It seems as if it is going well with everybody as I have not received any news of illness or otherwise. And to everybody out there that might be sick that we do not know of, hope you get better soon. Comitee and Membership matters. Your committee for the year 2009 is as follows: Chairperson: Thea Groenewegen – 0343123703 / 083 378 7655. Vice-Chairman: Johan de Villiers – 072 712 7022. Treasurer: Surina Louw - 082 425 2402. Secretary: Sonja Viljoen – 0343128684 / 082 925 4054. Membership: Ria Kotze – 0343121665 / 082 682 8646. Social Convener and Publicity: Annie Reitz - 076 766 4499. Climbing and Rescue: Paul Behrens – 0343151168 / 083 677 1080. Juba Jabber & e-mail: Adriaan Dippenaar – 082 337 2970 / MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2009
Membership fees for 2009 are as follows:
Family membership is R200 per year Single member R130 per year Family pensioner R120 per year Single pensioner R60 per year
We wish to thank those members who already paid their 2009 fees. Those members who still need to pay their 2009 fees can do so via cheque, cash or electronic transfer. Our banking details are as follows: Bank: Account Holder: MCSA Amajuba Section Account Number: 1337163309 Branch Code: 133724 Reference: Your initials and surname and Subs 2009
Our Club is currently in a financial crisis and is at present unable to pay our membership fees to Cencom due to the non-payment of membership fees by our members. Only 11 out of the 31 members paid their subs during 2008 and so far for 2009 only 9 members paid. We therefore would like to urge you to support us and pay your membership fees as soon as possible to prevent any further embarrassment with Cencom as numerous reminders from them have already been sent to us. Your co-operation in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Recent outings by Amajuba Section Members. MOORFIELD 21 JUNIE 2009 Ons het die beriggie in die Advertiser gesien, "SPCA hike at Moorfield - your guide for the day will be Angus Burns". Die telefone lui en 8 uur op vadersdag vertrek ons Moorfield toe. Daar aangekom wag Janine en Deon en Angus al vir ons. Na 'n koppie warm koffie vertrek ons saam met Angus, hy is 'n veld / natuur / voëlkenner van formaat. Deur die kleinhekkie af langs die rivier tot by die piekniek plek en eerste waterval. Dan oor die rivier in 'n oostelike rigting na die Ncandu bos en rivier se kant toe. Kort-kort stop Angus en wys ons die groot dinge in die natuur. Op 'n 10 vk.m. grasveld is daar 14 verskillende grassoorte en 42 verskillende blom soorte. Wisselweiding en beheerde veldbrande is baie noodsaaklik om die ekologie tot sy volle potensiaal te stimuleer. Hierdie streek, dit is nou van die Ruins in die ooste, oor Union in die suide, oor Ncandu- veldwagter oornag hut in die suidweste, oor Moorfield-wes en Moorfield-noord in die weste en noorde, is 'n baie unieke area. Enigste in sy soort in Suid-Afrika wat misgordel en verskille tussen grasvelde betref. Duidelike verskil tussen grasvelde bo 1800m en daaronder. Baie diep klowe met inheemse natuurlike bosse. 'n Paar duidelike rotsstortings en grond verskuiwings a.g.v. onbeheersde veldbrande. As ons oor 'n loodregte krans wil kyk, moet ons eers afgaan op hande en knieë, dan plat lê op die klip om oor te kyk. ‘n Veiligheids maatreël om nie afgewaai te word nie. By die 2de uitkykpunt kyk ons af in die Ncandu vallei waar die be-oogde Ncandu dam beplan word om Newcastle se water voorrade aan te vul. Onder in die vrugbare vallei is die oorblyfsels van landerye van baie jare gelede. As grasvelde eens versteur is herstel dit nooit weer na die oorspronklike nie. Hy wys ook hoe "Quad bikes" die grasvelde verniel het, dit sal ook nooit weer herstel nie. Met die teruggaan daal ons af in die kloof met bosse tot bo die 2de waterval. Hierdie stukkie skuif die moeilikheidsgraad van die roete op van maklik(1) tot baie moeilik(4), maar almal slaag daarin om tot bo-op die klipbanke onder in die rivier te kom. Hier sien ons fosiele van seesand en een of ander "sea worm" en bome. By Hawarden is ook fosiele van water rimpels op die rotse. Eers was dit hier see. In die rivier wat rustig en helderskoon oor die klipbanke vloei en meters ver oor die waterval stort het hy vir ons gewys hoe skoon en suiwer die strome is. Tel 'n klip op uit die water en sien hoeveel lewe daaraan is. Larwes van Mayfly en ander insektes wat daar rond vlieg is aan die klip. Hulle neem suurstof uit die water om te groei. As daar gifstowwe in die water is vernietig dit die suurstof en kan die larwes nie oorleef nie. Baie klein larwetjies swem in die water en is 'n belangrike skakel in die voedselketting laer af in die rivier. Nou "rock bouldering" rivier op terug huis toe. Elf mense het die stap meegemaak nl. Angus, Themba en Tanya Willemse, Corie en Lidia, Sonja, Ina, Peter, Martie, Louise en die uwe. In die laat lente wil Angus ons weer neem na 'n totale ongerepte piekniek plek halfpad af in die bos. Dan sal ons die veldblomme skouspel sien. Dankie Angus - dit was 'n belewenis duisend!!! Ria
DAMES SPAN Thea begin loop 6.30 vanaf Memel. Dit is 'n koue oggend, dis spierwit geryp en die waterstroompies is gevries. Thea is lekker fiks - hulle kom nou net terug van die hike in die Dolomites in Italië. Sy stap haar eerste 10 kilos gesels-gesels af. Ria neem by haar oor vir die 2de 10 kilo's. Dis 'n pragtige oggend. Ons sien die son opkom word begroet vir die nuwe dag, soveel seëninge om voor dankbaar te wees. Bothaspas af maak jy net remme los en span die seile in die wind en daar gaan jy. By die Kontrei winkel neem Christine oor vir die volgende 10 kilo's Sy is kort en klein en ons sien haar net so hier en daar tussen die stappers. Volgende spanlid Zelda moet net reg staan, want as ons weer sien is Christine klaar met haar 10 kilo's. Zelda stap die 4de moeilike, lang +10 kilo's Milde en Spikkel stap saam met haar Zelda maak ook gou-gou klaar met haar moeilike 10 kilo's - sy is ook lekker fiks en vinnig na die Dolomites hike. Thea hou 'n oog oor Milde en Spikkel. Spikkel wat nog gebore moet word, stap sy eerste maraton. Marie wat op troue staan en haar suster pak die laaste skof aan Sy waai en gesels en wikkel die laaste skof in die warmte. Sus met 'n seer been moet net loop om by te bly. 13:30 loop st oor die webstreep. Elkeen in die span kry sy medalje en Waterside Wimpie hamburger voucher. MANS SPAN Ian stap die eerste skof. Met "high spirits" het hy en Thea begin. Hulle het nie eers die koue gevoel nie. Lucas is tweede aan die beurt. Interessant is dit hoe elkeen sy eie pas en steil het. Toe ons weer sien is Lucas af met Bothaspas en Johan staan reg om te begin. Johan neem oor by Kontreiwinkel. Hierdie stappery is vir die Klub se voël- en bos- en bergman een groot plesier. Hy chat met die girls langs die pad. Die pad gaan te vinnig verby, hy wil nog stap dan vat Peter oor vir die 4de moeilike, opdraende pad. Peter is baie gedetermineerd om hierdie skof in die stof te laat byt. Hy moet nog net die 3de skof loop (miskien volgende jaar) dan het hy almal geloop. Hy tel ook lekker geselse opgetel langs die pad. Natgesweet en baie bly om die +10 kilos agter die rug te hê , gee hy oor aan Govert wat die laaste skof loop. Govert, ons senior man in die span gee lekker lang treê. Met sy bottel tee as versterker, aan sy sy, kom hy in die hitte aan, oor die wenstreep. Elkeen kry sy medalje. Bravo!!! vir die Bergklub" julle is ysters.
SANI PASS 28 - 30 AUG 2009
Net voor donker arriveer ons by Khotzo Backpackers and Horse Trails, 12 km buite Underberg. Wat 'n aangename verwelkoming, die Amerikaanse meisie, Cicilie, kom uitgestap en nooi ons binne. In die plaas kombuis is 'n lekker warm Aga stoof. Daar begin die groot kuier. Bunk beds in die kamer, lekker warm bad en stort. Groot waghonde en 'n groot wit skaaphond met 'n krulstert, wat snags by die skape slaap en hul oppas teen jakkalse en rooikatte. Bedags lei hy die skape uit na die weivelde en pas hulle die heel dag op, namiddag kom hy met hulle terug kraal toe. Dis 'n pragtige oggend - spierwit geryp - blou lug - geen wind. Sani Pass Tours se 16 sitplek bus kom laai ons op by Khotzo. Op Underberg klim nog 4 mense op, 2 egpare van Centurion. In Himeville klim 'n Duitse meisie en haar "cousin" op. Die berge lê uitgestrek, horisontaal en vertikaal, voor ons. Die Sani Pass Top is 45 km op teen die berg, 2865 m bo seevlak. Die eerste paar kilo's is die pad in aanbou om geteer te word. Soos ons hoër gaan word die pad al slegter - styler, klipe, slote, gate en baie nou op sommige plekke. By SA Grenspos is dit pasoorte en vorms voltooi. Daar is nog sneeu teen die hoë suidelike berghange, riviere en watervalle hoog op is gevries. Daar is heelwat 4x4's wat opgaan, 2x4's draai om. Ons kry ook hikers langs die pad. En Giants Cup Trail kruis die pas. Hoe hoër, hoe erger. By die zig-zag is dit baie rof. Elke draai het 'n naam. Icy corner is 'n gevriesde waterval, Greys corner het paar keer sy tol geeis - die wrakke lê laer af in die vallei - duidelik sigbaar. Devils' Elbow moet die bus vorentoe, dat "reverse", weer vorentoe om sy draai te kry - so sê die gids/bestuurder, Ntokozo. As dit moet gebeur klim ek uit en loop verder. Sani Pass is gebou in 1948 – ‘n Willes Jeep is die eerste voertuig wat daar op is. Uiteindelik na 3 ure is ons bo. Wat 'n uitsig oor Natal, berge, berge, berge en valleie. Panorama, God's window, ongelooflik, "awesome". Deur Lesotho grenspos, neem die busman ons na 'n tradisionele Lesotho village. 'n Klompie stewige klip rondawels met grasdakke. Basothu's wat in die sonnetjie sit, paar kindertjies wat daar rondspeel - nie met karretjies en poppe en fietse nie, maar met klippies en stokke speel hulle. In die een rondawel trakteer die Basothu vrou ons op sorghum gebroude bier en potbrood wat gebak is in 'n swartpot op 'n beesmis vuurtjie. Sneeu lê nog wit teen die berge in Lesotho. Terug by die hoogste Restaurant en Pub in SA eet ons middagete en stap rond en besigtig weer die view en maak die siel skoon en laai die batterye met suiwer lug. Teen 3 uur begin die terugtog. Weet nie wat die ergste was nie - die op of die af. By die gevriesde waterval hou ons stil en neem foto's. Pas-op vir gly, want dit is nie eers Greys corner nie! Die eerste hikers is nou amper bo. Baie pret met een passasier, vrou van Centurion, wat 'n goeie "back seat driver" is Ntokozo geniet dit as die touriste/passasiers baie meeleef met die omstandighede. "Sjoe," nou is ons weer op vaste moederaarde . Vannag slaap ek op die onderste bed van die bunker bed - bang vir afval. Bus laai ons weer af by Khotzo. Lekker kuier ons die aand om die Aga, totdat ons gaan inkruip. WAT 'N DAG!!! Volgende dag vertrek ons terug Newcastle toe. Ria HAP EN STAP . . . . . TRAVELLING SUPPER . . . . . 4 SEPTEMBER
With perfect weather this social event started and ended at Sonja's home where snacks were enjoyed before we set off for Jaqui and Lukas' home which was quite an energising walk. Here we enjoyed delicious starters prepared by Jaqui. Our next stop was a short walk away to Thea and Richard's home where the main course was served. This was Breyani and a Pasta dish, both absolutely delicious. Another short walk to Stella and Frikkie's home to enjoy a delicious baked dessert with ice cream. The 11 adults and 3 children who took part that evening all had a wonderful social evening. Those who couldn't make it this time should make an effort to be there at our next Hap en Stap. By the time we returned to our cars left at Sonja's it was rather late so we skipped the coffee on offer and returned home. Thank you to those who opened their homes and prepared the delicious supper! Report by Christine.
_____________________________________________________________ When Johan and I last hiked in Cathedral area, we went to the Didima Office to retrieve a hat which had been left on the Shuttle vehicle. While we were waiting for the hat to be fetched, we started chatting to an old African gentleman. He noticed our Mountain club badges and told us that previous to being employed by the Parks board he was employed by the Department of Forestry and had lived in the area all his life and attended a local school. The school must have been good as Joel's English was excellent. He then proceeded to recite a verse which he said had been on a board in the past and had been placed on the mountain by the Mountain Club. It went like this: There was a man from a biggish town Who never took his rubbish down; Like plastic bags and orange peel And we hesitate to reveal That when it came to his own mess He was not possessed. If ever you should meet his kind Do not hesitate to remind That it's improper to disgrace The untouched mountain face! The Mountain Club of South Africa.
Greetings Christine.
********************************************************************* Basic Principles of First Aid
All life threatening conditions should be evaluated and treated according to the basic principles of first aid. These principles can be remembered by the letters ABCD. A - AIRWAY - insure open airway B - BREATHING - patient must breathe C - CIRCULATION - circulation must be effective D - DRIP/DRUGS - drip and medication are administered Airway An open Airway is a necessity. The airways can be blocked by foreign bodies in the mouth and throat, eg. teeth, blood and vomit. It can also be blocked by the tongue, which falls backwards when a patient is unconscious. Circulation Impaired circulation can be caused by cardiac problems, eg. heart attack or vascular problems, eg. blood loss. Ineffective circulation can be recognised by: . Pulse absent in wrists or neck. . Blue/pale colouring of patient. . Noticeable massive bleeding of patient (sometimes). . Patient is usually unconscious. . Heartbeat is not audible in the chest. Treatment
Stop bleeding, if any, with direct pressure or tourniquet, and put patient in shock position - on back with legs lifted approximately 30 cm. Shock Shock is an oxygen shortage in tissue due to a shortage of circulatory blood. Our vital organs (brain, kidneys, etc.) are particularly sensitive to an oxygen shortage due to shock. We differentiate between two types of shock, namely: . Shock due to a loss of circulatory blood, eg. haemorrhages, burns, etc. . Shock when the blood system’s volume increases due to the widening of arteries under the
influence of the nervous system. This is the kind of shock that occurs as a result of an allergic reaction against snake anti-venom, penicillin, bee sings, etc.
Signs of Shock . Pale skin . Heavy perspiration . Patient thirsty and nauseous . Eyes dull and pupils dilated . Breathing deep and shallow . Pulse fast and weak . Unconsciousness due to oxygen shortage in brain Treatment . Treat the cause. Stop blood if possible. . Place patient in shock position, i.e. on back - straight legs. . Legs lifted about 25-30 cm so that blood can flow back to the vital organs where it is
. Keep patient calm and get medical help. . Patient must not drink alcohol.
Burns Injuries as a result of burning are an ever present hazard in the bush. Burns vary from small painful wounds to life threatening situations. In the bush, burns are caused by embers, cooking oil, boiling water or catastrophies like sleeping bags, vehicles or thatched roofs that catch fire. Chemicals like battery-acid can also cause burns. The severity of burns is determined by the depth (1 to 4 degrees) and the surface (as percentage of body surface). Any burn bigger than 9 square cm (3 x 3 cm) or deeper than 2 degrees (skin deep) must be referred to a doctor. Treatment Small Burns . Remove the cause of burn immediately. . Keep the burnt part of body under cold water for at least 10 minutes. . Remove rings, watches, etc before the onset of swelling. . Dress wound with clean gauze and bandages. . Get medical help. . Do not put on plaster, apply ointment or cream, lance or break blisters. Large burns (more than 5% of body) . Make victim comfortable and avoid contact between burnt part and ground if possible. . Carefully remove burnt, burning or soaked clothing. . Remove rings, watches, etc before onset of swelling. . Cover the burn with gauze or bandage. . Do not apply ointment or cream, lance or break blisters, remove anything that sticks to the
. Begin with shock treatment - shock position - drip if necessary. . ABC of first aid if necessary. . Convey to doctor or hospital. Eye Injuries - Penetrating . Don’t press on eye. . Don’t remove foreign objects. . Make a gauze pad and cut a hole in that fits around foreign object. . Place pad, place plastic mug or something similar over eye and tie with bandage. . Don’t give patient anything to eat or drink. . Cover the other eye as well. . Transport to doctor or hospital. Non-Penetrating . Make sure eye is not penetrated. . Novesine eye drops if available. . Turn upper eyelid over with match or cotton-wool bud. . Wipe foreign object out with cotton wool or tissue. . Use antibiotic eye ointment and painkiller per tablet. . NO MORE NOVESINE. Heat Problems These situations arise from exposure to excessive heat, and are quite often worsened by dehydration. Heat Exhaustion This happens when the body loses moisture from excessive perspiration, inadequate liquid intake and exposure to heat.
Thirst, headache, cramps, fast pulse, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and muscular weakness.
Rest. Allow to cool in the shade, wet with water, remove clothing. Liquid per mouth, small sips, preferably non-alcoholic. Remember that this treatment, given timorously, can prevent heatstroke.
Heatstroke This is a life threatening situation that occurs when the body’s normal temperature regulatory mechanism fails and the body temperature goes above 41oC.
High ambient temperature. Inborn inclination to heat sensitivity. Dehydration. Poor acclimatization (person from a cooler climate). Particularly dangerous when hunting in summer.
Patients complains of headache and dizziness. Patient becomes disorientated and acts strangely. Skin is red-hot and dry. Rectal temperature above 41oC. It if it not treated it will be followed by unconsciousness and death.
Try to keep patient still and lie in shade. Administer liquid per mouth, and if possible intravenously (drip) Transport to doctor or hospital.
Acclimatization and exercise. Vitamin C - start taking two weeks before hunt. Drink water regularly and see to it that it is always available. Wear light clothes that enhance cooling. First Aid Kit
Here is a list of the bare minimum that should be kept in a hikers First Aid kit. Experience will help to fill out your kit. Replenish and replace items regularly.
Panado/Ibuprofen/Aspirin/Disprin Disposable mouth to mouth
strips, plastic skin 1 course Amoxycillin
The day finally arrived. Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven. He is at the Pearly Gates, met by St. Peter himself. However, the gates are closed, and Forrest approaches the gatekeeper. St. Peter said, "Well, Forrest, it is certainly good to see you. We have heard a lot about you I must tell you, though, that the place is filling up fast, and we have been administering an entrance examination for everyone. The test is short, but you have to pass it before you can get into Heaven." Forrest responds, "It sure is good to be here, St. Peter, sir. But nobody ever told me about any entrance exam. I sure hope that the test is not too hard. Life was a big enough test as it was." St. Peter continued, "Yes, I know, Forrest, but the test is only three questions. First:What two days of the week begin with the letter T? Second:How many seconds are there in a year? Third:What is God's first name?" Forrest leaves to think the questions over. He returns the next day and sees St. Peter, who waves him up, and says, "Now that you have had a chance to think the questions over, tell me your answers" Forrest replied, "Well, the first one -- which two days in the week begins with the letter "T"? Shucks, that one is easy. That would be Today and Tomorrow." The Saint's eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, "Forrest, that is not what I was thinking, but you do have a point, and I guess I did not specify, so I will give you credit for that answer. How about the next one?" asked St. Peter. "How many seconds in a year? Now that one is harder," replied Forrest, but I thunk and thunk about that, and I guess the only answer can be twelve." Astounded, St. Peter said, "Twelve? Twelve? Forrest, how in Heaven's name could you come up with twelve secondsin a year?" Forrest replied, "Shucks, there's got to be twelve: January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd. " "Hold it," interrupts St.Peter. "I see where you are going with this, and I see your point, though that was not quite what I had in mind.but I will have to give you credit for that one, too. Let us go on with the third and final question. Can you tell me God's first name"? "Sure," Forrest replied, "it's Andy." "Andy?" exclaimed an exasperated and frustrated St Peter. "Ok, I can understand how you came up with your answers to my first two questions, but just how in the world did you come up with the name Andy as the first "name of God?" "Shucks, that was the easiest one of all," Forrest replied. "I learnt it from the song, "ANDYWALKS WITH ME, ANDY TALKS WITH ME, ANDY TELLS ME I AM HIS OWN." St. Peter opened the Pearly Gates, and said: "Run Forrest, run." …………………………………………………………………………………………. Programme 2009 Program * Dates to be finalized. The programme is subject to change. * Datums moet nog bepaal word. Die program kan verander. Rating System
1. Family weekend. Children, prospective & older members. Easy, short hikes often-good facilities.
2. Easy hike. Footpaths present or otherwise flat open terrain.
3. Average difficulty. Path over varying terrain, often steep. Sometimes paths, route finding necessary.
4. Difficult hike without footpath. Might incl. bundu bashing, serious scrambling, kloofing or exposure.
5. Technical climb. Requires climbing gear (sometimes ice climbing gear).
Enigiemand wat voorstelle vir ‘n uitstappie het en/of vir ons die uitstappie kan lei, kan gerus vir Ria Kotze kontak by 0343121665. Trading Post: For Sale: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ………………………………………………………….
GENERAL INTEREST. If there is anyone not receiving the Jubba-Jabber via e-mail and wants to receive it that way then please send me a mail at: and let me know your e-mail address so I can add it to the mailing list.
Combination Leflunomide and Methotrexate (MTX)Therapy for Patients with Active Rheumatoid ArthritisFailing MTX Monotherapy: Open-Label Extension of aRandomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled TrialJOEL KREMER, MARK GENOVESE, GRANT W. CANNON, JACQUES CALDWELL, JOHN CUSH, DANIEL E. FURST, MICHAEL LUGGEN, ED KEYSTONE, JOAN BATHON, ARTHUR KAVANAUGH, ERIC RUDERMAN, PATRICIA COLEMAN, DAVID CURTIS, ELL
CLINICAL ASPECTS SLEEP DISORDER – THE DISEASE OF THE MODERN WORLD LITERATURE REVIEW REKA SOLYOM1, DESPINA MARIA BAGHIU2 1University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu-Mures, 2Emergency County Hospital of Tîrgu-Mureș Keywords: Abstract: Introduction: sleep is a behavioural state of perceptual freedom while being unavailable for the environment, accompanied by c