OFFICE: 413-637-8921 • CELL: 413-446-3205
42 Summer Street • Suite 308 • Pittsfield, MA 01201 •
Patient Name: ________________________________________________________________ Nickname: _____________________________
Birth Date: _________________________________
Social Security No._________________________________
Address Information:
Street: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: __________________________
Telephone: (Home) _______________________________________ (Other, eg, work/cel) ________________________________________
May we leave a detailed message at either of these numbers? o No o Yes at: _____________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Insurance Information:(You can bring your card instead of filling this out.)
Primary care doctor: _____________________________________ Insurance Company Name: __________________________________
Your ID Number: ________________________________________ Group Number: ____________________________________________
Subscriber/Primary Insured Name: _______________________________________________________________
Second Insurance Company Name: ______________________________________________________________
Some insurance plans require a referral to pay for nutrition services. It is your responsibility to check with your insurer to determine
whether a referral is required and to ask your health care provider to issue the referral if it is. Our Financial Policy
Our practice participates with many insurance plans. It is your
the terms of our contract with the insurance company. responsibility to provide us with a current copy of your insur- ance card. Failure to provide accurate insurance information can
You agree that if either a medically necessary or elective service is
result in a denial of your services by your insurance carrier, and
rendered, and your insurance carrier denies or refuses to pay for
while you may have insurance, under the law, you are still per-
any service for whatever reason, that upon receipt of a bill from
sonally responsible for payment for any and all services rendered.
us, you will pay the total amount due within thirty (30) calendar days. If you fail to pay any amount due within this time, you
It is also your responsibility to pay any and all co-pays or deduct-
agree to pay any rebilling or late fees, and, if your account is
ibles that may be due at the time of your visit. If you do not
referred to collections, all collection fees, and that these amounts
have your co-payment with you on the day of service, we can
will be in addition to any amount that was originally due. You
refuse to treat you, and may reschedule your appointment.
understand that a fee is charged for all first visits, examinations, procedures, and copies of medical records/reports.
With most insurances, we will file a claim with your insurance carrier on your behalf as a courtesy. If our practice has con-
I have read the above policy. I understand and agree to these
tracted with your insurance carrier, we will accept any payments
terms, and also understand that if I fail to adhere to the terms
made on your behalf for all services rendered in accordance with
above, I may be released as a patient by the practice.
Please rank current and ongoing problems by priority and fill in the other boxes as completely as possible: DESCRIBE PROBLEM MODERATE/ SEVERE TREATMENT APPROACH 1. With whom do you live? (Include children, parents, relatives, and/or friends. Please include ages.)
Example: Wendy, age 7, sister __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Do you have any pets or farm animals?
If yes, where do they live? o indoors o outdoors o both indoors and outdoors
3. Have you lived or traveled outside of the United States? o Yes o No
If so, when and where? _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. Have you or your family recently experienced any major life changes?
If yes, please comment: _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. Have you experienced any major losses in life? o Yes o No
If so, please comment: ______________________________________________________________________________________
6. How important is religion (or spirituality) for you and your family’s life? 7. How much time have you lost from work or school in the past year? 8. Past Medical and Surgical History: ILLNESSES COMMENTS
High blood fats (cholesterol, triglycerides)
INJURIES COMMENTS OPERATIONS COMMENTS 9. Hospitalizations: WHERE HOSPITALIZED FOR WHAT REASON 10. How often have you have taken antibiotics? 11. How often have you have taken oral steroids (e.g., Cortisone, Prednisone, etc.)? 12. What medications are you taking now? Include non-prescription drugs. MEDICATION NAME DATE STARTED Are you allergic to any medications?
If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. List all vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements that you are taking now. Indicate whether mg or IU and the form (e.g., calcium carbonate vs. calcium lactate), when possible. VITAMIN/MINERAL/SUPPLEMENT NAME DATE STARTED 14. Childhood:
Comment ________________________________________
Comment ________________________________________
Comment ________________________________________
Comment ________________________________________
As a child did you eat a lot of sugar and/or candy?
Comment ________________________________________
15. As a child, were there any foods that you had to avoid because they gave you symptoms?
If yes, please: name the food and symptom (Example: milk - gas and diarrhea) _______________________________________________
16. Place a check mark next to the food/drink that applies to your current diet. USUAL BREAkFAST USUAL LUNCH USUAL DINNER 17. How much of the following do you consume each week?
Candy ___________________________________________________
Diet sodas _____________________________________________
Cheese __________________________________________________
Ice cream ______________________________________________
Chocolate ________________________________________________
Salty foods _____________________________________________
Cups of coffee containing caffeine ___________________________
Slices of white bread (rolls/bagels) _________________________
Cups of decaffeinated coffee or tea __________________________
Sodas with caffeine _____________________________________
Cups of hot chocolate _____________________________________
Sodas without caffeine __________________________________
Cups of tea containing caffeine _____________________________
18. Are you on a special diet? o Yes o No
o other (describe): _________________________________
19. Is there anything special about your diet that we should know? o Yes o No
If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. a. Do you have symptoms immediately after eating, such as belching, bloating, sneezing, hives, etc.? o Yes o No
If yes, are these symptoms associated with any particular food or supplement(s)? o Yes o No
Please name the food or supplement and symptom(s). Example: Milk = gas and diarrhea.
21. Do you feel you have delayed symptoms after eating certain foods (symptoms may not be evident for 24 hours or more), such as fatigue, muscle aches, sinus congestion, etc.? o Yes o No 22. Do you feel much worse when you eat a lot of :
o other ___________________________________________
23. Do you feel much better when you eat a lot of :
o other ___________________________________________
24. Does skipping a meal greatly affect your symptoms? o Yes o No 25. Have you ever had a food that you craved or really “binged” on over a period of time? o Yes o No Food craving may be an indicator that you may be allergic to that food.
If yes, what food(s)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
26. Do you have an aversion to certain foods? o Yes o No
If yes, what foods? _________________________________________________________________________________________________
27. Please fill in the chart below with information about your bowel movements: FREqUENCy CONSISTENCy
o Alternating between hard and loose/watery
28. Intestinal gas: o Daily o Present with pain o Occasionally o Foul smelling o Excessive o Little odor 29. Have you ever used alcohol? o Yes o No
If yes, how often do you now drink alcohol? o No longer drinking alcohol o Average -3 drinks per week
o Average 4- drinks per week o Average 7-0 drinks per week o Average >0 drinks per week
Have you ever had a problem with alcohol? o Yes o No
If yes, please indicate time period (month/year): from __________________________ to __________________________
30. Have you ever used recreational drugs? o Yes o No 31. Have you ever used tobacco? o Yes o No
If yes, number of years as a nicotine user _______________ Amount per day _______________ Year quit _______________
If yes, what type of nicotine have you used? o Cigarette o Smokeless o Cigar o Pipe o Patch/Gum
32. Are you exposed to second hand smoke regularly? o Yes o No 33. Do you have mercury amalgam fillings? o Yes o No 34. Do you have any artificial joints or implants? o Yes o No 35. Do you feel worse at certain times of the year? o Yes o No
If yes, when? o spring o fall o summer o winter
36. Have you, to your knowledge, been exposed to toxic metals in your job or at home? o Yes o No
If yes, which one(s)? o lead o cadmium o arsenic o mercury o aluminum
37. Do odors affect you? o Yes o No 38. Do you exercise regularly? o Yes o No
If so, how many times a week? o x o x o 3x o 4x or more
When you exercise, how long is each session? o <5 min o -30 min o 3-45 min o > 45 min
What type of exercise is it? o jogging/walking o tennis o basketball o water sports
o home aerobics o other ________________________________________________________________
Copyright The Institute for Functional Medicine
La prassi del restauro dei manufatti in stucco. Un’analisi delle procedure d’intervento. Tavole riassuntive. Le relazioni tecniche. ASPETTI considerati nello scritto 1 - Consolidamento e stuccatura dei manufatti 2- Pulitura dei manufatti *Specializzanda in Restauro dei Monumenti presso la Facoltà di“Gli interventi di restauro sulla decorazione della 1984Bollettin
◄◄ IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARTICIPANTS ►► January, 2012 To All Participants and Eligible Dependents: This Notice is to inform you of the following: OTC Allegra/Allegra-D products covered at $0 copayment upon a physician’s written New Reduced Cost Option for Class A Bargaining Unit Employees. OTC Allegra/Allegra-D Products at $0 Copayment Effective March 9, 2011, over-th