savannah, conspicuous grassland on rising ground
general term for tree(also medicine, beanpole, plank and spar)
healers herbs; the name also denotes fallen leaves,twigs and rubbish
general term for green plant (sing. of omimeno)
pollen bearing or male flowers; testicles
collective name for soft kernels in fruit stones
general name for balsam/balm bushes (e.g. Commiphora sp.)
general name for any plants bearing melon-like fruits
okati twigokaxwandu splinter, woodchipoluhati
ondulu sapwoodonghanyame resin, rosinosifidi tree stumposhide teak extractoshihako
large bulbous watery tuber containingsoporific juice (Fockea spp.)
general name for edible bulbs; it precedesspecific name, e.g. ombutu yanamukotao
species of edible tuber growing in a wet place
eembudufukwa (pl.) groundnuts, peanutseenhanga
large seed pod of omwoonde, camel thorn tree(Acacia giraffe)
seed pod of omutyuula, thorn bush(Acacia siberiana)
fruit of omufyati (Colophospermum mopane)
enyoto tomatoepapaya pawpawepeta rind, peel,
fruit of Bushman’s Orange, omupwaka tree
long bunch or cluster of fruit (e.g. eshilaleenyeki - bunch of bananas)
self-sowing attribute of seeds whenseed pods burst open
scented berries of lemon thorn bush, omuhandwa
fruits of sandapple bush(Parinari capensis)
collective noun for soft kernels infruit stones
hard stones in eendunga fruits, omulunga palm(Hyphaene ventricosa)
edible stone fruit of omuve tree(Berchemia discolor)
fruit of wild medlar tree, omumbu/oshimbu(Vangueria infanta)
fruits of oshipeke, sour plum bush(Ximenia sp.)
single grain of anything; also single bead
wild pomegranate (Rhigozum brevispinosum)
palm apple of fan palm, omulungu(Hyphaene ventricosa)
ondungu cayenne pepper, capsicumonghenanghena
fig of Sycamore fig tree, omukwiyu(pl. eenghwiyu)
fruit of omushe, raisin bush (Grewia flavescens)
fruit of omushii tree (Guibourtia coleosperma)
any small cavity, e.g. on fruit where peduncle joins it
to ripen prematurely after a long dry spell;or to not ripen completely but wither due to lackof rain
from enghondi, to be crooked, bent (of trees)
any one of the green knobs which appear on thefig tree, and which contains flowers
new leaf buds on trees; also locust’s wings
germinating bud (especially seed corn); embryo
premature ripening and withering of fruitduring a drought, especially palm fruits
shrivelling of fruit or corn by drought beforefully ripe (pl. oipele - shrivelled fruit)
breaking out of new shoots, as on a tree stump
first fresh green grass growth of early summer;also the name for this season and for early rains
used of leguminous seeds - to burst out of pod
of fruit - to be, become or grow ripe,red, ruddy, russet
of hoed up plants - to sprout anew, flourish
to part with, let fall, drop - as in leavesfrom tree
TREES AND PLANTS - SPECIFIC NAMES (To supplement Powell-Cotton data)
Acacia mellifera ssp. detinens (Hookthorn)
a species of aloe (also general term for them)
Baptia massaiensis ssp. obovata (violet pea bush)
Securidaca longipedunculata (violet tree)
omufimba Dialium engleranumomufyati Colophospernum mopaneomuhandwa
Grewia bicolorGrewia deserticolaGrewia favaGrewia occidentalis
Combtretum hereroense (russet bush-willow)
omumbanganyana Elephantorrhiza suffruticosaomumbanganyama Mundulea sericeaomumbu/oshimbu
omundjulu Sesuvium sesviodesomunghama Terminalia
omungholo Ficus petersiiomunghudi Boscia albitruncaomungwaava
omupalala Peltophorum africanumomupanda Lonchocarpus nelsiiomupapa Baikiaea plurijuga (teak
omupetangobe Hippocratea africanaomupopola Mgerua schinziiomupundu Grewia
Strychnos pungens (Bushman’s Orange Tree)
omushendju Combretum zeyheriomushii Guibourtia coleospermaomushu
Entandrophragma spicatum (mountain mahogany)
omutyuula Acacia sieberanaomuuhalo ?omuuni
Strychnos cocculoides (kwanyama orange tree)
omuwe Ochna pulchraomuyele Acacia nilotica
oshinanganamwali Kleinia longifloraoshinenepeke
oshingodwe Maytenus senegalensisoshivale Hyphaene ventricosaoshosholo Tribulus
Source: Turvey (1977) Kwanyama-English Dictionary
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