Date:_____________ Name:_______________________________________ Age/DOB____________
Marital Status: Single______ Married ______ Prior Marriage: Wife______ Husband ______
Referred by:_________________________________________________________________________
How many years have you been attempting pregnancy?
If married, how many years have you been married?
Have you ever been evaluated for infertility?
What cause(s) of infertility was diagnosed?
Previous Fertility Treatment
Which drugs have you taken or treatments done for infertility? _____ None
Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid, Serophene) ____ Progesterone supplements ____ Letrozole (Femara)
____ Artificial Insemination: # cycles ____
____ In Vitro Fertilization: # cycles_____
Ovulation Assessment
Date of last normal period ___________________________
Do you have regular, cyclic, predictable, spontaneous periods?
If yes, at what interval (1st day to 1st day)_________________________________________
If no, explain:______________________________________________________________
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Do you ever “skip” periods? Explain:______________________________________________ Yes No
Do you experience mid-cycle or premenstrual spotting on a regular basis? Yes No
Have you ever taken birth control pills? If yes, what ages?______________________________ Yes No
When (Month/Year) did you last take birth control pills?___________________________
Do you have any history of anorexia, bulimia (eating disorders)? ________________________ Yes No
Do you exercise? ______hrs/week Activities _______________________________________ Yes No
Thyroid Disease
Do you have (or had) thyroid disease? Explain: ______________________________________ Yes No
Milky or Watery (clear), spontaneous or manually expressed (only)
Explain: _____________________________________________________________________
Do you have any hair growth you consider abnormal? (please circle) face, upper lip, chin, Yes No
If yes, how long has this been present? years
If yes, how often do you shave, use depilatory creams, pluck, or undergo electrolysis?
Ovulation Monitoring/Testing
Can you tell when you are ovulating based on your physical symptoms? Yes No
Have you conducted any of the following tests?
Have you used any ovulation predictor kits?
If yes, which brands have you used? __________________________________________
If yes, which cycle days do you typically surge?_______________________________
Uterotubal Assessment
Have you had a hysterosalpingogram or HSG (x-ray dye test of the uterus)?
When: __________________________________________________________________
Have you had a sexually transmitted disease or an infection in your pelvis or fallopian tubes ? Yes No
i.e., pelvic inflammatory disease, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, or Herpes.
Explain: _________________________________________________________________
Have you been diagnosed as having endometriosis?
Have you been diagnosed as having uterine fibroids? Yes No
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Pelvic Pain
Do you have painful cramps with your periods?
Do you take pain medication for cramps? Which one (s) _____________________________ Yes No
Does this medication provide adequate relief?
Cervical Assessment
Do you experience recurrent (> 2/year) yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis?
Have you had a postcoital test? Results:___________________________________________ Yes No
Have you had surgery on your cervix, i.e., biopsy or conization?
How many times per week do you and your partner have intercourse?
Male Factor Assessment
Has your husband sired previous pregnancies (including miscarriages)?
Does your husband have any health problems?
Does your husband take any medications on a chronic basis?
Has your husband had genital surgery, or infections?
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III. CURRENT MEDICATIONS – Wife (include dosage, frequency, and any over-the-counter drugs)
IV. MEDICATION ALLERGIES – Wife only ________________________________________________________________________________
Other allergies:_______________________________________________________________________________
V. YOUR PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Check any conditions that you had or currently have:
Mitral Valve Prolapse ( ) ( ) Diabetes ( ) ( ) Stroke ( ) ( ) Mental Disorder ( ) ( ) Thyroid Disease ( ) ( ) Liver or Gallbladder Disease ( ) ( ) Arthritis ( ) ( ) Heart Disease ( ) ( ) High Blood Pressure ( ) ( ) Asthma ( ) ( ) Rheumatic Fever ( ) ( ) Chronic Bronchitis ( ) ( ) Ulcers ( ) ( ) Phlebitis or Blood Clots ( ) ( ) Blood Disorder ( ) ( ) Crohn’s Disease ( ) ( ) Seizures ( ) ( ) Broken Bones ( ) ( ) Ulcerative Colitis ( ) ( ) Kidney Disease ( ) ( ) Migraine Headaches ( ) ( ) Explain: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please list other physicians currently involved with your care: _________________________________
Surgeries/Hospitalization (dates):____________________________________________________________
Date of last pap smear________________________ Normal Abnormal
Date of last mammogram_____________________ Normal Abnormal Never done
Do you have a history of: Yes No Explain:
( ) ( ) ______________________________________
( ) ( ) ______________________________________
Previous IUD use ( ) ( ) ______________________________________ DES exposure in utero ( ) ( ) ______________________________________ VIII.SOCIAL HISTORY
Alcohol: (circle one) Drinks per: Day _____Week _____ Month _____Year _____ Non-drinker _________
Caffeine: Number of beverages per day _________ Illicit drugs: _________________________________
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IX. FAMILY HISTORY: Check if any blood relative has had: What is your ethnic background? Yes No Yes No Down Syndrome ( ) ( )
Hydrocephalus (water on the brain)( ) ( )
Age Living Deceased Health or Cause of Death
X. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Do you have (please circle): Constitutional: fever, chills, sweats, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss, fatigue, or NONE
Eyes: vision loss, change in vision, or NONE
Ears/Nose: poor sense of smell, decreased hearing, or NONE
Throat: difficulty swallowing, chronic sore throat, hoarseness, or NONE
Cardiovascular: chest pains, palpitations, fainting spells, or NONE
Respiratory: chronic cough, shortness of breath, produce blood with coughing, wheezing, or NONE
GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, changes in stool, diarrhea, constipation, or NONE
GU: recurrent (>2/year) bladder infections, blood in urine, incontinence, or NONE
Psychiatric: depression, anxiety, or NONE
XI. COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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