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PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012
Highlight 1 Regulatory Affairs: New FDA Draft Guidance -2011: Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in Early Phase Clinical Studies E. Jane Mitchell, PhD, RAC Regulatory Operations, Optum Insight E-mail: In February 2011, FDA published a new Draft
1. “Identify populations that should receive lower or higher doses of a drug because of excretory
Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in
or metabolic differences. The latter are
Early Phase Clinical Trials [1]. This draft guidance
generally identified by genetic abnormalities
attempts to provide a deeper and more consolidated
defining metabolic status for enzymes with
approach to the current thinking than provided in
pharmacogenomics (PGx) [2-5]. The comment
2. “Identify responder populations based on
period for this draft guidance has passed, however,
phenotype, receptor, or genetic characteristics,
and FDA will no doubt reflect further and revise it
a critical element in treatment individualization
before implementation. The focus is intended to be
that has been used primarily in the oncologic
on general principles of study design, data
setting. Predicted differences in response can
collection and data analysis mainly for Phase 1 and
lead to enrichment strategies based on such
2 exploratory and observational studies. It does not
address statistical considerations for Phase 3
randomized trials. There is no explicit specific
3. “Help define the dose range for later trials by
mention of voluntary exploratory data submissions
identifying the dose-response for pertinent
(VXDS) or joint meetings between sponsors and
biomarker and/or early effectiveness and more
FDA as these have been outlined previously [2, 4]
common adverse effects. In many cases, the phase 3 trials would evaluate several doses to Background Section define benefit and risk further. It would be of
FDA outlines definitions, terminology, and
particular interest to identify subsets with
describes the current state of understanding of PGx
different dose-response relationships. However,
in relation to biomarkers, disease states, drug
the study of several doses is not common in
response and PGx studies. Drug exposure (E) refers
phase 3 oncology trials of cell and gene therapy
pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles. Drug response (R)
refers to pharmacodynamics (PD) and all of the
4. “Identify high risk groups. Although the ability
various physiological and pathological processes
to cause serious adverse effects will not be
affected. Genetic variations influence the
generally acceptable in most settings, even if
relationship between drug exposure and response by
they can be predicted, it is possible that such
altering the E/R curve and the maximum drug
effects could be linked to factors (metabolic, genetic) that could be managed in later trials,
The contributions of Phase 1 and 2 results
and support approval of drugs with particular
toward the design of randomized controlled Phase 3
value. To date, the most likely use of such
studies in terms of providing specific PGx data on
information would be to identify poor
PK and PD are outlined early in the guidance, as
metabolizers or ultra-rapid metabolizes (e.g., CYP2D6) whose blood levels of parent or PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012
relevant metabolites could be markedly
bleeding events. VKORC1 (1639GA) decreases
affected; in trials they could be excluded or
gene expressions and increases responsiveness to
their doses modified to account for genetic
warfarin so patients require a lower dose. In 2010,
the label was updated with a DOSING TABLE to
be used for initial dosing based on CYP2C9 and
The value of PGx is discussed in the draft guidance
by means of an overview of case histories for
These examples, where PGx information are
already incorporated into labels, guide physicians to
For Abacavir, hypersensitivity occurred with
better predict benefits and risks for their patients
5-8 % of patients. In 3-4 years after approval, new
and are part of what is referred to as the new term
PGx findings indicated the HLA-B*5701 allele was
“regulatory science”. Whether a label includes a
associated with these hypersensitivity reactions.
PREDICT-1 was a 6-week prospective randomized
BOX WARNING, based on predictable genetic
controlled trial designed to assess the marker for
effects, the Pharma industry will be required to add
clinical utility in HLA-B*5701 allele screening
more thought, time and money throughout its drug
prior to treatment. The Positive Predictive Value of
development pipelines, as an attempt to identify the
PREDICT-1 was 47.9 % i.e., about 50 % of positive
major genetic effects. While this may initially be
HLA-B*5701-tested patients developed hypersen-
perceived to increase approval timelines, the risks to
sitivity and none with a negative test did (Net
the Pharma industry associated with withdrawing a
drug from market and/or dealing with lawsuits
Clopidogrel is a pro-drug that is metabolized
would hopefully be reduced with the concomitant
in a 2-step process involving CYP2C19. Studies
better safety outcomes to patients. Drug
indicated that a loss of function (LOF) allele
development expectations will change such that
resulted in reduced exposure to the active
companies will be required to have gained a deeper
metabolite and less inhibition of platelet
understanding of the major predictable genetic
aggregation. The TRITON-TIMI 38 study of
effects, impacting both efficacy and safety, when
genotyped LOF CYP2C19 alleles indicated that
these patients had a higher rate of death, nonfatal
myocardial infarction or nonfatal stroke as
DNA Sampling
compared to non-carriers, following percutaneous
FDA devotes a separate section in the draft
coronary intervention. As a result of this and other
studies, the label was updated in 2009 and 2010
prospective and consent should be obtained from all
related to a diminished antiplatelet response and
participants in trials. Sampling should be done at
increased risk of cardiovascular events.
enrollment to avoid bias and should be retained as
Warfarin is consistently in the top ten drugs
new PGx issues may arise after study completion.
that cause serious adverse events, having major
Samples could include a wide range of biological
bleeding frequencies of 10-16 %. Dose is modified
media including blood and buccal cells as well as
by INR assay, but as the polymorphisms (*2 and *3
tumor cells, where somatic and acquired mutations
alleles) affecting CYP2C9 result in decreased
could be used in predicting drug response as well as
clearance and higher blood levels of S-warfarin
disease severity. FDA indicates this practice should
(which is more potent than the R-enantiomer), more
allow sponsors of new drugs an opportunity to
than INR testing alone may be needed. Warfarin
investigate the causes for lack of efficacy or toxicity
acts on the Vitamin K epoxide reductase encoded
in different individuals using genome-wide
by VKORC1 and this polymorphism can affect
association, candidate gene or targeted pathway
response to warfarin to a clinically significant
analysis, as appropriate. There are references on
extent in some individuals, increasing an
collection of biospecimens as well as storage and
individual’s risk of potentially life-threatening
coding of samples provided in the guideline,
PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012
however there are other considerations, in particular
should be taken into consideration in the design of
bioethics and informed consent that are not raised.
dose/response (D/R) studies in genotype-defined
How, where and why the obtained samples that are
subgroups. This ability to test and to identify
collected “routinely” would be used needs to be
genotypes that are important in predicting drug
clearly addressed not only in recommended
levels and drug effect are important to the
guidelines but likely in new regulation and/or
policies. Clarity on a number of points are required
Phase 2 dose/response studies using either
including: How long the samples could be retained;
biomarkers or clinical end points that stratify dose
could the samples be used retrospectively to
groups by genotype or genotype-guided D/R should
reanalyze data from only the original intended
be considered. Drug plasma levels assist in
clinical study or would there be later circumstances
interpreting results when there are major differences
where these samples could be analyzed to obtain
in blood levels resulting from genomic factors and
data for other purposes? If and when decisions
apparent variability on D/R relationship.
around the samples were to be made, would there be
some kind of central ethics committee and who
Clinical Study Design
would that committee be composed of? Would there
The draft guidance provides mainly high level
be differences in the way different classes of drugs,
considerations and references to additional non-PGx
estimated safety profiles, or disease states handled
guidance documents. Meetings with FDA are
expected during development phases, so comments
are general. According to the draft guidance, study
Clinical Evaluation of Pharmacogenomics
design is similar to studies of e.g., the hepatically
Some of the main points in the second half of the
impaired where the goal of PGx study is to compare
guidance are outlined below; consult the draft
genomically defined PK subgroups of healthy
guidance and/or other FDA guidances for further
volunteers or patients. The goal is to include results
Clinical Pharmacogenomics:
biomarker may be more exploratory early in
In healthy volunteers: PK and PD with prospective
development where the goal is to seek genomic
DNA analysis together with information on known
predictors of PD effects and later in development,
ADME variants may assist in evaluating outliers, or
it could assist when there are concerns about
Analytical validation of phenotyping and
toxicity, by excluding individuals at risk, until a
genotyping methods is expected to be done before
greater understanding of the metabolic relevance is
initiating PGx clinical studies. Regarding study
populations, the exclusion of patients with certain
in vitro studies suggest that a drug is
genotypes may be appropriate. Multiple covariate
metabolized by polymorphic pathways, then the PK
considerations in drug response resulting from
studies should be conducted in healthy volunteers
genetic as well as non-genetic factors are to be
prospectively representing various common
considered as they are important in assessing the
genotypes. Pro-drugs activated through impact of genetics vs other factors on PK, PD, polymorphic pathways should be characterized
dosing, efficacy and safety. It is the Agency’s
early and subgroups of subjects with genetic
opinion that this is an area for greater exploration
variants of metabolic and transporter genes should
and understanding in particular drug interactions.
be included. As in the case of clopidogrel, failure to
Effort is needed in the area of theoretical trial
form the active metabolite may have profound
design to ensure the feasibility of studies that can
provide interpretable results that can translate into
In patients, when important variability in PK
solid and meaningful regulatory decision-making
of active species is shown in healthy volunteers, this
when multiple factors are to be considered.
PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012
Concerning statistical considerations, the draft
the individual patient, but also for healthcare
guidance indicates that early studies should be able
communities that develop, deliver or pay for care.
to demonstrate definitive differences in PK (e.g.,
CYP2D6 poor metabolizers), though genomic PD
differences require further [more subjects] study.
1. Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in
PGx study dose selection is to be at clinically
Early Phase Clinical Studies Draft Guidance. Web. 18
relevant doses, with lower doses selected if the
Feb. 2011.
subject’s genotype could place them at risk.
Drug interaction is not addressed in the PGx
2. Pharmacogenomic Data Submissions. Web. 23 Mar.
draft guidance and this is an area in need of research
in view of the multiple prescriptions individuals
may be taking at one time, particularly in older age
3. Guiding Principles for Joint FDA EMEA Voluntary
groups. Last month, in February 2012, FDA has
Genomic Data Submission Briefing Meetings. Web. 19
published its draft guidance on Drug Interaction
Studies – Study Design, Data Analysis, and
Recommendations [6]; this follows a preliminary
4. Pharmacogenomic Data Submissions — Companion
drug concept paper published by FDA in 2004 on
drug interaction studies [7]. This area of regulatory
science will require development and evaluation
5. FDA Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Guidance on
alongside that of PGx in clinical pharmacology and
Pharmacogenetic Tests and Genetic Tests for Heritable
clinical studies: Various complex scenarios of
Markers. Web. 2007.
potential drug interaction in individuals with
various genetic alleles such as CYP variants require
6. FDA: Draft Guidance for Industry: Drug Interaction
more in depth understanding such that labeling is
Studies — Study Design, Data Analysis, and Implications
meaningful and individuals may be dose adjusted
for Dosing and Labeling Recommendations. Web. Feb.
appropriately. Methods for phenotyping individuals
require greater scientific understanding as well. It is
hoped there will be future guidances from FDA as
7. FDA: Drug Interaction Studies –Study Design, Data
these scientific areas and development products are
Analysis, and Implications for Dosing and Labeling,
discussed in Exploratory Data Submissions (VXDS)
Preliminary Draft Concept Paper. Web. 1 Oct. 2004.
and more regulatory approvals are obtained with
genomic labeling. The overall goal must be to have
benefits and risks clearly predicated and realized in
terms of regulatory science, first and foremost for
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