTIME PHONE


Dr. Rankin Keeps You Informed When considering dietary changes for your health and the health of your unborn child, remember that living Preparing for Two foods do not come in boxes or packages. They will not be found in the aisles of your grocery store, but in the It is rare for great nutritional advice to be provided to women considering becoming pregnant; since our we


RM-9904 CCTV Security Tester Ten-in-One CCTV security tester. Combine the video test, Digital Multimeter, PTZ control er, video signal analysis, PTZ address scan, DC 12 1A output, Audio test to one body. The CCTV tester PRO RM-9904 is developed for the On-Site instal ation and maintenance of video monitoring system. It can be used for displaying video, testing video level, control in

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Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name DURAFLOOR X PRIMER HARDENER 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Name Company Name Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd (ABN 80 069 961 968) Emergency Tel. Telephone/Fax Recommended Use Aliphatic amine component of a two pack epoxy floor coating. Other Information This MSDS summarises at the date of issue our

Resources to guide effective professional practice: jognn special reports new resources for evidence-based practice, carol sakala, phd, msph, january/february 2004

SPECIAL REPORTS Resources for Evidence-Based Practice, January/February 2004 Carol Sakala Published simultaneously in Journal of Midwifery Comment: Continuous labor support has no and Women’s Health (2004); 49(1). known downsides and can help women have a satis-fying childbirth experience and avoid risks associat-This column highlights new and recently updateded with cesare

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The following information will help you to stay healthy on your trip. Please make sure you read it following on from your appointment with us. WATER Diseases can be caught from drinking contaminated water, or swimming in it. Unless you know the water supply is safe where you are staying, ONLY USE (in order of preference) 1. Boiled water 2. Bottled water or canned drinks 3. Water treated by a s


Merkblatt des Niedersächsischen LandesgesundheitsamtesEmpfehlungen für das Vorgehen bei Personen mit Verdacht auf Vogelgrippe (aviäre Infl uenza A/H5(N1)) in Niedersachsen(H5N1- Infektionen sind in Niedersachsen beim Menschen noch nicht aufgetreten) Dieses Dokument soll für niedergelassene Ärztinnen/Ärzte und Bei Erfüllung der Falldefi nition für einen Verdachtsfall sind Ärz

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RELAZIONE DELL’ATTIVITA’ SVOLTA E DI QUELLA PROGRAMMATA L’Associazione Cachisagua nasce a Trento nel novembre del 2005 e prende il nome dalla comunità indigena kichwa di Cachisagua, situata a 3000 metri sulle Ande ecuadoriane, a una ventina di km dalla città di Guaranda (provincia di Bolivar), dove alcuni volontari trentini hanno vissuto un’esperienza in ambito educativo nel pro

Abstracts for the website 6-22

Abstract 137 Clinical Sample Treatment, Absolute Matrix Effects and Chromatography: A Look at the Impact on Bioanalytical Results Ryan W. Lutz, Cynthia M. Chavez-Eng, Marvin L. Constanzer and Eric J. Woolf, Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, PA Objectives: Compound I, investigated for treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, required sample treatment with phosphoric acid to stabilize a po

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P.O. BOX 26254, Dubai -U.A.E. Tel: 3989059 Fax: 3982939 E-mail: dxbgenl@owl.ae THE outlook for the container shipping sector in 2010 is said to remain cautious, despite economic indicators pointing to a recovery in the world economy next year, according to analyst reports surveyed by Reuters. A combination of factors including uncertainty over the pace of world economic recovery, weak

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Utility Grid-Direct Photovoltaic System: Exelon-Conergy Renewable Energy Center – A Compelling Case for Reliable, Fiscally-Sound The 3 MW Exelon-Conergy Solar Energy Center is a stimulating Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require electric utilities to case study of how innovative partnerships can bring large-scale produce a certain percentage of their power plant capacity or s

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Science advances on Environment, Toxicology & Ecotoxicology issues www.chem-tox-ecotox.org “Carcinogenic Chemicals: Classification and Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans by International Organizations and the European Union” Prof. A. Valavanidis & Dr. Thomais Vlachogianni Department of Chemistry, University of Athens, University Campus Zog


Risk weighting of assets for Islamic BanksThe speed at which Islamic Banking has grown and the rate at which it has progressed makes it pertinent to study it systematically so as to ensure its soundness and stability. The increasing presence of this industry in world financial markets has meant that international cooperation is vital in developing and adapting international standards of regulatio

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Dossier d’Appel Offres d’ ouvert N° 108-2012 ACHAT DES MEDICAMENTS AVERTISSEMENT Pour pouvoir communiquer les modifications éventuelles que le maître d’ouvrage se réserve le droit d’apporter au dossier du présent appel d’offres conformément à l’article 21 du règlement fixant les conditions et formes de passation des marchés du règlement

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Benefits of infant massage for mothers with postnatal depression Vivette Glover, Katsuno Onozawa and Alison Hodgkinson Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital Key words: massage, infant, postnatal depression Infant massage by the mother has been popular in many cultures, especially India, and is growing in popularity in the West. Mothers with postnatal depression often have problems interacti


Ehrlichiosis What is ehrlichiosis? Ehrlichiosis is a tick-borne disease that can be caused by either of two different organisms. Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME) is caused by Ehrlichia chaffeensis, which is transmitted by the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum). Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE) is caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilia, also called anaplasmosis, transmitted by the dee

Cap. 6

PARODONTOLOGIA (SIdP - Società Italiana di Parodontologia) Introduzione Le linee guida, compilate dalla Società Italiana di Parodontologia, devonoessere lette e considerate nella loro interezza. È evidente che queste lineeguida non possono includere tutti i possibili tipi di terapia per ottenere risul-tati fra loro comparabili. Le procedure proposte sono quelle che hanno il sup-porto dell


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Impact of CO2 on human decision making and productivity Usha Satish1,*, William B. Fisk2, Mark J. Mendell2, Katia Eliseeva2, Toshifumi Hotchi2,Douglas Sullivan2, Lisa B. Cleckner3, Krishnamurthy Shekhar1 and Kaeling Teng11SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, CA3Syracuse Center of Excellence, Syracuse, NY Keywords: Performance, IAQ, D


Por/ Ernesto Rios Juan Bautista Alberdi –el gran ausente del Congreso Constituyente de 1853[1]- fue el corifeo argentino del liberalismo en boga en ese entonces, que imprimió a la Constitución[2] su sesgo individualista, su fundamentación iluminista[3], y su estructuración como pieza central para “poner en manos ajenas el usufructo de nuestras riquezas y hasta el control intern


CCAF – Cahiers 5 - Clinique des passions 1 – Journées d’étude des 20 et 21 juin 1987 INTERFACES Patrick ALARY I - Position du problème Clinique des Passions. Deux associations me viennent à l'esprit à propos de ce thème : Clinique, tout d'abord, et pourquoi pas Passion de la Clinique, qui pourrait être le sous titre de cette réflexion. Paranoïa ensuite, seule psychose o

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REGLAMENTO PROMOCIÓN “#VivoElVeranoClaroySonyXperiaZ1 (MECANICA INSTRAGRAM) ” El presente Reglamento establece las disposiciones que regularán las actividades de CLARO “#VivoElVeranoClaroySonyXperiaZ1 ” CLARO CR TELECOMUNICACIONES, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA , quien podrá ser denominada CLARO indistintamente, en función de la legalidad y transparencia de la Pr


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Index of terms

TERMS AND CONCEPTS RELATED TO SEX OFFENDER-SPECIFIC TREATMENT Introduction This document contains brief definitions of a number of terms and concepts that are referenced and used in CSOM’s training curriculum: Overview of Sex Offender Treatment for a Non-Clinical Audience . Many of the definitions contained herein have been deliberately tailored specifically to be relevant to


MARTEDÌ 5 OTTOBRE AULA A 11.00 - 13.00 Discussione generale e conclusioni dei Gruppi di Studio AULA A 14.00 - 15.30 Simposio (In collaborazione con Aventis) IL SISTEMA RENINA-ANGIOTENSINA: OLTRE IL CONTROLLO DELLA PRESSIONE ARTERIOSA Moderatori: L. Campanacci (Trieste) , C. Dal Palù (Padova) Funzione endoteliale e vasoprotezione L. Ghiadoni (Pisa) Ipertrofia cardiaca e ca


Administração n.º 91, vol. XXIV, 2011-1.º, 269-287 Estudos Sobre o Aperfeiçoamento do Regime de Indemnização da RAEM Zhao Linlin* A indemnização do estado, diferente da indemnização civil comum, não é apenas uma responsabilidade derivada de acto ilícito baseado no poder público, também é uma responsabilidade pelo risco causada pela perigosidade potencial no exercíci

Episode 4, part

Journey to Recovery: A Breast Cancer Podcast Series Episode 4, Part 2: Managing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy Lorraine: I think women are so used to associating themselves with their looks and their hair. I still have hair conversations with my niece: it's always like, "Your hair, your hair, your hair." And then you look at yourself one day, and you don't have any. But I w


OBLIGACIONES FISCALES El ejercicio de una actividad empresarial, puede hacerse bajo forma societaria o de empresa individual. La forma de empresa determinará la cuantía del gravamen del beneficio y hasta, en algunos casos, la tributación por IVA. La declaración de alta, modificación o cese tieneJunto a los datos de identificación, la declaracióncomo objetivo crear un censo de contri


CENTER FOR NATURAL HEALTH HEALTH INFORMATION FORM NAME___________________________________ HOME ADDRESS_________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP_________________________ HOME TELEPHONE_______________________ CELL PHONE_____________________________ DATE OF FIRST APPOINTMENT____________ DATE OF BIRTH______________AGE________ WEIGHT_____________HEIGHT_____________ OCCUPATION__________________

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Publié sur Rue89 (http://www.rue89.com) UIMM: la caisse noire remplie par des stagiaires fantômes Un témoin raconte comment les patrons des métallos ont détourné la moitié de l'argent destiné à la formation professionnelle… Dans l'océan de silence entretenu par les patrons autour de l'affaire de l'UIMM [2], Annick Le Page jette un gros rocher qui va


Ronald A. Ripps, M.D. W hetherweuseourthumbsfor orsplints.Asthearthritisadvances,a writing, for video games, or for tender “knob” appears at the base ofcrafts, al the pinch forces we the thumb, and pinch becomes distortedgenerate are transmitted down from tip to side, as we usual y do, toto the base of the thumb, the joint just side to side. There ar


XXIX CONVENCION DE UPADI 2004 DECLARACIÓN DE MEXICO En Ciudad de México, reunidos varios centenares de ingenieros de todas las latitudes delcontinente en la 29º Convención Panamericana de Ingenieros, convocada por UPADI, paraconcurrir a las reuniones de gobierno de la entidad y a 13 (trece) congresos panamericanos sobredistintos aspectos de la ingeniería (algunos congresos tan tradi

Riparazione di un'ernia inguinale o crurale nell'adulto

RIPARAZIONE DI UN’ERNIA INGUINALE O CRURALE NELL’ADULTO fra i muscoli addominali ed il legamento inguinale si trova il canale inguinale attraverso il quale, nell’uomo, passa il funicolo spermatico e nella donna il legamento rotondo. In caso di ernia inguinale il peritoneo che costituisce il sacco erniario fuoriesce attraverso questo orifizio erniario. In caso di ernia crurale l


April 2012 Marketing Messages MARY CHARLESON Big, battered, bruised & back for more: Learning from social media mistakes of big global brands They're big, battered, bruised and back for more. What can we learn from the social media mistakes of big global brands? Lots. Facebook, Twitter andYoutube have 1.2 billion combined users. That's a lot of influence for media vehicles that


THE COMMON CRITERIA ISO/IEC 15408– THE INSIGHT, SOME THOUGHTS, QUESTIONS AND ISSUES By Ariffuddin Aizuddin With the rise of security breaches and the running of technology at its highest gear on theinformation superhighway, protection of confidential and vital information never has beenmore crucial. The needs to have some kind of assurance that the products and the systemsused, that pro

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Palabras de vascos Interrogarnos n° 4 "¿A qué dedicas tus ocios? " i.4.1 - "yo juego al fútbol" (Ana) (st) [script n°89 ] i.4.2 - "suelo salir los sábados" (Laura) (st) [script n°31 ] i.4.3 - mejor que las discotecas (Amaya) [script n°32 ] i.4.4 - "participo en la fiesta del pueblo (David) [script n°90 ] i.4.5 - "hago tenis, voy de picnic&#

Gonorrhea treatment guidelines

Gonorrhea Treatment Guidelines Revised Guidelines to Preserve Last Effective Treatment Option In response to recent surveillance data suggesting that the oral antibiotic cefixime is becoming less effective in treating gonorrhea, CDC has revised its gonorrhea treatment guidelines to preserve the last available effective treatment option for as long as possible. The new guidelines are publishe

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PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) Your ability as a project risk manager to identify project risks along with plans to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities both on the job and through professional certification is becoming a necessary part of project management in today's fast-paced and highly technical workplace filled with risks. In this course, you will apply the ge

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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: Evoluer 30-30 ULV EPA REG. NUMBER: 769-983 PRODUCT NUMBER: 51030, 51031, 51032, 51033, 51034 MANUFACTURER: Value Garden Supply ADDRESS: P.O. Box 585, St. Joseph, MO 64502 WEBSITE: www.allprovector.com MANUFACTURER PHONE: (888) 603-1008 MANUFACTURER FAX PHONE: (952) 884-6149 EMERG


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You have three hours to complete the exam. Each question is worth 12 points, yielding a total of72 points. Your answers must be wholly contained in the space provided for each question to receivecredit. Be sure to write clearly and concisely. Answer all four of the following questions in the space provided. Lipitor is a statin that controls a patient’s cholesterol level and is under Pfizer’s

Code of ethics

COMENSA (Incorporated association not for gain) - Code of Ethics COMENSA (Incorporated association not for gain) Code of Ethics 1. Purpose COMENSA serves to set the ethical standards for South Africa in the fields of coaching and mentoring. It is likely that this Code of Ethics will change and evolve over the years as coaching and mentoring gain 2. Mission To set and uphold a


Prüfung von Viagra Verreibungsprotokoll Die C1 hatte ich selbst vorbereitet; C2 und C3 ließ ich in meinem Kurs verreiben. Die Substanz war den 12 Verreibern nicht bekannt. Hier die Mitschrift der Aussagen der Teilnehmer: - Ich bin so richtig dabei. Jetzt muss es klappen! Koste es, was es wolle: Das wird jetzt Sind wir noch nicht fertig? (Nach zwei Minuten von sieben.) Sie erzählt v

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Govt. of India Ministry of Communications Office of the Pr.Controller of Communication Accounts, 1st & 3rd floors, Triveni Complex, Abids, Hyderabad-500001 Phone No.: 040-24761445; Fax No.040-24762666 Lr.No.Pr. CCA/ Pen-I / Pension Adalat/Vol.III/2013/ Dated 21-01-2014 _____ MINUTES OF THE QUARTERLY PENSION ADALAT HELD ON 10-01-2014 IN THE CONFERENCE HALL OF OFFICE OF GMTD,


Training Committee response to LSB consultation on statutory guidance The City of London Law Society (the "CLLS") represents approximately 15,000 City lawyers through individual and corporate membership, including some of the largest international law firms in the world. These firms advise a variety of clients from multinational companies and financial institutions to Government d

Observação, subjetividade e epistemologia:

OBSERVAÇÃO, SUBJETIVIDADE E EPISTEMOLOGIA: a renovação das práticas etnográficas Resumo: uma experiência pessoal de retorno a um ambiente familiar, agora sob um novo papel social, dá ensejo à realização de discussão a respeito das práticas de pesquisa nas Ciências Sociais. O foco recai sobre o método da “observação participante” e seus questionamentos recentes. S


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Introduction ORGANIZATION OF HCPCS Index The Ingenix 2009 HCPCS Level II book contains mandated changes and new Because HCPCS is organized by code number rather than by service or supply codes for use as of January 1, 2009. Deleted codes have also been indicated name, the index enables the coder to locate any code without looking through and cross-referenced to active codes when

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Claudication Treatment Comparative Effectiveness: Authors: Timothy P Murphy, Donald E. Cutlip, Judith G. Regensteiner, Emile R. Mohler III, David J. Cohen, Matthew R. Reynolds, Beth A. Lewis, Joselyn Cerezo, Niki C. Oldenburg, Claudia C. Thum, Alan T. Hirsch. Presenter: Alan T. Hirsch, Chair, on behalf of the CLEVER Study Investigators Acknowledgements and Disclosures Ackn

Resolution 05-01-05

RESOLUTION 05-01-05 DIGEST Conservators: Psychotropic Medications Amends Probate Code section 2356.5 to clarify the need for specific authority to administer psychotropic medications for conservatees with dementia. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE DISAPPROVE History: No similar resolutions found. Reasons: This resolution amends Probate Code section 2356.5 to clarify the need for specific

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SYNOPSIS ACTIVITY REPORT - INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT 2010-2011, PERIODS (1-2-3) FROM APRIL 1 TO JUNE 19, 2010 This progress report summarizes the activities and achievements for the period of April 1st, 2010 to June 19th, 2010 pertaining to risk management and the use of restraint and I. RISK MANAGEMENT In total, 406 incidents and accidents1 were reported between April 1st, 20


Medicinal Benefits of Marijuana Introduction/Background Cannabis preparations have been used as medicinal agents for thousands of years described in a medical context by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2700 BCE to treat beriberi, gout, malaria, rheumatism and numerous other conditions.1 Cannabis was cultivated in Europe and Asia as a fiber plant and ultimately became a central nonc

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INSECT TRANSMITTED INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND WOODLAND Woodland consists of many large wooded areas, habitat for ticks carrying the bacterium of Lyme disease and stagnant small pools of water located in trees, the breeding pools for mosquitoes carrying the virus of La Crosse encephalitis. Our wetlands provide the perfect breeding marshes for mosquitoes carrying the virus of West Nile Fever/Meningitis.

Jcn332702 968.978

Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy Jacqueline Montes, Andrew M. Gordon, Shree Pandya, Darryl C. De Vivo and Petra Kaufmann 2009; 24; 968 originally published online Jun 9, 2009; The online version of this article can be found at:http://jcn.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/24/8/968 can be found at: Journal of Child Neurology Additional services and information f

La influenza 2[1]

En el presente documento presento algunos de las respuestas a los interrogantes más frecuentes que las personas y en particular los padres tienen sobre ésta situación de alarma real de salud en el mundo y en Colombia. No pretende ser un tratado exhaustivo y está sujeta a cambios en la medida que nueva información vaya emergiendo. Debo puntualizar, que el manejo responsable de la información

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Amado siglo XX. Barcelona: Planeta, 2007 Balada de gamberros. Palencia: Menoscuarto, 2009 Balada de gamberros. Valladolid: Editora de Medios de Castilla y León, 2008 Capital del dolor. Barcelona: Planeta, 1997 Capital del dolor. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1996 Carta a mi mujer. Barcelona: Planeta, 2008 Carta abierta a una chica progre. Madrid: Ediciones Irrever

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O concurso Jornalista Africano CNN MultiChoice atribui o mais prestigiado e respeitado Prémio de jornalismo de todo o continente africano. Tem por objectivo salientar a importância do papel dos jornalistas para o desenvolvimento de África, bem como premiar, reconhecer e incentivar o talento jornalístico em todas as áreas da comunicação social. Este formulário de inscrição diz apenas

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Gender differences in drinking patterns and alcohol-related problems in a community sample in Sa˜oPaulo, BrazilCamila Magalha˜es Silveira, Erica Rosanna Siu, Yuan-Pang Wang, Maria Carmen Viana, Arthur Guerra de Andrade, LauraHelena Andrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205Postmort

Behandlingsvejledning om

Behandlingsvejledning In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Mikroinsemination (ICSI) Testikulær sperm ekstraktion (TESE) Cryopræserverede embryoner (FER) DANSK FERTILITETSKLINIK www.danfert.dk Tlf. 38 34 90 30 Generelle forhold Denne vejledning udleveres til alle, der behandles med reagensglasbefrugtning på Dansk Fertilitetsklinik på grund af uønsket barnløshed.

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Secretariado Japonês da Jornada Mundial da Juventude DICAS PARA APROFUNDAR A MENSAGEM DO PAPA BENTO XVI PARA A 26ª JORNADA MUNDIAL DA JUVENTUDE Em Agosto de 2011 em Madri (Espanha), terá lugar a 26ª Jornada Mundial da Juventude (JMJ). Como preparação espiritual para as Jornadas o Papa envia aos jovens uma Mensagem por ocasião do Domingo de Ramos, que foi designado “Dia Mundial da J

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Espagnol Dossier pédagogique Disciplines associées : histoire – géographie Les relations pouvoir-religion Lycée / B1-B2 (œuvre de Las Casas) Las relaciones poder-religión (obra de Las Casas) Introduction « La laïcité » En 2005, le centenaire de la loi de 1905 de séparation des Églises et de l’État a été l’occasion de rappeler combien


CHLORIDE MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED Interferences no interference was observed by the presence of:Current laboratory instrumentation. Spectrophotometer UV/VIS with thermostatic cuvette holder. Automatic micro-pipettes. Glass or high quality polystyrene cuvettes. Deio- Precision REAGENT PREPARATION SUMMARY OF TEST intra-assay (n=10) mean (mEq/l) SD (mEq/l) Chloride is


Educar en la sobriedad en nuestra sociedad consumista. Jutta Burggraf. Universidad de Navarra. 28 de diciembre de 2007. ace poco, un niño –llamado Björn– celebró sericordioso. No se trata de despreciar los bienes de H su decimosegundo cumpleaños. Para esta esta tierra. Se trata más bien de utilizarlos rectamen-ocasión, los padres habían organizado una te, con verdadero señor

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alergia al principio activo. Debe ser aplicado únicamente sobre zonas de piel intacta. Debeevitarse el contacto con los ojos o mucosas. Reacciones adversas: A la dosis terapéuticas recomendadas, la medicación es generalmente bien tolerada y noprovoca efectos colaterales ni secundarios. En personas hipersusceptibles, pueden llegar a presentarse trastornos leves como prurito,rubelación,

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Prof. Dr. Michael Lanzer Department of Infectious Diseases, Parasitology Heidelberg University Medical School 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49-(0)6221-56 7845 Fax: +49-(0)6221-56 4643 E-mail: michael.lanzer@med.uni-heidelberg.de CURRICULUM VITAE 2000 Offer for Professorship at the Seattle Biomedical Institute, USA (declined) Full Professor and Head of Department of Par


Virtuelle Systematik Schlagwörter Verfasser Körperschaften Allgemeinbibliothek Medizin > Krankheit und Heilkunde > Neurologie und Psychiatrie Neurologie und Psychiatrie - Neurologie und Psychiatrie - Allgemeine Angst-Auskunft Herbert Mück. - Köln, 2005 50 Lit. Für Patienten und Angehörige. Allgemeines; Angstentstehung; spezielle Ängste und ihre Bew

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California Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 11, Article 4, §66261.33 List of Acutely Hazardous Wastes Substance Acetamide, N-(aminothioxomethyl) Acetamide, 2-fluoro Acetic acid, fluoro-, sodium salt 1-Acetyl-2-thiourea Acrolein Aldicarb Aldicarb sulfone Aldrin Allyl alcohol Aluminum phosphide (RT) 5-(Aminomethyl)-3-isoxazolol 4-Aminopyridine Ammonium picrate (R) Ammoniu

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COMUNE DI SALE MARASINO DELIBERAZIONE N. 70 DEL 21.05.2008 Verbale di deliberazione della Giunta Comunale OGGETTO: Approvazione progetto definitivo - esecutivo dei lavori di 'Formazione parcheggio presso entrata nuova R.S.A. Zirotti in Via Allegra' - Codice CUP D47H08000130005. L’anno duemilaotto addì ventuno del mese di maggio alle ore 19.00 nella Sala delle adunanze. Previa


Early pregnancy do’s & don’ts Congratulations on becoming pregnant! Now you are pregnant there are certain things you should consider to keep you and your baby healthy. Do Take folic acid: It is important for you to take folic acid (400mcg a day) before becoming pregnant and for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. This reduces the risk of your baby developing neural tube defects

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Mailing ACOMPLIA.qxd:Mise en page 1 26/07/07 13:45 Page 1 sanofi-aventis france ACOMPLIA® (rimonabant)/CONTRE INDICATION CHEZ LES PATIENTS PRESENTANT UNE DEPRESSION CARACTERISEE OU TRAITES PAR ANTIDEPRESSEURS Sanofi-aventis, en accord avec l’Agence Européenne du Médicament (EMEA) et l’Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (AFSSAPS), souhaite vous infor

Strochimie et mdicaments

édu SCOL Stéréochimie et médicaments Préambule Extrait du programme d’enseignement spécifique de physique-chimie de la série scientifique en classe termin) Structure et transformation de la matière Notions et contenus Compétences exigibles Représentation spatiale des molécules Identifier les atomes de carbone asymétrique À partir d’un modèle molécul

Colorado mountain medical,pc

Colorado Mountain Medical,PC Stephen P. Laird, M.D. Gastroenterology & Hepatology Midvalley Ambulatory Surgery Center 1450 E Valley Rd, # 202 Basalt, CO 81621 970-544-1360 EGD /Colonoscopy and/or Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Preparation Instructions Your test is scheduled for the following facility: Midvalley Ambulatory Surgery Center on: (Please arrive 1 hour before pr

Skin cancer

Skin Cancer The Most Frequently Occurring Form of Skin Cancer Basil Cell Carcinomas are abnormal, uncontrolled growths or lesions that arise in the skin’s basal cells, which line the deepest layer of the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). BCCs often look like open sores, red patches, pink growths, shiny bumps, or scars. Usually caused by a combination of cumulative UV expo


Ayton Global Research – Independent Market Study on the effect of Green Coffee for Slimmers on weight The Effect of Chlorogenic Acid Enriched Coffee (Green Coffee for Slimmers) on Weight When Used in Overweight People An independent market research, comparative, randomized, double-blind, 4 week study on 62 healthy volunteers using instant coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid – Gree

Craving the compansionship of a dog, but don’t have the time

Animal Shelters Spring into Action During Their Busiest Time of Year Iams Friends for Life Month Encourages Canadians to Consider a Shelter Pet TORONTO, May 1 – A recent survey of Canadian animal shelters revealed that most people have apprehension around adopting pets from shelters. According to the survey, eight in ten pet shelter employees (81 per cent) report having heard people c


Donald R. Woods, "Problem-based Learning: resources to gain the most from PBL," D.R. Woods, Waterdown, ON, ISBN 0-9698725-2-6, revised 1996 A. How to.move toward PBL A.1 Osterman feedback lecture, A-1 A.2 MPS-Osterman feedback lecture, A-4 A.3 Use feedback forms, A-11 A.4 Feedback forms, monitor, mark, A-13 A.5 Guided Design, A-16 A.6 Relaxed Guided Design, A-18

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Thursday, September 13 Registration 8:45-9:00 Opening Address (Main Hall) 9:00-10:45 Oral Session-1 (Main Hall) Intan Safinar Ismail, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Constituents of selected Meliaceae species Wei-Lie Xiao, Kunming Institute of Botany, P. R. China Chemical and biological studies of Schisandra chinensis Li-Ming Sun, Dalian Polytechnic University


Professor Sami Adwan – Biographical Note SAMI ADWAN is a professor of Education and a teacher trainer at the Faculty of Education at Bethlehem University. He is the Palestinian director and cofounder of the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (PRIME). He received his BA degree in Elementary Education (major) and sociology (minor) from Jordan University in 1976., MA degree

Curriculum laura campanello

Curriculum Vitae Laura Campanello , nata a Merate – LC- Il 30.07.1970 Cell: 339.1442609 Sito: www.cura-di-se.it e-mail: lauracampanello@yahoo.it Formazione: • luglio.‘89: Diploma di Scuola Sperimentale Magistrale Ist. Greppi Monticello B. –CO- • maggio ‘96: Diploma di Laurea in Filosofia - indirizzo: Psicologia – (Univ. Statale Milano) • Dicembre 2004: Diploma di Laur


Analizaron el funcionamiento de actos médicos en zonas críticas En la comisión de Salud se analizó el funcionamiento de los servicios de urgencias y emergencias en situaciones en el que el personal debecumplir funciones críticas, teniendo como marco acciones de violencia social. La reunión fue presidida por el titular de la comisión Gonzalo del Cerro, quien estuvo acompañado delo

Chungar (arica)

Chungará (Arica) v.33 n.2 Arica jul. 2001 Páginas 289-292 OVERVIEW OF HAIR ANALYSIS: A REPORT OF HAIR ANALYSIS FROM DAKHLEH OASIS, EGYPT *Valley View Regional Hospital, 430 N Monta Vista, OK 74820, U.S.A. E-mail: **930 East 17th Street, Ada, OK 74820, USA. E-mail: During growth and keratinization certain chemicals, including drugs, are "trapped" in hair. These chemicals can s

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Head Nurse of Dept. of Cardiology at the Metropolitan Hospital Department of Economics at University Hospital Of Ioannina,Ioannina, Greece TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF KALAMATA, Greece as an Assistant Professor in Health Management Dept of Health Management and Administration, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, as a post-graduate student Training in special organizational, management a


Michael Guest. The harmony of the Gospels This aspect of fullness and the very special position of Jesus in this respect is revealed to us by Paul when writing to the Colossians: READ COLOSSIANS 1: v18 The question is sometimes asked: Why do the Gospel records differ in This complete body: Jesus with his saints, was symbolised to John in varying ways. Why are some quite important hap

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Egr. Dott. Marco Tronchetti ProveraPirelli & C spaVia G. Negri 1020123 MilanoFusione Pirelli S.p.a. – Pirelli & C Luxembourg S.p.a. - Pirelli & C S.a.p.a. La presente per richiederle, a nome e per conto della signora XXXXXXXX, già azionista di Sip e di Pirellis.p.a. il risarcimento dei danni subiti dalla incongrua determinazione del rapporto di cambio proposto evoluto dal consigli

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Walter G. Zumft Nitrate and nitric oxide, in addition to being respiratory substrates, are signal molecules for the induction of N-oxide-metabolizing enzymes. The NO signal is processed by transcription factors of the Crp-Fnr superfamily. Denitrification is intimately related to other cellular processes such as primary and secondary transport, protein translocation, cytochrome c biogen

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SHANNON S. TEMPLET, DIRECTOR This  public  document  was  published  at  a  total  cost  of  $.31.  Two copies  of  this  public  document  were published in this 1st printing at a cost of $.62 each. The total cost of all printings of this document including reprints  is  $.62.  This document  was published by  the  Department  of State  Civil


3rd International and 18th National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine 18-20 April 2012 Tabriz-Iran Poster Approved 1 A comparative Study of the quality of life between man and woman in infertile couples A comparing between differentiation process and Reproductive cloning A Comparison between Semen Parameters Before and After Swim Up in Intrauterine Insemination me


El Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales Christian Matías Machuca se graduó con Diploma de Honor en la Universidad del Salvador en 1997. Fue ayudante de cátedra de la materia "Estrategia" en dicha Universidad. Entre los años 1995 y 1996 realizó una pasantía universitaria en la Direc-ción de América del Sur del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores,ComercioInternacional y


Zeolite 2010 – 8th International Conference of the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites Sofia, Bulgaria, 10–18 July 2010 Zn-exchanged clinoptilolite from Beli plast deposit, Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria L. Terziyska1, G. Kirov2, O. Petrov1, and N. Lihareva1 1 Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography; Sofia, Bulgaria; Email: anien@abv.bg 2 Sofia


Notes from the Bi-Annual Guillain-Barre/CIDP Symposium, November 2-5, 2006 Note: Spelling of drugs and medical terms may not be correct. 1.0 Location The meeting was held at the Embassy Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona. The GBS foundation had blocked 250 rooms. There were 400 people attending and so there were not enough rooms at the hotel. The hotel was very wheelchair accessible although there

Albuquerque public schools

School Name: __________________________ ASTHMA ACTION PLAN Student Name________________________________ Date of Birth ____________School___________________________ Student ID Number________________________ Grade ____Medication Allergies__________________________________ Activities student participates in at school: ________________________________________________

Ciplamyl 90 sp msds

CIPLA AGRICARE (Pty) Ltd. Co. Reg. No.: 2007/033120/07 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CIPLAMYL 90 SP _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. IDENTIFICATION OF PRODUCT AND COMPANY Product Name: CiplaMyl 90 SP Supplier: Postal address: P.O. Box 1096, Durbanville, 7551 Telephone No.: (021) 943-4200 Fax No.: 24 Hour E


Merger Remedies in the EU: An Overview Massimo Motta, European University Institute (Florence), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), and CEPR (London) Michele Polo, Univ. di Sassari and IGIER (Milano) Helder Vasconcelos, European University Institute (Florence). Very Preliminary! Paper Prepared for the Symposium “Guidelines for Merger Remedies – Prospec

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TALIDOMIDA: Um Fantasma do Passado - Esperança do Áurea Regina Jesus Silveira; Eleusa Caíres Pardinho; Marcela Acácia R. Gomes (ProjetoEstudos de Utilização de Medicamentos - PROINT); Estér Roseli Baptista (orientador) –Prof. Assistente - Departamento de Farmácia-UFPA; E-mail: ester@ufpa.br Resumo: Esse ensaio consta de um histórico sobre o uso da Talidomida, desde a fase inicial d

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CONSELHO REGIONAL DE FARMÁCIA DO ESTADO DE SANTA CATARINA – CRF/SC 1064 – TIPO 1 Leia o texto a seguir e resolva as questões de 1 a 5. 1. Assinale a alternativa correta. O texto foi escrito com o objetivo central O NÓ DA DISCÓRDIA a) Apresentar dados que mostram que o acordo ortográfico está gerando reações das partes envolvidas. Disponível em: http://revistalingua.uol.

Castle chemicals letter updated

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Chloroprene GW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Castle Chemicals Ltd, Peak House6 Oxford Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2DY 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments. See section 11 and 12 for more detailed information on health and ecological effects.

N. 01951/2004 reg.ric.

file:///S:/Share Area/Adelaide/SENTENZE/201103498_11.XML.htm N. 03498/2011REG.PROV.COLL. N. 01951/2004 REG.RIC. R E P U B B L I C A I T A L I A N A IN NOME DEL POPOLO ITALIANO Il Consiglio di Stato in sede giurisdizionale (Sezione Quarta) SENTENZA sul ricorso numero di registro generale 1951 del 2004, proposto da:Montresor Lodovico, e successivamente , Montresor Francesco e

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SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF PRODUCT FOR HEALTH SAFETY EMERGENCY ONLY: 13-1126 Poisons Information Centre Other Information Calls: (07) 3277 7070 Flycam Pty Ltd. BRUTE® Pour-On for Cattle Hazardous Mat'l. Desc.: Insecticide, O/T Agricultural, N.O.I., Liquid SECTION II - HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS OF MIXTURES Permethrin (CAS #52645-53-1) (3-Phenoxyphenyl) Methyl (±) cis

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DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 Lifestyle modification as part of initial management Measure HbA1c every 3 months depending on Have lifestyle modifications been successful? Consider oral hypoglycaemic agents Is there renal and/or cardiac dysfunctionConsider either metformin or a sulphonylurea Optimise dose of oral hypoglycaemic agent If patient on sulphonylurea and has normal renal

Wr report 2/00 (eng)

alcohol. The disulfiram reaction manifestsnutritional status. Some modification in itself by headaches, nausea, vomiting, chestinteractions could increase or decrease drugaction and/or contribute to dietary deficienciesassociations will minimize or avoid such is of particular importance in the managementof patients receiving medications. The chronicuse of drugs requires close monitoring of


Standard: Prescribing and Administering PRESCRIBING AND ADMINISTERING DRUGS Purpose The purpose of this standard is to describe CMO expectations regarding the prescribing and administering of drugs. Midwifery standards of practice refer to the minimum standard of professional behaviour and clinical practice expected of midwives in Ontario. Definition Midwives have the requisi

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HEALTH POLICY The DAY NURSERIES ACT recommends that prior to a child starting in a Day Nursery should have a complete medical. The parent must fill out the medical and immunization forms from the Parent Package and affix signatures where applicable. Illness Please go over this section very carefully. Because children get sick without warning, parents are well advised to have a back-up child

Guidance on the participation of the notified bodies

Guidance on the participation of the Notified Bodies. "Guidance on the participation of the Notified Bodies in the attestation of conformity under the Construction Products Directive 89/106/CE" is available for the Notified Bodies on the CPD-GNB CIRCA as document NB-CPD/01/002-rev04. Introduction It has to be clear from the beginning that the systems of attestation of conformity


Community-driven research onHelicobacter pylori infection in theCanadian Arctic: the Old CrowH. pylori ProjectLaura Aplin1*, Janis Geary2, Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten1,Brendan Hanley3, Diane Kirchgatter3, Karen J. Goodman1,2,The Old Crow H. pylori Project Planning Committee andThe CANHelp Working Group1Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; 2Department of Public Heal

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Commercial Preferred Medication List (PML) January 2011 The Capital Health Plan (CHP) Commercial Preferred Medication List (PML) is a guide within select therapeutic categories for providing cost-effective care. CHP promotes the use of generic drugs when available, and these agents should be considered the first line of prescribing. When available, generic drugs will be dispensed. If t

Revista semestre economico

Semestre Económico - Universidad de Medellín Recibido: junio 04 de 2007 Aprobado: septiembre 05 de 2007 La hipótesis central que se pretende argumentar es mostrar que ante una economía globalizada elfin principal de una empresa competitiva es satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor; de ellodependen sus resultados financieros y su vocación innovadora. Para comenzar se define lo que esl


OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CONCORD HERITAGE SOCIETY email: chs@concordheritage.asn.au www.concordheritage.asn.au LOIS MICHEL MARK DURANCE Thomas enjoyed life on the open road, rid-rains. This beautiful stream, as they de- TRISH SKEHAN ing and setting up camp enabled him to getscribed it, was about 80 yards wide, havinga good deal of exercise. After selecting aconsiderable


AZOLES FOR THE TREATMENT OF INVASIVE FUNGAL INFECTIONS Authored by Dr. Daniel Thirion FLUCONAZOLE Azoles used for invasive fungal infections include two Fluconazole, an imidazole, is well absorbed when given classes, the imidazoles ( ketoconazole ) and the triazoles orally, distributes widely throughout the body and is ( itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole ). mostly


CEFADROXIL DISPERSIBLE TABLETS Each uncoated dispersible tablet contains: Cefadroxil CEFIXIME DISPERSIBLE TABLETS Each uncoated dispersible tablet contains: Cefixime Trihydrate ERYTHROMYCIN ESTOLATE TABLETS USP Each uncoated tablet contains: Erythromycin Estolate CEFIXIME DISPERSIBLE TABLETS Each uncoated dispersible tablet contains: Cefixime USP asTrihydrate Eq. to. Anhydrous C

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SCHWARZ PHARMA announces agreement with OTSUKA for jointly marketing Pletal® in Germany December 11, 2006 - SCHWARZ PHARMA today announced that SCHWARZ PHARMA Deutschland GmbH has signed an agreement with Otsuka Pharma-ceutical Europe Ltd., UK on the joint marketing of Pletal® in Germany. Pletal® (cilostazol, developed by Otsuka) is an oral treatment drug for stage II peripheral art

Use green bar stock

Your Prescription Medication Plan provides coverage for services provided by Participating pharmacies as listed below. Under this plan, benefits for preferred medications are covered at a higher benefit level. For assistance in locating a Participating Pharmacy or the RegenceRx Preferred Medication List, please visit our Web site at www.or.regence.com . Your Prescription Plan Features Mail


Prostaglandins and Cancer. Eds. T.J. Powles, R.S. Bockman, K.V. Honn, P. Ramwell. Publishers, Alan Liss Inc., New York, l982. Breast Cancer Management. Eds. R.C. Coombes, T.J. Powles, H.T. Ford, J.C. Gazet. Publishers, Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd. l98l. Bone Metastases: new perspectives in the management of advanced breast cancer. Ed T J Powles. Publishers Mediq Ltd, London. 1991. Medical

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James Christie Globe Sports - June 13, 2008 http://sports.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080613.wspt-drug-feature-13/GSStory/GlobeSports/home A famous "little blue pill" is at the centre of a big grey area when it comes to performance enhancement in sports. This week, the New York Daily News reported that Roger Clemens was among a growing list of athletes who found Viagra to h


Dr Cosmo Hallström 11 Sloane Court West Midsummer Court 26 Kings Hill Avenue 314 Midsummer Boulevard Kings Hill Milton Keynes West Malling Maidstone Tel: 020 7730 7560 Fax: 020 7730 9871 Email: challstrom@aol.com Brief CV Cosmo Hallström MB ChB MD FRCP FRCPsych DPM General Adult Psychiatrist. Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Charing Cros


Motorola Semiconductor National Semiconductor Philips Semiconductors international users and manufacturers group Wolfhard Lawrenz Worldwide Status of CAN - Present and Future Abstract CAN network protocol originally had been invented for automotive applications. Because of its characteristics, its robustness in conjunction with its excellent performance/price ratio CAN very soon

●perspectives on the integration of

●Perspectives on the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics● Room C113, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Niels Bohrs Vej 8, 6700 Esbjerg, Denmark ● 12:30-13:00 The Universatory: A Presentation. Jens Arnspang, Professor, Medialogy, Aalborg University Esbjerg ● 13:00-13:30 Presentation of (1) The Research Program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound - Cro


Drug Repurposing Explorer Abhik Seal Introduction In this project we used the side effect data from sider which contains around 996 drugs along with 4500 side effects information. For the dataset preparation we used SIDER database containing 996 drugs and mapped it to the Drugbank ID (DBID) using pubchem identifier exchange service. We found 545 compounds correctly mapped to the Drugba


TEXTES DES CONSTITUTIONS LATINO-AMÉRICAINES CONCERNANT L’ENVIRONNEMENT 1 ARGENTINE (Constitution de 1994) Nuevos derechos y garantias Art. 41. – « Todos los habitantes gozan del derecho a un ambiente sano, equi- librado, apto para el desarrollo humano y para que las actividades productivas satisfagan las necesidades presentes sin comprometer las de las generaciones futuras ; y tienen


giunta regionale – 9^ legislatura S.Va.M.A.   VALUTAZIONE  SANITARIA NOME: DATA DI NASCITA:|__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| SEDE DI VALUTAZIONE: DATA:|__|__| |__|__| |__|__|__|__| CENNI ANAMNESTICI - PROBLEMI CRONICI IN ATTO: TRATTAMENTI IN ATTO: IMPEGNO SANITARIO Scompenso cardiaco in classe 3-4 NYHA con necessità di monitoraggio frequente del bilancio i


Canadian Journal of Sociology Online May-June 2007 Dana Rosenfeld and Christopher A. Faircloth, eds. Medicalized Masculinities. Temple University Press, 2006, 272 pp. $US 24.95 paper (1-59213-098-04), $US 74.50 hardcover (1-59213-097-6). Medicalized Masculinitie s is a collection of eight essays by British and American authors who seek to redress the absence of men in the research on medic


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TYPE OF ERROR VALUE DICTATED TRANSCRIBED Incorrect, extra, or omitted acronym, abbreviation, or numeric Potassium is 4.7 . Potassium is 47 . value, or incorrect abbreviation expansion related to laboratory values, medication dosages, and other items that affect patient Lipitor 40 mg p.o. q.d. Lipitor 40 mg p.o. q.i.d. hypothyroidism with Synthroid. hyperthyroidism with S




CANARINI L’Arlecchino Portoghese ha superato tutti gli esami! IIn occasione del recente Campionato Mondiale d’Ornitologia, tenutosi a Ma-tosinhos-Portogallo nel gennaio 2010, lafantasia, l’abilità e soprattutto la tenacia de-gli allevatori portoghesi sono state ampia-mente soddisfatte: l’Arlecchino è entratoufficialmente a far parte della “famiglia” deiCanarini di Forma e Posi

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CHELAN-DOUGLAS RSN/PHP POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL To assess concurrence with admission decisions made by clinical staff and by peer reviewers for mental health cases. 1. To provide consistency in utilization management decisions and to meet accrediting body standards (URAC and NCQA), CDRSN provides for Inner Rater Reliability Studies. 2. At least annual y, the Medical Director and UM


SIGMA-ALDRICH MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date Printed: 03/18/2008 Date Updated: 02/04/2006 Version 1.1 Section 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name AMIODARONE HYDROCHLORIDE Product Number A8423 Brand SIGMA Company Sigma-Aldrich Canada, Ltd Address 2149 Winston Park Drive Oakville ON L6H 6J8 CA Technical Phone: 9058299500 Fax: 9058299292 Emergency Phone: 800-424-9300 Section 2 - Compos

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CURRICULUM VITAE LOUIS M. MENDELSON, M.D. DATE OF BIRTH: PRESENT STATUS: 2010 - Present Co-Founder, Co-Director New England Food Allergy Treatment Center 2005 – Present 1972 - Present Private Practice of Allergy and Immunology Connecticut Asthma & Allergy Center LLC Satellite Offices: 2005 – Present MEDICAL LICENSE: EDUCATION: 1


Int J Colorectal DisDOI 10.1007/s00384-010-1066-7Porcine dermal collagen matrix injection may enhance flaprepair surgery for complex anal fistulaPierpaolo Sileri & Luana Franceschilli &Giovanna Del Vecchio Blanco & Vito M. Stolfi &Giulio P. Angelucci & Achille L. GaspariAccepted: 4 October 2010# Springer-Verlag 2010impact on incontinence [, ]. On the other hand, surgical

Radioprotective effect of moderate wine consumption in patients with breast carcinoma



Observaties Hoofdpijn, in het bijzonder migraine. Diagnose volgens de classificatie van de International Headache Society (IHS) Samenvatting Hoofdpijn is een symptoom. Als hoofdpijn de hoofdklacht is en er zijn geen aanwijzingen voor een onderlig-gende aandoening, dan wordt dit primaire hoofdpijn genoemd. Ook kan er sprake zijn van een onderliggende aandoening waarbij hoofdpijn optreedt


Explanation of Blood Tests PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with our patient confidentiality standards, results of blood screenings performed by Cass County Memorial Hospital are provided only to you, the patient. We do not send the test results to your doctor. We encourage you to share this important health information with your primary care provider. This information is provided to help you

Etica contemporânea - eliana sales paiva – maio – 2008 – seminário da prainha

UM RECORTE DEMARCADOR NA ÉTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA: A PERSPECTIVA TERAPÊUTICA. Resumo: A contemporaneidade colocou em “xeque-mate” a crença messiânica da ciência, pois na realidade a ciência, que havia prometido uma verdade e um progresso, lançou a todos e tudo num reduto de incertezas. O debate sobre a atuação da ciência aparece avindo dos outros saberes como da arte, da f

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Observatoire de l’Environnement L'Institut national des Sciences de l'Univers ( INSU) a été crée par décret en 1985 avec pour mission d'élaborer, de développer et de coordonner les recherches d'ampleur nationale et internationale en astronomie, en Sciences de la Terre, de l'océan et de l'espace qui sont menées au sein des établissements publics relevant de l'éducation nationa

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WAL-MART BRINGS $4 GENERIC PROGRAM TO OHIO Customer demand leads to $4 prescription program launching in 12 new states today – three months earlier than projected BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Oct. 26, 2006 – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) announced that its 158 stores in Ohio will begin participating in Wal-Mart’s $4 generic prescription program starting today. “No one in Ohio should

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THE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL PLAN San Diego & Imperial County Schools Fringe Benefit s Consortium INTRODUCTION The Legal Plan was established to provide personal legal services for eligible Company employees, their spouses and dependent children. This summary provides general information about the Plan, who is eligible to receive benefits under the Plan, what those benefits are,

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Canadian Federation of Students House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance August, 2001 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121234567890

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OFFICE OF THE IG (MEDICAL)/ MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT COMPOSITE HOSPITAL No. M.III-52 /2013-14-CH-MSK Dated: - 06/ 05 / 2013 We are interested in the purchase of the stores as enumerated below. In case you are in a position to supply, please forward your Sealed Quotations to the undersigned before the stipulated date as under. The price quoted should be on firm basis and including all delivery ch

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Ultimate Classic Namibia Safari – 11 day Accommodated Safari - 2013 Silver/Gold Level Namibia is a vast country, even by African standards, covering anarea approximately four times the size of the United Kingdom butwith a population of a mere 2 million - one of the lowest densities inthe world. It is also an 'ageless land’; visible through our heritage ofrock art created

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Per usare le parole del salmo, che poco fa abbiamo pregato, certamente dobbiamo dire che lui, francesco, è stato uno dei poveri che hanno cercato dio con tutte le loro forze

Monastero “S. Maria del Monte Carmelo” – Concenedo di Barzio (LC) Rimandati a quegli inizi dove tutto è partito, da quel bordo del lago e la barca e le reti da riassettare, ma sopratutto Lui, imprevisto, totalmente sconosciuto, e non solo un incontro ma un incontro che assume da subito il volto del a chiamata, dell'invito forte a tal punto che la sequela nasce da lì, da lì nasce il co

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Case Reports From Medistem Given the rationale that autologous SVF cells have a reasonable safety profile, and contain both immune modulatory and regenerative cell populations, a physician-initiated compassionate-use treatment was explored in 3 patients. Here we describe their treatments and histories. #CR-231 In 2005, a 50-year-old man was diagnosed with Relapsing-remitting MS, present

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Responsabili dei Monasteri della Custodia in Israele mi chiamo Carmine Davide Delle Donne, sono il Presidente della Associazione Culturale Religiosa “CASA DI AVRAHAM”; vi scrivo in umiltà nel nome di Dio il Santo d’Israele, Iddio di Abramo, di Isacco e di Giacobbe. Vi scrivo per condividere con voi quello che abbiamo ricevuto riguardo la riedificazione e riunificazione di Gerusalem


BRUKSANVISNING – BD SENSI-DISCS BD Sensi-Disc Susceptibility Test Discs AVSEDD ANVÄNDNING Sensi-Disc susceptibility test discs (Sensi-Disc resistensbestämningslappar) är avsedda för semikvantitativ resistensbestämning in vitro, via diskdiffusionstest på agar, av vanligt förekommande, snabbväxande samt vissa svårodlade bakteriella patogener. Dessa inkluderar


NEW YORK STATE MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST Non-preferred drugs in these classes require prior authorization (PA), unless indicated otherwise. Preferred drugs that require prior authorization are indicated by footnote. ANALGESICS Cyclooxygenase II (COX II) Inhibitors Cyclooxygenase II (COX II) Inhibitors Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammator

Microsoft word - vv_06_02.doc

CILT’s Volunteer Vibes Volume 6 Issue 2 September 2004 Welcome New Volunteers We are fortunate in that we have had a number of fantastic additions to ourvolunteer team. Please join me in welcoming Suzanne Curran, Debra Hunt and Rita Grotsky to CILT. We are very pleased to have them working with us. Thinking About Today’s Older Adult Volunteer Excerpted from "Why Volunteer?


20th September (Thursday), 3.15pm Four Seasons Hotel, Window West Level 20 PROGRAM DETAILS 4.30pm – 5.15pm MINTEL Talk (KNOW 2015 Trend Predictions Beauty & Personal Care) TEA TALK BRIEF and SPEAKER’S BIO (WDA) The Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) enhances the competitiveness of our workforce by encouraging workers to learn for life, and advance with skills.


How do clinicians reconcile conditions and medications?The cognitive context of medication reconciliationGeva Vashitz • Mark E. Nunnally • Yisrael Parmet •Yuval Bitan • Michael F. O’Connor •Richard I. CookReceived: 17 April 2011 / Accepted: 22 August 2011Ó Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011Medication omissions and dosing failures aresubjects matched conditions and medications r

Advice for high altitude expeditions

Advice for high altitude expeditions Dr Daniel Martin MBChB, BSc Anaesthetics and intensive care medicine specialist registrar University College London Hospital 10/2005 • Introduction • Acclimatisation • Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) • How to avoid AMS • Treatment of established AMS • High altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE) • Prevention of H

File://c:\documents and settings\tserio\desktop\ryanblack2005_f

Survey of Plasmids Collected from Antibiotic Resistant Enteric Department of Biology, Carroll College, 100 N. East Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186 Abstract: Materials and Methods: Bacterial antibiotic resistance is becoming increasingly problematic. Antibiotics are being prescribed more and more frequently at doctors’ offices, vets, and even in the agricultural industries. The effe

Secretary's stationary

TROPICAL STORM ISAAC STILL LEAVES RISK IN ITS WAKE TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID MOSQUITO BITES! PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL –Palm Beach County has experienced heavy rainfall as a result of Tropical Storm Isaac which could signal an increase in mosquito activity. The Palm Beach County Health Department is urging residents to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and prevent mosquito-borne illness. Pr


This free weekly bulletin lists the latest research on cerebral palsy (CP), as indexed in the NCBI, PubMed (Medline) and Entrez (GenBank) databases. These articles were identified by a search using the key term "cerebral palsy". To subscribe, please complete the online form at www.cpresearch.org/subscribe/researchnews You can book-mark this form on the home screen of your smart phone and

Prevention of running injuries

 Introduction  Warm-up and Stretching  Running Injuries  Causes - foot mechanics, shoes, biomechanics of  Common running injuries  Prevention and treatment   Important for increasing body temp., stretching ligaments and muscles, and exciting the nervous system.   General y, a warm-up should be related to the activity   It is advised that static pr


CONFIDENTIAL Medical Dental History Form For Adult Patients PATIENT Patient’s last name _____________________ First name ________________________ Middle initial _____ Prefers to be called ___________________________ Birth date ____________________  Home address _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________


YEAST INFECTION aka MONILIA, CANDIDA) What is it? • the most common cause of vaginal infections • a fungus which is normally present in small, harmless quantities in the mouth, digestive tract and vagina. Yeast infections are so common that ¾ of women will have one at some time in their lives. Half of all women have more than one infection in their lives. If you have symptoms of

Additional student information 2010-1

Additional Student Information 2013-14 Student Name (print legibly): ___________________________________________ PERMISSIONS: 1. I give my permission for my child to attend all school field trips: _____ Yes _____ No My child may use the internet as needed for curriculum under strict supervision of teaching staff: _____ Yes _____ No I give my permission for my child to be interviewed

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FROM: The Doctors’ Desk May 2010 Red Yeast Rice: Is it a reasonable alternative to statins to lower cholesterol or a risky unregulated natural substance? Some patients are attracted to idea of lowering their cholesterol with natural methods. This includes a prudent diet, regular exercise and taking dietary supplements like red yeast rice (RYR). Red yeast rice is marketed as a na


Saphenous Vein Ablation - ClariVein® Catheter Proceedural Checklist Physician: ________________________________________________ Date: ____Facility: ___________________________________________________ Procedural Step 1. Review the preoperative clinical assessment (History and Physical Exam) and duplex 2. Confirm the vein to be treated, diameter, treatment lengths and venous access sit




Thymic Tumor Database/Registry Proposed Data Elements 1. Demographics Unique Identifier Gender (M/F) Date of Birth 2. Presentation 3. Medical history/risk factors -Ptosis (Y/N) -Diplopia (Y/N) -Ocular/Generalized -Osserman Classification -Preop (<7d prior to surgery) plasmapheresis? (Y/N) Red cell aplasia (Y/N) Hypogammaglobulinemia (Y/N) Other autoimmune thymic disease (f


Tabel bij ‘Verminderde nierfunctie. Doseringsadviezen voor geneesmiddelen’. Editie 2009 Deze tabel geeft een overzicht van de geneesmiddelen waarvoor een advies is opgesteld door de projectgroep Geneesmiddelen bij verminderde nierfunctie van KNMP Geneesmiddel Informatie Centrum. De geneesmiddelen zijn ingedeeld in farmacotherapeutische groepen. Indien de kolom ‘actie nodig bij Clcr ≤’

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Vorläufige Fassung (Stand 12.11.2010) nach Abstimmung BMI mit BMG und NADA; vor Schlussabstimmung mit AA und BfJ VERBOTSLISTE 2011 WELT-ANTI-DOPING-CODE Inkrafttreten: 1. Januar 2011 Alle verbotenen Stoffe 1 gelten als „spezifische Stoffe“ mit Ausnahme der Stoffe in den Klassen S1, S2.1 bis S2.5, S4.4 und S6.a sowie der verbotenen Methoden M1, M2 und M3. STOFFE UND METHOD


Effect of temperature on the selectivity of sulfonamides and trimethoprim on a carbon clad zirconium dioxide column S. Giegold1,2, Thorsten Teutenberg1J. Tuerk1, T. K. Kiffmeyer1 , B. Wenclawiak21Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), Bliersheimer Straße 60, D-47229 Duisburg, Germany; 2University of Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany Introduction The use of high tem

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BIOO FOOD AND FEED SAFETY Beta-Agonist ELISA Test Kit Manual Catalog #: 1009 Reference #: 1009-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION . 1 Product Description . 1 Procedure Overview. 1 Kit Contents, Storage and Shelf Life . 2 Sensitivity (Detection Limit). 2 Specificity (Cross-Reactivity) . 3 Required Materials Not Provided With the Kit . 3 Warnings and P

Conferment of the degree of doctor of laws, honoris causa

Conferment of the Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa Professor Louis J. Ignarro, DSc (Hon), BS, PhD, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine When Alfred Nobel fell ill with heart disease at the end of the nineteenth century, his physician ordered him to be treated by nitroglycerin. He noted the irony, as nitroglycerin is the active ingredient in dynamite, the invention by whic

Royal free hospital shared care guidelines

Shared Care Guideline TACROLIMUS (Prograf , Adoport , Tacni , Vivadex , Advagraf ) in Renal Transplants Prepared by Caroline Ashley, Lead Renal Pharmacist, Royal Free Hospital, In agreement with NHS North Central London (Camden Borough), July 2011, review June 2013. SHARED CARE CRITERIA Patients will have been stabilised, receiving a therapeutic dose of a specified

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itocosmesi pag.34 LA PELLE: TRATTIAMOLA BENE CON LE PIANTE Ottime sono le creme all’elicriso o all’aloe che La nostra pelle, in particolare quella del viso, idratano la pelle; quelle a base di pappa reale, ricca di raggiunge il suo massimo splendore intorno ai 20 anni, sostanze nutrienti; oppure alla calendula, agli estratti di dopodiché, come tutti sappiamo, con il

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What is swine flu? “Swine flu” is an Influenza A virus normally found in pigs. There are many such viruses and they rarely infect humans. The virus currently causing human illness is a new type of swine flu that has developed the ability to infect people and be transmitted from person to person. Although this new virus is called “swine flu,” it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, or

Mr l

ETUDE DE CAS Mr T. Julien, 35 ans, a été admis en Unité de préparation à la sortie le 19/12/2005 en vue d’une réintégration de son appartement personnel après stabilisation de son état, suite à une recrudescence de ses troubles hallucinatoires à type de persécution. Mr T. Julien a 3 frères, une sœur et un enfant mort d’une maladie génétique (en juin 2000). Il évoque lor


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Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 1 CMDR Monograph Series No. - 42 ECONOMIC REFORMS, WTO AND INDIAN DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS INDUSTRY: IMPLICATIONS OF EMERGING TRENDS* Nagesh Kumar** Jaya Prakash Pradhan** ECONOMIC REFORMS, AND HEALTH SECTOR IN INDIA United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Governme


2014 Step Therapy Programs for Concordia Plan Services Medicare Members CONDITION TREATED STEP ONE DRUGS STEP TWO DRUGS Wil deny at pharmacy without trial of step-one drug Drug Class within the past 130 days. Prior authorization is required for use of step-two drug without use of step- one drug within past 130 days. BLOOD DISORDERSSP Erythroi

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Craig Black 18 Kay Court, Monroe, NJ 08831 908-578-7736 craigblackmail@comcast.net www.craigblack.net www.linkedin.com/in/blackcraig PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE FREELANCE COPYWRITER (2009–present) Accounts : ACTONEL ( osteoporosis ), ADVIL ( pain/fever ), CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS ( brand refresh ), Children's ADVIL ( pain/fever ), DIOVAN ( hypertension ), DUEXIS ( rheuma


Case 2:04-cv-05525-BWK Document 158 Filed 05/02/2008 Page 1 of 26 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA In Re: WELLBUTRIN SR : CIVIL ACTION DIRECT PURCHASER : NO. 04-5525 ANTITRUST LITIGATION MEMORANDUM AND ORDER Kauffman, J. May 2, 2008 Now before the Court is the Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs’ Motion for Class Certification.


THAN THOSE INDICATED HEREIN IS NOT ADVISED. FLORINEF ® ACETATE Corticosteroids may mask some signs of infection, and new infections may Fludrocortisone Acetate Tablets USP appear during their use. There may be decreased resistance and inability tolocalize infection when corticosteroids are used. If an infection occurs during DESCRIPTION fludrocortisone acetate therapy, it should be p

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Supplementary Data 1. Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) The model and reported flux distribution are cited from Llaneras and Pico (2007). Llaneras, F. Pico, J. An interval approach for dealing with flux distributions and elementary modes activity patterns. J. Theor. Biol. 2007, 246 , 290-308. Table S1 Prediction results for the flux distribution of CHO cells by Quadratic programming (QP) , t

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VALUE PLUS CHRONIC CONDITIONS  Depression  Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)  Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)  Diabetes Mellitus  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) & Asthma DEPRESSION Depression: SSRIs Brand or Generic? Depression: Tricyclic Antidepressants Brand or Generic? CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (CHF) CHF: ACE Inhibitors Brand or


Laboratory Diagnosis Test 2A KRS STUDY GUIDES : Quiz Questions : Wells vasconstriction, platlet activation/aggregation (primary), blood coagulation (secondary) Adhesion, release, aggregation, provision of phospholipid surfaces Platelet aggregation & vasoconstrictor organizes & promotes interaction of clotting factors blood proteins reactions through a cascade process 10. intrinsi

Rivista "pace, diritti dell'uomo, diritti dei popoli" anno ii, n. 3/1988

Diritti civili e politici: Patto internazionale Lo stato delle ratifiche al 29 luglio 1988 Gli stati che hanno ratificato il Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici sono 87: Afghanistan, Germania Federale, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Barbados, Belgio, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroum, Canada, Cile, Cipro, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Danimarca, Egitto, El Salvador, Equador, Spa

Youth prohibited jobs

Title 29: Labor PART 570—CHILD LABOR REGULATIONS, ORDERS AND STATEMENTS OF INTERPRETATION Subpart E—Occupations Particularly Hazardous for the Employment of Minors Between 16 and 18 Years of Age or Detrimental to Their Health or Well-Being Authority: 29 U.S.C. 203(l), 212, 213(c). Note: The provisions of this subpart declaring certain occupations to be particularly hazardous f

Dia 20/08/2013 (terÇa-feira)

PROGRAMA CIENTÍFICO DIA 20/08/2013 (TERÇA-FEIRA) Anfiteatro Ney Palmeiro 7h30 – 8h30 - Culto Evangélico 8h30 – 9h30 - Missa 9h45 – 10h45 - Sessão Solene de Abertura / Lançamento Revista do HUPE 10h45 – 11h30 - Conferência de Abertura: “Avanços da Pesquisa e da Inovação Tecnológica no Rio de Janeiro: O Papel das Agências de Fomento” Conferencista: Prof

Microsoft word - other possible sources of funding 2013

Other Possible Sources of Funding for Israel Travel Alisa Flatow Memorial Scholarship To qualify, you need to: 1). be a high school graduate, 2). not currently be in Israel, and 3). intend to study Torah at a yeshiva or seminary in Israel, and 4). show academic promise in religious studies. Deadline February 15 each year. www.alisafund.org Amy Adina Schulman Memorial Fund Fund o


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ROMEO Y JULIETA - Resumen de la obra por actos y escenas Escena I En una plaza de Verona, Benvolio, primo de Romeo y Teobaldo, primo de Julieta se enfrentan en una riña de espadas luego de intentar separar a sus criados que peleaban. La pelea se agranda y llegan los padres de Romeo y los padres de Julieta. Finalmente, llega el príncipe Escalo quien dice estar harto de que la ciudad


MUSIQUES À RÉACTION 3.2 Du lundi 13 au jeudi 16 février 2012 Auditorium du CRR de Paris Compositeur invité Frédéric Acquaviva. Échange avec les classes de composition électroacoustique du CRR Perpignan Méditerranée, du Conservatorio Tito Schipa de Lecce en Italie, de l'Université des arts d'Osaka et de l'Université des Beaux-arts et de la musique d'Aichi au Japon. Semaine de

Camp wood ymca

This letter to your cabin counselor will help him/her get ready for your arrival at camp. The information you provide will help your counselor get to know you better. Your counselor will also use some of the information to help them plan afternoon activities for you and your cabin mates. My full name is The things I like to do most with my friends are ___________________________. What I like m


TEATRO A SORTINO Una donna sull’orlo di una crisi di risate www.cineaurorasiracusa.it Paradiso amaro . Ore 18,30• 20,30•22,30. Da Totò e Berlusconi Esilarante ma dalla comicità intelligente, Cateri- po’ amaro perché racconta la realtà di oggi». PLANET MULTISALA CINE-TEATRO na Casini ha chiuso la rassegna «Parola d’attriceL’eclettica Caterina Casini vanta u

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Color profile: Generic offset separations profileBlack 150 lpi at 45 degrees S.Bolze , 1 O.Lacombe , 1 G.Durand , 2 P.Chaimbault , 2 F.Massière , 3 C.Gay-Feutry , 3 N.Bromet * T.Hulot1 1. LIPHA, 115, avenue Lacassagne, 69003 Lyon, France2. BIOTEC CENTRE, 10 avenue Claude Guillemin, 45071 ORLEANS CX 2, France3. BIOPREDIC, 14-18 rue du Professeur Jean Pecker, 35000 RENNES, F

Cumberland county finance committee

NEW COURTHOUSE, 117 DICK STREET, 5TH FLOOR, ROOM 564 Commissioner Marshall Faircloth, Chairman James Martin, County Manager Amy Cannon, Deputy County Manager Howard Abner, Assistant Finance Director Dr. Mark Chandler, Mental Health Medical Director Candi York, Mental Health Business and Finance Manager Jeffrey Brown, Engineering and Infrastructure Director Sally Shutt, Chief Public Informat

Microsoft word - standing orders and physical form09.doc

Camper Name: ____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ This MUST be completed by a licensed PHYSICIAN and is REQUIRED for camper ATTENDANCE. Standing Orders: *Form must be filled out each year. Attention Physician: The following Over-the-Counter medications will be available in the Health Center. Administration of these medications is “per label directions

Microsoft word - ncq0005 - forsight questionaire.doc

QUESTIONNAIRE NCQ005 Last printed: 2005-06-14 (20:28:00) FORESIGHT PRE-CONCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRE Female Partner: Male Partner: HAIR SAMPLE INFO (please give hair product details below) : If you require clarification concerning the information outlined above please contact your nearest qualified nutritional therapist for an appointment or contact: Ursula Fearn, MSc. Dip. ION B

Microsoft word - spray tan advice.doc

Tel: 0161 476 3301 Mobile: 07903 162 041 How to Prepare for your Spray Tan: * Please wax or shave at least 24hrs prior to your Spray Tan - this allows enough time for your pores to close again. *Exfoliate your body 24hrs pior your Spray Tan using an exfoliating mitt or brush, paying particular attention to any very dry areas such as elbows, knees, feet etc. This will remove dead

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Sesiones de trabajo: "Espacio europeo de seguridad jurídica" 2ª Sesión de trabajo "Valor para los ciudadanos" La construcción de la Unión Europea, a partir de la Declaración de Robert Schuman de 9 de mayo de 1950, sobre la creación de la Comunidad Europea del Carbón y del Acero se caracteriza por apoyarse fundamentalmente en el derecho. Los anteriores esfuerzos de unific

Food allergy action plan

Allergy Action Plan Parent to complete top portion. Student’s Name: ___________________________________ D.O.B:_____________ Teacher: ________________ Student is allergic to: _____ Insect stings--type: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Foods--type: _______________________________________________________________________________


CBRE Global ViewPoint By: Raymond Torto, Ph.D., CRE®, Global Chairman of ResearchThe following is a summary of remarks by Dr. Torto to the annual BCA conference in New York City on September 23, 2013.1There are early signals that the U.S. economy and even the interest rates will be higher in the future. The questions are: global economy are showing more promise than they have To what le

Powerpoint presentation

What are they really doing in there? The nose contains three major structures which are key to ordinary breathing. They are: Sinuses are air-filled cavities in the skull, around the nose. On each side of the face, there are four sets of sinuses:Š Frontal – above the eyesŠ Maxillary – in the cheek bonesŠ Ethmoid* – behind the nasal bridge Š Sphenoid – deep behind the

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Benjamin C. Blount, James L. Pirkle, John D. Osterloh, Liza Valentin-Blasini and Kathleen L. Caldwell doi:10.1289/ehp.9466 (available at http://dx.doi.org/) Online 5 October 2006 National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Urinary Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormone Levels in Adolescent and Adult Men and Benjamin C. Blount1,2, James L. Pirkle1, John D.

Microsoft word - scintigraphie myocardique.docx

Scintigraphie Myocardique avec épreuve d’effort Vous allez passer une scintigraphie myocardique. Cette brochure est destinée àvous apporter des informations sur cet examen. Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Le but de cet examen est d’explorer la vascularisation et la fonction du muscle cardiaque. L’examen est en général couplé à une épreuve d’effort ou une épreuve médic

Microsoft word - mail collectif 8 janvier 2005.doc

Mail collectif du 8 janvier 2005 Et pour commencer, tous mes meilleurs vœux, une très heureuse année 2005 à vous tous ! Merci à vous pour tous les courriers et mails envoyés pour Noël et Nouvel An ! J’espère que vous allez tous très bien en ce commencement d’année, malgré les examens pour certains Un mois et demi depuis le dernier mail collectif … gloups, le temps passe v


ORDINANCE, SCHEME & SYLLABUS FOR DIPLOMA IN PHARMACY Course Title: Abbreviation: Type of Course: Pattern: Award of the Degree: Diploma will be awarded for those passingin both the years as per rules and regulations. O-D. Ph. 1. DURATION OF THE COURSE : The duration of the course shall be for two academic years, with each academic year spread over a period of not less than

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EDITAL DE PREGÃO ELETRÔNICO Nº 01/2012 Pregão Eletrônico nº 01/2012 Finalidade: Sistema de Registro de Preços Data: 20/12/2012 Horário: 8horas e 30minutos Tipo: menor preço por item Objeto: Aquisição de medicamentos e ambulatoriais Órgão Requisitante: Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, Habitação e Assistência Social O Município de Colinas, pessoa j

Pii: s0929-693x(01)00988-5

© 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés Mémoire original Effet du racécadotril sur le recours aux soins dans le traitement des diarrhées aiguës du nourrisson et de l’enfant B. Cojocaru, N. Bocquet, S. Timsit, C. Wille, C. Boursiquot, F. Marcombes,D. Garel, N. Sannier, G. Chéron* Département des urgences pédiatriques, AP-HP, hôpital Necker


The Carriwell Maternity Support Band has been tested by leading midwife Sister Lilian and has been found to dramatically reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy. An expectant mom’s mid-section is extremely prone to aches and pains during pregnancy, and these are as many and varied in nature as the woman herself. The reasons for this discomfort include incr


Case Study in Otitis Media: The Corrective Aspect of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy By Submitted for publication – July 12, 2009 For verification of this report, please contact: Charles Egan’s mother and father Michelle and Pat Egan
 219 Ravenscliff Road
 St. Davids, Pa. 19087 USA 610-225-0209 mcegan@attaluscapital.com His treating medical doctor is: Gordon-Klinow Pediatric Associates Har

Lider 13

LOS CONFLICTOS AMBIENTALES EN UNA SOCIEDAD MUNDIALIZADA. ALGUNOS ANTECEDENTES Y CONSIDERACIONES PARA CHILE ARTURO VALLEJOS ROMERO 1 Los conflictos ambientales en una sociedadasumir de una manera distinta este tipo demundializada han llegado para quedarse. conflictos, lo que requiere de espacios yAnte esta sentencia este artículo pretendemecanismos que puedan, colaborativamente

Scientific programme

CAMPUS OF EXCELLENCE05 NEW TECHNOLOGIES. Date 11th June Moderator: Fabric-based sensors arrays for reconstruction and classification of body GRAN CANARIA posture and gesture Speaker: Danilo Di Rossi La astronomía que viene Speaker Francisco Sánchez Beyond Moore´s Law Speaker: Mateo Fiabilidad: un desafío para el desarrollo de sistemas inf

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Exelon Corporation GUIDELINES FOR 2004 DIVERSITY METRICS Basic Premises The 2004 Diversity Metric will be anchored in two basic premises: • To increase female and minority representation in exempt positions; • To increase female and minority exempt retention. General Guidelines 1. There will be separate goals for: 2. There will be one component for each goal: Overall

Microsoft word - tourism legal framework assesement report sda_eng _2_.doc

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing fields of Republic of Armenia’s (hereinafter RA) economy. A significant input in the development of these processes was the declaration of tourism as a dominant sector of RA economy by the Government of RA (hereinafter GOA). One of the major factors for increasing the competitiveness of a tourism industry is existence of a


REPORTABLE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10209 OF 2011 (Arising out of SLP (C) No.2798 of 2010) J U D G M E N T P. Sathasivam, J. This appeal raises an important question as to the interpretation of Section 21 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (in short ‘the Act’). The question posed for consideration is that w


application for registration of medicine: chronic and prescribed minimum benefits (pmb) 2008 (version 1 updated 27 November 2007) section one: to be completed by the member general information details of principal member details of patient I declare and understand that my application shall be void if any information supplied by me should be false or incomplete. I grant perm


Data Structures, Algorithms, & Applications in C++ CHAPTER 53 _________ RECURRENCE EQUATIONS This material is essentially Chapter 7 of the book Concepts in Discrete Mathematics by Sartaj Sahni, Camelot Publishing , 1985. It is reproduced here with permission of the publisher. INTRODUCTION The computing time of an algorithm (particularly a recursive algorithm) is ofteneasi

Cacap-may 2011.vp

LETTER TO THE PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY SECTION EDITOR Reversible Oral Dyskinesia Associated with Quetiapine in an Adolescent: A Case-Report mg in the evening) and methotrimeprazine was temporarilyincreased to 70 mg daily (as 15 mg morning, noon and eveningThere are published reports (Mehler-Wex, Roamnos,and 25 mg at bedtime). One week after these dose increases heKircheiner & Schulze, 2008;

2010 fall che 230 chapter 2 homework

ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Organic Chemistry 1, CHE 230, fall semester 2010, Homework #2 Chapter 2: Structure and Reactivity Write out the dissociation expression for acetic acid (CH3CO2H). Write out the K a expression for the above equilibrium. Provide a rationale for why acetic acid (CH3CO2H) is more acidic than ethanol (CH3CH2OH). © 2010 Assoc. Prof. S. R. Hitchcock, Departme

Internal carotid artery dissection following chiropractic treatment in a pregnant woman with systemic lupus erythematosus

Morton Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012, 20:38http://www.chiromt.com/content/20/1/38Internal carotid artery dissection followingchiropractic treatment in a pregnant woman withSystemic Lupus ErythematosusA case of internal carotid artery dissection in a pregnant woman with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)immediately following chiropractic treatment is presented. The literature regarding


MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS RESEARCH SUMMARY TOPIC: GENE TEST FOR HAIR LOSS HAIR LOSS FACTS: For many people, hair loss is simply an inevitable part of life. Alan Bauman, M.D., a board-certified hair restoration specialist in Boca Raton, Fla., says about 100 million people in the United States have hair loss -- 60 million men and 40 million women. By age 35, 40 percent of men have not


Nonsurgical Treatment of Adenoidal Hypertrophy with Cefuroxime Axetil and Intranasal Mometasone Furoate Combination Adenoidal Hipertirofinin Sefuroksim Aksetil ve Mometazon Furoat ile Cerrahi D›fl› Tedavisi Semanur Kuyucu1, Necdet Kuyucu2, Selma Unal2, Demir Apayd›n3Mersin University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Allergy Unit1, Pediatric Infectious Disea


A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PHASE 2 STUDY TO COMPARE THE SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF INTRAVENOUS CXA-101 (CXA) AND INTRAVENOUS CEFTAZIDIME (CTZ) IN COMPLICATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION (cUTI) O. UMEH1, D. CEBRIK2, I.R. FRIEDLAND1 1Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Lexington, MA ; 2Axistat, Inc., San Francisco, CA Background: CXA-101 is a novel parenteral broad-spectrum cephalosporin with


CRYONICS JULY 1983 ISSUE # 36 Contents: Editorial Matters.page 1 Another Cryonic Suspension Reported.page 1 ALCOR Reconfiguring Suspension Arrangements.page 2 BUG JACK BARRON - The Movie???.page 3 Letters to the Editors.page 4 Note On New Emergency Instructions.page 6 Report on the Lake Tahoe Life Extension Festival.page 7 Science Update.page 14 Report on Tahoe Research Fundraising.page 15 Update

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