Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKBJUBJU International1464-4096BJU InternationalMay 2004937
A little more than 10 years has passed since
Clayman and Kavoussi performed the first
S.V. BARIOL and D.A. TOLLEY – Scottish Lithotriptor Centre, Western General Hospital,
techniques have flourished in the few units dedicated to laparoscopic endeavour, the
Accepted for publication 10 February 2004
problem of training a generation of urologists in laparoscopy, a technique that is rapidly becoming the standard of care, remains.
achieving operative competence is the use of
simulators or tools to select applicants, based
The wide use of laparoscopy in many other
on aptitude. At present, those who train
surgical specialities means the junior trainee
The pathway described above is more suited
further in laparoscopy are those who have
has often had considerable previous exposure
to speciality registrars, who are able to
chosen to do so. Tools such as the Advanced
to laparoscopy with associated development
incorporate the programme into their period
Dundee Endoscopic Psychomotor Tester [3]
of spatial awareness and appropriate motor
of training. Mentoring trained urologists
and Minimally Invasive Surgical Trainer –
skills. Nevertheless an integrated programme
requires the cooperation of the mentor and
trainee, as well as their respective hospital
adequately validated to justify their expense
competency is essential. To this end BAUS and
[5]. The testing of airline pilots, often used
the Specialist Advisory Committee in urology
as a model for surgical training, has used
simulators for selection and training for
pathway to facilitate the acquisition of
decades. There is little doubt that similar tests
laparoscopic skills, like most endo-urological
will play a role for laparoscopists of the future
modular training and mentoring. Once the
competence as an endpoint. The programme
minimum of skills have been acquired for safe
Consideration of future service provision also
tissue handling, the trainee can be guided by
needs to be considered in selecting urologists
complemented by assisting and observing at
a mentor and video feedback used to facilitate
for further training in laparoscopy. The
various laparoscopic urological procedures,
number of urologists offering laparoscopy in
and independent practice on bench models,
a geographical area should be limited to
followed by an advanced skills course that
Videotape recording can be a double-edged
maintain the highest technical standards. This
might otherwise be compromised by dilution
laparoscopic surgeon is placed is intense and
follows until independent practice appears
far exceeds that of conventional ‘scalpel’
The laparoscopic approach is of proven benefit in laparoscopic nephrectomy and
However, the number of cases required to
nephroureterectomy, in terms of blood loss
achieve satisfactory performance varies and
techniques should not be under-emphasized
as a method of improving laparoscopic skills,
affecting oncological control (Bariol SV,
independent of mentor or apprentice, and
although it is recognized that laparoscopy is a
Stewart G, MacNeil SA, Tolley DA, Oncological
technique that applies across the breadth of
urology rather than to a subspeciality. Wide
certification. However, the Endourological
experience with endoscopic surgery facilitates
unpublished), but its role in radical pelvic
Society, among other criteria, requires at least
the development of spatial awareness and the
surgery has yet to be firmly established.
40 laparoscopic procedures to be undertaken
However, as laparoscopy in urology increases
or assisted in a 1-year period for a fellowship
to be recognized. The European Society of
maintain a system for training in laparoscopic
Urotechnology, a full participant in the
There is as yet no recognized way to select
those suitable for laparoscopic training. A
their early experience with new techniques.
has espoused the British model, also wishes
conspicuous omission from the pathway to
This can easily be incorporated into current
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L | 9 3 , 9 1 3 – 9 1 8 | doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2004.04798–04801.x
training programmes for speciality registrars,
Macmillan AI, Cuschieri A. Assessment
of innate ability and skills for endoscopic
Therapy Trial compared doxazosin, finasteride
and combination therapy with placebo [7].
Results from both trials (each at 1-year)
with open surgery must submit themselves
Predictive and concurrent validity. Am J
showed no benefit in the use of combined
Surg 1999; 177: 274–7
Failure to do so risks a decrease in the
Wilson MS, Middlebrook A, Sutton C,
standard of care offered to patients with
Stone R, McCloy RF. MIST-VR: a virtual
urological conditions, or at the very least
reality trainer for laparoscopic surgery to
the possibility of the patient being treated by
assess performance. Ann R Coll Surg Eng
effect of medical therapy on the clinical
the non-urologist with appropriate technical
1997; 79: 403–4 Paisley AM, Baldwin PJ, Paterson- Brown S. Validity of surgical simulation
for the assessment of operative skill. Br J Surg 2001; 88: 1525–32
The recently published Medical Therapy of
REFERENCES McDougall EM, Clayman RV, Elashry OM. Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy
5 years has the longest follow-up of any
Clayman RV, Kavoussi LR, Soper NJ et al.
University experience. J Urol 1999; 155:
blockers, and investigated >3000 men.
report. J Urol 1991; 146: 278–82 Shalhav AL, Dabagia MD, Wagner TT, McDougall EM, Clayman RV, Elashry O. Koch MO, Lingeman JE. Training
finasteride, or as combination, would delay or
upper tract transitional cell cancer: The
surgery: the current challenge. J Urol
Washington University experience. J Urol
(defined primarily as either a significant
2002; 167: 2135–7
1995; 154: 975–80
worsening of symptoms, recurring UTI, AUR,
as surgery). The trial had the same four
and its aim was to evaluate BPH progression.
Analysis of the results at 1 year showed similarities to both the Veterans Affairs and
the PREDICT study. However, by 5 years the
risks of AUR and the need for invasive surgery
R.S. KIRBY* – Department of Surgery, Mater Hospital, Eire, and *St George’s Hospital, London,
were significantly lower with combined therapy.
Accepted for publication 10 February 2004
Over a mean follow-up of 4.5 years the rate of overall clinical progression (the primary endpoint) among men in the placebo group
standard surgical treatment for symptomatic
was 4.5 per 100 person years. Compared with
placebo, doxazosin significantly reduced the
was related to the normal ageing process
risk of progression by 39% (P < 0.001) and
finasteride reduced it by 34% (P = 0.002).
1895 bilateral orchidectomy was proposed
Therefore the reduction in risk between the
drugs, used as a single agent, did not differ
completely effective it is not surprising
significantly. For combined therapy the risk of
overall clinical progression was reduced by
commonplace, and their value has been well
66% (P < 0.001), a significantly greater
documented. Short-to-moderate clinical trials
showed the effectiveness of a-blockers for
amongst older men, and which fundamentally
relieving symptoms and improving urinary
flow rate [2–5]. Until recently, trials
reduced the need for invasive therapy, with
urinary symptoms. While a small proportion
combining the two classes of drugs showed
the magnitude of the reduction similar to that
little superiority in alleviating symptoms and
in previous trials with 5a-reductase inhibitors
absolute indications, e.g. acute urinary
improving urinary flow rate. The Veterans
retention (AUR) or UTI, most have traditionally
Affairs Cooperative Studies Benign Prostatic
had surgery to relieve the bothersome urinary
symptoms and improve their quality of life
finasteride and combination therapy with
slightly, but over the duration of the trial
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
failed to reduce the risk of AUR and invasive
Trial study: a one-year study of terazosin
Therapy (PREDICT) trial. Urology 2003; 61:
growth of the prostate eventually overcame
McConnell JD, Roehrborn CG, Bautista
the reduction in the urethral obstruction
hyperplasia. Urology 1996; 47: 159–68 OM et al. The long-term effect of
achieved by relaxing the smooth muscle in the
Roehrborn CG, Siegel RL. Safety and
efficacy of doxazosin in benign prostatic
benign prostatic hyperplasia. N Engl J Med
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.
2003; 349: 2387–98
provides long-lasting relief from symptoms
Urology 1996; 48: 406–15 Roehrborn CG, Boyle P, Nickel JC Kawabe K. Efficacy and safety of et al. Efficacy and safety of a dual inhibitor
been widely used singly, but the increased
prostatic hyperplasia. Br J Urol 1995; 76:
benefits of combined therapy show for the
prostatic hyperplasia. Urology, 2002; 60:
first time that there is almost certainly a
Roehrborn CG. Efficacy and safety of
medical alternative to surgery for patients
10 Andersen JT, Nickel JC, Marshall VR et al. Finasteride significantly reduces
clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia: a
Consequently, the advent of effective medical
therapies has offered the possibilities for
Urology 2001; 58: 953–9
benign prostatic hyperplasia. UrologyLepor H, Williford WO, Barry MJ et al.
1997; 49: 839–45
The efficacy of terazosin, finasteride or
11 Roehrborn CG. The Agency for
immediate urological referral. Treatment
both in benign prostatic hyperplasia. N
Healthcare Policy and Research. Clinical
guidelines for urologists are available but
Engl J Med 1996; 335: 533–9
they are not aimed at GPs [11]. The BAUS
Kirby RS, Roehrborn C, Boyle P et al.
treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Efficacy and tolerability of doxazosin and
Urol Clin North Am 1995; 22: 445–53
finasteride, alone or in combination, in
12 Speakman MJ, Kirby RS, Joyce A et al. Guideline for the primary care
is published in this issue of the BJU International [12]. The new guideline places
symptoms. BJU Int 2004; 93: in press
GPs firmly in the front rank for the initial
The new guideline is for both GPs and patients, and reflects the high degree
implementation. This guideline will hopefully
Urology, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, UK
offer real practical advice to both doctors and other healthcare professionals, and the many
Accepted for publication 10 February 2004
patients suffering from symptomatic BPH.
Hormonal manipulation is a well established
were subjectively apparent to individuals.
Fortunately, these adverse effects appear to
be reversible with oestrogen-replacement
primary-care level with the BAUS guidelines
troublesome side-effects. Recently, interest
may reduce the number of patients requiring
has turned to the possible adverse effects
It would be reasonable to assume that LHRH
agonists have similar effects in men. Substantial declines in testosterone levels
and neuropsychological function are well
acknowledged in the ageing male population
Mebust WK, Holtgrewe HL, Cockett
[2]. Interestingly, in addition to the adverse
ATK, Peters PC. Transurethral
populations, falling androgen levels have been
shown to have a negative effect on visual
memory and the capacity for new learning
memory and visual-spatial performance in
men. Once again, treatment with exogenous
J Urol 1989; 141: 243.
androgens can reverse these changes, and has
Roehrborn CG, Oesterling JE, Auerbach
impairment of daily activities they were
S et al. The Hytrin Community Assessment
statistically significant, and in many cases
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
Although hormone manipulation for prostate
to some of the inconsistencies reported.
Newton C, Slota D, Yuzpe AA, Tummon
cognitive functions are selectively affected
Furthermore, the role of learning bias, which
IS. Memory-complaints associated with
remains outstanding. Cherrier et al. [3]
is inherent to such cognitive tests, cannot be
reported minor effects arising from combined
androgen blockade. Although testosterone
Fertil Steril 1996; 65: 1253–5
levels were lower in all patients than at
In conclusion, the adverse effects of hormonal
Moffat SD, Zonderman AB, Metter EJ,
baseline, only a decline in spatial ability was
Blackman MR, Harman SM, Resnick
detected. Surprisingly, they found that verbal
to be appreciated. Because of their age,
SM. Longitudinal assessment of serum
comorbidities and polypharmacy this group
free testosterone concentration predicts
of patients is particularly susceptible to
cognitive impairment. This has implications
status in elderly men. J Clin Endocrinol
In the light of findings in women, Green
both for patients’ quality of life and treatment
Metab 2002; 87: 5001–7 et al. [4] postulated that men receiving
compliance. By acknowledging the effects
Cherrier M, Rose A, Higano C. The
deterioration in their cognitive function
suppression we can provide patients with
than controls or those receiving cyproterone
more information about hormone treatment.
acetate. Furthermore, they suggested that
As a result they will be able to make informed
decisions when faced with the prospect of
cancer. J Urol 2003; 170: 1703–8 Green H, Pakenham KI, Headley BC et al.
this field are obviously required, both to
Altered cognitive function in men treated
in all patients, and this was associated
formulate a standardized and reproducible
with a wide range of effects on cognitive
memory, attention and executive functions
control trial. BJU Int 2002; 90: 427–32
at our centre are examining the possible
Sherwin B, Tulandi T. ‘Add-back’
addition to these effects, patients receiving
cyproterone acetate also had an impairment
results will be of interest, as bicalutamide
competes with testosterone at a receptor
leiomyomata uteri. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996; 81: 2545–9
Several possibilities exist for the differences
between male and female study populations. The duration of androgen suppression was shorter in patients with prostate cancer than
in women, particularly in those after bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy. The possibility arises
THE EVIDENCE? P. GONTERO and R. KIRBY – St George’s Hospital, London, UK
that the degree and type of cognitive effects are related to the period of treatment.
Accepted for publication 10 February 2004
There are inherent differences in neuropsychological function between men
and women; the latter excel in verbal abilities
abilities [5]. This observation seems to be
prophylaxis for erectile function after nerve-
Comparing sexual function after normal (no
related to the influences that different
sparing radical prostatectomy (NSRP) was
nerve sparing) and NSRP, Gralnek et al. [3]
androgen levels in the sexes have on brain
recently stressed by Montorsi and Burnett [1].
reported that the latter had significantly
organization during prenatal development.
Despite that the patient compliance with
better quality-of-life scores for both sexual
Oestrogen and testosterone continue to be
erectile rehabilitation protocols may be
and physical function. The negative effect of
suboptimal, as documented by the relatively
sexual bother on quality of life may become
areas of the brain which subserve verbal
even more marked with a longer time after
and visual-spatial functions, respectively.
discontinue treatment for sexual dysfunction
the procedure. In the study by Penson et al. [4]
Therefore, their suppression during hormonal
[2]. It seems appropriate therefore to attempt
manipulation could result in the selective
determinant of worse general health-related
currently proposed rehabilitative protocols in
terms of cost-efficiency and quality of life.
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
treatment (27%) also had better nocturnal
between sexual dysfunction and quality of
erections recorded a year after surgery.
Unfortunately that study did not address the
recovery of sexual function an important
prevalence of nocturnal erections over the
issue for patients surgically treated for
Spontaneous erectile function is absent for
9 months for all the patients in the treatment
most patients soon after NSRP, but there is a
arm compared with those in the placebo arm.
progressive return over 2 years in a variable
It is possible that sildenafil and the other
proportion of them. This observation led to
currently available PDE-5 inhibitors, e.g.
the hypothesis of the so-called ‘neuropraxia’
effective in the early phase of nerve healing,
cavernosal nerves which would abolish any
as documented by the lack of clinical efficacy
The proportion of men who have a complete
form of erection. The low oxygen tensions in a
of sildenafil in the first 9 months after NSRP
recovery of erectile function after bilateral
constantly flaccid penis may initiate severe
anatomical preservation of neurovascular
fibrotic changes in the cavernosal tissue. In a
recent experimental model, penile tissue from
reported to be up to 20% for patients under
debate, but probably is less than half overall.
rats which had undergone bilateral incision of
Differences in surgical technique, patient
cavernosal nerves 3 months earlier showed a
significant overexpression of hypoxia-related
Three-monthly intracavernosal injections
substances like TGF-b and collagen I and III
with prostaglandin E1 starting in the first
compared with the same tissue from a control
month after surgery significantly enhanced
almost all the reported studies there is no
compared with sildenafil alone started after 4
undergone specific erectile rehabilitation
trabecular smooth muscles is replaced by
months. At the 6-month follow-up, 82% of
treatment during the follow-up. However,
collagen, the caverno-occlusive mechanism is
patients in the combination arm responded to
lost, with subsequent venogenic erectile
subsequent sildenafil, vs only 52% in the
sildenafil-only arm [14]. Intracavernosal
therapy produces a high erectile response in
patients after standard (not nerve-sparing) RP
surgery gave the best results of potency
and therefore it may be the treatment of
recovery at 2 years [5]. By contrast, in the
support in the initial year after surgery
choice in soon after NSRP. Similarly, the use of
study of Katz et al. [6] patients were
revealed a progressive incidence of venous
the vacuum constrictor device may facilitate
deliberately asked not to use any erectile
leakage, varying from 14% at 4 months to
early sexual intercourse and potentially an
rehabilitation after laparoscopic RP, and
50% at >12 months [11]. Similarly, in the
early return of natural erections, although no
study of Montorsi et al. [7], eight of 15
controlled study has been carried out to test
alprostadil in the first 4 months after surgery
had a colour Doppler diagnosis of venous
postoperative erectile treatment rely on very
leakage, compared with only two of 12 of the
treatment group. These findings corroborate
Montorsi et al. [7] recovery of spontaneous
the hypothesis that erectile rehabilitation
Erectile dysfunction may significantly affect
the quality of life of patients who have had
erectile dysfunction during the process of
NSRP, and every effort should be made to
improve sexual outcomes of these procedures.
The current scientific evidence supporting the
patients taking sildenafil at bedtime for
early postoperative use of erectile aids is at
present based mainly on indirect proof of
The ideal treatment designed to promote the
temporary postoperative ‘erectile silence’.
restoration of erectile function after NSRP
it is possible that the erectile rehabilitation
acceptable tolerability. Nocturnal penile
intracavernosal injections or a vacuum device
should be offered as a first-line option for the
‘healing’ time of potency rather than
8 months after NSRP [12]. The early intake of
first few months after the procedure, as their
mechanism of action does not require intact
failure. Larger randomized trials with at
inhibitor sildenafil at bedtime has been
sildenafil, or equivalent PDE-inhibitor therapy,
before a definite conclusion can be drawn
nocturnal erections. In the preliminary study
may be a reasonable choice for those patients
on the true efficacy of rehabilitative sexual
from Padma-Nathan et al. [8] patients who
who can achieve at least a partial erection. A
regained sexual function after 9 months of
PDE-5 inhibitor may not be effective when
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
spontaneous erections are absent. Possibly, as
Penson DF, Feng Z, Kuniyuri A et al.
prostatectomy. J Urol 2003; 169:
the rehabilitation of sexual function aims
General quality of life 2 years following
McCullough AR. Prevention and
providing oxygenation to the erectile tissue,
prostate cancer outcome study. J Clin
following radical prostatectomy. Urol Clin
treatment may jeopardize the longer term
Oncol 2003; 21: 1147–54 North Am 2001; 28: 613–27
results of a successful NSRP. Ultimately, while
Walsh PC. Radical prostatectomy for
10 Leungwattanakij S, Bivilacqua TJ, Usta
a rehabilitative treatment should probably be
localised prostate cancer provides durable
MF et al. Cavernous neurotomy causes
offered to all patients undergoing NSRP,
cancer control with excellent quality of
patient counselling should reflect honestly
life: a structured debate. J Urol 2000; 163:
cavernosum. J Androl 2003; 24: 239–45
the current level of knowledge about the
11 Mulhall JP, Slovick R, Hotaling J
potential efficacy of rehabilitative protocols. Katz R, Salomon L, Hoznek A et al. et al. Erectile dysfunction after radical
prostatectomy. J Urol 2002; 168: 2078–82
erectile function. J Urol 2002; 167: 1371–5 Montorsi F, Guazzoni G, Ferini Strambi
12 Fraiman MC, Lepor H, McCullough AR. Montorsi F, Burnett AL. Erectile L et al. Recovery of spontaneous erectile
dysfunction after radical prostatectomy.
BJU Int 2004; 93: 1–2 Raina R, Lakin MM, Thukral M et al.
without early intracavernous injections of
radical prostatectomy. J Urol 1999; 161:
intracorporeal (IC) injection for erectile
randomized trial. J Urol 1997; 158: 1408–
13 Zagaja GP, Mhoon DA, Aikens JE, Brendler CB. Sildenafil in the treatment
prostatectomy. SHIM (IIEF-5). Anal Int J Padma-Nathan H, McCullough AR, Impot Res 2003; 15: 318–22 Giuliano F, Toler S, Wohlhuter C,
prostatectomy. Urology 2000; 56: 631–4 Gralnek D, Wessells H, Cui H, Dalkin BL. Shpilsky A. Postoperative nightly
14 Montorsi F, Salonia A, Barbieri L et al.
Differences in sexual function and quality
The subsequent use of IC alprostadil and
of life after nerve sparing and nonnerve
oral sildenafil is more efficacious than
sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.
sildenafil alone in nerve sparing radical
J Urol 2000; 163: 1166–70
prostatectomy. J Urol 2002; 167: 279
2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L
CHLORIDE MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED Interferences no interference was observed by the presence of:Current laboratory instrumentation. Spectrophotometer UV/VIS with thermostatic cuvette holder. Automatic micro-pipettes. Glass or high quality polystyrene cuvettes. Deio- Precision REAGENT PREPARATION SUMMARY OF TEST intra-assay (n=10) mean (mEq/l) SD (mEq/l) Chloride is
BIOMIST® 3+15 ULV For Use Outdoors as an Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) Application to Control Adult Mosquitoes in Residential andRecreational Areas. health determined by a state, tribal or local health or vector control agency on thebasis of documented evidence of disease causing agents in vector mosquitoes, or thePermethrin (3-Phenoxyphenyl) methyl (+/-) cis,occurrence