1990 and accordingly the guidelines were suitably
revised. The Yojana consisted of three schemes; (i)the scheme of Urban Micro Enterprises, (ii) thescheme of Urban Wage Employment and (iii) thescheme of Housing and shelter Upgradation. URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION PROGRAMMES
3.1 The Scheme of Urban Micro Enterprises(SUME)-
Urban poverty alleviation is a challenging task before
The Scheme of Urban Micro Enterprises assists the
approaches. The goal is to adequately feed, educate,
urban poor in upgrading their skills and setting-up
house and employ the large and rapidly growing
self employment ventures. At present, the criterion of
number of impoverished city dwellers. According to
urban poverty is an annual household income of less
the Seventh Plan estimates, 50.5 million people or
than Rs. 7,200/-. A subsidy is provided towards
27.7% of the urban population were living below the
setting up the micro-enterprises upto 25% of the
poverty line in 1984-85. The urban population has
project cost with a ceiling of Rs. 5,000/- for
increased by 36.19% from about 160 million in 1981
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and women
to about 217 million in 1991 further aggravating the
beneficiaries and Rs. 4,000/- for general category
scenario of urban employment. The bulk of the urban
beneficiaries. The remaining amount of the project
poor are living in extremely deprived conditions with
cost is available from banks as a loan upto a
insufficient physical amenities like low-cost water
maximum of Rs. 15,000/- for SC/ST and women
supply, sanitation, sewerage, drainage, community
centres, health care, nutrition, pre-school and non-
beneficiaries. The rate of interest on loans upto Rs.
formal education. A significant portion of the urban
7,500/- is 10% and for loans beyond Rs. 7,500/- and
poor belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes
upto R s . 15,000/-, it is 11.5%. This scheme is
and Minorities. The need of the hour is to assist the
applicable to all urban settlements. The expenditure
urban poor by helping them to set up micro-enter-
on the subsidy element of the scheme is to be
prises thereby providing them avenues for enhance-
shared between the Central Government and the
ment or supplementation of their incomes. Another
State Government/Urban Local Bodies on a 50:50
major area of assistance to the urban poor is
basis. Several States such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
provision of funds for housing or shelter upgradation.
Orissa, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Haryana, Kerala
On first January 1990, the Central Government
and Tamil Nadu have set up State Urban Develop-
announced an Action Plan according a high priority
ment Agencies/District Urban Development Agencies
to substantial expansion of the programmes serving
for streamlining the administrative mechanism for
implementing the Nehru Rozgar Yojana. The Central
2. The Ministry of Urban Development is monitoring
Government released an amount of Rs. 48.03 crores
the implementation of three significant programmes
as its share of subsidy and Rs. 11.34 crores for
training to the States/ UTs during 1989-90 and 1990-
91 for the scheme of Urban Micro Enterprises
(SUME). The Central Government has made an
(ii) the Urban Basic Services for the Poor; and
, allocation of Rs. 21.60 Crores for subsidy and
(iii) the Environmental Improvement of Urban Slums.
Rs. 5.40 Crores for Training during 1991-92 for
SUME. An amount of Rs. 32.21 Crores has ‘been
A brief analysis of these schemes is given in the
sanctioned as subsidy for setting up micro-enter-
prises till December, 1991 since the scheme gotunderway in the middle of 1990. More than 39,500
3. Nehru Rozgar Yojana
beneficiaries have been trained or undergoing train-
In respose to the challenges posed by the urban
ing in various trades since the inception of the
poverty, the Nehru Rozgar Yojana was launched by
scheme. About 1.62 lakhs beneficiaries have been
the Ministry in October, 1989. It was recast in March,
assisted so far for setting up micro-enterprises. 3.2 The Scheme of Urban Wage Employment
of subsidy for shelter upgradation and Rs. 13.69
Crores for training for skill upgradation in construc-
tion trades to HUDCO during 1989-90 and 1990-91
The Scheme of Urban Wage Employment provides
for the Scheme of Housing and Shelter Upgradation
wage opportunities to the urban poor by utilising their
(SHASU). The Central Government has made an
labour for construction of socially and economically
allocation of Rs. 17.08 Crores for subsidy for shelter
useful public assets in the jurisdictions of Urban
upgradation and Rs. 4.27, Crores for training during
Local Bodies. A material-labour ratio of 60:40 is to be
1991-92 for SHASU. HUDCO has sanctioned 347
maintained under the scheme for various public
schemes for Housing and Shelter Upgradation upto
works aggregating at the district level. The minimum
December, 1991 since the inception of the Yojana.
wages prevalent in each urban area are to be paid to
These schemes entail loan and subsidy component
the unskilled labour. This scheme is applicable to all
of Rs. 232.02 Crores involving construction/renova-
urban areas with a population below one lakh. The
expenditure on the scheme is shared between theCentral Government and the State Governments/
3.4 Urban Local Bodies are playing a significant role
Urban Local Bodies on 80:20 basis. The Central
in the implementation of the Nehru Rozgar Yojana.
Government released an amount of Rs. 120.26
They are involved in providing work places and
Crores as its share for the scheme of Urban Wage
selling outlets to the beneficiaries maintaining liaison
Employment (SUWE) to the States/UTs during 1989-
with banks and ensuring provision of backward and
90 and 1990-91. The Central Government has made
forward linkages so that the micro enterprises set up
an allocation of Rs. 39.90 Crores during 1991-92 for
under the scheme record a stable growth.
SUWE. Since the launching of the scheme, Rs. 73.23 Crores have been spent till December, 1991
4. The programme of Urban Basic Services for
on public works in various States/UTs and these
the Poor (UBSP)
works had generated more than 117 lakhs mandays
The centrally sponsored programme of Urban Basic
Services was introduced in 1986 with the assistanceof UNICEF for provision of basic social services and
The Scheme of Housing & Shelter Upgradation
physical amenities in urban slums. The programme
aimed at convergence of social and physical services
3.3 The Scheme of Housing and Shelter Upgradation
rendered by different specialist departments like
seeks to provide assistance for housing and shelter
upgradation to the economically weaker sections of
Industrial Training in Urban Slums with special focus
the urban population as well as to provide oppor-
on child and women survival and development
tunities for Wage Employment and upgradation of
through immunization, nutrition supplementation, pre-
construction skills. A loan upto a limit of Rs. 3,000/-
school and creche facilities and training for income
at 7% rate of interest and a subsidy upto a ceiling of
generation in relation to social services and provision
Rs. 1,000/- is provided under this scheme to entitled
of basic physical facilities such as water supply,
beneficiaries for Housing/Shelter upgradation. The
drainage and low cost sanitation in relation to physi-
loan amount of Rs. 3,000/- can be further enhanced
cal services. The .programme emphasized community
by an additional amount of Rs. 18,000/- under the
based management through neighbourhood commit-
EWS scheme of HUDCO. This scheme is applicable
tees of the urban poor themselves. During 1990-91
to urban settlements having a population between
the programme was revised and enlarged and came
one lakh and twenty lakhs. Urban settlements in
to be known as Urban Basic Services for the Poor.
newly developing industrial townships, Union Ter-
This programme seeks to bring about a functional
ritories, Goa and in hill districts (as defined by the
integration between the provision of social services
Planning Commission) having population below one
under UBSP and the provision of physical amenities
lakh are also covered. The subsidy grants under this
under the state sector scheme of Environmental
scheme are shared between the Central and the
Improvement of Urban Slums. Like UBS during the
State Government/Local Bodies on a 80:20 basis.
Vllth Five Year Plan period, the revised scheme
Institutional finance requirements for the scheme are
seeks to enable the urban poor to have access to
provided by HUDCO. The entire expenditure on
basic services through convergence of the activities
training and infrastructure support is borne by the
of specialist government departments. The revised
Central Government. The Central Government
programme has enlarged the shelf of social services
released an amount of Rs. 48.85 Crores as its share
to be provided to the urban poor by including special
inputs tailored for street children, handicapped, aged
the Minimum Needs Programme (MNP) in 1974 and
and destitute on the one hand and for solving socio-
was transferred to the State sector. The scheme
economic problems characterising slums like juvenile
aims at ameliorating the living conditions of urban
delinquency, communalism, gambling and alcoholism
slum dwellers and envisages provision of drinking
on the other hand. The onus of choosing from
water, drainage, community baths, community latri-
competing social inputs has been given to the
nes, widening and paving of existing lanes, street-
neighbourhood committees of the slum dwellers.
lighting and other community facilities. The improve-
Community participation is the foundation on which
ments are meant to be carried out in notified slums
which are not likely to be cleared within the next
4.1 An amount of Rs. 24.85 Crores of Central share
was released by the Central Government to theStates/UTs during 1990-91. During 1991-92, the
5.3 The total outlay on this scheme during the
UBSP scheme is fully financed by the Central Gov-
Seventh Plan was Rs. 269.55 Crores based on a per
ernment and an outlay of Rs. 17 Crores has been
capita expenditure of Rs. 300 per slum dweller. The
earmarked for it. It is proposed to continue providing
target for coverage during the Seventh Five Year
basic services in 168 towns covered under the
Plan period was 9 million slum dwellers. It is hearten-
Scheme of Urban Basic Services during the Vllth
ing to note that this target has been exceeded and
Plan and central allocation of Rs. 2.00 Crores has
9.98 million slum dwellers have been covered.
been made for the purpose and 275 new towns have
Against the target of covering 15.40 lakhs slum
been identified for provision of social services under
dwellers during 1990-91, 19.35 lakhs slum dwellers
were covered during the last financial year whichcomes to 125%. The target fixed for the current
5. Environmental improvement of Urban Slums
financial year is 12.96 lakhs slum dwellers againstwhich 10.06 lakhs slum dwellers have been covered
5.1 The Task Force on Urban Development of the
up to end of Dec., 1991. Further, the per capita
Planning Commission for the Seventh Five Year Plan
expenditure under the scheme has been increased
estimated that the slum population in 1990 will be
from Rs. 300 to Rs. 525 and additional inputs
pertaining to community facilities, garbage removal
5.2 The scheme of Environmental Improvement of
and maintenance have been built into the scheme.
Urban Slums (EIUS) was formulated as a response
Moreover, the scheme is now to be implemented in
to the growing problem of slums during the Fifth Five
convergence with the programme of Urban Basic
Year Plan. The scheme was made an integral part of
PROCES VERBAL DE LA REUNION DU CA/ATDM 34 DU 26 mars 2009 PARTICIPANTS (13): Georges BARTOLI, Jacques BOUTHIER, Paul CHASSAGNEUX, Roger DEON, José DESMERGERS, Jean Yvon FEVRIER, Roger FIORIO, Louis LARMANDE, Raoul LARTIGUE, Yvan NICAISE, Patrick PACAUD, Vincent RABOT, Roger RAYBOIS. LIEU : Bridge Club Occitan à Montpellier. DEJEUNER : sur place - 12 participants ASSEMBLEE G