Decision Dynamics Career Model™ CareerView™ Culture Fit Report
1983-2009 Decision Dynamics. All rights reserved.
Decision Dynamics is a leader in methods and tools for strategic human resources development thatilluminate and enhance the interplay between people and organizations. Our scientifically based approachis built on more than 35 years of continuous research and practical use in organizations. Our clients havealready used our solutions to profile and develop more than one million employees around the world. CareerView™ Culture Fit Report Jan Sample 25 September 2009 Contents of Your Report
This report gives you feedback about how well your personal career motivations fit with your organization’scareer culture. It is based upon your responses to the CareerView™ assessments. We show you how yourpersonal motives fit with the organization’s strategy, structure, rewards, and the behavior and competenciesthe organization evaluates and encourages. Together, these elements define your organization’s careerculture.
In the following sections of your report you will find:
Your career motives profile, showing the kind of career that would best suit you in terms of personalsatisfaction and fulfillment. Your culture view profile, showing your perception of your organization’s career culture, indicating theorganization’s way of handling careers. A comparison of your career motives and your organization’s career culture.
Your fit between your motives and the career culture of your organization can help you identify and takeadvantage of important developmental opportunities. Career Culture Fit Basics
Just as individual people differ in their career preferences, so also do organizations differ in the ways that theysupport and manage careers, both formally and simply as an outcome of the way the organization is set up. Research has shown that different organizational cultures attract, retain and motivate different people becausepeople differ in their expectations and values concerning their careers.
Our research indicates that four major culture themes or concepts can distinguish most organizations' careercultures. These concepts depict cultures as differing in terms of strategy, organizational structure, behaviorsevaluated and rewarded and in the actual rewards that they offer. For example, if a person wishes to becomean expert or specialist, it helps to be in an organization with strong, specialized, functional departments. However, if a person would rather move up a ladder and gain a lot of influence and authority, it helps to bein an organization with a lot of levels and a clear path to the top. By the same token, for those who want tobecome experts, it is very motivating to be rewarded with specialized training and work resources as well aspay based upon one’s level of expertise.
In essence, we can describe organizational career cultures that directly correspond to each of the four careerconcepts, Expert, Linear, Spiral, and Transitory that we use to describe your own career preferences andcareer motives. The four culture concepts each are described in the end of your report. By increasing yourunderstanding of how you experience your organization in terms of these culture concepts you can moreeasily plan and direct your career and take constructive action for developing your career in ways that willmake it more motivating and satisfying for you.
For more information about the Decision Dynamics Career Model and assessments including the more than35 years of research and practice that goes into its development, please visit: CareerView™ Culture Fit Report Jan Sample 25 September 2009 Your Career Motives
Your career motives scores indicate the kind of career pattern that would best fit you motivationally. Theheight of each bar in the graph indicates how much you would value a specific career pattern.
Your primary career motives are Spiral
Your secondary career motives are Expert
Your highest bar is the Spiral motives, which indicates that you are most motivated by creativity and personalgrowth in your working life. Working with many other people, preferably in larger projects, is another prominentmotive for most Spirals. The higher the Spiral bar is, the more you are likely to be motivated by creativity andpersonal growth.
Your second highest bar is the Expert motives. This means that you are also motivated by expertise andsecurity in your working life. You are quite comfortable specializing within a specific area of work and beingrecognized for your expertise. Opportunities for this come from stable employment and a secure workingenvironment, instead of frequent organizational changes, work rotations and short-term projects. The closerthe Expert bar is to the highest (Spiral) the more important expertise and security are to your motivation.
The third highest bar is the Transitory career motives; the basis of which is finding variety and independencein your work. The motives that you least identified with are the Linear motives. The lower this bar is, the lessmotivated you are by authority and responsibility. You’d likely find it frustrating only to climb upwards towardsincreasingly powerful management positions throughout your working life.
Your strongest career motives, Expert and Spiral, is a combination of career motives where the key themesare personal growth, creativity, expertise and stability. Bearing in mind that your career motives most likelyreflect what you truly want, your best strategy is to focus on a career that enables you to develop in-depthexpertise in several different fields and that also enables you to apply your skills in creative ways. A career inwhich you’ve specialized in just one field likely would leave you feeling unfulfilled. Likewise, a career in whichyou moved all over the place, never doing the same thing twice, or in which you concentrated on climbing anorganizational hierarchy also would leave you feeling dissatisfied. Your profile suggests that you will thrivebest in a career where you can continually increase your expertise and gradually add new knowledge and skillsets to your capabilities. Further, your profile indicates that you will feel most stimulated when you have theopportunity to use your knowledge to create something new. This could be new products, services, or workmethods. You should think twice about getting yourself into situations where you will be required to followfixed rules and established methods without being able to innovate. Also, beware of getting into situationswhere you might be moved around so fast that you are unable to develop any real expertise in a field. And, becareful not to get yourself into career situations where the primary emphasis is on climbing an organizationalladder and accumulating more and more influence and authority. You will fare best and feel most rewardedin situations where you can build your skills by occasionally moving into positions that are related to othersyou previously have held, but which offer you the opportunity to add breadth and depth to your knowledge andskills. CareerView™ Culture Fit Report Jan Sample 25 September 2009 Your Culture View
Your culture view shows how you experience the career culture and what behaviors and attitudes youperceive to be valued and supported in your organization. The height of each bar in the graph indicates howmuch you perceive the organization's culture to contain each of the four culture concepts.
Your primary culture view is Expert
Your secondary culture view is Transitory
The highest bar in your view of the organization’s culture is the Expert career culture, which suggests thatyou primarily view your organization’s career culture as quality focused, stable, and with a more-or-lessflatter organizational structure. Responsibilities and authority are assigned according more to traditionalfunctions than processes. Loyalty, quality, seniority and depth of knowledge are important guiding factorsfor development. People are rewarded with long-term benefits, recognition for contributions to quality andknowledge, opportunities for advanced training and control of your own budget.
Your second highest bar is the Transitory culture, meaning that you view your organization’s career culturesecondly as emphasizing the pursuit of immediate targets of opportunity. The organization is likely tostructured informally, in temporary, flexible groups. The most valued behaviors in the organization probablyare speed, adaptability and the ability to recognize and pursue opportunities. These are rewarded withbonuses and career developmental assignments that offer job rotation, independence, and possibilities ofvarying work tasks.
This combination of the Expert-Transitory career culture is the most unusual mixture of career cultures,characterized by a stable strategy of growth while also targeting immediate opportunities. Advancement iswithin a more-or-less flat organization that emphasizes independence and one’s ability to work in informal,temporary teams for quicker action. Long-term focus on quality as well as quick responses to customer needsis highly valued and is rewarded with benefits and independence. The higher the Expert bar is compared tothe Transitory, the more long-term stability, quality and expertise are emphasized and valued.
Relative to the Expert and Transitory aspects of your organization’s career culture, you experienceLinear career cultural aspects to a lesser degree. It is likely that there is not a strong focus on growth;the organizational hierarchy is not reminiscent of a pyramid and bottom-line efficiency and results lessemphasized than the Expert and Spiral aspects of career development. According to your answers, the leastemphasized career cultural aspect of your organization is Spira
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