Nir2009-program-revised on a91006.xls

Mon 9 Nov
Openning ceremony
K1 NIR History: How to set up an NIR networking
Phil Williams
PDK Projects (Former Canadian Grain Commission ),
system for agricultural products?
Session 1: Agriculture
Chair: Pierre Dardenne
Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W),

01.I NIRS for sustainable agricultural development
Graeme Batten
Sea Spec; Chief Editor, JNIRS, Australia
and protection from food deficiency
01.01 Tracking of deionised water and deuterated water Paul J. Williams
01.02 The use of hyperspectral imaging to detect mildew Muhammad Shahin
Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 1: Agriculture (continue )
Chair: Akifumi Ikehata
National Food Research Institute, Japan
01.03 Classification of grass samples containing or free
of endophytes using NIR and extended canonical variates analysis (ECVA) 01.04 Moisture content analyzer for natural rubber sheet Ronnarit Rittiron
01.05 Time-of-flight NIRS for detecting sugar and acid
01.06 Outer product analysis applied to time-resolved
Research Centre for Fodder Crops and Dairy Production reflectance (TRS) and NIR reflectance spectra of apples 01.07 Development of an NIR sorting machine for
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, detecting internal disorder and quality of mangosteens Lunch (4F)
Session 1: Agriculture (continue)
Chair: Ana Garrido-Varo
University of Cordoba, Spain
01.08 Use of VIS-NIR system combined with multispectral Merete-Halkjær Olesen
01.09 Calibration pixel selection for hyperspectral
discrimination of ruminant and fish animal by-products 01.10 Starch and sugar – the assessment of maturation
and ripening of fruit by short wave NIRS (P) 01.11 Use of peel spectral information to improve
titratable acidity prediction in intact oranges by NIRS in long wavelength region (NoP) 01.12 Potential of genetic algorithm and support vector
regression to evaluate organic matter content of manure composts by NIRS (P) 01.13 Use of NIRS for the estimation of total isoflavone
National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu 01.14 Rapid screening by NIRS for sugarcane smut
resistance to improve breeding and selection outcomes (P) Program-NIR2009
Session 2: Food
Chair: Roberto Giangiacomo
Research Unit for Agro-food processes (CRA-IAA),

02.I Role of NIRS in the enhancement of food safety
Gerry Downey
Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority
monitoring and food authentication
(TEAGASC), Ireland
02.01 Direct calculation of amylose-amylopectin ratios
and other proximates by curve fitting of NIR reflectance spectra of cereal flours 02.02 Testing the ability of FT-NIR to determine the αs1-
Research Centre for Fodder Crops and Dairy Production casein and β-casein content in individual milk samples 02.03 Detection of melamine contamination by NIRS and Vincent Baeten
Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), NIR microscopy techniques: which perspectives and Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 2: Food (continue)
Chair: Steve Holroyd
Fonterra Co-operative Group, New Zealand
02.04 Portable NIR reflectance spectroscopy for
CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia assessing flesh quality of aquaculture produce 02.05 Novel NIR transflection measurements for non-
contact core temperature of processed meat products 02.06 Ability of on site NIRS to predict shelf life extension Begoña de la Roza-Delgado
Regional Institute for Research and Agro-Food Session 2: Food (continue)
Chair: Marena Manley
Stellenbosch University, South Africa
02.07 Non-destructive in vivo classification of Iberian pigs Equardo Zamora-Rojas
measured with a handheld NIR digital transform spectrometer 02.08 Quantitative analysis of meat spoilage using
02.09 Monitoring water content using multispectral
imaging and NIR in minced meat preparation process (P) 02.10 Imaging water in bread (NoP)
02.11 Validation of NIRS analysis in authentication of
fresh and frozen-thawed fish products (P) 02.12 Identification of honey authenticity by NIRS (P)
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand Session 3: Networking-Applications
Chair: Richard Streamer
Foss NIRSystems, Australia
03.01 Standardisation of factory online cane analysis
systems for the NIR measurement of Brix and Pol 03.02 Sugarcane analysis system using NIR networking Eizo Taira
03.03 The development of global milk powder calibrations Steve Holroyd
Poster A (Odd numbers ) (7F)
Tue 10 Nov
K2 NIR History: Biomedical, pharmaceutical and
David Wetzel
Kansas State University, USA
environmental applications from early routine NIRS to
InSb chemical imaging
Session 4: Pharmaceutical and PAT

Chair: Heinz Siesler
University of Essen, Germany
04.I PAT in the pharmaceutical industry: Applying
Katherine Bakeev
CAMO (Former Glaxo-Smith-Kline), USA
NIRS to gain process understanding through the
development process

04.01 Simultaneous determination of lamivudine and
zidovudine in fixed dose combinations using NIRS 04.02 Identification of counterfeit tablets and
authentication of medicines in the international wholesaling supply chain 04.03 Understanding calibration transfer problems in
NIRS: diethylene glycol-glycerol-water mixtures 10.00-10.30
Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 4: Pharmaceutical and PAT (continue)
Chair: Tsuyoshi Miura
Bruker Optics KK, Japan
04.04 Reliable quantitiative analysis of pharmaceutical
04.05 The using of NIR process analytical technologies
(PAT) in pharmaceutical manufacturing drying processes 04.06 Monitoring drug quality using NIR method in the
National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Session 4: Pharmaceutical and PAT (continue)
Chair: Katherine Bakeev
04.07 NIR as a multitasking technique in the
04.08 Mixture analysis in hand-held NIR instrumentation
04.09 Simultaneous determination of chlorogenic acid
Yangtze Normal University and Southwest China Normal and baicalin in heat-clearing and detoxicating orally liquid Lunch (4F)
Session 5: Medical and Life Science
Chair: Yiping Du
East China University of Science and Technology,

05.I Recent advancement of NIR technology in
Yukihiro Ozaki
Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
biomedical fields
05.01 A review of indocyanine green contrast agent in
05.02 Testing NIR based skin spectra analyzer system
and software with the simulated data generated by genetic algorithm 05.03 Using self modeling curve resolution for
quantification of NIR spectra of biomedical samples 05.04 A Point-of-issue system for detecting platelet
Tue 10 Nov
Session 6: Biology and Environment
Chair: Diane Malley PDK
Projects, Canada
06.I NIRS in environmental research - the value of
William Foley
The Australian National University, Australia
monitoring complexity
06.01 NIRS as a tool in cultural heritage conservation
06.02 Use of NIRS to measure leaf water potential
The Australian Wine Research Institute, Australia Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 6: Biology and Environment (continue )
Chair: James Reeves, III
USDA-Beltsville, USA
06.03 Feasibility of predicting several forms of
phosphorus and phosphorus retention capacity in Canadian Prairie soils by NIRS 06.04 Prediction of biochemical methane potential of
municipal solid wastes and understanding of their biodegradability by NIRS 06.05 Rapid determination of methoxyl groups in plant
fibrous material by NIRS
Session 6: Biology and Environment (continue )
Chair: Anupun
Kasetsart University, Thailand
06.06 Discrimination of wood origin with NIRS
Trees and Timber Istitute Ivalsa/CNR, Italy 06.07 NIRS for mechanical stress grading of sawing
Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute (HFPRI), 06.08 Determination of moisture content and specific
gravity of Pinus taeda discs using NIR hyperspectral imaging system 06.10 Prediction of kraft pulp yield in Eucalyptus: an inter- Roger Meder
Poster B (Even numbers) (7F)
Buchi Evening (Garden Terrace, 8F)
Wed 11 Nov
Award Ceremony: Thomas Hirschfeld Award (THA)
Chair: Peter Flinn
Chairperson, International Council for Near Infrared
and Buchi Award (Sponsored by Buchi)
Spectroscopy (ICNIRS)
A1 How to get beautiful NIR spectra?
THA 2009 Winner: Sumio Kawano National Food Research Institute, Japan A2 Alternative common basis for wavelet compression of Buchi Award 2009 Winner: Monica University of Genova, Italy
NIR spectra and their application to food samples
Coffee Break, Exhibitions
ICNIRS General Meeting
Taking a group photo
Lunch (4F)
Mid-Conference tours (Gather at Hotel Lower Lobby at 13.00 for Tour A and 13.30 for Tour B)
Bruker evening (Pool side, 8F)
Thu 12 Nov
K3 NIR History: Progress in processing and
Karoly Kaffka
Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
evaluation of spectral data
Session 7: Chemometrics

Chair: David Hopkins
NIR Consultant, USA
07.I A Bayesian framework for NIR calibration
Tom Fearn
University College London, UK
07.01 Two-dimension correlation analysis of NIR
fractional derivative spectra: correlation with constituent concentration 07.02 CovSel: Variable selection for highly multivariate
07.03 Equivalent separated combination moving window Tao Pan
MLR for wavenumbers selection of NIRS analysis Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 7: Chemometrics (continue)
Chair: Yukihiro Ozaki
Kwansei-Gakuin University, Japan
07.04 The PLS database optimization concept
07.05 Methods based on statistics for quantitative
07.06 Minimisation of instrumental noise in the acquisition Giogia Foca
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy of FT-NIR spectra by means of Doehlert design and
signal processing technique (noP)
Session 7: Chemometrics (continue)
Chair: Thongchai Suwansichon
Kasetsart University, Thailand
07.07 Random model trees: a competitive off-the-shelf
07.08 Preventing over-fitting in hyperspectral image
07.09 A comparison study of scattering correction
07.10 Classification of spectra through data compression Venkataraman Venkateswaran
and spectral mapping for selected consumer plastics for on-line sorting process (P) Lunch (4F)
Thu 12 Nov
Session 8: Chemometrics for Networking
Chair: Phil Williams
PDK Projects, Canada
08.01 Use of the CONDENSE algorithm to optimize
08.02 NIR 3rd Party Instrument Networking
Session 9: Spectroscopy and Theory
Chair: Hoeil Chung
Hanyang University, Korea
09.I A major issue in NIRS: How does water interact
Akifumi Ikehata
National Food Research Institute, Japan
with organic matter?
09.01 Improvement of the measurement methodologies
and optical property calculation for double-integrating-spheres system 09.02 Optical characterization of apple tissue: a
09.03 Determination of trace lead in water by on-line
East China University of Science and Technology, China Coffee Break, Exhibitions
Session 10: Chemistry and Polymer
Chair: Jochen Knecht
Buchi Labortechnik AG, Switzerland
10.I Mid-IR versus NIR Spectroscopy: A Case study of Heinz Siesler
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
the quality control of bitumen
10.01 Nondestructive and rapid identification of fabric
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China 10.02 Novel NIR reflection spectroscopic methods for the Christian Huck
simultaneous determination of nanomaterial’s properties 10.03 Monitoring of the thickness of silica layers in the
Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification (IOM), Germany submicron range by NIR reflection spectroscopy 10.04 Understanding the molecular interaction and
crystallization behaviours in polymer blends of poly (3-
hydroxybutyrate) and cellulose acetate butyrate
Session 10: Chemistry and Polymer (continue )
Chair: Satoru Tsuchikawa
Nagoya University, Japan
10.05 Hyperspectral NIR image analysis of a phenol
Novia University of Applied Sciences, Finland 10.06 Frustated paraffin phase transitions
10.07 Determination of quality parameters of insulating oil Claudete Pereira
10.08 Determination of properties of lube oil by NIRS and Hoeil Chung
10.09 Non-linear absorbance change in dichloromethane Hideko Tanaka
Conference Banquet
Fri 13 Nov
K4 NIR History: NIRS Instrumentation- The History
Woody Barton, II
Light Light Solutions, USA
and Lessons Learned
Session 11: Instrumental/Imaging
Chair: David Wetzel
Kansas State University, USA
11.I Science based spectral imaging: Combining first Rudolf Kessler
Reutlingen University, Germany
principles with new technologies
11.01 Sampling strategies for hyperspectral image
11.02 Chemometric pre-treatments for correcting effect of Carlos Esquerre
sample morphology in NIR hyperspectral imaging 11.03 Hyperspectral image segmentation: the butterfly
Session 11: Instrumental/Imaging (continue )
Chair: Gerry Downey
Teagasc, Ireland
11.04 Automatic detection of nematodes in cod fillets by Agnar Sivertsen
11.05 A new cost-efficient high-speed VIS-NIR spectral
imaging system for online sorting of plastic waste 11.06 External detection of liquid explosives in bottles
Coffee Break
Session 11: Instrumental/Imaging (continue )
Chair: Ronnarit Rittiron
Kasetsart University, Thailand
11.07 Handheld short wavelength NIR spectroscopy in
11.08 On-line NIR technique for biorefinery processes
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden 11.09 High resolution absorption spectroscopy of carbon Zhenhui Du
dioxide by NIR diode laser spectroscopy between 6320 and 6330 cm-1 (NoP) Closing conclusion
Ian Murray
Scottish Agricultural College, UK
Closing remark and future of NIRS
Pierre Dardenne
Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W),

Conference close
Lunch (4F)


Hypoglycemia and Diabetes Causes of Hypoglycemia in Diabetes In people wi develops when there is not enough sugar (glucose) in your body to be used as fuel for cells. A number of different factors can cause hypoglycemia, including certaiandertain medical conditions can also make hypoglycemia more common in people with diabetes. Symptoms of Hypoglycemia Most people feel symptoms of

Decreto 6144 reidi

DECRETO Nº 6.144, DE 3 DE JULHO DE 2007. Regulamenta a forma de habilitação e co-habilitação ao Regime Especial de Incentivos para o Desenvolvimento da Infra-Estrutura - REIDI, instituído pelos arts. 1o a 5o da Lei no 11.488, de 15 de junho de 2007. O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no uso da atribuição que lhe confere o art. 84, inciso IV, da Constituição, e tendo em vista o disposto nos

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