A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-α-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia
THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 8, Number 2, 2002, pp. 143–152 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
to Determine the Effectiveness of Botanically
Derived Inhibitors of 5-a-Reductase in the Treatment of
ABSTRACT Background: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is characterized by the structural miniaturization
of androgen-sensitive hair follicles in susceptible individuals and is anatomically defined withina given pattern of the scalp. Biochemically, one contributing factor of this disorder is the con-version of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) via the enzyme 5-a reductase (5AR). This metabolism is also key to the onset and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Furthermore, AGA has also been shown to be responsive to drugs and agents used to treat BPH. Of note, certain botanical compounds have previously demonstrated efficacy against BPH. Here,we report the first example of a placebo-controlled, double-blind study undertaken in order toexamine the benefit of these botanical substances in the treatment of AGA. Objectives: The goal of this study was to test botanically derived 5AR inhibitors, specifically
the liposterolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr) and b-sitosterol, in the treatment of AGA. Subjects: Included in this study were males between the ages of 23 and 64 years of age, in
good health, with mild to moderate AGA. Results: The results of this pilot study showed a highly positive response to treatment. The
blinded investigative staff assessment report showed that 60% of (6/10) study subjects dosedwith the active study formulation were rated as improved at the final visit. Conclusions: This study establishes the effectiveness of naturally occurring 5AR inhibitors
against AGA for the first time, and justifies the expansion to larger trials. INTRODUCTION
the parallel etiologies of these two disorders, itwas the central hypothesis of this pilot study
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) shares a num- to examine the putative benefit of botanicals in
nign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Certain
AGA is characterized by a receding hairline
botanical compounds, and specifically those
and/or hair loss within a specific pattern on the
under investigation herein, have previously
scalp (Shapiro et al., 2000). This condition,
demonstrated the ability to inhibit key meta-
which affects men and women, is inherited as
bolic processes associated with BPH. Based on
a polygenic disorder likely involving several
1Clinical Research and Development Network, Aurora, CO. 2French and Associates, Atlanta, GA. 3Advanced Restoration Technologies, Denver, CO. PRAGER ET AL.
genes and multiple pathways, although the pre-
prostate gland is reduced by approximately
cise mechanism(s) remain unknown. However,
20%, and the level of prostate-specific antigen
one factor that has been demonstrated to con-
(PSA) drops by approximately 50% (Mikola-
tribute to the pathogenesis of this condition in-
volves a genetically predetermined sensitivity to
Interestingly, it has also been observed that
the effects of the androgenic hormone dihy-
eunuchs (males who have been castrated prior
drotestosterone, or DHT, in certain scalp hair fol-
to the onset of puberty) do not develop BPH,
licles (Mowszowicz et al., 1993). DHT is believed
nor do they develop AGA, and moreover, af-
to shorten the growth, or anagen, phase of the
ter castration BPH has been shown to regress
hair cycle, causing miniaturization of the folli-
(Wilson et al., 1999). Because normal testicu-
cles, and producing progressively finer hairs.
lar function appears to be necessary for the de-
velopment of BPH, it is believed that the hy-
testosterone [T]) is catalyzed by the enzyme 5-
a reductase (5AR). In the prostate gland and
hormones differently than normal prostate
in susceptible scalp hair follicles, androgen re-
tissue. Progressive growth of the prostate may
sponsive cells express the genes encoding the
cause significant obstruction of the urethra
and interfere with the normal flow of urine
bound enzyme that catalyzes the irreversible
(Wilt et al., 2000b). As with AGA, the inci-
conversion of T to DHT (Itami et al., 1994).
dence of BPH increases with advancing age.
Two isozymes exist: the type 1 enzyme, en-
BPH is so common, that it is believed all men
coded by the SRD5A1 gene, localized to chro-
will develop BPH if they live long enough.
Some degree of BPH is present in 80% of all
men over 40 years old and this figure increases
chromosome 2p23 (Morissette et al., 1996). Im-
munolocalization studies have shown that the
type 1 enzyme is expressed primarily in new-
born scalp, and in skin and liver, and the type
and BPH, several lines of evidence have con-
2 isozyme protein is expressed primarily in
verged to support the view that circulating T
genital skin, liver, and the prostate (Negri-
Cesi et al., 1999). In the prostate gland, the
found effects on androgen metabolism, and
provide insight into the role of these hormones
strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of
in hair loss. Specifically, the absence of circu-
BPH. Of note, the endocrine dysfunction as-
lating T and, therefore, its metabolite DHT, in
sociated with BPH bears a striking similarity
males castrated prior to puberty has been
shown to prevent AGA in later life. These find-
BPH affects almost all men to some degree
ings demonstrate the importance of this me-
as they age, and can cause a significant dis-
tabolism in the pathogenesis of male pattern
ruption of lifestyle because of urinary outflow
obstruction and irritative symptoms. BPH is
Of equal relevance, it has been observed that
characterized clinically by large, discrete nod-
in a group of male pseudohermaphrodites with
ules formed in the periurethral region of the
prostate. These nodules may narrow the ure-
preservation of the juvenile hairline invariably
thra sufficiently to cause full or partial ob-
occurs (Imperato-McGinley et al., 1990). These
struction. Increased conversion of T to its more
examples demonstrate that whether the dis-
active metabolite, DHT, has been shown to con-
turbance in androgen metabolism results from
tribute to BPH, however, the specific etiology
either the absence of substrate (T), the active
of BPH remains unknown. Nonetheless, stud-
metabolite DHT, or dysfunction of the enzyme
ies have demonstrated that by blocking the
5AR, at least one phenotypic consequence is
conversion of T to DHT, with either pharma-
consistent and reproducible: terminal hair den-
ceuticals or natural compounds, the circulating
sity as well as juvenile hairlines remain intact
level of DHT is reduced by 80%, the size of the
In contrast, a third and critical observation
bone density, and sexual function. As noted
has been noted in bodybuilders who self-ad-
minister anabolic steroids, in that excessive lev-
miniaturized hair follicles and increased
els of circulating T and therefore DHT had the
opposite effect of the first two examples, that
scalp, and finasteride treatment inhibit the
of acceleration of hair loss in genetically sus-
isozyme, resulting in a rapid reduction in scalp
ceptible individuals because of upregulation of
the hormonal processes that result in AGA
pathways with BPH, it was previously recog-
Collectively, these lines of evidence point to
nized that the pharmaceutical agents useful
against BPH may offer some potential bene-
from dysregulation of the conversion of T to
fit in the treatment of AGA. The modification
DHT, and have led to the central hypothesis of
of Proscar™ (finasteride, 5 mg; Merck; initially
this research. Until now, the only treatments
indicated for BPH), to Propecia (finasteride, 1
available for AGA have consisted essentially of
mg, new indication, AGA) serves as a para-
the topically administered drug Rogaine™ (mi-
digm for this rationale (Kaufmann, 1999).
noxidil, 2% and 5%; Upjohn-Pharmacia, Kala-
Similar to finasteride, several botanically de-
mazoo, MI) and the orally delivered pharma-
rived substances have also demonstrated the
ceutical Propecia™ (finasteride, 1 mg; Merck,
ability to inhibit key hormonal processes as-
sociated with BPH. Importantly, these botan-
Rogaine (topically applied minoxidil, 2%–5%)
icals have not been linked with the spectrum
is the best-known drug in the category of med-
of negative side-effects, adverse reactions, or
ical AGA treatment. Minoxidil delivered via
teratogenicity associated with the pharma-
oral ingestion was initially indicated in the
ceutically derived alternatives (Klepser and
treatment of refractory hypertension. It was
noted to cause hypertrichosis (increased non-
Recently, several clinical trials have reported
sexual hair growth), however, the mechanism
the efficacy of botanical compounds in the
by which it stimulates hair growth remains un-
treatment of a number of androgen-dependent
known. Clinical trials have shown that a 2% so-
conditions, and specifically, BPH. For example,
lution applied topically to the scalp can stimu-
among 1098 BPH patients tested in one recent
study, the general safety profile of the lips-
terolic extract of Serenoa repens (LSESr, 320
mg/d), or saw palmetto berry extract, com-
pared favorably to that of finasteride, and sex-
ual side-effects were less common with the ex-
male pattern hair loss (AGA) in men only.
tract than with the drug. In particular, the use
Safety and efficacy were demonstrated in men
of this extract has not been associated with
between 18 and 41 years of age with mild to
erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disturbance,
moderate hair loss of the vertex and anterior
or altered libido (Wilt et al., 2000a). Remark-
midscalp area. Efficacy in bitemporal recession
ably, in another biochemical study, it was
has not been established (Kaplan and Olsson,
found that LSESr was a threefold more effec-
1996). Propecia is not approved for use in
tive inhibitor than finasteride (5 mg/d) at con-
women or children. Finasteride is a preferen-
tial, competitive inhibitor of the intracellular,
doses for BPH treatment. It should be noted
type 2, 5AR isoenzyme that converts T into
that finasteride as indicated for AGA is dosed
DHT, the more potent androgen. In target or-
significantly lower (1 mg/d), suggesting, a 15-
gans, finasteride treatment is thought to result
fold more potent level of inhibition at the rec-
in selective androgen deprivation, affecting
DHT without lowering circulating levels of
testosterone, thus preserving the desired an-
LSESr is the first line of BPH treatment in Eu-
drogen-mediated effects on muscle strength,
rope and elsewhere, and is believed to act by
inhibiting 5AR. Several in vitro experiments in
mild-to-moderate AGA. Exclusion criteria con-
sisted of (1) those who had been on prescrip-
found LSESr to be a strong and specific in-
tion or over-the-counter treatment for AGA or
a prostate condition within the past 30 days
Kopp, 1999). In vitro studies have also shown
prior to initiation of the trial; (2) symptomatic
that LSESr inhibits both isozymes, whereas fi-
cardiac problems, uncontrolled hypertension,
nasteride selectively inhibits only type 2 5AR
symptomatic hypotension, autoimmune disor-
(Iehle et al., 1995). Moreover, finasteride
ders; (3) those who had participated in a clini-
demonstrates a solely competitive inhibition,
cal trial within 30 days prior to enrollment; (4)
while LSESr has additionally been found to dis-
those with any known allergy to any ingredi-
play noncompetitive as well as uncompetitive
ents in the test products; and (5) those with any
inhibition of the type 1 as well as type 2 5AR
other medical condition that could interfere
with successful conclusion of the study. Sub-
As with LSESr, the primary indication for
jects enrolled in this study met guidelines es-
treatment with the plant phytosterol b-sitos-
tablished under the Hamilton/Norwood scale
terol has been in the treatment of BPH. In ad-
of hair loss. Study subjects presented with
dition to a potential role in 5AR inhibition, as
moderate to significant male pattern hair loss
a minor component of LSESr, b-sitosterol in
in the vertex area (grade II vertex through
grade VI vertex). Baseline characteristics of
bioavailability of cholesterol in the local envi-
study subjects were reasonably well matched
ronment in animal models, thereby suggesting
and fell within the desired study protocol in-
it may inhibit downstream steriod hormone
biosynthesis, specifically testosterone (Wang
proved by the Western Institutional Review
and Ng, 1999). One potential mechanism of ac-
Board, Olympia, WA, and all investigations
tion of b-sitosterol in the prostate and the hair
were performed following written informed
follicle, therefore, may involve a local reduc-
consent in accordance with these guidelines.
tion of T (substrate) in the microenvironment
All investigative staff members participating in
this study were trained to evaluate and report
In one large clinical study, a total of 519 men
the parameters described in the study protocol.
undertook a 26-week double-blind controlledstudy testing b-sitosterol against placebo in as-
sessing urinary flow as the operative criterion. Compared with placebo, b-sitosterol signifi-
cantly improved urinary symptom scores and
male subjects ages 23 to 64 with AGA were ini-
flow measures (Bracher, 1997). Based on the
tially evaluated and randomly assigned, in a
success of b-sitosterol in the treatment of BPH,
double-blind manner, to one of the following
as well as other factors, it was incorporated as
groups: either active oral softgel supplement, 1
an active component of the AGA trial study for-
softgel twice daily or matching oral placebo, 1
mulation. In recognition of the efficacy that
The composition of the softgels, a Good Man-
demonstrated in the treatment of BPH, it was
ufacturing Practices–compliant product manu-
the central hypothesis of this study to test them
factured by Softgel Technologies Inc., Los An-
geles, California, encased in an inert carob-colored soluble shell, was as follows. The activesoftgel components consisted of b-sitosterol, 50
mg, and saw palmetto extract (standardized to85%–95% liposterolic content) 200mg. Systemic
absorption of the active softgel components’
Included in this study were males between
bioavailability was enhanced by the use of
23 and 64 years of age, in good health, with
lecithin, 50 mg; inositol, 100 mg; phosphatidyl
choline, 25 mg; niacin, 15 mg; biotin, 100 mg. The
gena™ T/Gel (Los Angeles, CA) or similar
historic experience of other investigators testing
these botanicals against BPH was an important
might otherwise occur by the use of differing
factor in determination of the recommended
Written informed consent was obtained from
all study subjects prior to entry, with a copy
support the safety, efficacy, and dosage for
given to each subject. A brief medical history
these botanical agents (Schilcher, 1999); how-
was obtained including vital signs (weight,
ever, no animal research was undertaken as a
blood pressure, heart rate). Overall hair as-
part of this proof-of-concept trial. The placebo
sessment was made using a standardized scale
soft gels, encased in an inert carob colored sol-
uble shell, were composed as follows: soybean
Subjects were asked to rate their current level
of satisfaction with their hair. Subjects were
Test product and placebo were prepared by
then assigned to treatment in sequential order
Softgel Technologies Inc. to be identical in ap-
and given instructions regarding study agent.
pearance. Product was randomly assigned code
Study supplies were then dispensed and sub-
numbers. Codes were not available to involved
jects were sent home to begin the study.
personnel until after completion of the trial andfinal data review. Study participation encom-
passed a duration of approximately 4.6 months,
As with the enrollment visit, a brief medical
with a maximum duration of approximately 5.4
history was obtained including vital signs
months. There were three scheduled clinic (weight, blood pressure, heart rate). Overall
visits: baseline/randomization (approximately
hair assessment was made using a standard-
week 0), enrollment (approximately week 0),
ized seven-point scale (Table 1). Subjects were
and conclusion (approximately week 21). The
asked to evaluate any change with respect to
enrollment visit (visit 1) was also the random-
their current level of satisfaction with their hair.
ization visit. During this visit subjects were ran-domized, study medication was dispensed,
and baseline investigative staff evaluationswere made. The block size for this study was
30 with a treatment versus control ratio of 1:1.
baseline, and final visit. These were: (1) inves-
All subjects were instructed to use Neutro-
tigative staff assessed hair growth (Fig. 1) and
Self Assessment Questions 1. Since the start of the study, I can see my bald spot getting smaller. Choice of answers: strongly agree, agree,
no opinion either way, disagree, strongly disagree.
2. Because of the treatment I have received since the start of the study, the appearance of my hair is: Choice of
answers: a lot better, somewhat better, a little better, same, a little worse, somewhat worse, a lot worse.
3. Since the start of the study, how would you describe the growth of your hair? Choice of answers: greatly
increased, moderately increased, slightly increased, no change, slightly decreased, moderately decreased,greatly decreased.
4. Since the start of the study, how effective do you think the treatment has been in slowing your hair loss?
Choice of answers: very effective, somewhat effective, not very effective, not effective at all.
5. Compared to the beginning of the study, which statement best describes your satisfaction with the appearance of: (1) The hairline at the front of your head? (2) The hair on top of your head? (3) Your hair overall? Choice of answers: very satisfied, satisfied, neutral, dissatisfied, very dissatisfied.
Subject Current Satisfaction 1. What is your current level of satisfaction with your hair condition? Choice of answers: 23 very dissatisfied,
22 moderately dissatisfied, 21 slightly dissatisfied, 11 slightly satisfied, 12 moderately satisfied, 13 verysatisfied. PRAGER ET AL. Investigative Staff Assessment
Graphic representation of the results of the Investigative Staff Assessment of the study group. The upper
bar represents subjects treated with active formulation, versus the lower bar representing subjects in the placebogroup. The x-axis represents numbers of subjects (1–10). The results demonstrated that 6 of 10 subjects (60%) wererated as improved in the group taking the active formulation, compared to 1 of 9 subjects (11%) in the placebo con-trol group.
(2) patient self-assessment of treatment efficacy
tutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines. The
and satisfaction with appearance (Fig. 2).
causality of adverse events was based on afour-point scale with 1 5 great probability that
the adverse event was likely to be related to useof the study drug and 4 5 great probability that
The parameters assessed by study subjects in
the adverse event was not likely to be related
this analysis were the following questions: size
of bald spot; appearance of hair; growth of hair;
The adverse events noted during the course
rate of hair loss; and satisfaction with appear-
of this study included nausea, constipation, and
diarrhea. However, no adverse events occurringwithin this pilot study were determined as likely
to be related to the use of the active compound.
As recorded in the Study Protocol Case Re-
The data are presented in accordance with the
port Forms, the primary measure utilized by
CONSORT clinical study reporting guidelines
the investigative staff in determination of for-
as described by Moher et al. (2001).
mulation efficacy was a seven point scale start-ing with (23) denoting greatly decreased hairdensity, ranging to (13) marking greatly in-
Our primary goal in this initial pilot study
Risk of toxicity in this study was considered
was to assess if the study formulation was ef-
minimal inasmuch as the median lethal dose
ficacious in arresting scalp hair loss as well as
(LD50) for the botanicals under investigation
improving hair quality. Based on anecdotal and
was far greater than the highest dosages likely
open-label data, we anticipated being able to
show a positive trend demonstrating a re-
studies evaluating similar formulations sup-
sponse to therapy. The two measurements uti-
port this observation (Carraro et al., 1996; Ger-
ber et al., 1998; Wilt et al., 1998, 1999, 2000a).
Adverse events were recorded in the Study
1. Investigative staff assessment using a stan-
Protocol Case Report Form Manual per Insti-
2. Subject self-assessment of hair condition
The study participant’s self-assessment cri-
terion reflected a time-dependent analysis of
any change noted in the thinning areas of the
scalp. Subject assessment of the “appearance of
the bald spot” at the final visit compared tobaseline were as follows. In the treatment
group [0], 0% deteriorated versus the placebogroup where [3] 33% deteriorated (Fig. 2). DISCUSSION
As previously noted, both LSESr and b-sitos-
Graphic representation of the results of the sub-
jects’ self-assessment of the study group. The criterion
terol represent, among other indications, first-
represented here was the perceived deterioration of the
line BPH treatments in Europe and elsewhere.
bald spot. The left-hand bar represents subjects in the
This is meaningful in light of the previously
treatment group, versus the right-hand bar representingsubjects in the placebo group. The y-axis represents per-
noted etiologic similarities between BPH and
cent deterioration. The results demonstrated that 0 of 10
AGA. However, to the best of our knowledge,
subjects (0%) in the group taking active formulation re-
prior to the small trial described in this study,
ported any deterioration of the bald spot, compared to 3of 9 subjects (33%) in the placebo control group.
no controlled and blinded clinical research hadpreviously been conducted on a formula, eitheroral or topical, combining LSESr and b-sitos-
Twenty-six (26) male subjects, ages 23 to 64
were enrolled in the trial between July 1999 and
October 1999. Of these 26, 19 completed the
signed on the basis of the excellent safety and
trial. Seven dropped out prior to study com-
efficacy previously demonstrated by each com-
pletion; two of these because of a perceived ad-
ponent alone. However, the published studies
verse event (Table 3). Five of the seven patients
were performed on each substance tested sep-
who withdrew did not report an adverse event,
arately, but never together. Nonetheless, both
but dropped out for reasons unrelated to the
LSESr and b-sitosterol alone have established
research study. A total of 19 patients were eval-
uated after study completion. Duration of par-
For example, in a meta-analysis of 18 ran-
ticipation in this study ranged from 18 to 24.7
domized controlled trials comparing LSESr to fi-
nasteride, involving 2939 men, both magnitude
On the basis of the investigative staff assess-
of improvement and confidence interval, all
ment of change in the patient’s scalp hair growth
tend to favor the efficacy of LSESr with less erec-
from baseline (Fig. 1), treatment with the active
tile dysfunction that that associated with finas-
study formula demonstrated 60% (6/10) sub-jects rated as “improved” at the final visit ascompared to baseline. In contrast, only 11%
(1/9) in the placebo group were rated as “im-
proved.” These findings show a markedly pos-
itive response to treatment as denoted by theproportion of responders. Because of the small
sample size, statistical significance and/or con-
fidence intervals were not endpoint goals of this
pilot study (n 5 19) nor were they achieved;
however, future large-scale studies will be de-
signed with these definable endpoints in mind. PRAGER ET AL.
In total, there were eight perceived adverse events reported by seven subjects in the course of this study. One sub-
ject in the treatment group reported acne that was present at baseline and worsened during the course of the study. Three subjects in the treatment group reported GI symptoms, including loss of appetite, flatulence, and diarrhea. Onesubject in the placebo group reported lightheadedness with a bowel movement. One subject in the placebo group re-ported frequent urination, and one subject in the placebo group reported heightened sensations and awareness ofheartbeat.
GI, gastrointestinal; GU, genitourinary.
teride (Millon et al., 1999). Also, in a random-
temic absorption, which may result in risk of
ized, double-blind trial, BPH patients treated
feminizing birth defect to a male fetus (Wolf
with b-sitosterol showed a significant improve-
ment in lower tract urinary symptoms as com-
In contrast, these warnings and contraindica-
pared to placebo recipients (Wilt et al., 1998).
tions have never been associated with the botan-
Furthermore, a 26-week LSESr versus finas-
ically based substances tested in this study, and
teride trial involved 1098 men led to a remark-
in fact LSESr has been safely and widely used
able finding that highlights an important safety
in women for the treatment of dysmenorrhea,
aspect of these two therapies. It was found that
genital/urinary problems, and difficulty associ-
finasteride lowers the level of prostate-specific
ated with lactation (Lee et al., 2000). In recogni-
antigen (PSA) by 30% to 50%. This test is rou-
tion of the safe and potentially efficacious na-
tinely used to screen for prostate cancer and
ture of the substances under examination, this
monitor prostate cancer therapy (Gerber et al.,
small proof of principle trial was conducted
1998). This study showed that although finas-
with the goal of demonstrating a positive re-
teride does not affect the sequelae of prostate
sponse for the active formula as measured
process, because PSA values must be approxi-
In summary, Investigative Staff Assessment
mately doubled. In the same study, however,
showed that 60% (6/10) subjects were rated as
LSESr demonstrated no impact on PSA levels,
“improved” by the investigator at the final visit
suggesting the absence of this potentially dan-
compared to baseline. This compares to 11%
(1/9) in the placebo group (Fig. 1). Further-
more, the subject assessment analysis of the ap-
where negative side-effects are virtually nonex-
pearance of the bald spot at the final visit com-
istent, finasteride has been implicated with the
pared to baseline showed that in the treatment
following adverse reactions; decreased libido
group, no subjects deteriorated. In contrast, the
(1.8%), erectile dysfunction (1.3%), and ejacu-
placebo group reported three subjects as dete-
lation disorder (1.2%) (Carraro et al., 1996). Res-
riorated. Inasmuch as maintenance of hair den-
olution did occur in all men who discontinued
sity and hair quality is a goal for many patients,
therapy with finasteride because of these side-
this finding is in itself noteworthy. Based on
effects. Finally, finasteride treatment is con-
the small number of subjects (n 5 19) our data
traindicated in females as a result of its terato-
justify the design of a larger scale study of these
genic potential. In fact, even the handling of
crushed finasteride tablets by pregnant females
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E-mail: dr.marcovici@hairgenesis.com
hours after last dose of iodine in eight normal subjects with normal body weight who achieved whole body io- Evidence that the dine sufficiency had a mean ± SD of 1.1±0.18 mg/L.3,7 We have arbitrarily defined as a normally functioning Administration of Vitamin C iodine retention mechanism, baseline serum inorganic iodide levels between 0.65 and 1.3 mg/L 24 hours after Improves a