On the Predictability of Currency Crises: The Use of Indicators in the Case of Arab Countries
A currency crisis, defined as a sharp decrease in the nominal value of
the currency, could have a significant impact on the economy in terms of
contraction of output, increase in unemployment and even collapse of banks.
Over the last three decades, the frequency of currency crises has increased; but
it is the increase in their magnitude, particularly that of the East Asian crisis of
The increase in the number of these crises and the importance of their
impact of the economy has generated a large amount of research into their
causes. At the theoretical level, the literature distinguishes between two main
types of models of currency crises. The first, which was prevalent over the
1980s, identifies weaknesses in economic fundamentals as the causes of the
crisis and the persistence of these weaknesses makes maintenance of the
pegged exchange rate regime unsustainable and thus the crisis inevitable. The
second type of models was motivated by the Exchange Rate Mechanism
(ERM) of the European Monetary System (EMS) crisis of 1992-93 in which a
speculative attack on some currencies resulted in a widening of the band
despite the fact that based on fundamentals the pegs were sustainable. This
type of models focuses on the self-fulfilling features of currency crises and its
major implication is that these crises are very hard to predict.
Based on theoretical priors, a number of models have been developed
and applied for the purpose of predicting currency crises. The idea is that if a
model that could predict a currency crisis with some degree of accuracy were
available, then policymakers could take the necessary actions to avoid the crisis
or at least minimize its impact. A few models have claimed success based on
in-sample prediction, but have failed when applied for out-of-sample
The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the issues mentioned
above and then apply the main currency crises indicators identified in the
literature to the case of Arab countries. Section 2 reviews the main theories of
currency crises. Section 3 analyzes three of the most cited models as having
provided some conclusive results regarding predictability of currency crises.
Based on the discussion in the previous two sections, section 4 focuses on a
group of Arab countries that officially adopt a pegged exchange rate regime.
The objective of the exercise is to detect any potential vulnerability of these
countries to currency crises. Section 5 concludes.
2. Theoretical models of currency crises
The issue of predictability of currency crises will ultimately be settled at
the empirical level. In the next section, the main empirical models that have
recently attempted to predict currency crises will be discussed. The objective
will be to highlight the main indicators that have been identified by these
models, before using them in the case of Arab countries. However, empirical
models are based to different degrees on theories of currency crises. From this
perspective, a brief review of these theories is called for.
Over the last twenty years, quite a few theoretical models of currency
crises have been developed. However, these models have been classified in the
literature into two main types commonly called the “first generation” and the
“second generation” models. The first generation models, which started with
the work of Krugman (1979), focus on the incompatibility between domestic
conditions and the maintenance of a pegged exchange rate. The second
generation models emphasize the trade-off between the benefits and the costs
In his model, Krugman assumes a small open economy which produces
a single tradable good whose price is determined on world markets; through
purchasing power parity, the domestic price of the good is equal to the nominal
exchange rate. Full flexibility of prices and wages assures that output is always
at full employment. The difference between output and spending determines
the balance of payments. Only two assets are available to investors, domestic
and foreign money with nominal interest rates on both set at zero. The
expected rate of inflation is the expected rate of depreciation of the domestic
currency. Under a pegged exchange rate regime, the government keeps a stock
of foreign reserves and uses it to maintain the peg.
In this model, a budget deficit due to an expansionary fiscal policy can
be financed either by issuing new money or by running down the stock of
foreign reserves held by the central bank. The rate at which the stock of
foreign reserves decreases depends on the willingness of the private agents to
acquire additional domestic money. When the level of foreign reserves reaches
a critical threshold, a speculative attack is launched on the currency,
eliminating the remaining stock of foreign reserves held by the central bank
and thus the peg is abandoned and the currency depreciates. Therefore,
according to the Krugman model, a currency crisis is caused by weak
macroeconomic fundamentals such as excessively expansionary fiscal and
monetary policies which lead to a continuous loss of foreign reserves until the
peg can no longer be maintained. In this model, the persistent weakness in the
fundamentals makes the crisis inevitable.
Following Krugman’s work, a number of models have extended the
original framework in several directions. Agenor et al. (1992) provide a review
of these extensions. First, regarding the postcollapse exchange rate regime, a
number of alternatives can be considered. One is for the central bank to adopt
a floating rate for a certain period before returning to a peg. Under this
scenario, the size of the expected devaluation and the length of the expected
transitional float affect the timing of the crisis; in other words, the larger the
expected devaluation and the shorter the expected transitional float, the earlier
the speculative attack on the currency and therefore the crisis. Second, some
models have introduced uncertainty about domestic credit growth and about the
level of foreign reserves that the central bank is willing to use to defend the
peg. In the first case, uncertainty helps explain increases in domestic interest
rates prior to a crisis. In the second case, the implication is that the time of
collapse of the pegged exchange rate regime cannot be determined explicitly.
Third, in the presence of forward-looking wage contracts, an anticipated future
collapse of the pegged exchange rate regime causes wages to rise and therefore
prices start to increase. Consequently, the real exchange rate appreciates. This
loss of competitiveness shows in the trade balance which deteriorates in the
period preceding the collapse of the currency. Fourth, the issue of capital
controls, not addressed by Krugman, was considered in extensions to his
model. If the government imposes permanent controls on capital movements,
this measure will prolong the maintenance of the pegged exchange rate regime.
However, it will cause the development of a parallel market for foreign
exchange to the detriment of the level of official foreign reserves. If capital
controls are temporary, official foreign reserves will be reduced through
current account transactions in the form of increased imports which may speed
Unlike the first generation models of currency crises in which the
persistent weakness in fundamentals makes the collapse of the pegged
exchange rate regime inevitable, the second generation models emphasize the
trade-off between the benefits and the costs of maintaining a peg. These
models were developed following the ERM of the EMS crisis of 1992-93 in
which it was observed that the exchange rates that were attacked were not
unsustainable in the sense that fundamentals of the economies in question were
weak and foreign reserves crossed the critical threshold.
One feature of these models is that policymakers continuously weigh the
benefits and costs associated with maintenance of the peg. As long as the
benefits exceed the costs, the peg will be maintained. However, whenever the
costs outweigh the benefits, policymakers will find it optimal to abandon the
peg. In Ozkan and Sutherland (1995), for instance, one benefit derived from
maintenance of the peg is to obtain credibility in the fight against inflation.
However, an increase in foreign interest rates will lead to an increase in
domestic interest rates. The cost comes in the form of a lower level of output.
If foreign interest rates rise beyond a certain level, the cost of maintaining the
peg becomes larger that the benefits and policymakers will abandon the peg.
Therefore, it is the changes in some important economic variables, due to
certain shocks either domestic or external, that make policymakers abandon the
In these models, a currency crisis can also erupt without any significant
change in fundamentals but because of a speculative attack on the currency
motivated by market participants’ expectations of a collapse of the peg. In this
framework, two outcomes are identified. One is that without the speculative
attack, the peg can be maintained indefinitely. Another is that the currency of
an economy with sound macroeconomic fundamentals can also be attacked. In
this case, speculators anticipate that fundamentals will change after the attack
due to their actions and to the response of policymakers, thereby validating ex-
post the incompatibility between the previous peg and the new fundamentals,
and therefore their decision to attack the currency.
Obstfeld (1996) presents some mechanisms through which currency
crises with self-fulfilling features, or self-fulfilling crises, erupt. One such
mechanism is when expectations of a currency depreciation drive up domestic
interest rates in a country with a high public debt. In this case, out of concern
for the higher cost of servicing the public debt, the government will abandon
the peg. Another mechanism is when expectations of a depreciation, which
lead to higher domestic interest rates, put the banking sector under pressure. In
this case, rather than face a possible costly bailout of banks, the government
One important characteristic of these models is that they allow for the
possibility of multiple equilibria and shifts across these equilibria; that is, the
economy can move from an equilibrium with no devaluation expectations and a
sustainable peg to an equilibrium with high devaluation expectations and a peg
that becomes unsustainable, without a change in fundamentals. Thus, unlike in
the Krugman model where a decrease of foreign reserves to a critical threshold
will trigger a currency crisis, a major implication of the second generation
models is that a crisis is very hard to predict.
Jeanne (1997) presents a model of currency crisis in which he attempts
to reconcile the two main theories discussed above. The author argues that
self-fulfilling speculation is a phenomenon that results from a bifurcation in the
fundamentals; that is, when the fundamentals cross a certain level, speculation
becomes self-fulfilling. The author also provides an empirical illustration of
this approach, using the French franc crisis of 1992-93.
Finally, some authors have argued that currency crises are caused by
contagious effects. Following the theoretical work by Gerlach and Smets
(1995), Eichengreen, Rose and Wyplosz (1996) undertake a test of this
hypothesis. They find that a speculative attack elsewhere in the world raises
the probability of an attack on the domestic currency by 8%.
3. Indicators of currency crises: empirical evidence
In the present section, the focus will be on three of the most cited
empirical models for predicting currency crises, which also differ in terms of
the methodology adopted. These models are from: Frankel and Rose (1996),
Sachs, Tornell and Velasco (1996) and Kaminsky, Lizondo and Reinhart
Frankel and Rose apply a model to estimate the probability of a currency
crash, using a panel of annual data for 105 developing countries over the period
1971-1992. The authors first define a currency crash as “a nominal
depreciation of the currency of at least 25% that is also at least a 10% increase
in the rate of depreciation” (p. 352), thus excluding high inflation cases. To
avoid counting the same crisis more that once, they also set a three-year
window around a crash period. They use a large number of explanatory
variables classified as follows: domestic macroeconomic indicators, external
variables, debt composition and foreign variables. Following a graphical
analysis of the variables they selected, the authors pool the data across
countries and periods and estimate probit models using both contemporaneous
and lagged regressors. After conducting robustness checks to their regression
results, the authors conclude that the probability of a currency crash increases
when the share of foreign direct investment to total debt decreases, domestic
credit growth is high, GDP growth is low, and when foreign interest rates are
The second model considered is that of Sachs, Tornell and Velasco in
which the authors analyze the severity of the Mexican crisis of 1994 and its
impact on emerging markets, using a cross section of twenty countries in 1995.
They define a crisis index as the weighted average of the percent depreciation
of the nominal exchange rate and the percent decrease in reserves, from
November 1994 to April 1995. Their explanatory variables include real
exchange rate appreciation and growth in credit to the private sector as a
fraction of GDP (a proxy for banking system weakness) which represent
fundamentals, and the ratio of reserves to M2 as a proxy for reserve adequacy.
Their argument is that for a country to face a currency crisis, it has to have both
weak fundamentals and inadequate reserves (exchange rate appreciation,
lending boom and reserves/M2 in the lowest quartile of the sample). With R2
equal to 0.69, they conclude that their model describes well the cross-country
pattern of currency crises in emerging markets in the period they covered.
Kaminsky, Lizondo and Reinhart propose the “signals” approach, an
early warning system of currency crises which consists of monitoring the
evolution of a set of economic indicators which tend to behave differently in
the periods leading up to a crisis. The authors define a crisis as “a situation in
which an attack on the currency leads to a sharp depreciation of the currency, a
large decline in international reserves, or a combination of both” (p. 15).
Empirically, they identify a crisis by the behavior of an index of exchange
market pressure which is a weighted average of monthly percentage changes in
the exchange rate and gross international reserves. Based on theoretical priors
and on the availability of data on a monthly basis, the authors choose 15
economic indicators: international reserves, imports, exports, the terms of
trade, deviations of the real exchange rate from trend, the differential between
foreign and domestic real interest rates on deposits, excess real M1 balances,
the money multiplier, the ratio of domestic credit to GDP, the real interest rate
on deposits, the ratio of nominal lending to deposit interest rates, the stock of
commercial banks deposits, the ratio of broad money to gross international
reserves, an index of output and an index of equity prices. Except for the
deviation of the real exchange rate from trend, excess real M1 balances and the
variables based on interest rates, the indicator is defined as the percentage
change in the level of the variable from its level of one year earlier.
The authors set the signaling horizon at 24 months and consider that an
indicator issues a signal whenever it departs from its mean and crosses a given
threshold level. For each indicator, they choose a country-specific threshold
level so as to establish a balance between the risks of issuing false signals and
not issuing signals about an upcoming crisis. In their examination of the
effectiveness of individuals indicators, the authors extend the empirical
analysis undertaken in Kaminsky and Reinhart (1996). In that paper, the
authors analyze the links between banking and currency crises and include 76
currency crises in 20 countries (15 developing and 5 developed) over the period
Kaminsky, Lizondo and Reinhart analyze the performance of each
indicator in terms of the matrix presented below.
Each of the 4 cells represents months. For example, cell A would show for a
particular indicator the number of months in which the indicator would issue a
signal of a crisis which would actually occur within the next 24 months. Based
on the framework of the above matrix, the authors present in a summary table
the performance of all indicators under the signals approach. The table
provides data on the percentage of crises called, the percentage of good signals
to possible good signals (A (A + C)), the percentage of bad signals to possible
bad signals (B (B + D)) , the ratio of false signals to good signals, or the noise-
[ B (B + D)] [A (A + C)] ) and the percentage of crises for which
signals were issued to number of signals issued (A (A + B)).
The authors also calculate for each indicator both the average number of
months in advance of the crisis when the first signal occurs (average lead time)
and the persistence of the signals, the average number of signals per period,
during the period preceding a crisis relative to tranquil times. Based on the
empirical examination of the various indicators included in the study, the
authors conclude that those that performed the best as leading indicators are:
deviations of the real exchange rate from trend, exports, equity prices, the ratio
of broad money to gross international reserves and output.
Furman and Stiglitz (1998) discuss a number of issues related to the East
Asian crisis of 1997. In this context, they analyze the three empirical models
reviewed above, developed and estimated before that crisis, and apply them to
the East Asian countries in order to assess their forecasting accuracy. When
applying the Frankel and Rose model, they find very low probabilities of crises
in East Asian countries and thus conclude that it would not have predicted that
crisis. They reach a similar conclusion when they apply the Sachs, Tornell and
Velasco model. Regarding the Kamisky, Lizondo and Reinhart model,
Furman and Stiglitz find that it would have performed better than the previous
two models in predicting the East Asian crisis. However they argue that,
because it adopts a common percentile threshold, this model has a tendency to
overpredict crises in countries with a history of good fundamentals and
underpredict them in countries with a history of bad fundamentals.
In line with the work undertaken by Furman and Stiglitz, Berg and
Pattillo (1999) evaluate the same three models and assess their predictive
power. This out-of-sample exercise leads to conclusions that are largely
consistent with those of Furman and Stiglitz. In effect, both the Frankel and
Rose, and the Sachs, Tornell and Velasco models do not provide any useful
forecasts, even with the addition of other explanatory variables. As to the
Kaminsky, Lizondo and Reinhart model, the authors find that it achieved some
success such as in terms of ranking countries by severity of crisis. But, when
they add two variables, the level of the ratio of M2 to reserves and the ratio of
the current account to GDP (which they believe are important potential
determinants of currency crises), the augmented model performs better out-of-
4. Behavior of indicators for Arab countries
In the previous section, the focus was on three studies that have claimed
success in predicting currency crises, based on in-sample prediction. The
choice of variables used in these studies was based on the main theories of
currency crises. However, when applied for out-of-sample prediction, those
empirical models failed though to a lesser extent for the Kaminsky, Lizondo
and Reinhart model. Therefore, the search for a model capable of forecasting
currency crises with some degree of accuracy and consistency continues. This,
in no way, is intended to imply that the large amount of work undertaken so far
in this direction should be discarded. The literature, both theoretical and
empirical, has identified a large set of variables that could at least be useful in
the task of detecting vulnerability to currency crises. From this perspective,
and given the lack of studies on Arab countries in this area, the present section
will focus exclusively on Arab countries. The objective will be essentially to
analyze the behavior of some of the main indicators identified in the literature,
and thus attempt to uncover any potential vulnerability of Arab economies to
The group of Arab countries covered includes only those that officially
adopt a pegged exchange rate regime, that is: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya,
Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and United Arab Emirates. Three
countries peg their currency to the U.S. dollar, five to the SDR and two to a
basket of currencies (table 1 at the end of the text). Due to a lack of data on
several variables identified in the literature as potential indicators of
vulnerability to currency crises, the present exercise focuses only on annual
observations on nine variables over the period 1995-1998. Two of these
variables, depreciation of the nominal exchange rate against the U.S. dollar
(table 2) and inflation (table 3), should be examined jointly; thus grossly
measuring changes in the real exchange rate against the dollar (given that the
inflation rate in the U.S. was less than 3% over the period in question). Data
on real GDP growth rate are presented in table 4. Fiscal expansion is
represented by the ratio of fiscal surplus to GDP (table 5). Monetary expansion
is represented by the growth rate of domestic credit (table 6). Adequacy of
reserves is represented in two ways: the ratio of M2 to reserves (table 7) and
the ratio of reserves to imports (table 8). Finally, the external position of the
countries under study is represented by both the ratio of the current account to
GDP (table 9) and the ratio of the external debt to GDP (table 10).
It can be observed from table 2 that six of the ten Arab countries had the
nominal exchange rate of their currencies against the dollar fixed over the
period 1995-98, and in fact for much longer than that. Combined with the
figures from table 3 on inflation, the real exchange rate of those currencies
against the dollar actually declined over the period for most of them, except for
Qatar where it slightly increased over the last year (inflation up from 2.8% to
3.1%). Jordan experienced no change in the nominal rate over the last two
years, but an increase in the real rate in the last year though by a small
percentage. For the other Arab countries, while Morocco experienced a
depreciation of the real rate over the last three years, Libya’s real rate
consistently increased by more than 15% over the same period, even surpassing
Except for Morocco and Jordan, the other Arab countries in the sample
are oil producers and the oil sector represents an important part of their GDP
and a main source of their government revenues. Thus, it is expected that the
figures in tables 4 (real GDP growth rate) and 5 (fiscal surplus/GDP) reinforce
each other for those countries. Furthermore, the sharp decrease in world oil
prices from the end of 1997 to early 1999 should be reflected significantly in
the figures for 1998. A look at the numbers in the two tables indicates that it is
indeed the case. For Jordan, the ratio of the fiscal deficit to GDP increased
sharply in 1998 although the economy contracted only slightly. As to Morocco,
the growth of its GDP is heavily dependent on agricultural output which in turn
is highly exposed to weather conditions.
Regarding the indicator of monetary expansion, domestic credit growth,
the figures in table 6 show sharp changes in the rate of growth, both positive
and negative, over the period for most countries. Over the last two years, the
most noticeable numbers concern Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and Qatar for the
sharp increases in the rate; Kuwait and Morocco for the slowdown in the
expansion and Saudi Arabia for the contraction.
With respect to the adequacy of reserves represented by two ratios,
broad money (M2) to foreign exchange reserves (table 7) and reserves to
imports (table 8), figures on two countries stand out: the low level of reserves
relative to M2 and imports for Saudi Arabia and the high level for Libya. The
ratios for the other Arab countries are not far apart. However, for all countries
and over the four years, no significant deterioration in the ratios was observed.
The external position of Arab countries is represented by the ratio of
current account to GDP (table 9) and that of external debt to GDP (table 10).
Between 1997 and 1998, all oil producing countries experienced a worsening
of their current account position. Even Jordan and Morocco faced a similar
situation. The highest deficits as a percent of GDP were recorded in Bahrain,
Oman and Qatar at around 17%. Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are the
only countries that show a positive ratio of current account to GDP over the
whole period. As to the ratio of external debt to GDP, it is highest in the cases
of Jordan and Qatar (114.9% and 100%, respectively in 1998). However, the
ratios have been moving in opposite direction for these two countries,
decreasing for Jordan and increasing for Qatar. For the other countries,
Morocco’s debt is the highest with respect to GDP (53.4% in 1998) but has
been declining annually while those of Oman and the United Arab Emirates
have sharply increased in the last year (by about 44% and 40%, respectively).
Regardless of the strength of economic fundamentals, for a speculative
attack on a currency to succeed the capital account must be open; in other
words, inward and outward capital flows must be unrestricted. Otherwise, the
monetary authorities can maintain the pegged exchange rate for a much longer
period of time (although at the cost of the emergence of a parallel foreign
exchange market or increased imports, as discussed previously). In the case of
the Arab countries covered in this study, the regulatory frameworks for current
and (especially) capital transactions are presented in table 1. With respect to
current transactions, Libya and Syria are the only countries that have yet to
accept the obligations of Article VIII of the IMF Articles of Agreement.
Regarding capital transactions, a few observations can be made. Except
Bahrain, all Arab countries impose controls on foreign direct investment. Also,
except Qatar, all have specific provisions regarding transactions conducted by
commercial banks and other credit institutions. Only four Arab countries
impose controls on financial credits (Bahrain, Libya, Morocco and Syria).
Finally, only Jordan and Qatar do not maintain any controls on capital and
money market instruments. Thus, the regulatory framework for capital
transactions is by no means uniform across Arab countries. While no country
maintains a fully open capital account, countries differ in terms of types of
transactions they chose to liberalize. Overall, on a capital account openness
scale, Libya, Morocco and Syria rank the lowest and Qatar the highest.
Based solely on an observation of the indicators, and without statistical
tests of the type undertaken by Kaminsky, Lizondo and Reinhart for instance, it
can be stated that these indicators behaved differently across Arab countries.
The sharp decrease in world oil prices over the last two years of the period did
have a significant impact on oil exporting countries. However, the indicators
for some of these countries deteriorated much more than those for others. In
effect, Bahrain, Libya, Oman and Qatar had most of their indicators move in
the “wrong” direction in a significant way. For the non-oil producing
countries, Jordan experienced a significant deterioration of its indicators, which
implies increased vulnerability to currency crisis. In effect, while an upturn in
world oil prices (as seen since early 1999) will quickly lead to improvements in
the indicators of oil exporting countries, Jordan’s economic structure combined
with the relative openness of its capital account imply that its currency has
This paper has addressed the issue of currency crises. A currency crisis
is generally defined as a situation in which a speculative attack on the currency
leads to a sharp decrease in its nominal value. Some authors also include in
this definition a situation in which a speculative attack does not result in a
devaluation of the currency but in a reduction of foreign exchange reserves and
an increase in domestic interest rates. The costs of a currency crisis to an
economy may be significant, which makes the interest in this issue shown by
both researchers and policymakers all the more relevant. A currency crisis can
occur jointly with a banking crisis, it can precede or follow a banking crisis, or
it can occur without a banking crisis. The links between the two types of crises
are well established in the literature. The focus in this paper has been only on
After discussing the main types of theoretical models of currency crises,
the first generation and second generation models, the paper has reviewed three
of the most cited empirical models of currency crises. Those models have
claimed success in predicting currency crises, based on in-sample prediction.
But, when applied for out-of-sample prediction, they showed their limitations.
However, it should be recognized that currency crises are hard to predict
because they are different from each other mainly in terms of the conditions of
the countries in which they erupt. Therefore, using a model or a set of
indicators which may have performed well in one instance does not necessarily
make them suitable in another situation. Furthermore, as pointed out in the
IMF World Economic Outlook (1998), even if models or indicators which
could predict a currency crisis with a high degree of accuracy were available,
they would lose their usefulness since market participants would take them into
account and thus speed up occurrence of the crisis and policymakers would act
Nevertheless, the literature on currency crises, both theoretical and
empirical, has identified a large set of variables that could at least be useful in
the task of detecting vulnerability to currency crises. From this perspective, the
last part of the paper has discussed the results of an exercise that focused
exclusively on Arab countries and which relied on an observation of
developments in the indicators. Based on the behavior of some of the main
indicators identified in the literature, the objective was to attempt to uncover
any potential vulnerability of Arab economies to currency crises. As it turned
out, discounting the impact of world oil prices on most Arab countries, a few of
them do appear vulnerable to a currency crisis.
Table 1. Exchange Arrangements and Regulatory Frameworks for Current and Capital Transactions in Arab Countries Exchange rate arrangements Status under IMF Articles Controls on Controls on Controls on Provisions pegged to: of Agreement capital and financial specific to A basket of investment commercial currencies banks and instruments other credit institutions Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Notes: * No restrictions on payments and transfers for current transactions.
** Maintenance of restrictions on payments and transfers for current transactions. - Not available.
International Monetary Fund, Exchange Arrangements And Exchange Restrictions Annual Report 1998.
Table 2. Depreciation of Nominal Exchange Rate Against U.S. Dollar 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, February 2000.
Table 3. Inflation 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report, Various Issues.
Table 4. Real GDP Growth 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report, Various Issues.
Table 5. Fiscal Surplus 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: Unified Arab Economic Report, 1999.
Table 6. Domestic Credit Growth 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, February 2000.
Foreign Exchange Reserves 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, February 2000.
Table 8. Foreign Exchange Reserves 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report, Various Issues.
Table 9. Current Account 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report, Various Issues.
Table 10. External Debt 1995 1996 1997 1998 Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit, Country Report, Various Issues.
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On the Predictability of Currency Crises: The Use of Indicators in the Case of Arab Countries Abstract
A currency crisis could have a significant impact on the economy, as
events from the East Asian crisis of 1997 have shown. The increase in the
number of currency crises over the last three decades has generated a large
amount of research into their causes. Theoretical models developed over this
period have been classified in the literature into two main types commonly
called the “first generation” and the “second generation” models. The first
generation models focus on the incompatibility between domestic conditions
and the maintenance of a pegged exchange rate. The second generation models
emphasize the trade-off between the benefits and the costs of maintaining a
peg. Based on theoretical priors, empirical models have been developed and
applied for the purpose of predicting currency crises. After discussing both
theoretical and empirical models and underlining the limitations of the latter,
the last part of the paper focuses on a group of Arab countries that adopt a
pegged exchange rate regime. Using a set of indicators identified in the
literature, the objective of the exercise is to attempt to detect any potential
vulnerability of Arab economies to currency crises.
1 Het was na deze gebeurtenissen dat David Hasjem raadpleegde 2 en vroeg: „Zal ik optrekken naar één van de steden van Jehoeda?” En Hasjem antwoordde hem: „Trek op.” Hierop vroeg David: „Waar-heen zal ik optrekken?” En Hij antwoordde: „Naar Chevron.” 2 En zotrok David daarheen en ook zijn twee vrouwen Achinoam uit Jizreëlen Avigajil, de [voormalige] vrouw van Naval uit Karmel.
DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 Lifestyle modification as part of initial management Measure HbA1c every 3 months depending on Have lifestyle modifications been successful? Consider oral hypoglycaemic agents Is there renal and/or cardiac dysfunctionConsider either metformin or a sulphonylurea Optimise dose of oral hypoglycaemic agent If patient on sulphonylurea and has normal renal