Prognostic value of minimal residual disease in acutelymphoblastic leukaemia in childhood
Jacques J M van Dongen, Taku Seriu, E Renate Panzer-Grümayer, Andrea Biondi, Marja J Pongers-Willemse,
Lilly Corral, Frank Stolz, Martin Schrappe, Giuseppe Masera, Willem A Kamps, Helmuth Gadner,
Elisabeth R van Wering, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, Giuseppe Basso, Marianne A C de Bruijn, Giovanni Cazzaniga,
Klaudia Hettinger, Anna van der Does-van den Berg, Wim C J Hop, Hansjörg Riehm, Claus R Bartram
and before consolidation treatment). At these two time
points a high degree of MRD (10Ð2) was associated with a
Background Sensitive techniques for detection of minimal
three-fold higher relapse rate when compared with patients
residual disease (MRD) at degrees of one leukaemic cell per
with a low degree of MRD (10Ð4). At later time points
103–106 cells (10Ϫ3–10Ϫ6) during follow-up of children with
(including the end of treatment) even a low degree of MRD
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) can provide insight
was associated with a poor outcome. Positivity in patients
into the effectiveness of cytotoxic treatment. However, it is
in CCR after treatment was rare (<1%). With the combined
not yet clear how information on MRD can be applied to
MRD information from the first two follow-up time points, it
was possible to recognise three different risk groups—55
Methods We monitored 240 patients with childhood ALL
(43%) were in a low-risk group and had a 3-year relapse rate
who were treated according to national protocols of the
of only 2% (95% CI 0·05–12%); 19 (15%) were in a high-risk
International BFM Study Group. 60 patients relapsed and
group and had a relapse rate of 75% (55–95%); and 55
the patients in continuous complete remission (CCR) had a
(43%) were in an intermediate-risk group and had a 3-year
median event-free follow-up of 48 months. Bone-marrow
samples were collected at up to nine time points during and
Interpretation Our collaborative MRD study shows that
after treatment. Standardised PCR analysis of patient-
monitoring patients with childhood ALL at consecutive time
specific immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene
points gives clinically relevant insight into the effectiveness
rearrangements and TAL1 deletions were used as targets for
of treatment. Combined information on MRD from the first
semiquantitative estimation of MRD. Amount of MRD was
3 months of treatment distinguishes patients with good
classed as 10Ϫ2 or more, 10Ϫ3, and 10Ϫ4 or less.
prognoses from those with poor prognoses, and this helps in
Findings MRD negativity at the various follow-up times was
decisions whether and how to modify treatment.
associated with low relapse rates (3–15% at 3 years), but
five-fold to ten-fold higher relapse rates (39–86% at 3 years)
were found in MRD-positive patients. The distinct degrees of
MRD appeared to have independent prognostic value
Current cytotoxic treatment protocols induce complete
(p [trend]<0·001) at all separate time points, especially at
remission according to cytomorphological criteria in
the first two time points (at the end of induction treatment
95–98% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia(ALL).1–3 However, 25–30% of patients with childhoodALL relapse, implying that not all leukaemic cells are
Department of Immunology, University Hospital
eradicated. Cytomorphological criteria are not sufficient
Rotterdam/Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam,Netherlands (Prof J J M van Dongen MD, M J Pongers-Willemse PhD,
for adequate assessment of the remission status because
M A C de Bruijn PhD); Institute of Human Genetics, University of
the threshold of detection is 1–5% of leukaemic cells.
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany (T Seriu MD,
More sensitive techniques are required to determine
Prof C R Bartram MD); Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Cancer
efficacy of treatment and to improve stratification of
Research Institute, St Anna Kinderspital, Vienna, Austria
(Prof E R Panzer-Grümayer MD, F Stolz PhD, Prof H Gadner MD,
Three types of techniques allow detection of minimal
K Hettinger PhD); Department of Pediatrics, Universitá Milano,
residual disease (MRD) of 10Ϫ3–10Ϫ6 (one leukaemic cell in
Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, Italy (A Biondi MD, L Corral BSc,
cells): flow-cytometric immunophenotyping
Prof G Masera MD, G Cazzaniga BSc); Department of Pediatrics,
(detecting aberrant protein expression by the ALL cells);
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany (M Schrappe MD, Prof H Riehm MD); Dutch Childhood Leukaemia
PCR analysis of breakpoint fusion regions of chromosome
Study Group, The Hague, Netherlands (Prof W A Kamps MD,
aberrations; and detection of clone-specific
E R van Wering MD, A van der Does-van den Berg MD); Beatrix
immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor (TCR) gene
Children’s Hospital, University of Groningen, Groningen,
rearrangements by PCR amplification.4–7
Netherlands (W A Kamps); Department of Hematology, Oncology
technique is the most widely used for MRD studies in
and Tumour Immunology, Robert-Rössle-Clinic, Humboldt University
of Berlin, Berlin, Germany (Prof W-D Ludwig MD); Department of
Rearrangements of Ig and TCR genes result in
Pediatrics, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
junctional regions that can be regarded as fingerprint-like
(Prof G Basso MD); Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
clone-specific sequences owing to deletion and random
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands (W C J Hop PhD)
insertion of nucleotides.8 PCR-based MRD detection byclone-specific junctional regions generally reaches
Correspondence to: Prof J J M van Dongen, Department ofImmunology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738,
sensitivities of 10Ϫ4–10Ϫ5. For this purpose, oligonucleotide
primers are designed at opposite sides of the junctional
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
region. To discriminate between the leukaemia-derived
PCR products and PCR products of normal cells with
comparable rearrangements, the amplification products
are generally hybridised to a patient-specific junctional-
Although rearrangements of Ig and TCR genes are
clone-specific, they are not directly linked to the oncogenicprocess. Continuing rearrangements and secondaryrearrangements might change the junctional regions,
which are identified at diagnosis as PCR targets for MRD
studies.9–12 It seems to be important to monitor patients
with ALL with two or more independent Ig/TCR targets
to prevent false-negative results during follow-up.7,11
Several retrospective and small prospective studies with
short follow-up indicate that the degree of MRD in ALL
Figure 1: Scheme of bone-marrow sampling time points The time points of the four treatment protocols were synchronised
in childhood has prognostic value, although the results of
according to the treatment phase (the German sampling protocol is
these studies are not fully concordant. Absence of residual
given). Only the treatment blocks of the standard-risk group (SRG) and
disease after remission induction is associated with good
medium-risk group (MRG) protocols are indicated—therapy for high-riskgroup (HRG) is different between induction and maintenance
prognosis.13–15 However, about half of patients with
childhood ALL remain MRD positive after remission
and 31 patients from Netherlands, because they fulfilled the
induction. Consequently, the degree of MRD has
following criteria: bone-marrow samples from no more than three
predictive value.13,14 This is in line with cytomorphological
consecutive time points and from no more than four time points
studies after 1 week of treatment, which showed that a
in total were missing per patient, and at least one PCR target with
slow rate of reduction in numbers of blast cells in blood or
a sensitivity of at least 10Ϫ4 was available for MRD detection.
bone marrow during induction therapy was related to
These 242 patients did not differ from the other 383 patients
higher relapse rates. However, these cytomorphological
with respect to sex, white-blood-cell count, immunophenotype,
techniques can identify only fewer than 30% of patients
prednisone response, and distribution over treatment groups. The
two groups also did not differ in relapse-free survival.
A steady disappearance of MRD during follow-up, as
Of the 60 patients who relapsed, four had isolated
determined by PCR, is associated with a favourable
extramedullary relapses (three relapses in the central nervoussystem and one in the testis), 11 combined bone-marrow and
prognosis.17 Persistence of MRD generally leads to clinical
extramedullary relapses, and 45 isolated bone-marrow relapses.
relapse.18 Low degrees of MRD after treatment might be
Two HRG patients did not enter remission according to
associated with late relapse, but absence of MRD at the end
cytomorphological criteria and were excluded from further
of treatment is not sufficient to deem the patient cured.19
assessment in this study. The characteristics of the remaining 240
Despite these preliminary MRD data, it is still not clear
patients (210 precursor-B-cell-ALL and 30 T-cell-ALL) are
whether and how MRD information can be applied in
summarised in table 1. The median event-free follow-up of the
clinical decision making. We did a large prospective
180 patients in continuous complete remission was 48 months.
multicentre study to assess the clinical relevance of PCR-based MRD detection at multiple time points during
Standardisation of the molecular MRD studies
follow-up of 240 children with ALL who were treated
The four molecular diagnostic laboratories of the I-BFM-SG
according to national protocols of the International BFM
study in Rotterdam, Heidelberg, Vienna, and Monza standardised
(Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster) Study Group (I-BFM-SG) in
the Southern blot and PCR techniques during the first part of thestudy.20 Standardisation was of technical procedures as well as
Austria, Germany, Italy, and Netherlands.
reagents. DNA probes and PCR primers were centrally producedin Rotterdam and distributed to the other laboratories. Quality
control was achieved by exchange of cell samples between the four
laboratories. This standardisation was done in the context of a
Bone-marrow samples were taken, at diagnosis (March,
1991–May, 1995) and at up to nine times during follow-up, from625 patients with childhood ALL. Recruitment for the study was
Identification of PCR targets at diagnosis
done in a limited number of I-BFM-SG centres, because of
Because of the high frequency of oligoclonality and continuing
logistics and medical ethical aspects of the study. All children
rearrangements in the Ig heavy chain (IGH) genes9,10 and the
were treated according to protocols of the Austrian BFM group
assumed lower frequency of such rearrangements in TCR gamma
(protocol ALL-BFM 90), the German BFM Group (protocol
(TCRG) and TCR delta (TCRD) genes,11 we used TCRG and
ALL-BFM 90), the Associazione Italiana di Ematologia ed
TCRD gene junctional regions as patient-specific targets for PCR-
Oncologia Pediatrica (AIEOP-ALL–91 protocol), or the Dutch
based MRD detection. These two targets have the advantage that
Childhood Leukemia Study Group (DCLSG, protocol ALL–8).
The patients were stratified into standard-risk, medium-risk,
and high-risk treatment groups (SRG, MRG, and HRG,
respectively), mainly according to the presenting features—eg,leukaemic cell mass and the prednisone response.1 The nine bone-
marrow sampling times of the four treatment protocols were
synchronised with treatment phases (figure 1). Each centre
followed the informed-consent guidelines of the local or national
Mononuclear cells were isolated from the bone marrow
SRG=standard-risk group. MRG=medium-risk group. HRG=high-risk group.
samples and stored in liquid nitrogen or at Ϫ70¡C for DNA
extraction. 242 patients were included in the analysis: 55 patients
Table 1: Characteristics of 240 patients included in the MRD
from Austria, 105 patients from Germany, 51 patients from Italy,
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
SRG=standard-risk group. MRG=medium-risk group. HRG=high-risk group. CCR=continuous complete remission.
Table 2: Frequencies of MRD positivity per treatment group at the various follow-up time points
they occur at relatively high frequencies in both precursor-B-ALL
and 10Ϫ6 were clustered with the 10Ϫ4 results, because such low
and T-ALL.7,22 In addition, the so-called TAL1 deletions were
MRD degrees were rarely found, since only one third of the PCR
used as PCR target in T-ALL23 and rearrangements of the kappa
targets had a detection limit of <10Ϫ4.
deleting element (⌲de) were used in precursor-B-ALL. The ⌲derearrangements delete the J and/or C gene segments of the Ig
kappa (IG⌲) locus and occur in half of precursor-B-ALL.24
From time point five onwards, the number of positive patients
Rearrangements in the IGK-⌲de, TCRG, TCRD, and TAL1
was too small for drawing firm conclusions. Therefore, we focused
genes were studied by Southern blot analysis with the same
most statistical analyses on the first five follow-up time points.
restriction enzymes and DNA probes in each laboratory.22–25 The
Relapse-free survival according to the MRD results at the
detected rearrangements were confirmed by PCR analysis and
various time points was determined by use of Kaplan-Meier plots.
direct sequencing of the junctional regions with standardised sets
Comparison of groups was done with the log-rank test or the log-
of oligonucleotide primers.20,26 On the basis of the sequence data
rank trend test in case of ordered groups (eg, degree of MRD).
of the junctional regions, patient-specific oligonucleotides were
Multivariate analysis of the predictive value of MRD at the
designed for each identified MRD-PCR target, using OLIGO 5.0
various time points, allowing for treatment group, age, sex,
software (National Biosciences, Plymouth, MN).20
immunophenotype, white-blood-cell count (on a continuousscale), and country, was done with Cox-regression analysis. In this
Cox analysis, data from the different treatment centres were
The MRD-PCR analyses of bone-marrow samples during follow-
amalgamated according to country. We also calculated whether
up were generally done by single PCR analysis of 1 µg of DNA
the effects of degree of MRD depended on the treatment-group
(equivalent to 105–106 cells) with the standardised primer sets,
classification, by investigating appropriate interaction terms in the
followed by dot blotting and hybridisation with the corresponding
32P-labelled patient-specific junctional region probe.20,26 Thehybridisation signals were visualised by use of radiographic films
or phosphor-imaging. However, if sensitivity of at least 10Ϫ4 wasnot reached, nested PCR followed by dot blotting and
hybridisation with the corresponding 32P-labelled junctional region
In 148 (62%) of 240 patients, two PCR targets (128
probe was done in case of IG⌲-⌲de and TCRD gene
patients) or three PCR targets (20 patients) were used for
rearrangements; in case of TCRG gene rearrangements, nested
MRD detection. The PCR targets concerned 73 IG⌲-⌲de
PCR was applied as an alternative with the junctional region
rearrangements in 66 precursor-B-ALL, 126 TCRG gene
oligonucleotide as one of the nested primers, followed by
rearrangements in 83 precursor-B-ALL and in 23 T-ALL,
detection of the obtained PCR products in ethidium bromide
186 incomplete TCRD gene rearrangements (Vδ2-Dδ3
stained agarose gels.12,20,27 If multiple PCR targets were available, apriority order was used for target selection—eg, incomplete TCRD
and Dδ2-Dδ3) in 139 precursor-B-ALL, 21 TCRD gene
rearrangements had the highest priority in precursor-B-ALL
rearrangements (5 Vδ2-Dδ3, 2 Dδ2-Jδ1, and 14 Vδ-Jδ1) in
because of the relatively low background in mononuclear cells (in
17 T-ALL, and 2 TAL1 deletions in 2 T-ALL. In 379
contrast to TCRG gene rearrangements) and the relatively large
(93%) of 408 of these targets, sensitivities of at least 10Ϫ4
junctional regions. Preferably, two PCR targets were used per
were reached: 25 targets with a sensitivity of 10−6, 113
patient of which at least one reached a sensitivity of at least 10Ϫ4.
targets with 10−5, and 241 targets with 10Ϫ4.
The sensitivity of each identified MRD-PCR target was
The overall results of the four I-BFM-SG laboratories
established by use of a dilution experiment, in which DNA from
show that in 3–4% of patients with ALL no MRD-PCR
the leukaemic cells at diagnosis was diluted in 10-fold dilution
target was identified and in an additional 5–7% of cases
steps into control DNA from a mixture of blood mononuclearcells of about ten different healthy donors.20,26
the identified PCR targets did not reach sensitivities of at
When MRD-PCR analysis of bone-marrow follow-up samples
resulted in a hybridisation signal or ethidium-bromide signal, thistime point was considered to be MRD positive. Consequently, if
no signal was obtained, this time point was considered MRD
For 20 of the 60 patients who had a relapse, a bone-
negative, irrespective of the PCR-target sensitivity. The
marrow sample at clinical relapse was not available. Four
concentration of leukaemic cells in the bone-marrow samples
additional patients had an isolated extramedullary relapse
during follow-up was estimated by comparison of the signals with
and were not considered for analysis of PCR target
those of the ten-fold dilution samples of the DNA at diagnosis. This resulted in reproducible semi-quantitative estimations of
stability. Bone-marrow samples at relapse were analysed in
MRD-PCR results of: 10Ϫ2, 10Ϫ3, 10Ϫ4, 10Ϫ5, and 10Ϫ6. We
36 patients with bone-marrow involvement. In 34 (94%)
defined the following degrees of MRD: high as у10Ϫ2,
of 36 of these patients at least one PCR target remained
intermediate as 10Ϫ3, and low as р10Ϫ4. MRD-PCR results of 10Ϫ5
stable—ie, 51 (89%) of 57 targets. The false-negative
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
a negative PCR result at time point eight (end of therapy)
and relapsed 1 month and 2 months later with a positive
PCR result at relapse, which suggests a rapid regrowth
after cessation of therapy. The last two patients were negative
for MRD after intensive induction and consolidation
therapy, but relapsed 4 months later during maintenance
treatment, which suggests that maintenance treatment was
not able to further eradicate undetectable MRD.
Of the four isolated extramedullary relapses, two of
three relapses in the central nervous system were
accompanied by MRD-PCR positivity in thecorresponding bone-marrow samples as well as in the
preceding bone-marrow samples. This remainedinconclusive for the testis relapse because no bone-marrow
sample at the time of clinical extramedullary relapse wasavailable and the preceding bone-marrow sample wastaken 15 months earlier.
The 240 patients with childhood ALL were monitored by
bone-marrow sampling during and after treatment up to
3 years after diagnosis—ie, 1 year after cessation of therapy
(figure 1). A total of 1485 bone-marrow samples were
analysed with one or more PCR targets. If analysis of the
same bone-marrow sample, with two or three different
PCR targets, resulted in different tumour-load estimations,
we assumed the highest degree of MRD to be the most
accurate for data analysis, since lower degrees of MRD
might be caused by subclone formation via continuing
Table 2 summarises the frequencies of MRD-positive
bone-marrow samples of all patients by treatment groupand separately in the patients in continuous complete
Figure 2: Relapse-free survival according to degree of MRD atfollow-up time points one and two
remission. At the first time point about 40% of the tested
Number of patients at risk are given in parentheses for each group at
patients were negative for MRD—ie, half of the SRG and
24 months and 48 months after each sampling point.
MRG patients but none of the HRG patients. The
results of six targets at relapse are probably due to
percentages of MRD-positive SRG and MRG patientsdecreased rapidly during the induction, consolidation, and
continuing rearrangements and clonal selection and
reinduction treatment blocks down to about 10% just
concerned one (8%) of 12 IG⌲-⌲de targets, two (11%) of
before maintenance treatment. Each SRG and MRG
18 TCRG targets, and three (11%) of 27 TCRD targets.
treatment block resulted in a halving of positive patients
Although false-negative results of one PCR target were
(table 2). The fraction of MRD-positive patients further
obtained in six of the 36 patients, in four of them a second
decreased during maintenance treatment. Two-fold to
target was analysed and was positive at relapse.
four-fold higher frequencies of positive samples werefound in the HRG patients when compared with SRG and
MRD-PCR positivity in bone-marrow samples preceding
MRG patients during the first year of treatment.
Table 3 summarises the cumulative relapse rates at
In 42 (84%) of the 50 patients with a bone-marrow relapse
3 years after MRD analysis at the various follow-up time
within 3 years of diagnosis (four of the 60 relapsed patients
points (Kaplan-Meier analysis). MRD negativity was
had an isolated extramedullary relapse and six relapsed
clearly associated with low relapse rates (3–15% at 3 years),
more than 3 years after diagnosis), the preceding bone-
especially at the first follow-up time point. Relatively high
marrow sample was MRD positive. In eight patients the
relapse rates were found in MRD-positive patients
preceding bone-marrow sample was negative: in two
(39–86% at 3 years). High degrees of MRD (10−2) at the
patients, probably because of false-negative results at
first two time points were associated with three-fold higher
relapse, and in two the preceding bone-marrow sample
relapse rates than low degrees of MRD (10−4; figure 2).
was taken 8 months before relapse. Two other patients had
Although the differences in relapse rates between the
MRD=minimal residual disease. *Kaplan-Meier analysis was not done for groups smaller than eight patients.
Table 3: Numbers of relapses and cumulative relapse rates at 3 years for different degrees of MRD during follow-up
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
*Reference category. †Per ten-fold increase of degree of MRD.
Table 4: Multivariate analysis of treatment group and MRD
information at I-BFM-SG time points one and two
and nine) with a total of 424 PCR analyses using 178 PCRtargets with 10Ϫ4 sensitivity, 66 PCR targets with 10Ϫ5
sensitivity, and 19 PCR targets with 10Ϫ6 sensitivity. MRDpositivity was found in only eight samples of eight different
patients, six of whom relapsed later on (table 3).
Therefore, only two samples of two different patients were
Additionally, we investigated bone-marrow samples of
eight patients in continuous complete remission at the two
post-treatment time points with ten-fold PCR analyses
using sensitive targets (sensitivity: 10Ϫ5–10Ϫ6). We did not
observe any MRD positivity in these multiple PCR
analyses, implying that the tested bone-marrow samples
probably did not contain leukaemic cells at degrees of
Multivariate analysis of relapse rates included treatmentgroup, age, sex, immunophenotype white-blood-cell
count, and country, but not chromosome aberrations,
because this information was far from complete. MRD wasfound to be an independent prognostic factor (p<0·001) at
each of the first five time points. The results of themultivariate analysis of the prognostic factors at the firsttwo time points separately are given in table 4.
Each ten-fold increase of degree of MRD resulted in a
two-fold increase in relative relapse rate (table 4). Inaddition to the degree of MRD, the treatment-group
classification still retained prognostic value (overall
p=0·011 and p=0·005 at time points one and two,
respectively). The impact of degree of MRD did not differ
significantly between the HRG, MRG, and SRG patients.
Additional adjustment for age, sex, immunophenotype
white-blood-cell count, and country did not lead to
Figure 3: Relapse-free survival according to the presence of
appreciable changes of the effects of degree of MRD as
MRD at follow-up time points three, four, and five Number of patients at risk are given in parentheses for each group at 24
compared with table 4: relative relapse rates associated
and 48 months after each sampling point.
with a ten-fold increase of degree of MRD were 2·1(p<0·001) and 1·6 (p<0·001) at time points one and two,
degrees of MRD were still significant at later time points,
lower degrees of MRD were increasingly associated with
Most HRG patients had, by definition, a poor
high relapse rates (58–75% at 3 years). Five-fold to ten-
prednisone response (19 of 23). 18 of 19 poor prednisone
fold differences in relapse rates were seen between MRD-
responders had a bone-marrow sample taken at time point
positive and MRD-negative patients. The difference in 3-
one. Of these patients, ten had a high degree of MRD
year relapse rates after time-point five (1 year) was
(10Ϫ2) and eight had an intermediate or low degree of
impressive: 9% in MRD-negative patients versus 86% in
MRD (10Ϫ3 in seven cases and 10Ϫ4 in one case). Their 3-
year relapse-free survival rates were 10% and 50%,respectively (p=0·027).
MRD detection after treatmentFive of six patients who were MRD positive at the end of
treatment (time point eight) had a relapse. But relapses
To investigate whether information about the kinetics of
were also observed in nine of 148 patients who were
tumour reduction is helpful in better distinguishing
negative at the end of treatment (table 3).
between patients with good prognosis and patients with
A total of 251 bone-marrow samples from 168 different
poor prognosis, we assessed the MRD results of the 129
patients were analysed after treatment (time points eight
patients who were analysed at time points one and two.
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
MRD-based intermediate risk group contained 31% SRG,
60% MRG, and 9% HRG patients, and the MRD-based
high-risk group contained 53% MRG and 47% HRG
patients. Nevertheless, taking into account the treatment
group classification, Cox regression revealed that the
MRD-based intermediate and high-risk group had
significantly higher relapse rates than the MRD-based
low-risk group—ie, 11·0 (p=0·023) and 49·4 (p<0·001),
Within the MRD-based low-risk and high-risk groups,
MRD information at time points three, four, and five had
no additional prognostic value. For the MRD-based
intermediate-risk group, at time point five MRD-positive
(n=9) and MRD-negative (n=39) patients differed
significantly in relapse rates (67% and 10%, respectively
Figure 4: Relapse-free survival of the three MRD-based risk
groups, as defined by MRD information at time points one andtwo
Patients in the low-risk group have MRD negativity at both time points,patients in the high-risk group have MRD degrees
This large PCR-based study of MRD in childhood ALL
points, and the remaining patients form the MRD-based intermediate-risk
unequivocally demonstrates that monitoring patients
group. The numbers of patients at risk are given in parentheses for each
serially gives clinically relevant insight into the
group at 24 months and 48 months after time point two.
effectiveness of treatment. For instance, during the three
These 129 patients did not differ significantly in
initial treatment blocks among SRG and MRG patients,
distribution of age, sex, treatment group, and relapse-free
the frequency of MRD-positive bone-marrow samples
survival from the group of 111 patients who were not
rapidly halved per treatment block down to about 10%.
Maintenance treatment further reduced the percentage of
The number of patients with MRD negativity increased
MRD-positive patients to less than 5% at the end of
from 56 (43%) of 129 at time point one to 87 (67%) at
treatment. Not only was the frequency of MRD positivity
time point two (McNemar’s test: p<0·001). Among the 87
reduced by each treatment block, but also the degree of
patients MRD negative at time point two the 55 who were
MRD. Although the HRG patients had more MRD-
already negative at time point one (group A, table 5) had a
positive samples and higher degrees of MRD than did the
significantly (p=0·002) lower 3-year relapse rate than did
other two treatment groups during treatment, their MRD
the 32 (group B) who became negative at time point two
for the first time (rates 2% and 23%, respectively). The 14
MRD negativity during and after treatment was
patients whose degree of MRD fell from high or
associated with low relapse rates (3–15% at 3 years), and
intermediate (10Ϫ2 or 10Ϫ3) to low (10Ϫ4) between time
MRD positivity with high rates (39–86% at 3 years).
points one and two (group D, n=14) had lower relapse
Degrees of MRD positivity also had prognostic value. At
rates (p=0·002) than did patients whose tumour load
the first two follow-up time points relapse rates in patients
remained high or intermediate (group C, n=19). Relapse
with a high degree of MRD were three times higher than
rates at 3 years for group C and D were 75% and 21%,
that in patients with low degree of MRD. During further
respectively. The remaining group of patients (group E,
follow-up even a low degree of MRD was associated with
n=9) had a relapse rate at 3 years of 22%. Groups B, D,
and E, which included 55 (43%) of the 129 patients, were
Positivity after treatment was rare but associated with a
combined into one MRD-based intermediate-risk group
high rate of relapse—ie, six of the eight MRD-positive
with a 3-year relapse rate of 23% (95% CI 13–36%).
patients relapsed. This is in contrast to the study by
Group A, whose 3-year relapse rate was 2% (95% CI
Roberts and colleagues28 who claimed that they detected
0·05–12%) was classed as low risk and group C, whose 3-
MRD positivity in one or more post-treatment bone-
year relapse rate was 75% (95% CI 55–95%) was classed
marrow samples from 15 of 17 tested patients who were in
continuous complete remission, thereby suggesting that
There appeared to be an association between the
nearly all patients with childhood ALL have low
treatment-group classification and the MRD-based risk-
concentrations of leukaemic cells (10Ϫ4−5·10Ϫ6 cells). Thishas not been confirmed by other groups. Also, our
group classification. The MRD-based low-risk group
sensitive ten-fold PCR analyses of bone-marrow samples
consisted of 22% SRG and 78% MRG patients, the
from eight patients in continuous complete remission didnot detect MRD. Our combined data indicate that post-
treatment bone-marrow samples of patients treated with I-
BFM-SG protocols probably do not contain MRD at
10Ϫ6–10Ϫ7 degrees, if residual leukaemic cells occur at all.
unexplained, although the possibility that the occurrence
of low concentrations of leukaemic cells is dependent ontreatment regimen cannot be excluded.
Multivariate analysis at each of the first five follow-up
Numbers in parentheses=number of relapses. A–E=MRD-based risk groups (A=low; B,
time points (with more than 10% of the samples being
Table 5: Patients (n=129) categorised according to degree of
MRD positive) showed that MRD information is a
prognostic factor, independent of age, sex,
THE LANCET • Vol 352 • November 28, 1998
immunophenotype white-blood-cell count (on a
bone-marrow relapses were preceded by an MRD-positive
continuous scale), country, and treatment group. Also, the
bone-marrow sample, continuous bone-marrow
impact of degree of MRD was independent of the
monitoring is a traumatic experience for the child,31
treatment-group classification, including the prednisone
requires complex sampling logistics, and is laborious.
response. The kinetics of tumour decrease at the first two
Furthermore, predicting poor prognosis from early
time points appeared to be highly informative for
treatment response probably provides more possibilities for
identification of groups with good and poor prognosis:
early treatment intervention than does detection of an
patients at low-risk with MRD negativity at both time
imminent relapse. Our findings indicate that the number
points; patients at high risk with an intermediate or a high
of bone-marrow aspirations might be reduced—eg, to
degree of MRD at both time points; and the remaining
three or four time points during the first year of treatment.
patients at intermediate risk. The MRD-based low-risk
The exact number of bone-marrow samples and sampling
group (3-year relapse rate of 2%) did not contain HRG
time points should be determined for each treatment
patients, whereas the MRD-based high-risk group (3-year
relapse rate of 75%) contained as many MRG as HRG
Replacement of bone-marrow sampling by blood
patients. When considering the MRD data at time points
sampling has been a topic of debate in MRD studies for
three, four, and five, only time point five had additional
over a decade. Initial immunophenotyping studies in T-
prognostic value for the MRD-based intermediate-risk
ALL and acute myeloid leukaemias indicate that MRD in
group, whose 3-year relapse rate after time point five was
blood is generally less than ten-fold lower than in bone
10% in MRD-negative patients and 67% in MRD-positive
marrow.32,33 A PCR study published in 1997 showed that
in precursor-B-ALL this difference is 11·7-fold.34 This
In contrast to previous reports13–15 and the report by
would imply that MRD techniques need to be about ten-
Coustan-Smith and colleagues,29 our data indicate that
fold more sensitive (ie, 10−5), when blood samples are
analysis of MRD at a single time point is not sufficient for
monitored. However, more information is needed to
recognition of patients with poor prognosis as well as
decide whether or not bone-marrow sampling can be
patients with good prognosis. Time point one is useful for
recognition of patients at low risk and time point two for
The technical and clinical data presented here show that
recognition of patients at high risk; later time points
multicentre MRD studies are feasible and that a clinically
(in particular time point five) provide prognostic value for
relevant MRD-based risk group classification can be
patients at intermediate risk. Information about
achieved. This information can now be used for the design
kinetics of tumour reduction helps identification of
of new childhood ALL protocols with MRD-based
MRD-based risk groups and thereby provides new
openings for treatment stratification. The patients withMRD-based low risk make up a group of substantial
size (about 43%), comparable with the frequency of
Jacques J M van Dongen, E Renate Panzer-Grümayer, Andrea Biondi, andClaus R Bartram were equally responsible for the concept of the study, and
survivors of childhood ALL in the early seventies, before
the coordination and the interpretation of the analyses, they prepared the
treatment intensification was introduced.30 This group
manuscript with advice from the other authors. Taku Seriu,
might profit from treatment reduction. On the other hand,
Marja J Pongers-Willemse, Lilly Corral, Frank Stolz, Marianne A C de Bruijn, Giovanni Cazzaniga, and Klaudia Hettinger did
the group of patients at MRD-based high risk is larger
the testing and standardisation of the MRD-PCR techniques, did the MRD
than any previously identified high-risk group (about 15%)
analyses, and assessed the data. Elisabeth R van Wering,
and has an unprecedented high 4-year relapse rate of
Wolf-Dieter Ludwig, and Giuseppe Basso organised the collection of manyfollow-up samples and did immunophenotyping for classification of the
about 80% (figure 4). This group might benefit from more
leukaemias. Wim C J Hop and MJP-W did the statistical analyses, drew-up
intensive treatment protocols (including bone-marrow and
the tables, and designed the figures. Martin Schrappe, Giuseppe Masera,
stem-cell transplantation) or from innovative treatment
Willem A Kamps, Helmuth Gadner, Anna van der Does-van den Berg, and Hansjörg Riehm were the chairmen of the national study groups
and I-BFM-SG committees, and were responsible for the treatment
Our multicentre study shows that reliable PCR-based
protocol design and clinical evaluation of the MRD study.
MRD detection in childhood ALL preferably needs two Igor TCR gene targets per patient to prevent false-negative
results because of ongoing or secondary rearrangements.
We thank Annemarie Wijkhuijs and John Tibbe (Rotterdam,Netherlands), Dorothee Erz and Yvonne Stark (Heidelberg, Germany),
Use of two MRD-PCR targets can be achieved in 90–95%
Susanna Fischer (Vienna, Austria), and Elisabetta D’Aniello and Daniela
of patients with childhood ALL, if IGH gene targets are
Silvestri (Monza, Italy) for their excellent technical assistance.
used in addition to IGK (Κde), TCRG, TCRD, and TAL1
We thank the participants of the International BFM Study Group for theirclose collaboration in the MRD study—the Dutch Childhood Leukemia
gene rearrangements.7,26 Although the applied MRD-PCR
Study Group (P J van Dijken, K Hählen, F G A J Hakvoort-Cammel,
technology provided semi-quantative data, this study
W A Kamps, E F van Leeuwen, F A E Nabben, A Postma,
demonstrates that it is not only important to measure
J A Rammeloo, G A M de Vaan, A J P Veerman, E Th van ‘t Veer-Korthof,
and R S Weening); the German BFM Group (W Dörffel, C Niemeyer, F Berthold, M Rister, A Jobke, M Domula, H Wehinger, K Hofmann,
concentrations of 10Ϫ4. These low degrees of MRD were
F J Göbel, P Heidemann, J D Beck, N Graf, U Mittler, A Reiter,
associated with progressively increasing relapse rates of
J D Thaben, G Henze, R Dickerhoff, J Treuner, R Geib, P Exadactylos,
25−75% during the first year of treatment. Furthermore,
U Bode, G Eggers, W Schröter, and C Tautz); the Austrian BFM Group(B Ausserer, F M Fink, R Jones, G Mann, G Müller, I Mutz, R Ploier,
measuring MRD of 10Ϫ4 appeared to be important for
N Pobegen, K Schmitt, and O Stöllinger); and the Italian AIEOP Group
the MRD-based risk-group classification—ie, the
(G Masera, V Conter, M G Valsecchi, F Sereni, M Aricò, E Madon,
discrimination between patients at low risk and
E Barisone, L Zanesco, M C Putti, M T Di Tullio, A Murano, P A Macchia, and C Favre).
We also thank Daniëlle Korpershoek for secretarial support, Tar van Os for
In this MRD study many follow-up samples of bone
drawing up the artwork, and Joris Zwijgers for constructing the database.
marrow were collected to obtain insight into the kinetics of
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