A European perspective on intravascular catheter-related infections: reporton the microbiology workload, aetiology and antimicrobial susceptibility(ESGNI-005 Study)E. Bouza1, R. San Juan1, P. Mun˜oz1, J. Pascau2, A. Voss3 and M. Desco2 on behalf of the CooperativeGroup of the European Study Group on Nosocomial Infections (ESGNI)
1Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and 2Experimental Medicine, Hospital GeneralGregorio Maran˜o´n, Madrid, Spain and 3Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Nijmegen,Nijmegen, The Netherlands
The laboratory workload, microbiological techniques and aetiology of catheter-related infections inEuropean hospitals are mostly unknown. The present study (ESGNI-005) comprised a 1-day (22 October2001), laboratory-based, point-prevalence survey based on a questionnaire completed by microbiologylaboratories in European (European Union (EU) and non-EU) hospitals. Also included were questionsrequesting retrospective information for the year 2000. In total, 151 hospitals from 26 European countriesparticipated, of which 78.1% were teaching institutions. Overall, the estimated population served bythese institutions was 121 363 800, and the estimated number of admissions during 2000 was 6 712 050. The total number of catheter tips processed during 2000 was 142 727, or 21 ⁄ 1000 admissions, of which23.7% were considered to be positive in the institutions using semiquantitative or quantitativetechniques. Overall, EU centres received significantly more catheter tip samples ⁄ 1000 admissions andhad a significantly higher rate of ‘positivity’ (p < 0.0001) than non-EU centres. Of the institutionssurveyed, 11.4% (7.2% in EU countries and 23.7% in non-EU countries; p 0.04) used only qualitativetechniques for catheter tip sample processing. On the day of the study, 167 microorganisms wererecovered from significant catheter tip cultures (122 patients), of which Gram-positive bacteriarepresented 70.7%, Gram-negative bacteria 22.2%, and yeasts 7.2%. The five most common microor-ganisms were coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp., Enterococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Overall, 19% of catheter tip cultures were polymicrobial. In the case of S. aureus,40% of isolates were resistant to oxacillin, as were 63.4% of coagulase-negative staphylococcus isolates. Of 37 Gram-negative isolates, 35% were resistant to cefotaxime, 31% to ceftazidime, and 27% tociprofloxacin. Imipenem and cefepime had the lowest reported rates of resistance (11%).
Catheter tip, epidemiology, intravascular catheter-related infections, laboratory workload, microbio-
Original Submission: 1 October 2003; Revised Submission: 18 December 2003; Accepted: 16 January 2004
Clin Microbiol Infect 2004; 10: 838–842
Culture of catheter tips with semiquantitative or
quantitative methods is currently the standard
Intravenous catheter-related infections (IV-CRIs)
microbiological test for the diagnosis of catheter
are common nosocomial infections, which are
colonisation and is an essential part of the
currently responsible for > 60% of nosocomial
diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream infec-
bacteraemic episodes in European hospitals [1].
tions [2]. The techniques used to diagnose cath-eter
laboratories have not been clearly defined and
Corresponding author and reprint requests: E. Bouza, Servicio
the corresponding workload is not known.
de Microbiologı´a Clı´nica y Enfermedades Infecciosas-VIH,
The aim of this study by the ESCMID Study
Hospital General Universitario ‘Gregorio Maran˜o´n’, Dr Esqu-
Group on Nosocomial Infections (ESGNI) was to
erdo 46, 28007 Madrid, SpainE-mail: ebouza@microb.net
obtain general information on the microbiology
Ó 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
workload and techniques used for IV-CRI diag-
variables, the Mann–Whitney U-test to compare continuous
nosis in Europe, as well as the aetiology and
variables not normally distributed, and the chi-square orFisher exact test to compare proportions. All statistical tests
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of pathogens
(IV-CC). The clinical aspects of intravascularcatheter-related bloodstream infection will be
In total, 151 hospitals from 26 countries partici-pated in the study (Table 1), comprising 111
hospitals from 12 European Union (EU) countriesand 40 hospitals from 14 non-EU countries.
The present study (ESGNI-005) was a 1-day (22 October 2001),laboratory-based, point-prevalence study based on a question-naire sent to the microbiology laboratories of every European
hospital with one or more ESGNI members (c. 400 invitationsto participate). The questionnaire also included a request for
Of the 151 participating institutions, 78.1% and
information on the results for the year 2000 in the participating
21.9%, respectively, were teaching and non-teach-
ing institutions. Hospital sizes varied from < 500
The questionnaire requested information on the population
served by the hospital, total number of beds, total number of
beds (34%), to 500–1000 beds (40.4%) and > 1000
admissions, total number of catheter tips sent to microbiology
beds (25.2%). Overall, the estimated population
laboratories, and whether a qualitative, semiquantitative or
served by these institutions was 121 363 800, and
quantitative technique was used for processing. Also reques-
the number of estimated admissions during 2000
ted was information on the total number of sterile samples andtotal number of significant positive samples (‡ 15 CFU ⁄ mL of
any semiquantitative culture, or any quantitative culture
Results regarding the microbiology workload
yielding ‡ 103 CFU) processed during the year 2000. Further-
in 2000 are shown in Table 2. The total number of
more, information on the use of indirect methods of assessing
catheter tips processed during 2000 was 142 727,
catheter tip colonisation was requested (e.g., comparativequantitative blood cultures, skin and hub semiquantitative
or 21 ⁄ 1000 admissions, of which 23.7% were
cultures, differential time to growth between blood cultures
considered to be positive in the institutions using
taken from peripheral veins and catheters).
For each episode of IV-CC on the day of study, information
was requested regarding the microorganisms present and theirantibiotic susceptibility profile, regardless of the laboratory
Table 1. Distribution of participating hospitals (n = 151)
method used for detection. The list of antimicrobial agents
studied included: penicillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, amoxycil-
lin–clavulanate, oxacillin, cefazolin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime,ceftazidime, cefepime, imipenem, aztreonam, co-trimoxazole,
ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, gentamicin, tobramycin, amika-
cin, streptomycin, rifampicin, erythromycin, clindamycin,
vancomycin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol.
IV-CC was defined as any semiquantitative culture yielding
‡ 15 CFU, or any quantitative culture yielding ‡ 103 CFU of
bacteria or fungi. Any colony counts below these levels were
considered to be negative. Data from institutions usingqualitative techniques for catheter tip processing were notincluded in the study.
Table 2. Microbiology workload associated with cathetertip samples in the year 2000
Discrete variables were expressed as percentages, and con-
tinuous variables as the mean and standard deviation when
normally distributed, or as the median and interquartile rangeif their distribution was not normal. For discrete variables with
missing values, percentages were calculated from the total of
valid cases whenever missing values did not exceed 20% (in
these instances, the variable was excluded from the analysis).
Student’s unpaired t-test was used to compare continuous
Ó 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 838–842
840 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 9, September 2004
Overall, EU centres received significantly more
Table 4. Data for catheter tip samples obtained on the
had a significantly higher rate of ‘positivity’
(p < 0.0001) than non-EU centres.
Diagnostic techniques used in differentinstitutions
sive care units (41%), surgical services (25.4%)
Of all the institutions surveyed, 11.4% (7.2% in
and general medical services (23.8%).
EU countries and 23.7% in non-EU countries;
The number of microorganisms isolated on the
p 0.04) used only qualitative techniques to process
day of the study from significant catheter tip
catheter tip samples. Most (63.8%) institutions
cultures was 168 (Table 5). Overall, 19% of
processed these samples using semiquantitative
cultures were polymicrobial. Gram-positive bac-
teria comprised 70.7% of all isolates, and Gram-
between EU and non-EU countries. Quantitative
negative bacteria 22.2%. Yeasts were isolated
techniques were used in 24.8% of microbiology
from 7.2% of catheter tip samples. The five
laboratories (27.9% in EU countries vs. 15.8% in
organisms isolated most commonly were, in
non-EU countries; p 0.07) (Table 3). In 68.5% of
decreasing order: coagulase-negative staphylo-
the participating institutions, an indirect method
cocci, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp., Entero-
of assessing catheter colonisation, e.g., comparat-
coccus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. The organisms
ive quantitative blood culture, infusate culture,
isolated were similar in both groups of hospitals
internal brushing, and skin or hub culture, was
(EU and non-EU), with the single exception of
used. These methods were used most frequently
S. aureus, which was isolated more frequently in
in EU countries (75.7% vs. 47.4%; p 0.02).
non-EU countries (34.3% vs. 6.1%; p < 0.0001). While Candida was the second most frequentlyisolated microorganism in catheter tips in EU
countries (9.1%), laboratories from non-EU coun-
Data regarding microbiology workload obtained
tries did not report any Candida isolates; however,
on the day of the study differed only slightly from
this difference did not reach statistical signifi-
the questionnaire data relating to the year 2000.
On the day of the study, 676 catheter tip sampleswere cultured in 151 institutions. Assuming a
Resistance patterns of the most frequent isolates
similar number of admissions in the year 2001, theestimated number of catheter tip samples during
Table 6 lists the antibiotic resistance data for
the day-prevalence study was 36.8 ⁄ 1000 admis-
organisms isolated from catheter tips in the
sions. According to the criteria of each individual
different centres. The sensitivity assays were not
laboratory, 168 (25%) samples were reported as
performed in a central laboratory, and local
susceptibility testing results were taken at face
It was possible to collect information for 122
value. In the case of S. aureus, 40% of isolates were
positive catheter tip samples, of which 94 were
resistant to oxacillin, as were 63.4% of coagulase-
from EU countries and 28 from non-EU countries.
negative staphylococcus isolates. Of the 118
These samples were taken from patients in inten-
Gram-positive isolates from catheter tips in Eur-ope, 51.5% were oxacillin-resistant, but vancomy-cin was reported to be active against all but two
Table 3. Techniques used for the diagnosis of catheter tipinfection
single isolates (coagulase-negative staphylococcusand E. faecalis). Of the 37 Gram-negative organ-
isms isolated, only 65% were susceptible to
cefotaxime, and only 69% to ceftazidime. Ciprofl-
oxacin resistance was reported for 27% of these
Semiquantitative or quantitative techniques
isolates, with imipenem and cefepime having the
Ó 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 838–842
CONS, coagulase-negative staphylococci. aSpeciation of Candida isolates was not requested in the questionnaire. bp < 0.0001.
Table 6. Overall resistance rates in organisms isolated
were in non-EU countries. Fortunately, most
laboratories use the recommended techniques,
and in > 23% of EU microbiology laboratories, the
most recent quantitative methods have replaced
Maki’s semiquantitative catheter tip culture.
In parallel, more conservative diagnostic tests,
which do not depend on catheter withdrawal,
have been developed. These include comparative
quantitative blood cultures taken from a catheter
CONS, coagulase-negative staphylococci; NT, not tested.
and peripheral veins [6], skin and hub cultures[7], and differential time of growth between blood
comprised three Acinetobacter isolates and one
obtained from a catheter and that obtained from
peripheral veins [8]. The wide use of thesetechniques reported in the present study (nearly70%) seems to be proof of the acceptance in
European institutions of conservative diagnostic
Most literature on clinical microbiology, infec-
techniques for IV-CRI. Nevertheless, it should not
tious diseases and laboratory medicine gives no
be inferred that these institutions are using such
insight into the workload generated by catheter
techniques exclusively on a day-to-day basis.
tip sampling in microbiology laboratories. The
The aetiology of IV-CRI in Europe, as shown in
present data, obtained from 151 hospitals in
the present study, is associated mostly with
Europe, show that 21 catheter tip cultures were
Gram-positive microorganisms (coagulase-negat-
processed ⁄ 1000 admissions in 2000, with a signi-
ive staphylococci and S. aureus), as reported in
ficant difference between the workloads in EU
other European studies [9, 10]. Candida spp. is the
and non-EU hospitals. EU hospitals processed
third most common pathogen isolated in cases of
more samples each year, with a higher rate of
IV-CRI, reflecting the reported rising trend of this
positivity, which could partly reflect more inva-
microorganism as a major nosocomial pathogen
sive procedures in EU countries, with a parallel
in developed countries [11–13]. The significance
higher use of central intravenous lines. It should
of the higher incidence of S. aureus in non-EU
be noted that new guidelines discourage routine
countries cannot be explained clearly, although
culturing of all removed catheters, and only
it may be associated with differences in the
recommend culturing catheters from patients
procedures employed in the insertion of intravas-
when bloodstream infection is suspected.
cular catheters and in operating theatres, as well
Although qualitative culture has no role in the
diagnosis of IV-CC [3–5], and should be clearly
The resistance patterns of the IV-CRI isolates
discouraged, it was the only method used in
reported in this study should be considered with
> 11% of European laboratories, most of which
caution for several reasons: the study was not
Ó 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 838–842
842 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, Volume 10 Number 9, September 2004
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Ó 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, CMI, 10, 838–842
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