Dr. S. Shanmukhappa,
Professor & Head,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, DAVANAGERE – 577004Phone: (08192) 221461, Ext. 254 Indian Society for Technical Education,Indian Society of Analytical Scientists, 1. The production of biodiesel from acid oil cheap renewable sources and performance studies of a diesel engine using biodiesel. 2006-09, Project Funded by AICTE New Delhi Rs.5.Lakhs (completed) 2. Investigations on Evaluation of Cal iandra Cal othyrsus for Production of Bioethanol. Project Funded by VTU Belgaum Rs.5.10 Lakhs (Ongoing) 3. Member of Research Committee for the Research Project on Pharmacological Screening of Traditional Plants Sanctioned to Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Project Funded by Vision Group For Science and Technology(VGST), Government of Karnataka, 30.0 Lakhs ( Ongoing) 4. “Investigations on through recirculation drying of dead Pupae for recovery of Pupae oil & Meal : An ideal source for National Biodiesel & Nutritional activities” A TRIP Project supported by VGST Bangalore ( Ongoing) 5. Extraction and antibacterial studies of Pharmaceutical y Important compounds present in Turmeric, a natural product. 2002-03, Project Funded by KSCST: 2,500=00 Completed 6. Study of Accumulation of Fluorides in soils and its Biochemical effects on Agricultural crops, 2002-03, Project Funded 7. Purification of gaseous pollutants using bio filtration technique, 2003-04 Project Funded by KSCST: 4,000=00, Completed 8. Alipinia Extract: A prospective natural food preservative. 2004-05, Project 9. Evaluation of Phosphorous Content in Indian Soybean varieties and its association with Oil Characteristics. 2005-06, Project Funded by KSCST: 3,000=00, Completed 10. Studies on Optimization for the production of ethanol from Cal iandra Calothyrasus Plant 2009-10, Project Funded by KSCST: 3,000=00 Completed 11. Studies on usage of Ion Exchange process for Recovery of Copper from wire drawing industry effluent and reduction of Iron concentration in BronzeBath. 2010-11, Project Funded by KSCST: 6,000=00, Completed 12. Studies on Stability of Ethanol Biodiesel and Diesel Blends For the Application as Transportation Fuel, 2011- 2012, Project Funded by KSCST: 6,000=00, Completed 13. Investigations On Hydrothermal Pretreatment of Cob Corn For Ethanol Activities, Project Funded by KSCST: 6,000=00 Completed 1. National Workshop on Radiochemistry and Applications to Radioactivity by BARC Bombay at Mysore, 27th Oct. to 4th 1995.
2. National Workshop on Science Communication organized by Kuvempu University at B. R. Project on 6th & 7th Sept. 1996.
3. National workshop on Recent Trends in Microanyalytical Techniques, Organize by Indian Society of Analytical scientist, Mumbai and DOS in Industrial Chemistry and Dept. of Chemistry at Kuvempu University B. R. Project, Shimoga Feb. 10-13, 1998.
4. Workshop on “The role of Earth Science in Natural Resource Management and Rural Development” held on 2nd and 3rd March-2000 at Kuvempu University, Department of P.G. studies and Research in Applied Geology – Shimoga.
5. One day seminar on “Frontier areas in Chemistry” held on 7.03.2002 at Kuvempu University, Department of Industrial Chemistry and Chemistry, Shankaraghatta, B. R. Project, Shimoga.
6. Participated in AICTE-ISTE sponsored two week short-term training programme on “RECENT TRENDS IN MATERIAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING” Organized by the Department of Polymer Science & Technology and the Department of Mathematics, S.J. College of Engineering, Mysore, from 28th July to 9th August 2003.
7. Participated in One day conference on Biodiesel as Biofuel held at Urban Health Research Training Institute- Bangalore on 8th July 2005.
8. Participated in One week workshop on Constitution of India And Professional Ethics held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology, Davangere from 16th to 23rd July 2005. This Programme was Sponsored by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
9. Participated in two day National Seminar on “Renewable Resources For Sustainable Development” held at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technologicval University, Vidyavihar, Lonere, on 11th & 12th May 2006.
Participated in national conference on Nanobiotechnology: Applications in Medicine NANOBIOTECH 2009 heid at S.S. Institute of Medical Sccience and Research Davanagere, during 28th -30th November 2009.This program was sponsored by Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Govt. of Participated in 16th National conference on Aerobiology & National Symposium on Applications of Biotechnology in Environment Management & Medicine, AEROBIOLOGY 2010, on Friday, 19th November to 21st November 2010 in Collaboration with Indian Aerobiological Society.
Delivered a lecture on Quantitative Analysis of Various Constituents of ground water on 20-05-2000 at workshop on Water quality Analysis in Rural Areas at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere. The event was sponsored by Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.
Participated as one of the expert member in the Scientists Students Interaction Programe for High School Students conducted at Davangere on 28-8-2002.This programe is sponsored by KSCST Bangalore.
Two day workshop on Biochemistry for teachers of Biotechnology of Visvesvaraya Technological University on 25th and 26th August 2003.
A two day National workshop on Vermicompost on 23rd - 24th December 2003 at BIET campus Davangere. This program was sponsored by Joint Director of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka.
Short term training program on “Recent trends in Analytical Instrumentation” at BIET, Davangere, from 30-08-2004 to 04-09-2004. The event was sponsored by AICTE-ISTE.
Delivered Invited Lecture on “Properties and Applications of Ceramics as Engineering Materials” on 10th December 2004 in a State Level Technical Symposia organized by Prod-Mech forum, BIET, Delivered Invited Lecture on “Liquid Crystals” to the Physics Teachers of Pre University Colleges at Davangere District on 22nd August 2005. This Event was sponsored by Department of Pre University Delivered Invited Lecture on “Theory on Dilute Solutions” to the Chemistry Teachers of Pre University Colleges at Davangere District on 1st October 2005 in the Workshop organized by the by Department of Pre University Education, Government of Karnataka.
Two Day National Level Students Symposium “Biochemexcel-2005” on 24th - 25th November 2005.This Programe was inaugurated by Dr.Bhatathi Salimath.
Delivered Invited Lecture on “Liquid Crystals” at DRM Science College, Davangere District on 16th December 2006 in the One Day Seminar organized for Degree college Chemistry teachers of Kuvempu University. This Event was sponsored by Department of Pre University Delivered Invited Lecture on “Contamination of Drinking water, Effects and Remedies” at NSS Camp in Hul ur Vil age, organized by Government Science College, Chitradurga NSS Unit on 31st December Delivered invited lecture on ‘’Depletion of Ozone layer and its consequences on the atmosphere’’ at Rotary club & Inner wheel club, Vidyanagar, Davangere on 5th October 2007.
Organized One Day National Level Students Symposium ‘’Chemexcel-2007” on 31st October 2007. The Symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Jayant Madak Professor & Chairman, Chemical Engg I.I.Sc, Bangalore.
Organized One Day National Level Students Symposium ‘’Chemexcel-2009” on 6-03-2009. The Symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta Department of Chemical Engg I.I.Sc, Bangalore.
Organized One Day National Level Students Symposium ‘’Chemexcel-2010” on 21-10-2009. The Symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Syed Akheel Ahmed, Founder & former vice Chancel or, Yenopoya Organized one day Training Program on Solid Waste Management Sponsored by KSCST Bangalore on 8th Feb 2010.
Delivered a Lecture for 12th std/PU students and parents on career choices on 22 May 2010 held at Bapuji B School campus, Davangere. This event was organized by The Hindu- Education plus counseling program.
Organized One Day National Level Students Symposium ‘’Chemexcel-2011” on 21-10-2011. The Symposium was inaugurated by Dr. Giridhar Madras, Professor, Chemical Engg, I.I.Sc Banglore.
Recipient of Best Teacher Award of the Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere for the years 2000-2001, 2002-2003, 2004-2005.
1. A validated RP-HPLC method for estimation of Glipizide in its pure and pharmaceutical dosage form (tablets). Material Science Research India, 2. UV Spectrophotometric method for determination of Glipizide in its pure and pharmaceutical dosage form (Tablets). J. Inst. Chemists (India). Vol.81. Part 3. 2009. P, 93-97. 3. UV Spectrophotometric Estimation of Phenytoin Sodium in pure and pharmaceutical formulations. Asian Journal of Chem. 22(3), 2010, P,


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