12.30 — 14.00 / Sunday 26 September / Manchester Town Hall / Banqueting Room e Demos Grill: An in-conversation
Oona King; Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 News 18.00 — 19.30 / Sunday 26 September / Radisson Hotel / Beecham Room Where next for an active British industrial policy?
Bob Ainsworth MP; John Woodcock MP; Dan Roberts, The Guardian; Bob Keen, BAE Systems; Philip Col ins, Demos (Chair) 18.00 — 19.30 / Sunday 26 September / Manchester Town Hall / Banqueting Room Why did Labour lose? An Open Le debate
Douglas Alexander MP; Steve Richards, Chief Political Commentator, The Independent 8.00 — 9.30 / Monday 27 September / Manchester Town Hall / Banqueting Room Learning to Succeed: Building culture and ethos in challenging schools
Ed Bal s MP (invited); Daisy Christodoulou, Teach First; Professor Dylan Wiliam, Institute of Education, University of London; Sara Caplan, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; Philip Col ins, Demos (Chair) By invitation only 8.00 — 9.15 / Monday 27 September / Midland Hotel / French Room Tackling Britain’s worklessness: How to get the Work Programme working
Anne Begg MP; Tim Horton, Fabian Society; Mark Lovel , A4e; Kim Catcheside, formerly BBC Radio (Chair) By invitation only 12.30 — 13.30 / Monday 27 September / Radisson Hotel / Pankhurst Room Tackling child poverty in an age of austerity
Hilary Benn MP; Neil O’Brien, Policy Exchange; Fergus Drake, Save the Children; Philip Col ins, Demos (Chair) 17.30 — 18.30 / Monday 27 September / Radisson Hotel / Gladstone Room More for less: Can healthcare reform save money and lives?
Hazel Blears MP; Mark Goldman, Heart of England and NHS Foundation Trust; Julian Le Grand, LSE; Roger Taylor, Dr Foster Intel igence; Kitty Ussher, Demos (Chair) 18.00 — 19.30 / Monday 27 September / Renaissance Hotel / Rapheal Room Public service reform in an age of cuts: Where next?
Tessa Jowel MP; Sonia Sodha, Demos; Stephen Bubb, ACEVO; Roy O’Shaughnessy, CDG; Randeep Ramesh, The Guardian (Chair) 19.00 — 20.30 / Monday 27 September / Radisson Hotel / Stanley—Livingstone Room City growth and the new economy
John Denham MP (invited); Sir Richard Leese, Manchester City Council; Lord Peter Smith, Wigan Council; Eamonn Boylan, Stockport Council; David Leather, GMITA; John Early, Business Leadership Council; Kitty Ussher, Demos (Chair) 8.00 — 9.30 / Tuesday 28 September / Manchester Town Hall / Reception Room Can we deliver ‘better for less’ in public services in the current economic climate?
Sadiq Khan MP; Wil Straw, Left Foot Forward; Vicki Chauhan, Detica; Allegra Stratton, The Guardian (Chair) By invitation only 12.45 — 14.15 / Tuesday 28 September / Manchester Central / Usdaw Marquee / Room 2 Rebalancing the economy: What role for venture capital and the City?
Rachel Reeves MP; Anatole Kaletsky, The Times; Alan Buckle, KPMG; Kitty Ussher, Demos (Chair) 8.00 — 9.30 / Wednesday 29 September / Manchester Town Hall / Committee Room 2 Rebuilding financial services: e role of mutuals
Gareth Thomas MP; Philip Col ins, The Times; Maxine Taylor, Nationwide Building Society; Kitty Ussher, Demos (Chair) By invitation only 12.45 — 14.30 / Wednesday 29 September / Midland Hotel / Victoria Suite Working Well? What are the Labour party’s big ideas for tackling unemployment?
Yvette Cooper MP; Andy Westwood, Manchester Economic Commission; Chris Melvin, Reed in Partnership; Julia Margo, Demos (Chair)


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