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Patient registration 4
B O G D A N M A D U R O W I C Z , D . D . S . PATIENT REGISTRATION PLEASE PRINT Date ___________________________ Patient Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________________ Last Name First Name Address _________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ______ ZIP _________
❐ Home Phone Number ( ) ________________________ ❐ Cell ( ) ________________________ Fax ( ) _________________________ Please check which phone number would you like our office to use when contacting you with dental information or appointment reminder calls. Do not call before ________ AM or after ________ PM E-Mail (Appointment Reminders) _________________________________________________ Dr. License # ________________________ Sex ❐ M ❐ F Age ________ ❐ Single ❐ Married ❐ Separated ❐ Divorced Patient Employed by ___________________________________________ Occupation _______________________________________________________ Business Address ___________________________________________________________________ Business Phone ( ) ________________________ Spouse/Parent Name ________________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ________________________ Who is responsible for this account? __________________________________________________ Relationship to Patient _____________________ Whom may we thank for referring you? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ We would like to place a gift certificate on the referring patient account to thank them for sharing us with a friend or family members. Social Security Number ______________________________________________ Required for insurance billing and credit applicants only. All information acquired is kept within this office. All correspondence with personal information is shredded. Insurance claims are sent via secure lines. X-rays are sent via e-mail or postal with consent. PRIMARY DENTAL INSURANCE Employee _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________________ Employer _______________________________________________________________________________ ❐ Single Coverage ❐ Family Coverage Dental Insurance Carrier ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Claims Address _________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ______ ZIP _________ Unit/Suite # 800 Number ( ) ________________________ Group ID#________________________________ SS# or ID# _______________________________ SECONDARY DENTAL INSURANCE Employee _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ____________________________ Employer _______________________________________________________________________________ ❐ Single Coverage ❐ Family Coverage Dental Insurance Carrier ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Claims Address _________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ______ ZIP _________ Unit/Suite # 800 Number ( ) ________________________ Group ID#________________________________ SS# or ID# _______________________________
71 8 N . C o a s t H i g h w ay 1 0 1 Le u ca d i a , CA 9 2 0 2 4
P 4 4 2 . 75 3 . 718 5 | w w w . E n c i n i ta s C o s m e t i c D e n t i s t ry . n e t
DENTAL HISTORY THE THOROUGHNESS OF THIS DENTAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE IS DESIGNED FOR YOUR SAFETY. COMPLETE ANSWERS WILL ASSIST US IN TREATING YOU WITH CONSIDERATION FOR YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. Reason for today’s visit _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Former dentist _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ________________________________ Date of last dental care ______________________ Date of last dental x-rays _____________________ CHECK IF YOU HAVE/HAD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING
❐ Bad breath
❐ Dry mouth
❐ Bleeding gums
❐ Loose teeth or broken filings
❐ Clicking or popping jaw
❐ Periodontal treatment
❐ Food collecting between teeth
❐ Sores or growths in your mouth
❐ Are your teeth sensitive to Hot or Cold? (Circle one)
❐ Do any of your teeth hurt biting down?
❐ Are your teeth sensitive eating sweets? HOW OFTEN DO YOU BRUSH? ________________________________________ HOW OFTEN DO YOU FLOSS? _______________________________________ 1. ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR TEETH? ❐ Yes ❐ No 2. IF UNHAPPY, WHAT CHANGE WOULD YOU MAKE? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. HAVE YOU EVER BLEACHED YOUR TEETH? ❐ Yes ❐ No 4. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT HOW COSMETIC DENTISTRY CAN BENEFIT YOU? ❐ Yes ❐ No ASSIGNMENT AND RELEASE I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges. Payment for procedures are due at the time of service unless other arrangements have been made prior to completing procedures. I hereby authorize the doctor to release all information necessary to secure the payment of benefits. Insurance benefits will be sent directly to the subscriber. I will be responsible for understanding my insurance benefits and frequency limitations. I authorize the use of this signature on all my insurance submissions manual or electronic. I authorize the doctor to share information with dental specialists, and staff members that are involved with my dental care. All information is confidential. Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________ MINOR/CHILD CONSENT I, being the parent or guardian of ___________________________________________________________ do hereby request and authorize the dental staff to perform the necessary dental services for my child, including but not limited to x-rays, and administration of anesthetics which are deemed advisable by the doctor, whether or not I am present at the actual appointment when the treatment is rendered. Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY THE THOROUGHNESS OF THIS MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE IS DESIGNED FOR YOUR SAFETY. COMPLETE ANSWERS WILL ASSIST US IN TREATING YOU WITH CONSIDERATION FOR YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. Name of Primary Care Physician ___________________________________________________________________ Phone ( ) ________________________________ Additional Physician ________________________________________ Specialty __________________________ Phone ( ) ________________________________ 1. DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT MEDICAL PROBLEM? ❐ Yes ❐ No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ARE YOU CURRENTLY TAKING ANY MEDICATIONS? ❐ Yes ❐ No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN A BIOSPHOSPHOMATE MEDICATION? (ie. Fosomax, Actonel, Zomeda, Aredia) ❐ Yes ❐ No 4. IF FEMALE, ARE YOU PREGNANT? IF SO, HOW FAR ALONG? __________ months Please describe the use of any drugs or discuss in complete confidentiality with the doctor. The use of recreational drugs, such as cocaine, stimulants and others may have a fatal interaction with local anesthetics or other common dental medications. PLEASE INDICATE WHICH ONES
❐ Heart Medication
❐ Blood Pressure Medication
❐ Nitroglycerine
❐ Antibiotics
❐ Sedatives
❐ Tranquilizers
❐ Herbal Supplements
❐ Pain Medications
❐ Cortisone (steroids)
❐ Blood Thinners
❐ Birth Control Pills
❐ Vitamins
❐ Anti-anxiety
❐ Anti-depressant
❐ Other Medication Name of Medication _______________________________________ Dosage _________________________ Purpose _______________________________________
5. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANY MEDICINES/PRODUCTS OR HAVE YOU HAD ANY UNUSUAL REACTION TO ANY MEDICATIONS AND/OR PRODUCTS? HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD NOT TO TAKE PARTICULAR MEDICATIONS? If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
❐ Yes ❐ NoPenicillin
❐ Yes ❐ NoTylenol
❐ Yes ❐ NoNovocaine
❐ Yes ❐ NoErythromycin
❐ Yes ❐ NoIbuprofen
❐ Yes ❐ NoXylocaine
❐ Yes ❐ NoOther Antibiotics
❐ Yes ❐ NoEpinephrine
❐ Yes ❐ NoLidocaine
❐ Yes ❐ NoSulfa Drugs
❐ Yes ❐ NoCarbonate
❐ Yes ❐ NoFluoride
❐ Yes ❐ NoLatex
❐ Yes ❐ NoSilica Allergic Reaction ______________________________________________________ How long ago did you have the reaction? ______________________________ See reverse (Medical History continued) MEDICAL HISTORY CONTINUED 6. CHECK ANY OF THE FOLLOWING THAT YOU HAVE HAD OR HAVE AT THE PRESENT
❐ Mitral Valve Prolapse
❐ Liver Disease
❐ Arthritis FOR DOCTOR’S USE __________________________
❐ Artificial Joint (Prosthesis)
❐ Hemophilia
❐ Diabetes
❐ Heart Failure/Attack
❐ Thyroid Disease
❐ Blood Transfusion
❐ Prosthetic Heart Valve
❐ Kidney Disease
❐ Cold Sores
❐ Angina
❐ Head/Neck Injury
❐ Cancer/Chemotherapy
❐ High Blood Pressure
❐ Back Injury
❐ Osteoporosis
❐ HIV positive/AIDS
❐ Hepatitis (A, B or C)
❐ Yes ❐ NoPipe/Cigar/Cigarette Smoking
❐ Yes ❐ NoDo you Snore?
❐ Yes ❐ NoTongue Thrusting
❐ Yes ❐ NoSmokeless Tobacco Use
❐ Yes ❐ NoSleep Apnea
❐ Yes ❐ NoMouth Breathing
❐ Yes ❐ NoNail Biting
❐ Yes ❐ NoTreated for TMJ
❐ Yes ❐ NoSubstance Abuse
❐ Yes ❐ NoGum Chewing
❐ Yes ❐ NoAnorexia /Bulimia
❐ Yes ❐ NoHeadaches
❐ Yes ❐ NoTeeth Grinding/Clenching
❐ Yes ❐ NoCheek Biting
❐ Yes ❐ NoDo you have difficulty opening your mouth wide?
❐ Yes ❐ NoHave you had Orthodontic Treatment?
❐ Yes ❐ NoDo you wear a retainer?
❐ Yes ❐ NoDo your joints click when you chew?
❐ Yes ❐ NoHave you had Nitrous Sedation with dentistry? 8. HAVE YOU HAD A BAD DENTAL EXPERIENCE IN THE PAST? ❐ Yes ❐ No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. ARE YOU CURRENTLY BEING TREATED FOR A MEDICAL/DENTAL CONDITION? ❐ Yes ❐ No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT YOUR MEDICAL/DENTAL HISTORY WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF? ❐ Yes ❐ No If yes, please describe _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby grant authority to the dentist(s) in charge of the patient whose name appears on this health history form to administer any treatment and to administer such x-rays, anesthetics or sedative/ and to perform such operations as may be deemed necessary or advisable in the diagnosis and treatment of this patient. Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________ Relationship (if patient is a minor or physically or mentally disabled) ____________________________ Date _______________________________________ IF MINOR, Guardian Signature __________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________
This agreement is to inform you of your financial obligation to our practice. We are committed to providing you with the most comprehensive dental care using only the highest quality materials and technology available in the market today. We are also committed to providing you with up-to-date information and educational tools so that you may fully participate in maintaining optimum oral health. This financial agreement is intended to facilitate our ability to provide excellent service to you while minimizing our administrative costs.
All charges you incur are your responsibility regardless of your insurance coverage. We must emphasize that as your dental care provider, our relationship is with you, our patient, not with your insurance company. Your insurance policy is an agreement between you, your employer, and the insurance company. Our practice is not a party to that agreement.
As a courtesy to you, we will help you process all your insurance claims. In order for our practice to file your insurance claim properly you will be asked for up-to-date insurance information. All insurance benefits will be assigned to you. If any insurance benefit checks are accidentally sent to us and your account balance is zero, we will refund you the amount within the week it is received. We will process all your insurance claims and your dental benefits will be mailed directly to you.
Payments for services rendered are due at the time treatment is provided. For your convenience, our practice accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover, as well as cash and personal checks. Third party, extended payment financing is available upon request and credit approval. Other payment arrangements will be considered on a “need basis” and should be discussed with the front office prior to any services. Returned checks and unpaid balances older than 60 days will be subject to a collection fee of $50.00 as well as possible interest charges of 18% per annum. 90-day past due accounts are sent to a collection agency.
Time is a very valuable asset that we continually respect and expect the same in return. Please be informed our cancellation fee for missed and rescheduled appointments without a 48 hour notice is $50.00 per hygiene hour and 15% of the procedure fee with Dr. Madurowicz. Emergencies will be understood. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding this financial agreement. We are committed to providing you with an excellent experience in dental care.
Print Name of Patient ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Signature of Patient or Responsible Party ____________________________________________________________
71 8 N . C o a s t H i g h w ay 1 0 1 Le u ca d i a , CA 9 2 0 2 4
P 4 4 2 . 75 3 . 718 5 | w w w . E n c i n i ta s C o s m e t i c D e n t i s t ry . n e t
*PROTOCOL, DRUG REGIMEN AND CONTACT LENS WITHOUT THE FLAP WITH THE MORIA EPI-KTM *Patient Selection Guidelines Inclusion Criteria • Patients suitable for LASIK or surface ablation with intact Bowman's membrane, • and keratometries between 39 and 48 D. Exclusion Criteria • Patients who have had any previous surgery that could have damaged Bowman's membrane, including but not li