Copyright S. Hunter 2005 Advanced Neurosciences Institute CURRENT MEDICAL INFORMATION Neurology Instructions: Complete the following information Last name: by checking the appropriate box or First name: printing information. Date of Birth: Please do not write in the areas Social Security: labeled “Reviewer’s Comments.” Current Medical Information Please write in the box the problems you are now having: Today’s date:______________ Age:___ Religion:________ Home Phone: (___)____-_______ Work Phone: (____)____-_______ Do you have a living will, advance directives, or power of attorney for health care? pYes pNo Did a physician send you? pYes pNo ________________________________
Phone: (___)___-____________________________________ I have received a copy of the Privacy Policy and am aware my private health care information may be available to insurers, government, and family members? pYes pNo Signature of patient or legal guardian____________________________________ Name of person completing this form (if not patient):_________________________
Relationship:_________ Medications: Allergies:
Identify current prescription and non-prescription medications. Have you ever had a significant reaction to: Include any vitamins, supplements, contraceptives, pain
or cold medicines, as well as other remedies):
pNo medicines now pSee my attached list DO NOT WRITE ON REVERSE Any medication allergy: pNo pYes (list below) Name of Medication Dose (mg) Times per day taken Medication Allergy Describe reaction or allergy
Other recent medications:____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you taken cortisone, prednisone, or “steroid” type drugs in the last year? pNo pYes When?________ Have you taken aspirin or aspirin-containing medicines in the last two weeks? pNo pYes When?________ Are there medications “other than Allergies” which had unpleasant side effects?______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ New Medical and Social Information This is my first visit to this clinic: pYes pNo If “No”, please answer the following: Last Visit:______________ Any new or worse medical problems since your last visit:___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Have you seen other doctors since your last visit? pNo pYes Whom, When and Why?___________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Have you started new medications since your last visit? pNo pYes Which ones and why?________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Have you had any significant events in your life since your last visit? pNo pYes
What & When?_____________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2005 S. Hunter Advanced Neurosciences Institute CURRENT MEDICAL INFORMATION Neurology Instructions: Complete the following information Last name: by checking the appropriate box or First name: printing information. Date of Birth: Please do not write in the areas Social Security: labeled “Reviewer’s Comments.” Review of Systems
to the following as related to your current visit.
Have you had (please check item): Reviewer’s Comments
Any reactions to pfoods, pmolds, pdust or pbee stings?
A pfever, psore tongue, or pmouth sores in the last month?
A change in weight pup/pdown more than 10 lbs. in the last 6 mos?
Any penlarged glands, pgoiter or plymph nodes:
pblood clotting disorder, frequent bleeding pgums/pnose or pbruising?
A pskin rash, psores, pbreast lumps or pchanging moles?
Noticed a recent change in your pskin or phair texture?
Great difficulty with feeling phot/pcold when others are comfortable?
Excessive purination and pthirst? When?_____________________
A problem with pdisabling pain or pfatigue? Where?_____________
pPain or pstiffness in your pjoints (which:_______________) or pback? p
pDouble vision or pblurred vision? pGlasses? pLazy or crossed eye?
Problems with pfalling/pstaying asleep or being ptoo sleepy?
pSevere/pfrequent headaches? pFunny sensations or pnumbness?
pFainting, pfalling, other punusual spells, pseizures, or pconvulsions? p
Difficulty with pslurred speech or pweak/pclumsy parm/pleg?
pTremors, pjerks, pcramps, or pother abnormal movements?
Marked difficulty with pmemory, pconfusion, or pexpressing yourself?
Feel pstressed, pdepressed, ptired, or pnervous frequently?
Problem phearing, pdizziness, phoarseness or with psinuses?
Difficulty peating, pdrinking, pchewing, pchoking or pswallowing?
Chest ppain/ppressure, abnormal pheart beat, pvalve, or pmurmur?
Shortness of breath pat night or pwith only a little activity?
Abnormal swelling of your pankles or pfeet? pCalf pain when walking?
pAsthma, pwheezing, or pcoughing up psputum or pblood?
pIndigestion, pheartburn, pnausea, pvomiting, or pstomach ulcers?
pConstipation, pdiarrhea, or pblood/pchanges in bowel movements?
pBurning or ppain when urinating or pbloody urine?
Difficulty with pstarting urine, pemptying bladder, or pleaking urine?
Women only:
A pmammogram, pPap smear, and ppelvic examination in the last year? p
pirregular menstrual periods or precent abnormal vaginal discharge?
Health Care Provider Review - I have reviewed this form with the patient: ._______________________________________________________
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Triple Paralympic Gold Medalist 2000 | 2004 | 2010 Introduction Viviane Forest is the first Canadian female athlete to win Gold medals in both Summer and Winter Olympic or Paralympic Games. She is a Triple Gold Medal Paralympian from 2000, 2004 and 2010. Her story is stunning and captivating. Her recent five medal podium finish in alpine skiing, at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Game