We can dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to a student on an as-needed basis


(for school wide emergency only) Phone #: _____________________________________


Please check one of the choices, sign and date

We can dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to a student on an as-needed basis. Please check the following
instructions according to your wishes.

__________ Do dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to my student if needed. __________ Do not dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to my student.
Student Name________________________________________________________
Parent Signature_________________________________ Date________________


We ask that our parents bring all student medications to the appropriate division office. All medications must be labeled
with the name of the student, the name of the medication, and all necessary instructions. All medications must be
taken by the student in the office under the supervision of an Oak Hall staff member. It is the responsibility of the
student to remember his/her medication.
The following form provides your authorization to a staff member of Oak Hall School to dispense any required
medications to your student. Please complete the form and return to the school before the first day of classes. We
cannot dispense medications until the form is on file in our office.
Student Name ___________________________________________________________
Name of Medication(s)

Dosage and times
Special Instructions
Name of Attending Physician ______________________________________________

Telephone Number___________________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________ Date __________________

Source: http://www.oakhall.org/Customized/uploads/Parents/2011-2012%20Back%20side%20of%20Emergency%20Form.pdf

Microsoft word - news letter 3rd of march 2011.doc

Dr Khashayar Ghaharian MBBS Bsc (Hons) DFFP GP Doctor of Work and Pension Wollaton Vale Health Centre Wollaton Vale Nottingham NG8 2GR TEL; 01159281841 FAX; 01159166064 News Letter 3RD OF March 2011 1- Flu clinic; this is under way and we have achieved good response from Patients. There are specific clinics attached to this in order to provide individualised service to the pati

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