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Purim: Why Not Bow?
In chapter three of the Megilla, the scroll of
Exodus 17:8-16 tells of the battle and concludes “the
Esther, King Ahasuerus decrees that all should bow
LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with
down to his courtier, Haman. All the servants in the
Amalek from generation to generation.” As Moses said
king’s gate follow the decree except Mordechai. Even
farewell to Israel he reminded them that the Amalekites
after the other servants nagged him, he would not obey
had attacked the weak and the stragglers and said, “thou
the king’s decree. As a result, the servants inform
shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under
Haman, who convinces the king to destroy all Jews.
heaven; thou shalt not forget. (Deut. 25:19)” No
Why did Mordechai choose this particular
wonder Mordechai would not bow to this man,
command to disobey? Was it because he would not
specifically. He was a sworn enemy of the Jews.
bow down to any man, but only to God? I think not.
Haman was probably equally aware of the
He had sat in the king’s gate for some time, but it was
history. That is why he was not content to destroy one
not for failure to bow to the king that he was singled
man, but went after all the Jews in the empire.
out. Yet his obedience is directly related to his being a
What does this mean to us today? Without a
Jew, “for he had told them that he was a Jew (Esth.
meaning for us, this is nothing but a scholarly exercise
in genealogic research (sorry, Mom). I think the lesson
Obviously there was something about Haman,
for us is that God is in control of history. He promised
himself, that prevented Mordechai, as a Jew, to bow
enmity between the nations for as long as they both
down before him. Whatever it was obviously was not
existed. At le ast one Amalekite had survived to the
unique to Mordechai, because Haman chose to try to
time of the Persian Empire. And that one man
exterminate a whole nation because one of the king’s
“happened” to come face to face with a Jew, and was
The answer can be found in Haman’s name and
Through a series of “coincidences” Haman was
lineage. He is called “the son of Hammedatha the
brought to death. The old queen coincidentally opposed
Agagite” three times in the book and “Haman the
her husband. The new queen was coincidentally a
Agagite” twice. We come upon the name Agag
Jewess. Her uncle coincidentally sat in the gate of the
previously in two places in scripture? In Numbers
palace and refused to bow to an Amalekite who was
24:7, as Balaam is blessing Israel he says “his king shall
coincidentally in the king’s court. This man
be higher than Agag.” In and of itself, this means little
coincidentally had built a gallows that just happened to
to us. But in 1 Samuel 15:8-33 we read of “Agag, king
be handy when the queen revealed his treachery. When
of the Amalekites.” While it may be that Agag was his
coincidence piles on coincidence, it is no longer a
personal name, the likelihood is that it was a family
coincidence. Coincidentally, God is still in control.
name or even a title. So Agag was the king of the
Amalekites, and Haman was an Agagite. Therefore, Haman was an Amalekite. This explains Mordechai’s
refusal to bow, and Haman’s hatred of the Jews.
Amalekites had been going on even from the beginning
of the Jewish nation. After Israel had come out of Egypt with the equivalent for that time of the atom
bomb (the crossing of the Red Sea), no nation wanted to face them in battle. No nation, that is, except Amalek.
All articles Copyright 2001 by Tim O’Hearn unless otherwise noted. On the Interpretation of Prophecy
It’s all around us. You see it at the discount
foretelling the prophet Jonah did was in his one line
stores, the newsstands, and the bookstores. You
message: “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be
hear it on the internet, television and the radio. It’s
overthrown.” But the real message, the message
coming to your neighborhood theater soon, and has
the Ninevites heard, was “Repent.” If a prophet is
been there before. It is prophecy! Jean Dixon and
judged by whether his foretelling comes true, Jonah
Nostradamus, “Weekly World News” and “The
is the worst prophet in history. If a prophet is
Star,” Herbert W. Armstrong and even Billy
judged by how many people pay attention to his
Graham—all have been involved in prophecy, and
message, Jonah was the most successful ever.
most in specifically prophesying the end of the
world. Perhaps the most popular book of the New
their attempts to interpret the book of the
Testament right now is the Reve lation. Don’t
Revelation is that they mistake the message. To
worry about what Jesus taught, or James giving
many, Revelation is all about the future. It is about
advice for practical Christian living. What’s
the “rapture” and “tribulation” and the final
important is not love or doctrine, but eschatology,
judgment. Eve n assuming (and it is a stretch to do
so) that the book tells of a future “rapture” and
Study of prophecy is not a bad thing, unless
millennial reign of Christ on earth, the message of
it is the prophecies of people who have been wrong
the book is to the Christians under Roman
before, like Jean Dixon and Billy Graham, or those
persecution (and all persecution since) that God is
whose prophecies are so vague as to be practically
in control and we will overcome. Whether you
worthless, like Nostradamus. The problem is, most
think the things in the book happened long ago, are
people don’t understand some of the basic concepts
happening today, or are yet to come, the message is
necessary to understand prophecy. They go off into
the same. But people emphasize the incidentals and ignore the message. If Nineveh heard Jonah like many today hear John the city would have been empty in forty days, rather than being allowed to
live in relative comfort and security for several
Prophecy and time.
flights of fancy because they are don’t understand
prophecy apply when it doesn’t. A prophecy may
have an interpretatio n for the present and one or
Prophecy is not what you think.
more for the future, but unless the scripture says it applies at a future time, we don’t know. A simple
One mistake many people make is believing
example will, I hope, suffice. Isaiah 7 tells of a
that prophecy is strictly telling the future. While
conspiracy against the king of Judah, and the
future events often form the core around which a
Lord’s reassurance that the conspiracy will fall. As
prophet speaks, the message is not what is to come.
a sign to the king that God will be with him, Isaiah
The message of the prophets is “God said.” A
says “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a
prophet, by definition, is one who speaks for God.
son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Butter and
His job is not foretelling, but “forth-telling.” The
honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the
burden of his message is what God wants from the
evil, and choose the good. For before the child shall
people to whom he is speaking. If in delivering
know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the
that message he gives out some word of what is to
land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both
come, that is merely to support his word. The only
her kings.” On its face, Isaiah is just saying that the
kings coming against Judah shall fall before a child
lion, that England was not represented then by any
yet to be conceived is old enough to know right
animal (not being a power at all), and that Africa
from wrong. To Isaiah and to Ahaz, that is
(primarily Egypt) was represented by the vulture
probably what the prophecy meant. But it had
and cobra. My friend went on to say that the
another meaning, one known only to the Holy
twelve stars of Rev 12:1 stood for the European
Spirit and not revealed for another 650 years.
Common Market. Of course, the European Union
Unless the Holy Spirit had told Joseph (Matt 1:22-
has now grown to fifteen members. (I grant,
23) that it applied also to the Messiah, nobody
however, that their flag still has only twelve stars.)
would have ever imagined a second interpretation.
God may live outside of time, but why would he
The flip side of this, though, is that one should
not take something to be fut ure unless the Holy Spirit says it is. There is where many people run into problems in interpreting the book of
Revelation. The Holy Spirit says these are things that are “soon to come to pass. (Rev 1:1)” Without
express guidance otherwise, we must assume then that most of the events of the book have happened
almost two millennia ago. Even without that
guidance, many claim these are events yet to come. That’s an interesting view of the word “soon.” If it was to have meaning at all, it was its meaning to
use twentieth century symbology to give meaning
those to whom it was originally said. I find
I recently read that the Pope of the Roman
Catholic Church was the beast of Revelation 13:18,
What is the Lion?
whose number is 666. The reasoning behind this
was that the Pope wears a hat that has on it the
interpretation of prophecy is that much of it is
words “Vicarius Filii Dei,” which would be
necessarily couched in figurative language that
translated “the Vicar of God’s Son.” The individual
would be understood by those “in the know” of the
claiming the Pope was the beast said that the Latin
time, but to no one else. This was true of Daniel’s
phrase represented the number 666, using Roman
prophecy, of Hosea’s prophecy, of Zechariah’s
numerals. The letter I is 1, V and U are 5, L is 50,
prophecy, and especially of John’s prophecy.
C is 100, D is 500. Leaving out the other letters
There are those who are certain that John was
speaking in symbols, but even he could not
understand them. And if he could not understand
equal 666. But using the rules of Roman numerals,
them, how could the people to whom he wrote.
I come up with either 662 (iu=4, il=49) or 664 (il
The egocentric conclusion is that John’s message
taken separately) or even 660 (ic=99). If you are
was not to Christians of the first century, but only
going to interpret according to a symbol, at least
to those of the time of the enlightened interpreter.
use the right rules for the symbol. How easy it is to
make something seem to say that which was
understood Revelation 13:2. The passage says:
I don’t know the meaning of all the symbols of
“And the beast which I saw was like unto a
Revelation. I can’t even say for sure what is past
leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and
and what is future in the book. I know what the
his mouth as the mouth of a lion.” This man
message of the book is, however. In any prophecy,
insisted that the bear represented Russia, the lion
if we get the message we understand what God
was England, and the leopard was the third world
wants. In prophecy, and in everything else, let
countries of Africa. No matter that Scythia (now
God’s message show through. Everything else, as
part of Russia) was represented in John’s time by a
Have Faith in Faith
to study of Torah and God will provide the 20,000
rubles I will need to survive.” The man went home and
began study, not workin g. After but a week he returned
to the Rabbi with the complaint, “I have the faith, but so
far no money has arrived.” Rabbi Yisrael said, “I tell
you what. I will offer you 8,000 rubles cash today if
you will commit yourself to give me the 20,000 rubles
Do we believe this passage? Do we have faith?
that you expect will come because of your faith.” The
I am not asking if we have faith in God. Do we have
man jumped at the deal. Rabbi Yisrael Salanter replied,
faith in faith? Do we believe that faith has the power to
“Who in his right mind would give up 20,000 rubles for
move trees or mountains? No doubt that faith must be
a mere 8,000 rubles? Only someone who does not have
anchored in God, but Jesus didn’t say that. He said if
perfect faith that he will receive the 20,000 rubles!
you had faith that what you said would happen, it would
Obviously you have more faith in my 8,000 rubles than
in God’s 20,000!” (Taken from Drasha, 2001 by Rabbi
Very often we are more like the father who
cried “Lord I believe; help thou mine unbelief. (Mk
We believe God will solve all our problems.
9:24).” As honorable as that request is, as necessary as
We give them to him in prayer and in faith. But like
that request is, it is an admission that I don’t have faith
this man, we give up on our faith after only a week.
in my faith. If you asked a hundred people if they pray
Our faith says, I will give it to you God, but while I am
enough, 99 people would say “no” even if they were
waiting I will try to fix it myself. We are like the kid
regular and earnest in prayer. If you asked the same
who takes a toy airplane to his dad to fix it, but wants to
100 people if they had enough faith, they would
probably give the same answers. No matter whether the
answer should be yes or no, we almost naturally don’t
I recently read a story about Rabbi Yisrael
Salanter. After teaching a stirring lesson about the
meaning of faith, he was approached by a disciple who
Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father
asked if he meant that if he had perfect faith in God,
God would provide all his needs. When the Rabbi
things. But seek ye first the kingdom of
affirmed that, the disciple went on to say, “Good. If that
God, and his righteousness; and all these
is the case I need no longer work. I will devote myself
things shall be added unto you. (Matt 6:31-33)
Timothy J. O’Hearn 737 Monell Dr NE Albuquerque NM 87123
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