Plasma homocysteine and cerebrospinal fluid neurodegeneration biomarkers in mild cognitive impairment and dementia
4. Rodman DP, Stevenson TL, Ray TR. Phenytoin malabsorption after jejunos-
This study illustrated a lack of awareness among doctors
tomy tube delivery. Pharmacotherapy 1995;15:801–805.
5. Healy DP, Brodbeck MC, Clendening CE. Ciprofloxacin absorption is im-
and nurses in the general hospital setting of the complexities
paired in patients given enteral feedings orally and via gastrostomy and jeju-
of administering a number of common medications through
nostomy tubes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996;40:6–10.
enteral tubes. This was most marked with regard to mod-
6. Mitchell JF, Pawlicki KS. Oral solid dosage forms that should not be crushed:
ified-release preparations but also was common for other
1994 revision. Hosp Pharm 1994;29:666–665.
7. Schier JG, Howland MA, Hoffman RS et al. Fatality from administration of
labetalol and crushed extended-release nifedipine. Ann Pharmacother 2003;
There is a paucity of structured research in this area,
consistent with knowledge deficits among the medical and
8. Estoup M. Approaches and limitations of medication delivery in patients with
nursing professions.8 The findings of the current study are
enteral feeding tubes. Crit Care Nurse 1994;14:68–69.
9. Seifert CF, Johnston BA. A nationwide survey of long-term care facilities to
compatible with studies showing lack of awareness among
determine the characteristics of medication administration through enteral
nurses in nursing homes and intensive care units.9 There is a
feeding catheters. Nutr Clin Pract 2005;20:354–362.
need to highlight this lack of awareness and to institute
10. Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary, 56th Ed. London: British
clear standardized guidelines and training, not only in the
Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 2008.
acute hospital setting, but also in extended care and com-munity settings, where increasing numbers of patients arereceiving medications through enteral tubes.
The results of this study also point to the need for
greater awareness among pharmaceutical regulatory bodies
of the complexities of prescribing for older people, the
group who are the most likely to receive medicationsthrough enteral tubes.1 The American Geriatrics Society
To the Editor: The clinical and scientific interest surround-
and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society have
ing homocysteine has progressively increased because of
initiated a dialogue with medication regulation agencies in
homocysteine’s significance in a variety of clinical condi-
the United States and Europe on the importance of incor-
tions. Homocysteine is considered to exert a direct or ad-
porating specific gerontological and geriatric medicine
ditional contribution to cognitive decline and pathogenesis
knowledge into the licensing of medicines that older peo-
of dementia.1 Positive associations have been observed not
ple are likely to use. In addition, major prescribing guides,
only between plasma homocysteine and plasma b-amyloid
such as the British National Formulary,10 might consider
40 and b-amyloid 42 (b42) in neurodegenerative diseases,2
adding a separate section on prescribing and enteral tubes in
but also between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) homocysteine
the same way that they include sections on prescribing and
and CSF phosphorylated Tau protein (p-Tau) in patients
pregnancy, liver disease, and renal disease.
with different neurological disorders.3 The aim of this studywas to test the hypothesis that plasma homocysteine cor-
relates with CSF biomarkers of neurodegeneration.
Study participants were recruited at the departments of
psychiatry of the universities of Erlangen, Bonn, and
Go¨ttingen, Germany, cooperating within the national De-
Desmond O. Neill, MA, MD, FRCPI, AGSF, FRCP (Glasg)
mentia Competence Network.4 The study comprised pa-
tients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), early
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and mild dementias of other eti-
ologies (D-o). Exclusion criteria were ongoing vitamin sub-stitution, alcohol abuse or alcoholism, serum vitamin B12levels less than 200 or greater than 3,000 pg/mL, and serumfolate levels less than 2 or greater than 20 ng/mL. AD was
diagnosed according to the International Classification of
Conflict of Interest: The editor in chief has reviewed
Diseases, Tenth Revision, criteria for dementia and the Na-
the conflict of interest checklist provided by the authors
tional Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disor-
and has determined that the authors have no finan-
ders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
cial or any other kind of personal conflicts with this
Disorders Association criteria for probable AD. D-o ful-
filled internationally accepted criteria for the respective
Author Contributions: MTL, TC, DRC, and DON:
disorders (e.g., frontotemporal degeneration, Lewy body
literature review, study design, analysis, and writing. MTL
disease).4 The diagnosis of MCI was based on criteria pre-
and JB: data collection and collation.
viously developed.5 The clinical examination included psy-
chiatric and neurological status, neuropsychological testing(including the Consortium to Establish A Registry for Alz-
heimer’s Disease neuropsychological battery), assessment
1. Lonergan MT, Coughlan T, O’Neill D. Majority of tube fed patients are pre-
of basic and instrumental activities of daily living, magnetic
scribed medications which require special instructions. J Nutr Health Ageing
resonance imaging, laboratory screening, and lumbar punc-
2. Farrell Z, O’Neill D. Towards better screening and assessment of oropharyn-
Blood samples were drawn in the morning and pro-
geal swallow disorders in the general hospital. Lancet 1999;354:355–356.
3. Cogen R, Weinryb J, Pomerantz C et al. Complications of jejunostomy tube
cessed within 1 hour of collection. The mean interval be-
feeding in nursing facility patients. Am J Gastroenterol 1991;86:1610–1613.
tween blood and CSF sample collection was 13 days.
Table 1. Summary of the Characteristics and Clinical and Biochemical Data of the Study Sample
Mini-Mental State Examination score, mean Æ SD
Interval between blood and cerebrospinal sample collection, days,
Homocysteine was determined using high-pressure liquid
correlation between CSF and plasma homocysteine3,7 can be
chromatography in Erlangen, immunephelometry in Bonn,
attributed to the fact that a large portion of CSF b-amyloid
and Abbott AxSYM immunoassay in Go¨ttingen. These
originates in the brain rather than the plasma.8 The results of
methods correlate well with each other.6 Vitamin B12 and
the current study are consistent with findings from a previous
folate plasma concentrations were measured using radio-
study that did not detect an association between homocy-
steine and b42 in CSF.3 It was expected that homocysteine
immunosorbent assays were used for amyloid b-peptide
would correlate with p-tau because of the positive associa-
(The Genetics Co, Zu¨rich, Switzerland) and tau protein
tion between p-tau and CSF homocysteine in patients with
determination (Innogenetics, Ghent, Belgium).
different neurological disorders.3 This discrepancy might re-
The Spearman correlation test was employed for the
sult from sample differences in the diseases of the partici-
examination of possible correlations. The simultaneous
pants, because our sample comprised mainly patients with
effects of different parameters on homocysteine concentra-
AD and MCI, most of whom had an overproduction of p-
tions were investigated using a multiple linear regression
analysis. Po.05 was considered statistically significant.
Two shortcomings of the study concern the long inter-
The characteristics and data of the sample are summa-
val between blood and CSF collection and the fact that
rized in Table 1. Plasma homocysteine levels correlated
homocysteine was not measured only in fasting conditions.
significantly with folate, vitamin B12, and creatinine (cor-
However, homocysteine concentration is relatively constant
relation coefficients: À 0.408, À 0.358, 0.230, Po.001,
over at least 1 month,9 and the interval between sample
.001, .03, respectively) but not with CSF parameters in the
collections in this study was shorter. Furthermore, post-
whole sample or in the MCI or AD subgroups (the D-o
prandial and fasting homocysteine blood levels do not differ
group was not analyzed separately because of its limited
significantly within 4 to 7 hours after breakfast.10 Because
number of patients). Moreover vitamin B12 correlated sig-
blood was collected in the present study within 4 hours after
breakfast, it is unlikely that it biased the findings.
Age, sex, vitamin B12, creatinine, clinical diagnosis,
These results suggest that blood homocysteine levels
homocysteine determination method, p-Tau, and b42 were
are not associated with CSF biomarkers of neurodegener-
fed into a multiple linear regression analysis to find factors
that predict blood homocysteine concentrations. Consistentwith previous observations,1 vitamin B12 and creatininewere shown to have a significant effect on homocysteine
(Po.001 and .001, b 5 À 0.006 and 6.283, standard error
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
5 0.002 and 1.790, respectively). Neither CSF parameters
Friedrich-Alexander-Universita¨t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg
nor the method of homocysteine measurement affected
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
The lack of correlation between CSF b-amyloid and ho-
mocysteine, despite their association in plasma,2 and the
PL is a consultant to Innogenetics. This study was sup-
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
ported by a grant from the German Federal Ministry of
Friedrich-Alexander-Universita¨t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg
Education and Research (BMBF): Kompetenznetz Demen-
Author Contribution: Initial study concept: PA and JK.
Acquisition of data: PA, JK, FG, JP, FJ, OP, SW, TRS, JW,
PL. Analysis and interpretation data: PA, JK, FG, TK.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Preparation of the manuscript: PA, FG, JP, FJ, OP, SW, TK,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universita¨t Bonn
Sponsor’s Role: The sponsor was not involved in the
study design, methods, subject recruitment, data collection,
analysis, or preparation of the letter.
1. Kessler H, Bleich S, Falkai P et al. Homocysteine and dementia. Fortschr
2. Irizarry MC, Gurol ME, Raju S et al. Association of homocysteine with plasma
amyloid beta protein in aging and neurodegenerative disease. Neurology
3. Obeid R, Kasoha M, Knapp JP et al. Folate and methylation status in relation
to phosphorylated tau protein(181P) and beta-amyloid(1-42) in cerebrospinalfluid. Clin Chem 2007;53:1129–1136.
4. Kornhuber J, Schmidtke K, Fro¨lich L et al. Early and differential diagnosis of
dementia and MCI: Design and cohort baseline characteristics of the GermanDementia Competence Network. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2009; in press.
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universita¨t Mu¨nchen
5. Petersen RC, Doody R, Kurz A et al. Current concepts in mild cognitive im-
pairment. Arch Neurol 2001;58:1985–1892.
6. Zappacosta B, Persichilli S, Schribano D et al. Comparing different
methods for homocysteine determination. Clin Chem Lab Med 2002;40:1139–1142.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
7. Selley ML, Close DR, Stern SE. The effect of increased concentrations of ho-
mocysteine on the concentration of (E)-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal in the plasma
and the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. NeurobiolAging 2002;3:383–388.
8. Mehta PD, Pirttila T, Patrick BA et al. Amyloid beta protein 1-40 and 1-42
levels in matched cerebrospinal fluid and plasma from patients with Alzheimer
disease. Neurosci Lett 2001;304:102–106.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
9. Clarke R, Woodhouse P, Ulvik A et al. Variability and determinants of total
Friedrich-Alexander-Universita¨t Erlangen-Nu
homocysteine concentrations in plasma in an elderly population. Clin Chem
10. Thirup P, Ekelund S. Day-to-day, postprandial, and orthostatic variation of
total plasma homocysteine. Clin Chem 1999;45:1280–1283.
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Friedrich-Alexander-Universita¨t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg
Department of Psychiatry, Socialpsychiatry and
To the Editor: Health problems related to the 72-year-old
U.S. Senator and presidential candidate John McCain werea great concern in the 2008 presidential race.1
Senator McCain had a high-risk cutaneous melanoma
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
removed approximately 8 years ago, and it has been pointed
out how great might be his mortality risk due to melanoma.2
In fact, a closer look at McCain’s health records3 might
call into question the wisdom of modern preventive med-
icine; although McCain has no evidence of heart or other
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
cardiovascular disease, he has been taking the cholesterol-
Friedrich-Alexander-Universita¨t Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg
lowering drug simvastatin because of slightly abnormal
Accumulating evidence suggests that, in the routine
treatment of elderly subjects with statins, an increase in
cancer incidence and mortality may exceed in magnitude
Conflict of Interest: The editor in chief has reviewed the
any decrease in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mor-
conflict of interest checklist provided by the authors and has
tality.4 This might be particularly striking in subjects who
determined that the authors have no financial or any other
already have cancer. In fact, statin drugs have been shown
kind of personal conflicts with this letter.
to modulate the immune system through coordinated ac-
_______________________________________________________________________________________ PHARMACOLOGICAL NUCLEAR STRESS TEST What is a Pharmacological Nuclear Stress Test? A pharmacological Nuclear Stress Test is a test to evaluate your heart’s response to stress. Instead of walking on a treadmill, in this test, you will be given a pharmaceutical to stre
BERITA TERKINI Salbutamol sama Efektifnya dengan Levosalbutamol untuk Asma Salbutamol (ikenal juga dengan nama Tabel 1 Perbedaan hasil beberapa penelitian yang membandingkan levosalbutamol dengan salbutamol albuterol ) adalah obat bronkodilator Perbedaan rerata antara golongan beta agonis yang diindikasikan levosalbutamol vs salbutamol untuk mer