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Novel Integrated Water Management Systems Southern European Regions
Novel Integrated Water Management Systems Southern European Regions 27
- Development of upgraded bioprocesses in order to cope with tetracycline and methyl parathion. It will be studied the treatment of
the selected emerging contaminants in a simulated and controlled wastewater using aerobic and aerobic sequencing batch reactors.
This approach will comprehend the real and common conditions of wastewater treatment plants effluents. The determinations of the selected compounds will be made in the soluble and solid (particulate) phases.
- Development of a life cycle approach for the environmental technologies assessment and their selected applications also taking into
account issues of cost efficiency, effective life span, production, handling, maintenance, environmental impact, ecotoxicological profile
JAP Objective. Management of groundwater and surface bodies.
and end of life. The assessment of environmental sustainability will follow a Life Cycle Analysis methodology in order to determine the environmental impacts of constructing and operating phases. In that regard, this approach will be based on ISO 14040:2006
JAP Theme: Emergent pollutants.
and in the methodology presented in Machado et al., (2007). The data (inventories of energy supply life cycle, resources extraction,
Correlation with SWOT: W.1, T.6
chemicals, waste management services, etc) and the correspondent assumptions will be supported by literature. A matrix for a first assessment of economic viability in terms of construction and operating costs will be developed also. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTION ExPECTED OUTPUT
The detection of emerging contaminants such as antibiotics and pesticides in the environment can be highly
challenging as they typically occur in the environment at very low levels (Kostopoulou and Nikolaou, 2008).
Additionally, for many of them, reference standards, which are needed to validate the analytical methods, are not
New broader screening tool and better detection limits of emerging contaminants.
available. Among the analytical methods to quantify the emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment biological
The development of a novel nanoparticle (NP)-based environmental sensor may lead to high performance
techniques (immunoassays) are the most sensitives; however they are limited by the availability of the specific
devices for in situ sensing of antibiotics and pesticides.
antisera and subject to cross-reactivity (de Alda and Barceló, 2001). Other two methods which are commonly used
for quantification of compound of interest after extraction are gas chromatography (GC), and liquid chromatography
New methods to remove emerging contaminants
(LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) or tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) (de Alda and Barceló, 2001). Overall,
The use of adsorbent property of powdered M. oleifera seeds and the development of a biofilter using
analysis is also very time consuming and costly and requires access to highly sophisticated equipment. The analysis
powdered seeds as a solid support to remove antibiotics and pesticides. On the other hand, the optimization of
of many manmade nanomaterials in environmental samples is further complicated since waters and soils already
the electrochemical oxidation method will be achieved by obtaining a suitable electrode material. Finally, the
contain numerous natural nanoparticles. Hence, there is an urgent demand for an in situ sensor capable of detecting
use of an innovative biodegradation method will, mainly, permit to understand the biological effects of both
This project idea aims to develop an action plan in order to tackle the problem of contamination with emerging
Survey of contaminated areas
pollutants in water bodies by selecting representative pollutants of each group (e.g. tetracycline and methyl parathion).
This information will help researchers and managers to relate environmental occurrence, fate and transport
The action plan will be developed following a multitask approach organized in sequentially and logical steps:
processes to the original sources and pathways of emerging contaminants.
- Analytical methods development/optimisation RELEVANCE TO DECISION MAKERS
- Development of a novel nanoparticle (NP)-based environmental sensor for in situ detection tetracycline and methyl parathion. The
Water quality is regulated at the EU level by various regulations such as the WFD (2000/60/EC) and subsequent amendments
plan’s approach is as follows: (1) fabrication, and the study of the nanoparticle (NP)-based environmental sensor; (2) optimization
and Decisions 2455/2001/EC, 2008/32/EC and 2008/105/EC. The new Proposal for a Directive amending the WFD and
of the proposed sensing device and a prototype of this device will be produced in real water and wastewater changing conditions.
Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQSD) (COM(2011)876) includes a revised (second) list of priority substances,
- The quantification of tetracycline and methyl parathion will also be based on the extraction of the sample by either liquid/liquid
and provisions to improve the functioning of the legislation. The proposal accompanies a report (COM(2011)875) from the
separation or solid phase microextraction (SPME) followed by the analysis of gas chromatography (GC), and liquid chromatography
Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the outcome of the review of Annex X of the WFD on priority
(LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) or tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).
substances in the field of water policy, first including emerging contaminants among the new regulated substances. - Environmental technologies DURATION BUDGET ESTIMATION
- A biofilter will be developed using the adsorbent capacity of M. oleifera seeds to remove tetracycline from water. Tetracycline analysis will
be performed before and after treatment of wastewater with M. oleifera extract using HPLC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS.
- Optimization of the electrochemical oxidation method to degrade tetracycline and methyl parathion. It will be explored the possibility
of electrochemical oxidation of emerging contaminants using different electrodes. The plan’s approach is as follows (1) evaluate the
effect of selected emerging contaminants concentration in the electrochemical oxidation rates; (2) assess the effect of matrix electrode
University of Minho (Coordinator)
composition on the emerging contaminants degradation; (3) compare the effect of current density on the oxidation/reduction of the emerging contaminants; (4) investigate the consequence of electrode fouling on the reaction rate; (5) obtain an estimation on the cost
Contact Persons:
of energy consumption with the treatment of emerging contaminants using electro-oxidation with each different electrode.
Alexandrina Rodrigues: / Gilberto Martins:
LOMOCYCLINE Capsule Dosage Forms/Composition Capsule: Each capsule contains Tetracycline 200mg/500mg Pharmacological Index Broad spectrum Antibiotic INDICATION Dental: Treatment of periodontitis associated with presence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (AA). As adjunctive therapy in recurrent aphthous ulcers. Medical: Treatment of susceptible bacterial infections o