APP Cold Application Specifications
Three-Ply Cold Application, Base Sheet-Fastened Modified
Bitumen Mineral-Surfaced Roofing System. For use over Johns
Manville (JM) insulation, approved substrate or other approved
insulations on inclines up to 6" per ft (500 mm/m).
Materials per 100 ft
2 (9.29 m2) of roof area
Base Ply:
TRICOR S*, BICOR S*, JM APP Base or PermaPly 28 4” Cold Adhesive or Heat Welded Side Lap Intermediate Plies:
Approximate installed weight: 185 - 270 lb (84 - 122 kg).
This specification is for use over any type of approved structural deck with insulation or approved substrate which is suitable to receive a mechanical fastener and which provides an acceptable surface to receive the roof.
Cap sheet application is accomplished in one of the following ways: Specific written approval is required for any roof insulation that is not A) Apply a full width piece of one of the cap sheets listed into a full coat- supplied by JM. Insulation shal be instal ed in accordance with the ing of MBR Cold Application Adhesive or MBR Bonding Adhesive. appropriate JM insulation specification detailed in the JM Commercial/ Subsequent sheets are to be applied in the same manner, with 4" (102 Industrial Roofing Systems Manual. This specification can also be used in mm) side and 6" (152 mm) end laps over the preceding sheets. certain re-roofing situations. Refer to the “Re-roofing” section of the JM Commercial/Industrial Roofing Systems Manual. This specification is not to be used over gypsum, either poured or precast, or lightweight insulating B) Prepare the 6" (152 mm) end lap by removing all loose granules. Heat and embed all remaining granules with a hot air gun or torch. Apply Design and installation of the deck and/or roof substrate must result in
heat to the 3" (76 mm) side and 6" (152 mm) end lap making sure both the roof draining freely, to outlets numerous enough and so located as
have a good compound flow to adhere the two surfaces. All laps must to remove water promptly and completely. Areas where water ponds for
be rolled with a 3" (76 mm) rounded edge roller. A 1⁄8" to 3⁄8" (3 mm to more than 24 hours are unacceptable and will not be eligible for a
10 mm) bleedout of APP compound shall be visible at the edge of all JM Peak Advantage Guarantee.
seams. All laps must be checked for good adhesion.
Subsequent sheets are to be applied in the same manner.
Application of JM APP modified bitumen products may require the use
Flashing details can be found in Section 3 of the JM Commercial/Industrial of a hot air gun or torch. Improper use of these materials and application
equipment can result in severe burns, and/or other physical injury, as well
as damage to property. In order to prevent these situations the mechanic
must install the materials using the techniques recommended by JM and
Using one of the base plies listed, mechanical y fasten with an approved those found in “A Guide to Safety: Torch-On Modified Bitumens” available
JM insulation fastener and plate, a 26¼" (665 mm) wide piece of base ply from the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association. These techniques
through the insulation. The remaining base plies are to be applied full have been endorsed by the National Roofing Contractors Association and
width with 3" (76 mm) side and 4" (102 mm) end laps over the preceding the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers.
sheets. Fasten the laps at 9" (229 mm) centers, and down the longitudinal For cold weather application techniques, refer to Paragraph 14.0 of center of each felt ply, place two rows of fasteners, with the rows spaced approximately 11" (279 mm) apart, and fasteners staggered on approxi- mately 18" (457 mm) centers. Use fasteners appropriate to the insulation Steep Slope Requirements
and deck. For additional fastener information, refer to the fastener data in the “Roof Decks” section of the current JM Commercial/Industrial Roofing Special procedures are required on inclines over 2½" per ft (208 mm/m). Surfacing
Rol an 19¾" (502 mm) wide piece of one of the intermediate felts listed No additional surfacing is required.
into a full coating of MBR Cold Application Adhesive or MBR Bonding Adhesive. The remaining felts are to be applied ful width, in the same Note: When using metric- and English-sized sheets in the same
manner. End and side laps can be done in one of the following ways: system, care should be taken to avoid lap over lap configurations.
A) Use MBR Cold Application Adhesive or MBR Bonding Adhesive on the 3" (76 mm) side and 6" (152 mm) end lap.
* This is a special order product. Contact your JM sales representative about availability B) Use a hot air gun or torch on the 3" (76 mm) side and 6" (152 mm) end lap. All laps must be rolled with a 3" (76 mm) rounded edge roller. A 1⁄8" Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet and product label prior to using 3⁄8" (3 mm to 10 mm) bleedout of APP compound shall be visible at the edge of all seams. All laps must be checked for good adhesion.


Soma_ccw pressemitt.neueröffnung

Pressemitteilung zur Neueröffnung 01.März 2010 Am 01.März 2010 wurde das neue SOMA Caravaning Center Warendorf offiziell eröffnet. Das Caravaning Center Warendorf ist im Gewerbegebiet Warendorf Ost, Am Holzbach 32 angesiedelt. Es befindet sich im Autohaus Hankemeier, einem bekannten Toyota- und Ford Händler im Kreis Warendorf. Herr Hankemeier, Besitzer einer Reihe von Autohäuse

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VERITEK LIMITED Notifying person CONTACT ENERGY LIMITED Participant allegedly in breach Breach Notice 2010-316 Record of settlement of alleged breach of rules 30, 31, 32, 33 of the Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008 11 March 2011 Record of settlement of alleged breach of rules 30, 31, 32, 33 of the Gas (Downstream Reconciliation) Rules 2008 Breach N

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