Flyer second junior teaching course for pediatric cardiac intensive care (pcic).indd

General Information
V. Hands-on training
14:00- 18:00
For the course please register at:
training in small groups (about 5-6 participants each) Participants 20 - 25 trainees in pediatric cardiac inten- 5.1 Diffi cult accessibility of the vascular bed: Central lines, intraosseous canulas, new techniques The course will take place in the hotel
5.2 Diffi cult accessibility of the airways: Video assisted „Stadt Freiburg”, Breisacher Str. 84, D-79110 Freiburg
intubation, airway exchanger, emergency trache- Second Junior
In this hotel we also have an accommodation option
Teaching Course for
External pacing in different types of arrhythmia The course fee is EUR 250,- including all material, coffee break, lunch and wine testing evening Pediatric Cardiac
5.4 Drainage of pleural effusion: Different systems Intensive Care (PCIC)
5.5 Assessment of cardiac output and tissue oxygen- Organiser
ation: Echocardiography, Electrical velocimetry™ Universitäts-Kinderklinik Freiburg
Frau Professor B. Stiller

Continuing Medical Education
e applied
VI. Casual closure at the “Feierling” beer garden
Points (CME) wer
and brewery in the historic centre of Freiburg
Phone: 0049 761 270 43130Fax: 0049 761 270 44680 University Medical Center Freiburg University Medical Center Freiburg Registration / Organisation
Intensive Care, Pediatric cardiology, University Medical Center Freiburg Contact Person:
Dr. Thilo FleckCongenital Heart Disease / University Medical Center Freiburg Director, UK Service for Pulmonary Hypertension in Children; Cardiac Unit; University Medical Center Freiburg A special thanks to all our sponsors.
Actelion Phamarceuticals Deutschland GmbH University Medical Center Freiburg Professor of Pediatrics, Director 15. – 17.03.2012
Dept. of Congenital Heart Disease / Freiburg/Germany
University Medical Center Freiburg University Medical Center Freiburg Merit Medical GmbHMedtronic GmbHTerumo Deutschland GmbH Thursday 15.03.2012
Saturday 17.03.2012
Get together evening at the “Hotel Stadt Freiburg” It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Second Ju- IV. Interactive lectures:
8:30- 12:00
nior Teaching Course for Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care (PCIC) to Freiburg. After the success of our fi rst course in Part 3 The univentricular heart
October 2010 we were encouraged to repeat this hands- Friday 16.03.2012
3.1 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS): Estima- on training in pediatric cardiac intensive care.
tion of the degree of shunting in univentricular With max. 25 participants only, we are again targeting Interactive lectures:
8:30- 12:30
physiologie.Treatment before and after Norwood I procedure in the PCIC.
pediatric cardiology ICU trainees from Europe. Starting Part 1 Pulmonary Hypertension
with a Get-together at Thursday evening we will have 1.1 Assessment of pulmonary hypertension in the cath 3.2 Characteristics and pit falls in the intensive care 2 whole days each with 4 h interactive lectures in the lab: what should we measure, how to calculate morning and 4 h hands-on-training in small groups in Nikolaus Haas MD, Bad Oeynhausen / Germany We are delighted to have the support from important 1.2 How to treat acute pulmonary hypertension in the ICU? Is there evidence for O2, NO, Sildenafi l, Part 4 Medication in the Pediatric Cardiac
providers of mechanical circulatory support systems Intensive Care unit
which enables us focussing on handling and trouble-shooting to improve the ECMO, ECLS and VAD-support. How to treat chronic pulmonary hypertension? Ingram Schulze-Neick MD, London / UK Other main topics like pulmonary hypertension, medica-tions to treat low cardiac output and practical aspects re- garding airway access, central lines, cardiac output mea- Part 2 Mechanical Circulatory Support:
Nikolaus Haas MD, Bad Oeynhausen / Germany surement and calculations will be presented. We will put Different systems and devices (ECLS, ECMO, cen- 4.3 Introduction into diffi cult airway management emphasis on the discussion of current therapeutic and trifugal pump, pneumatic pulsatile devices….) diagnostic challenges in a collegial friendly private at- Lunchbreak and walk to the cathedral This meeting is hosted in Freiburg, one of the most beau- tiful wine regions and close to Switzerland and Alsace. On behalf of the AEPC-WG intensive care and the organ- II: Hands-on training on

Mechanical Circulatory Support: 13:30- 17:30
Hands-on training in small groups (about 5-8 participants each) with the different devices like ECMO, Centrifugal pumps, Pneumatic driven pul-satile pumps.
III. Dinner and social event together


Flac05 vol16no

I S S N 0 7 9 1 4 1 4 8 l V O L U M E 1 6 l N U M B E R S 1 - 2 l D O U B L E I S S U E J A N U A R YF R E E L E G A L A D V I C E C E N T R E S President of the Irish Human Commission, Maurice Manning, launched the proceedings from FLAC’s recent conference on ‘Public Interest Law in Ireland – the Reality and the Potential’ on 24 February in Chief O’Neill’s Hotel, Dublin.

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