Radioprotective effect of moderate wine consumption in patients with breast carcinoma
Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 1501–1505, 2009
* Radiotherapy Unit, Department of Oncology, k Research Laboratories, ‘‘John Paul II’’ Center for High Technology Research and
Education in Biomedical Sciences, Catholic University, Campobasso, Italy; y National Research Council, Institute of Systems Analysis
and Computer Science, BioMatLab, Rome, Italy; { Department of Radiotherapy, Policlinico Universitario ‘‘Agostino Gemelli,’’
Catholic University, Rome, Italy; z Present address: Department of Radiology, General Hospital ‘‘SS. Annunziata,’’ Cento, Italy; and
x Present address: Department of Nuclear Medicine, General Hospital, Grosseto, Italy
Purpose: Given the high cost and side effects of radioprotective agents such as amifostine, attention has beenfocused on potentially equally effective but less expensive and toxic natural substances. We evaluated the potentialradioprotective effects of wine in preventing skin toxicity in patients with breast cancer. Methods and Materials: Before treatment, the medical history and habits of patients were assessed and the infor-mation recorded in their clinical folders. Patients were divided into three groups based on the dose/fractionationscheme used: control group, 60.4 Gy (standard technique); Modulated Accelerated Radiotherapy in Adjuvanttreatment of breast cancer (MARA)-1 protocol group, 44 Gy (concomitant boost to tumoral bed); and MARA-2protocol group, 60 Gy (concomitant boost to tumoral bed). The impact of the following variables on acute skin tox-icity was evaluated by chart review: radiotherapy protocol, planning target volume (PTV), comorbidity (e.g.,hypertension and diabetes), hemoglobin level before therapy, adjuvant hormone therapy, adjuvant chemotherapy,cigarette smoking, and drinking habits. Results: The study population consisted of 348 patients. More severe skin toxicity was significantly associated withthe radiotherapy protocol (p < 0.001) and median PTV (p = 0.005). In addition, the incidence of acute toxicity ofGrade 2 or greater was higher in patients without alcohol intake (38.4% vs. 22.3%, p = 0.021). The daily amountof alcohol intake also influenced the incidence of skin toxicity, with an incidence of 38.4% in patients with no wineintake, 31.8% in patients drinking half a glass per day, 13.6% in patients drinking one glass per day, and 35.0% inpatients drinking two glasses per day. Multivariate analysis showed that wine intake, PTV, and radiotherapyprotocol were all significantly correlated with acute toxicity. Conclusions: Our results indicate that wine may have a radioprotective effect; however, prospective studies areneeded to confirm this beneficial effect of wine and its components.
Wine, Radioprotective effect, Breast cancer, Radiotherapy.
genistein, and melatonin, whose radioprotective effects in vitroare well known . These effects have been shown in animal
The prevention or cure of radiotherapy-induced side effects
studies published in the last 15 years, which have shown that
has garnered much interest, as has the discovery and develop-
diets rich in vitamins C E , and A plant flavonoids
ment of substances and treatments that can protect healthyorgans from the harmful effects of radiation. Several pharma-
; squalene chelates of essential metals (copper, iron,
cologic agents have become available for this purpose, the
manganese, and zinc) melatonin and chitosan
most popular being amifostine . However, these agents
all have radioprotective qualities. In humans the protective
have several drawbacks, in that they are often very expensive,
effects of diets rich in antioxidants against several pathologic
they have sometimes severe side effects, and they have the
conditions such as cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid
potential to protect tumor cells as well as healthy cells from
arthritis, neurodegenerative disorders, and diabetes are well
the effects of radiation . Thus attention has been focused
known However, a diet that is radioprotective in humans
on natural agents, such as the natural antioxidants caffeine,
has yet to be identified The possible radioprotective
Reprint requests to: Gabriella Macchia, M.D., Radiotherapy Unit,
Department of Oncology, Catholic University, Largo A. Gemelli 1,
Received July 22, 2008, and in revised form Sept 5, 2008.
86100 Campobasso, Italy. Tel: (+39) 0874-312-259; Fax: (+39)
Accepted for publication Oct 1, 2008.
I. J. Radiation Oncology d Biology d Physics
effects of diet were first hypothesized by researchers working
per day). Patients who reported drinking alcohol less than once
in the areas of space travel and military exposure .
Studies of diets for patients receiving radiotherapy havefocused more on the prevention of radiation side effects such
as diarrhea and weight loss than on those with a radioprotective
We divided patients into three groups based on the dose/fraction-
effect . In general, clinical data on possible radioprotective
ation scheme. The first group, the control group, was treated with
diets in patients undergoing radiotherapy have been unclear
a three-dimensional (3D) tangential technique (50.4 Gy, 1.8 Gy/
fraction) with a sequential electron boost (10 Gy, 2.5 Gy/fraction).
It is already known that some wine components have
The second group consisted of postmenopausal patients who under-went intensity-modulated radiotherapy, with a 40-Gy dose (2.5 Gy/
radioprotective effects. Polyphenols, in particular, are known
fraction) delivered to the planning target volume (PTV)–2 (i.e.,
to be radioprotective for the immune system and the central
whole breast). A concomitant boost (4 Gy, 0.25 Gy/fraction) was de-
nervous system and to protect against the carcinogenetic
livered to the PTV-1 (i.e., tumor bed) with the 3D technique, photon
effects of radiation The tannins that are found in wine
beams, and wedge filters. This is known as the MARA-1 protocol.
have been found to protect hairless mice against cutaneous
Patients undergoing prophylactic nodal irradiation and patients
carcinomas induced by ultraviolet B radiation More
with positive or close resection margins were excluded from this
recently, in a crossover intervention study involving 6 young
treatment. The third group consisted of premenopausal and perime-
adult men aged 21 to 26 years, Greenrod et al. tested the
nopausal patients who underwent intensity-modulated radiotherapy
hypothesis that the nonalcoholic fraction of wine protects
to a total dose of 50 Gy (2 Gy/fraction) to the PTV-2 and a 3D
against the genome damage induced by oxidative stress.
concomitant boost (0.4 Gy/fraction) to the PTV-1. This is knownas the MARA-2 protocol. In all patients undergoing adjuvant
The participants adhered to a low–plant phenolic compound
chemotherapy, radiotherapy was started at least 3 weeks after the
diet for 48 hours before consuming 300 mL of whole red
wine, nonalcoholic red wine, or ethanol on separate occa-
All patients underwent a complete clinical examination at least
sions 1 week apart. These researchers found that the con-
once a week. The daily application of Biafine (OrthoNeutrogena,
sumption of nonalcoholic red wine significantly decreased,
Skillman, NJ) on the irradiated skin was prescribed for all patients.
by 20%, the gamma radiation–induced deoxyribonucleic
Topical steroids were prescribed for patients with Grade 1 to 2 skin
acid (DNA) damage at 1 and 2 h after consumption. In con-
toxicity. Treatment was interrupted in patients with Grade 3 toxicity
trast, alcohol consumption tended to increase the radiation-
until the toxicity lessened to Grade 2. Acute skin toxicity was differ-
induced genome damage, whereas the consumption of whole
entiated according to the site (breast or supraclavicular region).
wine showed only some ability to protect against radiation-induced genome damage. Thus these preliminary data sug-
gest that only the nonalcoholic fraction of red wine protects
Only skin toxicity on the breast (and not in the nodal areas) was
DNA from oxidative damage However, the radioprotec-
evaluated in this study. The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
tive effects of wine and its components have not been studied
scale was used to evaluate acute toxicity during treatment at
in patients undergoing radiotherapy per se.
the weekly clinical examinations and at the first clinical examination
In this study we studied wine’s ability to prevent acute
3 weeks after the end of radiotherapy.
Acute toxicity in the three groups (control group, MARA-1
toxicity in patients undergoing radiotherapy after conserva-
group, and MARA-2 group) was compared by use of a c2 test.
tive surgery for breast carcinoma. This included examining
This test was also used to study the association between acute
its potential protective effects in the context of different
toxicity and the following variables: comorbidities (hypertension,
radiotherapy regimens, adjuvant treatments (i.e., chemother-
diabetes), hemoglobin levels at the start of treatment, hormone ther-
apy and hormone therapy), and lifestyle habits such as smok-
apy (yes or no), adjuvant chemotherapy (yes or no), type of adjuvant
ing and alcohol intake. We observed a reduction in both the
chemotherapy, smoking and drinking habits, PTV (less than median
incidence and severity of skin effects in patients who were
value vs. greater than or equal to median value), and age (less than
regular wine drinkers compared with those in patients who
median value vs. greater than or equal to median value). Variables
shown to be significant (p < 0.05) as well as those for which a trendwas seen (p < 0.1) in the c2 analysis were included in a multivariateanalysis done by use of the logistic analysis model. Odds ratios and
their confidence intervals were also computed. The reference levelused for the computation of the odds ratio was the level for the
Patients consisted of women with breast cancer treated between
February 2003 and June 2007 with breast conservation treatmentfollowed by radiotherapy. Patients were identified by a database
search. Information on clinical examination findings, blood count,
performance status, adjuvant therapies (chemotherapy, hormone
Three hundred forty-eight patients met the study criteria.
therapy), and lifestyle habits (cigarette smoking, number of ciga-rettes per day, alcohol consumption) before treatment were obtained
Patient characteristics are summarized in . The details
in all patients from their clinical charts. At the preoperative evalua-
pertaining to the radiotherapy and systemic treatments
tion, patients were also asked to describe their daily alcohol intake in
performed are summarized in . The overall radiother-
terms of both the type and amount of alcohol consumed (i.e., glasses
apy treatment time was 6.4 weeks for the control group
Radioprotective effect of wine d A. G. MORGANTI et al.
Abbreviation: CMF = cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and
ing only half a glass of wine daily, a 13.6% incidence in
(32 fractions), 3.2 weeks for the MARA-1 protocol group
patients drinking one glass daily, and a 35% incidence in
(16 fractions), and 5 weeks for the MARA-2 protocol group
patients drinking two glasses daily. Patients who drank
only one glass daily exhibited a significant (p = 0.006)odds ratio. Specifically, their risk of high grades of skin tox-
icity was about 75% less than that in nondrinkers.
Univariate analysis showed no significant association
A significant odds ratio was also found for the MARA-1
between the incidence of acute skin toxicity and hyperten-
protocol group, in that the risk of higher grades of toxicity
sion, diabetes, age, cigarette smoking, pretreatment hemoglo-
was 65% less in this group than in patients in the control
bin level, and administration of adjuvant hormone therapy
group (p < 0.001). Furthermore, patients who underwent ad-
(data not shown). There was a trend toward a higher
juvant chemotherapy had a 1.6 times (p = 0.004) greater risk
incidence of skin toxicity in patients undergoing adjuvant
of higher grades of toxicity compared with patients who did
chemotherapy (When analyzed according to the
not. In contrast, the risk in patients receiving anthracyclines
type of chemotherapy, the only significant difference found
and taxanes (with or without other drugs) was 3.17 (p =
was an increase in the incidence of skin toxicity in patients
0.01) times the risk in patients not undergoing chemotherapy.
undergoing treatment with anthracyclines and taxanes (with
Multivariate analysis showed that wine intake, PTV
or without other drugs) as compared with those not undergo-
(evaluated as a continuous variable), and type of radiotherapy
ing chemotherapy (p = 0.005). The severity of acute skin
protocol were significantly correlated with the grade of acute
toxicity was also shown to be significantly correlated with
toxicity (categorized as Grade 0–1 vs. 2–3). From this, it
the radiotherapy protocol. In particular, patients treated
appears that wine intake and the MARA-1 technique confer
with the MARA-1 protocol (total dose, 44 Gy) showed
protection against acute toxicity ().
a lower toxicity grade than did those in the control group(total dose, 60.4 Gy) and the MARA-2 protocol group (total
dose, 60 Gy). Similarly, a PTV higher than the median valuewas associated with a higher grade of toxicity The
Our study findings suggest a significant radioprotective
incidence of a higher grade of acute toxicity (Grade 2–3) was
effect from moderate wine intake. This preliminary observa-
also higher in nondrinkers than in drinkers of wine (38.4% vs.
tion was confirmed by a multivariate analysis that included
22.3%, p = 0.021). shows the percentages of patients
the PTV, type of chemotherapy, and radiotherapy protocol.
with skin toxicity greater than Grade 1 classified according to
Because most studies of diet in patients undergoing radio-
the daily amount of wine intake: a 38.4% incidence was
therapy have focused on those that lessen side effects rather
observed in nondrinkers, a 31.8% incidence in patients drink-
than on those that are radioprotective, there is relatively little
I. J. Radiation Oncology d Biology d Physics
Table 3. Univariate analysis (c2): Acute skin toxicity versus clinical parameters
Abbreviations: MARA = Modulated Accelerated Radiotherapy in Adjuvant treatment of breast cancer; PTV = planning target volume.
in the literature on the topic. The study of Greenrod et al.
of wine intake depended upon patient reporting, which can
, which examined whether the nonalcoholic fraction of
be unreliable. Moreover, we were not able to assess some
wine could protect against genome damage induced by oxi-
possibly important factors such as the separate effects of
dative stress, was the only one we were able to identify in a lit-
red and white wine. This is an important consideration,
erature search of relevance to our study. As noted earlier,
because it appears from the available literature that the anti-
these authors found that the consumption of nonalcoholic
oxidant properties of red wine may be more significant
red wine significantly decreased (i.e., by 20%) the amount
than those of white wine. The retrospective design of our
of gamma radiation–induced DNA damage at 1 and 2 h after
study, our relatively small sample size, and the short-term
consumption. In contrast, however, they found that alcohol
follow-up are other limitations. Nonetheless, our findings
(i.e., ethanol) tended to increase radiation-induced genome
do clearly indicate that wine has a radioprotective effect.
damage. In addition, whereas whole wine was protective
Further analyses are therefore warranted to elucidate any pos-
against radiation-induced genome damage, the decrease in
sible effect of regular wine consumption on late radiotherapy
damage was less than that seen for nonalcoholic wine. In
toxicity. Studies are also needed to verify a possible bimodal
our study, in which we retrospectively examined the radio-
course (the so-called J curve) of the radioprotective
protective effects of whole wine, we could not examine the
effect of wine (i.e., a reduced risk for low to moderate
effects of the nonalcoholic components. Nonetheless, we still
amounts but a relatively increased risk for higher amounts),
observed wine to possess a clear radioprotective effect.
which suggests a shift from antioxidant to pro-oxidant
One limitation of our study was that our anamnesis ques-
effects. This is based on many observations showing that
tionnaire in the patients’ charts did not include questions
ethanol-induced liver injury may be linked, at least partly,
about former drinking behavior, a longstanding concern in
to an oxidative stress resulting from increased free radical
studies of the health effects of alcohol As a result, our
production and/or decreased antioxidant defense. Indeed,
group of nondrinkers may have included some who had
such oxidative stress has been shown to be restricted not
quit drinking, in some cases because of health problems.
only to the liver but also, under some experimental conditions
Another limitation of our study was that the quantification
of ethanol administration, to extrahepatic tissues, such as thecentral nervous system, the heart, and the testes
A prospective intervention study would not be feasible if it
involved the possible randomizing of nondrinkers to a wineconsumption group. However, a study of the radioprotectiveeffects of nonalcoholic wine in nondrinkers might be reason-able. A randomized study comparing a compound consistingof the nonalcoholic fraction of wine versus placebo wouldalso be reasonable. In addition, it would be interesting toacquire more in-depth data about the mechanism of actionof alcohol responsible for producing the adverse effects ofionizing radiation. This knowledge would shed light onsome of our results.
Finally, the possible protective effect of wine, which we
assessed only in women with breast cancer, should also be
Fig. 1. Incidence of skin toxicity grade greater than 1 versus dailywine consumption (Æ 95% confidence intervals).
evaluated in male and female patients with other types of
Radioprotective effect of wine d A. G. MORGANTI et al.
Table 4. Multivariate analysis (logistic model): Impact on acute toxicity (Grade 0–1 vs. 2–3)
Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; PTV = planning target volume. * Control group versus MARA-1 protocol versus MARA-2 protocol.
tumors (e.g., prostate carcinoma) who are undergoing radio-
also has the potential to enhance the therapeutic benefit in cancer
patients without increasing their risk of serious adverse effects.
In conclusion, if wine can prevent radiotherapy-induced tox-
The possibility that particular dietary practices or interventions
icity without affecting antitumor efficacy, as we observed, it
can reduce radiation-induced toxicity is very intriguing.
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R ONALDO B RESSANE 10 POEMAS O IMPOSTOR Jornal de Poesia — Alguns poemas de Ronaldo Bressane DESNOITE. O que está fora, sou. Meu rosto é meu formão. Braços, bocas, de outros – se os houve – meu caráter. Os livros lado a lado na estante nada mais que o dia-a-dia em que me intacto. Sou eu quem realiza destas pétalas o cheiro cortado e medido sobre a
ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL Eficacia del Blue-Cap y Viusid en el tratamiento de la Dermatitis Atópica Lisbet Rodríguez de Armas;* María del Carmen Seijas Sende;** Ramón Daniel Simón;*** Alfredo Abreu Daniel;**** Miguel E Marín Díaz***** * Especialista de I Grado en Medicina General Integral. Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico " Manuel Fajardo ". La Habana, Cuba. ** Especialista de