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תיגולויב הירטאיכיספל ילארשיה דוגיאה לש 1 - ירדח תקולחו המשרה , ינפ תלבק 12:30-14:00 Workshop:
Workshop: The resting brain
New Vistas in Schizophrenia
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry
1. Treating schizophrenia: past, present & future
1. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry: Evolution, principles,
1. NOISE are US: ongoing activity and the 'State of
2. Multifunctional Pharmacotherapy in
Schizophrenia: What Can We Learn from Study of
2. Challenges of neuropsychological assessment in the
2. Spontaneous brain activity and human
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Augmentation
psychiatric context
consciousness: current models, EEG-fMRI findings
of Antipsychotics?
Ben-Simon E., Gruberger M., Zangen A., Levkovitz Y. 3. Cognitive impairment as endophenotype:
3. Novel Augmentation Strategies in Schizophrenia
The case of OCD
3. Rest and Unrest in the Human brain: What is the
brain doing when we "Rest"? Salomon R.
4. Remission in Schizophrenia - So close and yet so far
4. Early visual perception, social perception, and
4. I think, therefore I am: alterations in self-awareness
negative symptoms in schizophrenia:
induced by deep transcranial magnetic stimulation of
Pathways to functional outcome
the prefrontal cortex
5. The desire to know, the need to doubt:
Metacognition as a potential bridge between thought
and action in schizophrenia
Koren D.
יבולב תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 15:30-16:00 Workshop: Neurostimulation and
Workshops: Psychiatric Genetics
Workshop: Neuroimaging in
Psychopathology and in the Healthy Brain
1. Neurostimulation and Neuromodulation in
1. Neuroimaging in BD: effect of genetic risk and
From linkage to association to function: Seeking
and finding genes for major psychiatric disorders
disease expression
2. “That obscure object of feeling”: Brain study of
Copy Number Variation--The New Revolution in
2. Transcranial direct current stimulation as a new
Psychiatric Genetics
intentionality in emotion using music and film
tool for brain neuromodulation
Ganor O., Eldar E., Bleich A., Hendler T. 3. Dissecting the central stress response using site-
3. Brain imaging in drug addiction and psychiatric
specific genetic manipulation in adult mice
disorders- the dopamine connection
3. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for
Major Depression: Past, Present and Future
4. The role of autobiographical memory in the
judgment of others – An fMRI study
Perry D., Hendler T. and Shamay-Tsoory S.G. יבולב תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 1 Plenary keynote speaker: Prof. Paul Lombroso, MD, Yale University School of Medicine
Translational Neuroscience: Finding a Cure for Alzheimer's Disease
ומא תחפשמו ויבא תחפשמ יב , י , להנ יבו ילשורי יב ייחה לע Basic research in psychiatry:
The neuroscience of social behavior
Stress , learning and memory
Anxiety disorders – from animal
Residence's competition A
models to clinical trials
Sponsored by: Dexcel Pharma (Dexxon)
Referees: A. Apter, R.H. Belmaker,
1. Gender differences in social perception
1. Molecular basis for cocaine-induced
1. Association between ADHD and OCD
A. Greenshpon, L. Grunhaus, Y. Kohn,
following intranasal administration of
synaptic plasticity in the reward system
among former heroin addicts currently
M. Kotler, I. Kremer, Y. Levkovitz,
in methadone Maintenance Treatment
C. Munitz, A. Shalev, P. Toren, A. Weizmann, Fischer-Shofty M., Levkovitz Y., Harari H.
(MMT) Peles E., Sutzman A., Schreiber S.
R. Weizmann, Z. Zemishlani, J. Zohar
2. Psychopharmacology and traumatic
Introduction: Guidelines of the competition
2. Dissociation of cognitive and affective
memories – in an animal model of PTSD
2. Estradiol attenuates `compulsive`
Gothelf D.
empathic abilities in Borderline
lever-pressing of ovariectomized rats in
Personality Disorder
an animal model of obsessive-compulsive
1. Psychiatric disorders and intellectual
Gvitz H., Harari H., Shamay-Tsoory S.G., disorder (OCD)
functioning throughout development in
3. Learning & memory process as a key
velocardiofacial (22q11.2 Deletion)
player in ''incubation'' of PTSD and
Syndrome Green T. - Beer Yaakov-Nes Ziona 3. The involvement of CRF receptor type drug addiction
3. Anxiolytic Effect of a Novel
2 in mediating social behavior
Adaptogenic Treatment
2. Efficacy and safety of augmenting
L-Theanine in the treatment of
4. Amygdala and stress modulation of
schizophrenia patients: A randomized,
4. The Gene Coding for the Brain
memory-related processes within the
double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot
Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)
hippocampus: implications for PTSD
4. The enhancing effect of stress on
study Mar M. - Shaar Menashe
Has a Sex Specific Effect on Empathy
frustration learning is modulated by
cannabinoids and glucocorticoids in the
3. Occurrence of metabolic syndrome
5. Sleep in Schizophrenic and PTSD
and glucose intolerance in schizophrenic
patients: Discrepancy between self-
patients receiving second generation anti-
5. Resilience to social stress coincides
reported versus recorded sleep
psychotics Schusheim G. - Haemek
with functional DNA methylation of the
Reshef A., Bloch B., Vadas L., Hazan L., 5. The long-term upregulation of
hippocampal Nuclear Factor-kappa-B
4. Amygdala volumes in childhood
complex characterizing PTSD-like
absence epilepsy
behavioral stress-response is normalized
6. Anxiety at age 25-34 increases risk for
6. Urocortins are required for stress
by high dose corticosterone
later ischemic heart disease: Return of
recovery: Evidence from a triple
Cohen H, Kozlovsky N., Matar M.A, Zohar J 5. Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in
the type A personality?
Urocortin knockout mouse model
Patients Suffering from Schizophrenia
Neufeld- Cohen A., Tsoory M., Evans A.K., CRF gene Cohen S.- Ramat Chen
Getselter D., Gil S., Lowry C.A., Vale W. 6. The Rational-Choice Theory of
Neurosis : A challenge to biological
6. Ipratropium bromide as a treatment of
hypersalivation related to the use of
Clozapine Levy S. - Eitanim
יבולב תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 10:00-10:30 Basic research in psychiatry:
Genes, Stress and Anxiety
Addiction and Cognition
Affective disorders - basic sciences
Residence's competition B
and clinical studies
Sponsored by: Dexcel Pharma (Dexxon)
Referees: A. Apter, R.H. Belmaker,
1. Association between response pattern
1. Cannabinoids prevent the effects of
1. Cognition in Bipolar Disorder:
A. Greenshpon, L. Grunhaus, Y. Kohn,
of brain Neuropeptide Y and PTSD-like
trauma exposure on fear-related
associations with genetic risk and disease
M. Kotler, I. Kremer, Y. Levkovitz,
behavioral responses in an animal model
symptoms in a rat model for PTSD
expression Frangou S.
C. Munitz, A. Shalev, P. Toren, A. Weizmann, Matar M., Math A., Liu T., Kaplan Z.,
R. Weizmann, Z. Zemishlani, J. Zohar
2. Combining strategies to develop better
2. COMT as a risk modifying gene for
animal models for bipolar disorder
7. The effects of norepinephrine on
2. Long-term abnormalities in nocturnal
nicotine dependence: Role of gene-gene
glucocorticoids induced alternations in
circadian expression of Period 1 and
interaction and environmental
plasticity related proteins ERK and
period 2 genes in response to stress in an
contribution Greenbaum L., Sarner Kanyas
3. Distinct blood mononuclear cell gene
JUN. Asor E. - Rambam
animal model of PTSD
expression patterns mark the onset of
persisting post partum depression
8. Influences of legal representation on
3. Neurocognitive effects of chronic
Goltser- Dubner T., Hochner-Celnikier D., the decisions of the regional psychiatric
cannabis use among schizophrenic
Weiner I., Canetti L., Galili-Weisstub E., board, and the "revolving door"
3. A possible involvement of opioid-
patients Lev-Ran S., Segev A., Brau Y.
Milwidsky A., Pavlov V., Friedman N. and Melamed-Snapir S - Mazra
degrading enzymes in individual
reactivity to acute traumatic stress.
9. The Influence of the statutory
4. Internet related psychosis: A new
4. Behavioral and functional evidence for
representation for mentally ill
Perspective Nitzan U., Shoshan E., Lev-
gender differences in the antidepressant
involuntarily committed on the duration
effects of the thyroid hormone,
of the admission and the time for
4. Assessing the involvement of BLA CRF
triiodothyronine (T3) Lifschytz T.,
readmission Maoz H. - Shalvata
receptor type 1 in auditory fear
5. Electrical stimulation of the lateral
habenula produces enduring inhibitory
10. Augmentation of the antidepressant
effect on cocaine seeking behavior and
5. Hippocampal BDNF knockdown in
action of sertraline with triiodothyronine
restores GluR1 levels in the ventral
young rats increases corticosterone level
(T3) in unipolar depression.
5. Similar effects of hippocampal and
tegmental area Lax E., Friedman A.,
and induces depressive-like behavior
prefrontal tetanic stimulation on reversal
Dikshtein Y., Abraham L., Flaumenhaft Y., Taliaz D., Benny Y., Loya A., Endevelt Y., of fear extinction
11. Efficacy of Single Dose IV
Hydrocortisone in Post Traumatic Stress
6. Programmed electrical-stimulation in
Disorder (PTSD) Prevention
6. NAP (davunetide) enhances cognitive
6. Is corticosterone involved in the
behavior in the STOP heterozygous
attenuating effect of DHEA at the
mouse - a microtubule-deficient model of
acquisition and extinction stages of
cocaine addiction in the self-
Merenlender-Wagner A., Pikman R., Giladi administration rat model?
יבולב תורבח תגוצתו ירהצ תחורא 12:00-14:00 י 'פורפ ידי לע ECNP תוסחב ייטצ
פ ידי לע לסקד תרבח תוסחב ישילשו ינש סרפ תקנעה " ,סואהנירג ואיל 'פור ה לולסמב תנייטצמ הדובעל ס ע יסיסבה לולסמב תנייטצ יבוקבל קיליח 'פורפ ידי לע דוגיאה דעו עטמ ייטצמה רוטנ ל א יפונאס תרבח תוסחב הינרפוזיכסה וחתב הרצק רקחמ תעצה ישיגמל תוגלמ תקנעה צ יאמש ומיס ר"ד ידי לע יבולב תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 15:30 16:30 רוא לוא לק דוביכ ,תורבח תגוצ " סיטנווא יפונאס תרבח תוסחב ינייטצ הנוב רמוע 'פורפ , יול רטכיר לג 'פורפ
טסוקא עפומב תירטיש הכימ עפומ 21:30 רקובה רוא דע ידוקירו ירי 2010 , רמב 11 י
PTSD : neurobiology and new treatments
From endophenotypes to clinical traits in
From DNA to behavior
child and adolescents psychiatry
1. Effects of intranasal Oxytocin in patients with post
1. Suicidal Behavior and Related Traits among
1. microRNA and the stress response: Dicer depletion
traumatic stress disorder: A single dose pilot double
Inpatient Adolescents with First-Episode
in adult mouse amygdale induces robust anxiogenic
blind crossover study
behavior Haramati S., Navon I., Issler O., Hornstein E.
Shoval G., Feld-Olspangern J., Nahshoni E., Gothelf D., Misgav S., Manor I., Apter A. and Zalsman G. 2. Stress related sub-cortical plasticity with regard to
2. Coticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1 in the
reward and punishment
2. Developmental Impairments in Frontal-lobe Related globus pallidus is involved in anxiety-like behavior
Cognitive Functioning of unmedicated depressed
3. A longitudinal voxel based morphometry study of
Bloch Y., Braw Y., Aviram S., Yechiel L. 3. A genome-wide investigation of copy number
regional cerebral volume in posttraumatic stress
variations in psychotic patients and healthy controls
disorder Bor O., Louzoun Y., Bramdes D., Gomori M.J.,
3. Emotional Arousal and Regulation as Predictors
from a genetic isolate in Israel Slonimsky A., Sanders
and Mediators of Pharmacotherapy Response in
Children with Anxiety Disorders
4. The hippocampus in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder:
4. Moderation of personality vulnerability to
Bridging the structure-function gap?
disordered eating by dopaminergic gene variation
4. An integrative quantitative model of factors
Sarner Kanyas K. Greenbaum L., Lerer E., Berry E. and influencing the course of anorexia nervosa over time
5. CSF CRF, IL-6, BDNF, IGF-1 and Substance P in
Stein D., Yackobovitch-Gavan M., Golan M., Valevski Civilian Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Before and
A., Weizman A., Kreitler S., Bachar E., Lieblich A., and 5. Involvement of PTPN5, the gene encoding the
After Paroxetine Treatment Bonne O., Gill J.,
Striatal Enriched tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP) protein
Luckenbaugh D.A., Collin C., Owens M.J., Alesci S., in schizophrenia and cognitive functioning
Neumeister A., Yuan P., Kinkead E., Manji H., Charney 5. The Effect of Methylphenidate on Individuals with
Pelov I., Teltsh O., Greenbaum L., Rigbi A., Sarner Haploinsufficiency of the COMT gene
Kanyas K., Lerer B., Lombroso P. and Kohn Y. 6. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Increases the
6. Perifornical Urocortin 3 mediates the link between
Likelihood of Maintaining Early PTSD Symptoms
6. Tic Related Cognitions Sensory Phenomena,
stress-induced mood and energy homeostasis
Shalev A, Moran Gilad, Pablo Roitman, Yael Errera- Anxiety and Obsessions in Children and Adolescents
Kuperman Y., Issler O., Regev L., Neufeld-Cohen A. and with Tourette syndrome
Steinberg T., Haroush A., Barnea M., Dar R. and Apter A. יבולב תורבח תגוצתו הפק תקספה 10:00-10:30 Early programming of emotion-regulation
Brain protection
Schizophrenia and neurodegenerative
and psychopathology
1. Enrichment and adversity leap generations
1. Brain protection in neuropsychiatric disorders:
1.Traumatic Brain Injury and Risk for Schizophrenia
Kvetniy-Ferdman N., Gaisler-Salomon, Feiler J., Past, present and future challenges
and Other Psychiatric Disorders: A Historical-
Safran M., Amariglio N., Rechavi G., Schulkin J., Prospective Study – Preliminary Results
Orr G., Nahshoni E., Kohn Y., Weizman A., Yoffe R., 2. Thiamine deficiency-induced neurodegeneration
and the neuroprotective effect of rasagiline, a MAO-B
2. The effects of a war on a future generation
2 Adult stem cell reprogramming with transcription
Dror V., Eliash S., Assaf Y., Valevski A.F. and Rehavi M. Maayan-Metzger A., Schulkin J. and Leshem M. factors – a novel strategy for the development of cell
based therapy for neurodegenerative diseases
3. The Neuroprotective Efficacy of Vitamins
3. Postnatal interference of Sp1 activity induces
Barzilay R., Ben-Zur T., Bulvik S., Melamed E. schizophrenia like behavioral consequences
Belhanes H., Kavushansky A., Rosenfeld M., Ben- 4. The role of oxytocin in neuropsychiatric
3. The effects of Ecstasy (MDMA) on mild Traumatic
disorders: concepts and mechanisms
Brain Injury (mTBI) in mice
Levin R., Edelman S., Shalev I., Ebstein R.P. and 4. Contrasting effects of prenatal experiences on long-
Edut S., Rubovitch V., Schreiber S. and Pick C. term behavioral and hormonal consequences
4. Serum butyrylcholinesterase and neuroleptic-
5. Evaluation of the potential neuroprotective activity
induced extra-pyramidal symptoms: Preliminary
of selected antidepressants in the age-related cognitive
5. Programming of emotion-regulation by prenatal
stress and postnatal handling
Taler M., Miron O., Tarasenko I., Weizman A. 5. Novel treatments of mental and cognitive changes
6. Why sex matters? – applying sex-specific criteria for
after subthalamic nucleus (STN) deep brain
6. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) - an ADHD treatment or
assessing the effects of exposure to stress in juvenility,
stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson's Disease (PD)
a cognitive-enhancer? The non-specific effect of MPH
adulthood and their combination
Eitan R., Linetsky E., Israel Z., Lerer B. and Bergman H. on ADHD and healthy adults
Agay N., Yechiam E., Carmel Z. and Levkovitz Y 6. Theory of unitary psychosis and of nostratic
language theory
Zislin Y.M.
סנכה ויסו יבושמ יולימ ה Poster Session
Pa Stress and PTSD
1. Effects of re-exposure to a trauma reminder on local circuit activity in the rat dentate gyrus
Ardi Z. and Richter-Levin G.
2. Psychiatric Morbidity, Immunological and Endocrine Function in Parents of Children Suffering from Cancer
Benaroya-Milshtein N., Yaniv I., Oded Y., Shtern B., Shemer E., Bengal Y., Buchwald I., Kodman Y., Pick C.G. and Apter A.
3. DNA methylation in the vulnerability to post traumatic stress in rats; Evidence for the role of Postsynaptic density
95 (PSD-95)-associated protein 2
Chertkow-Deutsher Y., Cohen H., Klein E. and Ben-Shachar D.
4. Comparison between SSRI's therapy and adaptogenic therapy for anxiety like behavior among young and adult
mice after maternal separation procedure

Eyal N., Bederman S. and Doron R.
5. Recall of traumatic experience under hypnosis in PTSD: A dynamic view into a troubled brain
Gruberger M., Abramowitz E.G., Finberg Y., Pasternak Y., Abraham E., Sheinberg E. and Hendler T.
6. Can stress protect us from inflammation
Haim A., Anunu R., Shtots L., Osman D. and Richter-Levin G.
7. Effects of predator stress on hippocampal expression of plasticity-related proteins in relation to magnitude of
behavioral change and their response to (SSRI) treatment

Kozlovsky N., Kaplan Z., Zohar J., Matar. A. and Cohen H.
8. Posttraumatic stress disorder: the role of the CRF family of ligands and receptors in a physiological animal model
Lebow M.S.1, Neufeld-Cohen A.1 and Chen A
9. Deficit in learning under stress following viral vector-mediated CRF knock-down
Lucas M., Chen A. and Richter-Levin G.
10. Brief post-stressor treatment with Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in an animal model for PTSD
Meir T., Zohar J., Kozlovsky N., Kaplan Z., Matar M.A. and Cohen H.
11. Emotional controllability Vs. Operational controllability influences on the course of inflammation Emotional
controllability Vs. Operational controllability influences on the course of inflammation

Osman D., Anunu R., Haim A., Shtoots L. and Richer Levin G.
12. Examination of the anxiolytic effect of chronic adaptogenic administration in BALB mice
Rak-Rabl A., Raskin-Ramot A., Lavi K., Kately N. and Doron R.
13. Amygdalar CRF: adaptive or maladaptive stress neuropeptide
Regev L., Neufeld A., Tsoory M. and Chen A.
14. Lateral preference and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Israeli reserve combat troops
Ritov G. and Barnetz Z.
15. Blocking stress hormones in the amygdala prevent the effects of stress on the consolidation, but not the retrieval, of
a hippocampal-dependent task
Segev A., Ramot A. and Akirav I.
16. Stress-induced behavioral change correlates with zinc distribution-pattern alterations in rat hippocampus, using
quantitative laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrum

Sela H., Karpas Z., Cohen H. and Zeiri Y.
17. The effect of corticosterone administration on local circuit activity and plasticity and synaptic plasticity in the CA1
and DG area of the hippocampus

Sharvit A. and Richter Levin G.
18. The effect of juvenile stress on the inflammation course
Shtoots L., Anunu R. and Richter-Levin G.
Pb Social behavior, cognition and emotions
19. Does long-term use of cannabis in young adult rats cause residual cognitive deficits?
Abush H. and Akirav I.
20. Decreased embarrassment in patients with prefrontal lesions
Adler N., Aharon-Peretz J., Tomer R. and Shamay-Tsoory S.G.
21. Melatonin attenuates cocaine seeking behavior in rats: possible involvement of beta-endorphin
Barnea R., Dikshtein Y., Kronfeld N., Roth-Deri I., Gispan I. and Yadid G.
22. Targeting the ambivalence inherently associated with drug addiction
Barnea-Ygael N., Or-Geva N., Yaka R. and Zangen A.
23. The treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder with the androgen Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Bloch M., Aharonov I., Meiboom H., Ben Avi I. and Abramov L.
24. Psychosemantic analyze tattoos in clinical and forensic psychiatric practice
Borokhov A.
25. Choice of suicide attempt or autodestruction and correlation with psychopathological syndromes
Borokhov A.
26. High cocaine dosage decreases neurogenesis in the hippocampus and impairs working memory
Croitoru O., Sudai E., Shaldubina A., Gispan I., Menkes-Caspi N., Roth-Deri I., Kinor N. and Yadid G.
27. Brain responses to facial expressions among different types of attachment orientations: an Event Related Potentials
(ERP) study

Dan O., Raz S. and Dahan N.
28. Beta-endorphin as a novel regulator of the incubation of cocaine craving
Dikshtein Y., Kronfeld N., Barnea R., Roth-Deri I., Gispan I. and Yadid G.
29. The role of the mentalizing network in envy and Schadenfreude
Dvash J., Gilam G., Hendler T., Ben-Zeev A. and Shamay-Tsoory S.G.
30. New task revealed differences in TOM and Social cognition among healthy and eating disorders mother-daughter
dyads: Preliminary Results

Hason Rozenstein M., Rothschild L., Latzer Y. and Eviatar Z.
31. The involvement of PKM? in the memory persistence of cocaine addiction
Keidar L. and Zangen A.
32. Patients with frequent admissions to a Psychiatric Emergency Room in a General Hospital- a comparison study of
demographic & clinical characteristics

Klil-Drori S., Bloch B. and Kremer I.
33. The role of AKT in the medial prefrontal cortex in extinction of fear conditioning.
Kritman M. Rosenblum K. and Maroun M
34. Association between arginine vasopressin 1a receptor promoter region, prepulse inhibition and concern for

Levin R., Edelman S., Ebstein R.P., Bachner-Melman R. and Heresco-Levy U.
35. Gender differences in the effects of intranasal administration of Oxytocin on emotional attitudes towards a

Perach-Bloom N., Levkovitz Y. and Shamay-Tsoory S.G.
36. Microinfusion of Oxytocin to the medial amygdala improves cooperative learning in rats
Romm-Zur S., Shamay-Tsoory S.G., Tsoory .M. and Maroun M.
37. The effect of chronic methylphenidate (Ritalin) administration on presynaptic dopaminergic parameters in a rat
model for ADHD

Simchon Y. and Rehavi M.
38. The role of AKT in acquisition and extinction of conditioned taste aversion
Slouzkey I. Rosenblum K. and Maroun M.
39. Impaired neurogenesis after chronic use of cocaine implications of the neurosteroid DHEA in extinction and

Sudai E., Croitoru O., Gispan I. and Yadid G.
40. "Is he a live?" Retrieval of remote semantic memory associations: support for dual processes view and
neuroanatomical findings

Waidergoren S., Gilboa A. and Segalowicz J.
41. Effects of past experience on the tendency towards drug addiction and relapse
Zilkha N., Kaidar L. and Zangen A.
Pc Schizophrenia
42. Genomewide association study for schizophrenia in an Arab Israeli family sample
Alkelai A., Lupoli S., Kohn Y., Macciardi F. and Lerer B.
43. A longitudinal Study of Cognitive Functioning Among Stable Schizophrenia Patients in Remission of Positive

Braw Y., Sitman R., Berger U., Shefet D., Lev-Ran S., Segev A., Bloch Y. and Levkovitz Y.
44. Blind Verification of Elevated Platelet Auto antibodies in Serum of Schizophrenia Patients. I- Young Subjects
Ebert T., Spivak B., Schechtman M. and Shinitzky M.
45. Assessment of Scopolamine Induced Cognitive Deficits Using a Novel Algorithm for Brain Network Activity (BNA) Analysis:
Application to Schizophrenia

Geva A.B.2,4, Milovan D.1, Levy-Cooperman N.1, Reches A.2, Pinchuk N.2, Ben Bashat G.2, Shani-Hershkovitz R.2, Deouell L.Y.2,3 and
Sellers E.M.1
46. Pregnenolone and Dehydroepiandrosterone as an Adjunctive Treatment in Schizophrenia: A comparative study
Gibel A., Sleifer T., Boguslavsky I., Zayed A., Maayan R., Weizman A., Lerner V. and Ritsner M.
47. Safety and efficacy amisulpride and moclobemide in treatment of clozapine-induced hypersalivation
Lerner V., Kreinin A., Miodownik C., Sokolik S., Shestakova D., Libov I. and Bergman J.
48. Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (deep-TMS) as a novel treatment for negative and cognitive symptoms of

Rabany L., Zangen A., Harel E.V. and Levkovitz Y.
49. Does SANS Make Sense? A Call for Revision of the Factor Structure of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia in the
Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS)

Rabany L., Weiser M., Weberloff N. and Levkovitz Y.
50. Early interference with Sp1 activity in rats affects mitochondrial complex I subunits: implication for schizophrenia
Rosenfeld M., Kavushansky A., Belhanes H., Avital A. and Ben-Shachar D.
51. Possible association of oxytocin and vasopressin with schizophrenia in a large inbred Israeli Arab pedigree
Teltsh O., Sarner-Kanyas K., Karni O., Korner M., Hamdan A., Lerer B. and Kohn Y.
52. Plasmapheresis in therapy of patients with acute catatonia symptoms and febrile attacks in schizophrenia
Tsygankov B. and Khannanova A.
53. The oscillatory brain dynamics analysis of the neurocognitive functions related to the early auditory processing in
healthy subjects and schizophrenics

Zislin ., Durst R., Raskin S., Shlafman M., Teitelbaum A., Mager M. and Rodionov V.
54. Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Patients Suffering from Schizophrenia
Newman Cohen S., Weizman R. and Laor N.

Pd Affective disorders

55. Depression- and anxiety-like behaviors induced by short daylight cycle in two diurnal rodents: the fat sand rat and
the Nile grass rat, and the positive effect of bright light treatment

Ashkenazi-Frolinger T., Kronfeld-Schor N. and Einat H.
56. Role of the RGS2 gene in modulating levels of anxiety and depression: Evidence from animal models
Broner E.C., Lifschytz T., Zozulinsky P. and Lerer B.
57. Depression and anxiety level and their relationship with the familiar functionality in medical students
Capote E.J., Wix R. and Uribe E.
58. Case Report: patient with drugs use psychosis and a comorbid pituitary microadenoma syndrome
Capote E., Wix R.J., Paez R. and Uribe E.
59. Gender Differences in Insight Disorder among Bipolar Patients
Erez G., Braw Y., Sela T. and Levkovitz Y.
60. Programmed electrical-stimulation of ventral tegmental area alleviates depressive-like behavior and normalize
local field potentials

Friedman A., Lax E., Abraham L., Flaumenhaft Y., Merenlender A., Abeles M. and Yadid G.
61. Serotonin transporter gene promoter variation and blood mononuclear cell mRNA levels among mothers
developing post partum depression

Goltser- Dubner T., Hochner-Celnikier D., Canetti L., Galili-Weisstub E., Pavlov V., Milwidsky A. and Segman R.
62. Inositol Reversibility of Pilocarpine Sensitivity of SMIT Knockout Mice
Hadas I., Eskira Y., Agam G., Belmaker R.H. and Bersudsky Y.
63. An open study of acute and maintenance treatment of major depression with deep transcranial magnetic

Harel E.V., Zangen A., Roth Y. and Levkovitz H.
64. Does neurogenesis blockade affect lithium-induced behavior in the Porsolt forced swim test of antidepressant
activity and in the amphetamine-induced manic-like hyperactivity paradigm

Kara N., Einat H., Belmaker R. and Agam G.
65. Pharmacogenetics of acute treatment of depression and anxiety in children and adolescent: improving the risk-
benefit ratio for the use of SSRIs in the pediatric population

Kronenberg S., Weizman A., Frisch A. and Apter A.S.
66. Role of estrogen in antidepressant treatment
Landshut G., Lifschytz T. and Lerer B.
67. Bupropion XR in elderly patients with resistant-treatment depression
Lerner V., Bergman J., Miodownik C. and Palatnik A.
68. The role of dexamethasone in antidepressant modulation of intracellular signaling: Implications to the
pharmacological treatment of major depression

Lucki A., Klein E. and Ben-Shachar D.
69. Growth inhibitory effects of antidepressants in human lymphoblastoid cell lines: Toward depression treatment

Morag A., Kirchheiner J., Rehavi M. and Gurwitz D.
70. Exploring the anti-inflammatory effects of lithium
Nahman S., Belmaker R., Kaplansky J. and Azab A.
71. The effect of lithium on brain inositol turnover
Sade Y., Belmaker R. and Agam G.
72. The behavioral and neurochemical effect of AS101 on a rat model of depression
Saida H., Gersner R., Zangen A. and Sredni B.
73. Gene expression in lithium-treated mice and gene-knockout mice with lithium-like behavior
Toker L., Bersudsky Y., Belmaker R. and Agam G.
74. Comparison between adaptogenic herbs and conventional SSRI treatment for anxiety like behavior
Vidan Z., Ben-Efrat R. and Doron R.
75. Genome-wide association study of post-mortem suicide brains
Zalsman G., Galfalvy H., Huang Y.Y., Murphy L., Arango V. and Mann J.J.
76. Does a specific inositol-monophosphatase inhibitor exert lithium-like behavioral effects
Shtein L., Bersudsky Y., Belmaker R. and Agam G.
Pe Neurodegeneration and neurodevelopmental disorders
77. Pathophysiological Mechanisms of minimal Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI): TNF-alpha synthesis inhibitors
as a potential neuroprotective therapy

Baratz R., Rubovitch V., Tweedie D., Grieg N. and Pick C.
78. Repeated brain stimulation effects on markers for neuroplasticity: Differential outcomes in anaesthetized and
awake animals

Gersner R., Kravetz E., Levit O. and Zangen A.
79. Neural Markers of Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis: An Integrated Behavioral- fMRI/EEG approach
Haiman G., Miller A. and Hendler T.
80. Low CD38 expression in lymphoblastoid cells and haplotypes are both associated with autism in a family-based

Lerer E., Levi S., Israel S., Salomon S., Yirmiya N. and Ebstein R.P.
81. The therapeutic impact of Exendin-4 on cognitive impairments and anxiety like behavior in mice after mTBI
Rachmany L., Rubovitch V., Tweedie D., Grieg N. and Pick C.
82. Aberrant dynamics of CD38 expression in autism spectrum disorders
Riebold M., Lerer E., Laiba E., Nemenov L., Yirmiya N., Mankuta D., Levi S., Yaari M. and Ebstein R.P.
83. The intricate involvement of survival and ER stress signaling pathways following mild traumatic brain injury in

Rubovitch V., Shahar A., Rive S., Werner H. and Pick C.
84. Differential cognitive neural activation in asymptomatic carriers of the Parkinson Disease related LRRK2 G2019S

Thaler A., Ash E., Mirelman A., Gurevich T., Helmich R., Van-Nuenen B., Bloom B., Giladi N. and Hendler T.
85. Maternal immune activation in a mouse model for autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Zozulinsky P., Greenbaum L., Lifschytz T., Lerer B. and Kohn Y.


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Draft (v2) position statement on behalf of:

Antihypertensive medications and exercise International SportMed Journal , Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.32-38, International SportMed Journal FIMS Position Statement Antihypertensive medications and exercise Associate Professor Wayne Derman UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, Sport Science Institute of South Africa, Boundary Rd, Newlands,

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