
What to do if your
child has discomfort

Your child may need extra love and care after getting vaccinated. Some vaccinations that protect children from serious diseases also can cause discomfort for a while. Here are answers to questions many parents have after their children have been vaccinated.
I think my child has a fever. What should I do?
Call us right away if you
Check your child’s temperature to find out if there is a fever. Do not use a mercury thermometer. If your child is younger than 3 years of age, taking a temperature with a rectal answer “yes” to any of
digital thermometer provides the best reading. Once your child is 4 or 5 years of age, you the following questions:
may prefer taking a temperature by mouth with an oral digital thermometer.Tympanic thermometers, which measure temperature inside the ear, are another option for older babies • Does your child have a temperature and children. If your child is older than 3 months of age, you can also take an underarm about which your health care provider (axillary) temperature, although it is not as accurate.
Here are some things you can do to help reduce fever:
• Give your child plenty to drink.
• Has your child been crying for more • Clothe your child lightly. Do not cover or wrap your child tightly.
• Give your child a fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen (e.g.,Tylenol®) than 3 hours and just won’t quit? or ibuprofen (e.g., Advil®, Motrin®). Do not give aspirin. Recheck your child’s • Does your child have a strange cry that isn’t normal (a highpitched cry)? • Sponge your child in 1 to 2 inches of lukewarm water.
• Is your child’s body shaking, twitching, • If your child’s temperature is 101°F or higher or, if you have questions, call us.
My child has been fussy since getting vaccinated.
• Does your child have marked decrease What should I do?
in activity or decrease in responsiveness? After vaccination, children may be fussy due to pain or fever.You may want to give yourchild a medication such as acetaminophen (e.g.,Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (e.g., Advil®, Motrin®) (803) 359-8855
to reduce pain and fever. Do not give aspirin. If your child is fussy for more than 24 hours,call us.
My child’s leg or arm is swollen, hot and red.
What should I do?
• Apply a clean, cool, wet washcloth over the sore area for comfort.
• For pain, give a medication such as acetaminophen (e.g.,Tylenol®) or ibuprofen
(e.g., Advil®, Motrin®). Do not give aspirin.
• If the redness or tenderness increases after 24 hours, call us.
My child seems really sick. Should I call?
If you are worried at all about how your child looks or feels, call us.
Check the back of this page for information on the proper medication dosage you can give your child to reduce pain or fever.
If this sheet doesn’t answer your questions, call our office at (803) 359-8855.
Medications and Dosages to Reduce Pain and Fever
1. Ask your health care provider or pharmacist which formulation is best for your child.
2. Give dose based on your child's weight. If you don't know the weight, give dose based on your child's age. Do not give more medication 3. If you have questions about dosing or any other concern, call us.
4. Always use a proper measuring device.When giving infant drops, use only the dosing device (dropper or syringe) enclosed in the package.
When giving children's suspension or liquid, use the dosage cup enclosed in the package. If you misplace the dosage cup, consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for advice. Kitchen spoons are not accurate measures.
5.WARNING: If you're also giving your child over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as cold preparations, be aware that these may contain pain or fever reducers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Be sure to read all OTC medication labels carefully to ensure your child is notreceiving more acetaminophen or ibuprofen than recommended.
Acetaminophen Give every 4 – 6 hours, as needed, no more than five times in 24 hours, unless directed otherwise by a physician.
Weight of Child
Age of Child
Infant Drops
Children’s Liquid or
Children’s Tablets
Junior Strength
Ibuprofen Give every 6 – 8 hours, as needed, no more than four times in 24 hours, unless directed otherwise by a physician.
Weight of Child
Age of Child
Infant Drops
Children’s Liquid or
Children’s Tablets
Junior Strength
Information provided by the Immunization Action Coalition • www.immunize.org 811 West Main Street, Suite 204, Lexington, SC 29072 Office Phone (803) 359-8855 • Fax (803) 359-1257 • www.lexpediatricpractice.com

Source: http://lexpediatrics.lexmednetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/aftertheshots_09.pdf

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Estamos no início de um novo ano letivo, e somos convidados, uma vez mais, a aprofundar a nossa formação ao serviço da música litúrgica, que acreditamos concorrer de modo decisivo para o enriquecimento da fé. Dando continuidade à tradição de apresentar, nesta sessão de abertura, um tema, que possa (permitam-me que cite as palavras usadas pelo Sr. P. Manuel Carvalheiro, no ano que pa

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