Thymic Tumor Database/Registry Proposed Data Elements
1. Demographics
Unique Identifier Gender (M/F) Date of Birth
2. Presentation

3. Medical history/risk factors
-Ptosis (Y/N) -Diplopia (Y/N) -Ocular/Generalized -Osserman Classification -Preop (<7d prior to surgery) plasmapheresis? (Y/N) Red cell aplasia (Y/N) Hypogammaglobulinemia (Y/N) Other autoimmune thymic disease (freetext) Other medical history (freetext) Previous malignancy (Y/N) 0 - Asymptomatic (Fully active, able to carry on all predisease activities without restriction) 1 - Symptomatic but completely ambulatory (Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature. For example, light housework, office work) 2 - Symptomatic, <50% in bed during the day (Ambulatory and capable of all self care but unable to carry out any work activities. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours) 3 - Symptomatic, >50% in bed, but not bedbound (Capable of only limited self-care, confined to bed or chair 50% or more of waking hours) 4 - Bedbound (Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any self-care. Totally confined to bed or chair) 5 - Death ASA score (American Society of Anesthesiology Classification System, 1-6) 1. A normal healthy 2. A patient with mi 3. A patient with severe sys 4. A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat t 5. patient who is not expected to survive without the 6. A declarepatient whoseare being removed for
4. Evaluation
-Evidence of mediastinal or vascular invasion? (Y/N) -Lymph node enlargement >1cm (Y/N) -Ipsilateral Pleural metastases (Y/N), (Ipsilateral/Contralateral/Bilateral) -Evidence of distant metastases? (Y/N) -Evidence of mediastinal or vascular invasion? (Y/N)
5. Biopsy (Y/N)

-Pathologic diagnosis on biopsy: (Thymoma/Thymic Carcinoma/Thymic Carcinoid/Non-diagnostic/Other)
6. Treatment
-Date initiated -Technique: (freetext) -Total dose (Gy): -# fractions: -date initiated -check one: CT, ADOC, PAC, EP, other -Other chemo (freetext) -# cycles (numeric) Best Response (RECIST): (CR/PR/Stable/PD) Date: Surgeon (freetext) Hospital (freetext) Approach (check one/dropdown menu): Sternotomy Thoracotomy Hemi-clamshell Clamshell VATS VATS-robotic Transcervical Other (Y/N) (If yes, freetext) Resection Status – clinical - (R0/R1/R2, biopsy only) Thymectomy (Total/Partial) Structures resected other than tumor itself? -Parietal pleural implant resection (Y/N) -Visceral pleural implant resection (Y/N) -Wedge -Segmentectomy -Lobectomy -Pneumonectomy -Extrapleural pneumonectomy If yes, then: (dacron/gore-tex/vein/bovine pericardium/other)
7. Pathology
Thymoma Thymic carcinoma Thymic carcinoid Type A, Type AB, Type B1, Type B2, Type B3 Check one: Squamous cell (epidermoid), lymphoepithelioma-like, sarcomatoid (carcinosarcoma, clear cell, mucoepidermoid, papillary, undifferentiated) Tumor size (3 dimensions in cm, numeric) Number of sections examined: (#) Trans-capsular invasion? (Y/N) Total Margin status? (Positive/Negative) Number of margin sections examined: (#) Adjacent organ invasion? (Y/N) -Pericardium -Phrenic nerve -Pleura -Lung Pathologic Resection Status: (R0/R1/R2) Masaoka stage: Tumor saved/submitted for tumor bank (Y/N)
8. Adjuvant therapy (Y/N)
-Date initiated -Technique: (freetext) -Total dose (Gy): -# fractions: -date initiated -check one: CT, ADOC, PAC, EP, other -Other chemo (freetext) -# cycles (numeric) Sequential chemoradiation (Y/N) Other adjuvant (Y/N) -steroids (Y/N) -somatastatin (Y/N) -other (freetext)
9. Follow-up
Vital Status (Alive/Dead) Date last know alive or date of death: Cause of Death: Thymoma or complications associated with thymoma Complications of treatment Other Unknown Date of pathologic confirmation of recurrence: Pleura (Ipsilateral/Contralateral/Bilateral) (N/A, in remission, under medical control, uncontrolled)
10. Treatment of recurrence
Date of first recurrence (xx-xx-xxxx) Method of detection: Check one: symptomatic, radiographic only If radiographic, modality: (check one: CT, MRI, PET) Recurrence at biopsy site? (Y/N)
Treatment of recurrence (Y/N)
-Date initiated -Technique: (freetext) -Total dose (Gy): -# fractions: -date initiated -check one: CT, ADOC, PAC, EP, other -Other chemo (freetext) -# cycles (numeric) Best Response (RECIST): (CR/PR/Stable/PD) Date: Surgeon (freetext) Hospital (freetext) Approach (check one/dropdown menu): Hemi-clamshell Clamshell VATS VATS-robotic Transcervical Other (Y/N) (If yes, freetext) Resection Status – clinical - (R0/R1/R2, biopsy only) Thymectomy (Total/Partial) Structures resected other than tumor itself? -Parietal pleural implant resection (Y/N) -Visceral pleural implant resection (Y/N) -Wedge -Segmentectomy -Lobectomy -Pneumonectomy -Extrapleural pneumonectomy If yes, then: (dacron/gore-tex/vein/bovine pericardium/other)


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