Access to health care is a basic human right that is
The above is done with a view to ensuring a greater
entrenched in the Constitution of South Africa. In
degree of efficiency and to improve the quality of health
addition, access to basic healthcare is a critical measure
service. Consequently the Gauteng Provincial
of the quality of life, more so for a developmental city
Government (GPG) is currently implementing initiatives
like Johannesburg. Health is a critical measure of the
such as the capitalisation and revitalisation of public
extent to which transformation within South Africa has
health facilities aimed at public hospitals. The am is to
made a significant impact on the lives of the majority
lay a firm foundation for improved service delivery,
of South Africans. To this end, access to health is a
especially among the most vulnerable sectors of our
high priority for national, provincial and local
society. Further initiatives, aimed at developing and
offering an internationally competitive health service andworld-class medical facilities, will be pursued over the
The national Department of Health (DoH) formulates
health policy, legislation, norms and standards forhealthcare. Furthermore the DoH has the following
The local government sphere is critical for ensuring that
the overall health strategic framework is achieved. The City has given full effect to the overall national and
Ensures appropriate use of health resources;
provincial framework by ensuring that its delivery of
Co-ordinates health-related information systems;
environmental health services and primary health carecomplies with national requirements.
In this context, the major role of the City’s Health
Regulates public and private healthcare sectors;
Department is that of coordinating, facilitating and
Ensures access to cost-effective and appropriate
acting as a catalyst to ensure that the delivery of health
services occurs at a local government level. Its specific
Liaises with international agencies and health
The Gauteng Provincial Department of Health is
Developing a City-wide health service delivery
Coordinating the development of a service delivery
Formulating and implementing provincial health
Monitoring and reporting on service delivery; and
Planning and managing a provincial health-
Developing norms and service level standards.
The Health Department of the City of Johannesburg
(CoJ) provides primary healthcare, management of
Controlling quality in health services and facilities;
communicable, non-communicable diseases and
HIV/AIDS, monitors and manages environmental healthservices, provides pharmaceutical services as well as
Screening applications for licensing and inspecting
maintains and manages healthcare information.
Chapter 5 /
The 11 partnerships between the City’s HealthDepartment and various organisations and
This section highlights the City’s performance in the
2005/06 financial year, against set targets that shouldtranslate to the achievement of national and provincial
The Glenanda satellite clinic started operating as a
health objectives. These in turn address the national
fully-fledged clinic, offering services for five days a
priorities and mandate. In the past financial year the
Overall, the City-wide ‘average time spent’ bypatients in clinics has improved to 114 minutes,
while time spent at clinics for clinician services
As previously mentioned, the City’s main thrust has
been to ensure that the delivery of health services
The City scored 92,6% in the customer satisfaction
occurs at local government level. Some of the
index, thereby increasing the number of satisfied
challenges of this process are the following:
customers that interact with and depend on the
Staff shortages, especially of PHC-trained nurses
85% of all health personnel were trained on
Long waiting times that are aggravated by staff
customer care in an effort to improve the quality
of interaction between the City’s health providersand our people;
High levels of staff turnover that often necessitateon-going training/updates;
The City successfully implemented yet anotherWorld AIDS Day Awareness campaign;
Fragmentation in health delivery processes, mainlydue to some functions being performed by other
A total of 3 300 community volunteers were
recruited, trained and participated in the 2005World AIDS Day campaign and this was
instrumental in assisting the City to reach its goals;
comprehensive package of primary health careservices including ART;
The immunisation of children under one yearincreased from 83,4% to 85%;
The need to increase the availability of services ininformal settlements; for example in Zevenfontein,
Confirmed cases of measles declined from 243 (in
Braamfischerville, Sweetwaters and Mountainview;
the 2004/05 period) to 10 cases in the year underreview;
The non-availability of service providers for primary
The default rate in the New Smear Positive
sterilisation; for example there is only one service
improving the cure rate from 59% to 66%;
Service hours being limited to working hours only,
A total of 29 581 pap smears were done in the
thereby impacting on access to healthcare as there
are no extended clinic business hours due to
A partnership between the City’s Health
Limited human resource capacity in regions for
Department and the Wits School of Pharmacy was
concluded – it continues to be active and effective;
Lack of health promoters to assist in conducting
At least 22 additional Environmental Health
campaigns (e.g. cervical and breast cancer,
Practitioners (EHPs) were employed and extra funds
maternal health, teenage pregnancy) inhibits the
were allocated for resources to be used by EHPs;
The ‘Jozi Ihlomile’ programme aimed at
Low cure rate of New Smear Positive TB cases;
encouraging voluntary HIV/AIDS testing and
Inadequate transport for Multi Drug Resistant
counselling, was expanded to six new areas –
it created 150 jobs for out of school youths,especially women;
The need to improve EMS transport for patients;
A total of 3 000 needy families and orphans
benefited from the Mayoral AIDS Fund project;
ineffective liaison with referral hospitals;
/ Chapter 5
A limited amount of chronic care at local
The City observed the World Environment Day and
conducted numerous activities in support of the day,which included the distribution of information
There is a challenge to establish a fully functional
pamphlets offering environmental awareness.
A number of programmes, presented at schools and
Inadequate funding and staff resources for
community workshops, focused on issues like the
impact of dumping on environmental health.
Correctional Service facilities visit
Practitioners on law enforcement is still posing achallenge; and
Two visits were conducted to the Johannesburg and
There is a challenge in sustaining community
Leeuwkop Correctional Services facilities during the
members who volunteer in the implementation of
2005/06 financial year. The visits sought to create
‘Jozi Ihlomile’ project and voluntary counselling
awareness in the authorities regarding the by-law
requirements and compliance with health regulations. Environmental health at hostels
A total of 10 hostels were identified and included in
Health service delivery
the clean-up campaign for the 2005/06 financial year. These campaigns were aimed at improving healthy
A total of 28 complaints/service requests were recorded
lifestyles at hostels as well as creating awareness
at the Centre for the financial year and all were
regarding the City’s by-laws as they affect residents.
responded to within the stipulated timeframe of two
Activities included picking up litter at hostels, removal
days. There were a total of 9 235 requests for services
of waste by Pikitup, painting of walls and the
recorded in the regions. The requests ranged from air
education of informal food traders on the legislative
pollution, noise management and vector control. Most
of the complaints were related to vector control. Theseneeded to be attended to by other departments in the
Environmental health notices and fines
About 29 336 statistical notices were served until April. Partnerships
In total, 278 fines were served for illegal dumping onpavements and undeveloped properties. 10 558
Various active partnerships that contributed to the
requests for services were attended to by
Environmental Health of the City were concluded. One
Environmental Health Officers (EHOs). There were
such partnership is the World Health Organisation
106 public toilets on our database, which are inspected
(WHO) Collaborating Centre for Urban Health involving
(a minimum of) twice during the year. Where problems
the South African Medical Research Council (MRC), the
were identified (e.g. broken taps, damaged toilet seat
City and the universities of the Witwatersrand and
covers and toilets out of order), notices were issued to
Johannesburg respectively. The Doornkop study on Air
relevant Council Department (i.e. facilities and
Pollution and lead poisoning in children are two
maintenance department). Many have subsequently
Informal food traders
A total of 1 912 notices appeared before the courtsuntil 31 May 2006. None of them were rejected on the
During the 2005/06 financial year an educational
basis of technical errors. The citation printout indicates
awareness programme was launched on World Food
that there is a 99,74% success rate in notices
Day. It provided education on the legislative
appearing before the court. The court as well as JMPD
requirements, food hygiene, food preparation, food
is not in a position to give reasons as to why the
handling and storage to Informal food traders. At least
magistrate decides not to prosecute. Training City-wide campaigns
The 22 newly appointed Environmental Health Officers
All regions of the City conducted awareness campaigns
(EHOs) were trained. In addition another 10 EHOs from
on the dangers of tobacco products. As part of the
the regions were included in this training. The training
campaign, pamphlets were distributed, education
is primarily around legislation as well as by-law
programmes were offered at schools, and law-
implementation. The other 134 EHOs have already
enforcement activities at public places and health talks
been through the training last year. The training is
and tips on how to quit smoking were offered.
tailored to the needs of our EHOs in the City.
Chapter 5 /
A certificate is awarded to each successful candidate.
There are five MOUs that have been signed with
All other EHOs are going through specific topics
General Practitioners Associations (referred to as
presented by JMPD, and other departments. There is an
Independent Practitioners Associations). Various
ongoing need for more training for all the EHOs in the
activities agreed upon between the Health Department
and the IPAs that would be beneficial to thecommunities were planned. Essential data set Physical upgrading and infrastructure
A total of 8 724 evaluations were conducted at formalfood premises resulting in 1 619 statutory notices being
Eight clinics were upgraded and renovated in 2005/06.
served. A total of 191 evaluations were done at food
These were in Orlando East, Zondi, Klipspruit West,
factories and 33 statutory notices were served. A total
Tshepisong, Eldorado Park Ext 2, and Mountainview
of 2 329 evaluations were carried out at informal food
and porta cabins for Thulamntwana and Ennerdale. In
premises resulting in 259 statutory notices being
addition, the Hugh Solomon Building has been cleaned
served. There were also evaluations recorded for waste
and secured. The landscaping at the Hillbrow Hospital
disposal premises (63) and vacant premises (3 570). It is
has also been completed. The upgrading of Hospital,
worth noting that 325 evaluations were conducted at
Smith and Klein streets has also been completed. The
hospitals, clinics and nursing homes that resulted in
Glenanda satellite clinic was activated to operate for
50 statutory notices being served. In the Inner City
five days thus becoming a fixed clinic.
Clean Up campaign since April 2006 where two EHOs
Promotional focus for health for the 2005/06 financial
from each Region were brought in to assist, the
year was placed on National Measles and Polio
following were achieved: A total of 1 183 fines were
campaign, HIV/Aids, VCT promotion, STI, cervical and
issued as at 23 June 2006. 5 797 premises were
breast cancer awareness, Mental health, TB, Women
evaluated with 75 statutory notices served. 1 176 trouble
and Child abuse, World Food Day, Informal food
tickets (internal memorandum via the Pega System)
handlers, Diabetes, Rodent control blitz, paraffin safety,
were written to other departments for corrective
contraception, World No Tobacco Day. Activities such ashealth education through distribution of posters and
pamphlets, talks at schools, immunisation at crèches,baby competitions, drama, health stalls, open day
Health service delivery
activities, planting of tress, tracing defaulters, homevisits, radio talk shows, group discussions, workshops,
The Customer Satisfaction survey conducted for
role plays, demonstrations, bill boards were utilised to
2005/06 produced a 92,6% satisfaction result.
communicate healthy living/lifestyle messages and
Correctional measures were developed by the Quality
promote health. Through these promotions and
Assurance Team and continuously reviewed and
education and information activities, a total of
monitored. A checklist of 42 elements for all clinics was
136 701 people were reached, 106 823 pamphlets
developed, based on the results and suggestions from
issued, 1 311 posters put up, 12 281 homes visited and
the initial customer satisfaction survey in October 2004.
These correctional measures are implemented in all theregions and are monitored by Quality Assurance. The
All facilities have the patients’ right charter in two
drug stocks out in the City’s health facilities have
official languages which are clearly signposted outside
consistently remained below 5% throughout the year.
the facilities. There are also signs depicting clearly theservice hours and services provided by the facilities.
A system is in place to monitor all complaints receivedfrom regions, resulting in 98% of all complaints
Two community workshops targeted at all ward
received being resolved. Complaints that could not be
Councillors and ward committee members responsible
resolved needed other parties to be involved and those
for health in the various wards were held. They focused
that required structural changes posed challenges for
primarily on key health programmes. The workshops
also raised discussion on environmental healthchallenges facing communities at local level, such as
A system was put in place to monitor the waiting time
unlicensed businesses, dumping, noise pollution
of patients in all facilities. The overall Citywide average
time spent by patients in the clinic for the 2005/06financial year is 114 minutes, while the time spent for
clinician services at the clinic averages 103 minutes asper the baseline survey undertaken in all fixed
Four (4) training sessions were held for clinicians from
healthcare facilities. Compliance to response time was
the clinics. This training was necessitated by the
at 98% adherence, with average resolution rate
increasing number of emergencies identified through
the routine incidence reporting system. A total of
/ Chapter 5
91 clinicians (33%) have been trained in emergency
child health services provided in the primary health care
care. This had not been done before as our nurses
facilities, presented finding highlighting long waiting
were primarily involved in basic primary (preventative)
times, incomplete clinical examination of children at
times, satisfactory clinical assessments, inadequate useof Road to Health Cards and implementation of
Essential data set
cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in children. Relevantintervention will be developed from the findings to
A headcount was undertaken and a total of 2 191 176
people were enumerated for the period July 2005 toApril 2006, of which 23,8% were children under the
A research study on drug items that are the main cost
age of five years. The percentage increase in the total
drivers in the COJ was undertaken. The research
headcount from 2004/2005 to 2005/2006 (July to
outline was presented at the research conference in
April) was 6,2%. There were a total of 2 135 786
June 2006 and the expected outcome is better
consultations for the same period, and the percentage
efficiencies in containing drug expenditure. With the
increase in the total consultations from the previous
IPA’s approximately 2 659 patients who needed the
contraceptive pill, had been seen by the GeneralPractitioners till April 2006. With Wits University,
A new growth monitoring register was developed for
40 staff members (including EHOs) have been trained
the clinicians who see children under the age of five.
in health promotional activities. This resulted in 26 health
Also, it was important to monitor if training had taken
promotional projects being initiated across the City.
place to fill in the register for children not gaining
Medical students have also been assisting in these
weight, especially those who are severely
projects. The Cardiac Rehabilitation partnership has
malnourished. All these children had been closely
resulted in two staff members being employed by Wits
to supplement the existing staff complement.
Child health and immunisation
The department developed a number of campaigns on
Substance abuse awareness programme
Child Health issues during the 2005/06 financial year.
Substance abuse continues to be a challenge to us in
Campaigns on child safety and protection were
the City. The relative ease with which drugs (including
conducted in all regions which included activities such
alcohol) are available is certainly beginning to affect
as distribution of information leaflets to communities
much younger children, even as young as 10 years old.
and child minders; door-to-door campaigns; poster
Dagga, “crack” cocaine and “tik” are just some of the
exhibitions at different venues and facilities and specific
more popular and frequently used hallucinogenic drugs
education on paraffin and poisoning safety.
that are available to the youth. Educational campaigns
All regions also conducted immunisation awareness,
focusing on substance abuse were held in 20 high
mainly through the use of outreach programmes to
schools in all the regions. The campaign was conducted
reach un-immunised children as well as to create
in conjunction with the Gauteng Education Department
awareness in the community. The activities varied, with
campaigns tailored to the peculiar requirements ofeach of the communities targeted. Included in the
immunisation campaign are activities during the PolioEradication Week in all the City’s regions.
Partnership between the City’s Health Department,Wits School of Public Health, TB Care Centre
The campaign was driven by activities that included the
partnership and Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital
resulted in improved inpatient and outpatient care. It
Placing of reminder slip on Road to Health Cards
also assisted in training General Practitioners on aspects
to remind mothers of the next vaccinations;
of TB treatment and management of dually infected TBand HIV patients and the training of medical and
Reviewing records for defaulters and home visits to
nursing practitioners about managing TB in children.
A research project to investigate aspects of the
Sharing the latest developments with Private
laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis, which includes an
investigation of long turnaround times for sputum
Visiting crèches and homecare institutions;
microscopy, has been completed and a final report isawaited. A research study was conducted at nine
Giving Vitamin A and additional Polio drops on
randomly selected facilities in the City on the quality of
Chapter 5 /
Displaying psosters and distribution of pamphlets;
infections were the leading indirect causes (30,9%) of
maternal deaths in Gauteng, with HIV/Aids being themain contributor to these deaths.
Using print and electronic media to engage andmobilise the community.
The report also identified factors that could decreasethe number of maternal deaths. These include
Teachers and volunteers were trained to read Road to
improved access to antenatal care, reproductive health
Health Cards and educated about eradication and
(contraceptive methods) and CTOP a service, early
booking during pregnancy, decreasing the number of
All children identified to be severely malnourished
self-induces and illegal abortions, and decreasing the
(children under 60% of the expected weight for age)
were followed up by the regions. There were a total of
All regions conducted Health Awareness education
255 children monitored over the 2005/06 period.
campaigns on preventable causes of maternal deaths
A new growth monitoring register was developed for
and safe motherhood. Different stakeholders including
the clinicians who see children under the age of five
years, and training had taken place to fill in the register
A range of organisations were involved in the
for children not gaining weight, especially those who
campaigns that were conducted in different regions:
are severely malnourished. All these children had been
obstetric units from hospitals, pharmaceutical
companies, NGOs; ward Councillors and local media;stakeholders and partners from provincial departments. Women’s health
The campaigns were on health education, focusing onissues of maternal health and the importance of pap
Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancers in women
smears. There were motivational talks by pregnant
in South Africa. It comprises 17% of all female cancers
women themselves to others, discussing the
and represents a lifetime risk of developing cancer of
importance of early booking during pregnancy.
the cervix is 1 out of 31 females (Cancer Registry:1999). Opportunistic screening of those without any
As part of World TB Day Health Promotion, educational
symptoms can lead to early identification of women
campaigns were embarked upon by all the regions for
with abnormalities so that appropriate interventions
social mobilisation and advocacy during 2005/06
can be implemented. Cancer of the breast in females
financial year. Most regions conducted door-to-door
comprised 19,4% of all cancers in 1998 and was the
campaigns and defaulter tracing. Extensive and varied
leading cancer in women in South Africa. Early
health education activities conducted included:
identification through self-examination can markedly
delivering key messages through local radio stations;
decrease the morbidity and mortality due to breast
press releases to the media; door to door campaigns
cancer. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer in
for the purpose of providing education and information
women was estimated to be 1 in 27 in females.
and searching for TB treatment interrupters;information sessions for private doctors; distribution of
As part of the City’s drive to improve the quality of lives
reading materials such as posters and pamphlets at
and health of women, targeted campaigns were
libraries, shopping malls (information stalls), recreation
conducted in all regions. The activities included leaflets
centres; and health talks and dramas were conducted
distribution; poster exhibition; oral presentations and
at clinics as well as church groups.
demonstrations on breast self-examination; educationon early signs of breast and cervical cancer; one to one
Men’s health
individual talks; pap smears done as part of awarenessactivities; education utilising audio-visual aids (videos);
Cancer of the prostate is the commonest cancer in
articles on Joburg website; as well as the involvement
adult males in South Africa. Knowledge of the early
of stakeholder organisations (CANSA, FBOs, traditional
signs and symptoms of prostate cancer that can lead to
timeous medical assessment can decrease the morbidityand mortality related to the condition. Community
The “Saving Mothers Report” by the National
workshops on raising awareness on prostate cancer
Department of Health reported that 61% (264) of the
were conducted in 10 regions. In regions 7 and 11
maternal deaths in Gauteng were due to direct causes.
urologists were involved in clinical assessments on
Hypertensive conditions accounted for 20,2%; obstetric
identified clients. Urologists did clinical assessments on
haemorrhage (Antepartum and postpartum) 15,2%;
men and this took place at East Bank Clinic in
pregnancy related sepsis 7,9% and abortions 6,5% of
Alexandra and CANSA offices in Lenasia. A total of
the direct causes of maternal deaths. Fifty seven
146 men were tested. Various other forms of
percent (16 deaths) of all deaths due to abortions were
awareness activities took place (drama and traditional
related to unsafe abortions. Non-pregnancy related
dancing, pamphlet distribution, talks etc). / Chapter 5 Training Partnerships
A total of 21 professional nurses and one manager
The partnerships are with the Reproductive Health
have been trained in the "Integrated Management of
Research Unit, for the Health Precinct Development
Childhood Illness" (IMCI) programme. The total trained
project, and with Vusabantu – for the provision of anti-
in the city has now increased from 62 to 84. The
retroviral treatment programme. Both partnerships
training is now staggered and staff can be released for
remain active and well functional. Vusabantu currently
two days a week until the training is completed. In
has 159 people on the Anti-Retroviral Treatment
addition, the City has also seven trained "facilitators"
programme, and has a very viable support group for
people living with HIV/AIDS. The Health PrecinctDevelopment project is also progressing well, with
Essential data set
plans on physical upgrading and training continuing. Service delivery also continues to be enhanced.
The weighing rate of children less than five years at the
RHRU is also providing training support with regard to
Local Government clinics increased from 88,9% to
PMTCT and ARV training for the health professionals.
90,1%. Of the total number of children weighed whowere under five years, the rate of children with severe
AIDS Council programmes
malnutrition remained 0,05% (212 children). Theattendances included children with pneumonia
Implementation of targeted programmes is seen to be
(2 851 children), diarrhoea WITH dehydration
more effective in the development of the community in
(828 children) and diarrhoea with no dehydration
dealing with the HIV and AIDS problem. Numerous
sites were identified, around which the saidprogrammes could be clustered for effective
In maternal health, there was an increase of 15,4% in
implementation to take place. The five identified areas
the first antenatal care visit (8 409 in 2004/05 and
include two informal settlements (i.e. Ivory Park in
9 708 in 2005/06). The early booking ratio for
Region 2, and Mathole’sville in Region 5); two hostels
antenatal care services was 23,2%. This showed that
(Merafe in Region 6 and Diepkloof in Region 10), as
women were beginning to come earlier (before 20
well as the Youth Out of School Programme (which is
weeks) during pregnancy for their first antenatal care
being continued in Ivory Park, and extended to Devland
visits. The teenage (under 18 years) pregnancy rate
and Eldorado Park). All five programmes were
The cumulative cervical cancer screening coverage for
The hostel programme entailed training 100 people
the period July 2005 to April 2006 was 5,5%. The
from Merafe and Diepkloof Hostels, and was
National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) reports
implemented as part of the Moral Regeneration
indicated that 24 662 (88%) pap smears were taken at
Programme. The trainees were selected through an
Local Government PHC facilities during July 2005 to
interactive process that involved hostel Indunas, JAC
members and the regional HIV and AIDS coordinators.
The chronic consultations at the clinics increased from
The programme was aimed at increasing the
8,9% (2004/05) to 9,5% in 2005/06. There were also
knowledge of HIV/AIDS amongst hostel dwellers.
13 214 visits for asthma treatment (9,7% comprised
Special emphasis was placed on prevention, especially
children below 18 years of age). Of the total
on how to prevent infection of sexual partners,
headcounts, the asthma load was 0,6%. The Referral
particularly as most of the hostel dwellers
rate to hospital remains at only 1,4%. This is indicative
acknowledged having multiple partners, as well as
of the value of effective treatment at our clinics (the
traditional families in rural areas. They were also given
information on how to make use of the availableservices resources to cope in case of infection. All
trained people were encouraged to promote dialogueson HIV and AIDS at the hostels and in rural areaswhere they originally came from.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is one of the most seriousdevelopmental challenges facing South Africa today.
The informal settlement programme at Mathole’sville
Johannesburg, like the rest of the country, will be
and Ivory Park has been continued since 2004, and
severely affected by HIV/AIDS. It is for this reason that
was intensified in the run up to the World AIDS Day
the prevention and management of HIV/AIDS was
2005. As part of the Matholes’ville HIV/AIDS campaign,
made one of the six mayoral priorities. Implementation
560 houses were visited, 1 264 people reached, and
of targeted programmes is seen to be more effective
850 condoms issued, whilst a total number of people
in assisting the community in dealing with the
referred for services in relation to identified problems
were 45. At Ivory Park, 15 565 people were reached.
Chapter 5 /
Youth – Out of School Programme is continued in Ivory
The total number of people tested to date is 5 321 and
Park, and new peer educators have been trained in
1 991 (37,4%) tested positive. Four French-speaking
Region 10 (Devland and Eldorado Park). The
volunteers support the Esselen and Joubert Park clinics
Mathole’sville peer educators continued with the
with translation for health workers. In addition, they
education programme as part of the Jozi Ihlomile
also provide the necessary information of all services
programme. In Region 10, 60 youth peer educators
provided at the clinics. An outreach programme
were trained during October 2005. The trained youth
targeted at commercial sex workers is currently
are encouraged to engage in informal information
operational at 12 sites and hotels within the Hillbrow
giving sessions at all available opportunities with other
area. Between March 2006 and June 2006, a total of
young people. They also participated in conducting the
530 commercial sex workers were seen, 430 of them
door-to-door campaign, as part of World AIDS Day
treated for STIs, 59 tested for HIV and 40 (68%) tested
The involvement of youth in the implementation of theprogramme is without doubt contributing in
Mayoral AIDS fund
capacitating of young people and strengthening of
A proposal for the establishment of the Johannesburg
Mayoral AIDS Fund (JMAF), with an objective of
Rapid on-site testing
generating funds for expanding HIV and AIDSprogrammes implementation, was made at a
The establishment of a rapid HIV/AIDS testing service
Johannesburg AIDS Council meeting. A document was
on site is an important part of the strategies of
developed on the processes to be followed in the
promoting HIV/AIDS testing in the community, and
raising of funds in line with the Council policies. The
working towards increasing the number of people
JMAF document was accepted and approved by the
City’s Mayoral Committee on 15 September 2005. Fundraising to raise financial resources is quite a big
The ease of testing and the quick delivery of results
challenge. The Health Department, Finance and Legal
encourages people to test. The target set for 2005/06
will evaluate and assess funds challenge.
is to establish service in 100% of fixed health facilitiesin order to increase access to this service in all regions.
A total of R303 191,61 has been collected from a
Voluntary counselling and testing together with HIV
number of sources. An additional R3 million in
and AIDS education is provided in all fixed (74) facilities
resources was contributed through the Reproductive
Health Research Unit and the "Vusabantu" City of ParisProject in Jabavu Clinic.
There are lay counsellors who have been trained inpreparation for the establishment of a service in
Diflucan Programme
outstanding fixed health facilities. All sites have trainedvolunteers and professionals supporting the
The Diflucan Programme entails the use of Fluconazole
for treatment of Cryptococcal Meningitis and
Provision of HIV testing through the long method of
Oesophageal Candidiasis as part of the management
drawing blood from a vein and sending that blood to
of AIDS opportunistic infections. The service is provided
National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) (Eliza Test)
mainly in provincial health service delivery points,
for testing continues to be provided in 100% of fixed
hospitals and community health centres. At least
health facilities. This service is on maintenance mode,
19 clinics are now providing the service. More facilities
and is necessary to maintain for confirmations of
are being prepared, where additional services which are
to be provided can be accessed by all communitiesacross the City. Our assurance and commitment to
VCT service
providing the necessary training for the staff was wellreceived by the GHD. The number of staff trained is 62.
The VCT service is provided at all the fixed clinics. This
The number of patients who have benefited from this
ensures access to free testing to those who so desire
service is 456. Health professionals in the regions have
it. Approximately 40 014 people were tested across
been trained on the implementation of the
the City and 12 000 (52%) tested positive. There is,
however, still a very strong resistance to testing dueto the stigma attached to this condition. The social(family) and economic (employment) factors ofdisclosure are also a big barrier to testing. But VCTremains one of the many weapons in the arsenal tocombat this pandemic. / Chapter 5 Essential data set Public health
There was a notable decrease (from 2004/05) of 5,6%
(56 171) in the treatment of newly diagnosed sexually
transmitted infections seen in 2005/06 (53 023). About
22% were male urethritis. There was an increase in the
Improving reproductive and women’s health and
partner notification rate from the previous year (from
reduce maternal mortality from potentially
82,4% to 94,8%). This is evidence of a greater
awareness and acceptance for seeking treatment.
Strengthening the implementation of TB control
Of the 136 309 patients who were pre-test counselled,
the VCT uptake rate was 91,6%. This included TB andantenatal care patients. Of the patients tested, 35,3%
tested positive for HIV. Of the women who attended
Reducing the prevalence complications and impact
antenatal care visits, 30,3% tested positive. HIV and AIDS Environmental health
Expand Jozi Ihlomile in six new areas and create
Environmental health services is engaged in eliminating
adverse physical and biological conditions that may
lead to disease and ill health. High on the list of
Increase the number of areas to cover during the
priorities is the provision of the following services:
World AIDS Day 2006 awareness campaign with
Pollution prevention and reduction programme;
the involvement of 3 300 community trainedvolunteers;
Environmental risk management programme; and
Increase the number of schools to be visited to
two per region and improve coordination as well
including by-law enforcement and education.
as the distribution of promotional material; and
Primary health care
Johannesburg Mayoral AIDS Fund project tosupport 2 000 destitute families with food
Extension of all satellite clinics (open for 2 – 3 days
vouchers as a Christmas gift from the City.
Extend service hours in pilot clinics across the City– subject to budget availability;
Set up interim mobile service points at selectedinformal settlements – Sweetwaters,Zevenfonrtein, and Braamfischerville; and
Chapter 5 /
HENRY P. BECTON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Phone: (201)-935-3007 Fax: (201)-935-5639 Epinephrine Auto-Injectior(Epipen)/ALLERGY MEDICATION MUST BE RENEWED EACH SCHOOL YEAR School Year: ____________ Student Name:_____________________________ DOB:___________Grade:____ TO BE COMPLETED BY A PHYSICIAN: PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH SIDES ****NOTE TO PHYSICIAN/PARENT:**** State law only
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