United States Equestrian Federation, Inc.
3760 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Phone: (800) 633-2472 Fax: (614) 771-7706
FORBIDDEN SUBSTANCES (examples) Restricted Medication Dose Medication Medication Max Dosage per Generic Name Trade Name pound of Body Weight
2.0 mg/100Lb (20 mg/1000Lb) or0.5 mg/100Lb(5.0 mg/1000Lb) or1.0 mg/100LB(10 mg/1000Lb)
(2.0 grams/1000Lb) or 1.0 mg/Lb (1.0 grams/1000Lb)
* Do not administer phenylbutazone and flunixin at thesame time (violation)! Allow seven days withdrawal fromone before using the other. See guideline details.
Do not administer more than two permitted NSAIDs atone time.
Whenever two NSAIDs are administered, any additionalNSAID should not have been administered during theseven days prior to competing. and Time Recommendations Latest Administration Administration Method Hour Prior to Competition
>4 hours, but>6 hours is recommended
Oral, IV, 2 doses each day, 12 hours apart
Whenever any NSAID is administered that is not permittedto be used, it should not have been administered duringthe seven days prior to competing.
The maximum treatment time for any of the above permittedmedication is five days, except diclofenac which can beadministered for 10 successive days.
This chart is for quick reference use and should not be usedin place of the detailed guidelines preceding this chart. PRACTICAL ADVICE REGARDING THE 2006 EQUINE DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS RULE INTRODUCTION
The NOTICE OF PENALTY section of Equestrian Magazine sel-dom escapes the attention of readers of the United StatesEquestrian Federation’s official publication. It is regrettable andtrue that many violations of the Equine Drugs and MedicationsRule result from the failure of exhibitors, owners, trainers, andtheir veterinarians to understand compliance with it. This article iswritten to help you avoid inadvertent violations.
The text that follows is advice about understanding the Equine Drugs and Medications Rule and applying it in practical situations. Its purpose is to help accommodate legitimate therapy in compli- ance with the requirements of the rules. This practical advice in no way takes precedence over the wording of the Equine Drugs and Medications Rule itself, which is printed in its entirety in the Federation’s Rule Book and posted on its website at www.usef.org, and which is MUST READING for trainers, owners, exhibitors, and their veterinarians. DIFFERENT RULES FOR DIFFERENT GROUPS
Most breeds and disciplines that compete under USEF Rules aresubject to the Therapeutic Substance Provisions (GR410-412). The Endurance Discipline is subject to the No Foreign SubstanceProvisions (GR 409). Other breeds and disciplines may choosethis option, if they wish.
FEI recognized events are subject to the FEI VeterinaryRegulations. This is a no foreign substance rule, which includesreporting requirements for the treatment of illness and injury. Selection trials for FEI recognized international events and otherevents may be subject to a no foreign substance rule as specifiedin the Selection Procedures. THE THERAPEUTIC SUBSTANCE PROVISIONS
Any product is forbidden if it contains an ingredient that is a for-bidden substance, or is a drug which might affect the performanceof a horse and/or pony as a stimulant, depressant, tranquilizer,local anesthetic, psychotropic (mood and/or behavior altering)substance, or might interfere with drug testing procedures.
After a horse or pony has been administered any product con-taining a forbidden substance, and before the animal is returnedto competition, the following requirements must be met:
1. The product must be used for a therapeutic purpose only. The rule accommodates the use of a forbidden substance for the diag- nosis or treatment of illness or injury only. If a forbidden substance is administered for any other purpose, e.g., clipping, shipping, training, the animal must be kept out of competition until the for- bidden substance is no longer detectable in the animal’s blood or urine sample. This can be a long time (see HOW LONG DRUGS REMAIN DETECTABLE below).
2. After a horse or pony has been administered for a therapeuticpurpose any product containing a forbidden substance, the animalmust be withdrawn from competition for at least 24 hours. This isa uniform requirement for all therapeutic forbidden substances,and there are no exceptions.
3. A written medication report must be filed documenting the ther-apeutic use of a forbidden substance. A medication report formshould be obtained from the steward or technical delegate, filledout completely, and turned in to the steward or technical delegatewithin the time required. All this must be done within one hour ofthe earliest opportunity.
How long after treatment of any illness or injury is it necessary to file a written medication report? It is necessary for as long as the drug might remain detectable in a horse’s or pony’s blood or urine (see HOW LONG DRUGS REMAIN DETECTABLE below). CAUTION AGAINST THE USE OF HERBAL/NATURAL PRODUCTS
Persons administering a so-called herbal or natural product to ahorse or pony to affect its performance, having been comforted byclaims that the plant origin of its ingredients cause it to be permit-ted by the rules as well as undetectable by drug tests, might havebeen misled.
The use of so-called herbal and natural products in a horse orpony might result in a positive drug test, i.e., a finding of a forbid-den substance, contrary to claims by those who manufactureand/or market such products for profit. The plant origin of anyingredient does not preclude its containing a pharmacologicallypotent and readily detectable forbidden substance, e. g., cocaine,heroin and marijuana all come from plants.
Although the use of some of these products may not have result-ed in positive drug tests in the past, this may change as the USEFEquine Drug Testing and Research Laboratory incorporates newmethods into its battery of screening tests, a deliberate and ongo-ing process.
For the above reasons, the Federation cautions most stronglyagainst the use of so-called herbal and natural products, the ingre-dients and properties of which are not known. In this regard train-ers should be most skeptical about any claims by manufacturersor others that their preparation is “legal” or permissible for use atcompetitions recognized by the Federation or the FEI. Trainersshould be aware that ingredients labeling for such preparations isoften not complete or accurate. Especially suspect are prepara-tions that are claimed to calm or relax while at the same timebeing said to contain no forbidden or prohibited substances. Justsome of the examples of the hundreds and perhaps thousands ofexamples of herbal/natural or plant ingredients that would cause aproduct to be classified as forbidden are valerian, kava kava, pas-sionflower, skullcap, chamomile, vervain, lemon balm, leopard’sbane, night shade, capsaicin, comfrey, devil’s claw, hops, laurel,lavender, red poppy, and rawuolfia.
It is the longstanding policy of USEF that it does not approve,endorse, or sanction herbal, natural, or medicinal products of anykind. Trainers, owners, and exhibitors are advised to disregardand not rely upon any such representations, statements or testi-monials made by the manufacturer. Any individual who becomesaware of a product, the label of which contains a statement that itis “USEF Approved” or “USEF Endorsed,” etc., should forward acopy of the label to the office of the Equine Drugs and MedicationsProgram. GUIDELINES FOR THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF DEXAMETHASONE AND OTHER CORTICOSTEROIDS
USEF Rules provide for the use of corticosteroids such as dex-amethasone in horses only for a therapeutic purpose, i.e., for thetreatment of existing inflammatory conditions related to illness orinjury. The rules do not permit the use of corticosteroids for a non-therapeutic purpose, i.e., to affect the mood or enhance the per-formance of the horse.
The rules establish a quantitative restriction for dexamethasone,i.e., a maximum permitted plasma concentration (fluid portion inblood) of 3.0 nanograms per milliliter at the time of competition. Inorder to help trainers, owners, and their veterinarians achievecompliance with this rule in connection with the therapeutic use ofdexamethasone, it should be administered in accordance with theguidelines below. These guidelines include several alternativescenarios for dose, time, and route of administration. Wheneverdexamethasone is administered, the dose should be accuratelycalculated according the actual weight of the animal.
Alternative Number 1. (2.0 mg or less per 100 pounds IV or IM at 12 or MORE hoursbefore competition)
Each 24 hours, not more than 2.0 milligrams of dexamethasoneinjectable solution per 100 pounds of body weight should beadministered intravenously or intramuscularly, preferably less. For a 1000 pound animal, the maximum daily intravenous or intra-muscular dose of dexamethasone injectable solution is 20.0 mil-ligrams, which equals 5.0 milliliters of the injectable solution (4.0milligrams per milliliter). No part of this dose should be adminis-tered during the 12 hours prior to competing. Dexamethasoneshould not be administered for more than five successive days.
Alternative Number 2. (0.5 mg or less per 100 pounds IV at 6 or more hours before com-petition)
Each 24 hours, not more than 0.5 milligrams of dexamethasoneinjectable solution per 100 pounds of body weight should beadministered intravenously, preferably less. For a 1000 pound ani-mal, the maximum daily intravenous dose of dexamethasoneinjectable solution is 5.0 milligrams, which equals 1.25 milliliters ofthe injectable solution (4.0 milligrams per milliliter). No part of thisdose should be administered during the 6 hours prior to compet-ing. Dexamethasone should not be administered for more thanfive successive days.
Alternative Number 3. (1.0 mg or less per 100 pounds orally at 6 or more hours beforecompetition)
Each 24 hours, not more than 1.0 milligrams of dexamethasonepowder per 100 pounds of body weight should be administeredorally, preferably less. For a 1000 pound animal, the maximumdaily oral dose of dexamethasone powder is 10.0 milligrams,which equals one packet of dexamethasone powder (10.0 mil-ligrams per packet.) No part of this dose should be administeredduring the 6 hours prior to competing. Any medicated feed shouldbe either consumed or removed at least 6 hours prior to compet-ing. Dexamethasone should not be administered for more thanfive successive days.
Corticosteroids other than dexamethasone, e.g., prednisone,prednisolone, Solu-Delta-Cortef®, and others, are classified asforbidden substances, and use of these drugs is subject to therequirements of GR411. This means these drugs are to be usedonly for a therapeutic purpose, i.e., for the treatment of existinginflammatory conditions related to illness or injury; they are to beadministered at a time not closer than 24 hours prior to compet-ing; and a written medication report must be filed in a timely fash-ion in connection with any administration performed by any routeduring the seven days prior to competing.
Trainers, owners, and their veterinarians are cautioned againstthe use of dexamethasone isonicotinate injectable solution,because administration studies have shown it is not eliminatedfrom the plasma as quickly as dexamethasone injectable solution. Therefore, the use of dexamethasone isonicotinate injectable
might result in an inadvertent overage, i.e., a plasma concentrationof dexamethasone in excess of the maximum permitted plasmaconcentration of 3.0 nanograms per milliliter at the time of com-petition.
Whenever dexamethasone injectable solution or dexamethasoneoral powder is administered in a manner that might cause theplasma concentration to exceed the maximum permitted by therule, the trainer and owner should withdraw the animal from com-petition for a sufficient amount of time such that the plasma con-centration of dexamethasone returns to within acceptable limitsprior to competition.
Products or preparations that contain dexamethasone or anothercorticosteroid as an active ingredient (e.g. a Naquasone® boluscontains 5.0 milligrams of dexamethasone), should be used inaccordance with the guidelines above, taking into account theactual weight of the animal. GUIDELINES FOR THE THERAPEUTIC USE OF A NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUG (NSAID) AND METHOCARBAMOL
GR410 of USEF Rules permits the use in horses and ponies of notmore than two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at atime (of those permitted to be used), imposes quantitative restric-tions on those permitted, and forbids the use of any other NSAID. The information in this article will help owners, trainers, and theirveterinarians stay in compliance with these rules, as they treattheir horses and ponies with NSAIDs.
NSAIDs are to be administered to a horse or pony only for a ther-apeutic purpose. The following are permitted to be used (theseare the generic names, not brand names): diclofenac liposomalcream, phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen, meclofe-namic acid, naproxen, and eltenac (upon its approval by the FDA). Phenylbutazone and flunixin are not permitted to be presenttogether in the animal’s blood or urine sample. When adminis-tered, the NSAIDs above should be administered in accordancewith the guidelines below, and no other NSAIDs are to be admin-istered.
Whenever diclofenac liposomal cream is administered, not morethan 73 mg should be administered, to not more than one affect-ed site, each 12 hours (i.e., not more that 146 mg per 24 hour peri-od). This 73 mg dose equals a 5-inch ribbon of cream not greaterthan 1/4 inch in width, which should be rubbed thoroughly into thehair over the joint or affected site using gloved hands. Administration of diclofenac cream should be discontinued at least12 hours prior to competing. Do not apply diclofenac cream incombination with any other topical preparations including DMSO,nitrofurazone, or liniments, and do not use on an open wound. Diclofenac cream should not be administered for more than 10successive days.
Whenever phenylbutazone is administered, the dose should beaccurately calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 24 hours, not more than 2.0 milligrams per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 pound
animal, the maximum daily dose is 2.0 grams, which equals two1.0 gram tablets, or two 1.0 gram units of paste, or 10.0 cc of theinjectable (200 milligrams per milliliter). Neither a total daily dosenor part of an injectable dose should be administered during the12 hours prior to competing. In the event the phenylbutazone isadministered orally, half of the maximum daily dose (1.0 gramsper 1000 lbs.) can be administered each 12 hours during a fiveday treatment program. Phenylbutazone should not be adminis-tered for more than five successive days. Whenever phenylbuta-zone is administered, flunixin meglumine should not have beenadministered during the seven preceding days.
Whenever flunixin meglumine is administered, the dose should beaccurately calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 24 hours, not more than 0.5 milligrams per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 poundanimal, the maximum daily dose is 500 milligrams, which equalstwo 250 milligram packets of granules, or one 500 milligram pack-et of granules or 500 milligrams of the oral paste (available in1500 milligram dose syringes), or 10.0 cc of the injectable (50 mil-ligrams per milliliter). No part of a dose should be administeredduring the 12 hours prior to competing. Any medicated feed mustbe consumed and/or removed at least 12 hours prior to compet-ing. Flunixin meglumine should not be administered for more thanfive successive days. Whenever flunixin meglumine is adminis-tered, phenylbutazone should not have been administered duringthe seven preceding days.
Whenever ketoprofen is administered, the dose should be accu-rately calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 24 hours, not more than 1.0 milligrams per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 poundanimal, the maximum daily dose is 1.0 grams, which equals 10.0cc of the injectable (100 milligrams per milliliter). No part of a doseshould be administered during the 6 hours prior to competing. Ketoprofen should not be administered for more than five succes-sive days.
Whenever meclofenamic acid is administered, the dose should beaccurately calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 12 hours, not more than 0.5 milligrams per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 poundanimal, the maximum 12 hour dose is 0.5 grams, which equalsone 500 milligram packet of granules. Meclofenamic acid shouldnot be administered for more than five successive days.
Whenever naproxen is administered, the dose should be accu-rately calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 24 hours, not more than 4.0 milligrams per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 poundanimal, the maximum daily dose is 4.0 grams, which equals eight500 milligram tablets. No part of a dose should be administeredduring the 12 hours prior to competing. Any medicated feedshould be consumed and/or removed at least 12 hours prior tocompeting. Naproxen should not be administered for more thanfive successive days. Upon the approval of eltenac by the FDA, the therapeutic use ofeltenac in horses and ponies is permitted by USEF Rules. Whenever eltenac is administered, the dose should be accurately
calculated according to the actual weight of the animal. Each 24hours, not more than 0.25 milligrams per pound of body weightshould be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 pound animal,the maximum daily dose is 250 milligrams, which equals 5.0 cc ofthe injectable (50 milligrams per milliliter). No part of a doseshould be administered during the 12 hours prior to competing. Eltenac should not be used for more than five successive days.
Whenever two permitted NSAIDs are administered, any additionalNSAIDs should not have been administered during the sevendays prior to competing.
Whenever any NSAID is administered that is not permitted to beused, it should not have been administered during the seven daysprior to competing.
Whenever any NSAID is administered to a horse or pony in amanner that might cause the plasma concentration to exceed thequantitative restrictions of the rule (in the case of those permittedto be used), or might cause more than two NSAIDs to be detect-ed at any concentrations in the animal’s blood or urine sample, ormight cause phenylbutazone and flunixin both to be detected atany concentration in the animal’s blood or urine sample, or mightcause the NSAID to be detected at any concentration in the ani-mal’s blood or urine sample (in the case of those not permitted tobe used), the trainer and owner should withdraw the horse or ponyfrom competition, and the animal should be withheld from compe-tition until the plasma concentration of any permitted NSAIDreturns to acceptable concentrations and/or until any NSAID for-bidden at any concentration is no longer present in the animal’sblood or urine sample .
1. Whenever methocarbamol is administered, the dose should beaccurately calculated according to the actual weight of the horseor pony. Each 12 hours, not more than 5.0 mg per pound of bodyweight should be administered, preferably less. For a 1000 poundanimal, the maximum dose each 12 hours is 5.0 grams, whichequals ten 500 milligram tablets or 50 cc of the injectable (100 mil-ligrams per milliliter). No dose should be administered during the12 hours immediately following the prior dose.
2. No part of a dose should be administered during the 6 hoursprior to competing. Any medicated feed must be consumed and/orremoved at least 6 hours prior to competing. Methocarbamolshould not be administered for more than five successive days.
In any instance methocarbamol has been administered to a horseor pony in a manner that might cause the plasma concentration toexceed the quantitative restriction of the rule, the trainer andowner should withdraw the horse or pony from competition, andthe animal should be withheld from competition until the plasmaconcentration returns to acceptable levels.
In the Arabian, Half-Arabian, and Anglo Arabian Division, any ana-bolic steroid is forbidden in the breeding/halter classes for threeyear olds and under. This means that no anabolic steroids shouldbe administered and/or any surgical implants should be removedsufficiently in advance of competing such that these substancesare not present in the blood or urine in the blood or urine at thetime of competition (see HOW LONG DRUGS REMAINDETECTABLE below), and they should not be used thereafter.
Horses and ponies competing under these rules and regulationsare subject to a No Foreign Substance Rule. This means that, witha few therapeutic exceptions, no drug, medication, or product is tobe administered to a horse or pony in the time before competitionsuch that it, or any ingredient or metabolite of it, might be presentin the animal, might be detectable in its blood or urine sample, ormight have any effect on its performance at the time of competi-tion (SEE HOW LONG DRUGS REMAIN DETECTABLEBELOW). The therapeutic exceptions that are permitted are anti-infectious substances and the anti-ulcer medications ranitidineand omeprazole. These anti-ulcer medications are forbidden inthe Endurance Riding Division. CAUTION AGAINST THE USE OF HERBAL/NATURAL PRODUCTS
Persons administering a so-called herbal or natural product to ahorse or pony to affect its performance, having been comforted byclaims that the plant origin of its ingredients cause it to be permit-ted by the rules as well as undetectable by drug tests, might havebeen misled.
The use of so-called herbal and natural products in a horse orpony might result in a positive drug test, i.e., a finding of a forbid-den substance, contrary to claims by those who manufactureand/or market such products for profit. The plant origin of any Ingredient does not preclude its containing a pharmacologicallypotent and readily detectable forbidden substance, e. g., cocaine,codeine, caffeine, morphine, theobromine, scopolamine, atropine,ephedrine, and marijuana all come from plants.
Although the use of some of these products may not have result-ed in positive drug tests in the past, this may change from batchto batch of the herbal product or as the Federation’s Equine DrugTesting and Research Laboratory incorporates new methods intoits battery of screening tests, a deliberate and ongoing process.
For the above reasons, USEF cautions most strongly against theuse of so-called herbal and natural products, the ingredients andproperties of which are not known. In this regard trainers shouldbe most skeptical about any claims by manufacturers or othersthat their preparation is “legal” or permissible for use at competi-tions recognized by the Federation or the FEI. Trainers should beaware that ingredients labeling for such preparations is often not
complete or accurate. Especially suspect are preparations thatare claimed to calm or relax while at the same time being said tocontain no forbidden or prohibited substances. Just some of theexamples of the hundreds and perhaps thousands of examples ofherbal/natural or plant ingredients that would cause a product tobe classified as forbidden are valerian, kava kava, passionflower,skullcap, chamomile, vervain, lemon balm, leopard’s bane, nightshade, capsaicin, comfrey, devil’s claw, hops, laurel, lavender, redpoppy, and rawuolfia.
It is the longstanding policy of USEF that it does not approve,endorse, or sanction herbal, natural, or medicinal products of anykind. Trainers, owners, and exhibitors are advised to disregard andnot rely upon any such representations, statements or testimonialsmade by the manufacturer. Any individual who becomes aware of aproduct, the label of which contains a statement that it is “USEFApproved” or “USEF Endorsed,” etc., should forward a copy of thelabel to the office of the Equine Drugs and Medications Program. HOW LONG DRUGS REMAIN DETECTABLE
The following information about drug detection serves two mainpurposes. In the context of competing under the USEF’s noForeign Substance Rule (GR 409) or under FEI Regulations (inthe United States) it provides information about how long after theadministration of a particular drug it is necessary to refrain fromcompetition in order for the horse to compete in compliance withthe rules. In the context of competing under the USEF’sTherapeutic Substance Rule (GR 410-412), it provides informa-tion about how long after the administration of a forbidden, thera-peutic substance it is necessary to file a written medications reportin order for the horse to compete in compliance with the rule. Inthe case of forbidden, non-therapeutic substances, e.g. fluphenazine and reserpine, it provides information about howlong after the administration of such a drug it is necessary torefrain from competition in order for the drug to be no longerdetectable in the blood or urine sample of the horse.
The following information is applicable for horses and ponies com-peting in the United States. It is not applicable to any animal com-peting outside the United States or under any drug testing pro-gram using a laboratory other than the USEF Equine Drug Testingand Research Laboratory.
The following information is current at the time of this writing. However, the Federation systematically refines existing drug teststo make them more sensitive, and it develops new tests. Improved testing procedures are routinely implemented at any
time without prior notice. Therefore, the time guidelines belowmight become obsolete as new and more sensitive proceduresare implemented. Reliance upon the following guidelines will notserve as a defense to a charge of violation of the rule in the eventof a positive drug test.
The following information is applicable to most horses and ponies. Nevertheless, reliance upon it does not guarantee compliancewith the rules, since the response of individual horses and poniesmay vary. Exhibitors, owners, and trainers should consult the drugmanufacturer and knowledgeable veterinarians for up-to-dateinformation and more specific advice concerning the therapeuticuse of a drug or medication for a particular horse or pony.
The following information is made available with the assumptionthat any and all drugs and medications are used only for a thera-peutic purpose, i.e., the diagnosis and/or treatment of illness orinjury, and that any dose administered is a conservative, thera-peutic dose, consistent with the manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. The following guidelines are not part of the rules.
Depending upon the drug administration scenario, e.g., the for-mulation of the drug, the dose or doses administered, the fre-quency of administration, the route or routes of administration, theweight of the horse or pony, the health condition of the animal,etc., it is possible that the following substances and their metabo-lites (byproducts) might remain detectable in the blood or urinesample of the animal for a number of days following the finaladministration of the substance, as follows:
anabolic steroids, e.g., boldenone and stanozolol, 90 days; long-acting tranquilizers and psychotropics, e.g., fluphenazineand reserpine, 90 days;shorter-acting tranquilizers and sedatives, e.g., acepromazine,detomidine, and xylazine, 7 days; procaine and procaine penicillin, 14 days;local anesthetics other than procaine, e.g., lidocaine and mepiva-caine, 7 days; methylprednisolone, 14 days; corticosteroids other than methylprednisolone, e.g., triamcinoloneand betamethasone, 7 days; Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g., phenylbutazone andflunixin, 7 days; antihistamines, e.g., cyproheptadine and pyrilamine, 7 days; respiratory drugs, e.g., albuterol, 7 days; andisoxsuprine, 21 days.
Any other drug or medication call (800) 633-2472 and ask.
GR402 requires trainers, owners, and their representatives tosubmit their horses and ponies to the collection of both blood andurine samples, at the discretion of the testing veterinarian appoint-ed by USEF. The animal is to be left in the charge of the testingpersonnel until all sample collections are completed, or until, in theexclusive discretion of the testing personnel, the animal isreleased.
In accordance with GR402, trainers are urged to accompany thetesting personnel and the animal during the time that samples arecollected, labeled, and sealed, and to serve as witness to theseprocedures. In the event he or she is unwilling or unable to do so,the trainer is urged to appoint an agent to serve as witness tothese procedures. Failure to witness these procedures, and/orfailure to appoint an agent to do so, precludes a trainer from sub-sequently challenging the identity of the horse or pony from whichsamples were collected, or the procedures employed in collecting,labeling, or sealing the samples.
GR403 requires trainers, owners, and their agents to cooperatewith the testing personnel, to take the horse or pony immediatelyto the location selected by the testing personnel for sample col-lections, to present the animal for sample collections, to cooper-ate in the prompt procurement of samples with no unnecessarydelays, and to exhibit polite attitude and actions to the testing per-sonnel at all times.
Failure to comply with all of the requirements of GR402 and 403is a potentially serious violation of the rules that can result in theissuance of charges of rule violation by the Federation. Thosefound to have violated these rules can be subject to suspensions,fines, and the revocation of winnings, at the discretion of theFederation’s Hearing Committee. THE VETERINARIAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES
When dealing with illness or injury in a horse or pony competingat a USEF recognized show or event, the veterinarian should pre-scribe or administer whatever is indicated for therapeutic purpos-es. Whenever prescribing or administering a substance forbiddenor restricted by the rules, the veterinarian should advise theexhibitor, trainer, and owner how to comply with USEF Rules. However, if the veterinarian (1) fails to give them proper advice, or(2) gives them improper advice about compliance with the rules,or (3) if the trainer, owner, or exhibitor fail to heed the properadvice of the veterinarian, then the trainer and owner may be sub-ject to appropriate penalties under Federation Rules.
No veterinarian should be party to the administration of a drug ormedication to a horse or pony for the non-therapeutic purpose ofaffecting its performance. This is unethical, and it encouragesunethical conduct among trainers, owners, and exhibitors. Suchconduct is contrary to USEF Rules, is professionally unethical,and undermines the fairness of competition at horse shows andevents. THE TRAINER’S RESPONSIBILITIES
Under USEF Rules, the trainer is held responsible and account-able for the condition of the horse or pony and for compliance withthe rules. The trainer is defined as any adult or adults who has orshares the responsibility for the care, training, custody, conditionor performance of the horse or pony. This could be one person orseveral individuals. Trainers, in the absence of substantial evi-dence to the contrary, are responsible and accountable under thepenalty provisions of these rules, whether or not they have signedan entry blank. They are also responsible for guarding each horseat, and sufficiently prior to a recognized competition, such as toprevent the administration by anyone of or its exposure to any for-bidden substance, and to know all the provisions of this rule andall other rules and regulations of the Federation and the penaltyprovisions of said rules.
For the purposes of this rule substantial evidence means affirma-tive evidence of such a clear and definite nature as to establishthat the trainer or any employee or agent of the trainer was, in fact,not responsible or accountable for the condition of the horseand/or pony.
Understanding the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Rule will help avoid inadvertent violations and will help keep your name out of the NOTICE OF PENALTY section of Equestrian magazine. All questions about the rule should be directed to the office of the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program, 3760 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43026, toll-free (800) 633-2472. CONCLUSION
One consistent theme which runs through the drug rules of all theprivate groups is the constant reevaluation of their positions andthe changes made in the rules to accommodate the best thinkingof the trainers, owners and veterinarians. As new drugs are devel-oped to treat horses therapeutically and as other drugs are dis-covered which allow the unscrupulous trainers and veterinariansto take unfair advantage by administering drugs for which thereare no effective tests, each association amends its rules to ensurethe fairest competition possible for all participants. CHAPTER 4 DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS
GR401-408. Equine Drugs and Medications Provisions Applicableto All Breeds and/or Disciplines. Determining the Equine Drugs and Medications Designation for Each Breed or Discipline.
The Board of Directors shall designate every Breed,
Discipline, and/or Group competing under Federation Rules aseither a No Foreign Substance Group or a Therapeutic SubstanceGroup, as outlined herein below. 2.
At each Annual Meeting, each Division Committee shall deter-
mine by a majority vote and shall indicate to the Board of Directorsits preference for its Breed or Discipline to be designated as (or tobe part of) either a No Foreign Substance Group or a TherapeuticSubstance Group. In any instance where more than one DivisionCommittee is responsible for a Breed and/or Discipline Group,after each committee has determined its preference by a majorityvote, unanimity between and/or among the Division Committeesof the Group shall be required to invoke a recommendation to bedesignated a No Foreign Substance Group. Absent such concur-rence, the joint recommendation of the Division Committees of theGroup shall be construed as a recommendation in favor of desig-nation as a Therapeutic Substance Group. BOD 1/16/05Effective 12/1/053.
Each Division Committee shall have responsibility to recom-
At its final meeting of the Rule Change Convention, the Board
shall take into consideration these recommendations and the writ-ten recommendations of the respective Affiliate Associations inthis regard, and it shall enact the designation for each Breed,Discipline, and/or Group. The effective dates of these designa-tions shall coincide with the effective dates of the newly publishedRule Book. 5.
These designations shall be reviewed by each Division
Committee at the subsequent Rule Change Convention. 6.
Every horse and/or pony competing at Federation competi-
tions and/or events shall be subject to either the No ForeignSubstance Provisions (GR409) or the Therapeutic SubstanceProvisions (GR410-412), depending upon its Breed’s, Discipline’s,and/or Group’s designation, and it shall be required to compete incompliance therewith, whether competing in unrated or ratedclasses and/or divisions. 7.
Any horse and/or pony that competes in more than one
Breed, Discipline, and/or Group at a competition, one of which isa No Foreign Substance Group, shall be required to be in compli-ance with the No Foreign Substance Provisions at all times whilecompeting in any and/or all classes and/or divisions at that com-petition. Testing.
Horses and/or ponies competing at a Licensed Competition
are subject to examination by a licensed veterinarian who must beappointed by the Administrator of the Equine Drugs andMedications Program. Said appointed veterinarian, with theapproval of the Administrator, may appoint a technician to performcertain duties under this Rule. The examination may include phys-ical, urine, blood tests and/or any other test or procedure at thediscretion of said veterinarian necessary to effectuate the purposes
of this rule. Said veterinarian may examine any or all horsesand/or ponies in a class or all classes in a competition or anyhorses and/or ponies entered in any class, whether in competitionor not, if on the competition grounds, or any horse and/or ponywithdrawn by any exhibitor within 24 hours prior to a class forwhich it has been entered. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/052.
Whether a horse and/or pony is in competition or not, refusal
to submit the horse and/or pony for examination or to cooperatewith the veterinarian or his agents constitutes a violation and sub-jects the responsible person to penalties under GR406. 3.
Trainers who are not able to accompany Federation drug test-
ing personnel and the horse and/or pony to the location wheresample collection is to take place, to act as witness to the collec-tion and sealing of blood and urine samples, and to sign the drugcollection documents in the appropriate places as witness, mustappoint an agent to do so. The absence of such a witness shallconstitute a waiver of any objection to the identification of thehorse and/or pony tested and the manner of collection and seal-ing of the samples. 4.
Upon the collection of a sufficient number of tubes of blood
from the horse or pony, the tubes shall be divided into two groups. One group shall be labeled and identified as Blood Sample A andthe other as Blood Sample B, and they shall be sealed according-ly. Upon the collection of a sufficient volume of urine from thehorse or pony, a portion of the sample shall be poured into a sec-ond urine sample container. One container shall be labeled andidentified as Urine Sample A and the other as Urine Sample B,and they shall be sealed accordingly. These procedures shall beperformed whether or not the trainer or his/her appointed witnessis present as provided for in Section 3 above. 5.
In the event reasonable attempts at sample collections from
the horse or pony do not provide a sufficient number of tubes ofblood or a sufficient volume of urine to be divided, labeled, andidentified as Samples A and B, as determined by the testing vet-erinarian and/or technician, the sample(s) obtained (if obtained)shall be labeled and identified as Sample(s) A only, and it shall berecorded in the records of the Equine Drugs and MedicationsProgram that the corresponding Sample(s) B does (do) not exist,in which event the obtained Sample(s) shall be subject to testing.
Cooperation with the veterinarian and/or his agent(s)
a. Taking the horse and/or pony and the veterinarian and/or his agent(s) immediately to the location selected by said vet- erinarian and/or agent(s) for testing the horse and/or pony and presenting it for testing. b. Assisting the veterinarian and/or his agent(s) in procuring the sample promptly, including but not limited to removing equipment from the horse and/or pony, leaving it quietly in the stall and avoiding any distractions to it. Schooling, lengthy cooling out, bandaging and other delays of this type shall be construed as noncooperation. c. Polite attitude and actions toward the veterinarian and/or his agent(s). GR404 Responsibility and Accountability of Trainers.
A trainer is defined as any adult or adults who has or shares
the responsibility for the care, training, custody, condition, or
performance of a horse and/or pony. Said person must sign theentry blank of any Licensed Competition whether said person bea trainer, owner, rider, agent and/or coach. Where a minorexhibitor has no trainer, then a parent, guardian or agent or rep-resentative thereof must sign the entry blank and assume respon-sibility as trainer. The name of the trainer must be designated assuch on the entry blank. It is the responsibility of trainers as well ascompetition management to see that entry blanks contain all of therequired information. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/052.
Trainers in the absence of substantial evidence to the con-
trary are responsible and accountable under the penalty provi-sions of these rules:
a. for the condition of a horse or pony at a LicensedCompetition (whether or not they have signed an entry blank),BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05b. to guard each horse and/or pony at, and sufficiently priorto, a Licensed Competition such as to prevent the administra-tion by anyone of, or its exposure to, any forbidden sub-stance, and BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05c. to know all of the provisions of this Chapter 4 (includingany advisories or interpretations published in EQUESTRIAN)and all other rules and regulations of the Federation and thepenalty provisions of said rules. For purposes of this rule, sub-stantial evidence means affirmative evidence of such a clearand definite nature as to establish that said trainer, or anyemployee or agent of the trainer, was, in fact, not responsibleor accountable for the condition of the horse and/or pony. Ifany trainer is prevented from performing his or her duties,including responsibility for the condition of the horses and/orponies in his or her care, by illness or other cause, or isabsent from any Licensed Competition where horses and/orponies under his or her care are entered and stabled, he orshe must immediately notify the competition secretary and, atthe same time, a substitute must be appointed by the trainerand such substitute must place his or her name on the entryblank forthwith. Such substitution does not relieve the regulartrainer of his/her responsibility and accountability under thisrule; however, the substitute trainer is equally responsible andaccountable for the condition of such horses and/or ponies. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05
The trainer and owner acknowledge that the trainer repre-
sents the owner regarding horses and/or ponies being trained ormanaged, entries, scratches for any reason and any act per-formed on any horse and/or pony under the care and custody ofthe trainer. 4.
In the case of a horse and/or pony competing under the
Therapeutic Substance Provisions, any trainer or other personsubject to these rules who actually administers, attempts toadminister, instructs, aids, conspires with another to administer oremploys anyone who administers or attempts to administer a for-bidden substance to a horse and/or pony which might affect theperformance of said horse and/or pony at a competition licensedby the Federation without complying with GR411 below, is subjectto the penalties provided in GR406 below. BOD 1/16/05Effective 12/1/055.
Any trainer or person subject to these rules who administers,
attempts to administer, instructs, aids, conspires with another toadminister or employs anyone who administers or attempts toadminister any substance to a horse and/or pony by injection or by
any other route of administration, whether the substance is forbid-den or permitted, in the competition ring of a competition licensedby the Federation during a scheduled class, is subject to thepenalties provided in GR406 below. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05Equine Drugs and Medications Testing in Connection with an Appeal Measurement.
Each animal submitted for an appeal measurement is subject
to the Drugs and Medications Chapter at the time of said meas-urement and/or concurrent examinations, and said animal mustbe in compliance therewith. 2.
Each animal submitted for an appeal measurement must
have drug testing samples collected at the time of said measure-ment and/or concurrent examinations. No sample is a drug testingsample unless it is collected by and/or under the direct supervisionof Federation drug testing personnel, who must be appointed bythe Administrator of the Equine Drugs and Medications Programto collect samples from the animal in question in connection withsaid measurement. 3.
Each animal submitted for an appeal measurement must
have both a urine sample and a blood sample collected at the timeof said measurement and/or concurrent examinations. Both theurine sample and the blood sample must be of sufficient volumefor drug testing purposes, as determined by the Administrator ofthe Equine Drugs and Medications Program. Said sample collec-tions shall be conducted in accordance with procedures which arethe sole prerogative of the Federation drug testing personnel. Asdeemed necessary by the Federation testing veterinarian, the ani-mal shall be administered furosemide to cause it to produce aurine sample in a timely manner. 4.
Every blood sample and/or urine sample collected in connec-
tion with an appeal measurement and all portions thereof are thesole property of the Federation. Said samples and all portionsthereof must remain in the sole custody of the Federation drugtesting personnel at all times during said measurement and/orconcurrent examinations, and subsequently they must be submit-ted to the Federation’s laboratory for testing in accordance withthe instructions of the Administrator of the Equine Drugs andMedications Program. 5.
The entire cost of sample collections and testing conducted in
connection with an appeal measurement, including the fees andexpenses of Federation drug testing personnel, shipping costs forequipment and samples, laboratory charges, etc., as determinedby the Administrator of the Equine Drugs and MedicationsProgram, must be paid in full by the appellant within 30 days of thesubmission of an invoice, regardless of the outcome of said meas-urement, and regardless of the laboratory results. A deposit incash or certified check equal to the costs of sampling and testing,as estimated by the Administrator of the Equine Drugs andMedications Program, may be required prior to the measurement. 6.
No appeal measurement is valid absent written affirmation of
the CEO or Executive Director confirming the receipt of negativedrug testing results from the Federation’s laboratory, indicating thatboth the urine and blood sample collected from the animal in ques-tion in connection with said measurement and/or concurrent exam-inations were found to contain no forbidden substance, said resultshaving been issued to the Administrator of the Equine Drugs andMedications Program. Any instance involving a finding of forbiddensubstance shall additionally result in the issuance of a charge of
violation of Chapter 4 for adjudication by the Hearing Committee inaccordance with the provisions of Chapters 6 and 7. Results, Confirmatory Analysis, and Retest.
Blood and urine samples labeled and identified as Samples A
shall be subjected to chemical analysis by the Federation DrugTesting Laboratory or by a laboratory with which Federation hascontracted for its services. Blood and urine samples labeled andidentified as Samples B shall be stored securely, unopened, at theFederation Drug Testing Laboratory, to be used in the event that aconfirmatory analysis shall be required. 2.
In the event the chemical analysis of Blood or Urine Sample A is
negative, i.e., no forbidden substance or any metabolite or ana-logue thereof is found to be present in the sample, the correspon-ding Blood or Urine Sample B shall be destroyed by the laboratory. 3.
In the event the chemical analysis of Blood or Urine Sample
A is positive, i.e., a forbidden substance or any metabolite or ana-logue thereof is found to be present in the sample, this shall beprima facie evidence that the forbidden substance was adminis-tered in some manner to said horse or pony, whether intentional-ly or unintentionally, or otherwise was caused to be present in thetissues, body fluids or excreta of the horse or pony at the compe-tition, whether intentionally or unintentionally, such that the train-er(s) deemed responsible and accountable for its condition is (are)liable under the provisions of GR404. 4.
In the event the chemical analysis of Blood or Urine Sample
A is positive, and upon the issuance of Notices of Charge to per-sons deemed responsible and accountable under the rules, a per-son charged who requests a confirmatory analysis of the corre-sponding Blood or Urine Sample B must make the request in writ-ing to Counsel of the Equine Drugs and Medications Committee,and it must be received within 15 days of the date of the Notice ofCharge. 5.
The confirmatory analysis of the corresponding Blood or Urine
Sample B shall be performed by a drug testing laboratory thatmust be mutually agreed upon by the person charged whorequests the confirmatory analysis and Counsel of the EquineDrugs and Medications Committee, which laboratory must havedemonstrated proficiency in performing the necessary confirmato-ry analysis, provided the corresponding Blood or Urine Sample Bexists and is of sufficient volume to permit a confirmatory analysis. In the event the drug testing laboratory that analyzed Sample A isthe only laboratory that has demonstrated proficiency in perform-ing the necessary confirmatory analysis, as determined byCounsel of the Equine Drugs and Medications Committee, thislaboratory shall be the only laboratory to which Counsel of theEquine Drugs and Medications Committee shall agree to performthe confirmatory analysis of the corresponding Sample B. Uponthe completion of the confirmatory analysis, the laboratory per-forming the confirmatory analysis shall forward its findings andsupporting data to all parties. 6.
In the event no agreement is reached as to a laboratory as
required in section 5 above, and the person charged who requeststhe confirmatory analysis does not revoke his/her request, theconfirmatory analysis of the corresponding Blood or Urine SampleB shall be performed by the Federation Drug Testing Laboratory,or by a laboratory with which The Federation has contracted forits services, as determined by Counsel of the Equine Drugs andMedications Committee, which laboratory shall forward its findings
and supporting data to all parties. Both the results of the analysisof Sample A (and supporting data) and the results of the confir-matory analysis of the corresponding Sample B, if any (and sup-porting data, if any), shall be admissible as evidence in any hear-ing or proceeding pertaining to this matter. 7.
In the event the corresponding Blood or Urine Sample B does
not exist, or is of insufficient volume to permit a confirmatoryanalysis, as determined by Counsel of the Equine Drugs andMedications Committee, and there exists a remaining aliquot ofBlood or Urine Sample A which is of sufficient volume to permit aretest, as determined by Counsel of the Equine Drugs andMedications Committee, a person charged who requests theretest of Blood or Urine Sample A must make the request in writ-ing to Counsel of the Equine Drugs and Medications Committee,and it must be received within 7 days of the determination that thecorresponding Blood or Urine Sample B does not exist or is ofinsufficient volume to permit a confirmatory analysis. 8.
Any requested re-test of the remaining aliquot of Blood or
Urine Sample A, provided it is of sufficient volume to permit aretest, shall be performed by the Federation Drug TestingLaboratory, or by a laboratory with which The Federation has con-tracted for its services, as determined by Counsel of the EquineDrugs and Medications Committee. 9.
The retest of the remaining aliquot of Blood or Urine Sample
A may be witnessed by a Witnessing Analyst appointed by theperson charged who requests such analysis at the same time asthe retest is requested. The Witnessing Analyst must be a quali-fied analytical chemist employed by an equine drug testing labo-ratory. If no Witnessing Analyst is appointed by the personrequesting the retest, or if the Witnessing Analyst is unavailablewithin a reasonable time, the requested retest of the remainingaliquot of Blood or Urine Sample A shall proceed without theWitnessing Analyst. 10. In the event the Witnessing Analyst appointed by the personrequesting the retest of the remaining aliquot of Blood or UrineSample A is satisfied that the positive result is correct, Counsel ofthe Equine Drugs and Medications Committee must be informedimmediately by fax with confirmation by letter. 11. In the event the Witnessing Analyst is not satisfied that theresult of the retest of the remaining aliquot of Blood or UrineSample A is correct, Counsel of the Equine Drugs andMedications Committee must be informed immediately by fax fol-lowed by a written report setting forth the basis for the WitnessingAnalyst’s opinion. Copies of the original and subsequent resultsand supporting analytical data must be submitted to theFederation Hearing Committee as part of the hearing record inthe case, for resolution by it of any and all issues regarding theoriginal analysis of Blood or Urine Sample A and the retest of theremaining aliquot of Blood or Urine Sample A. 12. By requesting the confirmatory analysis of the correspondingBlood or Urine Sample B, or the retest of the remaining aliquot ofBlood or Urine Sample A, or by requesting that the retest be wit-nessed by a Witnessing Analyst, the person charged who makessuch request(s) agrees to and must pay any and all fees, costsand expenses relating to the confirmatory analysis or the retest,whether it is performed by a mutually agreed upon laboratory, bythe Federation Drug Testing Laboratory, or by a laboratory withwhich The Federation has contracted for its services, upon thepresentation an invoice by Counsel of the Equine Drugs and
Medications Committee, and any and all fees, costs, and expens-es relating to the Witnessing Analyst. 13. In the case of a horse and/or pony competing under theTherapeutic Substance Provisions, if the chemical analysis of thesample taken from such horse and/or pony indicates the presenceof a forbidden substance or any metabolite or analogue thereofand all the requirements of GR411 have been fully complied with,the information contained in said Equine Drugs and MedicationsReport Form and any other relevant evidence will be consideredby the Federation in determining whether a rule violation wascommitted by any person(s) responsible or accountable for thecondition of the horse and/or pony under the provisions of thisrule. 14. When a positive report is received from the chemist identify-ing a forbidden substance, or any metabolite or analogue thereof,a hearing will be held in accordance with Chapter 6, except asmay otherwise be provided by GR412. No trainer, responsible oraccountable for the condition of said horse and/or pony, will besuspended, or a horse and/or pony barred from competition, untilafter an administrative penalty has been assessed or after theconclusion of a hearing and a written ruling thereon has beenmade. 15. The owner or owners of a horse and/or pony found to containa forbidden substance or any metabolite or analogue thereof maybe required to forfeit all prize money, sweepstakes, added moneyand any trophies, ribbons and “points” won at said competition bysaid horse and/or pony and the same will be redistributed accord-ingly. The owner must pay a fee of $200 to said competition. Points accumulated toward Horse of the Year Awards prior to saidcompetition may be nullified and redistributed at the discretion ofthe Hearing Committee. If, prior to or at a hearing, the Federationas the charging party, determines that one or more persons, notpreviously charged as a trainer should also be charged as a train-er, then, upon application by the Federation, the HearingCommittee may, in its discretion, continue or adjourn the hearing,in whole or in part, to permit a new or amended charge to beissued (unless the person(s) to be charged waive notice). 16. A trainer of a horse and/or pony found to contain such forbid-den substance or any metabolite or analogue thereof is subject towhatever penalty is assessed by the Hearing Committee, exceptfor administrative penalties issued by the Chairman of the EquineDrugs and Medications Committee and accepted, as provided byGR412. Said trainer may be fined and may be suspended from allparticipation in Licensed Competitions for a period of one year forthe first offense, and for a longer period for a second or lateroffense, said suspension to be served at any time at the discretionof the Hearing Committee. The horse and/or pony may be suspended for any period of timespecified by the Hearing Committee. In determining an appropri-ate penalty under these rules, the Hearing Committee may takeinto account such factors and circumstances as it may deem rel-evant, including but not limited to
a. the pharmacology of the forbidden substance, b. the credibility and good faith of the person charged or ofother witnesses, c. penalties determined in similar cases, andd. past violations of any Federation rules (or the lack thereof). e. reliance upon the professional ability or advice of a veteri-narian who is a licensed graduate of an accredited veterinary
school and who is in good standing in the state in whichhe/she primarily practices. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05
17. If the Hearing Committee determines that any violation orattempted violation of this Rule was willful and/or intentional, thereshall not be any limit to the period of a suspension, and theHearing Committee may impose other and significantly greaterpenalties than it would have in the absence of such a determination. Management Procedures.
To provide funds for research, inspection and enforcement of
rules regarding use of medications and drugs, each LicensedCompetition, except where prohibited by law, must assess theexhibitors a fee of $7 for each horse and/or pony entered in thecompetition, except the fee shall be $15 for each horse entered inan FEI sanctioned competition. Participants in the following class-es are exempted from payment: (1) leadline, (2) exhibitions, (3)games and races, (4) classes for 4-H members, and (5) Academyclasses (Academy classes are classes limited to horses used reg-ularly in a lesson program); however, these classes are notexempt from the Drugs and Medications Chapter itself. Within 10days after a competition, competition management must forwardto the Federation a sum representing the above fee times thenumber of horses and/or ponies entered in the nonexempt class-es of the competition plus the number of horses and/or poniesscratched where the fee is not refunded, such sum to be held bythe Federation in a separate fund for use to accomplish the purpose
set forth above. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/052.
It is a violation for a Licensee to assess and/or collect a drug
enforcement fee in excess of or in addition to that specified andrequired by GR407.1 of these rules, unless said assessment isapproved in writing by the Federation in advance, and then onlyunder the terms and conditions set forth. BOD 1/16/05 Effective12/1/053.
It is a violation for a Licensee to withhold from the Federation
any or all of the drug fees collected in accordance with GR407.1,for any purpose, including to defray the expenses incurred pro-viding stalls, passes, and other items to the Federation drug test-ing personnel, as required by GR407.4 and .5. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/054.
Each Licensed Competition shall, at its own cost and
expense, set aside and make available to The Federation testingpersonnel upon request suitable facilities conveniently located forthe veterinarian appointed by the Federation and his or her techniciansto collect equine blood and urine samples. Suitable facilitiesmeans one or more stalls if available, as requested, that are welllit, clean, dry, freshly bedded, and having a door or gate that canbe secured. BOD 1/16/05 Effective 12/1/055.
Each Licensed Competition, upon request, must furnish the
veterinarian appointed by The Federation and/or the Administratorof the Equine Drugs and Medications Program by mail forthwith,with the requested number of official passes and parking passesfor the veterinarians and technicians to have immediate and freeaccess to all areas at said Licensed Competition. BOD 1/16/05Effective 12/1/056.
Competition management must cooperate with and exhibit
polite attitude and actions toward the veterinarian and/or hisagents. Interpretations of the Federation Equine Drugs and Medications Chapter and its Application to Particular Substances.
Any questions regarding the interpretation of this Chapter, includ-ing the application of this Chapter to particular substances, shouldbe directed to the office of the Federation Equine Drugs andMedications Program, 3760 Ridge Mill Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 43026-9231. (800) 633-2472, (614) 771-7707, FAX (614) 771-7706. Trainers and/or owners who seek advice concerning the interpre-tation and application of this rule should not rely solely upon inter-pretations or advice by private or competition veterinarians, com-petition officials, competition personnel, or other persons, butshould also obtain verification of any such interpretations oradvice from the Federation Equine Drugs and MedicationsProgram office. Any trainer or owner who is uncertain aboutwhether this rule applies in any given situation would be welladvised to withdraw the affected horse and/or pony from competi-tion until such time as the Federation Equine Drugs andMedications Program office has been consulted. Equine Drugs and Medications, The No Foreign Substance Provisions.
No horse and/or pony competing in a Breed or Discipline des-
ignated as (or part of) a No Foreign Substance Group is to beshown in any class at a competition licensed by the Federation ifit has been administered in any manner or otherwise contained inits tissues, body fluids or excreta a prohibited substance asdefined in this Rule. For purposes of this Rule, a prohibited sub-stance shall be as defined by the pertinent Regulations andAnnexes of the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). BOD1/16/05 Effective 12/1/052.
No horse and/or pony competing in a Breed or Discipline des-
ignated as (or part of) a Therapeutic Substance Group is to beshown in any class at a competition licensed by the Federation(see also GR402.1, last sentence) if it has been administered inany manner or otherwise contains in its tissues, body fluids or exc-reta a forbidden substance except as provided in GR411. Anyhorse and/or pony that competes in more than one Breed,Discipline, and/or Group at a competition, one of which is a NoForeign Substance Group, shall be required to be in compliancewith the No Foreign Substance Provisions at all times while com-peting in any and/or all classes and/or divisions at that competi-tion. For purposes of this rule, a forbidden substance is: BOD1/16/05 Effective 12/1/05
a. Any stimulant, depressant, tranquilizer, local anesthetic,psychotropic (mood and/or behavior altering) substance, ordrug which might affect the performance of a horse and/or pony(stimulants and/or depressants are defined as substanceswhich stimulate or depress the cardiovascular, respiratory or
central nervous systems), or any metabolite and/or analogueof any such substance or drug, except as expressly permittedby this rule. b. Any corticosteroid present in the plasma of the horse/ponyother than dexamethasone (see GR410.5.b. below). c. Any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug in excess of twopresent in the plasma or urine of the horse/pony (GR411 doesnot apply); exception: salicylic acid. d. Any substance (or metabolite and/or analogue thereof)permitted by this rule in excess of the maximum limit or otherrestrictions prescribed herein. e. Any substance (or metabolite and/or analogue thereof),regardless of how harmless or innocuous it might be, whichmight interfere with the detection of any of the substancesdefined in (a), (b), (c) or (e) or quantification of substancespermitted by this rule. f.
Any anabolic steroid in the breeding/in-hand classes for
three-year-olds and under in the Arabian, Half Arabian, andAnglo Arabian Division (GR411 below does not apply).
The full use of modern therapeutic measures for the improve-
ment and protection of the health of the horse and/or pony is per-mitted unless:
a. The substance administered is a stimulant, depressant,tranquilizer, local anesthetic, drug or drug metabolite whichmight affect the performance of a horse and/or pony or mightinterfere with the detection of forbidden substances or quan-tification of permitted substances; orb. More than two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs arepresent in the plasma or urine of the horse/pony (GR411 doesnot apply); exception: salicylic acid; orc. The presence of such substance in the blood or urinesample exceeds the maximum limit or other restrictions pre-scribed herein below.
Restrictions concerning the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
a. The maximum permitted plasma concentraction ofdiclofenac is 0.005 micrograms per milliliter. b. The maximum permitted plasma concentration ofphenylbutazone is 15.0 micrograms per milliliter. c. The maximum permitted plasma concentration of flunixinis 1.0 micrograms per milliliter. d. The maximum permitted plasma concentration of ketopro-fen is 0.250 micrograms per milliliter. e. The maximum permitted plasma concentration of meclofe-namic acid is 2.5 micrograms per milliliter. f.
The maximum permitted plasma concentration of naprox-
en is 40.0 micrograms per milliliter. g. Upon the approval of eltenac by the FDA, the maximumpermitted plasma concentration of eltenac is 0.1 microgramsper milliliter.
h. Not more than two of the substances listed in (a) through(f) above are permitted to be present in the same plasma orurine sample (GR411 does not apply). i.
Phenylbutazone and flunixin are not permitted to be pres-
ent in the same plasma or urine sample (GR411 does notapply). j.
Any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug not listed in (a)
through (e) above is forbidden to be present in the plasma orurine sample (GR411 does not apply); exception: salicylicacid. k. Any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that becomesapproved for use in horses can be added to the list of thosepermitted, after the completion, review and approval of theneeded research.
Restrictions concerning other therapeutic substances are as
a. The maximum permissible plasma concentration ofmethocarbamol is 4.0 micrograms per milliliter. b. The maximum permitted plasma concentration of dexam-ethasone is 0.003 micrograms per milliliter.
Thresholds for substances of possible dietary origin are as
a. The maximum permissible urine concentration of theo-bromine is 2.0 micrograms per milliliter.
Additional restrictions concerning particular classes and/or
a. In the breeding/in-hand classes for three-year-olds andunder in the Arabian, Half Arabian, and Anglo ArabianDivision, any anabolic steroid is forbidden. (See HOW LONGDRUGS REMAIN DETECTABLE in the current Drugs andMedications Rules Pamphlet for guidelines).
Conditions For Therapeutic Administrations of Forbidden Substances.
A horse and/or pony exhibiting at a Licensed Competition pur-
suant to the Therapeutic Substance Provisions that receives anymedication which contains a forbidden substance is not eligible forcompetition unless all of the following requirements have beenmet and the facts are furnished in writing on a timely-submittedofficial Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form: BOD 1/16/05Effective 12/1/05a.
The medication must be therapeutic and necessary for the
diagnosis or treatment of an existing illness or injury. Administration of a forbidden substance for non-therapeutic oroptional purposes (such as, by way of example only, shipping,clipping, training, turning out, routine floating or cleaning of teeth,non-diagnostic nerve blocking, uncasting, mane pulling or non-emergency shoeing) is not considered to be therapeutic. Anytrainer who is uncertain about whether a particular purpose is con-sidered to be therapeutic would be well advised to consult theFederation Equine Drugs and Medications Program office.
b. The horse and/or pony must be withdrawn from competi-tion for a period of not less than 24 hours after the medicationis administered. c. The medication must be administered by a licensed vet-erinarian, or, if a veterinarian is unavailable, only by the train-er pursuant to the advice and direction of a veterinarian.
d. Identification of medication—the amount, strength andmode of administration. e. Date and time of administration. f.
Identification of horse and/or pony, its name, age, sex,
color and entry number. g. Diagnosis and reason for administration. h. Statement signed by person administering medication. i.
Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form filed with the
Steward/Technical Delegate or Designated CompetitionOffice Representative within one hour after administration orone hour after the Steward/Technical Delegate or DesignatedCompetition Office Representative returns to duty if adminis-tration is at a time other than during competition hours. j.
The Steward, Technical Delegate, or Designated
Competition Office Representative must sign and record thetime of receipt on the Equine Drugs and Medications ReportForm. k. At selection trials for World Championships, and/orOlympic and/or Pan American Games, the requirement ofsubsection (b) above, that the horse or pony must be with-drawn from competition for a period of not less than 24 hoursafter the medication is administered will not apply, providedthat:
(1) the competition is conducted pursuant to the writtenselection procedures as approved by the FederationExecutive Committee; (2) the written selection procedures specifically allow fortherapeutic administrations of medications by a USEF-appointed veterinary panel within 24 hours precedingcompetition, and the written selection procedures are inno case less stringent in this regard than the FEIVeterinary Regulations (Articles 1006.7 and 1006.8) andguidelines pursuant thereto;(3) all requirements of the written selection proceduresregarding therapeutic administrations of medications havebeen met;(4) all requirements of this Rule have been met exceptsubsection GR411.1(b); andall persons competing in the competition are eligible andcompeting for selection.
Where all the requirements of GR411 have been fully com-
plied with, the information contained in said Equine Drugs andMedications Report Form and any other relevant evidence will beconsidered by the Federation in determining whether a rule viola-tion was committed by any person(s) responsible or accountablefor the condition of the horse and/or pony under the provisions ofthis rule. NOTE: The official Equine Drugs and Medications Report Formis available from the officiating Steward/Technical Delegate and/orCompetition Secretary. All required information must be includedwhen filing a report. Failure to satisfy and follow all the require-ments of this Rule and to supply all of the information required bysuch Equine Drugs and Medications Report Form is a violation ofthe rules. The Steward/Technical Delegate must report any knownviolations of this Rule to the Federation for such further action asmay be deemed appropriate. Administrative Penalties.
The provisions for administrative penalties shall apply to anypotential or alleged violation of the Equine Drugs and MedicationsRule. The Federation shall hold in abeyance the issuance ofcharges of rule violation pending further determination by theChairman of the Equine Drugs and Medications Committee, whoshall take into consideration all pertinent information available,including the seriousness of the alleged vioilation(s), precedentsin similar Federation drug cases, and any prior rule violation(s) bythe individual(s). BOD 1/15/06 Effective 4/1/062. The Chairman of the Equine Drugs and Medications
Committee shall, upon consultation with staff, and within 60 daysof receipt of laboratory results, make a determination in his or herdiscretion whether to recommend the issuance of charges by theFederation, whether to recommend a plea agreement, whether toimpose administrative penalties, or whether to take no furtheraction in the matter, and shall communicate that decision in writ-ing to the Federation’s CEO or Executive Director. BOD 1/15/06 Effective 4/1/063.
In the event the Chairman of the Equine Drugs and
Medications Committee determines to impose administrativepenalties in accordance with GR412.2 above, in lieu of a recom-mendation to issue charges, he or she shall be authorized toimpose any or all of the penalties enumerated in Chapter 7,GR703, setting forth the terms and conditions for compliance. Thetrainer(s) and owner(s) shall after receiving written notice of theright to a hearing, after their written waiver of same, and writtenacceptance of an administrative penalty, be subject to any and alladministrative penalties imposed by the Chairman of the EquineDrugs and Medications Committee. 4.
The Federation shall give written notification to trainer(s) and
owner(s) of administrative penalties determined pursuant toGR412.3 above, the terms and conditions of which shall not besubject to negotiation. Administrative penalties accepted in accor-dance with this Rule are subject to approval by the HearingCommittee. Once accepted by all parties and by the HearingCommittee, an administrative penalty shall have the same forceand effect as would a finding of rule violation by the HearingCommittee following a hearing pursuant to Chapters 6 and 7, andshall be published in EQUESTRIAN. 5.
Any trainer(s), or owner(s), or both, who have received notice
of an administrative penalty under GR412.4 and who have notaccepted same in writing shall receive a hearing before theHearing Committee, in accordance with Chapters 6 and 7. Administrative penalties accepted in accordance with this Ruleshall be effective immediately, shall be final, and shall not be sub-ject to further review under any circumstance(s). 6.
In the event an administrative penalty is not accepted in writ-
ing, the Federation shall issue a written charge or charges pur-suant to Chapter 6, and the Hearing Committee shall conduct ahearing pursuant to Chapters 6 and 7 upon said charge(s). In theevent of a finding of a violation, the Hearing Committee shall notbe limited in choice of penalties to those that might have beenimposed in accordance with GR412.2 and .3 above, nor in anysuch instance shall the Hearing Committee be limited in any otherway in exercising all of its prerogatives as set forth in the Bylawsand Rules. Human Drug Testing
In accordance with the rules of the FEI and of the World Anti-
Doping Agency (WADA), any Federation member shall complywith in-competition, no advance notice (NAN), and other out-of-competition drug testing conducted by the FEI, WADA, US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) or by a WADA-authorized organizationor USADA-authorized organization at any time without advancednotice. Failure to cooperate with such in-competition, NAN orother out-of-competition drug testing shall be a violation ofFederation rules. 2.
In conjunction with the above-described NAN or other out-of-
competition drug testing, the Federation is required to submit thenames, current addresses, telephone numbers, training times andtraining and competition locations for individuals and teams asrequested by the FEI, WADA, or USADA to enable FEI, WADA, orUSADA to conduct NAN or other out-of-competition drug testing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, compliance with anti-doping regu-lations rests with the individual subject to testing. 3.
A finding of violation of human drug rules by USADA or WADA
shall be deemed a violation of Federation rules, and the reciprocityprovisions of GR614.2 shall be applied.
July 22, 2012 CWIS 2012 Rhizome Sale Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that the Can-West Iris Society’s annual rhizome sale is now open. The primary supplier of the Siberian varieties is the Ted and Sonja Baker's Gardens on Salt Spring Island BC. These are a mix of the tried and true including several historic varieties, as well as some newer and recent introductions from the work
Use of Neurotransmitter Precursors for Treatment of Depression by Stephen Meyers, MS AbstractInsufficient activity of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine is a centralelement of the model of depression most widely held by neurobiologists today. In thelate 1970s and 1980s, numerous studies were performed in which depressed patientswere treated with the serotonin precursors L-