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Bio clude
Case Study
BioXclude Allograft Placental Tissue Membrane in Combined Regenerative
Therapy in the Treatment of a Periodontal Intrabony Defect: A Case Report
Background: Combined regenerative
both the epithelial cells and connective tissue into the space, to facilitate contain- carefully moved into final position using clot. This case report documents the use regenerative therapy for the treatment of Case Summary: An otherwise healthy 63
The amoxicillin was continued for 7 days at a dose of 875 mg twice daily. Patient tion and treatment on the maxillary left second premolar (tooth # 13) (Figure 1). separate clinical entity to the pulp (Figure dine twice daily to manage postoperative 2). The patient was scheduled for surgery to treat this tooth which had a questio- Prior to surgery, the patient was rinsed and then every other month for up to six Upon reflection, the defect was debrided due to a periapical lesion that developed of all soft tissue, followed by scaling and Results: At two and four weeks, the
cline and 5 milliliters of sterile water demonstrated (Figure 7 and Figure 8). At BB) applied to it. Freeze-dried allograft suggested very good bone fill (Figure 10) gently packed into and slightly overfilled Bio clude
Case Study
Discussion: This case report provides
evidence that the use of BioXclude, in a intrabony defect, provides for a success- of laminin-5, a protein with a high affinity critical to retain. If it were lost, an implant for cellular adhesion of gingival epithelia cells3,4. This provides a bioactive matrix Adding this tooth into a fixed prosthesis already existing bridge into one that had 8 units. Both of these two options would have incurred considerable time and cost for the patient. The alternative choice of totally unacceptable to this patient.
walls. However, this same characteristic and sterilized graft of human amnion and chorion tissue. These two layers of tissue requires it to be placed directly over a there is limited gingival tissue available to advance over the adapted membrane.
Placental allografts are new to the field of in accordance with stringent regulations tive approaches for osseous lesions. This benefits for using BioXclude to achieve a privileged and as such, does not elicit a successful clinical regenerative outcome foreign body inflammatory response1. Its Paul S. Rosen, DMD, MS has a practice limited to periodontics,
dental implants and regenerative therapies and is located in Yard-
ley, PA. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Periodontics at the
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery at the University of Maryland
Dental School in Baltimore, MD and a member of Snoasis
Medical’s Clinical Advisory Board. He can be reached by phone at
(215) 579-0907 or by email at
1. Chen E, Tofe A. A literature review of the safety and biocompatibility of amnion tissue. J Imp Clin Adv Dent. 2009; vol 2, No. 3: 67-75.
2. Park C, Kohanim S, Zhu L et al. Immunosuppressive property of dried human amniotic membrane. Opthalmic Res 2009; 41: 112-113.
3. Baharvand H, Heidari M, Ebrahimi, et al. Proteomic analysis of epithelium-denuded human amniotic membrane as a limbal stem cell niche. Mol Vis 2007; 18(13): 1711-1721.
BioXclude™ is a trademark of Snoasis Medical, Inc. 2009.
4. Pakkala T, Virtanen I, Oksanen J, et al. Function of laminins and laminin-binding Manufactured by Surgical Biologics, a MiMedx Group Company.
integrins in gingival epithelial cell adhesion. J Perio 2002; 73(7): 709-719.
Redefining Perioplastic Surgery



J. Astron. Space Sci. 23(3), 167–176 (2006) THE PEAK ENERGY–DURATION CORRELATION AND POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS ON GAMMA RAY BURST PROGENITOR Heon-Young Chang Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University1370 Sankyuk-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-701, Korea (Received June 26, 2006; Accepted July 19, 2006) ABSTRACT We investigate the correlation between the

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