
What's in season
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Eggs from Fickle Creek Farms in Efland, the ones used at The Refectory, are never more than a week old when they are sold, said Noah Ranells, farm partner with Ben Bergmann. More Lifestyles
Although the farm is not certified organic, the farmers follow organic practices. The chickens are free-range, roosting at night in a portable "egg mobile" with a mesh floor, which is moved 'Ghost Rider' scares box-office competition to a different part of the Fickle Creek pasture every week. The chickens are given a feed that Spiritual leader preaches humility among contains no animal byproducts, but also forage and scratch for up to 30 percent of their nutritional needs. Most Popular Stories
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Look for eggs with clean, uncracked shells. Two dead in I-85 crash
Fickle Creek sells its eggs at the Durham and Hillsborough farmers markets for $3 for a regular dozen and $3.50 for a jumbo dozen. Fickle Creek eggs are sometimes available at Ad Links Buy a link »
Weaver Street Market in Carrboro for $3.49 for a regular dozen. Hoodia Diet: Seen on 60 Minutes
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Eggs are wonderful by themselves or used in various dishes. They are used as a leavener in cakes, breads and souffles, a base for mayonnaise, a thickener in sauces and custards and a coating for breaded or battered foods. The Refectory is open to anyone, not just Duke students. Summer hours started this week: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be published, broadcast
or redistributed in any manner.

Copyright 2007, The News & Observer Publishing Company

Source: http://home.mebtel.net/~ficklecreek/2006MAY3newsandobserver.pdf


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