ADVAIR COVERED DOSES NLPDP coverage is limited to the following based on maximum recommended dosing: Advair Diskus (100/50, 250/50 and 500/50) One inhalation twice daily
Advair Inhaler (100/25 and 250/25) Two inhalations twice daily Coverage of Serevent 50 Diskus/Diskhaler one inhalation twice daily can be put in place
for use with regular benefit inhaled corticosteroids for patients requiring higher fluticasone
doses than what is provided with the above Advair dosing.
Special authorization requests should include the requesting prescriber’s name (printed
and signature), license number and contact information. This is helpful for communicating
the results of the special authorization assessment including coverage details and any
reassessment needed for coverage renewal as well as requesting additional information
that may be needed to complete an assessment for coverage. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR INTERCHANGEABLE DRUG PRODUCTS FORMULARY
Valsartan 40mg Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide 80mg/12.5mg
Valsartan 80mg Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide 160mg/12.5mg
Valsartan 160mg Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide 160mg/25mg
Valsartan 320mg Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide 320mg/12.5mg
Ramipril-HCTZ 2.5/12.5mg Valsartan Hydrochlorothiazide 320mg/25mg
Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide 150mg/12.5mg
Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide 300mg/12.5mg
Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide 300mg/25mg
CHANGES TO THE NLPDP BENEFIT LISTING New open benefits for Foundation, 65Plus, Access and Assurance Plans VAGIFEM 10 MCG DIN 02325462
Special Authorization Coverage criteria can be viewed at
The following medications are now being considered under Special Authorization for Foundation,
Access, 65Plus and Assurance Plans: EXTAVIA 0.3mg Vial (DIN 02337819)
VIMPAT 50 MG (DIN 02357615), 100 MG (DIN
02357623), 150 MG (DIN 02357631) & 200 MG (DIN
02357658) ULORIC 80 MG TABLET (DIN 02357380)
JANUMET 50-500 MG (DIN 02333856), 50-850 MG (DIN
02333864) & 50-1000 MG (DIN 02333872)
The fol owing special authorization medications have new coverage criteria:
5HT3 Antagonists (ondansetron 4mg, 8mg Chemotherapy-induced emesis
granisetron 1mg and generics) Aldara 5% cream DIN 02239505
After review it was recommended that the fol owing products be removed from the benefit list
effective February 1, 2012. Those patients currently receiving these medications wil be
URISPAS 200 MG DIN 00728179 PMS-FLAVOXATE 200 MG DIN 02245480
AVANDIA 2 MG DIN 02241112 AVANDAMET 1 MG-500 MG DIN 02247085
AVANDIA 4 MG DIN 02241113 AVANDAMET 2 MG-500 MG DIN 02247086
AVANDIA 8 MG DIN 02241114 AVANDAMET 4 MG-500 MG DIN 02247087
AVANDAMET 2 MG-1,000 MG DIN 02248440 AVANDAMET 4 MG-1,000 MG DIN 02248441
The Common Drug Review (CDR) reviews new drugs and provides an evidence-based formulary
listing recommendation, made by the Canadian Expert Drug Advisory Committee (CEDAC), on
behalf of participating publicly-funded drug plans. Reviews for the fol owing products were
completed by the Common Drug Review and coverage was not recommended. As such, these
products will not be considered for coverage under the NLPDP. CEDAC recommendations can be
Ilaris 150MG/Vial DIN 02344939 Effient 10MG DIN 02349124
Invega Sustenna 50MG/O.5ML DIN 02354217 Invega Sustenna 75MG/0.75ML DIN 02354225
Invega Sustenna 100mg/ML DIN 02354233 Invega Sustenna 150MG/1.5ML DIN 02354241 The Atlantic Common Drug Review (ACDR) is a regional review process that provides evidence-
based recommendations for coverage of new indications and line extensions for existing
medications. Drug evaluation summaries are prepared by independent reviewers based on the
manufacturer’s drug submission and a systematic literature search. The drug evaluation summary
is presented to the Atlantic Expert Advisory Committee who recommends the place in therapy. It is
then up to each individual province to make a decision as to the coverage status. Reviews for the
following products were completed by the ACDR and coverage was not recommended. As such, this
product will not be considered for coverage under the NLPDP.
Los oxiuros son gusanos pequeños de color blanco que viven en los intestinos. Lasinfecciones por oxiuros son comunes en los niños pequeños y son fáciles de tratar. Si su niño está infectado por oxiuros el puede rascarse la cola con frecuencia. Ustedtambién puede notar que su niño se mueve mucho en la cama de noche o que no puededormir. La comezón es causada por el oxiuro hembra que sale
Vrads Revy 2007 Vradsrevyen er skrevet og spillet af folk med tilknytningen til Vrads. Formålet er at have det sjovt og bidrage til det fælles liv i landsbyen. Vradsrevyen opføres kun ved en forestilling, som de sidste 3 år har været den årlige høstfest, som er den sidste eller næstsidste lørdag i september – i 2007 på Mikkelsdag. Alle er velkommne til at overvære forestillinge