Thank you, it's cool. Used for the first time because only then was the right drug. Very revealing detail: ordered Express shipping to get the order within 3 hours because didn't know how to get the order faster The drug is authentic exactly. Consistent with the stated prices the Staff is knowledgeable.
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 1
Jubilee Circle, DHARWAD-580001, Karnataka, India
*Commissioned study for the project. ** Deputy Director General and Consultant of Research and Information Sytem for the Non-aligned and othr Developing Countries (RIS), respectively. Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends Nagesh Kumar Jaya Prakash Pradhan 1. Introduction
included building a national innovation system
for developing process innovation capability
in the country, through incentives for R&D
period has been ability to ensure availability
of life saving drugs at affordable prices. The
framework designed to facilitate indigenous
fact that the life saving and other drugs are
process development of known compounds.
available in India at a fraction of prices
widespread attention from other countries.
produces bulk of the country’s requirement
indigenous and cost effective processes.
combination of policies consciously followed
since late 1960s with the specific objective
of providing affordable drugs for the masses.
there have been a number of changes in the
policy framework developed since the late
pharmaceutical industry, giving incentives for
removal of restrictions on foreign firms,
localization of production right from bulk
undergoing important changes as per India’s
branded products, and regulation of prices
by 2005 and provision of pipeline protection
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 3
through EMRs (exclusive marketing rights)
commitments under the WTO Agreements.
in the transition period. All these trends of
Section 4 examines the aspects of the Indian
the past decade viz. liberalization of trade,
resulting from the policy package followed
emerging changes in the IPRs are likely to
have implications for the availability and
availability of drugs and relative prices.
prices of pharmaceutical products in India.
Section 5 analyzes the implications of the
policy frame on the pharmaceutical industry
reviews different elements of integrated drug
particularly in terms of prices, availability of
1960s and 1990 and their effectiveness in
production and technology transfer etc.
bringing down drug prices. Then it discusses
Finally Section 6 concludes the paper with
trends taking place since 1990 that tend to
some remarks for policies to minimize the
alter the policy framework evolved thus far
that are likely to affect the availability of drugs
and their prices in the coming years such as
2. Evolution of the Policy Regime
liberalization of trade, investment and pricing
TRIPs Agreement, among other policies.
decades to ensure the availability of life
saving medicines at affordable prices for the
health system of country catering to the needs
follows: Section 2 summarizes the contours
of the poor masses. The government policy
of the integrated policy package evolved by
broadly classified into two categories- (i)
period that led to rapid transformation of the
industrial policy including policies relating to
pharmaceutical industry in India. Section 3
foreign investment and technology and (ii)
overviews the changes brought in the policy
pricing policy. The evolution of both these
economic reforms and as a part of India’s
Industrial policy
imports of bulk drugs and its processing into
pharmaceutical industry were laid in 1901
when Prof. P.C. Ray established the Bengal
(BCPW), the country was largely dependent
1956, grouped the pharmaceutical industry
on imports for most of her requirements of
in the schedule ‘B’ where both state and
private sector could operate. Although FDI
was welcomed and given national treatment
Independence, the pharmaceutical industry
in the industry, government was finding it
has received due policy attention given its
importance for the health security of the poor.
In the first Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
dependence on imports. Given the reluctance
industry was included in the list of ‘basic
bulk drugs such as antibiotics in the country,
industries’ and its growth was subjected to
the government set up Hindustan Antibiotics
plan targets and monitoring. However, the
industry had little domestic technological
Pharmaceuticals Ltd (IDPL) in 1961. These
drugs at that time. Whatever little growth
role in not only starting domestic production
impetus the industry had during the World
of key bulk drugs but have had substantial
spillovers in the form of generation of a new
shown that founders of one third of the 200
drugs like sulpha, antibiotics, vitamins,
domestic enterprises surveyed had initially
hormones, antihistamine, tranquilizers, and
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 5
namely, self-sufficiency in drugs production,
imported bulk drugs and other raw materials.
accessibility of quality drugs at reasonable
prices. In order to achieve these objectives,
industry was included the Appendix I of the
the pressure was built on MNE affiliates to
indigenize the production of bulk drugs from
priority status meant that under the Foreign
the basic stage. Thus the higher level of 74
per cent foreign equity was made applicable
only to those MNE affiliates producing high
ownership in their affiliates in India against a
technology drugs and others producing low
foreign shareholding permissible. However,
keeping in mind the critical importance of
required to reduce their foreign equity holding
building a self-reliant pharmaceutical industry,
to 40 per cent. Foreign companies producing
examine the status of the industry and make
required to start production from the basic
Committee, after its chairman Mr Jaisukhlal
Hathi made extensive investigations into the
given only if the production involves high
factors that were preventing achievement of
pharmaceutical industry in the country and
took the decision of abolishing brand names
for five categories of drugs as mentioned
Report published in 1975 (Hathi Committee
analgin, aspirin, chlorpromazine, ferrous
for a discussion). A New Drug Policy 1978
sulphate, and piperazine along with its salt.
recommendations of the Hathi Committee.
with a court injunction. Another aspect of
the government policies concerning the drugs
and pharmaceutical industry was canalization
will hamper the growth of the industry and
of imports of bulk drugs. After the detection
in the long run limit its ability to meet rising
substantial overpricing in imports of bulk
Tariff Commission to examine the prices of
affiliated sources, the government started
18 basic drugs and their single ingredient
canalizing the imports of these bulk drugs
formulations in August 1966. Following the
submission of the Tariff Commission report
subsidiary of the State Trading Corporation)
Control) Order was issued in May 1970.
and MNE affiliates were required to lift their
requirements from them. The drug policy has
balancing the welfare of consumer and that
objective of strengthening the indigenous
essential drugs and at the same time ensuring
production capability of drugs for ensuring
their abundant availability at reasonable
industry by taking account of the prices of
materials, conversion cost, packing charges,
mark-up, excise duty and sales tax in the
Price Controls
calculation of the retail price of a formulation.
The government has acquired both the rights
to fix the maximum selling prices of essential
pharmaceutical industry right from the 1960s
bulk drugs (those included in the Schedule I
of the appendix of the Order) and to change
1970, accounted for less than 9 percent of
Prices) Order, 1963 and Drugs (Display and
Control) Order, 1966. The attempt to control
prices of other bulk drugs were frozen at
prices by the government met with resistance
the level prevailing immediately before the
from the industry that argued that the controls
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 7
revised in 1979 following the promulgation
the included formulations. As will be seen
later that the scope of price controls has been
further restricted in the 1990s as a part of
IPR Regime and Incentives to Domestic
Remedies. Of these the first three categories
R&D Activity
came under the ambit of price controls with
Amendment of the Patent Act
mark-up (profits allowed) of 40 per cent,
55 Per cent and 100 per cent respectively.
In all 347 drugs came under the purview of
that provided for protection of all inventions
except those relating to atomic energy and a
industry. Two other measures of the Order
chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises that
small scale sector out of price control and
tried to develop their own technology in the
(ii) the new bulk drugs developed through
1960s ran into trouble with foreign patent
local R&D in India also exempted from the
owners. A number of cases highlighted that
purview of price control for a period of five
their patents for domestic manufacture nor
allowing them to be used by local firms1 .
That led to a build-up of pressure in the late
increase their focus on the production on the
less essential and non-essential formulations.
conducted in 1969 found that by and large
Growing resistance of the industry to the
foreign firms were against any liberalization
of patent laws, Indian firms were not against
modified DPCO in August 1987 that reduced
besides enhancing the stipulated mark-up for
owners not allowing their patents to be used. Incentives to Domestic R&D Activity
patents had been used to prevent entry of
systems, the government in India has spent
Indian firms. Therefore, a new Patents Act
was adopted in 1970 that reduced the scope
development, scientific and technological
pharmaceuticals to only processes and not
technology development in the public funded
national laboratories (see Kumar 2001).
processes, the scope of patent protection
Besides creation of S&T infrastructure the
enterprises to take up in-house R&D activity
drugs and chemicals and to 14 years for other
through other policy instruments. In 1974 a
products. The compulsory licenses could be
scheme for recognition of in-house R&D
establishments of industrial units was started.
The recognised R&D units received facilities
for import equipment, raw material, samples,
the abolition of product patents in chemicals
prototypes, etc., for their R&D work under
Open General License, without any ceiling.
development of local technological capability
Sometimes foreign collaboration approvals/
in chemicals and pharmaceutical industry by
enabling the domestic firms in their process
understanding that importer would undertake
innovative activity. A number of quantitative
R&D activity to absorb the technology.
activity of Indian domestic enterprises was
facilitated by the softer patent regime under
catalytic support for accelerated absorption
and adaptation of imported technologies by
the industrial units. It was made mandatory
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 9
to highlight efforts taken towards absorption
incentives and support measures presently
of technology imports in a separate chapter
of the annual report of all the importing firms
Full Income Tax relief on the in-house
(DSIR, 1986). In addition industry research
Research Organizations (SIROs).At present
established good infrastructural facilities for
obliged the foreign companies with turnover
in excess of Rs. 50 million to have R&D
facilities within the country with capital
R&D units can also avail, weighted tax
investment of at least 20 percent of their net
block and to spend at least 4 percent of their
turnover on R&D. It also specified one to
two percent higher profit ceiling for drug
measures to encourage R&D in industry and
increased utilization of locally available R&D
options for industrial development. Fiscal
Expenditures made on capital equipment
All SIROs are eligible for custom duty
specific goods imported for use in R&D
assets and rationalized the rate structure
research institutions, universities, IIT, IIS
Donations given to scientific research
associations, institutions and universities
are exempted from income tax provision.
All SIROs are eligible for excise duty
agricultural, natural and applied sciences
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 11
Public funded research institutions are
and consumables for scientific research.
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has
R&D and commercialization of indigenous
aspects of biotechnology R&D activity
institutions including applications in drugs
Public Funded R&D in 1987 given annually.
Over the years a number of programmes for
directly supporting R&D activity in the
scientific agencies of the Indian government.
to support R&D projects in Industry.
In the Budget for the year 2000-2001,
these projects involve collaboration with
pharmaceutical industry was announced.
DST is funding several industrial R&D
Incentives for Utilization of Indigenous R&D
enjoyed a preferential treatment in industrial
(NRDC) with the specific responsibility of
indigenous technologies are completely free
of tax, and those earned within the country
commercialises the technologies developed
with government support, undertakes further
technological entrepreneurship in the country,
know-how, setting up pilot plant, etc., and
the public sector financial institutions such
even provides risk finance to development
projects. In addition, utilization of indigenous
R&D is sought to be promoted by various
generation of techno-entrepreneurs. Private
other incentives. All goods manufactured by
venture capital funds and angel investors
country of the EU for a period of three years.
Business Incubation Centres at the research
institutions to facilitate speedier transfer of
indigenously do not fall in purview of the
Drugs Price Control Order for the first five
technology institutions are setting up industrial
consultancy and extension centres to facilitate
utilization of domestic R&D and encourage
applicable to plant and machinery installed
(since 1987) for manufacture of goods based
alumni. DST has set up S&T Entrepreneurial
Parks. These Parks provide infrastructural
facilities to techno-entrepreneurs to start their
from provisions of industrial licensing and
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 13
3. Reforms and Implementation of
the 14 specified industries that continue to
WTO Commitments
remain under the ambit of licensing given the
foreign direct investments (FDI) than ever
in the post Independence India. The Policy
undertaken by the government and also the
allows automatic approval system for priority
within two weeks subject to their fulfilling
specified equity norms. As one of the select
been brought about in the industrial policy
priority industries specified in Annexure III-
cent was to be allowed on automatic basis
for pharmaceutical industry for manufacture
controls. In what follows we summarize the
of bulk drugs and formulations thereof. Later
included in the list for automatic approval
1986 which includes measures like abolishing
industrial licensing requirements for majority
governing the industrial investments.
of drugs barring few; removing restriction
Although the NIP dismantled the industrial
licensing (or approval) system by abolishing
the requirement of obtaining an industrial
percentage of bulk drug production need to
be supply to non-associated formulators),
pharmaceuticals industry is included among
and limiting the scope of price control and
providing for establishment of the National
Drug Authority to monitor quality and the
up to 100 per cent and foreign technology
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
agreements will also be available for all the
cases except those included in the industrial
been substantial dilution of the price controls.
initiatives ‘towards promoting accelerated
under the ambit of price controls to 74 from
competitive’. This covered implementation
that the Government had appointed in 1999.
about 40 percent of the total market thus
These include the Pharmaceutical Research
market out of price controls. In identifying
this list, the Government has followed an
exclusion-cum-inclusion criterion, excluding
drugs in which there is a sufficient market
competition and including those where there
is a monopoly situation. Secondly, there is a
Policy has abolished the industrial licensing
single list of drugs under the price control
requirements for all bulk drugs cleared by
Manufacturing Expenses) of 100 percent.
intermediates and formulations except for
Thirdly, all formulations under DPCO drugs
technology, those requiring in-vivo use of
nucleic acids as the active principles, and
specific cell/ tissue targeted formulations.
by indigenous R&D has been increased from
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 15
seen a substantial reduction in the scope of
price controls in the industry. It is likely to
has been set up in 1997 to administer the
have affected the prices of drugs as will be
proposed further dilution of the price controls
WTO Commitments: Trade
1999. The guiding principle for identification
Liberalization and TRIPs
of specific bulk drugs for price controls to
be mass consumption nature of the drug and
absence of sufficient competition in such
commitments, the tariff rates applicable to
price controls under the new policy if the
moving annual total value for any formulator
applicable with a zero per cent tariff and zero
is more that Rs 25 crores and the percentage
per cent countervailing duty for essential items
share of any formulators is 50 per cent or
and 30 per cent tariff and a 16 per cent cvd
more, or in case of less than Rs 25 crores
for all others4 . The new tariff structure
therefore, does not differ according to value
any formulator is 90 per cent or more. The
indigenously manufactured formulations and
50 per cent of the landed cost in case of
imported formulations. The exemption from
industrialized countries for higher international
indigenously has been extended to 15 years
extension of patentability to virtually all fields
indigenous new drug delivery system2 . With
country patent systems, by prolonging the
these changes the scope of price controls
will be reduced to only 22 per cent of the
total market3 . Therefore, the 1990s have
recognition of the patentee’s exclusive rights
to import the patented products. The patent
rights are enjoyable without discrimination
have been brought in the Indian Patents Act
as to the place of invention, the field of
brought to provide for exclusive marketing
rights (EMRs) a pipeline mechanism during
signatories to the trade negotiations are,
therefore, obliged to harmonize their IPR
patents. India has a ten years transition to
regime and to provide product patents for
provide product patents viz. till the end of
coverage of the patent protection has also
Indian Patents Act 1970 to extend the term
been expanded by the provision for patents
of patents to 20 years is in the Parliament.
on micro-organisms and protection of plant
India has also joined the Paris Convention
varieties either by patents or by an effective
and the Patent Cooperation Treaty in 1998. sui generis system or by any combination
These changes in the IPR regime are likely
pharmaceutical industry as will be seen later.
likely to have major implications for the drugs
Incentives for Domestic Innovative Activity
and pharmaceutical industry. India will have
to extend the scope of patenting to chemical
to take challenge of TRIPs, the government
and pharmaceuticals and increase the term
has taken several initiatives. As observed
of patents to 20 years from the present 7
and 14 years. However, developing countries
not providing product patents are given a
by Dr RA Mashelkar was set up in 1999.
patents. However, in the interim period a
transforming the country into a knowledge
to applicants for product patents. In order
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 17
critical bulk drugs but generates exports
surpluses. In 1970 much of the country’s
imports and the bulk of domestic production
subsidiaries. Of the top ten firms by retail
Organization has also been proposed to set
sales in 1970 only two were domestic firms
up to administer safety, efficacy and quality
1996 six of the top ten firms in the industry
are Indian firms. By 1991, domestic firms
4. Government Policies and
accounted for 70 per cent of the bulk drugs
Development of Indigenous
production and 80 per cent of formulations
Capability in the Indian
produced in the country (Lanjouw 1998). Pharmaceutical Industry in the Pre-Reform Period
of the industry, it is useful to look at the
formulations and of bulk drugs in terms of
private sector —large and small scale over
national innovation system facilitating the
Table 1. It is apparent that MNE affiliates
development of local technology, and price
dominated the output of formulations in the
controls have led to a rapid development of
market. However, their share had gradually
come down to 40 per cent while that of the
consumption in to a US$ 4 billion industry
by 2000 AD, one that is not only self reliant
gradually increased. A much sharper change
sector which has been facilitated by various
has gradually declined from nearly 40 per
favorable policies like the exemption from
cent in the mid-1970s to only 18 per cent.
the DPCO, reservation of drugs for exclusive
The local public sector and private sector
production in small scale sector, process
enterprises including small-scale firms have
patents permitting them to develop their own
process of making a drug at a lower cost,
production to achieve self-sufficiency. This
etc. Over the years small scale sector has
diversified its production base to produce
concentrate on production of formulations
many important bulk drugs/intermediates like
names. Public sector enterprises played an
Trimethoprim, Sulphamethoxazole, Analgin,
important role in starting the indigenous
production of bulk drugs in the country in
scale firms account for the bulk of the 20,000
the 1960s and 1970s a trend that was later
companies that exist in the industry now.
on picked up by other domestic enterprises.
One striking feature of the evolution of Indian
industry is broad based and not dominated
drugs industry is faster growth of small-scale
Table 1:Growth of Production of Pharmaceuticals in India by Ownership Groups, 1974-75 to 1985-86 Formulations Bulk Drugs
Note: * includes production in small-scale sector and ** includes production in foreign sector. Source: (i) Department of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Basic Data on Drugs Industry, 1977-78 (ii) IDMA (1989) Annual Publication (iii) DSIR (1990)
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 19
Availability and Prices of Drugs
short time lag. Table 2 shows that most of
industry has been development of domestic
technological capability. Facilitated by the
market. Table 2 also shows that the prices
abolition of product patent regime with the
Patents Act of 1970, and the availability of
cheaper compared to rest of the world. For
S&T infrastructure in the country local
instance, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Astemizole,
Ondansetron sell in the US market at about
initiative to develop cost-effective processes
prices of drugs have made them affordable
chemical compounds and other bulk drugs.
thus have served an important social cause
capability of Indian enterprises has enabled
of providing access of modern medicine to
them to introduce newer medicines within a
Table 2:Introduction of New Drugs and RelativePrices Patentable Drugs in India
Source: constructed on the basis of Lanjouw (1998), Watal (2000) with other supplementary information.
Local Technological Capability and Comparative Advantage
build up on local technological capability
emerged in the country as one with a much
increasing domestic technological capability
is reflected in terms of rising exports of drugs
development and R&D activity. An analysis
and pharmaceuticals. With their cost effective
of about 900 R&D performing companies
process innovations, Indian companies have
in the Indian corporate sector summarized
in Table 3 shows that R&D to sales ratio for
world of a large number of generic drugs.
the entire sample for the 1992/3 to 1998/9
was 0.846 per cent, the average ratio for
India’s exports of drugs and pharmaceuticals.
the drugs and pharmaceuticals industry was
summarized in Table 3 shows that domestic
that generates increasing export surplus for
enterprises in the industry are more active in
R&D with an R&D intensity of 1.72 per cent
pharmaceutical exports has resulted in their
share in India’s exports rising from 0.55 per
cent in 1970-71 to over 4 per cent by the
Table 3: R&D Intensities in Indian Corporate Sector (percentages) Note : Parentheses show S.D; the bottom figure represents number of observations. Source: Kumar and Agarwal 2001
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 21
Table 4: India’s Trade in Pharmaceutical Products, 1970-71 to 1999-2000 (Current prices) Trade in medicinal and pharmaceutical
Source: RBI (2000), Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy , Bombay: the Reserve Bank of India
pharmaceuticals has risen by 2.5 times while
stagnated at about 0.6 per cent throughout
show that India’s share in world exports of
Table 5: India’s Pharmaceutical exports in World Trade, 1970 to 1998 (Current prices) In US$ million
Source: India, Economic Survey 2000/01 and the UN International Trade Statistics Yearbook 1998, United Nations
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 23
Table 6: Major Exporters of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Products in the World Countries
Source: UN International Trade Statistics Yearbook 1998, United Nations
in key international markets. As a result the
received a boost in the late 1980s when a
international markets after obtaining FDA
approval. Therefore, in the late 1980s, as
pharmaceutical exports accounting for 10-
12 per cent of exports. The export basket
larger and more dynamic Indian enterprises
Metronidazole, Amoxycilline, Ampicilline,
such as Ranbaxy Laboratories, Dr Reddy’s
Pappain, Potassium Iodide, Brucine Salts,
marketing their own formulations in different
countries with the help of a growing network
of overseas offices and subsidiaries set up
Table 7: Composition of India’s Pharmaceutical Exports (Current prices) In Rs. Crores
Source: Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, various Annual Reports
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 25
country, despite the fact that Indian patent
regime does not provide product patents.
note of it. For instance, Eli Lilly established
Ownership, Firm Size and Technological Dynamism: Recent Trends in Enterprise
1990s for development of a cost effective
of MNE affiliates and domestic enterprises
latter’s process development capabilities.
in Indian pharmaceutical industry is made
over the 1990s based on a balanced sample
subsidiaries) in terms of different parameters
of investment and output, export-orientation,
public funded R&D institutions for synthesis
R&D activity, technology purchases from
of new molecules and process development.
abroad, labour productivity and profitability.
among others, that have commissioned Indian
trends are summarized in the Annex Tables.
Here we use graphs to quickly examine the
relative performance of the two groups of
details). Astra (now Astra-Zeneca) has set
enterprises have grown faster than foreign
up a full fledged R&D centre in Bangalore
firms in the industry in terms of growth of
Figure 2: Sales of Domestic and Foreign Firms in Indian Pharmaceuticals Industry, 1993-99
In terms of exports dynamism, whether judged in terms of proportion of sales
(Figure 3) or as a ratio of exports to imports (Figure 4), domestic firms reveal a greater
dynamism compared to foreign firms. Therefore, the recent export success of the industry
is clearly led by domestic enterprises.
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 27
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
In case the sample firms are reclassified by firm size, one finds that the smaller
firms are no less dynamic in terms of exports orientation especially since the mid-1990s. In
fact smaller firms have performed better than medium sized firms since the mid-1990s as
shown in Figure 5. In terms of export to import ration, the three size groups are quite
Figure 5 Firm Size and Export Intensity (%), 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
Figure 6 Firm Size and Exports to Imports ratio (%), 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
The technological dynamism is examined in terms of R&D intensity (Figure 7) and
intensity of technological purchases from abroad (Figure 8). In both these respects againdomestic firms appear to be more dynamic compared to their foreign owned counterparts.
R&D Expenditure to Sales Ratio in %, 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 29
Figure 8: Intensity of Technology Purchases from Abroad
Royalty Payments to Sales (%), 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
Productivity performance is examined in terms of defined as the net value-added
per rupee spent on labor. In terms of labour productivity too, domestic firms do better than
their foreign owned counterparts although the gap is narrowing since 1998, as shown in
Figure 9. Figure 9: Labour Productivity in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Net Value Added per Rupee Spent on Labour, 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
In terms of profit margins on sales, the pattern observed is reverse. Despite their
greater technological and export dynamism and higher levels of productivity, domestic
firms report significantly lower levels of profit margins compared to their foreign owned
counterparts. MNE affiliates enjoy considerably higher profit margins because of their
greater focus on more value adding formulations and their well-established brand names
Figure 10: Profit Margins in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Profit before taxes as a proportion sales, %, 1989-2000
Source: based on CMIE sample extracted by the authors
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 31
upon imports and some formulation activity
in the late sixties to one which is able to
changes have significant implications for the
prices of drugs as well as for the industry as
relatively short lag and at a fraction of the
cost, and export a growing proportion of its
produce to emerge as a net foreign exchange
a) Prices of Medicines and Loss of Consumer Welfare
especially because it has been accomplished
increase on two accounts. First, because of
dilution of price controls in the 1990s, and
secondly because strengthening of the patent
5. Implications of Reforms and TRIPs for Pharmaceuticals Industry
scope of price controls during the 1990s with
that facilitated rapid evolution of the local
Pharmaceutical Policy 2002 is likely to affect
the drug prices. The prices of drugs that have
considerably in the 1990s with reforms and
DPCO have already increased significantly.
Table 8 shows that prices of select drugs
liberalized while the scope of price controls
1995 and 1998. The further dilution of the
changes in the patent regime are in the offing
policy is likely to lead to a similar effect. Table 8Price Increase in Some Selected Drugs Unlisted from DPCO, 1995
Discopyramide Phosphate (Cardiac problems)
Source: D.P. Dubey at http://revolutionary
and Watal 2001, and Panagariya 1999].
Nogues (1993) finds the welfare losses to 6
is also likely to affect drug prices in a large
number of drugs especially those under the
patent protection. A number of studies have
examined the effect on prices of medicines
after introduction of product patents and
depending upon the assumptions. The gains
have simulated welfare losses for consumers
to the patent owners from such introduction
in developing countries. It is widely believed
would range between $ 2.9 billion to $ 14.4
that drug prices will go up upon introduction
billion. The welfare loss to India could be
between $ 1.4 billion to $ 4.2 billion in a
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 33
introduction of product patents in 22 existing
drugs in India is significant in three categories
increase between 26 per cent (for a linear
constant elasticity-type demand function).
least 20 percent includes Anthelmintics Ex
An earlier study by Subramanian (1994) had
found the maximum price increase of 67 per
cent for India following the introduction of
immediate impact of introducing a product
product patents. Fink (2000) finds the range
patent regime will have different impact on
controversy shows that effective treatment
medicines significantly and unless new drugs
cancer, cardiac failures, renal problems,
are more efficient, there will be a decline in
the health levels of population (May 2000).
The recent case of huge differences between
holders in South Africa and their generic
cheaper prices? That does not appear to be
substitutes just provides a further evidence
the case . In fact the opposite result may
to the potential of price increases following
hold good if the findings of recent studies
the introduction of product patents.
are any guide. In pharmaceutical industry
competition does not lead to lower prices
because of monopolistic and inelastic nature
majority of drugs are out of patent protection
of demand with consumer unable to consider
and hence will not be affected. The criticality
generic substitutes of the specific brand
therapy groups. Figures for the year 1993
audited pharmaceutical market suggests that
(CMH) using data from different countries
finds that tariff reduction on pharmaceutical
for the known chemicals and bulk drugs. This
products and bulk drugs is likely to increase
imitative duplication or reverse engineering
final drug prices rather than reducing them
activity is an important source of learning in
production and hence suggests the need for
industrialized countries of today and newly
a careful assessment before further reduction
industrialized countries encouraged local
learning through soft patent laws and the
absence of product patents in chemicals in
b) Local Technological Capability Building
have shown that the innovative activity of
c) Industrialization, Technology
Indian domestic enterprises was facilitated
Transfers and Trade
by the softer patent regime under the 1970
regime encouraging innovative activity in
Indian pharmaceutical industry is very little.
worldwide has considerable implications for
A study of the impact of strengthening of
pharmaceutical patent protection in Italy
provision of product patents on chemical and
R&D expenditures or on new inventions.
pharmaceutical products, for instance, would
Furthermore, R&D activity is found to be
adversely affect the process of innovative
significantly determined by absorption of
spillovers of others’ R&D activity particularly
in the case of chemicals and electrical and
electronics. The importance of foreign R&D
spillovers as a determinant of R&D activity
capability of most Indian enterprises in view
could be even more critical in developing
of the huge resources involved. Therefore,
countries where much of the R&D activity
they focus attention on process innovations
is of an adaptive nature. A number of studies
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 35
have empirically demonstrated the ability of
rather weaker IPRs in stimulating domestic
same token, imports of India are likely to go
innovative activity in developing countries.
up as the patent owners may like to import
Therefore, the evidence on the role of IPRs
the drugs rather than producing them in the
as a determinant of innovative activity is quite
affect the innovative activity adversely by
spillovers that are important determinants of
transfer? Stronger protection increases the
innovative activity (see Kumar 2002, for a
revenue productivity of a firm’s intellectual
making counterfeiting more difficult as has
IPRs, Trade and FDI Inflows
been corroborated empirically by studies.
However, the effect of IPR strength on FDI
affect India’s trade? India’s exports of
and licensing is not that straight forward. By
reducing the transaction cost of transfer of
stronger protection may encourage arm’s
length licensing of the knowledge and reduce
the need for undertaking FDI. On the other
continue to export to these countries if they
do not provide product patents for 10 more
years. The introduction of product patents
investment climate and hence the probability
will lead to an international division of labour
of MNE investments. Empirical studies have
where developed countries will specialize on
promotes arm’s length licensing but they have
countries like India will concentrate on more
generally no significant effect on internalized
price competitive off-the-patent drugs and
generics. It is clear therefore, exports will
location of R&D investments abroad by
come down to the extent some of India’s
generation as evident from the 95 per cent
ownership of US patents (see Kumar 1998),
protection will facilitate greater inflows of
the strengthening and harmonization of IPRs
FDI in the country is rather weak in either
regime will lead to a substantial increase in
theoretical or empirical terms (see Kumar
developing countries to developed countries.
trends suggest a reversal of trend of the
growing importance of arm’s length licensing
patent harmonization finds that it has the
capacity to generate large transfers of income
between countries, with US being the major
beneficiary. World Bank (2002: Table 5.1)
strengthening of IPRs regime may further limit
suggests that the net patent rents derived by
country enterprises. Kim (1997) provides a
the US (in 2000 US$) could add up to over
number of examples of Korean corporations
$ 19 billion, to Germany $ 6.7 billion, and
being denied technology licenses by patent
Japan $ 5.7 billion. Among the developing
holders in the Western world forcing them
to reverse engineer the products. A number
patent rents of the order of $ 903 million.
of local enterprises in developing countries
will come under pressure to close down or
form alliances with larger firms, resulting in a
to plant varieties could further increase the
concentration of the industry [World Bank
outgo of royalties for the breeder lines of
raw material for the development of these
varieties, viz. genetic diversity which is largely
d) Income Transfers from Developing Countries
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 37
e) Impact on Global Technological
affecting follow-on innovations and actually
Activity and Availability of Drugs
development)’. Furthermore, the research
stronger IPR regime is based on the premise
that expenditures on R&D were significantly
purchasing power and very little R&D is
determined by appropriability conditions.
currently done on tropical diseases (World
by the international community, such as those
discussed by the recent report of WHO’s
sustaining the pace of innovation in the global
economy. The empirical literature, however,
Health (CMH), the pattern is not likely to
does not support this presumption as patent
change significantly in the future (see Kumar
protection was found to be instrumental for
only a small proportion of innovations. On
the other hand, studies show that spillover
6. Concluding Remarks and Strategic
effects of R&D activity of other firms to be
Policy Options
a lot more important in inducing firms to
appropriability. The R&D outputs of other
firms form valuable inputs for the R&D
been successful in developing a highly vibrant
efforts of these firms. Hence, tightening of
and self-reliant industry that not only meets
IPRs is likely to affect innovative activity
adversely by stifling these spillovers.
generates increasing amount of net exports
strengthening of IPRs will increase innovative
diseases faced by developing countries. As
World Bank (1999) cautions ‘there is now
a risk of excessively strict IPRs adversely
into strategic alliances with local companies
pharmaceutical industry? In what follows we
outline a few strategic policy options to keep
and was facilitated in large measure by the
soft patent regime that the country adopted
a) Stronger focus on R&D activity and new product development:
trade and price policies in the 1990s has
started to affect the prices of medicines.
Even trade liberalization and reduction of
tariffs actually lead to higher rather than lower
prices of medicines due to peculiar nature
patents by the end of 2004 as a part of the
implementation of the commitments of India
under WTO’s TRIPs Agreement is likely to
simulation exercises available. It is also likely
to adversely affect the technological activity
of Indian companies, curb exports, lead to
income transfers from the country. On the
other hand the favourable effects of stronger
IPR regime that are claimed namely higher
innovative activity and greater inflows of FDI
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 39
b) Exploiting Market Potential of Indian System of Medicines
of Chinese balms, medicinal oils etc. c) Consolidation of Market Position in the off-the-patent/ Generics Markets: e) Exploiting the Flexibility in the d) Protecting Leading Indian TRIPs Agreement Pharmaceutical Companies from Threat of Foreign Takeovers:
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 41
understand the invention more fully. f) Resisting the Attempts to Evolve TRIPs Plus Regime and Ever- greening of Patents
g) Price Controls for Essential Drugs
These steps may help in moderating the effect
of liberalization and TRIPs on the Indian
h) Mobilizing Support for Review of TRIPs at WTO
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 43
Industry’, Economic and PoliticalBusiness India (1994) ‘Coming of Age’,
Business India (1994) ‘Facing the
Fikkert, Brian (1993) An Open or Closed
Challenge’, June 20-July 3, pp. 141. Business India(1994) ‘Leaders in
Technology’, July 4-17, pp. 52-60.Business India (2001) ‘The Doctor in Search
Industrial Sector Firms, Ph.D. Business Week (2001) ‘Coming at You,
Fink, Carsten (2000) How Stronger Patent
Correa, Carlos (2000a) ‘Intellectual
Haksar, Vikram (1995) ‘Externalities, Growth
Kim, Linsu (1997) Imitation to Innovation:Economy, Vol. 23(6), June 2000, pp.
Cullet, Philippe (2001) ‘Patents Bill, TRIPs
and Right to Health’, Economic and
Kumar, Nagesh (2002) ‘Intellectual Property
Desai, A.V. (1980) ‘The Origin and Direction
Countries’, RIS Discussion PaperResearch Policy 9(Jan. 1980), pp.
Kumar, Nagesh (2001) National Innovation
DSIR (1990) Technology Export Potential
Nogues, Julio J. (1993) ‘Social Costs and
Developing Countries’, Journal ofInternationales Asienforum, Vol.
Panagariya, Arvind (1999) TRIPs and theResearch Policy, 25(5): 712-22. Phase, Centre for Studies in Science
Pharmaceutical Industry’, SocialPolitical Weekly, pp. 528-529, Vol.
Lanjouw, Jean O. (1998) ‘The Introduction
Prasad, H. Ashok Chandra and Shripad Bhat
Pharmaceutical Sector’, Economicand Political Weekly, pp. 1037-1058,
Mashelkar, R.A. (2001) ‘Revisiting TRIPS:
Raizada, B.K. and Javed Sayed (2002) ‘IPR
A Developing World Perspective’,RIS Digest, Vol. 18(1-3), September
May, Christopher (2000) A Global Political
Bibek Devroy (eds.), Salvaging the
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 45
Raizada, Bimal K. (2002) Trade, IPR and
Watal, Jayashree (1997) ‘Implementing the
Sahai, Suman (2001) ‘ TRIPS Review: Basic
Economic and Political Weekly, pp.
Watal, Jayashree (2000) ‘Pharmaceutical
Sengupta, Amit (1994) ‘New Drug Policy:
Watal, Jayashree (2001) Intellectual
Industry’, Economic and Political
Srinivasan, S. (2001) ‘Drug Price Control:
Woodward, David (2001) ‘Trade Barriers and
Subramanian, Arvind (1999) India as User
World Bank (1999) World DevelopmentThe Economist (2001) ‘A War Over Drugs
WTO (2001) TRIPs and Pharmaceutical
and Patents’, pp. 47-48, March 10. Patents, World Trade Organization,
The Financial Times (1999) ‘Winning the
upon Excel Industries produced the fumigant in
cases. In one case Hoeshst prevented Unichem
2.5 months and marketed it at half the cost of im-
Laboratories from producing tolbutamide using a
ports. The foreign firm then sent Excel a notice to
technology licensed from Haffkine Institute of
cease infringement of its patent. After the Unichem
Bombay which had patented the process. In a
judgment the Patents Office began to reject a
case that became famous, Unichem Laboratories
larger proportion of applications on the grounds
produced tolbutamide on licence from Haffkine
of vagueness or incompleteness. The proportion
Institute of Bombay which had patented the pro-
of examined applications so rejected went up from
cess. The major difference between the patents
5 per cent in 1968 to 11 and 16 per cent in the next
was that the Hoechst patent specified at a certain
point that sulphur was to be eliminated from athiouria ‘in a conventional manner’, and at an-other point that the elimination was to be done by
2 [].
‘a heavy metal oxide or a salt thereof’. The HaffkineInstitute patent specified elimination by hydro-
gen peroxide. The judge disallowed the defen-dants’ plea that the Hoechst patent was so gen-
4 CVD at 16 per cent is applied as the excise duty
eral as to cover millions of products of which only
on domestic production is applicable at the same
220 had been synthesized by Hoechst and still
fewer pharmacologically tested, and ruled that thetwo patents referred to the same invention and
5 Barton 1999 and Sachs 1999 (as cited by Correa
that Unichem had infringed Hoechst’s patent. In
1999) have acknowledged the need for a differen-
another instance aluminium phosphite, a concen-
tial standard for developing countries. Mashelkar
trated fumigant, was patented and imported by a
(2001) calls for ‘TRIPS Plus Equity and Ethics’.
foreign firm. In the payments crisis on 1966 theDirectorate-General of Technical Development
6 Kumar 2002 has suggested a threshold of US$
asked the firm to produce it, but the firm said the
process was too difficult to be tried in India. There-
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 47
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 49
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 51
Economic Reforms, WTO and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry: Implications of Emerging Trends 53
Psychiatry Research xx (2007) xxx – xxxPredicting therapeutic response to secondary treatment with bupropion:Dichotic listening tests of functional brain asymmetryGerard E. Bruder ⁎, Jonathan W. Stewart, Jennifer D. Schaller, Patrick J. McGrathDepartment of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York State Psychiatric Institute,1051 Riverside Driv