Introduction There is probably more misinformation about this subject, both in medical and nutritional circles, than almost anything I can think of. Books have been written on the subject. Pharmaceuticals have been developed, often with many serious side effects. Yet, in spite of all this effort, little is understood about this annoying and sometimes violent medical problem. Since this condition is impossible to detect by medical testing, it is often overlooked and even misdiagnosed, creating a ‘silent’ epidemic. Just how common is this condition? It has been estimated that as many as 60 percent of all women have or have had a problem with yeast infections and localized candida overgrowth at some time in their lives. Roughly 5 to 7 million women have systemic candidiasis and most of them don’t even know it. Their symptoms of fatigue, indigestion, muscle weakness, bloating, loss of sexual desire, menstrual irregularities, and mood swings, to name but a few, are accepted as ‘part of getting older’ or ‘just part of life’. Nothing could be further from the truth! And what about men? Can they develop this condition? You bet! In fact, it is often the men, who carry the candida organism, who are re-infecting their wives and girlfriends! Fortunately, we have equal success in treating males, which is often necessary in order to ensure that the women remain free of this condition. Often women have taken round after round of drugs from their doctors, trying to get some relief. After several attempts, the doctor frequently suggests psychotherapy, thinking that the symptoms must be ‘all in her head’. For tens of thousands of others, they turn to the now famous ‘candida or yeast diets’. While these eating programs may relieve the symptoms of yeast infection, they certainly do not eliminate it. We have many, many women calling us every month, saying how they have followed the ‘yeast diet’ for months or even years and ye,t when they go off the diet for even just one meal, their symptoms return in stealth. This proves that candida diets don’t work. In the past, I have had the privilege of working with some of the leading alternative hospitals in the world. During that time, we developed a method of not only controlling the candida organism, but by completely eliminating the problem! This was incredible news for the many women who suffered, sometimes for years, with ongoing or reoccurring yeast infections.
This program, as outlined in this booklet, has been tried and tested. It has brought relief to literally thousands of women in the past ten years. How long does it take? Well, that’s the good news! Unlike the so-called ‘candida’ or ‘yeast’ diets, which never actually cure the problem, this program will virtually eliminate the cause of the condition, and, if you follow the prevention steps at the end of the program, you will likely never have to deal with this condition again. Our program is about 8 weeks in length. This length of treatment is usually sufficient to take care of most problems. In cases of advanced systemic candidiasis, wherein the organism has invaded deep into soft tissue or even into the brain, a second series of treatments may be called for. So, if you suffer from localized yeast infections, candidiasis of the colon and small intestine, or if you have advanced to systemic candidiasis, with all of its potentially debilitating effects, take heart, there is hope!
What is Candida? Formerly called monilia albicans, candida albicans is a small budding fungus found naturally in the intestinal tract of all people. While this yeast is normal, is appears to be nonessential. When this yeast overgrows, it, along with other yeast-like fungi, account for the major cause of most mycotic infections. The reason why the candida organism does not proliferate within the body, is because it is kept in balance by the friendly bacteria, which also inhabit the intestinal tract. These friendly bacteria are many and are often referred to as the acidophilus bacteria. By literally using the candida yeast as food, the acidophilus bacteria maintain a healthy balance within the lower digestive tract of the human body. What Causes Candida Overgrowth? As mentioned, it is the friendly acidophilus bacteria that keep the candida in proper balance therefore, anything that damages or destroys the acidophilus in the intestines can lead to candida overgrowth. The most common cause of acidophilus destruction and candida overgrowth is the improper use of antibiotics. Every time antibiotic therapy is used, the drug is unable to distinguish between the good and bad bacteria, indiscriminately killing them all. Therefore, every time antibiotic therapy is administered, it is essential that the good bacteria be re-implanted into the intestinal tract immediately after the antibiotic therapy is finished. Since most antibiotics are given by mouth, the healthy intestinal bacteria are among the first to be destroyed. Once we have destroyed the natural enemy of the candida yeast, that organism will be allowed to explosively multiply, without control, further unbalancing the delicate synergy necessary for a healthy intestine. Other major factors in candidiasis include the use of birth control pills and steroid hormones as found in many pharmaceuticals. Both of these groups of drugs, by means not fully understood, destroy healthy acidophilus, thereby setting up the scenario for candida overgrowth. Further factors, which can affect the chemistry of the intestines, but to a lesser extent, would be a prolonged diet of over-cooked, over-processed,
lifeless foods. In the absence of the natural enzymes present in raw foods, the body must work overtime to produce these enzymes in order to digest foods and keep them from putrefying in the body. Over time, this can cause a depletion of not only enzymes but of acidophilus as well. How Do I know If I Have Candida Overgrowth? One of the first myths about this condition that needs to be dispelled is the fact that there is no medical test for candida. I suppose I should say rather, that there is a test but it is worthless. Since we all have candida yeast in our intestines, we would all test positive for the organism. The only real way to determine if you have candida overgrowth or if it has progressed to systemic candidiasis, is by an analysis of the symptoms present. These, together with the history of antibiotic use/abuse or birth control medication, can frequently establish the presence of a problem. The self-test found later in this booklet can help you determine if you may have a yeast overgrowth problem and to what extent that problem may exist. One of the first signs of an overgrowth of the candida yeast organism is gastrointestinal discomfort or disorder. Now, I realize that these problems can be caused by poor diet, lack of nutrition, etc., but if the problems are not relieved by taking a multi-enzyme product, or if they are severe in nature, it is a good sign that intestinal candida may be out of control. These symptoms may include any combination of bloating, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, feelings of fullness after eating very little, burning stool, lower intestinal gas, cramping, and an itching of the rectum. Once this overgrowth has begun to take over the chemistry of the digestive tract, it is now in an excellent position to break out of the intestines and invade other parts of the body. The first of such sites within the body are the moist mucosal tissues surrounding the external anus. One of the reasons why localized yeast infections occur more often in women than men is simple physiology. The vaginal tract, the most common site for localized yeast infections, is but a short journey from the anal opening. Yeast spores have little difficulty traveling that far. Since the vaginal area is also dark, moist and mucosal, the candida quickly sets up house and starts to grow. Because of this
physiology, the ratio of genital candida overgrowth is females, as opposed to males, is about 8 to 3. In females, the symptoms of a localized vaginal yeast infection include burning, itching, irritation and often considerable, discomfort. In males, localized yeast infections frequently manifest in what is often called ‘jock itch’. As many men can attest, this is often very difficult to eliminate, as the yeast rapidly multiplies in the moist folds of skin, which are rarely exposed to the air. These conditions can be very annoying and often uncomfortable, but they will not likely threaten your life or cause severe debilitation. This is because, even though the yeast has escaped the gastro-intestinal tract, it is still classified as a localized infection and has not yet become systemic in nature. As this condition continues uncontrolled, the candida yeast can move up the genitourinary tract and enter the blood stream. Once in the blood, the yeast can take up residence in almost any area of the body wherein moist mucous membranes provide a friendly site. This route into the internal system of the body primarily occurs in the female since their genitourinary tract is much shorter than that of the male. When males develop a yeast infection of their urinary tract it often results in considerable discomfort, even to the point of forming a coating of white yeast on the head of the penis. The most common method for males to contract systemic candidiasis is through oral sex with a female who has a vaginal yeast infection. The male can actually inhale the yeast spores into his lungs or sinuses, the two most common systemic sites found in men. Once this has occurred, even if the woman succeeds in curing her vaginal yeast infection, she frequently becomes re-infected by her male partner. Another possible route of transmission for yeast to become systemic is through a compromised intestinal lining. Those suffering from colitis, diverticulitis or leaky gut syndrome frequently develop systemic candidiasis as the yeast spores pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream. Once the candida organism sets up house in various sites within the body such as the lungs, sinuses, and even the brain, the fungus can mutate and develop into more virulent strains, making it difficult for the body to manage.
As the yeast continues to grow, it gives off toxins as a result of its metabolism. These toxins form free radicals within the body and it is the free radical proliferation that rapidly advances this condition from merely annoying to debilitating and often life threatening. As the toxins and free radicals build up in the internal system of the body, they place an ever-increasing load upon the immune system, eventually leading to immune exhaustion. As the immune system weakens, the sufferer becomes more and more susceptible to other infectious agents such as bacteria and virus. Indications of Systemic Candidiasis An early sign of systemic candidiasis is abnormal or excessive fatigue. Like many of the symptoms of candidiasis, fatigue can be caused by many imbalances within the body. But if you have had a checkup and everything seems okay, candida is a likely suspect. The fatigue produced by systemic candidiasis can start out very slowly and increase slowly over months of time, so much so that you hardly notice or remember when it occurred. If you go to your doctor, he will run a battery of tests and they will all likely come back indicating that you are healthier than even he is! As the condition progresses, you will become more and more fatigued and irritability will set in. This frustration can often lead to difficulties with other family members as your physical condition continues to worsen. The next marker or indicator for systemic yeast is a feeling of disconnection with your surroundings. Some call it ‘spaciness’. Many of the patients we see at our research centers describe this feeling as being detached or ‘out of it’. As this worsens, sufferers say that they have difficulty in remembering things and that their ability to concentrate lessens. After time, making decisions become much more difficult as well, and you just want to, sometimes, shut yourself off from the world because everything is too much to deal with. The third marker that the systemic candidiasis is spreading is the onset of what is often referred to as adult onset allergies. These are distinguished by the fact that you likely never had any allergies before. They can come on rapidly and you will find yourself unable to tolerate smells, chemicals, and some foods. Even everyday household items such as soaps, perfumes and
colognes, which you may have used for many years, will become almost intolerable. Sadly, many patients undergo treatment for allergies and see no relief. This is because the symptoms are not actually allergies in the first place, but rather the reaction to the altering of the chemistry of the internal body. The next phase of this process is what researchers call the ‘Universal Reactor Phenomenon’. The allergy-like symptoms that bothered you before have now become so severe and so widespread that it seems that everything is bothering you. Most foods now give you indigestion, gas and especially bloating. You cannot wear any cosmetic with a scent and many of your favorite clothes now give you a rash. Upon analysis, you find that you are having less and less good days and more and more bad days. The last phase of systemic candidiasis is the altering of brain chemistry to the point where mental deterioration takes place. Patients in this advanced state suffer from delusions, anxiety, depression, violent behavior and even thoughts of suicide. Toxic overload and free radical proliferation have now so infested brain tissue that the delicate chemistry of the brain can no longer be maintained. Now that you better understand the symptoms produced by candida overgrowth, your real problems can begin. Well-meaning friends, doctors and others will try and tell you how they have handled their yeast infections. They will tell you about the ‘yeast diets’, the drugs – often with serious side effects, and they will tell you that you just may ‘have to learn to live with it’. Let’s take a look at some of these myths concerning yeast infections and systemic candidiasis so that you may better understand our program for eliminating this problem, not merely controlling it. Several years ago a medical doctor by the name of Dr Crook, wrote a book based on the work of another physician, Dr. Truss. In this book, he told of the severity of candidiasis, the almost epidemic number of women and many men who were suffering from this condition, and the benefits from using anti-fungal, anti-yeast drugs, together, with a ‘yeast free’ diet. While the program was only mildly successful, it did make the health care industry aware of the extent of this potentially debilitating condition. Today we know that the drugs are only effective in very limited circumstances. We know that the so-called candida diet only helps to reduce
the severity of the symptoms but does nothing to eliminate the problem. Sadly, through these myths, many women have suffered from candidiasis for years and have never received the relief desired. The first problem is with the use of drug therapy for candida. Drugs such as Nystatin or Nyzoral, the trade name for Ketoconazole, are only effective in the intestines. Nystatin will kill off yeast overgrowth in the gut, but breaks down to nearly ineffective anywhere else in the body. Nyzoral is somewhat effective in cases of systemic candida overgrowth but the potential price to be paid through using this drug is severe. In consulting the Physician’s Desk Reference, we find that Nyzoral comes with a very strong warning as to its toxicity. Prolonged use of this classification of medications can produce irreversible liver damage and in some cases fatal chemical reactions. The next issue is that of the so-called ‘yeast diets’. We routinely have many, many women consult our Research Institute, seeking help for their ongoing yeast-related problems. Many of these patients have been following the yeast/candida diets, some of them for years. In virtually every case these patients tell of a reduction of some of their symptoms when on such diets, but should they go off the diet for even one meal, their symptoms return with a vengeance. This proves that the diets really don’t work. Remember, you don’t eat candida. It is a naturally occurring organism found in all humans. What you eat will not cause candida overgrowth and what you avoid will not take the problem away. In discussing diet it is important to mention that a diet high in sugars or refined carbohydrates can exacerbate the symptoms of candidiasis since, to some extent, the yeast can feed off of these refined sugar foods. This does not mean that a candidiasis sufferer cannot have an occasional sweat treat. They really do not need to limit their intake of these foods any more than anyone else wishing to maintain general good health. On the subject of diet and candidiasis, please remember: Eating or not Eating any Food Will Not Cause or Eliminate Candidiasis! In an attempt to find natural methods of treating this virulent condition, many women and men have tried the so-called alternative immune-stimulating products. These frequently contain such things as Pau D’Arco, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Garlic and Caprylic Acid. While these substances have proven very useful in increasing immune function, they will not
destroy the candida organism and eliminate the excessive overgrowth. We will frequently use an immune enhancement/nourishing combination in our overall treatment program, but it is essential to completely kill the candida in order to conquer this condition. As we said before, there is not medical test to determine if you have candidiasis or to what extent this condition may or may not have become systemic. Blood tests reveal the presence of antibodies, which means that your body is fighting the yeast. The best test for candidiasis is based upon the symptoms that it causes and their degree of severity. While many of the symptoms of candidiasis can also be caused by other problems, if they have been eliminated or if the number of symptoms is high, you can be reasonable assured that some form of yeast overgrowth is contributing to their cause. Determining the Presence of Candidiasis The following two tests will help you determine if yeast overgrowth is the likely cause of your problems. Further, it will help us determine whether your candidiasis is localized or has progressed to the much more harmful systemic phase. This first part lists the most probable factors that can cause candida to explode out of control. It was developed at a leading alternative hospital. For every yes answer, circle the number of points given and add up the total number of points at the end of both tests, comparing your total with the conclusions given. Test One
1. Have you taken a general antibiotic drug, even just once in the last 6
2. Have you taken, at any time in your life, antibiotics for respiratory or urinary infections for longer than 2 months, or shorter courses (two weeks) more then three or four times? 35 3. Have you taken specific antibiotics for acne for 1 month or longer?
4. Have you ever suffered from vaginitis or prostatitis or suffered from other problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25 5. Have you been pregnant once? 3 Have you been pregnant more than once? 5 6. Have you ever taken steroid medications such as prednisone or other cortisone-type drugs? 20 7. Does exposure to strong smelling substances provoke or worsen your symptoms? 6 8. Are your symptoms worse on damp, moldy, muggy days or in damp, moldy places? 20 9. Have you ever had athlete’s foot, ring worm, ‘jock itch’ or any other chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails? 20 10. Does Tobacco smoke really bother you? 10 Total of this section __________ Test Two Part One In scoring this section of the test if the symptom is occasional or mild give 3 points, if frequent or moderately severe give 6 points, and if the symptom is severe and/or disabling score 9 points. If the symptom does not apply to you at all score a 0. 1. Fatigue or lethargy 2. Feeling of being ‘drained’ 3. Poor memory 4. Feeling ‘spacey’ or ‘unreal’ 5. Depression 6. Numbness, burning or tingling 7. Muscle aches 8. Muscle weakness
9. Pain and/or swelling in joints 10. Abdominal pain 11. Constipation 12. Diarrhea 13. Alternating constipation and diarrhea 14. Bloating 15. Troublesome vaginal discharge 16. Persistent vaginal burning or itching 17. Prostatitis 18. Impotence 19. Loss of sexual desire 20. Endometriosis 21. Cramps or other menstrual irregularities 22. Premenstrual tension 23. Spots in front of eyes 24. Erratic vision
Total Score for this Section: ____________ Part Two Score these symptoms as follows; give one point if the symptom is mild or occurs occasionally, 2 points if it is frequent and 3 points if it is severe or disabling to your lifestyle. As before, score 0 if it does not apply at all.
1. Drowsiness 2. Irritability or jitteriness 3. Incoordination 4. Inability to concentrate 5. Frequent mood swings 6. Headache 7. Dizziness/loss of balance 8. Pressure above ears or tingling sensation 9. Itching 10. Skin rashes 11. Heartburn 12. Indigestion 13. Belching and intestinal gas 14. Mucus in stools 15. Hemorrhoids
16. Dry mouth 17. Rash or blisters in mouth 18. Bad breath 19. Joint swelling or arthritis 20. Nasal congestion or discharge 21. Postnasal drip 22. Nasal itching 23. Sore or dry throat 24. Cough 25. Pain or tightness in chest 26. Wheezing or shortness of breath 27. Urgency or urinary frequency 28. Burning on urination 29. Failing vision 30. Burning or tearing of eyes 31. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears 32. Ear pain or deafness
Score for this section: ____________ Add up the grand total of all three tests and compare with the results below. Scores of over 180 in women or 140 in men: Yeast-connected heath problems, likely systemic in nature are almost certainly present. Scores of over 120 in women or 90 in men: Localized candidiasis is very likely. Scores of over 60 in women or 40 in men: Yeast related problems are possibly, contributing to your overall problem Scores of less than 60 in women or 40 in men: Yeast problems are less likely to be at the cause of your symptoms. Armed with the results of this very accurate test, you can determine the degree of yeast involvement in your health concerns. With that in mind, let’s discuss how you can rid yourself of candidiasis and even systemic candidiasis once and for all.
Controlling and Eliminating Candidiasis & Systemic Candidiasis The following program, which we have been successfully using at our Institute Centers around the world, for over 10 years, not only will control the symptoms of candida overgrowth but actually destroy the candida, thereby eliminate the problem completely. The program consists of a three- phase approach beginning by safely destroying the candida organism. The second phase consists of supporting and nourishing the immune system and lastly, we will be re-implanting the healthy bacteria to ensure a sound and balanced environment in the intestinal tract once again. In observing the candida organism and in fact, all yeast and fungus, we find that they are anaerobic in nature. This means that they do not survive in the presence of concentrated oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide, the local antiseptic, can kill fungus and yeast on contact by bombarding the spores with concentrated oxygen as the hydrogen peroxide releases into oxygen and water. It stood to reason that if oxygen were that effective locally, it would do just as good a job internally as well. The problem, initially, was how to deliver the oxygen safely. The common 3% hydrogen peroxide, which you buy in drug stores, contains many potentially harmful contaminants and cannot be taken internally. Our search continued and eventually we discovered 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide – a pharmaceutical grade product that is completely pure. Early attempts to use 35 percent hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes proved to be safe but somewhat annoying for patients. Even though hydrogen peroxide has been used safely for various medical conditions back as far as the late 1800’s, the taste of hydrogen peroxide is almost unbearable, especially if you have to take it several times per day for a prolonged period of time, such as in the management of various chronic conditions. While I was working at one of the largest alternative hospitals in the world, I was privileged to help develop a buffered delivery system, which enabled us to flavor the hydrogen peroxide, making it more palatable, while still preserving the oxygen benefits. This enabled patients to take the hydrogen peroxide several times a day without developing a regurgitating reaction.
Note: you cannot mix pure hydrogen peroxide with anything except water. To do so will release the oxygen and render the product virtually ineffective. Our special oxygen liquid suspension is accomplished via a proprietary procedure, which preserves the integrity of the oxygen content. Information regarding obtaining this product may be obtained by calling our Institute. Since oxygen kills the candida organism and since oxygen can permeate every cell of the body, hydrogen peroxide is not only safe but very effective in both localized candidiasis and cases of wide spread systemic candidiasis. In fact, liquid oxygen is the only substance effective on candidiasis of the brain, since oxygen easily crosses the blood/brain barrier. Is the use of hydrogen peroxide safe? The answer is a resounding yes, if you do it right. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide, such as found in food grade 35%, MUST be diluted in order to be safely ingested. Further, oral oxygen MUST be taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before or 3 hours after a meal. To consume liquid oxygen with food in the stomach causes the oxygen to disassociate too rapidly, most of the oxygen being exhaled before it has a chance to absorb through the stomach wall. Further, the presence of natural bacteria in foods accelerates the foaming of the hydrogen peroxide, which can cause nausea and other stomach upsets. Virtually all of these problems are eliminated when you take the formula on an empty stomach. ( for a detailed account of the use of hydrogen peroxide for health purposes, we suggest our booklet “Effective Oxygen Therapy for Chronic Conditions” by K. Steven Whiting, PhD., available from our offices) In order to effectively kill the candida overgrowth, we need to bombard the body with concentrated oxygen for a period of between 4 and 6 weeks. The following consumption chart represents the protocol as we are currently using here at our Institute. Take one ounce of Liquid Oxygen Premixed, on an empty stomach, three times per day. ( an ideal time would be upon arising in the morning, before lunch and again either before your evening meal or just before bed.) After two weeks, increase the dosage of Liquid Oxygen to 2 ounces three times per day, on an empty stomach, for a total of 6 ounce of the premixed formula per day. Maintain the 6 ounce total dose for a period of 4 weeks. This ends the cleansing cycle and the killing of the candida organism.
Next it is important to re-implant the healthy acidophilus back into the intestines as follows. Obtain a bottle of high quality multi-source acidophilus capsules, preferably the highest potency you can find. Take 10 of these capsules all at once, on an empty stomach, once per day. Do this for 10 days. This will restore the natural bacterial balance to your intestinal tract. Note: If you ever have to take antibiotics again, always re-implant the healthy bacteria by the above method, beginning with the first day after the last antibiotic dose. This will prevent upsetting your intestinal flora and possibly causing another outbreak of candidiasis. The third phase of our program is to rebuild, boost and nurture your immune system. The candida organism, when present in explosive amounts, gives off free radical forming chemicals, which can cause the immune system to produce specific antibodies. Over time, this can drain the immune system to the point of exhaustion. The following combination of nutrients not only stimulates the immune system into better function but also nourishes the system, ensuring that your immunity is in a healthy state of readiness next time it’s needed. We use a combination of the following immune-enhancing factors: Colostrum Concentrate Mycelium Mushroom Extracts Echinacea Astragallus Extract Panax Ginseng Pau D’Arco Extract Vitamin C Vitamin A Zinc By following this three-phase program, we have enabled thousands and thousands of people to finally be free from the debilitating and annoying symptoms of candida overgrowth.
You must remember that you are not alone and this is not some kind of experimental program. We have been using this exact protocol on women and men just like you for over a decade and with excellent results. Ladies, if you suspect your husbands or significant others may also be contaminated with candida overgrowth, it is essential that they too, go through the program outlined in this booklet. If not, many women find themselves being re-infected again after they have been cleaned up by this program. Preventing Candida Overgrowth from Re-occurring Now that you are once again enjoying a healthier state of being and the synergistic balance of bacteria has been restored to your intestinal tract, it is important to understand what you need to do to ensure that you don’t become affected by this problem again in the future. If you need to take antibiotics again, for any reason, do so if needed, but always, always, always, re-implant the healthy bacteria back into the intestines by taking high potency acidophilus capsules for 10 days after the last day of antibiotic use. If you are female and taking birth control pills, be sure and either consume bacterial foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, or take 2 to 4 capsules of multi-source acidophilus capsules every day. If you should develop a localized vaginal yeast infection, use three ounces of our premixed oxygen liquid together with 3 ounces of warm water and douche, holding the fluid for 5 to 10 minutes, three times per week. This will likely, catch the problem before it has the chance to spread and once again become systemic in nature. Males, if you should develop ‘jock itch’, or other fungal type of skin condition. Wash the genital area with a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution, available at drug stores, before and after every intercourse. Lastly, everyone, regardless of your age or health concerns, should be taking a Full Spectrum Nutrition product, which provides the body with at least the 122 known nutrients the body needs to maintain health and internal chemical
balance. This Full Spectrum formulation should consist of at least the following nutrients: 12 amino acids 3 fatty acids 16 vitamins 70+ major and trace minerals Phytonutrients from living plants Extra Heavy-hitting antioxidants to protect against free radicals For optimal absorption and retention consider using a liquid delivery system for your Full Spectrum Product. This will enable your body to better utilize the nutrients at the cellular level. Protocol Summary Destroy Candida overgrowth with Buffered Liquid Oxygen Week One & Two: 1ounce three times per day on empty stomach Week Three – Six: 2 ounces three times per day on empty stomach Re-implant healthy bacteria Use a multi-source acidophilus product @ 10 capsules per day for ten days. Begin this the first day after the last day of liquid oxygen. Nourish & Rebuild the Immune System Use a combination of immune building and nourishing nutrients as follows Colostrum Concentrate 100 mg Beta 1, 3 D Glucan 25 mg Echinacea Purpurea Leaf 25 mg Pau D’Arco Extract 50 mg Mycelial Mushroom Biomass 200 mg Take this combination three times per day for 30 days
Conclusion Yeast infections, candida overgrowth and even systemic candidiasis, are common occurrences in our environment. Because they produce symptoms that may also be caused by many other conditions, it is important to eliminate the obvious symptomatic causes first. If you have a majority of the symptoms listed previously in this booklet and your doctor has not been able to find a cause, you might consider trying this protocol. It cannot harm you in any way, even if you don’t actually have a candida problem. It may still be of benefit as a cleansing and detoxifying program, helping to eliminate any of a wide variety of low grade virus or bacterial. There are many rewards in this industry. Working with people, educating them as to how their bodies really work, has been the love of my life now for over 28 years. One of the greatest rewards is to be able to take someone who has suffered from a chronic condition such as candidiasis or systemic candidiasis for months or even years and finally help them to be free from the debilitating side effects, which often accompany prolonged yeast infections. If you are suffering from this condition in any degree, take heart, there is hope. Thousands and thousands of women and men before you have followed this protocol and succeeded in conquering their candida problems – you certainly can too. References
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Revista Bíblica Año 41 - 1979 Págs. 75-89 [75] y EXPRESIÓN EUCARÍSTICA de la RELIGIÓN Toda la trama societaria en la que el hombre recibe pautas y modelos ya desde su nacimiento suele constituirse en un enrejado inflexible que no sólo condiciona sino hasta violenta la existencia humana. De todas las manifestaciones -que pueden considerarse como supraestructuras con respecto a un mundo de
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