EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project CHAPTER 11 PUBLIC HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEM 11.1 GENERAL
The creation of a huge and an artificial water body will certainly change the
micro-climate of the surrounding area, particularly raising the humidity levels.
These changes are likely to reflect in creating conditions for human diseases
directly and indirectly. Direct causes include water-borne diseases, while
indirect causes include breeding grounds for carriers and vectors. Malaria
could be the major vector-borne disease in the area. During the survey, at
present, the other water borne diseases like diarrhoea, jaundice, cholera,
typhoid etc. are not found to be prevalent in the project area. The main
breeding seasons of the anopheline mosquito (malaria vector) are the months
of September and March. The preferred habitat is stagnant or slow moving
fresh water open to sunshine or moderate shade. Mosquito control and
mosquito proofing measures can control malaria.
The water resources project consists of various components and each
requires a set of specific management measures. Mosquito control measures
aim at destroying the habitat and interrupting the life cycle by mechanical or
biological or chemical means. In order to have effective control measures to
eradicate malaria-causing mosquito the project dispensaries have to work
closely with the Primary Health Centres in the nearby villages and Hospital at
District Head Quarters. The suggested measures are explained in following
As the population density is low in the project area, the health care facilities
are also distantly placed in the region. The existing medical facilities in the
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-1 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project 11.3 TRADITIONAL MEDICINAL PRACTICES
In the remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh the traditional medicinal practices
are prevalent and the rural population used to adopt and get cured various
illness by using the traditional medicines. These practices may be given a
formal boost up by the project authorities by keeping at least one practitioner
in the hospital. This kind of practitioner in rural terms is called “Bamunies”. By
providing these facilities the rural population’s medicinal faith also will be kept
The Reservoir basin should be cleared and prepared prior to filling for
removing unwanted materials in the reservoir, which may lead to unhealthy
condition giving rise to breeding ground to mosquito. It involves removal of
trees, undergrowth, etc. and clearance of shoreline subjected to erosion to the
extent to which the wave action is anticipated. It also involves clearance of
Mats of logs and other floating debris, so that it does not provide mosquito-
The site selected for habitation of workers should be properly planned and
should not be in the path of natural drainage. Adequate drainage system to
dispose storm water drainage and sewage water from the labour colonies
Strict procedures will be followed in importing labour force from outside the
state. Quarantine measures will be adopted and any possibility of importing
any fatal diseases such as cerebral malaria, would be eliminated by keeping
close vigil on the potential carriers. A thorough medical screening of the
labours will be conducted for all the labour coming from outside.
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-2 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project 11.6 OTHER MEASURES
The project authorities would ensure that all preventive measures and norms
are strictly enforced to avoid outbreak of any such eventuality. Surface sprays
on the reservoir waters to eliminate breeding of disease bearing insects, like
mosquitoes, etc. will be made from time to time. These sprays will be
intensified particularly during hot and humid season.
Adequate vaccination and immunization facilities should be provided
The labour camps and resettlement sites should be at least 2 to 3 km
away from a main water body or quarry areas.
Labour colonies will be developed for the construction work. It is estimated
that a population of about 5000 is likely to congregate during the construction
phase. The labour population will be concentrated at two or three sites. It is
recommended that one Dispensary should be developed at a site, which is
easily accessible from the three labour colonies.
The details of manpower, infrastructure requirement for this dispensary are
11.7.1 Manpower
2 Doctors of having M.B.B.S./M.D qualification can be employed in the
dispensary and it is advisable that the doctors reside in the staff quarters
adjacent to the dispensary. The Para-medical staff required for assistance to
Table 11.1: Details of Para-medical staff for Dispensary Para medical staff
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-3 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project 11.7.2 Proposed Health Facilities at Construction sites and labour camp
It is possible that during the construction work, the technical staff operating
different equipment is not only exposed to the physical strain of work but also
to the physical effects of the environment in which they are working. The
workers and other technical staff may come up with common manifestations
such as insect bites, fever, diarrhoea, work exhaustion and other diseases,
which they are suffering. In addition they may invariably come up with injuries
caused by accidents at work site. Under all circumstances, workers need
At least three first aid posts are to be provided at each of the major
construction sites, so that workers are immediately attended to in case of an
This first-aid post will have at least the following facilities:
First aid box with essential medicines including ORS packets
First aid appliances-splints and dressing materials
The first aid post can be housed in temporarily erected structure and should
be managed by one Health Assistant and assisted by one dresser/first aid
attendant. Doctors from the dispensary can attend First Aid post regularly
every day at a fixed time. There should be communication to establish link
between the dispensary and then first-aid post, so as to enable doctors from
dispensary to reach the work site in case of an emergency. The first aid post
should have facilities such as fire fighting equipment; telephone connection,
one vehicle or ambulance van for effective functioning.
In water resources schemes it is imperative to develop a proper surveillance
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-4 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project
system. If facilities for diagnosis and treatment of parasitic diseases are
available, then the data obtained should be reported systematically and
reviewed at higher levels, where operational decisions on specific
interventions can be made. The systematic surveillance may be followed as
11.8.1 Malaria control activities
One of the doctors may be designated as “Expert Medical Officer for Malaria”
and will be permanently posted at the dispensary. It is suggested that the anti-
malarial campaign be carried out under his immediate personal supervision. A
systematic campaign should be conducted amongst the labour population in
the months of March and September, which are the breeding months of
mosquito. Surveillance for malaria is very important as during the construction
phase, stagnant pools for water, wastewater, etc. are created which can lead
to greater incidence of malaria. One male multi-purpose health worker along
with one attendent will visit the labour camps and surrounding areas once a
- Whether there is a case of fever in the house, and
- Whether there was a case of fever in the house between his previous
If the answer to either of these two questions is 'yes' then the health worker
will collect a blood sample and a single dose of chloroquine (600 mg for adults
and proportionate dose for others) as a presumptive treatment. The blood
sample is then sent to laboratory at the dispensary for testing. If the test is
positive then infected person is administered a course of Radical Treatment.
There should be regular fumigation and sprays of insecticides in the areas
where water is likely to be stagnant, to prevent the growth of malarial larvae.
Normally, DDT is used for this purpose. However, since, it has been
conclusively proved that DDT is non-degradable, its use is no longer
favoured. Malathion could be used for spraying purposes in place of DDT.
Though DDT is no longer a preferred option, it must be mentioned that
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-5 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project
amongst other insecticides, DDT is more effective for mosquito control and is
least expensive. Hence expert opinion may be seeked by project authority
before selecting the appropriate insecticide for malaria control. The frequency
of monitoring could be once in 15 days. For this purpose a special van may be
11.8.2 Vaccination and Health Check-up Camps
Regular health check-up will be held at the construction sites for the labourers
in order to assess general health conditions and any other communicable
diseases. Vaccination camps also will be held for the labourers as well as
their family members in the labour colonies. A provision for adequate quantity
of medicine distribution also will be kept for the requirement of the labourers.
Sufficient stock of medicines also will be ensured for meeting the requirement
11.8.3 Health Extension Activities
The health care activities proposed in the plan shall also be extended to the
PAPs and the locals residing in project area. It is important to inculcate
hygienic habits of environmental sanitation especially with respect to water
pollution by domestic wastes. There would be possibility of the transmission of
communicable diseases due to migration of labour population from other
The doctors from the dispensary will make regular visits to these villages and
organize health promotional activities with the active participation of the local
village leaders, NGOs and available local health functionaries. The health
functionaries would undertake the following tasks as a part of health
- Collect water samples to ascertain the potability of water from different
sources so as to monitor regular disinfections of drinking water
- Maintain dose surveillance on incidence of communicable diseases in
- Maintain close liaison with the community leaders and health
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-6 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project
functionaries of different departments, so that they can be mobilized in
The Expenditure involved in establishing a health care system will have two
major components. One is the fixed cost of construction and other variable
11.9.1 Fixed Cost (Non-recurring) A Infrastructure Dispensary
The project authority has proposed to construct a hospital at the colony which
will be located nearby the project site. The construction area proposed for the
same is estimated as 1000 sq m (plinth area 500 sq m; double storey) and the
estimated cost of cost of construction is Rs. 90 lakhs. This expenditure is
earmarked under the project construction cost. Till the construction of project
hospital, the infrastructure for the dispensary is to be provided by the project.
First Aid Posts
Three first aid posts are is proposed for the project site so as to provide easy
and immediate access to the laborers, which can be built up purely for the
construction phase and hence may be of temporary nature and 'will be
constructed with asbestos sheets, bamboo, etc. It will cost @ Rs.1,20,
000/First Aid Post. The total cost for constructing of three (3) First Aid Posts
(c) Miscellaneous
Rs 14,00,000 /- for two (2) Vehicles (Closed Jeep) @7,00,000/-
Rs 7,00,000/- for one (1) Van for mosquito control spray
11.9.2 Variable Cost (Recurring)
Sprays for control of insecticides, drugs and medicine Rs.32, 000/month
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-7 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project
Malaria control-dosage of chloroquine, spray for mosquito control, blood
testing etc Rs 22,000/ month (Rs 2,64,000/-)
1. Rs 50,000/ month for Two (2) post for Doctor@ Rs. 25,000/month.
2. Rs 40,000/month for five (5) post for Nurse @ Rs. 8,000/month. (Yearly
3. Rs 12,000/month for two (2) post for Multipurpose Health Workers @
4. Rs 10,000/month for two (2) post for Health Workers / Attendants @
5. Rs 8,000/month for two (2) post for Driver @ Rs. 4,000/month (Yearly
6. Rs 15,000/month for three (3) post for Health Assistants @ Rs.
7. Rs 12,000/ month for three (3) post for Dressers @ Rs. 4,000/month
Hence total manpower cost would be Rs. 17,04,000/- yearly.
11.9.3 Overall Expenditure Non-Recurring Expenditure
Infrastructure (Construction of 3 First Aid Posts)
Total : Rs. 25.50 lakh …(A) Recurring Expenditure
(Sprays for control of insecticides, drugs and
medicine & Malaria control-dosage of chloroquine,
spray for mosquito control, blood testing)
: Rs 23.52 lakh
National Productivity Council,Guwahati 11-8 EMP Report of Dibang Multipurpose Project Total expenditure for 8 years construction period :Rs 188.16 lakh …(B) Total Expenditure for Health care (A) + (B) : Rs 213.66 lakh
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