
UZIN RR 186 Stabiflex
Very low emission, flexible, loose-laid underlay as an interlayer when bonding dimensionally stable textile-,PVC- and cushioned vinyl- coverings Description:
Very low emission, flexible, loose-laid, polyester-fleeceunderlay used as an interlayer when installing new,bonded, dimensionally stable textile-, PVC- and cushionedvinyl- coverings in interior locations. Separates the floorcovering from the substrate.
3 all level, absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces Product Properties / Benefits:
3 old and new wearing surfaces such as PVC, cushioned vinyl, linoleum, parquet, stone, and ceramic flooring, Flexible, stabilising sheet underlay. Lies flat on the subfloor and then serves itself as the subfloor for the new bonded 3 where the existing top covering is well bonded but covering. With inherent, stabilising rigidity for good load the surface must not be damaged and must later be distribution and dimensional stability, even with relatively high point-loading. Impermeable and water-resistant, there- 3 bonding new, dimensionally stable textile coverings fore suitable for all, normal cleaning methods.
with synthetic secondary backing with no area limita- Material: Polyester fleece latexed on both sides.
tions / for bonding new PVC and cushioned vinyl cover-ings up to a maximum surface area of 40 m2, with the appropriate dispersion adhesives onto the removable 3 medium-wear use in domestic and commercial locations 3 use over warm water underfloor heating systems, with wet cleaning methods and, with suitable floor cover- ings, for exposure to castor wheels in accordance with Technical Data:
* TTR = Thermal Transfer Resistance without covering.
Other technical information on request.
UZIN | A Brand of Uzin Utz Group | Dieselstrasse 3 | D-89079 Ulm | Tel.: + 49 (0)7 31 40 97-0 | Fax: + 49 (0)7 31 40 97-2 14 | |
Uzin Ltd. | 4/5 Cholswell Court · Shippon | Abingdon · Oxon OX13 6HX | Tel.: + 44 (0)12 35 53 41-06 | Fax: + 44 (0)12 35 53 41-07 | |
UZIN RR 186 Stabiflex
Substrate Preparation:
Important Notes:
The substrate must be level, sound, free from cracks, clean 3 Store rolls standing on end; avoid pressure-marks and free from materials which would impair adhesion. Test 3 Optimum conditions are 18 °C – 25 °C / 64 °F – 77 °F, floor the substrate in accordance with applicable standards and temperature above 15 °C / 59 °F and relative humidity below notices and report any deficiencies. Existing coverings must 75 %. Low temperatures and high humidity lengthen, whilst be completely sound and free from maintenance products high temperatures and low humidity shorten the working-, and release agents. Joints in ceramic tiles must not be setting- and drying- times of the adhesives used.
deeper than 1 mm. Thoroughly vacuum the surface, then 3 Can be used under dimensionally stable, textile floor cover- prime and apply a smoothing compound. According the ings with no area limitations; under PVC and cushioned vinyl subfloor type and occupational use, select suitable primer coverings up to a maximum of 40 m2/area.
and smoothing compound from the UZIN Product Guide.
3 Not suitable for installation of any type of tiling, for use under rubber-, linoleum-, polyolefin- and natural fibre- cover- Always allow primers and smoothing compounds to dry ings (e. g. coco-matting, sisal), under textile coverings with thoroughly. Refer to the Product Data Sheets for the prod- pattern repeats or high inherent stresses, under coverings with a tendency for shrinkage (certain needlepunch coverings,etc.) or under stiff / stubborn coverings.
3 On underfloor heating systems, in accordance with DIN 66 095, flooring should not exceed a Thermal Transfer Resistance of 0.15 m2 K/W. The TTR of the combined underlay / covering isthe total of the individual TTR values plus 0.04 m2 K/W for 1. Lay out the sheet underlay parallel with the proposed
direction of the new covering, with joints offset, andcut in. Cut in any butt-joints as necessary. Side-seams 3 When it comes to flooring renovation, the covering can be pulled away with the bonded underlay and disposed together.
can, as a rule, be left untrimmed – leave a gap of On the remaining old flooring, new installation with the easy- approx. 1 mm between the sheet widths and lay the release underlay can be carried out again.
enclosed paper-strip under the joint. Leave a gap ofseveral millimetres against any fixtures. A hooked 3 The fully bonded easy-release underlay can be protected, for later renovation, by using the Floor-Change System UZIN MultiBase® and can be retained for re-installation. For this, 2. The installation of the new covering onto the underlay
is carried out according to normal trade practices for Protection of the Workplace and the Environment:
”floor covering work”. The joints in the covering should The underlay fleece itself requires no special protective measures. Refer to the notes be parallel with, but offset by at least 50 cm from those on protection of the workplace and the environment in the Product InformationSheets for the other installation materials used.
EMICODE EC 1 – ”very low emission” – tested and classified in accordance with GEV regulations. According to current knowledge, gives off no emissions of formaldehyde, The underlay is non-absorbent. To bond relatively imper- hazardous materials or other volatile, organic compounds (VOC).
meable coverings, (e. g. textile coverings with latex orfoam backings and PVC / cushioned vinyl), those UZIN Disposal:
flooring adhesives are recommended that are suitable Cutting waste, as well as the bonded covering and renovation underlay, are Con- for non-absorbent surfaces. These are, e. g. 2-component dispersion adhesive UZIN KE 603 or Universal Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive UZIN KE 2000 S. For coverings withgood permeability, almost all UZIN textile coveringadhesives are suitable, e. g. UZIN UZ 57.
Type of covering
Open Time
The above information is based on our experience and careful investigations. The variety of associated materials and different construction and working conditions cannot be indi-vidually checked or influenced by us. The quality of your work depends, therefore, on your own professional judgement and product usage. If in doubt, conduct a small test or obtaintechnical advice. Observe the installation recommendations of the covering manufacturer. The publication of this Product Data Sheet invalidates all previous Product Information.


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