Microsoft word - curriculum vitae.rtf

N.Psyhiko 154 51, Athens, Greece Tel.: +3 210 6771540-3 Fax: +3 210 6771544 Mob. Tel.: 1982-1988 - Medical Doctor 1991-1992 - Diploma in OB/GYN Ultrasonography 1993-1994 - European diploma in Hysteroscopy University of Paris Sud, Paris, France 2006 - Doctorat-Phd University Victor Babes, Timisoara, Romania 2007 - Associated Professor University Victor Babes, Timisoara, Romania Appointments: 5/1993-5/1994 - Fellow in Obstetrics/Gynecology 5/1994-11/1994 - Associate in Gynecologic and Laparoscopic Surgery - Assistant Faculty in Obstetrics/Gynecology Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility - Ass. Professor Obstetrics/Gynecology/Reproductive 5/2006 - Thesis PhD ''In Vitro Fertilization in seropositive couples" Timisoara, Romania Postgraduate Training: 1/1989-11/1989 - Internship in Obstetrics/Gynecology Pitie Salpetrier Hospital, Paris, France 11/1989-11/1990 - Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology 11/1990-5/1991 - Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology 5/1991-11/1991 - Resident in General Surgery 11/1991-5/1992 - Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology 5/1992-11/1992 - Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology 11/1992-5/1993 - Resident in General Surgery Giatras, KD. Sexual/behavioral differences between Southern and Northern European couples. University Archives, Paris Sud, 1994 Giatras, KD. 1. Secondary effects following hormonal stimulation for IVF. 2. Long term comparison of IVF and naturally conceived babies. Archives of International Congress of Gynecology. Timisoara, Romania, 1993 Giatras, KD. et al. Progesterone supplementation during luteal phase following induction of ovulation. Genessis, 3: 17-19, 1994 M.Damario, K.Giatras, HC Liu, Z.Rosenwaks. Use of receiver operating characteristic curves of serum progesterone concentrations to determine ectopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilization. P resented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 7-12,1995 HC Liu, K.Giatras, M.Damario, C.Benadiva, I.Kligman, Z.Rosenwaks. Interactions among embryo, endometrium and corpus luteum. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 7-12,1995 Posterior urethral valves. A study of genetics, etiology, prenatal echographic presentation, clinical symptomatology, disease evolution, and Giatras Sexual and social behavior of HIV positive patients before and after Study of 6 female inpatients. Rotschild Hospital Giatras Should we reduce the triple pregnancies in twins after IVF? Giatras and al Intauterine inseminations: different protocols and efficacy Giatras and al Tubar perfusion: A new technique in the induction of ovulation Giatras and al Steinert syndrome: effects during pregnancy Giatras and al: Ultrasound in Ectopic pregnancy:Laparoscopic procedure versus injection of methotrexate Day 3 FSH . A predictor of ovarian function. Under publication. Fertility and Giatras and al: Ovarian age is not correlated to chronological age. Hormonal study FSH, E2. Under publication. Human Reproduction Giatras and al. Myotonic dystrophy during pregnancy. Case report. Maieytiki kai gynekologia volume 3: January 1996: 71-74 K.Giatras ,I. Zervoudakis and F.Chernevak Megacystis microcolon during pregnancy. Case report Under publication .Ultrasound in Obstetrics Giatras and al. Hysteroscopical removal of submucous myomas. Fertility outcome after the procedure.J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc . Giatras and al. Laparoscopic ablation of rudimental uterine horn for pelvic pain in a woman with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser(MRKH) syndrome. Case report. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. Giatras and al. Unicornuate uterus. Fertility outcome after laparoscopic resection of the rudimentary horn. Case report. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. Giatras and al. K.Giatras, M.Damario, L.Barmat, and G.Schattman. The Evaluation of the Basal Day 3 FSH is a better predictor of the pregnancy outcome than the age of women undergoing IVF. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2-6,1996 Jamie A.Grifo MD, PhD; Konstantinos Giatras MD; Alexis Adler, BS; Ya Xu Tang, MD and Lewis Krey, PhD. Pregnancies with day 4 transfer after preimplantation diagnosis. Abstract to be presented in 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, Vancouver,B.C.,Canada, May 24-28, 1997 Jamie A.Grifo MD, PhD; Konstantinos Giatras MD; Alexis Adler, BS; Ya Xu Tang, MD and Lewis Krey, PhD. Successful outcome with day four transfer after preimplantation diagnosis for genetically transmitted diseases. Human Reproduction. November 1997 Giatras K., Pantos K. , Athanasiou V. , Stefanidis K., Stavrou D. , Vaxevanoglou T. , Chronopoulou M., , Pihos I. , Tzigounis V. , The successful use of blastocyst in assisted reproductive technology .Oral announcement at the ESHRE meeting ,Tours , France, June , 1999. Giatras K. , Berkeley AS. , Noyes N. , Licciardi F. , Lolis D. , Grifo JA. Fertility after hysteroscopic resection of submucous myomas . J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 1999 May ; 6(2): 155-8 . Giatras K, Blastocyst versus day 3 transfer in IVF cycles National congress Obstetrics Gynecology Sibiu,Romania March 2010 Giatras K.,Is there any more necessary the reduction of triplets pregnancy in twin pregnancy after I.V.F procedures. Proceedings of the International Conference for Human Reproductive Health, November 2010 Giatras K.,Pregnancies obtained by I.V.F at women with bicornous uterus. The VI- th of the DKMT Conference of Obstetrics and Gynecology. May 2011 Giatras K. Different ways of presenting the results of I.V.F. National Day of Licensure to practice: 1989 General Medicine, Greek Ministry of Health 1994 OB/GYN, Ordre des Medecins de Paris Languages: English, French, Greek, Romanian, Italian in perfection Professional Organizations/Memberships: 1995 American Society for Reproductive Medicine 1995 Reproductive Medical Society of New York, 1996 The American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists 1996 The Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, USA 1996 European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology 2001 Hellenic Greek society of obstetrics gynecology 2010 Romanian association of doctors


Dosage adjustment for cytotoxics in renal impairment

Dosage Adjustment for Cytotoxics in Hepatic Impairment Dosage Adjustment for Cytotoxics in Hepatic Impairment This table is a guide only. Pharmacokinetic, Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), relevant pharmaceutical company data and various references have been reviewed for each drug. From this information, a recommendation has been suggested. Input of the full clinical pic

Microsoft word - luitpold - roxro press release.doc

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 13, 2010 Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Acquires ROXRO PHARMA, Inc., a U.S. Company Developing Acute Pain Products Contact Information: Walter Tozzi, RPh, MS, MBA Sr. Director of Marketing & Professional Services 631-924-4000 Shirley, N.Y. (December 13, 2010) – Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. a New York based U.S.

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