Advanced Catheter Concepts - The Specialty CS Diagnostic Catheter
With advancement in the field of cardiac
the femoral vein to map right atrial sites. This
electrophysiology and specifically in the field of
ablation, the need for new tools to ease and
facilitate the mapping and ablation procedures is
Bard Electrophysiology has recently developed a
new diagnostic catheter to further improve
mapping during not only simple but also more
complex supraventricular arrhythmias. The
Specialty Coronary Sinus (SCS) catheter is a 6F,
woven catheter available with either 20 or 14
poles. The electrode positioning features 2
distinct sets of electrodes separated by a spacing
gap. (For example, the Bard model number
6FMC00789 has a distal group of 10 electrodes
with 5-5-5mm spacing followed by a 42mm gap,
then a proximal group of 10 electrodes with 5-5-
instrumentation of the cardiac space, it also
lowers the risk of cardiac injury and perforation
associated with multiple instrumentation of the
The SCS is finished with a proprietary distal
curve, which is designed to facilitate cannulation
of the Coronary Sinus (CS) using the right
Moreover, extra punctures may be associated
with added risk of complications such as AV-
fistulae and bleeding. Using the SCS, an extra
Figure 1 shows the 20 pole variant of the catheter
femoral puncture would be saved leading to less
with the distal 10 poles placed in the coronary
sinus (CS) and the proximal 10 poles placed in
procedures saves the operator significant
procedure time, which would be a result of the
Saving extra hardware in the cardiac chambers
time to place an extra sheath in the femoral vein
and an extra puncture site
and the time to position the extra catheter in the
During a supraventricular arrhythmia, mapping
and ablation procedure catheters are used to
record activation potentials from the mid-, high
right atrium, from the His -bundle, and the
Case Study
coronary sinus. Mapping of supraventricular
A 54 year old female is presented for mapping
arrhythmias using the SCS reduces the number
and ablation of her paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
of mapping catheters required per procedure,
(AF). Patient has been suffering from AF for the
reducing procedure time and increasing patient
increased to 4-5 per week lasting between 1 and
8 hours. She would experience palpitations
The SCS records potentials/activation from the
associated with fatigue and shortness of breath
CS and the mid and high right atrium in addition
with the onset of AF. Failed flecainide,
to the Right Atrium – Superior Vena Cava (RA-
SVC) junction, saving additional cannulation of
amiodarone. Patient presented for AF mapping and ablation.
CS and positioning the SCS far distal into the
recordings from the RA -SVC junction, HRA and
echocardiogram guided pulmonary vein isolation
procedure, we utilized the SCS catheter to define
the origin of the premature beats initiating AF. In
Isolating the Pulmonary Veins (PVs) and
addition to an 10.5F ICE catheter inserted from
the left femoral vein, a standard RF ablation
After successful isolation of all PVs, extra beats
catheter and a 7F circular mapping catheter
initiating AF could still be documented. The
(Bard Orbiter® PV) were also inserted via the
activation sequence of the SCS revealed earliest
right femoral vein into the left atrium by
activation to be between electrode 8 and 9. We
then repositioned the circular mapping catheter
at the posterior antral portion of the right inferior
PV and proved a focus to be firing from that s ite,
The SCS was inserted via an 8F sheath into the
which was then successfully targeted. Then,
right jugular vein. After positioning the
during testing and by using burst pacing and
flouroscopy at 45° Left Anterior Oblique (LAO),
the SCS was advanced into the right atrium
unmasked. The earliest activation recorded per
(RA). Immediately after approaching the HRA,
SCS was demonstrated at poles 16 and 17 which
were positioned at the RA-SVC junction. We
counterclockwise manner towards the posterior
then placed the circular mapping catheter at the
and medial site of the right atrium where the CS
junction and completed isolation of the SVC. We
os usually located. The goal of the operator was
then could not demonstrate Atrial Premature
to continue rotating the SCS until its distal
Contractions (APCs ) despite burst pacing and
electrodes were lined up (perpendicular to the
viewer) in the 45°LAO. This implied that the
catheter was pointing towards the Coronary
Sinus Ostium (CS os). We then slowly started
Disclosure The author wishes to disclose that Bard Electrophysiology
advancing the SCS with simultaneous minimal
provided funding for the services in the final work product
counterclockwise rotation to allow engagement
submitted for this publication.
of the catheter into the CS. This was verified by
Bard and the Orbiter are registered trademarks of C.R. Bard,
recording potentials from electrodes 1 and 2,
Inc. or an affiliate. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 2006 C.R. Bard Inc. All
which revealed the specific CS recording, an
rights reserved. LT04Z0095/Rev01/01.2006
atrial and a ventricular signal. Asking the patient
to take a deep breath simultaneously with slight
advancement of the SCS helped cannulate the
Current Research Nebulized Albuterol Administration by EMT-Basics--The SAALE Project (Study of Albuterol Administration by Loyola EMT-Basics) • Previous research has demonstrated that using nebulized albuterol in a pre-hospital setting for bronchospasm and/or asthma is an effective treatment and can lead to better clinical outcomes. • Prior research has demonstrated that with proper
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