Greenwood Medical Centre, 249 Sneinton Dale, Sneinton, Nottingham, NG3 7DQ
I currently hold roles in general practice, aesthetics, consultancy and medicolegal services. I have been a senior partner at my GP practice since 1987 andsince 2009 have been a GP Trainer for the Nottingham Vocational TrainingScheme for General Practice.
I undertake the writing of expert witness reports in the area of dermatologicallasers, aesthetics and general practice. I act as an Expert Witness in Civil andGMC cases both in the United Kingdom and Ireland in the spheres of GeneralPractice and Aesthetic Medicine / Lasers.
I am recognised as an Expert Medical Practitioner in IPL and Lasers for thepurposes of the Clinical Care Standards Act and I produce Protocols for thesafe use of IPLs / Lasers. I have examined Doctors for competency in injectingFillers and Botox for the BACD (British Association of Cosmetic Doctors).
I currently perform aesthetic treatments from my own practice and those inLondon. QUALIFICATIONS AND LEARNED SOCIETIES
M.B., Ch. B (Sheffield University) 1978, F. P. Cert 1983,DRCOG 1984, MRCGP 1986, Member of British medical laser association (BMLA)Member of British association of cosmetic doctors (BACD)Member of Association of Laser Protection and Healthcare Advisors (ALPHA)Primary Care Dermatology Society (PCDS)
General Practitioner. Principal and trainer in innerCity Practice in Nottingham. Greenwood Medical Centre, 249 Sneinton Dale,Nottingham, NG3 7DQ U.K.CAREER PATH OF A PORTFOLIO DOCTOR General I did not set out to be a portfolio doctor. Indeed there was not really any concept of such a thing when I embarked on a medical career and the term has only been used for perhaps the last decade. Many of the branches of my
portfolio career have rather found me. Early years I initially embarked on a career in general surgery. At registrar level I was performing major abdominal surgery as well as all the usual staples of general surgery or indeed any other concession to minimally invasive practice. I then moved to ENT in which I worked for 18 months allowing for locums that I undertook. Eventually deciding that I did not want to make my career there I trained for general practice. As part of the Nottingham VTS scheme I did 6 months of acute medicine and 6 months of O&G during which I made sure that I was taught operative delivery, as by that time I had decided that I wanted to work abroad for a short time before looking for a practice. Australia - 1986 I was originally looking to spend some time working in Africa but when I saw an advert for a position in a country town in Western Australia, I applied, got the job and lived there for the following 18 months. This was a mix of general practice and hospital medicine which matched my experience well. We served a population of around 20 000, had a 120 bed regional hospital from which we managed all of our acute medical and surgical emergencies including laparotomies and operative deliveries. I also performed full general anaesthetics of which I had gained some experience as a medical student. A typical week would be a ward round in the morning and evening with a full day of GP consulting in between apart from two mornings a week when we had an operating list. I was employed to take the place of the incumbent surgeon who was away having his hips replaced for much of the time I was there. Practice 7 à Now After initially working at a practice in Leeds I moved back to Nottingham and went into partnership in a practice that was in dire need of modernising. Always prepared for a challenge I set about turning the practice around. The practice was later combined with an adjoining one and all the features of modern general practice currently taken as the norm were introduced. As a modernising practice we were constantly examining the way we did things with a view to improving the service to our patients and we were often ahead of our contemporaries in this respect.
We then built a state of the art building, since improved and expanded. Aminor surgery service was set up on a “see and treat” basis that many of ourNottingham colleagues used. We guaranteed to see and treat in 2 weeks andthis ran for several years.
For some years I ran lists in operative plastic surgery and later ENT. I alsoheld a position where I looked after the physical health of a forensicpsychiatry ward.
We became a training practice in 2003 and I became a trainer in 2009. Wecan support as many as 5 registrars at any one time and also take foundationyear doctors and registrars in need of remedial support. There are currentlythree trainers in the practice. The practice population is very multiculturaland offers excellent experience. Cosmetic Lasers and Medicine
à Now I began treating thread veins on the legs with cosmetic sclerotherapy in the early 90s. I later joined a group who were planning to start undertaking laser tattoo removal, which at the time was very new technology. I then became one of the first UK doctors to offer laser tattoo removal. I later became interested in other cosmetic treatments, in particular laser cosmetic treatments.
I was a member of a partnership of three professionals who were amongstonly a handful throughout the country offering the first available laser hairremoval treatments. We also set up a system whereby interested partiescould hire the equipment necessary from ourselves which we thentransported around the country from clinic to clinic.
After visiting the USA to research techniques and equipment I began to offerlaser facial resurfacing for lines and wrinkles well before it hit the UK as amainstream treatment. I was an early adopter of many minimally invasiveaesthetic procedures such as botulinum toxin injections and facial threadingtechniques to name but a few.
I was a partner in the first Nottingham-based cosmetic laser clinic which isnow one of the larger providers of treatments and training in the country. Iwent on from there to be a co-owner of cosmetic laser clinics in Sheffield andHull before selling out eventually to the well-known Courthouse clinic chain.
For many years I have worked as a laser and aesthetic doctor in clinicsaround the country from the south coast to Liverpool and Leeds. During thistime I helped to set up the Franklin cosmetic laser Centre in Haywards Heath,working one day a week there until the business was eventually sold toCourthouse.
I co-developed a training package to facilitate the safe use of hair removallasers by trained RGN nurses and certificated electrologists.
I have provided consultancy services to major providers of aesthetic servicesin UK, notably the Harley Medical group, Laser Aesthetics and more recentlyDestination Skin. I introduced cosmetic injectable treatments to the lattercompany and worked for them as a medical adviser for five years.
In my medical advisory roles I have had much to do with the management ofadverse events and the subsequent conflict resolution which this entails. Ihave often seen my role in these situations as that of a mediator and haveincorporated skills which I have learnt as a medical educator and those whichI have learned through my medicolegal work into the process.
Surgery/Vasectomy provider 9 à Now I have been a provider of local anaesthetic vasectomy services to the Nottingham community for the last 25 years and have performed thousands of cases. I currently participate in this activity with other doctors as part of a very well audited set up.
Throughout my time in general practice I have continued to provide extensivelocal anaesthetic skin surgery services to our own patients and those of someother practices. I also offer these services to patients on a private basis whoare unable to get treatment through the NHS.
Before the commencement of the current two-week wait system for skincancers, I performed many procedures for basal cell carcinomas; includingcomplex facial flap and grafting techniques. On occasion I still provide thisservice to some of our elderly patients who do not wish to be treated in thehospital service. 8 à Now I started medico legal work in the late 90’s when I went to several courses to learn the necessary skills. In the last 15 years I have prepared hundreds of reports in civil cases not only in the fields of lasers and aesthetics but also increasingly in the field of general practice. The preponderance of cases have been civil claimant cases however in the last couple of years I have received notable instructions from defence organisations and would estimate that my recent output has been approximately 75% claimant 25% defendant.
I have received a wide range of cases. I have worked on several cases in theIrish Republic and have recently been instructed by a defence litigant inperson who was a laser operator in a case which went to court and wassuccessfully defended.
I have attended the High Court in Dublin on one occasion but in the end wasnot called to give evidence the case being settled by negotiation.
I have been a defence expert at the General Medical Council in two notablecases involving cosmetic Lasers where I was cross examined. Mediation
I have recently become an accredited mediator and my years of work in themedicolegal fields have provided the experience and skills needed to fulfilthis position. I believe that the latest amendments to the civil procedure rulesfor clinical negligence will create many opportunities in this area and I lookforward to taking on work as a mediator in the field of medical disputes. Clinical Trials 1988 à Now I have undertaken over 400 clinical trials since 1988. These have been mostly at phase 3 level but also some phrase 2 studies. Our practice took on some of the work formerly carried out in hospitals and reassigned to primary care by pharmaceutical companies. The studies in which I carried out the most work were in the fields of psychiatry, respiratory medicine and cardiovascular medicine. Many other areas were included in the list and a full database is available to interested parties. I have also recently participated in a cosmetic study of fat dissolving injections which was extremely successful. CLINICAL ARICLES / PUBLICATIONS CONTRIBUTED TO
× A comparison of absorbable and non-absorbable drugs in the
management of patients with primary hyperlipidaemia Br J Clin Res1995: 6: 121-134.
× A one-year comparison of Pravastatin and fibrate in almost 2500
patients with complicated primary hyperlipidaema. Br J Clin Res 1995:6: 135-149
× Theophylline in the management of chronic obstructive airways
disease: a double blind comparison with Amoxycillin and placebo. Br Jclin res 1995: 6: 151 – 161.
× A comparison of once daily budesonide via Turbohaler and twice daily
fluticasone propionate via disc-inhaler. Br J Clin Res 1996: 7: 15-3
× Poster presentations given by Leo Pharmaceuticals including British
Association of Dermatologists meeting in 1997 (Psoriasis; the burden ofdisease, before, during and after treatment with Dovonex Ointment orDithrocream) and in 1998 (Economic impact of psoriasis on theNational Health Service and the patient), and at the AmericanAcademy of Dermatology meeting in 1998 (Quality of Life assessmentin patients with chronic plaque psoriasis, before, during and aftertreatment with calcipotriol).
× Publication study 94406: prophylactic effect of citalopram in unipolar,
recurrent depression. Placebo-controlled study of maintenancetherapy. British Journal of Psychiatry (178: 304-310, 2001) by B. Hochstrasser et al.,
× Cefdinir versus Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid in the Treatment of
Suppurative Acute Otitis Media in Children. Eur. J Clin Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 1997, 16: 214-219
× Is the oldest laser still the best laser for tattoo removal? Article in
× Efficacy and Tolerability of Beclomethasone Dipropionate Delivered by
a Novel Multidosc Dry Powder Inhaler (Clickhaler) Versus aMetered-Dose Inhaler in Children with Asthma. Graham D R Martin MB.
× PETITE Clinical Study – Once-daily Budesonide: 400 µg once daily is as
effective as 200 µg twice daily in controlling childhood asthma. International Journal of Clinical Practice, June 1998, Vol 52 No.4
× Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the Losartan Intervention For
Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE): a randomised trialagainst atenolol. The Lancet: Vol.359 No.9311 pages 995 – 1003.
× Clement M, Kiernan M, Ross Martin GD, Town, G. ‘Preliminary Clinical
Outcomes Using iPulse™ Intense Flash Lamp Technology and theRelevance of Constant Spectral Output with Large Spot Size on Tissue’. Australasian Journal of Cosmetic Surgery 2006;1:54-59.
× Pending publication: Comparison of Side Effects of Three Diode Hair
× Town G, Ross Martin GD. “Intense Pulsed Light – The Relevance of
Constant Spectral Output with Large Spot Size on Tissue” Publishedonline in: Touch Briefings, European Dermatology Review 2007 Issue 1. RESEARCH / PUBLICATIONS
As well as successfully using the technology developed by others, Irecognised the need to contribute to the current state of scientificknowledge. I have instigated a number of original clinical studies in the fieldof Laser Medicine including:
The use of the carbon dioxide laser in local anaesthetic vasectomy.
As a member of the Medical Advisory Board of a lasermanufacturer, I had research interests in two areas of which wereoriginal ideas of mine.
Innovative research in the application of the diode laser to thetreatment of leg veins and the removal of hair.
Article in Aesculp trade magazine on the use of lasers in tattootreatment.
Article in Skinlaser Today on laser tattoo removal.
6. A comparative study comparing the Side Effects of Three Diode HairRemoval Lasers. PAST AND ON-GOING EDUCATION
In the field of aesthetics, attitudes and pre-accepted norms of treatment canalter rapidly. I therefore attend regular update sessions. The following is aselection of the courses I have attended and lectures that I have given insome of my specialist areas. The list is not exhaustive and of course does notinclude the work required to maintain ones general practice accreditation. August 1995
Symposium and clinical demonstration of the use ofscanning carbon dioxide laser in facial resurfacinggiven by Dr. Richard Fitzpatrick, San Diego, andStockholm. November 1995
Two-day weekend symposium and clinicaldemonstration of the use of pulsed carbon dioxidelaser for facial resurfacing given by a variety ofspeakers from the UK and America. Nov/Dec 1995
Ten-day visit to Canada and the USA for detailedtraining on the use of scanning carbon dioxide laserfor facial resurfacing taking place in Toronto, LittleRock and Miami. All sessions were given by doctorswho were amongst the first people to undertake theprocedure in the USA. January 1996
A visit to Northwick Park Hospital, London, forinstruction on the pulsed tuneable dye laser and itsuse in vascular lesions of the body. Also receivedinstruction on other laser techniques fromconsultant plastic surgeon David Gault. March 1996
Visit to Aarhus, Denmark to receive instruction fromProfessor Peter Bjerring on the use of the pulsedtuneable dye laser for the treatment of vascularlesions together with new information and adviceabout the use of the ruby laser for permanent hairremoval. April 1996
Attended the American Society of Laser Medicine inSurgery meeting where all current aspects of lasertreatments were discussed. At this event there wasa particular emphasis on facial resurfacing usingthe carbon dioxide laser with the presentation ofmany papers and a practical demonstration. July 1996
One week lecture / demonstration tour of SouthAfrica – visited leading cosmetic surgeons inJohannesburg and Cape Town to demonstrate thescanning carbon dioxide laser for facial resurfacingon their patients. Gave talks and lecturers on theuse of this modality. April 1997
Attended the 1997 meeting of the AmericanSociety of Laser Medicine and Surgery to catch upon all the latest trends in laser medicine. June 1997
Gave two lecturers – one to interested beautytherapists on the use of the ruby laser for long-termhair removal and one to an audience of doctors inLondon on the use of modern cosmetic lasersystems with special reference to the ruby laser forlong-term hair removal. January 1998
Invited to give lecturer / demonstration on the useof the Long pulse ruby in laser hair removal toSpanish Laser meeting in Andorra. April 1998
Attended 1998 ASLMS meeting, San Diego. Courseson advanced facial resurfacing and laser treatmentof leg veins completed. Presented paper on the useof the 810nm Diode laser to the Aesthetic LaserTechnology Forum. April 1998
Lectured at Tutlingen Germany on the use of theRuby laser in hair removal.
Invited to give two lecturers to groups ofDermatologists in South Africa on the use of Rubylaser for hair removal and the Eribuim Yag laser forfacial resurfacing. Johannesburg and Cape Town. June 1998
Lecture / demonstration to Italian Doctors on theuse of the Ruby Laser in hair removal and theErbium Yag Laser in facial resurfacing. August 1998
Lecture demonstration of 810 diode laser, CO2 and
Erbium lasers to doctors in Johannesburg, Durbanand Cape Town. November 1998
Principal speaker on laser tattoo removal and hairremoval 4th International Aesculapium – symposium“Lasers in Dermatology”. November 1998
Article published in ‘LaserPost’ entitled “Is theoldest laser still the best laser for tattoo removal?”
November 1998
Lecture Leeds Royal Infirmary “is the oldest laserstill the best laser for tattoo removal?”
Speaker at Laser Seminar ‘lasers in Dermatology &Cosmetic Surgery” Haywards Heath. July 1999
Two-day lecture demonstration on Copper HalideLaser to dermatologist and plastic surgeons inAnkara Turkey. September 1999
One-day lecture demonstration to Portuguesedoctors on Copper Halide laser. February 2000
Principal lecturer at major symposium on lasermedicine. Ghent Belgium. Lecture / demonstrationto 150 dermatologists. September 2000
Lecture to dermatologists and plastic surgeons inHolland on the Erbium laser. January 2001
Lecture to plastic surgeons in Athens on the use ofthe Copper Bromide and Erbium lasers. February 2002
Lecture / demonstration of five lasers to doctors inDubai. March 2003
Attended UK Cosmetic Doctors Association meetingin Dublin. June 2003
Gave lecture on the use of IPL and lasers, ‘A MedicsView’. September 2003
Joint International Laser Conference in Edinburgh
March 2004
BACD Educational & Scientific Meeting inManchester
April 2004 September 2004
Training in Restylane Sub Q at Royal College ofPhysician in London
October 2004 October 2004
BACD Autumn meeting in London (I gave a lectureon facial resurfacing). November 2004
2 Day Course on Mesotherapy and Lipostabil at theRoyal College Physicians, London
January 2005
Isolagen revisited (I was a speaker)At the RoyalCollege of Physicians, London
March 2005
2 Day Course in London re. ContourThreads
August 2005
Practical Training – Restylane Vital, in Cheshire
August 2005
Practical Training – Restylane Sub Q. Nottingham
September 2005 November 2005 January 2006 March 2006 March 2007 March 2007 October 2008 February 2009
Presented a paper at The British Medical LaserAssociation Summer Meeting. July 2009
Appointed as a Trainer to the NottinghamVocational Training Scheme for GP’s
August 2009 September 2009 April 2011
2 day British Medical Laser Association meeting
One day Training on Treatment of BCCs in
May 2011 Observed accredited assesment of skin surgery March 2012
Symposium at Royal College Physicians on Lip
Annual Bond Salon Expert Witness conference. July 2012
Skin lesion recognition training Hounslow.
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