Consensus Statement on Emergency Contraception Twenty-four experts from around the world, representing the fields of research, policy,
may need these methods occasionally. Millions
communications, women’s advocacy and
of unwanted pregnancies could be averted if
medicine, gathered at the Rockefeller emergency contraceptives were widely Foundation Conference in Bellagio, Italy, in April 1995 to discuss emergency contraception. The conference was hosted by South-to-South
Existing regimens are usually inexpensive,
Cooperation in Reproductive Health and co-
often consist simply of altered doses of widely
sponsored by the International Planned
available medications and have been used for
Parenthood Federation, Family Health decades in some countries. So why are International, the Population Council and the World Health Organization. The Conference
widely? We believe that there are three main
was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.
hurdles to making the option of emergency
contraception available to all women who
Key words: post-coital contraceptives, prevention of unwanted pregnancy, First, women and providers are uninformed antiprogesterone.
about the methods. Particularly because of the
short time frame within which women must use
emergency contraception following unprotected
Emergency contraceptives are methods that
women can use after intercourse to prevent
methods before they need them. We call upon
pregnancy. 1, 2 Emergency contraceptives are
family providers to educate themselves about
sometimes called post-coital or morning-after
the methods and to educate women at routine
contraceptives. Several methods of emergency
visits. We encourage the prophylactic provision
contraception are safe and effective. These
of emergency contraception so that women can
estradiol/levonorgestrel oral contraceptive given twice, 12 hours apart, and the insertion of
Second, there are few products marketed for
a copper intrauterine device (IUD). These
emergency contraceptive use. Most methods
regimens avert approximately 75 to 99% of the
involve use of medications marketed for routine
pregnancies expected among women seeking
contraception. We call upon regulatory agencies
treatment.3 Levonorgestrel alone may also be
throughout the world to require manufacturers
of appropriate combined oral contraceptives
mifepristone, is currently under study to
and copper IUDs to inform the public about the
pharmaceutical industry should cooperate to
produce and publicize complete, accurate
Participants: Marge Berer (UK), Elsimar Coutinho (Brazil), Grace
Delano (Nigéria), Charlotte Ellertson (USA), Josue Garza-Flores (México), Ana Glasier (UK), Forrest Greenslade (USA), Helena
providers about the emergency use of suitable
von Hertzen (Switzerland), Carlos Huezo (UK), Indira Kapoor
(UK), Evert Ketting (The Netherlands), O. A. Ladipo (Brazil), Joanne Lewis (USA), Florence Manguyu (Kenia), J. K. G. Mati (Kenia), Elizabeth Robinson (USA), James Shelton (USA),
Third, service providers are too often reluctant
Sheldon Segal (USA), Pramilla Senanayake (UK), Florence Tadlar
to provide this method. In case there is any
(The Philippines), Paul van Look (Switzerland), Ninuk
misunderstanding, emergency contraceptives
Widyantoro (Indonesia), Beverly Winikoff (USA), and Xiao Billan (China).
are not abortifacient. Emergency contraceptives
Name and address for correspondence: Professor Elsimar M. Coutinho, President, South-to-South Cooperation in Reproductive Health, Rua Caetano Moura 35, Federação 40210, Savador, Bahia,
Brazil. Tel: (55 71) 235-3442; Fax: (55 71) 247-8216.
these safe and effective ways to prevent
Submitted for publication May 26 , 1995
unwanted pregnancy. We must make access to
Proposed Recommendations
family planning method but are concerned that
the method may have failed or have not used
that method one or more times, and women
who may currently not be part of the family
should be effective, safe, convenient to use and
planning client base, such as adolescents and
easily accessible. Among the methods now
single women. Each group should be considered
available, ethinyl-estradiol/dl-norgestrel
combination oral contraceptives and the copper
8. In order to prevent pregnancy following
intrauterine device (IUD) best meet these
acts of sexual violence and coercion, emergency
contraception should also be available from
recommend additional research, however, to
other sources of support, such as sexually
improve these methods and to develop new ones
transmitted disease clinics, rape crisis centers,
responsive to women’s needs. When developing
contraceptive products, researchers should
should be included in the curricula of all
products may have for emergency contraceptive
medical and non-medical personnel who will be
involved in health care delivery. Training should
include counseling as well as method-specific
service requirements, including treatment
emergency use. Anti-progestogens deserve top
regimens, management of side effects and
10. Women seeking emergency contraception
should also be counseled and offered a choice of
3. Inter-governmental agencies, governments
effective and reliable methods of contraception
and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
for regular use in addition to receiving an
should ensure that emergency contraceptives
appropriate emergency contraceptive. When the
are included in all family planning programs
and on all national essential drug lists.
counseling and/or service provision, clients
4. Drug regulatory authorities should require
should be referred to an appropriate service
explicit description of emergency use in the
labeling of ethinyl-estradiol/dl-norgestrel oral
11. In all family planning consultations,
women choosing a method of contraception for
5. Advocacy and information/ education /
appropriate backup (e.g., barrier methods,
communication (IEC) activities should be
periodic abstinence) should be informed about
developed collaboratively and should foster
community and policy support among women’s
emergency contraceptives for future use.
groups, professional associations, health
advocates, policymakers, non-governmental
appropriate for distribution through many
organizations, donors and community leaders.
channels, including clinics, over-the-country in
Potential users of emergency contraception
pharmacies, and community-based programs.
require information on the methods before they
Any provider trained in IUD insertion can
need them. Therefore, IEC efforts should be
broad-based, culturally sensitive and locally
6. IEC strategies should consider groups with
14. Data should be collected on emergency
contraceptive use. Questions about emergency
contraception should appear in national surveys
Service Delivery, Monitoring, Service Evaluation
7. Emergency contraception should be made
demographic/health surveys, as well as in
available to all women who seek it, provided no
country- or program-based situations analyses.
contraindications are present. Women should
emergency contraceptive methods. Providers
participants and do not necessarily reflect the
should think broadly about women for whom
views of the cosponsoring organizations of the
including women who are not currently using a
1. Fasoli M, Parazzini F, Cecchetti G, La
Vecchia C. Postcoital contraception. Contraception 1989; 39:459-68.
2. Trussel J, Stewart F. The effectiveness of
post-coital hormonal contraception. Fam Plann Perspect 1992; 24:262-4.
emergency contraception. Fertility Control Reviews 1995; in press.
randomized comparison of levonorgestrel with the Yuspe regimen in post-coital contraception. Hum Reprod 1993;8:389-92.
5. Glasier A, Thong KJ, Dewar M, Mackie M,
Baird DT. Mifepristone (RU486) compared with high-dose estrogen and progestogen for emergency postcoital contraception. New Engl J Med 1992;327:1041-4.
Comparison of Yuspe regimen, danazol and mifepristone (RU 486) in oral postcoital contraception. Br Med J 1992;305:927-31.
Symposia Titles and Contributors Symposium 1: Broadening the application of metacognitive theory and therapy to physical health populations Convenor & Chair: Peter Fisher, University of Liverpool Metacognitions and negative emotions as predictors of severity of symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome L Maher-Edwards, Fatigue Service, Royal Free Hospital, B. Fernie, Fatigue
FIRST PRESENTATION Use of DermaSilk textile in recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis MILAN, 14 – 17 NOVEMBER 2010 D’Antuono A., Bellavista S., Banzola N., Gaspari V., Patrizi A. Clinica Dermatologica - Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Geriatria e Nefrologia – Ospedale Sant’Orsola-Malpighi - Università di Bologna INTRODUCTION MATERIAL & METHODS Recurrent vu