Microsoft word - 611starsandsunnotes.3.doc

 Read: S ecti on 1 -3 p ages 28- m iddle of 3 3. A lso : S ectio n 1- 4  Questions : S .R. 1- 3 pa ge 3 7 (1 -3 only) S .R. 1-4 pag e 42 (1 -4 )  V ocab: S ectio n 1- 3 ( 6 wor ds) S ection 1-4 (9 w ords )  Due Date: ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ The Stars and the Sun

  200 _ ___ ____ __ ____ ___ s tars i n Universe .   S tars differ in __ ___ _, ma ss, __ _ ___, te mp eratu re a nd b right ness.  ____ ____ ___ s tars may n ot b e th e ___ ___ ____ __.
2. How large are stars?
  Our su n is ___ __,_ ___ _ miles wi de.   1. ___ ___ ___ st ars a re 1 0 to 10 0 times wid er th an o ur su n.  2. ___ ___ ___ ____ stars are up t o 100 0x the size of our s un. 3. Size of stars
 3. ___ ___ ___ _ size sta rs ar e th e size of o ur su n.*  (sun is a la rge ___ ___ __ sta r)  4. ___ ___ ___ dwarfs s tars are a bout th e size of our ___ ___ _.  5. ___ ___ ___ ___ _ stars are j ust 10 -1 5 miles across.  S ize of a __ ___ ___ _.  6. B lack ___ ___ ___ __ - a place where a __ ___ ____ once was! 4. Star composition (make-up)
 ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ - t he inst rume nt use d to ___ ____ ___ lig ht  ____ ____ ___is t he most co mm on ____ ___ ____ fou nd insid e stars.  ____ ____ __ is th e 2n d m ost ab u ndant elem ent.  Other eleme nts inclu de: _ ___ __ ____, neo n, __ ___ ___ ___ and 5. Temperature of stars:
 S tar ___ ___ ___ in dicates s tar __ ____ ____ ___ ___ __.  ____ ___ st ars = 3, 000 ºC = __ __ ____ __  ____ ____ ___ _ = 5,0 00ºC = ___ _ ____ ____ __  ____ ____ ___ = 6,0 00ºC = _ ___ __, P rocy on  ____ ____ ___ _ = 10, 000 ºC = __ ____ ___, V e ga ____________ = 35,000ºC = __________
6. Brightness of Stars
 S tar ___ ___ ___ ___ __ d epen ds o n:  ___ ___, ___ ___ ____ __, ___ ____ ____ ___ _  ____ ____ ___ ___ _ ma gnitu de = h ow bright a sta r __ ___ ____ _ to  ____ ____ ___ ___ _ ma gnitu de = t he am ount of light a star actu ally
7. Our Star, the Sun
 ____ ____ ___ of th e S un  ____ ____ __ = t he _ ____ ___ ___ l ayer of the s un’s at mosp her e.  ____ ____ ___ ___ = t he _ ___ ___ _ layer of t he su n’s at mosp here.  ____ ____ ___ __ = th e __ ___ ___ _ __ layer of th e sun’s atmo sphe re often referred to as the sun’s _____________ 8. More sun info:
 ____ ____ _ = th e cent er of the s u n wher e __ ___ ____ ato ms ar e __________ into _________ atoms, releasing enormous energy.  S OLA R A CTIV ITIE S :  ____ ____ ___ ___ __ = a s olar st o rm th at pr oduc es twisted ___ ___ _
9. Additional solar info:
 ____ ____ ___ ___ _ = brig ht bu rst s of light fr om t he su n’s surf ace.  ____ ____ ___ ___ _ = out flow of h igh-en ergy particles i n all  ____ ____ ___ ___ = c oole r, solar storms in the low er at mos pher e.  S olar __ ____ ___ = an im agina ry vertical line th rou gh th e ce nter of  E nd of n otes. Q uest next class period. 



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