Impact of CO2 on human decision making and productivity
Usha Satish1,*, William B. Fisk2, Mark J. Mendell2, Katia Eliseeva2, Toshifumi Hotchi2,Douglas Sullivan2, Lisa B. Cleckner3, Krishnamurthy Shekhar1 and Kaeling Teng1 1SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, CA3Syracuse Center of Excellence, Syracuse, NY Keywords: Performance, IAQ, Decision Making, Productivity Participants are exposed to real –world scenarios 1 Introduction
on a computer screen. They respond to real- Significant economic savings and productivity world situations and make decisions. Based on gains in worker performance are estimated even their actions, computer calculated and scored measurement profiles are generated for 25 environmental quality (Fisk, 2000). Real-world validated characteristics of human functioning.
22 adults between the ages of 18 and 35 years conditions that are volatile, complex, and participated in a randomized within subjects study design. The decision-making abilities of feedback. Therefore, the measurement tool the study participants were assessed under three needs to capture functioning as it happens in the different and well characterized conditions - designed to measure the process of thinking and continuously during all the conditions. All other has been widely used in many industries to conditions including the ventilation rate were assess cognitive and behavioral responses to real-world task situations (Satish and Streufert,1997).
3 Results
Performance of 22 subjects on nine simulation
2 Materials/Methods
measures was compared in a within subjects For more than forty years, the applicability of performance and productivity in the real-world settings have been demonstrated with high levels of predictive validity and reliability across comparison of performance variables across the different professions, different cultures and in different continents (Satish and Streufert, 1997; While performance in most cases decreased Breur and Streufert, 1995; Streufert et al., 1988; from treatment level 1 to 2 and even more (often Streufert and Swezey, 1986). Overall concurrent at a greater level) from treatment level 2 to 3, no and predictive validity coefficients consistently differences among treatment were obtained for exceed r=+.60. Reliability values range from comparisons of treatment levels 1 and 2 for r=+0.7 to r=+0.94 (Streufert et al., 1988). The initiative, but treatment level 3 differed methodology has been used to study the effects significantly from the other two treatments. The of beta-blockers, alcohol, caffeine, marijuana, tranquilizers (Streufert, et al., 1993; Streufert, et activity. While again no differences were al., 1997; Satish and Streufert, 2003). The SMS tool is highly sensitive to small differences in drug or environmental influences upon human conditions 3 exceeded performance during the functioning with real-world relevance (Streufert, other two treatments. No differences among any et al., 1996; Streufert and Satish, 2005).
of the three treatment levels were obtained forinformation search.
Condition 1 – 600 ppm of CO2 exposure
Condition 2 – 1000 ppm of CO2 exposure
Condition 3 – 2500 ppm of CO2 exposure
4 Conclusions
marginal or even at dysfunctional level on some Streufert S, Pogash R, Gingrich D, Kantner A, especially at 2500 ppm – a typical concentration Lonardi L, Severs W, Landis R, and Roache J, 1993. Alcohol and complex functioning.
between 400 and 1000 ppm though less is still Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, significant. This impact may dictate minimum required ventilation rates per person and Streufert S, Pogash R, Piasecki M. 1988.
consequently the potential to achieve energy Simulation-based assessment of managerial savings may be constrained by the direct effects competence: reliability and validity. Pers Streufert S, Satish U, Gingrich D, Landis R, 5 References
Pogash R, Roache J and Severs W. 1997.
Breuer K. and Streufert S. 1995. The strategic version, in Corporate Training for Effective Streufert S, Satish U, Pogash R, Gingrich D, Landis JR, Lonardi L, Miller J, and Severs Fisk WJ. 2000. Health and productivity gains from better indoor environments and their relationship with building energy efficiency.
Streufert S. and Satish U. 2005. Impact of allergic rhinitis on simulated real-world Measurement of Behavioral Complexity.
Complexity, managers, and organizations.
Satish U. and Streufert S. 2003. Treatment of


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