Business / IT News and Views From the Trenches
Ok, email isn’t dead quite yet but the times sent as only HTML. This means it
way it is being overtaken by spam comes with graphics, fonts, and colors.
leaves us with the possibility your The alternative message format is plain
email isn’t being read. You can great- text -- boring and plain. If you must send
ly increase the chances of your mes- HTML emails, I strongly recommend
sage being read if you follow some including a plain text option as well.
simple guidelines when sending email. This is configurable in all major email
Today nearly every office is us- clients including Outlook. The reason
ing some sort of spam filtering. Most for this is not only to avoid the spam
mornings when I first check my email filters but also because there are many
I have around 200 spams that were au- companies out there who by choice
tomatically deleted and another 100 will not view or allow HTML emails.
- that I have to quickly run through Blank Lines and YELLING
make sure your messages are not be- sary multiple blank lines or YELL-
ing marked as spam by filters, we ING (all caps), it is more likely to
should first understand how the fil- be tagged as spam. For some reason
ters determine if a message is spam. spammers feel we are more likely
There are actually hundreds of the necessary copy from the message.
to check the message against content filters used but these four provide
that is known as generally spam. If a good overview of what is cur- 2. Don’t use hotmail,
you are peddling Viagra, mortgages, rently considered spam. Now how yahoo mail, etc.
free prizes, etc; your emails will im- can you avoid being tagged as spam?
You can avoid this if you follow the 1. Don’t send HTML email.
I know this is a very unpopular using freely available web email ac-
rule but it is one of the surest ways counts to send spam for years and emails
to avoid the spam filter. If you must from these domains such as
Email marketers like to collect data. send an HTML email, make sure you have a high likeliness of being spam.
It is common practice to include track- have already corresponded via email
ing information in an email so it can with the target so you are likely on 3. Ask your email provider
be reported who actually opened a their accepted list of email senders and if they support Sender
message. If your emails use tracking provide a plain text version along with Policy Framework (SPF).
IDs, they will have another hit against the HTML version. One common tech- SPF attempts to match the address
them towards being tagged as spam. nique for email marketing is to include of the computer an email is coming
a plain text version that contains a web
with your contact, you can never be receive every message from those on
sure that you message will be read. your list. This is easy to do with the
tain it will get through, you can always
Marc A. Ohmann is the Founding Principal of Digital Solutions, Inc. He can be reached at or
952-703-3996. Founded in 1999, Digital Solutions helps businesses attain organizational goals through Inter-
net Resources and web development. To learn more, visit
Ectopic pregnancy: laparoendoscopic single-sitesurgery—laparoscopic surgery through a singlecutaneous incisionRicardo Francalacci Savaris, M.Dand Leandro Totti Cavazzola, M.D. a Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrıcia e Programa de Pos-Graduacx~ao em Medicina, Ci^encias Cirurgicas da UniversidadeFederal do Rio Grande do Sul; and b Servicxo de Cirurgia Geral do Hospital de Clınicas de
Long-Term Care Underwriting Simple issues to note: Age – Coverage is often limited at age 80 and above. Saving age can be done 30 days from date of birth. Height and Weight – an imbalanced height to weight ratio may be all you need to take your client out of the “preferred” ball park. Medical Records are helpful if you can obtain them in a trial situation. Cognitiv