Microsoft word - iron plus initiative for 6 months -5 years.docx
India is one of the countries with very high prevalence of anaemia in the
world. Nutritional anaemia is a major public health problem in India and is primarily due to iron deficiency.
The National Family Health Survey-3 (NFHS-3) data suggests that anaemia is
widely prevalent among all age groups, and is particularly high among the most vulnerable – nearly 58 per cent among pregnant women, 50 per cent among non- pregnant non-lactating women, 56 per cent among adolescent girls (15–19 years), 30 per cent among adolescent boys and around 80 per cent among children under 3 years of age and 70% below 5 years of age.
In young children, iron deficiency is due to increased iron requirement during
periods of rapid growth. In addition, infant and toddler diets are often poor in bio-available iron, particularly post weaning. Children who suffer from anaemia have delayed psychomotor development and impaired performance; in addition they have 5–10 point deficit in intelligence quotient. Iron deficiency can cause significant central nervous system (CNS) damage even in the absence of anaemia. There seems to be a vulnerable period for these damages particularly between 9 and 18 months of age.
Under National Iron+ Initiative, the following age groups are covered for
lifelong supplementation of Iron from the age of 6 month onwards:
1. Bi-weekly 20 mg elemental iron and 100 microgram (mcg) folic acid
per ml of liquid formulation and age appropriate de-worming for preschool children of 6-59 months.
2. Weekly supplementation of 45 mg elemental iron and 400 mcg folic
acid per child per day for children from 1st to 5th grade in Govt. & Govt. Aided schools, and at AWC for out of school children (6 to 10 years).
3. Weekly dose of 100 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg folic acid with
biannual de-worming in adolescents (10–19 years) under WIFS
4. Weekly supplementation for women in reproductive age, Pregnant and
Supplementation for Children 6–60 months as per GoI guidelines One ml of IFA syrup containing 20 mg of elemental iron and 100 mcg of folic
acid biweekly for 100 doses in a year. Iron folic acid supplements be supplied in bottles of 100 ml each and composition, preparation, dose and duration of IFA supplementation will remain same as the existing guidelines. The bottles should have an auto-dispenser so that only 1 ml of syrup will be dispensed at a time. Albendazole tablets will be provided to children for biannual de-worming, with dose half tablet between 1-2 years age and full tablet from the age of 2 years onwards.
For implementation among all children aged 6 to 60 months it is proposed that
IFA supplement will be administered under the direct supervision of ANM/ASHA on fixed days on a biweekly basis. The micro plan for reaching out to these children can be worked out at village level. It is recommended that a particular child should receive the supplement on the fixed day (Monday and Thursday), though it can vary for the groups of children depending on the home visits schedule prepared at block/district level. The nutritional status of children should be assessed by MUAC
(Mid Upper Arm Circumference less than 11.5 cm) to ensure that IFA syrup is not given to children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM).
ANM/ASHA would give IFA syrup bottles to mothers for safe storage and to
lessen the logistic hurdle of carrying bottles around, but the IFA syrup will be administered under her direct supervision only. During the visits, the ANM/ASHA will also advise/inform the caregiver about the following issues:
•Time of administration – half an hour after food if the child has been
breastfed (in LBW infants)/fed semisolid/solid food
•Benefits of regular intake of IFA syrup in physical and cognitive development
of the child e.g. improvement in well-being, attentiveness in studies and intelligence etc.
Minor side effects associated with IFA administration such as black
•Preservation of IFA bottle – in a cool and dark place, away from reach of
children, keeping the lid of the bottle tightly closed each time after administration, etc.
Details of IFA supplementation will be included in the Mother and Child
Table: IFA supplementation programme and service delivery
Age group Intervention/ Dose Service delivery
1ml of IFA syrup
years of age and and for those out-of-biannual
and 100 mg elemental 1 tablet daily for 100 ANC/ ANM /ASHA
iron and 500 mcg of days, starting after Inclusion
From NOVARTIS' Speech for Elidel Product Launch, March 2002 Marketing Overview/Treatment Options Day 2 PM General Session – Focus: The Market 20 minutes After musical number "Talkin’ Trash" there is a Voice Over introduction of speaker Too bad we can’t detail the physicians with that number. This afternoon’s General Session Focus is on The Market. Elidel’s p
Bara en tunn brädvägg skilde cellen från samhället därute. Genom en smal springa kunde jag skymta den trafikerade gatan, människor som skyndade förbi på Slussen. Jag hörde ljudet av deras klackar mot trottoaren och fragment av samtal och bruset av bilar och bussar. Från detta gömställe kände jag mig som en suverän observatör. Där fanns allt som behövdes för livets nödtorft, en b