Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Jacqueline Montes, Andrew M. Gordon, Shree Pandya, Darryl C. De Vivo and Petra Kaufmann
2009; 24; 968 originally published online Jun 9, 2009;
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Jacqueline Montes, PT, MA, NCS, Andrew M. Gordon, PhD, Shree Pandya, PT, MS,Darryl C. De Vivo, MD, and Petra Kaufmann, MD, MSc
Spinal muscular atrophy is one of the most devastating
Acceptance of a few standardized, easily administered, and
neurological diseases of childhood. Affected infants and
functionally meaningful outcomes, applicable to the phenoty-
children suffer from often severe muscle weakness caused
pic spectrum of spinal muscular atrophy, is needed. Consen-
by degeneration of lower motor neurons in the spinal cord
sus is imperative to facilitate collaboration and explore the
and brainstem. Identification of the causative genetic muta-
ability of these measures to identify the therapeutic effect of
tion in most cases has resulted in development of potential
disease-modifying agents. Following is an evidence-based
treatment strategies. To test these new drugs, clinically fea-
review of available clinical outcome measures in spinal
sible outcomes are needed. Several different assessments,
validated in spinal muscular atrophy or similar disorders,are being used by national and international research groups;
spinal muscular atrophy; outcome measures;
however, their sensitivity to detect change is unknown.
Spinalmuscularatrophyisageneticallydetermined muscularatrophytype1,beginninginearlyinfancyandthe
motor neuron disease that often presents in infancy
least severe form, spinal muscular atrophy type 3, later in
or childhood. The most severe form of the disease,
childhood and adulthood.3 Although the phenotypic hetero-
occurring in infancy and first described in the late 19th
geneity is in part because of the copy number of survival
century by Werdnig and Hoffman, remains the leading
motor neuron 2, a disease-modifying homologue gene,4
genetic cause of infant death today.1 More than 50 years
there is phenotypic variability within participants carrying
later, Kugelberg and Welander described a milder form
the same number of survival motor neuron 2 copies.
of the disease that presents later in childhood.
Identification of the causative genetic mutation occur-
Spinal muscular atrophy affects motor neurons and the
ring in most patients with spinal muscular atrophy has led
motor units associated with them, causing muscle atrophy
to advances in diagnosis and has facilitated research into
and weakness. It is an autosomal recessive disorder geneti-
the mechanisms underlying spinal muscular atrophy. Sev-
cally characterized by homozygous deletion of the survival
eral new drug treatments are now on the horizon and the
motor neuron 1 gene located on chromosome 5q13.2 A clin-
first clinical trials are ongoing. However, there are no vali-
ical classification of spinal muscular atrophy, based on max-
dated biomarkers, so researchers must rely on clinical
imum motor function achieved, is used to help describe the
benefit. Suitable outcome measures must be sensitive,
different phenotypes, with the most severe form, spinal
reliable, easy to interpret, and not burdensome to patients.
At a time when disease-modifying therapies are
approaching the clinical community, it is imperative to
Received December 22, 2008. Received revised January 10, 2009.
identify a few standardized, reliable, and functionally
Accepted for publication January 11, 2009.
meaningful outcome measures. Selection should be based
From the Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center,
on ease of administration, burden imposed on the patient,
New York, (JM, DCD, PK); Department of Biobehavioral Sciences Teach-ers College, Columbia University, New York (AMG); and School of Medi-
and relevance to the largest possible phenotypic spectrum.
cine and Dentistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York (SP).
Consensus is important to allow for collaboration. This
This review was supported in part by grant support from the SMA
review will summarize the available evidence for outcomes
Address correspondence to: Jacqueline Montes, PT, MA, NCS, SMAClinical Research Center, Columbia University, 180 Ft Washington Ave-
nue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10032; e-mail:
Montes J, Gordon AM, Pandya S, De Vivo DC, Kaufmann P. Clinical
The overall incidence of all types of spinal muscular atro-
outcome measures in spinal muscular atrophy. J Child Neurol. 2009;24:968-978.
phy is 1 per 6700 live births in the United States.5 Life
Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy / Montes et al
Clinical Outcome Measures for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I
ICF Classification18 Published Clinical Trials
Survival/ventilation >16 hours/day Any age
Functional motor assessment Activity limitation
Test of Infant Motor Performance <4 months
Functional motor assessment Activity limitation
Functional motor assessment Activity limitation
Note: CHOP, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
expectancy is strongly correlated with age of onset6 with the
age-matched controls and found that the older children and
most severe cases often not living into adulthood7 and the
adolescents with spinal muscular atrophy had significantly
least severe cases with survival rates not significantly differ-
higher verbal IQ scores than their peers.14
ent from the normal population.8 Spinal muscular atrophyhas been divided into 3 clinical groups defined by maximumfunction achieved.3 In all spinal muscular atrophy types,the disease typically enters a stable course with little if any
decline. Especially in the early-onset forms, there can be amore rapid rate of decline early in the course of the disease
Recent preclinical research has identified potential thera-
with a stabilization over time, which is modified by influ-
peutics agents that have shown beneficial effects in animal
ences such as growth and complications of weakness.9
models or in vitro.15 Clinical studies must select a few
Within each clinical group exists a spectrum of disease
meaningful outcome measures to evaluate a treatment
severity and functional ability. Type I spinal muscular
effect. These measures must be valid, reliable, sensitive
atrophy includes infants diagnosed before 6 months of age
to change, and assess disability at both the impairment
and, by definition, never achieving the ability to sit unsup-
and performance level.16 It will be difficult to assess the
ported. This group could be further classified into 3 sub-
sensitivity of an outcome measure for spinal muscular
types.10 Patients with the most severe form are usually
atrophy, a mostly stable disease, until there is an effective
diagnosed in the neonatal period, suffer a paucity of move-
agent that influences the disease course.
ment, and require neonatal ventilatory support. Less
National and international clinical research networks
severe type I infants have poor head control, difficulty
collaborate in multicenter projects to reach more patients
handling secretions, feeding problems, and eventually
with this relatively rare disease. Ideal measures for
require noninvasive respiratory support. Infants who
multicenter clinical trials are easily administered, require
achieve head control or can sit with support have the best
minimal training and equipment, and minimize patient
prognosis among patients with spinal muscular atrophy
burden.17 Selecting the same outcome measures will per-
type I. Recent, more proactive, clinical management is
mit meta-analysis and facilitate comparable trials data that
likely changing the natural course of type I patients.11
can accelerate research. To facilitate research collabora-
Patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II are typi-
tions and to allow for future meta-analyses between trials,
cally diagnosed between 6 and 18 months and achieve
a consensus on outcome measures for spinal muscular
unsupported sitting at some point but never walk. Pulmon-
atrophy is needed. This review aims to provide an overview
ary and orthopedic complications are common in this group
and often require respiratory interventions such as nonin-vasive ventilatory support and scoliosis management.12
Patients with spinal muscular atrophy type III have the
mildest form of the disease and usually a normal life
Available standardized functional motor exams for this age
expectancy.8 Diagnosed after the age of 18 months, people
group are primarily designed to track motor development
with spinal muscular atrophy type III are able to walk
in preterm infants. These exams often include both
unaided at some point, but some loose the ability to walk.
observed and elicited movements. In spinal muscular atro-
Symptom onset after 3 years of age has a greater associa-
phy type I, survival has been suggested as a primary out-
tion with remaining ambulatory later in life.8,13
come. However, families make a range of choices in the
Spinal muscular atrophy is limited to the motor system,
extent of aggressive medical care resulting in a variation
affecting the motor unit from the anterior horn cell to the
of outcomes for spinal muscular atrophy type I, making
muscle, leaving cognitive function intact. Anecdotally,
survival a less robust outcome.11 Concurrent controls are
clinicians believe children with spinal muscular atrophy
recommended as available historical data may falsely indi-
may be brighter than their peers but there is limited evi-
cate a treatment effect because of progress in supportive
dence to substantiate this observation. One published study
treatment. Available clinical outcomes, suitable for type
compared intellectual ability in spinal muscular atrophy to
I patients, are described in detail below (Table 1).
Journal of Child Neurology / Vol. 24, No. 8, August 2009
Alberta Infant Motor Scale. The Alberta Infant Motor
developmental motor delay. Although spinal muscular
Scale is a norm referenced measure of motor development
atrophy is sometimes considered a developmental disor-
for preterm infants. It is a gross motor scale assessing
der,24 these measures may have a ceiling effect and possi-
weight bearing, posture, and antigravity movement, vali-
bly not capture the unique patterns of weakness.31-35
dated in a large sample of children from 0 to 18 months.19
Designed specifically for neuromuscular disease, the Chil-
The scale has both discriminate and predictive validity as
dren’s Hospital of Philadelphia Test of Strength in spinal
well as excellent interrater and intrarater reliability.20 The
muscular atrophy and infant test for neuromuscular dis-
Alberta Infant Motor Scale has been used as a primary
ease may be more sensitive but more evidence is needed.
outcome measure in infants with metabolic myopathy21,22and preterm infants23 and has been used as a standard for
the development of new measures.24 A comprehensivemanual is available and test administration does not
The phenotypic spectrum of spinal muscular atrophy types
II and III is continuous. There is overlap in the age at dis-ease onset and in functional status as many patients withspinal muscular atrophy type III lose the ability to walk
Test of Infant Motor Performance. The Test of Infant
independently. The wide age range of people affected,
Motor Performance is a functional scale validated in pre-
from early childhood through adulthood, is an additional
term infants under 4 months of age, which includes both
challenge. To facilitate recruitment into trials, outcome
observed and elicited movements.25 The Test of Infant
measures that assess a continuum of ability are necessary
Motor Performance is sensitive to age-related develop-
and would avoid a floor and ceiling effect. Functional
ment,25 discriminates between those at low and high risk
assessments are feasible in patients 2 years and older.
for motor problems,26 and predicts delayed motor devel-
Strength measures such as quantitative and manual mus-
opment in preterm infants.27 The Test of Infant Motor
cle testing are possible in types II and III patients 5 years
Performance has excellent intrarater and interrater relia-
and older. Quantifiable muscle strength testing does not
bility in preterm infants.28 In spinal muscular atrophy, a
directly correlate with function36 and is therefore consid-
screening version of the Test of Infant Motor Performance
ered less clinically meaningful. Clinical outcome mea-
also demonstrated excellent interrater and test-retest
sures used in spinal muscular atrophy types II and III
reliability.29 However, to date, no published clinical trial
but not specifically designed for the disease as well as
used the Test of Infant Motor Performance or the screen-
disease-specific assessments are outlined in detail below
ing version of the Test of Infant Motor Performance as a
primary outcome measure in spinal muscular atrophy.
Gross Motor Function Measure. The Gross Motor Func-
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Test of
tion Measure, developed as an outcome measure for
Strength in spinal muscular atrophy and Infant Test for
children with cerebral palsy,45-47 is a comprehensive func-
Neuromuscular Disease. Children’s Hospital of Philadel-
tional exam that was shown to be a valid and reliable
phia Test of Strength in spinal muscular atrophy and
measure in patients with spinal muscular atrophy.48-50
Infant Test for Neuromuscular Disease were developed
The Gross Motor Function Measure contains 88 items
specifically for weak infants with neuromuscular disease
in 5 dimensions: (a) lying and rolling, (b) sitting, (c) crawling
including spinal muscular atrophy. The tests include
and kneeling, (d) standing, and (e) walking, running, and
assessments of neck, trunk, proximal and distal limb
jumping and takes approximately 45 to 60 minutes to com-
strength using both observational and elicited movements.
plete. This hierarchical organization permits patients to
Initially, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Test of
progress through each dimension according to their ability
Strength in spinal muscular atrophy was compared to the
Test of Infant Motor Performance in 7 patients with spinal
Although some items and postures are not possible in
muscular atrophy and then later revised and called the
the setting of contractures and scoliosis, the Gross Motor
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test For Neuro-
Function Measure discriminates between walkers and
muscular Disease, which includes the initial assessments
nonwalkers and correlates with quantitative muscle
plus 4 items from the Test of Infant Motor Performance.
strength in patients with spinal muscular atrophy.48 The
Excellent interrater and intrarater reliability were shown
Gross Motor Function Measure has high interrater relia-
in a small sample of participants with spinal muscular atro-
bility49 and is a feasible outcome measure in clinical trials
phy.30 Instructional videos in test administration and writ-
in spinal muscular atrophy.51,52 A revised version with 22
ten procedural and scoring directions are available.
less items was later developed, removing items that did not
The Alberta Infant Motor Scale and Test of Infant
fit the construct using a standardized statistical model.53 A
Motor Performance both assess function at the perfor-
detailed published manual for the Gross Motor Function
mance level and have demonstrated sensitivity to
Measure is available including video instruction.
Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy / Montes et al
Clinical Outcome Measures for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type II/III
gabapentin,44 L-carnitine, andvalproic acid41
Note: ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale. The Hammersmith
reliability in the nonambulant patients but lower reliability
Functional Motor Scale, devised specifically for use in
in the ambulatory cohort because of significant ceiling
patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II and nonam-
bulatory type III patients, is a 20-item functional assess-
The Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale has also
ment arranged in an order of progressive difficulty.54
been augmented by 13 relevant items from the Gross
This disease-specific scale was designed for ease of use
Motor Function Measure to eliminate the ceiling effect
and minimal patient burden. Good interrater reliability
of the original scale with patients having ambulant spinal
has been demonstrated.54,55 The Hammersmith Func-
muscular atrophy.59 The items chosen from the Gross
tional Motor Scale is sensitive to change resulting from
Motor Function Measure for the Expanded Hammersmith
intercurrent illness or surgery,55 correlates with biomar-
Functional Motor Scale were deemed statistically most
kers of disease severity,56 and has been used in single cen-
sensitive, without a ceiling effect, and most clinically
ter, phase I and multicenter center, phase II clinical trials
meaningful by expert consensus. The Expanded Hammer-
in patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II.38-40
smith Functional Motor Scale shows good test-retest relia-
To further enhance the scale’s usability in multicenter
bility, is highly correlated with the Gross Motor Function
collaborative settings, the scale was modified to include
Measure, and discriminates between walkers and non-
concrete operational definitions and instructions for scor-
walkers.59 It correlates with other clinical and phy-
ing.57 Additionally, the items on the scale were reordered
siological measures such as forced vital capacity and
to minimize position changes and associated fatigue, for-
isometric muscle strength assessed using handheld dyna-
going the original functional hierarchy of activities. High
mometry as well as survival motor neuron 2 copy num-
intrarater reliability in live patients and interrater reliabil-
ber.60 The scale retained its original properties of ease of
ity from videotaped assessments were achieved in nonam-
use and minimal patient burden requiring only standard
bulatory type II and III patients from 2 to 12 years of age.
equipment and taking less than 15 minutes on average.
They also showed good test-retest reliability withno significant difference in scores within 6 months. In amulticenter, phase II clinical trial, the Modified Hammer-
Motor Function Measure. The Motor Function Measure
smith Functional Motor Scale showed excellent intrarater
was developed for people with neuromuscular disease,
Journal of Child Neurology / Vol. 24, No. 8, August 2009
including spinal muscular atrophy, to assess motor func-
clinical trial of gabapentin in adult patients with spinal
tion. It is made up of 32 items organized in 3 domains;
muscular atrophy42 and is currently an outcome in a trial
standing position and transfers, axial and proximal motor
assessing valproic acid in ambulant, adult patients with
function, and distal motor function. Test items include a
continuum of functional ability, ranging from simplemotor skills in a supine position to a 10-m run. Also
Egen Klassifikation Scale. The Egen Klassifikation Scale
included in the Motor Function Measure is a fine motor
was developed to assess motor function in patients with
later stage Duchenne muscular dystrophy and nonambu-
The Motor Function Measure was validated in a large
lant spinal muscular atrophy.71 This interview-based
sample of neuromuscular patients, aged 6 to 62 years, less
questionnaire, designed for older children, teens, and
than 12% of which were patients with spinal muscular
adults, has 10 questions encompassing performance of
atrophy.61 Interrater and intrarater reliability was excel-
functional tasks scored on a 4-point ordinal scale. Activi-
lent for the total score and subscores of the 3 domains.
ties of daily living assessments such as wheelchair use,
High correlations were found with the Functional Inde-
ability to transfer, arm function and feeding, turning in
pendence Measure as well as specific scales that assess
bed, coughing, speaking, and health-related quality of life
only lower and upper extremity function. It takes an aver-
are included in the Egen Klassifikation Scale but not all
age of 36 minutes to complete and has been shown to be
items are relevant to spinal muscular atrophy conditions.
sensitive to change in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.62
Scores on the Egen Klassifikation Scale did not correlatewith or change similarly over time with manual muscle
Wee Functional Independence Measure. The Wee Func-
testing and forced vital capacity in patients with spinal
tional Independence Measure is an evaluator adminis-
muscular atrophy.72 The Egen Klassifikation Scale has a
tered, questionnaire designed to assess disability, based
user’s manual with detailed directions for scoring. A
on the framework proposed by the World Health Organi-
revised version, designed specifically for patients of any
zation,16 and validated for children between 6 months and
age with spinal muscular atrophy, is currently being
6 years with developmental disabilities63 and Down
Syndrome.64 It is organized in 3 main domains: self care,mobility, and cognition, and it is scored on a 7-point scale
Quantitative Muscle Testing. Quantitative Muscle Testing
ranging from total assistance to complete independence.
is used to assess strength using maximal voluntary iso-
In a cross-sectional study of patients recruited from a
metric contraction in neuromuscular disease and has been
spinal muscular atrophy patient registry, the Wee Func-
used as a primary outcome measure in adult motor neuron
tional Independence Measure was able to discern between
disease trials.73-75 It was found to be more sensitive than
type I and type II participants and weak and strong type III
manual muscle testing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,
patients; however, it was unable to distinguish type II from
but because it requires special equipment, extensive
type III patients as they often overlap in functional and
evaluator training, and can be burdensome to patients, it
disability level.65 As expected, all patients with spinal mus-
may no longer be considered an ideal outcome for multi-
cular atrophy performed best in the cognition domain.
However, because the scale is designed for children up
Good intrarater and interrater reliability of quantita-
to 6 years of age, this assessment has limited applicability
tive muscle testing has been demonstrated in children
to patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II and III.
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscularatrophy50,77 but did not correlate with functional changes
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Functional Rating Scale. The
in spinal muscular atrophy.78,79 Because patient coopera-
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Functional Rating Scale is an
tion is essential, the test is not applicable to young
evaluator-administered questionnaire adapted from the
children. In an adult spinal muscular atrophy clinical trial,
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale.66
where quantitative muscle testing was the primary out-
Modeled after already validated scales in other adult
come measure, some patients had to be excluded because
neurodegenerative diseases,67 the Amyotrophic Lateral
of weakness sufficient to preclude registering strength by
Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale is used as a primary out-
come measure in phases II68,69 and III70 clinical trials in
Handheld dynamometry is another method of quanti-
fying strength. The examiner fixes a handheld device
The Spinal Muscular Atrophy Functional Rating Scale
against a limb or body part while the patient performs a
measures 4 components of physical functioning: bulbar
maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Similar to quan-
function, arm function and ability to perform activities
titative muscle testing, it is not practical in children under
of daily living, leg function, and respiratory function. The
5 years old, and requires evaluator training, but is less
scale was used as a secondary outcome measure in a
Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy / Montes et al
Clinical Outcome Measures for Ambulant Patients With Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Note: ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.
In spinal muscular atrophy, good interrater reliability
gait. In clinical trials, tests that quantify functional
and test-retest reproducibility has been shown in all
mobility are commonly used in similar pediatric (PTC
muscle groups except ankle dorsiflexors.36 In a study of
124 Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and adult82 neuro-
gabapentin in spinal muscular atrophy, leg megascores
from handheld dynamometry improved significantly but
The Six-Minute Walk Test is an objective evaluation of
this improvement did not correlate with functional assess-
functional exercise capacity, which measures the distance
ments.44 In a separate observational study, handheld
a person can walk quickly in 6 minutes.83 It is a global
dynamometry scores correlated with timed function tests
measure of multiple body systems including cardiopul-
and could discern between walkers and nonwalkers.80
monary, vascular, and neuromuscular systems. It is easily
Performance-based measures such as the Gross Motor
administered and requires no special equipment or train-
Function Measure, Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale,
ing. Of functional measures used in cardiopulmonary
Expanded Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale, Motor
care, the Six-Minute Walk Test is best tolerated, most
Function Measure, and Egen Klassifikation Scale assess
representative, and meaningful of a person’s ability to
functionally meaningful abilities that one would want to
perform activities of daily living because the intensity of
affect in a treatment trial. Outcome measures designed
the test is self-selected.84 Although most commonly used
to evaluate impairment such as manual muscle testing and
in cardiorespiratory disorders, the Six-Minute Walk Test
quantitative muscle testing may detect change that does
has been used to assess function in neurological disorders
not necessarily correlate with noticeable changes for the
such as Parkinson disease,85 stroke,86,87 cerebral palsy,88
patient. For observational studies, or studies that aim to
and Kennedy disease.89 Currently, the Six-Minute Walk
describe the natural course of spinal muscular atrophy,
Test is the primary outcome measure in an international
impairment based measures are useful. Treatment trial
clinical trial in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is
outcomes must demonstrate clinically meaningful differ-
currently being assessed in a spinal muscular atrophy
ences to evaluate the benefit of the intervention. The
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Functional Rating Scale and
Gait observation and descriptive gait assessments are
Wee Functional Independence Measure, also function-
routinely part of a neuromuscular evaluation and are the
based evaluations, and the Egen Klassifikation Scale are
areas where improvements or deteriorations are noted
easily administered but do not encompass a large age
during clinic visits. Timed walking is a quantitative mea-
range of patients with spinal muscular atrophy. The Gross
sure used to evaluate mobility in similar pediatric and
Motor Function Measure, although shown to be reliable
adult neurological conditions. In clinical management,
in spinal muscular atrophy, is not disease specific and can
timed walking tests predict falls in neurological disorders
be burdensome to patients. The Expanded Hammersmith
other than spinal muscular atrophy,82,90 and fall risk and
Functional Motor Scale carries little patient burden and
assessments are part of recently defined practice guide-
assesses a large spectrum of disease severity without a
In clinical trials, objective gait assessments are easy to
administer and clinically relevant but to date in spinalmuscular atrophy are limited. As an adjunct to gross motor
function measures, quantifying walking ability may be
Proximal muscle weakness, common in spinal muscular
more sensitive to changes in the ambulatory cohort of
atrophy, affects a person’s ability to stand, rise from a
patients with spinal muscular atrophy. A pediatric
seated position, walk, and negotiate stairs. Limited endur-
neuromuscular clinical network in the United Kingdom
ance and fatigue may also impair functional mobility and
compiled a battery of timed functional tests including time
performance in activities of daily living but measures
to rise from the floor, ascend and descend stairs, jump,
sensitive enough to quantify fatigue have not been
hop, and run, but no published data are available. Assess-
identified.81 In clinical practice, neurologists and rehabi-
ments used in ambulatory patients in spinal muscular
litation therapists routinely assess functional mobility and
atrophy are described below (Table 3).
Journal of Child Neurology / Vol. 24, No. 8, August 2009
10-m walk test. The 10-m walk test quantifies the time it
phrenic nerve108,109 have been shown to correlate with
takes to walk 10 m as fast as possible. It has been shown
nonvolitional tests and forced vital capacity in neuromus-
to be a valid and reliable measure in assessing walking
cular disease including spinal muscular atrophy.110
ability in spinal cord injury92,93 and sensitive to change
Assessing the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide is a
in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.94 In spinal muscular
nonvolitional assessment of respiratory function, which
atrophy, the 10-m walk test correlated with knee extensor
distinguishes between ventilated and nonventilated
and flexor strength and discriminated between young and
children with neuromuscular disease111 and predicts noc-
turnal hypercapnia in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.112These alternatives to forced vital capacity are useful
Time to ascend/descend stairs–Time to rise from floor.
clinical tools but to date, their utility and responsiveness
in clinical trials have not been explored.
descending stairs and rising from the floor are used in theclinical management of patients with Duchenne musculardystrophy to assess functional leg strength. In addition to
the quantitative assessment, these tests allow qualitativeassessment of mobility. Similar to the 10-m walk test, time
Evaluating quality of life is important if a change had an
to ascend/descend stairs and rise from floor correlated
association with a change detected by a clinical or biologi-
with leg strength in patients with spinal muscular
cal measure. Therefore, assessments of quality of life
should be included as a secondary outcome measure inclinical trials.113 Additionally, the effects of the disease
on the family’s as well as the individual’s burden shouldbe quantified. In families with chronically ill children, the
Pulmonary function tests, such as forced vital capacity,
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, Parts II and
measure respiratory muscle strength and are commonly
III has been validated as an objective measure of caregiver
used to monitor pulmonary status and determine clinical
burden,114,115 and the Impact on Family Scale offers a
respiratory interventions in neuromuscular diseases95-97
measure of perceived burden.116,117 Standardized instruc-
including spinal muscular atrophy.12 Typically, children
tions for administration and scoring are available for the
must be at least 5 years old because cooperation is essen-
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory but neither
tial in the performance of this effort dependent test.
have been used in spinal muscular atrophy.
Forced vital capacity scores are expressed in percentage
To date, no published spinal muscular atrophy clinical
predicted determined by height and age. Contractures and
trial has included a validated quality of life or caregiver
scoliosis, common in spinal muscular atrophy, make accu-
burden measure as an outcome. However, a Likert-type
rate height measurements difficult and may influence the
survey has been used to compare caregiver and clinician
test results and deem them less reliable.
perception of quality of life in patients with spinal muscu-
Despite its limitations, forced vital capacity is a com-
lar atrophy type I.118 In adult neuromuscular disease,
mon secondary outcome measure in spinal muscular
caregiver burden measures were highly correlated with
atrophy clinical trials39,42,44 and good interrater reliability
function.119,120 Assessments used to assess quality of life
can be achieved.50 Forced vital capacity can discriminate
in spinal muscular atrophy are outlined below.
between ambulant and nonambulatory participants,80,98,99but does not change significantly over time100 and may not
PedsQL Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory
be a sensitive indicator of the need for mechanical ventila-tion in spinal muscular atrophy.101,102
The PedsQL Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory instru-
Alternative volitional pulmonary function tests that are
ment, a proprietary test, to measure quality of life, is a
simple and unlike forced vital capacity, do not require
validated measure for use with healthy school and
aptitude and coordination, are available. Maximal sniff
community populations as well as with pediatric popu-
pressure103,104 is a simple maneuver used to assess inspira-
lations with acute and chronic health conditions.121,122
tory muscle strength. Calculated by performing repetitive,
The validity of the PedsQL Pediatric Quality of Life
short, maximal sniffs, maximal sniff pressure is the best pre-
Inventory was demonstrated through known group com-
dictor respiratory failure in adult motor neuron disease.105
parisons and correlations with other measures of disease
Additionally, cough peak cough flow and peak expiratory
burden. Age-specific forms for children 5 to 18 years old,
flow are clinically meaningful and feasible measures of
parent/caregiver forms for children 2 to 18 years old as
respiratory muscle strength in adults and children with
well as a neuromuscular disease-specific module are
available. In spinal muscular atrophy, both the generic
Other respiratory function tests such as measuring gas-
module49 and neuromuscular module50 have been shown
tric cough pressure107 and magnetic stimulation of the
Clinical Outcome Measures in Spinal Muscular Atrophy / Montes et al
5. Burd L, Short SK, Martsolf JT, Nelson RA. Prevalence of type I
spinal muscular atrophy in North Dakota. Am J Med Genet.
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neuron disease typically presenting in infants and young
6. Zerres K, Rudnik-Schoneborn S, Forkert R, Wirth B. Genetic
basis of adult-onset spinal muscular atrophy. Lancet. 1995;
children but affecting people across the life span. Because
of recent advances in preclinical research, spinal muscular
7. Ioos C, Leclair-Richard D, Mrad S, Barois A, Estournet-
atrophy was selected by the National Institutes of Health
Mathiaud B. Respiratory capacity course in patients with infan-
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LETTURA CRITICA DELLA COMMEDIA “LA SERVA ASTUTA” DI AUTORE IGNOTO, RAPPRESENTATA A JESI NEL CARNEVALE DEL 1773 Il libretto non reca alcuna indicazione circa il suo autore, che rimane dunque ignoto. La musica di questo “dramma giocoso”, il cui libretto fu stampato a Jesi nella Stamperia Bonelli, fu composta dal “celebre sig. Alessandro Felici Maestro di Cappella Fiorentino, diretta da
Poster Number GS-424020 – A Novel Mutual Prodrug of Salmeterol and Desisobutrylciclesonide Attenuates Acute Bronchoconstriction in the Absence of Cardiovascular Side-Effects in Ragweed Sensitized and Naïve Dogs Gilead Sciences, Inc. American Thoracic Society 199 East Blaine St. International Conference EG Barrett,1 K Rudolph,1 C Royer,1 P Kuehl,1 B Lu,2 MR Wright,2 WR Ba