Fit bits spring 2003

Spring 2003
This is a love letter of sorts to tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done for me.
You can now deduct you weight loss programs!
I am so excited. Three weeks ago, I turned 60! Sincethen I have had two compliments from strangers. Sandy and I and friends were in a restaurant in Yellowstone. I left the table ahead of Sandy and three women at the next table who were 30 something, told my husband to be sure and tell me that I am in really great shape! Then last week at Gelson’s in Irvine, I was in the check out treat obesity or hypertension. The IRS focused on line and a woman about 50 told me that she had seen costs for diet programs, menu programs and me walking through the grocery store and she thought I support groups. The deductibility of health club costs and exercise programs have not been specifi-cally addressed as of this date.
I have been working outwith you for two and a half To qualify as a deduction, the total amount of these costs must be in excess of 7.5% of your adjusted gross income for the year. Contact your tax back riding accident the firstyear and pneumonia this Sorry, the costs of reduced-calorie diet foods are the gym, I had sufferedtwelve years of chronicback pain and years of doc- tors giving me anti-inflammatory drugs all of which made “NIRVANA FACIAL”
me feel terrible. I feel great now. I can get out of bed, The ultimate in relaxation, this facial is based on out of a chair, or out of a car like a normal person. I’ve the ancient art of Ayurveda, the Indian philoso- also been diagnosed with osteopenia and that has sta- phy for health and well being. Using only all natu- ral herbs such as shatavari and ashwaganda andaromatic oils like sandalwood and rose this de- I still eat my hamburger and fries with my grandchil- luxe treatment features a profoundly relaxing and dren and drink wine with my husband and friends but balancing pressure point massage using the tra- the weight bearing exercises, the treadmill, and pilates ditional marma points. A massage of the scalp, ’ Athletic, Rehabilitation and Pilates Center of Newport Beach I’m basically lazy about exercise and need to be pushed but I think because I feel better now, I stand a
little taller and smile a little more, so I thank you
for all your gently pushing and coaching. I feel great BODY and my husband says I am in the best shape I have 11/2 hours GET MORE BURN FROM YOUR WORKOUT by Susan Tobiessen
If you’ve hit a plateau in your weight-loss program, here are some tips to get more burn from your workout. The secret to losing weight is to burn
more calories than you consume. The biggest “burn”comes from cardiovascular exercise. Anything that increases your heart rate up will help you
to lose weight. If you already include a cardiovascular workout as part of your weight loss program, but aren’t seeing the results that you want, you
may need to focus on frequency, duration and intensity. To optimize your program make sure that you are doing the following:
Frequency & Duration: Exercise at least 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minutes.
Intensity: There is a big difference in the number of calories that you burn depending on the intensity of your workout.
To optimize fat burning you should monitor your heart rate during exercise. The goal is to exercise at a level that will keep your heart rate
at 75-85% of your maximum.
You can easily calculate your target heart rate by subtracting your age from 220 and then multiplying by .75
and .85. The result will be a range to keep your heart rate at during exercise, to maximize the burning of calories. So if you were 45 years old
you would try to keep your heart rate between 131 and 149 beats per minute.
We also burn calories during the day, while we work and even while we sleep. The amount of calories that we burnis called our “resting metabolic rate”. When you increaseyour muscle mass by weight training, you also boost Nutritional Counseling with Dr. Jacqueline Jacques your resting metabolism. Any form of strength training Dr. Jacqueline Jacques is a licensed Naturopathic Physician and a graduate of can increase your muscle mass, even Pilates and Yoga the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Jacques which strenghthen the core of your body.
acts as a private natural medicine advisor, providing educational and consultingservices for individuals and corporations. She also acts as the director of the At Body Design we are dedicated to helping you get the Wellness Department at Body Wise International, where she helps to develop results you want from your workout. Ask your trainer to educational materials, supports product users and assists with product devel- help you to get more burn from your workout.
Dr. Jacques is available for nutritional counseling by appointment at Body De- CUSTOM SPA PACKAGES
sign. Call Kathleen and schedule an appointment today.

Adult ballet classes taught by Ronnie Mahler. Miss Mahler is
available to teach all ages and technical levels. Classes include: BalletTechnique, Pre-Pointe, Introductory & Advanced Pointe & Classical Bal- DELUXE FACIAL
let Repertoire, Adagio & Partnering, Performance Pieces, and Caractere ONE-HOUR BODY SCRUB

Adult and children’s Hip Hop classes taught by Madison
Woodworth. Funk Jazz/ Hip-Hop is a unique style of dance that Madison
has developed over her years of study and learning. A fun, contemporary
and aerobic experience, Funk Jazz/ Hip-Hop, is an exciting and new form ONE-HOUR MASSAGE
of expression for all, beginning dancer to the professional alike.

NIA Classes. The Nia Technique ® - Nia is a movment practice
(prices available upon request)
that transcends the slow dance of tai chi, the precision and explosivepower of martial arts, the dynamic poses of yoga, and the grace & Body Design accepts all major credit cards.
spontaneity of various dance forms, providing a full body workout that We can mail your gift certificate to you.
will leave you feeling fully rejuvenated, in body, mind, and spirit.
Call (949) 722-3555 to place your order.
The Womens’ Athletic, Rehabilitation and Pilates Center of Newport Beach


The SEN reforms: what schools need to know and what they need to do SEN and Part 3 of the Children and Families Bill1 The Children and Families Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent by early February 2014 and the Department for Education will be publishing a revised SEN Code of Practice by April 2014. Changes to the operation of the SEN framework will be implemented from September 20

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